ROSSBURC NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1925 nop JJJ-4UH 1 f TIT vm. if b i t -a a bbi -.-sw. as. ek. Hi. stores saving Bank the Difference Yourself Many a careful woman has built up a substantial bank account out of the savings effected by close comparison of values. Any wo man can do the same thing if she will but devote a little study and effort to the matter. You can start right now. Select your supplies from this list &nd other equally good values you will find in all Skaggs Stores. Then, take' the difference between what you have been accustomed to pay and the prices you pay at Skaggs and bank it yourself. 13 SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES ' X : Church of Christ of Myrtle Creek for Sunday, October 18. Every child In Myrtle Creek ought to (o to Sunday School. It la In the class work of the Sunday School that the child receives training that will ao with him througn all his life and Influence at the west Roseburg church. 1162 hint (or coed. "Forsake not the Military street .Saturday morning as me custom or some la" should at the sermon will be, "The Boule- vard of Destruction. All men of ' the church will banauet at the 1 church tonight. Next week sixteen men will make the every member canvass for the current, mission ary and building budget for the year. The men , have been get ting ready for aome time for this important work. Don't forget "Church Night," Wednesday even ing. 11. E. Mow. , Seventh Day Advantist Services PRODUCE FEATURES FOR SATURDAY OR ft I Fine Ripe Bananas, OKft L Jb 3 lb.. . - ZvJL Onions, Good Firm Oregon Stock, 12 lbs. ue heeded by all the members. You cannot afford to miss the Lord's Supper. The morning sub ject will bo "A Bird's Eye View of the Uospel." Christian Endea vor at 6:30 p. m. The hew of ficers have been elected and let us show our loyalty to them by being there on time and willing to take part. The sermon at the evening service, 7:30, should be j heard by all. Several charts will I be used, 'i'he subject "An. Al tered Command." Supposing a private refused to obey the com mand of a General or altered the oonimand? What would happen? Bring your friends and hear this evening sermon. LUKE ELLIOTT, Minister Everyday Prices n j i Everyday Prices TRY SKAGGS TEA It's Nfltlirfl.lV CORN MEAL Yellow or better, green or black dllll lld White. 9 lb. it. i Pound ...39c Ba --"U Pound 69c If JOT 11 VAC PERFECTION SODAS Every package ' guaran- i IvCtlUlVO. In wooden box. Plain or teed to please you. ' ' Ued' 3i lb- SUGAR Pure Cane CQ Box - UUb WHITE COOKING FIGS 10 lbs .'. 00b 5NOWFLAKES-t- (Jfl- New Crop, nQ. ' Limit One 3 3-4 Box DuC 3 lb9- " SKAGGS BEST EFT GRAHAMS 00- LILLY OF THE VALLEY BUTTER I lb ...331 4j Box - ..00b VEGETABLES Coun- SKAGGS COFFEE'S are try Gentleman Corn. HEINZ CATSUP .OQ- me Golden Bantam. Sifted No. 1 Blend, lb 47e Early June Peas. Cut COTTON GLOVES 3 " " Refugee Beans 71,, SKAGGS PEA BERRY 3 Cans ...I0U Med. Weight b 4?c Dozen $2.79 2 Pair .19c 3 lb""73$i.39 Case .... $5.50 Dozen $1.15 Noj 4 Blend Ib 43c IiUtheran Services "Christ and Death'' will be the theme of the sermon next Sunday after noon. Services at 2:30 o'clock la the Episcopal Parish House, 214 E. Cass street. Religious instruc tion every Friday afternoon at 4:30. H. H. YOUNG, Pastor.. , International Itlble Students A.1-aaM-latlou Meet at the Moose Hall, Sunday at 10:00 a. m. Jlible Study for children at 10:00 a. m. Adult Bible Study at 10:30 a. m. The study for Sunday wl)l be the subject of hopes for life everlast ing and , Immediately secured by the Atonement. Some of the que; Uons to be considered will be "Is there hope of immortality held out in the scriptures for any hu man being?" What is the cor rect definition of tha word "Mor tal" and the word 'Iimmortal"? What is said of immortal souls. ! dying souls, never dying Souls? What do we know about tne mor tality or immortality of Angela. When was Immortality broughtlo light, and by whom? All Inter ested in Bible Study are cordially Invited to come and study with us. Skaggs United Stores No, 255 All orders of $5 or over delivered free, sugar excepted. 10c delivery charge on smaller orders. 1 1 5 So. Stephens PHONE 230 Roseburg, Oregon SMITH DEVELOPS TWO SETS OF BACKFIELDS ON SQUAD EUGENE. Ore., Oct. 16 With two different backfield combina tions ready to take the field for the University of Oregon against Pacific University here Saturday, Coach Dick Smith is giving his' football protegees a slight rest to day. One of the backfield combin ations la light and speedy, while the other is heavier. Kimiukl. quarterback; Mimnaugh and Apuustl, halves and Langwor they, fullback, compose the lighter t combination. The heavier backs are Anderson, quarter; WVtzel and Vitus, halves, and Hodgen, full. The first combination averages about 150 pounds, while the heav ier men average about 180. Lynn Jones, all-coast fullback will be on the sidelines, giving his injured wrist a rest Nothing but straight football will be used against Pacific, so California scouts will have little information to take back with them it is said. 0 Cook with gaa. FAMILY HK.fMOX IV . FI.M.AM ATTKNIIKI 15V 1,000 JIKfiCKXIMNTS HELSINGFORS, Oct. 14. At a recent family reunion In Cen tml Finland there assembled 1, 000 descendants of the family, whose recordB date back to 1412. A number of those present came from distant countries, including the United States and Canada. A remarkal.e feature of the large gathering was that approximately 70 percent were peasants as were their progenitors. The event aroused so much in terest in Finland that the govern ment sent Premier Xulenhelmo and Archbifhop Gummerus as Its that -representatives. St. tieonre'a KoiKcoiml Church Church school meets regularly every Sunday at 9:4a a. m. in tne Parish House, 214 Cass street. We need your support and co operation to build our church school membership. You are do ing injustice to your boy or girl, by refusing Jesus Christs' calling, "Suffer (permit) the little Chil dren to come unto Me.' Remem ber, that from Advent unto Ad vent is a complete memorial of Christ's life, represented by cer tain Sundays of each year.. , Please come, bring your friends and children, and not only make the day worth while, but help to start a sound foundation of religion In the mind of your child. , at 11 o'clock. Sabbath school at 10. Interesting Bible study, and a class for all comers. You are In vited to attend both these services. SAVS AN AMERICAN - INVENTED TH EFIRST PRACTICAL TYPEWRITER HERKIMER. N. Y.. Oct. 14. I Austrian cla ms that the typewriter ytnt amtch oS CurW. Scion- Is an Austrian, net an American. tilA Regular services are held invention, which were given con-:Sund mornlng at u o'clock and crete form by the recent unveiling , Wednesday evening at o'clock, of a memorial tablet at Innsbruck. , th)s meetlng includes testtmones Austria, to Peter Mltterdorfer as!()f neaing. Sunday School con the inventor of the typewriter, are , .... Sunday morning at All pupils from the age .. i, ., . i 1 i. ,. i, t. ; venes Ths First Baptist Church Cor-1 ner of l.ane and Rose streets, H. ' L. Caldwell, minister. 8:45 a. m. The church school, Carlos Page, SupL The Sunday school is the best place for old and young on Sunday morning. Bring your young people to the school If you have no young people set a good example before the others of the community. A .welcome to all. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. Message by the j pastor on "The Steadytag Power of Worship." Special work has I been done on this subject, and doubtless it will be of profit to all I wno near it Music by the choir. Worship with us. 6:30 p. m. Young people's meetings. Splendid divis ions for senior. Intermediate and Junior young people. Aa Invitation extended to all young people. 7:30 p. m. Evening worship. Message by the pastor on the theme "The Prodigal Wife." Anthem by the choir. A cordial Invitation to the DUDllc-' :-L-3K?Bl First Presbyterian Church. Sun day at the Presbyterian church: Bible school at 9:45. Church wor ship at 11, with a sermon jn "The Forgiveness of Sins." Junior and Intermediate endeavor societies at 3 p. m. Senior C. E. at 6:30. Even ing service at 7:S0. Sermon sub ject for the evening will be "Phy sical Compulsions and God's Par poses." The First Methodist Church Corner of Main and Lane streets-. josepn nnotts, pastor. The Sunday school meets at 9:45. It Is desired that every church member also be a member of the Sunday school. Come and Join a class. New scholars welcome In all the classes. The junior league meets at 8 p. m. Tha; Epworth league I meets at 6:30 p. m. All young peo ple invited. The morning sermon I theme is "The Gift and Instruction ! of the Grace of God." The evening ; sermon theme is "In Spite of En- vironraent." Both these sermons I are worth your hearing. Splendid music morning and evening. Pray er meeting on Wednesday evening ' L i a coniiai welcome Is ex tended to strangers. ' o NEW YORK WORRIES I .OVER COAL SUPJPLY (A-aocUttd rm Lnunl vm.) -vn-nr j yjiitx. uci. it. The an- thraclte coal situation in New I York state has reached a point vlr-: tually parallel to that during the I most acute period of the coal situa- j lion in the winter of 1922-23, the , state coal commission announced ' today, after a conference of repre-! Bcuiaiives oi an sections of the state. president of the Herkimer county historical society. Mr. Vrooman declared that "the of 4 to 20 years may be admitted. The Reading Room side entrance to the church is open daily from m., except Sunday anu U ora nil n III hnrlzpd machine was the first practical ma-1 oi. iiinmiura muv chine made available to the world." 1 K A kp,c(i or nurchaaed. The American Sholes' model was , Th Dllc , cordiauy invited to patented by the Remington arms lh -.-.vices and srisit the Reading Boom. Subject of sun- lactory in 1873. Vrooman . credited Mltterdorfer with being one of a long list of in dividuals Who "had been trying to devise a pratcical typewriter" ever since the first patent was granted by the British patent office In 1714. I New A Shape A .' "v . V f-A "V- S-i Cv sir r . r. .s f-J A -. j y r i . ' ry, S -is I day's Lesson. "Doctrine of Atone ment." , Catholic Ohurrh, Kano and Oak streets; Rev. B. Clory. Pas tor. October 18th: Mass and Ser mon at 9:30 a. m. Catechism classes immediately after Rosary and Benediction of the M. B. 8. in the evening at 7:30. October Devotions will coutlnuo as an nounced. . Cleveland ivmiimuiily Church Rev. Ed Murphy. PaBtor. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Services at 11:00 a. m. All welcome, Methodist Episcopal Church, &oj.h Corner of East Lane nd South Main streets, C. 8. Coberly, Paitor. eSunday school at 9:45 a. m . W. L. Cobb, Supt. Morning wor ship at 11 o'clock; areaching by ARTI8TS TO POR. TRAY RUSSIAN LIFE MOSCOW. Oct 15. (A. P.) So viet educational authorities have decided to send, to various places In the Soviet Union 72 artists to paint pictures of local revolution ary events, portraits of local lead ers, scenes of labor processes and other social features of present day life. The expedition will include a number of noted artists. They will visit the Crimea, the Urals, the Ukraine and the northern prov inces. A number of artists are to be sent abroad for the same purpose. 81.10 will give 4 ft-ct a good time at the armory dance tonight and help tlio ba.-id finances. WOMEN SEE DANGER IN LIQUOR BERLIN. Oct. 16. Women doc tors, lawyers and economists of Germany favor local option and see in the excessive use of alcohol one of the worst dangers con fronting Germany. They held MWIl) Hi at u ivr,.r. , V ' u v ..... r. ..... - " ..... the pastor.-The pastor will also conference, with delegates nreach at the evenln hour, 7:30. Senior Epworth li Kue devotional service at 6:30 in the evening. Mid week piyer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Every person In from the Association of German Women Physicians, the Federation of Women lawyers, and the Asso ciation of Women Economists, st : the conclusion of which a resoh. Tru-Bake Crackers ore baked from selected home-grown wheat. Scientifically blended For blending IS neceasary to produce that dis tinctive Tru-Bake Cracker flavor. Finally, perfect taking by Tru-Blu Master Bakers produces a cracker that is as crisp, flaky, appetizing as a good cracker should be. Ask Your Grocer for Tru-Bakes Tm Eailiih Style Calias enriched with utrdy fondant csnter. Juit atk for Tm-Bln "CUP CUSTARD" cakf. , . . . Roseburg ought to worship some- j J' adopted memorlallzlngthe where next Sunday. If you don't i-"-. ir n imai upuun. go elsewhere come to us. We will treat you right Bible Standard Mission Rev. L. F. Burror. pastor. All our services are at the big tent. Services as I follows: Service tonight (Fri'iuy), at 7i30, serman by .the pastor. ! Sunday school Sundny mviihg, 9:45. Classes for all; preaching for vice at 11:00, At 2:00 we will have ground breaking service at our future church home on East Innig las and Chadwlck Sts. At 8:30 th' re j will be a water baptismal service at the river In Alexanders At'dl- 1 tlon and at 30 we w ill open an other revival campaign. Mrs. Alice V. llson Parham, evangelist, f-'-rsjorders, vices evry aight next k at 7:39. Public cordially Invited. N HTffitrTrf'm' r October 24 the lad cy cl "Western Auto's" Settii-Annud II: fll Only a few days in which to take advantage of this semi-annual 'peciac Values" .event Many other items are on sale in addition to the ones listed below, X EXTRA SPECIAL : Handy Cigar Lighter Keep your eyea on the road and hands on the wheel all the tims when you are driving. When you want to "light up1 aimply draw the lighter forward, and the "light" Is Instantly available. Regular low price fZ.HQ. Speoial at $1.98 EXTRA SPECIAL Drum Type Stop Signal $1.39 ntr Th new popular drum typ -tfop aim! U maStf attached to your oar without having to drill uf hole In the body, bracket or fender. Attache to tall light or license braoket - Black and nickel fin ish. Regular at $1.40. Special 4 Value at I e All niokel flnieh. Regular at $S.. Special, 1,7tV Flower Vae . m for that ftomey touch thai tMoJcM yuur cor more ea)oya6Je. This standard flower vase has a beautiful cut glass body, and the bracket Into which It Sts is well Onlahed with alckel plate. VaM can be r mond from bracket vbra de ired. Regular value at II U. i.:r:r:...$i.05 Ash Receiver This receiver has a match box holder and a cigar reat. Made of solid brtuis and hoavllr nickeled. Our rtcu- lar low price of tl.SO QC f baa been reduced to., www t 0H Leader Spotlight A QuarantaW 8potlight at This Pric A dandy liu I. spotlight that win do the work of a hlnh-prlced one. Mail, of brass, finished in black .nameL Convex lena. tlv. Inchoa In diameter. Can he tined aa a troubl. llRht. CI 7C i 8pKial Valu. prio. 9.laO FlathlighC j VeuMkaid a. wn mmi Motvrinf HmUf. A tubular Baahllcht, all HzlM, la offend In oof 'Two Weak, of Special Tt uas." This tosninr aeeeseltf comes eDmptat with batter and bulb, all ready to Ti Regular pric 0c 7Jt Bpeclal Yalo Frio... J.CJ e BulbChemt I As a measure of safety. rer motorist should carry oaa m these sheet Metal ehests for spars bulbs In his car. Reg uiar pnea oe. Bpeclal Value at. r. 440 Aiy"AAX'': DOUBLE ZX SPRING BUMPER) This snappy looking bumper wifl sare its cost in the elimination oj repair bills for fender dents, lj-lnt site for medium site cars. Refr lar at 18.50 Special 11CS 1-liirh stei'l for laritcr cars; n'Ktilarly 118.75- Special Valu Price TWIN BAR BUMPERS Special Bumpers for Fords, Chevrolets, Overlands and Stars 1 J4-inch polished steel tar. Plain bars without bolts in ends. Special value : $7.75 valu Prtra j:'a::aa--- 11 Btecl Bar Bumper, as illustrated, for light cars. He gularly 12.70. 0 FA Bpeclal Value JO.JV li Bteel Bar Bumper, Ss Illustrated, for large caia. Kesular at I15J0. Special OlCri Value .ls)eVjf Onyx Gearshift Ball sAiMs greatly to the anpear ance of your car. Made of selected, highly polished Mexican onyx. Guaranteed not to crack. Regular prtre $1.90. Speoial Value , $1.45 Automatic Valve Lifter An absolute necessity for the man who does his own repair work. This lifter works eas ily and automatically. A Of Special Value Price "IOC Valve Grinding Necessities Valve Grinder Bit Brto Ad justable to fit the valves on any make of car. opeciai Value Price ..... Western Valve Grinding Com pound Double can which holds t wo grades- eoarss and flne. Per can. Speoial Value Price Gasket Cement Best for asbes tos, copper or felt gasket. Has mar other uses around the car. 8peoisl Value 4 f Pries, 2-oz. bottle.. frM, J Cw 4? 22c 15c t Explosion Whistle This whistle utilise, tb. plosion prsaeur. aire. sharp not. that rets th right of way. Well nlcsj- lea. Special Pnoe 51.53 Clear-Tone 2 WWsUe : Produce, a loud and eompeJL Ing sound. A warning slgnjl that is entirely dependable, aa u worm with the- motor. Keguiar price a 7A aui.. me uu(or. $2.1$ Order by Mail Our Guarantee Protects You MftIml25StcratatheVrfest' festerji Aito . ii w . , Main Sure -HOO 8onth Grand An L08 ANGELES Roseburg Store, 117 South Stephens St. PS li- For Your Convenience-' Open on . Saturdays V VntU 9 P. M.'i COMMISSION URGES AUS TRALIA TO CONTINUE SEARCH FOR OI First Chrlstisn Church II. K. Mow, minister. More , people are buying nibl"S today than evir be fore. Are you enrolled tn a flible i class? You cannot afford to riVUty i thin mailer. Join some llilile The Testimony of Others my new book which may be had FKKK upon request, on PIl.tM amVothcr R1O1I snd Colon dlt- I rnve reproduced nrsrlv 100 letlrrs from amona tho received from my thousands o( patients, ihrsc tell you frankly ot their years of suffering of their fryina home remedies and even opera- ! tlorts, snd, finally, of their complete cur. for Its great proportion ot women j students. They were numerous in .all lecture rooms and often well outnumbered the men. especially MEl.ROUItNE, Oct. If). Whlln In the libraries. Oxford experience the prospects o( the discovery of shows that women In a university oil In commercial quantities in are more conscientious and work Aunlralla aro generally ui) favor- harder than do men, without win able, indications In the Koma die- nlnr. proportionate honors lu final tilrt of (jueenslatut and the Kim- examinations. This fact tends to berley district of weat'-m Auulralla reconcile tho men to the admission gustily the recommenrlatiun that of women, for they now aro losing further detailed gnolosiral mapping their fear of female predominance, should Iki undertaken and trail bur-1 It Is often remarked that several Ing conducted, says a report of the Oxford colleges were founded by federal joint connnltfe of publlo women, either alone or with their accounts on oil exploration in men relations, but that In no case Australia and Fapua. I were women students admitted to The nronuects in 1'anua are on- the foundation. This fact IB tne eraily hopeful and Uie report adds, work should continue to bo carried out by a private company on be- mnro notireabln in that coeducation was not unknown at that time. lions, inn, nnaie.ui ineir enmpmc cur. i.-t, .. ,. ... , . . , u,hod. Tbes. Baked bu the TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO., Spokane and Portland ZZ:rXVTt . . - , - i c.i:.i. c...!. .k. c x. Di.. c.r. r.i.J "dsy morning at 11 o'clock an-! The Home oi Tru-B!u Crahsms. English Style Biscuits and tho Famous Tru-Blu Frui C it Cakej i I MX vm from man and nf every tt.fkxi, manr of wrwin yne buv knuw. Vini til Irsr. m rctdm f h) BMk whr I can give WPJTTKN CUAKANIbC to d roar Pimm at rrtttrn rour tec a as the Anglo-IVrslsn Oil company which Is now operating In l'apua. Cook with gaa. , CREAT NUMBER OF WOMEN IN SUMMER SCHOOL AT OXFORD n i a aj i4 ii I o.her letter from the head '"; Sn&il: I rnorcn win nm reao. in one laai bTniim Bairnm Sunday was quite Interesting, lb ar ' iTT-WlVsl,'1 S.T,. Sf. ?.!' OXFORD, Oct. lfl 1 ajgpaSBkBBBSSHBBBBBaeSBSBHBSBBBBBeB EPISCOPAL. LADIES ELECT. I this one. In th. evening th. topic i I .Summer school wss -The Oxford outstanding f AaurUtH ' Lrtar-I Wlr.) , NKW ORLEANS, 1 . Oct. 16.--Mrs. Grace Llndley of New York, executive secretary of the women's auxiliary of the Kplscopnl church, was re-elected without opposition to serve for the next trb nnlum. Mrs. WiMiam Johnston, of Ore gon, was named for the executive board. MAY WITHDRAW PUPILS FROM SCHOOLS TEACHING ifilSH DUBLIN, OcL 16. The Thnl--cal Committee of County Mayo ha reduced from 670 to 4W pound, the money provided for tho teaching of the Irixh language, and focitcasta a further reduction next year . Monslgnor D'Alton who Introduc ed the motion suld that he kjiows mothers who threaten to wltkxlraw their children from school K th teaching of Irish la not dropped. He declared that the spoken lan guage Is losing ground, even kn dls trlcts whero It was generally spo ken till comparatively recenlt Tho government recognlxes this, but thinks It regrettable, and fa tak ing steps in sll directions to Reme dy It. Irish is now made a compul sory subject in the primary school, all over the country, and the gov ernment has appointed a Commis sion which Is taking evidence as to the condition ot the lauguage In thu Irish speaking districts and the reason for lis docay. Tua-chlet reason Is economic. Oil ROT, bouKht S bargata and there ar. many mora cart advert umns. Read 'em yourself.