Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 02, 1925, Page 2, Image 2

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- -it
teaaiea? Dally Itwpt Sunday
Mt ! IW
TH AwckM Prsss la exclualYsly entiU to the nt for repnbll
. setlon of All aws dispatches erdlt4 to It Of not olaarwise crlit4
- la this papsr u4 to all local un published bsrsia. AU Mabta ( re-
- aublitallua el auaolat dtapatcbae herela ara alao raaarrad.
kiolured as avcoad clas matter
' " Botebun, Orefon, nnder
OaJIx. par year, by mall.
Malic, six aontka. by aaaJL.
T. Daily, three months, by mall
Dally., elacle amnio, by nalU
bally.- by carrier, par nontb-
Weekly News Kerlew, by mall, par
; ; . VtWith the coming of fall weather cool nights and morn-
in and a dampness in the air that demands warmer
. wearing apparel to keep the body protected from the ele
! mcnts also comes that ailment particularly fitted to per
" sons of indolent ways, the "dumps." Their pace is consider-
ably checked in contrast to their "speed" on a bright, mid
; summer day when the sun's rays are of sufficient strength
to bear them to and from their daily labors. In other words,
many people, like certain wild beasts, practically hibernate
- for.the winter, so far as their usual activities are concerned,
- iinfj take on a slow, easy-going, don't-care mode of living un-
til Fpring is announced by the feathered flock.
I . All this may be due to a sort of relaxation brought about
l. by a sudden change in climatic conditions which sort of con
; geals the blood in one's body and causes him to slacken his
; pad for a brief interval. But, with some people the "mania"
prevails for the entire duration of fall and winter and their
j efforts are greatly slackened for the accomplishment of im-
por.tStnt tasks that require alertness to carry forward. There
l fore, they are only half efficient during a twelve month per
'. iod. Jn other words, the fellow who can throw off the
'. , "dumps" and take on new life with each period of the four
' seasons is the individual who really accomplishes things
worth while and forges ahead with a noticeable degree of
; effectiveness, adding to his store of health and success in
J the4usiness world. The habit of idleness and a person's de
, for rest and ease during business hours is very easy to
acquire and the person who is spurred only by necessity to
'. perform his daily duties does so at a risk of acquiring ill
- hwilth and performing only a half service to his profession,
t his family and the community.
I Adding to the state of mind in question is the close rival,
5 "Slouch," which invariably fastens itself to the "dumpy"
f Person forming a combination that outrivals the bear fam
'ily and makes a most unhappy combination in the home iuid
j business. ' " , p t . ' , ' ! :
i The French war debt
J United States to arrange for the payment of $1,200,000,000,
' -tr 4s now on its way back home after making terms to pay
IHe last nine' figures in five years,' that is if the home gov
" ernment puts its O. K. on the transaction. As to the remain
' ing four billions, we are assured that there will be "further
rouversations" on the subjoct. Money is a great talker, it
is generally admitted, but these astute French financiers
don't propose to let it speak too rapidly in funding the
rmount due Uncle Sam. Rapid speech is deplored anyway
.' by Minister Caillaux, the French spokesman, who told would
be interviewers on his arrival here that "Americans talk so
. fast they swallow their words." The opinion is warranted,
however, that Mr. Caillaux must have done some very nifty
talking himself during the debt conference to put over such
a makeshift for a settlement as he did this week at Wash-
2 ' - . " o 1
i ,
... Persons of high intelligence are more dangerous as nu
tomobilo drivers than people of lower mentality, according
, tD report of Dr. Bingham of Ncv York, of the Personnel
Research foundation. He apparently feels that they get
'tfiir minds so . much on the problems with which their
thought is occupied, thr.l they may forget what they are do
ling while driving a car. This statement is probably so back
' edTwith statistics that it must be accepted as correct How
; ever, the possession of a sense of obligation and responsibil
;ity is a big factor in avoiding accidents. The "I don't care"
crowd are responsible for many smash-ups. Dr. Bingham's
statement should be a warning to people of high intelligence,
that. they must forget the big questions that occupy their
.minds when they get behind a steering wheel, and devote
. themselves simply to the job they have on hand.
A prominent beauty expert delights us with the pro
" phecy that the decently dressed, sweet, modest, 1 sensible,
long-haired lass of former days is soon to displace the mo
"dcrn, scantily chid, bobbed hair "dumbell." Now how about
;the patent leather haired, balloon-trousered, jazz-mad, shiek
- inclined collar advertisement? Is he to be changed into an
'industrious, sensibly clad, responsible citizen? Speed the
1 day of miracles,
rr o
2 As an added attraction to the public school system in
I this city we would auirgrst a course of study that would en
I.courage pupils to buy nt home, rather than flirting with a
; miscellaneous lot of mail order concerns for their various
needs. Where else could the virtue be better established?
Z o
Judging from the activity of the Roseburg Woman's
IClub this organization is going to be a mighty factor in the
1 upbuilding and betterment of Roseburg in many ways. .
f. : The Umpfma Chiefs and their squaw are at the State
Fair today. And, we'll bet the feathered tribe is making a
-vondcrful showing.
!.' It was a sight to behold the departure of tho Indians
for the State Fair at five o'clock this morning.
- 4The fe'low who advertises never worries about an
Today is a sample of real Oregon State Fair weather.
by Th Haw-Review Ce.. Ine.
muM ri na
Preldent and Manager
May 17, 1I0. at the post office at
the Act of March t, 1871.
. J OS
. 1.0
. .M
. -M
. 1M
commission came over ' to
Statues of McLaughlin and
Jason Lee Desired in,
Halt of Fame at
EUGENE, Ore., Oct. 2. The
prvpoaala for the ualfkatioa of
the Metbodist hplncupal church
and the Methodist church, South,
and for admitting layman In an
nual conference ou equal battla
witb niluiatera were both unanim
ously passed by the luymen of the
seventy-third annual contereuce
of the Methodist Episcopal church
of Oregon, In session tula morn
ing. Karorable action on both meas
ures was taken by the ministers
in regular eession yesterday.
The only other business trans
acted by the laymen was the elec
tion of E. L. Welia of Portland,
chairman and A. J. Geddes, of
Hoseburg, secretary..
At the regular conference ses
sion this momiug, the report an
religious educational work In the
state was given by F. M. Jasper,
superintendent. A. series of 13
schools had been established dur
ing the year be reported, nine of
them six day schools and four
10 days schools. Several sug
gestions tor this : work . were
An objection to the report of
the religious educational body was
made by Itev, G. A. Gray, ut Ilea
verton, who said that the work
was getting to be religious and
not especially Christian and that
the modernists are advancing.
Rev. Uray ia a tunuamentallst.
Several important phusea of
religious education were brought
out by K. C. Hickman, Chairman
(of the committee on religious edu
X week of religious education
to get facts before the church
members was recommended, as
was leadership training. '
Week day religious training was
strongly urged, and dally vaca
tlonal bible schools were recom
mended. Hpeclal attention should
ulno be paid to the adolescent pur
led of youth, the speaker said.
"At 16, choices are made for 00.
Unless we can give a new vitality
to our present line of procedure,
or devise some new approach lo
the task, what la there to war
rant the bona that we shall suc
ceed in building the present geo
eratlou of youth Into the mind
and character of Christ?" I .
. Memoriala Urged. ' ,
'EUGENE, Ore., Oct. 2. The
Mi'thodist conference of Oregon, In
aesatun. bere. lute . yesterilii. inau-
uratcd a movement to arouse pub
ic seiitiu'icutlo coiiiperthe OreKun
legislature to fulfill lis promise
mada in 1921 designating Dr. John
Mclaughlin and Key. Janson Lcn,
early pioneers of the Oregon
country, as subjects for statues In
the hall of fame In the capitol at
Washington, U. C.
Following a spech by Jay Upton,
a resolution was presented and
adopted concerning tho subject.
The resolution follows:
"Whereas, the leKlxlative assem
bly of Oregon did at its regular
session of denlgnute Ir. John
McLaughlin and Rev. Jason ben,
for the distinguished honor of hav
ing their statues placrd in the hall
of fame In the nalional eapltol at
Washington, 1). C. as representa
tives of the Slate of Oregon, and
"Whereas the State of Oregon
has taken no steps to secure such
statues or provide funds therefor,
"Whereas, It would seem partic
ularly appropriate that this confer
ence should heartily endorse the
Inaugural Inn of a movement to
arouse public sentiment looking to
the carrying out of the expressed
choir of the people of Oregon In
asmuch as one of said men so se
lected was a member of our church
and the first Methodist missionary
in the Oregon country; now, there
fore, be It
'Resolved, that this matter be
referred to the conference hlslorl
cal committee, whose duty It will
be to Initiate and iindertuke plans
and means of Increasing an appre
clailve and effective public con
science among the people of Ore-
eon that will bring about a sutri-
rleitt appropriation from this stale
to Insure the making' of suitable,
statues of Dr. Julio Mrljuighlln
and Hev. Jason Lee and the plac
ing of same in the hall of fame.
(Signed) ''Frank James.
"C. O. McCullwk.
"O. II. llnrrlson.
"John Parson."
Christian Paaant Shown.
The progress of Christianity In
the West, from the time of Ihe
coming of Jann Lee to the prcs'0t
day, was depicted In "the light of
Ihe trail." a colorful pageant pre
senter! by the students of Willam
ette University at the Methodist
Kptacnnal church last night, as a
psrt of the pros rum of the 73rd an
nual slate conference of the
The pageant was directed by
I'rnfeaanr Robert Moullon tialke,
assisted by 1'rofessor W. 11. llert
sog. Strang Visiting Hera
Mrs. Charh's Strang, anil ilauab
t.T. Miss Helen Strang, of Medford.
are enemllng the week her visiting
lth Mr. W. t Small. Mrs. Strang
is mother of Frwlj Strang, and will
visit he and Mrs. Strang nn Iheir
return from Ihe stale lair al Sa
lem. Mr. Charles Strang has eon
tkirtd a drug store In .Medtonl fcr
a nunile'r of years.
L. p. T. CLUB
Season's opening lanre
Twsilsy, Oclober filh. K. P. '
llsll Dancing p. m. j
X State Press Comment X
Frew Tea Hooka.
Tha annual agitation to tore
the state Into tha school book
publishing ' business to supply
free teit-booka to public school
pupils ia underway, stimulated by
tha increased cost of text-books.
caused by Increased cost of pub
lication, higher prices for ma
terial and labor since tba old
contracts with publishers, now ex
pired, were made.
For the state to supply tha
books free of coat, would be a
fine thing for the man wltb a large
family, but It would simply shift
the burden on the taxpayer ' and
stiU further Increase taxes. More
over, the state could not publish
the books as cheaply as private
publishers, for few things the
state does are done efficiently,
and state printing has usually
been s source of graft and poli
tical patronage.
Free text books are another
manifestation of the bureaucratic
paternalism which la undermining
self-reliance and independence
and making us wards of tba state,
as we drift towards the bread and
circus stage of ancient Rome. One
by one, we seek to escape our re
sponsibilities by shoving our bur
dens onto the state.
Yet, even with free text books
the parents would still be paying
(or school books, aa well as for
supervising bureaucracy, not di
rectly, but indirectly, In Increas
ed cost of living Imposed by those
upon whom the burden of taxa
tion falls. Salem Journal.
Ihniglas Slighted.
Governor Pierre told the Lane
county people the other day that
they had the best county fair be
had visited. The governor should
revise bis speech occasionally.
That Is what he told the people
at Gresham and at Albany and at
probably the other SO odd coun
ties that hold fairs. CorvaUls
Exit Highway Billboard.
The campaign to ellmiaate the
commercial billboard from the
public highways ia securing in
creasing support from Ike ad ver
niers who have used them in the
past. A recent report shows that
more than 100 leading outdoor
advertisers have joined the ranks
of the billboard retorme.i. The
plan if not to establish al. bill
boards, but only those man nr
the American landscape and ob
structing scenic views. , i
Thirty-six organizations, many
of them of national scope, have
Indorsed the movement to keep
the highways beautiful by doing
away with the obtruding bill
boards. One of the sa represents
45 subsidiary organisations, all o
which are working together In
this common purpose. In addi
tion the federated women's clubs
of 2 S states are back of the pro
gram. ,
One concern in Maine aanoul?
cos that it will no longer handicap
the beauty of the state's highways
with signboards and haa remov
ed and destroyed 200 aigns. The
roncorn took this step voluntarily.
as 95 ner cent of Its signs were
on private property and did not
come within the scope of the state
law barring them from public
rights of way.
Other Interstate and Interna
tional billboard advertisers are
taking down their signs or have
promised to do so as soon as pre
sent contracts for their use ex
pire. Progressive concerns are
doing this as a matter of good
business. Spokane itevlow.
General llutler (Uvea It I' p.
General Smedley D. llutler wa
famous as a devil hound and a
leader of devil hounds when, 20
months ago, he blithly set about
the task of cleaning up the staid
city of Philadelphia, at Ihe behest
of Freeland Kendrlck. Ita mayor.
Now the general confesses that
he has found the Quaker city
rather more devellah than any
thing that had come within the
scope of his experience as a ma
rine, and he frankly confesses
that he has not cleaned up the
city because he cannot. He will
retire from the head of the police
department at the end of the
present year.
General Butler has brought
about a definite and substantial
lessening of crime In Philadel
phia, a shown by the record.
A short vamp, high
arch model makes
yourfoot look smal
ler for the man
who wants a smart
style ol the times.
Mtat and FUh Saacvf
IT IS food plan to keep list
of sauces at band wltb the reci
pe for preparing tbeas. A very
plain homely dish becomes some
thing quite stylish when dressed
with an appropriate sauce.
Everybody makes the white sauce
use two tablespooBfals ol bab
bling hat batter to two taMeepoon
fills of flour, and when weH mixed
add a cupful ol aallk and cook until
thick. This eaace wltb a aUgiit
variation is the baala for asany
sauce. Tot a thinner sauce ta
biespoonfal each ot batter and
flour: for a thick sauce for era.
quettes use tour ot each. Brown
ing the butter and flobt make a
brown sauce. Wltb browned flour
a little more must be need to thick
en. Tot a keehasiet sauce use one
half cupful of white stock and' one
half cupful of cream; when ready
to serve stir in an egg. To prepare
the stock use chicken or veal, add
ing carrot, onion, bay leaf, parsley
sad peppercorn for flavor, and sea
soning. Orawa Butter tsuee. Melt one
half of a tblrd of a cupful of butter,
add three tablespoonfuls of flour,
one-half teaspoonful of salt, one
eighth of a teaspoonful of pepper
and gradually one and one-half cup
fuls of hot water. Boll five min
utes and add the remaining butter
In small plecee. Serve wltb baked
or boiled Bah.
For caper sauce, add to the
drawn butter sauce one-halt cupful
of caper drained from their liquor.
Serve with boiled mutton.
Hollandaite Saucs. Wash half a
cupful o.' butter and divide Into
three parts; put one piece with one
half tabtespoonfu! ot vinegar or
lemon Juice and the yolks of two
egg. Set over boiling water and
stir constantly with n wire whisk.
Add a second piece ot butter, and
aa it thicken, tba tblrd; remove
from the Are and add salt and cay
enne. Sauce Bearnala I prepared
above wltb tb addition of a tea
spoonful eacb ot Saely chopped
parsley and fresh tarragon.
(ft. its. Wishi NwstMr Uatoe.)
But what be set out primarily
and principally to do he has been
"ihle to do. That waa to make
1-uiladelphla dry.
General llutler made plenty of
arrests for liquor law violations.
In the year preceding his assump
tion of office liquor-violation ar
rests were VI 3. In tbe first year
of his administration there were
5,757. Thus far this year they
are 6,080. Plainly, then. General
Butler has been dolsg hi part.
"But."' comment the general,
"prohibition enforcement under my
administration doesn't amount to a
row of pins!" And he cites that in
1928 there were 595 liquor law
convictions and thus far this year
only 213. Think of It! Arrests,
6.080; convictions, 212. And no
arreata were made, Ihe general
contends, except upon definite
and certain evidence. Legal tech
nicalities, "powerful influences"
and failure of the courts to co
operate are given by General But
ler as principal causes for the
failure. The reason, of course,
that these obstacles are permitted
to set prohibition enforcement at
naught Is that In Philadelphia,
which la a city very much wedded
to its wet Idols, there la no de
mand of public sentiment for a
stricter enforcement. And so Gen
eral Butler give It up. Eugene
Umbrella special, while they last
In all shades for Friday and Satur
day at 11 95. Marksbury Co.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah
Jane Spaugh will be held on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Bap
tist church. The son, who resides
In Florida, was unable to come to
Roseburg for the funeral service
and consequently the burial will oc
cur Sunday. Rev. H. L. Caldwell
will officiate and the body will be
taken to Looking Glass for inter
ment. Studeoaker bulla no yearly
The Fleetwood
(Associated Fnss Uurd Win.)
KUGKNE, Ore., Oct. J. Scrim
mage la strictly taboo at the Uni
versity of Oregon until after the
Multnomah game tomorrow after
noon o May ward field here. Yes
terday the Oregon nun went
through signal practice and a stiff
workout, but scrimmage was bar
red. Threa men out of the lineup be
cause of injuries was one cause.
Belief that the men will be fresher
and better prepared for the Port
land clubmen If they rest up a day
or so was the other.
' Al Sinclair, Ken Bailey and Jack
Bliss are out wltb Injured knees.
They will probably be back in the
lineup before the season progress
es far. however.
Vic WetxeU the 180 pound bait,
baa a Charley horse, but 1 expect
ed to play anyway.
The backfield this year looks
good, with the line yet to be test
ed. The Oregon fans are looking
forward eagerly to the Multnomah
game, which 1 expected to tell a
great deal of Oregon' prospects
for the season.
For prompt taxi service, city or
country tiipa. phone. 44.
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. The
White Sox today bad the mathe
matical chance of figuring in the
players' share of the World's Se
ries spoils by tying Detroit for
fourth place In the American lea
The Tigers, however, are sure
of finishing fourth for the best
the white Sox can do is to tie
them for that position. Each
team has two games to play and
the Bengals have a two game
margin on Chicago.
All hope of the Tiger over
taking the Browns disappeared
yesterday, when St. Louis won
from them 4 to 3. The Browns
may now lose their laBt two con
tests without relinquishing the
third rung.
Chicago's triumph over the In
dians, 3 to 0, marked' pitcher
Blankenshlp's seventeenth victory
of, the season.
, Wlngfleld limited the senators
to five blnglea while the Bed Sox
won, 3 to 1.
In the National leugue tho Phil
lies tagged a third setback ji the
HOLLYWOOD. Cal., Oct. 2.
Ben Turpin's long vigil at the
bedalde of his Invalided wife waa
at an end today. The motion
picture comedian abandoned his
work at the attidio Qiien Carrie
Lerateux Turpin became aerioualy
ill lust December, and the call of
tbe camera waa unheeded month
after month aa he cared fur the
woman who would accept no other
ministration but hf. Yestorday
death ended her oufforing. The
Turplns were married in ChfcRKu
about 13 years ago and Mrs. Tur
pin worked with her husband on
the legitimate stage and later tn
pictures. They were brought to
Hollywood tea years ago by Char
lie Chaplin.
Heat wittt gas.
Notice of sale )I governm-iit tln
br, UtuTal Land Office, Washing
ton. 1. C. Auk. IK, 193S. Notice Is
hfrhy stvvn tnt uhjet't i th
conditions and limitation of th
art of Jun 9, l'-'U 3H Htat.. 2tft.
February 2C. 1 9 1 (to 8UI.. 117'.).
and Jun 4, 1320 (41 Hint , and
pursuant ta departmental r-if illa
tions of April 14, W 1 1 3"
th fimlr on tb following landn
will b aoM October . l.'s at 10
o'clock a. no. at public auction at
th lTnitd titatea land office at
Ronebur, Oregon, to th hl(ht
bidder at not lea than the apprals
d valua aa shown by thia notice,
snle to bo uij,t to tha approval
of tha Secretary of the Interior Th
purcha.fl price, with an additional
rum of onr-ftfth of on per cent
thereof being commtaslone allowed,
must be deposited at time of sale,
money to be returnt-d If sal la not
approved, otherwis patent will Is
sue for the timber, which must be
removed within ten years. UkIs will
be reive1 from cltixens of the
I'ntted Htatea, associations of such
cltixcDS and corporation orsranis-d
under the laws of the United States,
or any stale, territory, or dtairtut
thereof only, t'oon application of a
qualified purrher, th timber on
anv lea-al subdivision will be of-
i fered separately before belna In-
ciuoea in any oi ler ii larurr
unit. T. If H . It. I W, Kefl. J5, KB 14
NKU. fir 13 M , T. is 8.. U. W.,
Sc. a, UK "4 NfcAi. fir W. cedar
4&S St.. none of th timber on their
sections to he sold tor lena then Ii
n.-r M. T. tn It. 11 W. Hev. i,
lot t. fir 3t m . lot T, fir so U , none
of th timber on this section tn be
sold for less than $:.S0 pr M T.
Ttt ft. It- ft W. See 31, NKJ N K,4,
fir 4&S V. NW4 NKM, fir 3.3 U,
SWU NK'4. fir ii XI.. K NKV
fir U., none of the timber on
this section to be sold for les than
11. IS ner M T. 1 n. K. I w .. leo. r
's. 8v. fir iroo M., cedar 4'M
iM., iK. HWU. Hr 70 ceUr 2 j
M.. FW4 pKH, fir r M, cedar 20
M . none of th timber on. this ser I
Ulon to be sold for less than $l.TS(
I per M. for the fir and 91 ner M. fori
I the redsr. T. It P. It. 7 W. He. 1.1
NW4 nv4. fir 1TM Vf , none of the
itUnbr aa this section to be sold for
l.a than 11 per L Tho. C. Havl '
4c Un; Com at last on r .
rk.,Uu thev mav
into hour of real pleasure when your home is
Heated by One of Our Living
Room Stoves
We are displaying aeveral style and at various
prices thia week. Come in and let us show you
these excellent value.
Churchill Hardware Company
The Iron Mongers
- Is recognized and noted for its ; .
Choice Full-Flavored
Tender Meats
Sold at Moderate Prices. Every day j
thrifty housewives are coming in person V.
or ordering by telephone our quality cuts ;:
at cut prices. v
Specials For
No. I Steer Beef Pot
Boiling Beef, lb. 10c
Cottage Hams, lb. 28c
Fancy Breakfast Bacon :..:.....:.....'.'. 40c
Fancy Milk Fed Veal Shoulder
Roast, lb 16c
All Steaks .....20c
North Side Market
Boyer Eros. Phone 280
S1 ) ) )
The kind of Dinnerware every woman is proud to
put on her taIe. '
Before you decide on your dinner set, see the beau-
tif ul patterns we have. ' J
Phone 25 1
The McCormick-Deering Tractor
Has a surplus of power.
It will enable you to plow better at this time of
the year when the ground is hard.
This tractor comes fully equipped. Being made by
the largest manufacturers of farm machinery in the
world, its repair service cannot be excelled. Their repu
tation is behind it. .
Let us tell you about the long time terms to re
sponsible buyers.
seem, can b turnect
Saturday Only
Roast, lb -12c t
e e sj ) j eeeeseee