Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 01, 1925, Page 4, Image 4

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they're Here, MEN
IrjThe New Styles for Fall
i: III
i :
.... -V B
... '
United Artisans dance In
Maccabee hall Thursday, Oc-
ttiber 1st. Everybody welcome.
Tlckrta 60 conn, ladles free.
' niTDAPKST, Oct 1. In contra-
d1..k.... i , . distinction to the. prevailing custom
f! V..,. "CIS. 11 " ,he "'""I countries to honor the
of the Oregon centra In which an ,, . ,h.. ., hrM.
S .-i"..l!L !.thin"""io)' monuments, the Hungarian.
maae u a pouu to nonor mose
anionic their living Toti'rana who
al and atate tubercalosla workers,
on methods of the health campaign,
and! methoda of conducting the
ChrlsUnaa aeal aale. October 8 la
the-date get for the conference.
Mr. Dwlght Anderson, ataff repre
sentative of the National Tubercu-
performed some act of valor In the
world war, by making them knlghta
of "The Order of Heroes."
Each knight la presented with
losla Association, New York, will "" 18" ot Decently 300
be the chief apeaker. assisted by """-"re. non commissioned of.
Mre. jgaldle Orr-Uunbar and Mr. flcT" "d ,-3"0 Privates were
Rowan Whealdon of the Oregon -"ghted by Admiral llorly, captain
general oi ine onier.
CINCINNATI, Oct 1. (A. P.)
Lately American historians have
been bombing the story of the
flight of Ile.-ijamtn Franklin's elec
tricity detecting kite. They have
attempted to relegate the legend
to the Junk heap of historical fal
lacies. Their claim' has been that,
had Franklin tried the experiment,
he would have been electrocuted
and burned to a crisp brown crust.
But a book haa been discovered,
piled with 12,000 other volumes In
a garage store room owned by the
Cincinnati public library, contain
ing a letter written by Franklin
himself on the experiment and Its
results. The volume la a compen
dium of many letters written by
Franklin and members of the Roy
al Scientific Society of London.
While the story handed down
placed the scene of the trial In the
tower of old Christ church In Phila
delphia, Franklin falls to mention
the locality. It Is also evident that
he had no Intention of- attracting
lightning to his kite, but that he
merely wanted to prove the pres
ence of electrical energy In the at
mosphere during a thunderstorm.
The letter waa written probably
in 1752. his observations and in
structions follow:
"Make a cross of (wo light strlns
ot ceuar. tne arma so long aa to
reach the four corners of a large
silk handkerchief when extended:
tie the comers of the handkerchief
to the extremities of the cross.
you have the body of a kite, which
Deing properly accommodated with
a tail, loops, and string, will rise
in the air, like those made of paper,
but thla, being silk, is fitted to bear
the wet and wind of a thunder gust
without tearing. To the ton of the
upngnt stock or the crosa Is to be
fixed a very aliarp pointed wire,
rising a foot or more above th
wood. To the end of the twine next
to the hand. Is to be tied a silk rib
bon, and where the silk and twine
Join a key may be fastened. This
kilo to be raised when a thunder
gust appears to be coming on, and
the person who holds the string
must stand within a door or win
dow or under some other covering,
so that the silk ribbon may not be
wet ar.d care must be taken that
the twine does not touch the frame
of the door or window.
"As soon as any of the thunder
clouds come over the kite, the
pointed wire will draw the electric
fire from them, and the kite, with
all the twine, will be electrified,
and the loose filaments of the
twine will stand out every way anil
be attracted by an approaching
finger. And when the rain hu
wot the kite and twine so that it
can conduct the electric fire free
ly, you win rind It stream out plen
tifully from tho key on the ap
proach of your knuckle. At this
key, a phlnl may be attached, and
from electric fire thus obtained,
spirits may be ignited and all the
other electric experiments be per
formed which are usually done by
a rubbed glass globe or tube, and
thereby the sameness of the elec
tric matter with that of lightning
completely demonstrated."
For prompt taxi service, city or
country trips. Phone 44.
Tuberculosis Association.
O. 3. Brown, chairman of the lo-caltf-ommlttee
on arrangements an
nounces that the Institute will he
held at the Houlh M. K. church U
Hose burg. Delegates from Klamaltr;
Jackson, Coos, Curry and Lane
counties are expecting to attend.
Details regarding program and at
tendance are being worked out,
and will be announced later.
Other Institutes are being held In
Oregon at Portland and at La-Qrand.-
Every candidate for knighthood
must show evidence of being an
Irreproachable Hungarian citizen.
Among the newly knighted veter
ans there was also a small boy
through whom the memory of his
dead father was honored. The
oHiige oc ine oruer represents ue
Hungaiian coat of arms.
Men's suits cleaned ana pressed,
$1.60. Itoseburg Cleaners, phons
It's a real pleasure
to travel by stage!
Speed with safety combined with scenic
beauty, comfortable statics and frciiucncv,
of service, stage travel is enjoyable at'
any season of the year.
We take the work out of travel and put
f Measure in. Ask your ticket office for a
iit of thm beautiful trips on, or in con
nection with, our lines.
Office at Terminal Hotel
Phons M6
303 North Jackson
The annual ft .-.Incus meeting and
election of the First Christian
church was held last night. The
reports of all of the various depart
ments were read, showing that the
church has made a substantial gain
during the year and that lis work
has been carried on In an efficient
manner. The pastor. Kev. 11. K.
Mow, offered a program for the
coming year, one of the outstanding
icaturca ot which is a revival to be
conducted during the month of No
vember by Kev. George Kellems.
one of the leading evangellata of
that faith.
Ill the election the officers chos
en were as follows: Dr. A ' le
IJllip, trustee; James Hutching
and Dr. It. A. Moon, elders; tiny
Itadahaujth, T. F. Kpplng and Jesse
Morris, deacons: Mrs. A. (). Hose.
Mrs. llelle Case, diacnnesses; It. A.
Wilson, financial secrelary: Vernon
Orr. treasurer; Mrs. I). E. Carr,
clerk: Mis. II. U lloucorlyMrs. l.
I!. Stanton, pianists: Ml" Jessie
tlllibs. assistant pianist; Charles V.
Stanton, song leader; Dr. It A. j
Moot.Oolhlc school superintendent. I
Following the business session j
Itev. Adanm. pastor of the chris
tian church of Collage drove, made j
an Interesting address on the suh-
jeci or success, urging Til II snp-
. . Your attention
is directed to the Union Oil
Company's great outdoor
campaign on behalf of the
National Safety Council.
Watch the Posters!
and Chemistry
plus ultra-modern refining facilities
have Combined in taking out the "knock1
and retaining the mighty power the
smoothness and the cleanness of Union
Millions have been spent by Eastern
"scientists in trying to approximate the
non-detonating quality which is inherently
Union. o
Because of this quality, motorists have
sought the Union Oil sigh since the time
of the first service stationso
Union Oil Service Stations
and Independent Dealers
of the First Class
Non -Detonating
Union Oil Company
of Calilornia v
Also Producers of Aristo Motor Oil
OHIMiON Atlltlcri.TL'RAt. COT,
I.KtiK. Corvallls. Ore,. Oct. 1.
lltirtitii llutinn. senior In commerce
and a member of Kit-ma l'hi Kpsl
Inn, whs elected president of Sig
ma Delta Chi. national professional
Journalistic fraternity. .Mr. llntton
has been prominent in Journalistic
activities on this campus.
Herbert Knibhs' novel. effects added greatly to the dra- of her brother, who la bitter toward
....... ..... !.. . -. . ,..u..R : maul- .tuun 01 me siory, ana lenns his liberator, hating been told that
who has crown nn In the - 1 1 ) , in ik. anii ............a . ' .. . v, ....
. . , ............ ... , r'"-mviwug.,unKP8BT iramea mm into prison.
....... ..,. ....-,.,.... ,,,,, . n,, ,,. , aiiainea in, me boy was rramed. but uot by
1 1 V , i I fur nun Ihm. .Inn. mn.l that : ........ I I . . . '
..... .... - - - ......... iMingesser. ine manner In which
is to avenge the murder ot his fos-j Director Ford and a huge com- the ace exposes and captures the
ter father, th only person from panD spent many weeks at Dodge, villain, who commits the first rob
n hom he can Temember having re-, nv., of ,nP Pyramid hery of air mail history, is one of
,,,-u n.iiu Mit-,ii. . vj areoo- ui.r inflinn reservation Iliminr ttlS t u several ntnrMI n nln lnNn.
wsnder, for history-making railroad -construe-i iP "The Sky Raider." allowing to
day at thsj Liberty theatre.
nnrt nl II,. n,..n,knr.l.ln t... .1... - "rvaillS, lire.. ( 1CI. 1 -
gram of work n.illlne.1 for lh '. '"'"'r.r . ' "''"r " Pl'dgMl to Mlg-
...i. k u .. ' 'ni
The evening was concluded with
a social time and the serving of re-
Idlsh this he had to
year over the trackless west. drmatlc story and which are skill-
ft The old man's death came one , ""n scenes that bear vitally on the
iglit In a fight luwlnst great odds fully Interwoven with his history of
j a hand of cJHlboys who hsd i the tinttOranscontlnental railroad,
threatened the nester. as they term-j George O'Hrlen. Madge Bel
ed him. In vain, and finally resorted lamy, Olndys Htilette. Cyril Chad-
to ambuscade and nun dc red hlnfjlck. "Ill Walling and Fred Koh-
The time of the atory is that . 'er head an extensive cast of siel-
many battlee oetwi-en the cattle
men and the man who came Into
the country to become a fanner.
Cannot Exist In th. Human Body If
You Will Use Trunk'a Prescription
This l'rc tcrlptlon does not ruin
the stomach. It does not depress tile
heart. Kat all the meni ard good I
food you wln while taking Trunk's
iTKsrripnon. contains no mrrrnry,
salicylate soda, oil wlnlergreen or
narcotics, but positively ovcren.nes
sny kind of rheumatism or gout on
earth. What more do you want?
It Is Impossible to get soiit.'tninff
holler. The greatest urlo arid sol
vent known and also a superior
liver medicine.
Tiunk's Prescription sells for
11.75 or S for only th.00 al Kuller.
i tun'S Reiall Drua Store.
psiion iraternnv nnrt Har
old Irwin was pledged to Sigma Chi
fraternity the second day of plcdg.
Ing. Tho total number of pltdftes
to men's finternliles Is now 31.
iviu uk-ii ie iniin Koseourg. .
" Antlers.
ti V.!"11 n,U,K C'n rfl "' ! One of the most picturesque aec
fl.f.0. Roseburg Cleaners, phone ,i r ih.. v...,i. i.
yervc-d as a background for the ex
rlor acenes in
m rlod fn the history of the country I lr players appearing in the Fox
mat was made exciting by the production to be shown at the Ant-
jlers theatre Sunday,
I o
m'i'i s'tiii r "
CI I M H f 1 lH V r'ox
TlNJ I II Jlllll .. VS7 Kord.
Monday and
Prune harvest Is over for another
year. Those who had prunes dried
are busy hauling them to market.
The UleuVary Sunday school bsd
election of officers aa Mrs. John
Iletts..who was superintendent and
Frank Belts, secretary, are moving
to Kosenurg for tne winter. Mrs.
j Fsnnle Hells waa chosen superln-
The rron '-" -.""- ! Tann Ne. e MZTl
minirrn iiiaina oi ine sir. t.aniain . . . "
"The Sky Raider." the Kncnre
picture which Inlrodures the
world's greatest living ace. Captain
Charles Nnngesser. to the screen
We sell woorens
Bernler he Tailor.
Liberty theatre.
tjy the yard.
S doors north
Karly daya in the far west have
conlrlbntcd some of the most stir
ring chapters In the history of 'i
rnlletl Slates, and It la of thl
erlod that "The Itldlo' Kid From
rowder River." Universal-Moot Olh
son production, coming to the Ant
lers theatre next Saturday deals.
Much of the material for the story
was obtained by research work In '
the big library at I'nlversal City, j
while the play Is Uken from Henrv 1
wnien was prooticeo ny w imam ;.' :: : nrolher Tohl.. s.m.i..
under the direction of John I '.. " . - nVm' I school ml-slonarv . , .h V.
sen. ine r rencn aviaior wtio .
brought down one hundred and five ! splendid talk,
planes during the .war. One dav. 1 tn Fltigerald Is home again
while paving tribute at the tomb ! "PendinB several weeks in
of the Unknown Soldier, the ace i California.
meeta an American girl tplaved by I wnotH days are here again. Miss
I In Roseburg Saturday, shopping
and attending the produce show.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison had
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Reus last Friday. They were
also sttendlng the produce show.
Mrs. Jsck Wesver had the mls-
rortune to .break her wrist last
Sunday ev.V She Is staying In
Roseburg for a few daya.
Harley Schaffenr and Frank
Bella are attending high school-,
this yy. O
A new family has moved Into onr
neighborhoodOLet as not forget to
call on them and Invite them to
Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Cooper ard
family attended services in Rose
burg last Sunday.. We missed
them In onr valley.
The Glengary W. C. T. V. met at
ihe home of Mrs. Earl Agee lsst
Wednesday afternoon. Quite a num
ber were present and Mrs. Agee
waa elected secretary and treasur-
nth the Washoe mountain
range of the Sierras towering In
the background, the long level
stretchea of sage brush desert roll
ing away to the foothills, the scenic
Mit in vpoonf intul vaportj
apply hly up DOMrila,
V VapoRub
Jacqueline tagan), who la trying to lol Thoroaa Is our teacher
I trace her brother. The captain ln' coming year.
j recognises him from hla picture aa
a flyer sentenced to twenty years
j In prison when his aviator's Inslg
I na waa found In Nungesser's en
(glne. a fact that nearly cost Nun-
gesser his life.
j In love with the beautiful Amer
1 caln. Nuncesser e;.ecu the release
Mrs. T. P. Cames Is very sick,
ner son and two boys are here on
a visit We hope she may recover
in a short time.
Miss Harriet Groves was a visit
or at the borne of Mrs. W. L. Nel
son of Roseburg, last week.
D. C. McGehey and family were
; 2 r! " aUhes
1 3:5LlnL