ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1925. 1 1- 4: .-.'.ft 4 7; a : THREE DROWN . AT HARRISBURG THIS MORNING (Continued from page 1.) ' Oro-on a -id Illinois to work In tbe i mines. W. It. Eastep whose diath oc f l at llarrisburg early this morning, when the car In which he was riding plunred off Hie ferry, wan the fnlhfr of P. C. Eastep, lo cal painter and papernanger, em P'oyed by D. P. Fisher. Tbe elder Eastep win a resident of Roseburg for several months, and bad been making his home with bis son here, leaving a short time ago for Colora do to visit a daughter, Mrs. A. I). Olovanlnl. . The son left this morning by au to for llarrlsburg to arrange for the disposition of his father's body. The deceased was 67 years of age, and Is survived only by his son and daughter. Trever Hplller, the only survivor of tile fatal plunge, was on his way to Roseburg, for the purpose of taking his mother and other mem bers of the family back to Colorado where they resided before moving to Roseburg a short time ago. His mother, who resides at the Lane street rooming house received a telephone rsll this morning from a woman residing near the Ferry and st whose home the young man is being cared for. Young Spiller is reported to have suffered no ill effects from the accident, other lhn a severe chill from his sudden submersion, and the shock of the de-'h of his three companions. The other two members of the na'ty are not known here, but are believed to be young men brought west by Spiller and Mr. Eastep. The Eastep and Spiller families re well acquainted before com l:.g to Roseburg. ' , Cook with gas. Added to trie Natural Wonders of a Western sunrise, and the invigontioa oi a Western morning is an Ate Tr exclusive Kssnre pi m yc COLDS wiTrri country, a refreshing cup oi GoMe West , folk used td wan for tbelr ship OH BOY, bought ft bargain ant) lo coma In. Today the? read thai there are many mora cara adrer New Review clasnlflmt adi. nmna. Rnml Vm yourself. ' PRODUCT SHOW DECLARED TO BE PREMIER EVENT (Continued from page 1.) pearance when the lights are turn ed on. A fine exhibit of boys and girls club work has been arranged un der the direction of W. 8. Carpen ter, county club leader. This dis play of agriculture, aewlng, and canning clubs will be taken to the state fair. The club booth has al ready been decorated and the ex hibit will be moved in Monday. It will be augmented by club work from the Smith River fair. The ag ricultural exhibits are being enter ed by the boys In competition with their fathers in the tray classes. The county health unit has built a miniature "Road to Health," a unique plan for putting over . a health Idea. In the next booth the Roseburg high school students aro selling icn cream and other refreshments, the only concession booth in the build ing. The forestry booth In the north east corner of the auditorium has . 273 years ago The first glinted advertisement appeared in an English news aper 273 years ago. It told people about a new book and where to get it. The immediate sales on that book showed that a lot of people were glad to have this information. ' o Soon other advertisements appeared. Book lovers looked for- O ward to them for news of the latest and best books. . j Now hundreds of advertisements carry news of buying interest to millions of people every day. The thrifty housewife reads them for helpful information in the business of running her home. The careful man reads them for news of the best buy in clothes auto- SaJBae- mobiles or real estate; for opportunity or pleasures. O EveQ time you pick up a paper you hold in your hand informa- q" tion that will help you save money, time and trouble in practically everything you buy. Read the advertisements buy advertised products and you will be practicing to the greatest degree real economy! ' t C DOUGLAS COUNTY)i an Interesting educatlooal dlanlay, snowing piciuna ui boiii,. iuw- ttona, and equipment for handling forest fires. Samples of every kind of wood produced In the state are shown also. Bellows Radio Phop has a beau tiful booth In which radio and elec trical equipment Is disnlayed. Rlverdale. better known aa the Ourrv estate, In Its display haa a striking diversity of crops, one of the features being samnles of to bacco In the green and dried state. Denn-Oerretsen and the Rose burg Lumber and Manufacturing companv, share four booths near the southeast corner. Building ma terials aid mlllwork of all kinds are on display, a fine showing of local manufactured goods. Down through the center of the hall Is another row of booths, and In one of these Wilbur Cooney. aged 11, and Eugene Durland. aged 14, have a dlBplav of borne garden products. In which they are showing 25 varieties of garden crops. At the porth end of the row the Umpqua Valley cannery has a booth, striking for its color dis play, with a showing of the goods turned out at this lmnortant plant. Four Individual garden and farm displays occunv the west side of the row. The Williams Dlllard Oar dens have a wonderful exhibit of enormous melons, pumpkins, squashes, etc. There are three competitive farm displays In a row. Alfavale Farm owned by Busenbark Bros.: Bonnlevlew Farm owned by O. W. Burt, and Falrvlew Farm owned by George Anderson. These three exhibits are the best he has ever seen. C. C. Long, of the Oregon Agricultural College, said this morning. ' Mr. has had years of ex perience In Judging agricultural displays, and be says that he has at various times found Individual booths which might equal one of these but never has be found three in one show with such scores as have been given those to be found at the show now In progress. Two long tables In the center or the hall, contain thousands of 'beautiful flowers, making np one of tbe largest and best blossom shows Roseburg has ever seen. There are also a great many tray and plate exhibits of agricultural crops occupying the end of one of the tables. Thla afternoon County Agent B. W. Cooney sooke on the subject of the crops of Douglas county, giving an Interesting address showing some of the improvements which can be made In the agricultural Industry Tonight's musical program will be given by tbe Helnline Studio of Music, and the program will be entertaining. A talk will be given by W. O. Paul on the value of flow ers about the farm home. The show will come to an end on Saturday night. It has been de cided, because of the great atten dance, to continue the show until o'clock Saturday night. Tomor row Is children's dev. and the pr gram will start at 10 a. m.' with a watermelon eating content. In the afternoon the children wltt present a fine program, to which the gen eral public, and particularly chil dren, are Invited. At night W. D. B. Dodson, manager of the Portland chamber of commerce will speak. ', Maflffi your Car bhme 'during Qean-l-'four-Car Wedt Cook with gas. TODAY'S BASEBALL RAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 55 Tony Larerre. hard hitting short stop of the Snlt Lake bmihnll team, Is reaching for a world's home run record. With G3 circuit drives to his credit and more tlmn three weeks to go In the Pacific Coast league, I,azerre Is conceded a good chance to top all exQ g marks for one season, llabe Ruth Gold Embroidery Suggests Orient i ) i i ur4m I JcV Something ef the Orlrntal In fluence hi seen in this rock ot crepe embroidered a!', over with foli) and banded with fur. It Is a tunic model with a light) flared effect SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES ON POLISH, CHAMOIS, SPONGES and MATERIALS "Perfection" Wool Dusters that win not scratch the finest finish. The long black enameled handle enables yon to dust the out-of-the-way parts of the auto body. Regu- kkp lar price 85e litl!, Thla Week - "Shino" Mitten Duster Made of heavy yarn, chemically treated U absorbs tbe dust. in Regular price 5c. IX This tOL Week V Tubular Knit Cloth -yard roll In this package Is enough for a number of poUsbinr Jobs. J -f Regular price tSo It I g Tni 411 fuek vjt ' Here Is a Qean-Up Combi nation That Will Save Money Keep Klean Dust Cloth I i 1 vvvvC ip-J I movtspoabocn A --'- 1 ' I iKECeKUAMl N J li 5 A chemically treated cloth that holds and absorbea tho dust no cnance lor it to mar mo highest grade finish. A cloth should be carried in the car always. Here im a real bargain. Tola Week the price Is only. . 34c Fender Brash L A can of Simon's Cleaner that removes dirt, grime and dust; a can ot Simon's Blmonlx that gives a lasting polish, and a 6-yard roll of cheese clottt its soft texture will not scratch the nnest -sur face. This combination dlnartlv sells for 11 Special Price This Week- Only h the finest -sur $1.00 WHITE WASTE R-v Auto Soap Specially prepared soap made harmless ingredients for washing the car. 8 pint can regular price 66c. This -Week . Hand Soap Carry a can In your car It great for use after repair work. H pint can reduced This Week to White Cotton Waste Ton can get a wnoie pouna ef it at the exceptionally of 41c 20c ite 26c You Should Carry a Sponge and Chamois , We offer substantial reductions In the price of all sponges. For Instance, tbe small velvet regular price S6c This WeeK t... velvet regular 56a, This Week Extra quality small wool, regular 0o This w eek 26c 44c 72c Extra Quality large wool regular ffi 1 f)S $1.26 This Week P 90c Extra quality chamois size about 16x26 Inche regular si.16 This Week 81ze about 20x3! Inches C 1 fif regular $1.86 This Week ,Pi'w ."Western Auto" Top Dressing It not only dresses up the top, but preserves It as well, it prevents cracxing it is water proof. One pint can. for Pantesote tops. reduced to 1 quart can CI AA reduced to...; p XeW 1 quart can of Khaki for Sport Tops- regular price Thla Week to 56c $1.12 The extra heavy fibre brlatfce of this brush easily cleans the underneath aid of the fenders. 4 Incbes wide. Regular price 46o. BeaucM this week tO rt.vM,.r, -Auto Spra" Attaches to any standard hose cbopBaff the long handle gives plenty ot reach, for out-or-tne-wa,y places. Reduced This Week' from 12.16 to .'- Spoke Brushes Adaptable for use on spokes of either wood or wire wheels niAke air cleanirur easy. Re duced This Week from 65o to iiose conrJIas? nty ot reaoh 1.75 41c Paint Remover It dissolves paint and varnish quick ly. Leaves a amoetn sunace. pine can reduced tn ...-r... V.- Qumt can. regular SSo 7jrSi reduced to ..........-. i. " IUJCJ1- 44c Steel Wool The war thla eteel wool remove nut win surprise you. xour cnoice of fine or coarse at the reduced price of, per package ,7c Quick Repair Enamel A black enamel for touching tip rusty, scratched or onippea places, -pint can Only a .....aa. a. MC.auS. H "Pint can Oft only ....vre'wi - "24c Auto Body Finishing Enamel Mace thanl25 Stores tn ibeVkst- Supply Co. Ittaln Score "1100 Sooth Grand Air-, .108 ANGELES Roseburg Store, 117 South Stephens J 1 SNe MH St. 60c Drys quickly and imparts a durable Tarnlsn gloss flnlsn. Black, per pint, . . reduced to .-. Ulactc. per quart. B j AA reduced to f eww ig Same enameL all nonnlflr colors ra O oucea to lea per pint. Engine Enamel It resists heat Ideal for en frmes and radiator shells m g dries hard will not chip off. Altg H ptnt black, retraced to.. vt M pint gray. . - Jt 1 . reduced to.... ...... Valw hit B4 home runs In 192 Amerlran Itgne: At Moston R. JI. E. Detroit .10 14 0 Uoston 6 13 G Muter leu: Holloway, Boyle and llnssler: Keller, Wingfleld and Ulschoff. At Washington n. H. E. St. Lonl 4 10 1 Washington .1 7 1 llnttertea: liovls and Dixon; Zachary and Severeld. At Philadelphia R. H. E. Cleveland 9 13 1 Philadelphia 6 10 f Batteries: Yowell, Rpeece and Sewell; .Walberg and Perkins. National lagiiei At Cincinnati . . .... .. Prooklyn 7 14 4 Cincinnati 8 19 2 Kntterlea: Osborn. Cantrell and Taylor; Mays and llargrave. WILLAMETTE AGAINST WASHINQTON TOMOHHOW (AeroUM hra Wlr.) SEATTLE. SepL 25. The "nl verslty of Washington will line np tomorrow against Willamette Uni versity In Its first foot hell game of the season with Douglas Hons my. renter: Lester I.ev and Edgar Prix eiiords; Waldo Frlrion snd Pst Wilson, tackles: Jndd Cutting and John Cole end": Oeoree WlUon ml I'arnM 8hldler. half hicks: Captain Elmer Tesreau, fullback, and Oeorge rtnttormsen. quarter bark. Coach Enoch Bagshaw an nounced today. Bghaw said this team did not mean he had picked his 1925 first team. EX-CONVICT HEAD OF PROHIS FILES $50,000 ACTION NEW YORK. 8ept. 29. -Wil liam H. fVterson, former state superintendent of the anti-Saloon League, announced today that he hnj ln4riii-rnfl eottriHel tn hrtnf. suit against the Christian Cen- ! tury, a religious publication of Chicago, for (50,000, alleging libel. The basis of the Cflt. Ander son said, waa the statement In the paper that he had "served time for misuse of funds of the Anti-Saloon LeaLgue." In January 1924, Anderson wns convicted of third degree forgery In connection with the "splitting" of rommlsslons with a former league fund solicitor. Anderson was sentenced to a year tn Sing Sing and was paroled after nine months. Asserting that he welcomed the prospect of tak Inr the witness stand in his be half, "tn a court room not con trolled by an antl-protestant po litical mschine." the former dry leader today said his duly to the cause of prohibition, to his fam ily and to himself, "compels me to take advantage of this rhnnre to get the merits of my case aired In the federal courts." A marriage license was Issued jtnday to Oarold W. Pltipatrirk of j Aiynie t rees ana ins may rac lick ot Grants Pass. service to start In the early partfor many years an Instructor In the of November ot this ytarj Rev. Eugene Bible college. The evange George Keliems, one of the lead-Hst Is bringing with him a singer ing eranrellats of the church has who has bfen working with blm been secured. Rev. Keliems Is a for some time, and a strong revlv brother of the late David Keliems, al effort is anticipated. CHRISTIAN CHURCH TO HOLD REVIVAL . DURING NOVEMBER The local Christian church has made arrangements for a revival The McCormick-Deering Tractor Has a surplus of power. It will enable you to plow better at this time of the year when the ground is hard. This tractor comes fully equipped. Being made by the largest manufacturers of farm machinery in the world, its repair service cannot be excelled. Their repu tation is behind it. Let us tell you about the long time terms to re sponsible buyers. WHARTON BROS.