Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 09, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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    6eolMa4loa Tlw vanlng News a as!
f Tava IwMtna HiMM .1 . - . -tT'' ' - - - - . A. ladiaisjlnt NuMUIf. Mlla) tS. :
D O U QOfe-T r -COUNTY )3 yTg
. Til susMBurf Review
Car Goes Off Pavement in
I Dense Fog, Killing One; ;
Injuring Another.
Woman' Head Crushed Be-
neath Weight of Auto ,
Was On Way to Visit
Daughter in Seattle. . .
Mm. Margaret A. Lewis, of 100S
West 88th street. Loa Angeles, was
instantly killed this morning when
the car in which she waa riding
with a party of friends turned tur
tle about two miles south of Sutb-
erlin. Walter Smith, another oc
cupant of the machine, was seri
ously injured, but Is expected to re
cover. The accident occurred while the
automobile waa being driven In a
dense fog. The highway waa ob
acured and although the car was
being driven slowly the driver mis
sed the pavement and went Into
the ditch. Mrs. Lewis waa riding
with her head outside in aa effort
to help In picking out the road and
as the car went over her head
was badly crushed,
i Other members of the party
were Victor K. Rowland, 202i Mc
Millan street, Portland; Earl R.
Pullerton. 3372 Division street.
Los Angeles: Miss Grace De Cero,
(407 8elrra Vista, Hollywood, and
Walter Smith, Hotel Rutland, Loa
The party left Los Angeles for
- Seattle on Wednesday. Mrs. Lewis
was on the way to visit her daugh
ter. Mrs. N. Coyle, A. 1300 Lake
Boulevard. Seattle. They had been
driving continuously, the men tak
ing, turns at driving. Mr. Fuilerton
waa at the wheel when the acci
dent occurred.
The other members of the party.
except Mrs. Lewis, were asleep In
the back seat of the Jewett tour
ing car. ' v
Just before reaching the un
paved portion of the. highway
south of Sutherlln, a heavy belt of
fog was encountered. It was just
after 4 o'clock in the morning,
when driving la most difficult, and
the highway waa practically ob
scured. '
Mr. Fuilerton, who was driving,
was watching one side of the road
, and Mrs. Lewis the other. Appar
. ently she failed to observe when
the car went off the pavement on
to the shoulder, and the machine
quickly turned over, landing
tomside up in the ditch, about or
8 feet below the level of the pave
ment Mrs. Lewis' head fas caught
between the windshield and
curtain, and waa crushed aa
car rolled over. Smith, who was
sitting on the extreme right in the
rear end of the car, waa knocked
unconscious, sustaining a 1 deep
gaah behind the ear. He waa taken
to Sutherlln where be regained
consciousness about I o'clock. 'He la
not thought to be seriously hurt, al
though he may have suffered
fractured skull.
The car pinned Mrs. Lewie' bodv'clent to pay as It falls due. moneys
beneath ita weight but the other, "hall be temporarily advanced
members of the party were able to 'rom the state general fund,
extricate themselves with little I Th "HI would Immediately ap
difriculty. having little trouble niPrprlate from the general fund of
getting Mr. Smith out from underlthe th um of.230,000 to be
the machine. It was some time be.! credited to the board, and It Is
fore the body of Mrs. Lewis ould ' Provided that an equivalent amount
be removed, but a call was lmme-"na"
dlately aent la for Coroner Ritter.
who with Traffic Officer Thurber
made a thorough Investigation. ,.
The Injured man waa taken to
Sutherlln, where he waa given med
ical attentoa by Dr. Bertha- De-'
ore. .
Little could be learned regarding
Mrs. Lewis, she waa a middle,
aged, widow lady, who had been
living with her sister, Mrs. H. L.
Cornforth at the Cornforth Apart
ments, 1000 W. 38th street Loa
Angeles. Her daughter, Mrs. N.
Coyle. whom ahe waa going to
visit haa been a resident of Se
attle for some time.
Coroner Ritter notified Doth the
daughter and sister, by wire, and
no disposlton will be made of the
body until word la received from
. 4 . .
- Senator Robert 8lanfleld 4
4 will be a visitor la Roseburg 4
4 this evening and will be gl- 4
4 vea an Informal dinner at 4
4 tha Hotel Umpqua. Senator 4
4 Sianfiaid haa been, attending 4
4 tha Irrigation meeting In 4
4 Grants Pass and la returning 4
4 by way of Cooa Bay. . 4
C '-4 rra Lata WkO 4)
, sfGTON. Oct t To-
V Aduled World Series 4
ganie- 7 between Washington 4
4 and Pittsburgh waa postponed
on account of rain.
The outfield waa found to
be very muddy and the can- 4
vss covering on the infield
waa spotted with pools of wa 4
eer. The rain-bedraggled spec- 4
tators who had been opt! mis- 4
tie enough to take their seats 4
filed slowly from the park. 4
Under the rules agreed up-
4 on, the teams wilt play here
4 tomorrow. Sunday and Mon-
day, today's postponement
merely setting back the ache-
dule for one day.
Oasie Bluege, star third
baseman of ehe Wsshlnglon
Senators, who was hit on the
head by a pitched ball vaster-
day at Pittsburgh, will not be
able to return to the lineup
before Sunday.
Buddy Myer, - Southern 4
4 league recruit, who aubatltut-
ed tor Bluege "yesterday, will 4
fill the third baae post until
the regular guardian returns.
Oregon Voters to , Decide
Question of Advancing
$250,000 in Form
of Bond Issue.
(Aonclatnf ha Lrurd Wire.)
SALEM. Ore., Oct . Initiated
by the housewives council of Port
land, a hydro-electric bill, which Is
a proposed constitutional amend
ment, has been filed with Secre
tary of State Koxer, to be voted on
at the general election In Novem
ber, 11, If the, required number
of signatures are obtained for the
petitions. At least 8 per cent of
the number of voters ' who voted
for Supreme Juslce in the last pre
ceding general election are re
quired. The measure will go to
the attornev-general for ballot title
at once. Those whose nsmes are
attached to the bill are Josephine
M. Othus.Mary A. Dean and Clara
M. Slmonton.
The measure provides for an
Oregon water and power board of
five members, who shall be elected
from the state at large by a vote
of the peoole without regard to po
litical affiliation. The members of
the first board under the act would
be Waldo Anderson, Albany: J. T.
Rorick, The Dalles: Frank M.
mil. Dnfur: Date Barham and Dan
Kellaher. Portland.
Among the powers of the board
would be to construct, or acquire
lands, water, water rights, elec-
botitric energy, and also to construct,
.complete and operate works, dams.
reservoirs, canala, and other prop
erty necessary or convenient for
the , conservation. , development,
.storage and distribution nf water
! and the generation of electrical
State bonds, not to exceed 5 per
cent of the assessed vsluation of
the stale, may. under the provf
alona of the bill, be Issued and
aold from time to time.
If at any time the moneys In
the atate treasury applicable to
the payment of interest or princi
pal of the bonds shall be Insuffi-
returned into tne general
fund out of the first moneys avsll
able In the water and power revolv
ing fund.
. MlRDRRRn Hl Xfl.
tAanrlat4 Fma Leue4 Whs.)
Oct. 0. Alfred Illlllnger. axe
slayer of Alex Summers, camp
mats at Mnrysvllle, waa hanged
here today.
(AotWImI Pnm t Wlr. )
SALEM, Ore.. Oct. 9. Rov
ernor Pierce will not Issue a pro
clamation or take any other ac
tion declaring Monday, October
It, Columbus Day, a legal holiday.
Attorney-Oeaeral Van Winkle to
day refused to render an opinion
oa the question slating that un
less a question of stale business
were Involved. It was pot incum
bent upon him or the governor
to aay whether or not the day
should be observed aa a legal ho
liday. Thla apparently leavea It
'no to the clearing house aasorla-
tion of Portland to observe tha
day aa a legal holiday or not aa
It sees fit. The association yea
terday asked the governor for an
official proclamation. .
John R. McQuigg Veteran
of Two Wars Record
Is Meritorious.
,l,0M.0M. he aaya. dh vlcted him on a charge of using the
ito keep thla for hia daughters. On. . ,.,., Hfriiii ua w sen
Member of Noted Cleveland ' n Plc,nrM "enced to the two yr. ?ri
r i it J J ' . M "ne A ' . son term, but In January of thla
Urays and Wounded in After that la settled, he does not yrar received a atay because of 111
Franrr Anwlliarv f,r I' he goes to Jail. He Is part. heaKn. He tied.
- r ranee Auxiliary . , ,iv,j .h em rmm un-; T . ... .m. .
Also Elects.
(AanrUttd mm Leurd Win.)
OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 9. John
R. McQuigg. of East Cleveland.
Ohio, was elected national com.
mander of the American Legion
on the first ballot of the legion-
nairee' final session of their
seventh annual convention here
The election was "decided with
the votes 'of 13 delegations still
to be recorded. It waa a landslide
and upon motion of Haword Sav
age. Illinois, defeated candidate,
and Edward Shafford. New York,
losing candidate, waa made un
animoua. '
Commander McQuigg has had an !
extensive career as a soldier and
officer serving In the Spanish
American war, on the Mexican bor
der and In the World war. He is
59 years old.
He began his military career
with entrance to Wooster college
as a cadet and In the Spanish
American war served with the fam
ous Cleveland Grays and the first
Ohio engineers, winning to the
ranka of Captain and Major. . ;
' ' On tha' Mexican border he served
as colonel In the provisional regi
ment of englneera,
Tn the World wsr. Commander I donee introduced Into the record
McQulgr mobilized the 112th engi-1 showing -that Lanednwne wanted
neers. He served In the Baccarat' the flight postponed to the second
sector and waa wounded In the Ar- ' week in Sentemher- anil alo
gonne. His service was recognised (wanted a trial flight to test the
and he waa appointed brigadier ,
general of the Ohio National Guard
and placed In command of the 73rd
Infantry brigade in the 37th divi
With MtlMmant n elvllian life
Commander McQuigg became lden -
titled with Amerlcn Tlnn work.
titled with American Legion work.
He waa elected commander of the
Ohio department serving from 19-
20-1921. He also served as a mem
ber of the national executive com
mittee from 1921 to 1924 and Is a
member of the Frederick W. Oal
bralth. Jr.. memorial committee
and of the legislative finance com
mittee. In private life Commander
McQuigg is an attorney and bank-
Mrs. Shepherd, Auxiliary head."
OMAHA, Oct. 9. Mrs. Ellsa Ton-
don 8henherd. of San Francisco.
was elected national president ot ;
the Women s Auxiliary to the
American Legion at the closing
session of the national convention
todav. She defeated Mrs. Ruth Mc
Curry Brown, of Little Rock, Ark.',
McQuigg pledged nimseu to ine
completion nf these legion tasks:
Rehshdltatlon. child welfare and
Increased membership.
Joseph Chenev of Florida. Ray
mond R. Llttlefleld of Rhode Is
land. Huehes P. Davis of Omsha:
Vincent A. Carroll of Pennsylvania
and James A. Howell of Utah, were
elected national vire-commanderg.
The Rev. William Patrick of Cal
ifornia waa elected national chap
I WlM r Uaar WWO
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct . J. R.
Orathwnhl, 3d, farmer; Alia Orath
wohl. 19.
hia wife and Betty
their 2-year-old daugh-'
ter were killed inatsntly late yes-
terdav In a crash between a Trout-
dale Interurban etreet car and an
auto on the Arata road, near A rata
station. The three members of the
fsmlly were riding In the auto
which waa driven by Grathwohl.
Raseba'll Fans!
Sundav's world seri
will be bulletined play byRi
play, starting at 1 1 o clock
and continuing Until the
I . .
last man IS OUt.
Be oh hand early to get
a good
game. t
position for the
Death Beckons
Crook Who Evolved Into
Millionaire From $5 Bet
' (Amxbui ana Uuad win.) -J had, he said, a million and s half.
CHICAGO. Oct . Death may i Friends relate how years ago he
cheat the prison bars from which was an alderman S) Birmingham,
John W. Worthington, the "wolf of I Ala., and president of 27 Alabama
La Salle Street" aa been fleels hanks. Why he left, no on tells,
for two years. f ,Theu he waa head of bank In
Broken In health. Worthlngtonla KanaM City. Mo. One he aerred
back in Chicago, where his frensied ; onths In Sing Sing PrtaoB.
financial operations brought him' A $5 bet at a race track started
millions and a two-year's sentence h amaaalng money from gamb
In Atlanta, to make hla will and to ng. He used the funds to open
obtain a atay of execution of the '"km" office In Chicago a ft
aentence so ha may die here. uanclal district and though often
. .. ... ..... ,.w' i In trouble waa never convicted.
The results of hla Ufa's tobse aa. n , wh
a cambler. broker and finally, au-:,, . . ... ,
i 1,1 . . -
gltlve from Justice, are about
llco. his last place of refuge, on a
sireicner tne iasi aci, oe iniou, um, u wal claimed he could not
of hla colorful career. , be moved because of hla condition.
He tells a story, how, In Mexico. But he disappeared again. - -with
federal agenta constantly on i Until hla dramatio re-appearance
his trail, he paid a chief of polloe 'ln Chicago yesterday, wheni he
125 In gold for a guard of fiva men, summoned his attorney to hla ho-
who worked In eight hour sums.
They thought he had f 300,000 In :
cash and securities. He really
f.'RS. U.'i'SDC.'.T.T
Margaret Ross Lansdowne. widow
nf Commander -Zachary Lans
downe. raptain of the Shenan
doah, reiterated todsv before the
naval court of Inquiry that Jhe
navv department had ordered the
alrohlp on the Western flight , for
political Burnoaee over the protesy
of her husband.- i
To support her statement, she
'read, from the official correspon-
Detroit flying mast
'My hsb'",d rerv m"ch
nnnosed to this flight." she said.
"My husband also felt thst the
Shenandoah was a shin nf wsr
and should not lie taken Inland.
lP"1""" ,h w"r were
'" taken to the Ort T akes
from the roast, Mrs. Lansdowne
"It haa lieen nroved If eoi'M
not he done In the case of the
Ne'ther Ihe court nor any nf
the Interested ns'tlea had any
ructions In sak Mrs. I ansdnwne
snri ahe waa excused a"er being
on the s'and on'v IS mlnntes.
The widow of the alrahln com
mander waa rt re seed In black. She
walked repldlv to - 'he witnaa
chs'e, and stood without tremor
aa the oath waa administered.
A survey of the men entering
the University of Oregon wss re-
p.n 1 1 v takn hv thtt Dannrfment
j0f Phyaical Education and it was
found that 278 out
of the 529
men entering this
yesr were
"This is a
" said Del-
formerly Roy Scouts,
remarkable showing,
bert Oberteuffer. scout commis
sioner for Lane County and In
structor of Hygiene at the Uni
versity, "Oregon has a larger per
centage of former scouts than
some of the larger eastern col
leges. A year ago a almllar sur
vey was made .at Yale and Har
vard. It waa significant to lesrn
that 38 per cent nf Yale men and
49 per cent of Harvard were for
merly scouts while at Oregon ni
per cent of the entering clas ware i
scouts, this would indicate mst
scouting Is dealing with thj young
"n who are growing up through i
"" ru..un in n "
era In tha life of thia Nation and
the world.
Scouting haa a very definite
program for vocational guidance.
There are 7S merit badges cover
ing aa many arta. tradea and scl
esres. Each merit badge aunject
la developed as a project of ex-
iperiment In which the boy dl"
I covers his gifts or native ability
ifor what mav- Drove tn he his
life work.
Ie Hrhool Km en tl
Tha Hose school was entered
ty. who Jimmied deak drawers,
nn omaipea .notning or veins,
.The thief apparently thought that
there would be some money front
tha ssle of football tlcketa, hut
aa no money la ever left aronnd
the - school buildings, nothing
valuable waa secured.
to Noted
,tue government eianea an wu-
p,(ent a Los Angeles aanltarl-
tel. only vague reports
of hla
Mexico had been
$975,000.00 BONDS
'. i
4 rtaxrtiM taa V-m WHO
' 'MEDFORD. Ore.. Oct.
By aa overwhelming majority,
the people of Medford, at a
special election - reaeerday, I
: voted , for a new city water
system with a source at Big
i Butte Springs, over 30 miles w-
away, to coat when completed
A bond Issue of $50,000 for
a new temporary city hall
hall waa also voted three to
one. It being understood that
thla bnilding will be used aa
a temporary court house. In
case tha people of Jackson
county vote to move the pre- !
4 sent court house at Jackson-
yllle to this city. - .
,4,4,144 U
, Rehearsals for the American
Legiqn Minstrels will start on Oc
tober 27th under the direction ot
lack Coyle, professional show pro
ducer. Mr. Coyle Is bringing a
great deal of special scenery to
the cliy as well aa costumes for
the cast and will give the thea
tregoera one of the finest min
strel shows ever witnessed here.
The show will be given on two
nights at the Antlers Theatre,
November 9th and 1 0th STnd the
small price of tl for downstralrs.
75e for balcony and on cents for
gallery will be charged. .
rAaanrlalH rrrM lard Wlrr.)
8ALEM, Ore., Oct. 9. Cream
ery robbers, believed to lie the
aame who have looted numerous
creameries all over tha Willa
mette Valley and at various places
in the stale or Washington, took
.700 pounds of butter from the
creamery at Jefferson Isst night,
plied It on the creamery platform
and left it there, evidently hav
ing been scared away before they
conld complete the jnh. Thoua
abda of pounds of butter have
been taken from varloua Oregon
creameries during tha psst few
months. Creamery men helleve
the robberies hsve been staged by
an organization working out of.
(SMfidatM rrMa faMf Wife.)
- WASHINGTON. Oct. 9. Pre
sident Coolldge is nndeclded what
coarse he will take with respect
to the action nf the shipping
board In removing llgh C. Pal
mer as president of the emerg
ency fleet corporation, In defiance
of hla wishes.
Mr. Coolldge was plainly dis
pleased over the action hy the
hoard In removing Mr. Palmer
before a report could be auhmit
ted to him hy Mr. Dsllon and also
waa aurprised that Klmer Crow
ley, of Ilosloti. appointed as
successor to Mr. Pslmer by the
shlnping board, should accept hla
new post without consulting him.
Mr. Coolldge does not know Mr.
Crowley, hut such prellmlnsry
consultation la expected nnder the
policy pursued hy all other gov
ernment agencies In making sim
ilar appointments.
Keller and WUlos Barred
, From Trial of Murray
bj Court Ruling.
Story of Fatal Outbreak
at Penitentiary' Told
by Guards Jones
Left Confession.
(Anorlate Pm Lfufd Win.)
8ALEM, Ore., Oct. 9. The morn
ing aesslon of the court In the trial
of Tom Murray for the murder of
Guard John Sweeney in the prison
break of August 11, waa one ot re
verses for the defense.
The first reverse came anon
their application to the court to call
James Wlltos and Ellsworth Kelly,
co-defendants In the case with Mur
ray, to the atand aa witnesses. The
court held that they could not qual
ify aa witnesses In a case In which
they were Jointly named aa defen
dants The plea of the defense
that they be allowed to call other
convkta confined In the prison
were also denied aa being forbid.
den by ataule, and the defense waa
advised by the court that If It de-
aired to Introduce the testimony ot
other convicts. It would have to
do so by deposition takes at the
That Murray and the other con
victs did stand behind the oak tree
between the turnkey's office and'
tower No. 1 and fired Into tower
No. 1 from that position aa con
tended by the state, wss one of the'
principal points brought out In the
testimony of James It. Carey,
guard, who stood In the chapel win-'
dow overlooking the front yard at
the time or the eacape and wit'
heased the break.
' Murray, at the lime he was stand
ing behind the tree, was shooting
into tower No. 1. In which,ii,r.J,"'1
Sweeney was killed by a pistol bul
ei. wnn a pistol, Carey declared.
From the Oak Tree, Carey said,
Murray, Wllloa and Jonea ran for
the alepa leading up to tower No.
1, with Murray in the lead.
"Did Murray have anything In
hla hand aa he went up the atalra
to the guard tower?" asked Dis
trict Attorney Carson.
"He hsd a pistol In hia left
hand," replied Carey.
Carey said Murray waa the first
of the three convicts to mount the
Carey testified, over objection of
counsel for the defense, that he
had overheard Murray aay after he
had been returned to the prison
that he waa good ahot and that
"he never missed."
J. J. Quinland, chief engineer at
the prison, said that he waa stand
ing In the doorway ot the machine
shot) Just east of tower No. 1 at
the time of the break and aaw
both Sweeney and Holman shot aa
they returned the fire of the con
victs. Sweeney, he ssid, wsa killed
aa he waa firing downward Into
the yard toward the oak tree, and
that but leas than minute later.
he aaw the three convicts mount
the stairs Ino the tower.
Wright E. Gardner, who waa lnj
the guards' quarters at the time
of the break, testified that he ran
at once to tower No. 1, and waa
standing beside Guard Holman
when the latter waa ahot He aald
he assisted Holman down through
the tower and laid him on the
ground Just outside and to the
north of the tower. At that time,
he aaid, Holman waa ahot only
through the arm. When he next
aaw Holman. a few momenta later.
I Holman had been shot through the
head and waa dead, Gardner laid.
Jonas' Alleged Confeeeion.
RALEM, Ore., Oct. 9. The atate
and defense both scored In the tes
timony and In the rulings of the
court In the trial ot Tom Murray,
accused convict slsyer of Guard
John Holman In the prison break
of August 12, yesterdsy afternoon.
The most sensational disclosure
waa the Introduction by the state
of a purported eorfesslon by Bert
Oregon" Jones, convict who died
la the break, that he killed himself
after he had been wounded and lay
helpless on the ground, Just outside
the tower No. 1. The alleged con
fession waa In Inn form of pages
torn from a notebook which War
den A. M. Dalrymple aald had been
found on or near Jones' body. The
submission of this evidence waa a
dramatic moment In tha trial. Inas
much aa the existence of such evi
dence hsd never before even been
Warden Dalrymple testified thai
tha notebook waa brought to him
shortly after tha break by a trusty
convict named Johnson, a Ufa term
er, who aaid that It had been found
(Continued oa page six
$10,000 BORROWED
Tha '-county court iotfr
signed an order paying back 4
to the court house fJd the
110.000 borrowed threh.yeara
ago for road construction
work up the North Umpqua.
41 Thla rastoree tha courthouse
fund to tta original amount.
During the war the county
Invested (150.000 In liberty
bonds. $50,000 of which were
transferred to a fund for the
construction of a new court.
house building. Three years
ago the county was asked to
cooperate with the govern-
mant In road work up the
North Umpqua and having
no available funda, borrowed
110.000 from the accumuiat-
ed Interest la tha courthouse
fund, leaving the principal
untouched. The court today
transferred the (10.000 bark
from tha road fund to the
courthouse fund, adding It to
the sum of IS4.860.SS on
hand. The original Invest-
ment haa now accumulated
IU.0S0.BS Interest, making
the total sum available at
present for court house con-
st ruction I04.650.S5.
Re-Organization Plan for
Lifting Receivership
Advanced by N. Y.
NEW YORK, Oct. 9 Hankers
are ready to take the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul railway.
the largest railroad ayatem In the
country from the handa of receiv
ers and place It on firm finan
cial basis.
Kuhn, Loeb and company, and
tha National City company, re
orgaolsatloa managers, in state
ments published today, declared
operative a readjustment plan
despite opposition. The bankers
Id nearly one-half of the out-
stsnding Junior bonds of the com
pany had been pledged In support
The re-orgsnlsatton scheme In
volves the reduction of the road'a
International charges from 821,
836.793 a year to lll.4tiS.8l5 by
trsuaferrlng all except the under
lying mortgage obligations Into
long term obligations. The road'a
155,000.000 debt to the , govern
ment la to be liquidated. Prefer
red stockholders are to be aees
sed 838 a share and the common
stockholders :12 a share.
The opposing group, headed hy
fleorge K. Itnoaevelt of Roose
velt and Hon. hankers, charged the
re-orgeniatlnn plan with being
needlessly drastic and attacked
especially the liquidating of the
government debt.
. The St. Paul waa thrown Into
rarelverahlp March 1R. when a
suit to foreclose the property was
filed in Chicago. The road, is
capitalized at 1750.000.000 and
is' the largest ever to go Into the
hands of receivers.
CHICAtiO. Oct. . A com
mittee of stockholders of the Chi
cago. Milwaukee and St. Paul
railway, now In rerelverahip. step
ped into the legal affaira Involv
ing the road, hy filing a petition
in federal court today aeeklng to
l ne minimi rinimu
that they repreaent (18,000.0011
preferred and common stock of
the road.
(A.Ut-l ptrm Inri Wlrr.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 9. With
harvesting In progress, more defin
ite Idea of the alte of this year'a
principal farm crops waa given to
day by the department or agricul
ture's monthly report.
Corn production wss forecast at
2,918,000.000 bushels, compared
with 2.885,000.000 bushels a month
ago and 2,437.000,000 bushels bar
Tested Isst year.
A preliminary estimate plsces
winter wheat production at 410.-
000.000 bushels and the forecast of
spring wheat Is 282,000,000 bushels,
'making the totsl wheat cron 097,
onO.Ono buxhela compared wllh
7no.ono.000 forecast last month and
873,01)0.000 bushels produced last
f AwteM rtMa laMt Wire.t
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct 9.
A Seattle Times dt'Palrh today
stated that In the sesrch for John
W. Smith, a conk accused of
psrtlrlpsllng in assassination of
Thomas lio'fry, editor, in Kelso,
Wsshingtnn. June 19. a man had
been arrested at The Dalles, Ore,
Absence of three fingers waa
mark of identification.
OLE, m i.
Sproule Says Compeil 5
Means Small Gain anJ
IrJerior Service. -
Projected Extensions in
Klamath and Northern '
California to Aid
Service to East.
(AaarbtM rna Leranl Wlr.)
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 9. Wil
liam Sproule, president of . the
Southern Pacific company testify
ing here today at the Interstate
Commerce commission hearing oa
proposed railway development ra
south era Oregon and ortaara Cal
ifornia, formally voiced the ssaosl
tloa of hia company to the plane of
the northern lines tnrsawh tha cr.
goa Trunk to extend from Bead to
Klamath Falls. . ''.
"We oppose entry Into this terri
tory by that tine as not la the pub
lic interest, but as repreeraum; a
real - detriment to the pnprio,
through dividing between two tinea
a business which la ao mora thaa ,
enougn lor tne auppori or one,T-asi
said. . , .
"It la against the public Interest
to construct more rallwaye thaa'
are needed. Excess construct ion
only results In a lame return upoa
the money put Into the Hues, with
an Inferior service by each of thsss.
and a burden upon the public"
I He aald the Southern Pacific's
plana provide facilities for aH traf
fic of the Klamath territory, su
perior to those proposed hy tha-
Oregon Trunk without dedication.
. Eastern Service As Well.
Mr. Sproule asserted that tha
plana would give Oregon new
direct transcontinental line o the
This line he aald, would be ao lo
cated "on the one hand to serve
the greatest agricultural and tim
ber sections of Oregon, and cm the
other hand, provide a mld-contl-
nental rout giving direct aervlce to
the major part of the United
Stales." r
Mr. Sproule"! testimony with re
spect to the new main line east
from Oregon waa based on appli
cations of hla company for author
ity from the Interstate Commerce
commission to construct a Moo
from Klsmalh Falls, on the wear
Eugene-Klamath Falls line, easter
ly through the Tule Lake country
to the broad guaged Nevada".
fornla-Oregon railway at Al(ra,
thence via Ogden to the eaat Tha
Southern Paclflc'a line from Klam
ath Falls via Natron to Portland.
Mr. Sproule pointed out. la , JIT
miles less than to Portland la
Bend over the proposed Oregon
Truck line. He also cited compar-
Isnns ot dlstsnces I rom mapiaju
Fslls to Chicago. St Louis, 8t
Paul. Omaha, and Kansaa t.uv via
Bend and via Alturaa. '
Mr. Sproule a comparisons of rail
distances to eaatern points follow:
"To Chicago the. line via Bend
will be 2ns rallee longer by Great
Northern and 277 miles longer by
Northern Pacific.
"To 81. Louis the line via Bend
will be 681 miles longer by Great
Northern and 485 miles longer by
Northern Pacific.
, "To St. Paul, the Alturaa linn
will be 40 miles longer than the
Great Northern and 19 miles short
er than the No.-thern Pacific.
"To Omaha, the Alturaa line will '
he 4311 miles shorter than the North
ern Pacific by Hillings
' "To Ksnsas City, the Alturaa
line will be 3BX miles shorter than
the Northern Pacific via Billings."
Can Take Cars of AM Naads
"Locally. Snuthe.-n - Pacific pro
posals." said Mr. Sproule. "first
promote the natural development
of territory In Oregon on the . Nevada-California.
Oregon riillwsy In
cluding tha llmbeiwl nrens In the
Lakevlew basin; second, through
out taking an Interest in the Ore
gon, California and Eastern road,
those lines will be elxended to
make available the timber resourc
es tributary to the Spiague river
and the Williamson and Syran liv
ers; third, through the Natron cut-'
off. we will serve the Cascade and
Klamath region."
Regarding the Klamath Tule
Lskc-Alturua line, M.v Sproule
said; ,
"If the Oregon Trunk line la not
bnlli and if th replication of the
tl. C. A R. haa the approval of tha
commlaslun. there is no question
that the Htrithnrn line. In which
the Southern Pacific will hsve a
Joint Interest will rare properly
for all traffic needs In the timber
and valley country lying to the
northraat and east of Klamath Falls
and the Natron cut-off will car
for the remainder, excepting only
- (Continued on page I.) -