ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 29, 1925. Long Pants Suits for School Boys These School Suits are modeled after the styles Dad wears, and are very popular with many young . You want to b sure to see the groat variety f School Suits, Including Knicker Models, we are showing, and th prices are surprisingly popular with all purchasers. Harth's Toggery PLUMBINQ and HEATINO. Jobbing a 'Specialty See Us or Phone 407 Scott Bros. ' Cor, Main and Oak Streets "Shoot 'Em Alive" Whenever you go Kodak Hunting you "shoot 'em alive,' and K makes no difference whether Its a shady nook along a mountain stream, or the wild beast In his native lair that you "shoot," unless you get proper and efficient developing and printing of your film the effort has been in vain. ' We guarantee correct and professional developing and printing and our famous speedy . 8-Hour Service On All Developing and ' Printing of Your Film. - CLARK STUDIO, Cass St. Rosefowg Garage Official AAA Garage and Me chanical Service Station. . Free towing service in the 10-mile limit Special day storage rates with every requirement for your Automobile. Phone 408 116 N. Rose St Roseburg-Eugene Freight Co. Bonded and Insured Carriers In Connection with Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Daily Service to All Points North TERMINAL GARAGE Office Phone S93 . Res. Phone SOt-R For economical transportation and a REAL THRILL ride a new Streamline - Harley-Davidson Motorcycle The best yet See us for a demonstration. Harley-Davidson Sales Agency 324 W. Cass Street , Roseburg, Oregon PART! PARTS! PARTS ! We can give FAST SERVICE on all REPLACE MENT PARTS Wa have In stock a complete Una of CVL. HEAD GASKETS CONN. RO0 BEARINQ8 MOTOR VALVES PISTON RINGS PAN BELTS LIGHT BULBS BRAKE LINING SPARK PLUGS Terminal Garage A. P. MICELLI Phone 33 Main and Washington Sts. What Will They Do For You? If you buy a new1 suit, some hardware, furniture, : meat, or groceries from out-of-town dealers do you think those out-of-town merchants will help pave the streets of your town or contribute money towards making your town a better place in which to live? You know they will not, and you know that the money you give them can never be used for the benefit of yourself and your home. But you do know that money spent here remains here ( ' ; and is used for our own good. i Our merchants are a vital part and factor in the devel opment of this place. , ' ;-; ; , When You Bay Your Needs Here Your Money Stays Here All the Styles Are Here! Flares and drapes that ' give dis tinctive tone to the new Coats and Dresses See us first and let us prove it pays to trade in Roseburg and at ' this leading store. Fisher Better Service . ' Better Merchandise Best Way to Please a Woman Our Way Is to Offer Better i . BARGAINS IN ' MERCHANDISE That is our policy nnd our showing this Fall In Ladies' Suits, dresses, and Piece Goods are attractivs. I. ABRAHAM "THE SILK STORE" Toilet Goods Drug Sundries Hazelwood Ice Cream .. Confectionery Magazines STOREY ILES Hotel Umpqua ' Roseburg, Oregon BIG SAVING ON FURNITURE Housefurnishings of all kinds at a Tre mendous Discount while our sale is on. v Keep your Dollars In Roseburg where you get Real Valuea and Service. Powell's Furniture Store The Protex Arch Shoe for Women This shoe is a wonderful fitting shoe, with the built-up arch feature. ' Made in black kid and patent leather, with four button cut out, one strap, solid leather military heel, and combination last S. L. Kidder 213 N. Jackson St Roseburg, Ore. Keep Our Insurance Premiums in Oregon Pacific States Fire Insurance Co., of Portland, Ore. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co., of Portland, Ore. ' RELIABLE STOCK COMPANIES We write fire Ineurance and automobile Insurance In these two HOME insurance companies. Policies written in theee reliable Oregon eompanlee assure you of adequate protection and the money stays in Oregon. Millsap Auto Top Shop , . i Nothing Cheap But the Price ,.'! ....... n :.... '. ' " t '. i ' '. ! . Auto Tops, Seat Covert. Upholstering, Curtains and Repairing Seat Backs Cut for Sleeping In Your Car Looss Wheels Tightened $1.00 each . 521 N. Jackson Economy Market Phone 68 8heridan St. Market Phone 82 The Economy Market ( Geo. Kohlhagen ' Highest Class Fresh and Cured Meats Wholesale and Retail Fish and Poultry VeOyo LOANS TO FARMERS Loans may be paid eff any time after five years and the borrower may enjoy the unusual privilege of taking 33 years to repay his loan in installments. Douglas Abstract Co., Inc. YOU PHONE THE ORDER WE DELIVER THE GOODS If its In the line of Good Foods, we have evrythlnir you may want. All sorts of the best Fruits and Vegetables Just in from Garden and Orchard I Canned Goods of Every Kind Call us up g The Economy Grocery O Phone 63 NO USE TO ARGUE The Oregon Bakery is the most practical place of its kind in town. TRY OUR MOTHERS BREAD OR SOME OF OUR PASTRY ' You will be satisfied to come again. Phone in your order if um(ble to come in person or tend down. Oregon Bakery 231 N. Jackson Si. . . Phone 241 Is There With the A : Finish ' But his rscords are not more mar- valoua than the rtcordt of -?HkT7 : Seiberling- RIGHT HERE IN ROSEBURG Highway Service Co. Roseburg-Portland Auto Freight INSURED AND BONDED CARRIERS Through Over-Night Service . Lsavss Daily Excspt Sundays Roseburg P. M. Portland, t P. M. Roseburg Phone 31-J "We Buyum We Sellum" "YOU TELLU1YT FOR THAT BREAKFAST NOOK Just received a few new designs in unfinished spruce furniture. Umpqua Trading Post 328 N. Jackson St Motors Steam Cleaned Gilham's Highway Garage The only thorough way of removing grease and road dirt. WE GUARANTEE EVERY JOB Special Monthly Storage Rates GILHAM'S HIGHWAY GARAGE 332 N. Jackson Phone 478 New and Used Furniture at Ford's Store 333 West Cass Street Near the Depot The Store of Real Values Things You Need for Fall- As the chill Fall Days come there is a general need tor- drugs and toilet articles. . This demand comes just as the shortening days and 4aPtf rnornjnga with chilly . and heavy air are such a marked change from the summer days. Colds and other minor ailments require attention. You will find this atore prepared to serve you in detail. Red Cross Pharmacy Masonle Building, Roseburg ' A BEAUTIFUL LINK OF Hand-M&de, Hand-Embroidered INFANTS DRESSES AND GERTRUDES Made right and priced right that's why it sells so easily. A Perfect Gift for Stork Shower and Birthday THE ART AND BABY SHOP 127 Jackson St For Satisfactory Service See Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. Agents for the Homer Furnscs, the best for the money; the Crane Pump, the DEPENDABLE Pump; and the celebrated Kohlsr Lighting Plant, the plant which brings the comforts of ths city to ths Farm Horns. 324 N. Jackson St. Roseburg, Oregon The Palace of Sweets 143 N.Jackson Our Fountain has Mechanical Refrigeration. Four klnde of Ice Cream, Sherbet and Bricks, all 60 centa psr quarL MEL-OMAIO We Serve Dinner from 1 1 :30 to 2 Shoes For American Royalty This means you. because in this country everybody be longs to the royal family. Dress Shoes, Work Shoes, School Shoes, Ladies Shoes and Shoes for the Daby. All prices lowest. i ... A. H. PERRIN INSURANCE 116 Cass St Phone 417 Roseburg, Ore. 111 W. Cass Roseburg a W. Young & Son