Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 03, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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1 -
Mlsa Rodlsy Visits
Miss Ruth Roillev. of tonkin.
RACE WORTH $15,000
How Columbus Conquered
Columns bad many discourage
ments before hit little fleet of
hip TO assembled and ready to
set tall but be persevered and
conquered one difficulty after an
other. The thrifty person conquers
extravagance and wins a com per
tenoe through persistent laTinc.
4A Interest Paid en livings '
Accounts, -
TlieRosebuiBNdtioiidl Bank
' (laurbbd fnn Utmi Win.)
PORTLAND." Ore., Oct. 3.
Market Notes) Dairy products oo the upward trend In
tbe local market with butter, eggs
and chees displaying firm un
nd cheese displaying a firm un-
Quotations on cube butter held
teady and unchanged during the
last session of the exchange. Oood
batter Is very scarce and In de
mand. Creamerymen, however,
however, do not anticipate any
change In print prices over the
week and..
- All klnda of fat prices hare
prevailed la the local territory
. daring the past week. The gen
eral quotation at shipping point
remalsa at 61 cents in xoaa one.
Delivered fats ranged aa high as
Si cents during the week.
Egga continue firm In the face
of large storage holding. Lo
cal dealers do not look for fresh
values to go ouch higher, feeling
that popular prices will prevail
In order to move heavy holdings
Into consumption. Fresh stocks
are scarce. Pewees were In de
mand and advanced a cent to 23
cents. Current receipt eggs also
dosed half cent higher on the
exchange. . .
Although business Is quiet In
tbe cheese markets offerings are
limited and the demand strong
even at the prevailing hljh levels.
Dealers have some difficulty ob
taining their full requirements.
No change in prices shown for the
week. Weakness in wheat has
resulted in further declines In
the flour market) Portland 'tail
lera reduced the entire list 20
(Cents a barrel today with Bakera
blues tern and pastry flour off 40
cents a barrel.
- Country dressed Teal was
allghtly eaaler at close of week.
Bulk, choice light calvea 17 to
17 i cents. Choice light hogs
Steady at 171 to 18 cents.
Poultry list generally firm and
unchanged. The local potato
market has steadied again after
the easier trend shown earlier In
the week. Wholesale prices are
around 12.00 to 2.25 for Bur
banks and $1.26 to $2.40 for
United States No. 1 gems. Buy
ing prices range from $1.60 to
$1.76 in the country.
The onion market closed steady
at aroynd $2.00 to $2.26. Buy
ing prices range around $1.60 In
.the country for good stock.
'". PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. S.
Wheat: B. B. B., hard white
$1.10; bard white, blue stem,
heart, soft white $1.28; western
white $1.7; hard winter $1.24:
northern spring $1.21; western
red $1.20.
Today's car receipts: wheat 71;
flour ; com 1; hay 0.
PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 2.
Livestock: receipts for week
cattle 4390, calves (76; hogs
4280; sheep 3650.
Cattle Receipts IS. Comper
ed week ago: steers 26 to 60
cents lower: aha stock and bulla
mostly steady; milk veal calves
steady to 60 cents higher; heavy
calves weak to 60 cents lower:
weeks bulk prices: beef steers
$8.76 to $8.00; cows and heifers
23.50 to $5.26: better grsdes cows
86.36 to $6.75; heifers up to
$6.60; tannera and cutters $1.50
to $1.26; bologna bulls $3.25 to
October 4
Who sril! sing at the Rally Day services at Christian Church
tomorrow at 9:4$ and 7:30.
$4.00: butchers up to $4.60: milk
veal calves $11.00 to $12.60: hea
vies and thina $5.00 to $8.60.
Hogs Compared week ago 2s
to 40 cents higher; weeks bulk
prices: light butchers $13.25 to
$13.60; top $13.65; heavies and
underweights $13 down; packing
sows $9.60 to $10.50; slaughter
pigs $1.60 to $12.60; feeder pigs
extremely scarce; a few at $13.25.
Sheep receipts 72. Nominally
steady with week ago; bulk of
week's run bought to arrive-, best
fat lambs qnotable up to $13:
yearlings $10.60 and ewes $7.00.
" PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. 3.
Eggs steady. Current receipts up
naif cent. Current receipt S7c;
pullets 35ie3c; firsts !839c;
extras 4243c
Butter firm. Extra cubes, city
65c; stsndsrds 50c; prime firsts
49c; firsts 4(c; undergrade!
nominal: printa 63c; cartons 64c.
Milk firm. Best churning cream
52c net shippers' track In sone 1.
Raw milk (4 per cent) $2.65 c.
w. t. f. o. b. Portland.
Poultry firm. Heavy hens 25c;
light 1516c; springs 262sc:
young white ducks 25c. I
Onions steady $1.35921.50.
Potatoes about steady, new
II. 60611. 75. Nuts steady. New
crop walnuts due In about week.
New crop almonds In from Cali
fornia. Walnuts No. l. 28631c:
filberts nominal; almonds 28
32c: Braill nuts 2428c; Italian
chestnuts 21c.
Hops quiet new crop clusters
2j26o; fuggles 28c. .
' Cascara Bark 'quiet. Nominal
at 67c; Oregon grape root nom
nal. v
Car of shingles received this
morning. Page Lumber A Fuel Co.
Phone 212.
T. H. Ness, treasurer of the
Roseburg Chamber of Commerce,
has been appointed by the loty
chamber as Its representative at
the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion hearing In Portland. The hear
ing, which starts next week. Is to
determine the status of the rail
road situation in Oregon, and It is
expected that a strong fight will
be msde for an east and west rail
road In which Roseburg is natural
ly vitally interested.
(Continued from page 1.)
ine's side and tbe position of her
There can be no reasonable
doubt, he asserts, that the steam
ship saw the submarine's light
from a distance of at least ten
Memorial services for the offi
cers and men who went down on
the S-51, will be held at the base
theater tomorrow morning. A
large wreath Is to occupy a prom
inent place on the rostrum. Chap
lani A. R. Parker, assisted by a
choir from the navy personnel,
will conduct tbe services.
Beat with gaa.
Class., spent the morning here -r
visiting with friends and shop
ping. In Tni1. !
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Drown,
of Melrose, motored here this af
ternoon and spent a few hours
Tisiung ana on Business.
Left For Portland
Mrs. B. W. Bates, who has been
home for the past few days visit
ing with her family, returned to
Portland yeste.-dsy afternoon. -
Mlsa Sellers In
Miss Helen Sellers, or Myrtle
Creek, spent the morning here
visiting and chopping, returning
to her home this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ileane Ylxlt
Prof, and Mrs. G. LL. Bcane,
of Sutlu'rlln, are spending the
day in Roaeburg greeting friends
and looking after business mat
ters. ,
Visitor In Town .
George T. Frater, of Riddle, Is
spending a few hours here today
visiting friends and transacting
.4. i
From Glide
Among those from points east or
town to visit and shop In Roseburg
ror a few hours today were Mrs.
W. D. Bates and daughter, Ada.
of Glide. .
Visitor In City
Mrs. Stenseth, and sun Olgtr.
of Yoncalla, were among the out
of town visitors this afternoon,
and spent a short time shopping
and on business. -
Spend Day Here
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grafr, of Ta
coma. Wash., spent yesterday In
this city, Mr- Graff calling on busi
ness associates. They left tills
morning for southern polnlB.
Pass Through City
Mr. and Mrs .Fred A. Gribbs.
Portland residents wlio are well
known here, passed through Rose
burg this afternoon on their way
to California by auto.
In Town '
Mr. and Mrs. H. Krogel and
family, of South Deer Creek, mo
tored here and spent the after
noon shopping and visiting some
In Today
Prof, and Mrs. O. L. Beane,
ter, Agnes, of Canyonville, return
ed to their borne this afternoon
after looking after business mat
ters here today, q
To Glendale
Vlrglt Winkleman returned to
his home lit Glendale this moruiui;
after attending, to business matters
here yesterday. Mr. Winkleman
Is general foreman of the Southern
Pacific yards In Glenilalc.
Visits Here
E. L Meyers, of Woodstock.
Kans., was a guest of Mrs. Cora
Cloud. .his wife's sister, for a tew
days this week. Mr, Meyers has
been looking over western land,
and is now returning home, by way
of Seattle.
Former Resident H
C. C. Weaver, of Oakland. Cali
fornia, former resident, and well
known here. Is spending a week or
so visltin gwith friends, and with
his lather, J. N. Weaver. Mr. Wea
ver Is also looking after property
Interests at Roberts Creek white
The committee named for flow
ers exchange sale to be held on tbe
16th and 17th or October Is as fol
lows: Mrs. Foster Butner, chair
man. Mesriames Washington
Hughes. V. 11. Morgan. Walter
Good, Lewis Kohlhagen. E. A.
Pettey, c. H. Bailey. The commit
tee will meet next week for final
Louise Watson Injured
Louise, the smnll daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrley Watson, of
this city, was injured in a full
two days ago, according to a mes
sage received by Mr. Watson yes
terday from his wife, who with
ber children are visiting Mr. Wat
son's mother In Los Angeles. Ac
cording to word received here to
day she la improved,
Mrs. Warnoct: to Speak
Mrs. Ida Warnork, of Nanagus,
Central America, will speak at the
Baptists church Monday. October 6,
at 3 p. m. Mrs. Warnork Is return
ing to her work In Central America,
after a furlough spent in the
states. She will hare an Intereat
Ing message from a needy mission
field, and all women of the mis
sionary society and church are In
vited to attend."
Guests at Pinkorton Home
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Moore, of
Burlington, Wash., have been
j guests for the part two weeks of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. I'lnkerton. at
' their home on South Deer Creek.
Together the party motored to Ha
j lem, where tbey spent the week
'attending the state fair. Mr. and
Mrs. Moore returned home, and Mr.
; and Mrs. Pinkerton visited frtemts
j In the Willamette Valley before re
; turning home today.
I New Residents Here
Among the new residents of Rose.
I burg are Rev. and Mrs. A. Mc
' Cllntock. who recently came from
I northern California to make their
j home here. - Rev. McCllntock has
j been a minister for the past sixty
, years, serving his church In Iowa.
Missouri. South Dakota. Wsshing
j ton and Oregon. Rev. McCllntock.
; who Is 88 years old, suffered a
; slight paralytic stroke some time
' ago, and Is hoping that the climate
here will prove beneficial. Ills
; son, J. E. McCllntock and daugh
ter, Mrs. Nichols, are well known
'resident! of Roseburg. :
) (A-nrUIrt nna Lcunl Win.) e)
King Nadl. with Sande up,
won the Latonia championship
stakes, $ 13.0m) sdded al I .a-
tonia today. Old Slip was
e second ami Drowsy Waters,
third. Four" horses starttd.
Time for ihe mile and three-
quarters was 3:06 3 5.
Mr. Parker In
L. G. Parker motored from Dlx
onville today and transacted busi
ness in this city for a few hours.
. Car of shingles received this
morning. I'age Lumber & Fuel Co.
Phone 243
In Today
Remmlrk Fate, Myrtle Creek res
ident, is spending . the day here
visiting with frieuds and attending
to. business matters.
To Visit Brother ' '
Mrs. fl. W. Paulsen, of this' city,
will leave today to siieiid a few
days visiting her brother, who re
sides gear Mllo.
Visitors In Town
Mrs. Stron? and daughter. Zonr
bla, returned to their home at. Myr
tle Creek this afternoon after at
tending To business affairs here
Ihia morning. ,
In Today
Mr. anil Mrs. T .T T.ulv nml
daughter, Depha, of Yoncalla. spene
a lew nours nere touay shopping
and transacting business. -j
Visitors Today
. Mrs. Manley and daughter, An
na May, of Canyonville, spent a
few hours here this morning shop
ping and on business.
Business Visitor
Among the out of town visitors
to attend to business matters for
a few hours here today was O. A.
Klrby, of Myrtle Creek.
(Aimc-tated Pre losrd Win.)
LAKEHURST. N. J., Oct.' 3.
The Shenandoah naval court of
Inquiry Is to give immediate at
tention to tbe question of whether
niuine attaches to Commander
Zachary Lansdowue. -captuin or
the airship.' for the disaster' whlrh'
cost blQllfo and lhat of 13 other
.This was derided on at nh
overnight conference between the
court and Judge Advocate Foley.
This pha-'e of the Inquiry will
delay until Monday the winding
up of the hearing here and the
removal to Washington.
An opinion that a primary
cause of the wreck was the failure
of the officers in charge to ob
serve olivions danger signals has
been given by Cnptain Anton llel--nen,
a former (iermnn Zeppelin
pilot. He Is regarded lti navy
airship circles as one of the ablest
of dirigible pilots.
His theory finds some Indirect
I support In the testimony of l.leu-
tenant Joseph It. Anderson, aero
ilogiat on the Shenandoah, that
Iwtien he saw storm clouds mov
ing in opposite direction In the
wind In which the airship was
bucking, he advised a rhnnge of
course to the south and Com
mander Lansdowne Ignored that
PORT' ARTHUR, Tex., Oct. 3.
Opinion that the ill-fated Shenan
doah would collapse exactly as It
did collapse. If It encountered a
line squall was expressed by Com
mand' r Zachary lansdowne to
Captain George J. Meyers In com
mand of the airship tender U. S.
S. Patoka, Captain Meyers said
here last night. The Patoka was
in harbor here.
When shown press dispatches
concerning the Shenandoah In
quiry he expressed Indignation
that Commander Lansdowne
should be blamed for tbe disaster.
"He discussed with me on more
than one occasion the danger to
the Shenandoah from line squalls
and thunderstorms," Captain Mey
ers said. "At our last conference
on August 15. aboard the Patoka'
Commander I,ansdowne expressed
himself as against the proposed
trip of the Shenandoah to state
fairs In the middle west."
Me Is Panned.'
LAKEIll'ItST, N. J., Oct. 3.
A personal agalnt James Work,
chief draftsman at the naval sta
tion here, because of Ms use of
the word "liar" yesterday In his
testimony, was made before She
nandoah naval court of Inunlry
hero todny by Captain Anton Hel
nen. former. German Zeppelin
Telling the court that Work's
Life Insurance
The Aetna Life Insurance
Company, the strongest Mul
tiple Line Company In Ihe
world, has an exceptional
opening In this territory for
District Representative. Ev
ery opportunity for advance
ment and success will be
given to chosen appllrsnt
Address, J. E. S. Duchanan,
General Agent, Aetna Lite In
surance Company, Portland,
L. F. t. club
e Season's opening dance e
Tuesday. October 6th, K. P.
Hall. Dancing 8 p. m.
statement that he had accused
the bureau of naval aeronautics
at Washington In connection with
the disaster could not be sustain
ed, he arked the protection or the
court In ftie matter, and added:
"I will tell him I am going to
fight and I will show him that
I am able to do so."
After an executive session the
court announced that the testi
mony of Work to which Ilelnen
ohjectcd, would he stricken from
the record as Irrelevant and un
necessary. Men's suits Cleaned and pressed,
$1.50. Roseburg Cleaners, phons
It teaches the Bible, builds char
acter, cultures the sense of right,
tries to direct the people to God
and righteousness. Rally Day to
morrow. You are Invited. 9:46
a. m.
Strangers and newcomers In this
community are specially Invited to
the Rally Day services at the Bap
tist church tomorrow. Begin with
the Sunday school at 9:45 a.' m.
"Niitlves" who are strangers to the
church are Invited. Try coming,
and sen bow good it makes you
Cook with gas.
Harry MK'lellan. who recently
returned to noseburg arter an ab
sence of several years, has ac
cepted a position as desk clerk at
the (l:snd Hotel ,and Is entering
noon his duties there at once. Mr.
MrClellsn conducted a hotel in
Rnsebttrg for a number of years be
fore going to Marshfleld where he
was employed In the Chandler ho
tel until recently, when be resign
ed In order to return to Ilosibtirg.
Ilerause of his long association
with the hotel C"",n,'" he Is well
acquainted with the needs and de
sires of the traveling public, and
will be a valuable aide at the
Grand Hotel.
The Ilexall one-cent sale starts
Thursday, October , and will con
tinue for three days.
Essy sailing to economy. A short
cut to thrift for the person who
reads the classified ails.
Hairs Catarrh
h rid your system of Catarrh of Deaf
ness caused by Catarrh.
P.J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio
The new winter Red Crown gasoline is especially refined to give '
. motorists the utmost in quick starting and mileage in cold weather
driving. Now on sale from the red, white and blue pumps at Standard
Oil Service Stations and dealers.
Three of the first string Oregon
Agricultural College men will bo ,.r lha Una fit. Ih. rnntholl
gsms this afternoon with Wlllam-!
ette university. Jim Dixon Is still
I In the hospital nursing an Injured
knre. Hnlejiaa a broken rib, and
Is out of the play for a few days;
and Fallls is out for the season.
Three complete teams will be
used by Coach Schlssler for the
game. The showing by these teems
will determine the first stringers
for Ihe Gonzaga game next Friday.
Today's Games.
ball games on the Pacific coast to
day are as follows: '
At llerkeley California vs. Ne
vada. At Palo Alto Stanford vs. Santa
I At Pontile (double header)
Washington vs. West Seattle A. C,
and II. S. S. Oklahoma.
At Corvallls Oregon Aggies vs.
1 Willamette.
At Spokane Gonzaga vs. Mount
St. Charles.
I At Missoula Montana vs. Wash
ington Stale.
At Los Angeles Southern Cali
fornia vs. Pomona: California,
Southern branch vs. La Verne.
At San Francisco St. Mary's vs.
At Eugene Oregon vs. Muiino
mah Club.
Band Beats Redmond.
REND, Ore., Oct. 3 Ilend high
school won the annual county fair
day football game from Redmond
yesterday by a score of 7 to . The
game was played on the county
fair ground field ar.d Itedmond
fslled to kirk goal after the lone
Cook with gaa.
Frank I,. Moore, Jr., son of Rev.
Frank Moore, of Klamath Falls,
pleaded guilty Thursday to a charge
of possession of Intoxicating Ibpior
and was fined I20O by Justice of the
Peace Kd Kendal. One or two oilier
charges against Moore, transporta
tion or liquor will be dismissed.
Distrct Attorney E. L Elliott said.
A charge or breaking glass on the
j psvemeut will be held over Mooro
, pending his good behavolr.
The Rev. Moore referred to In
the above dispatch was located In
Roseburg for a short time nnrn
, ber of years ago.
Car of shingles received this
morning Tsge Lumber A Fuel Co i
III Oil.
Secretarial, Stenographic, or Bookkeeping Course
Enroll Today It's a Oood School , ,
A. E. ROBERTS, President
992 Willamette St - Phone 666 . Eugene, Oregon
Action brought by Ulysses
Flournoy and Nellie Flournoy
against Eugene to clear title to a
strip of land at the south end of
F,"rrT 1 ire
near the millrare
Inncned In circuit court this morn. I
, i . - .ii. ..
lii Bun laie linn
afternoon . was
still underlay. R. 8. Rolfe aa In
tervennr In the case, having taken
It up when It was alleged the city
did not take steps for a defense.
Weft t1' flmlth niwrf InT tha In.
tervennr and H. B. 81attery ror'
the plslntlffs. The Intcrvenor con-
tends that the land Is a part of,' Batteries: Willis. uinn. "royea
Ferry street.' The plaintiffs claim na Perkins: H. Johnson. Shields
ownership through a lonn term of,n Bengough. ' .
years as occupants, both by them
selves and others who held the
deed to the property since 1870.
Eugene Register.
GRIGGS To Mrs. Jusnlta Griggs
or Riddle, Ore., at Smedberg sani
tarium at 9 1-2 pound daughter, the
third child. Coos Hay Times.
AUSTIN To Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam M. Austin, Saturday, October
3, at their home here, a girl.
1 (Aanrllteil Prsfl UuM Whs.)
ternal Revenue Collector John P.
Mcljvjghlln's agents hsve their
i Ry today, d.OOO San Francisco,
''"inenta win lose tneir saturnay
"ay checks for failure to pay their
Income taxes for 1923 1924. Tweaty
''PUty collectors started out yes-
terday with writs calling for the
: attachment of salaries or other
I personal property to meet Ihe be-
Inted tar
ill saMvi) if
(AMnetettd rna Ined Wu.)
American League.
NEW YORK. OcL I. Babe Ruth
and Bob Meusel of the Yankees
'hi. .HMB.aln knma rani In tha
hit successive home runs la the
fifth Inning of loday'a game with
the Athletics. It waa Ruth's !5th '
circuit clout of the year and
Meusel's 33rd. Tbe score:
R. H. E.
t 11 0
National Lragwet
At Philadelphia' first game)
R.- H. E.
New York 1 4 1
Philadelphia ........ 8 10 0
Batteries: Harnea and Sny
der; Carlson and Wilson.
At Philadelphia: (Second game.)
R. H. E.
New York 0 9 1
Philadelphia 1 5 X
flatteries: Fttislmmons and Mc
Mullsn: Ulrirh and Henline.
At Brooklyn: ' R. H. B.
Host on 5 10 0
Brooklyn 1 ID 1
Batteries: Cooney and O'Neill
Petty, Cantrell and Hargreavea.
Yesterday's Scores.
At Portland 9: Salt Lake 1J.
At Los Angeles 0; Ran Francis
co 1.
At Seattle : Sacramento I.
At Oakland 8; Vernon S.
Car of shingles received Mile
morning. Page Lumber A Fuel Co.
Phono 142.
Cook with ran.