FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1925. F3 A 1 sAm JACKSON COUNTY, ' Unequalled by any District Fair on the Pacific Coast 5,000 Purses for Races Including horse races, novelty auto and motorcycle races and - rodeo stunt 3 of all kinds All member of the booster nri:tnixnf ion- I'mtinUH Shuhwh. a arv requested to meet with the h)i I ni.qua Chiefs at the armory on Tuesday evening, Sept. tr. at 8 o'clock. Important buM- ncaa. it fibular meptlnt? to be hold at the home or Mrs. H. French South Main St.. Monday, Sept. H. Kvery member requested to remember the date and attend the meeting. Uy Order of the President. 5 BIG SHAM BATTLE and fire works by Oregon National Guard HORSE SHOW By McCleave's celebrated string of steppers. VAUDEVILLE Under the direction of George Andrews. Big display of all kinds of stock, and products of Orchard, Farm, Garden, Home and School. Bedford September 16-17-18-19 Big Dance, Music and Other Night Attractions ATTENTION UMPQUA 4 SQUAWS !McrDMATinN paints, luinpiisnion dook. UNrUKIVlA 1 j j.'urt, Cradi llulvniua Fuurlh ON SCHOOLS IS Header, New World Hp. Her S. c- " oiITM PA BFVTS 0,111 H'k, llrlKlmm anil .MiKurlune Continued from pase one). las,Vnruled pencil tablet, siieiBofl lead pencil. tleoiiraphy Fust Hook, Oral and I Wmim hiiKlhdi First Hook, Jlani illlon's Arithmetic First Hook, i'loRTeSBlve. Music Hecond Hook, luree l'almiT Writing Hook, i'en and No. Ill 1'almer I'm I'olul, 1'encil and It..... Viuiv f,.l..t. i.iiinlM. First Orado "A" lleacnn First 1 cInp(!,mutt' Uooii, Header. i-almer's Primary WrltlnK Ffh ara,. fJnllls j,,,,,, J.rBWUI", IIRUIOD, ,....... tab, larijH alze, Sun lead pencil. Second firade "D" Htson First I u-un Jllalory, HrlKliam ami Ale-Far- Header, Palmer's WrltlnK lessons iiane tieonraphy First Hook, Ham- Pflniary, Crayolas. Widely ruled juona Aiiihniellc First Hook, lir pencil tablet, large size, Soft lead ul and Written Kimlish First p.m-tl. jllook. Healthy LIvIiik First Hook, Sucond Orado 'A" rienenn Sec- j 1'roKiesslve .Music Second Hook, on- Header, Palmer' Primary Palmer Writing Hook. Pen and No. Wrttma lessons, crayolas, widely a rainier pen pomi, leucu ami p. Header, New World Speller Sec ond Hook, Uordy's Storlea of Amer- rulofj. pencil tablet, lead pencil. Third tirade Heaeon Third Header, New World Speller First Hook, Shepherd' Geography, Ham ilton' Arithmetic First Progressive Music First largo alze. Soft ! tablets, Kinht color painls, compo sition Hook, Webster' School Dic tionary. Sixlu Grndi Iiolenlus Sixth Header. New World Soeller Sec- HiKik, ! ond Hook. Clark, Down, Hlue Or Hook. K"u lliMory, HriKlium and McFar- Paluirr Writing Hook. Cra.volas, lane tieography S cond hook. Pen and No. 8 Palmer pen point. Hamilton' Arlihinetlc Second Penetl and pen tablets. Four color Hook, Oral and Written Knjjllsh rirsl hook, iieanny i.iviiik nrc olid Hook, l'rogresslve Music Third Hook. Palim r Wrlilng Hook. n and No. 9 Palmer Pen Poinl, Pencil and pen tablets, F.IkIU color paints. Composition Hook, Webster School Liicllouaiy. j Seventh tirade lllll and I.ymnn .Keader-llook I, New World Spell er Third Hook, llorilya Fulled 'States History (New Edition). jllrlKhum and McFarlune (ieoKia phy Second Hook, Hamilton's I Il.u.b llrul l II lllll.'l II O' V.MIl ...... and Written F.ttlilixh Second Hook. Progressive .Music Thllll Hook, Palmer Writing Hook. Pen n ii il No. Si rainier Pen Point, Pen cil and pin tablets, Klitht color painls, Coinposillon Hook, Webster School Hli tionary. Kighili r.milt Mill and Lyman Header- Hook II. New World Spell erThird Hook, (iordy's Pulled Stales History (New F.ditlon). Iiav Is mid Mil hi" Cllis, Hiinillton's Aillliiiulic Second Hook, oral anil Written KiikIisIi Second Hook. I'loRiv.sive Muic - Fourth Hook. Palm, r WrtttliR Hook. Pen mid No. !l ralmer Pen Poinl, Pencil and ii tablet. Fl-hl color painls. wb.mi...i.i.t.ip',omp,slilon Hook. Wei r School 'Piimiiier louris. WW Hi. Rena4 Trip Excursion Fares to the principal eastern citiei in effect to Sep tember 15. Final return limit October 31, 1925. Mtmejr by mlc ing that eastern trip NOW I Zlon National Park YllowteMi National Park t a tiiuill .l.hii, Ofle Way vU California rttlvr ffTMnc or rrturuiin may be m t n(tl If ttoatmt witlmut mtM.b Our nfttyy will t (ImI fiv vnu fill I infnr maiwsi ami tv-tp you plaut foutt Urp. AtklltM WM M Ml'VRAY Qrofrm I'mmtngrr A gent Portland, Orccun if l ill (tin.w Mt;H SCIHM.I. An n ml tin hu:h m 1imi jHi1 ntn Will ( lni:-:t' IlH'ir ntulii r l-foti III' o' nltii: day o! h. hmil. Spimcih ! I nh; Jipiii'i't, '1 -Mliiy Si ptvmbcr l .t(; V.ipli"uinns. .iltP'i-iliiy, S i irinh'T U.ih ,in-! tin- Kn-hnp-n ! nn 1 Inn -Uy ir Kii1ay, SfiinibT IT IV Tht liiiiir Hit' lintu S .1" ti VJ l h. HI. M'.l fH"M 1 t' fc Heinline Conservatory of Music and Art. 'BE MRS. CHARLES HI.IM.INi:, Dirrctor. Irall Term Opens Sept. 1 4 (Ollt.-KH tll'lKHKI) IN Plann, Voicr, Violin, t'ello, Hand lnstrllIneu, -, 'rheory, llattuony. History ot Mtulc and I' and I i'ratlM Ait. Accredited Teachers in Piano and Voice KliiiliTcartfit for lilhln-n 3 t fi i'.. Noimal Trnliih'.ir Ur 1"MhA a PiM'rlalty. p. m. In some cIukhi's surh an agrl j tuUurc, cooking, lyjiewritine, new- ItiK, rtc, thu number of aiuiUntfi is I Mm 1 1 oil. These clasHcg will bo fllltd j in tho ontt r of repistration. I Entrance Requirements A Krailuuit from the elKhlh grade of any city nchool or one who hold a an Oregon eihih kih1h certiiirati or an equivalent cliplonm from any oiher Htato, may enter Hom burn hiwh nehool without examlnutlon. Sluilentfl having taken hlKh school work elsewhere will be jrlven full credit for Bame If the school at tended la alandardized; otherwtHe I finniNifiUons iniimi vti iitKen in n Hubjecta where credit Is desired. Students cniuliiK from diHtricts I w here hlh schools are maintained ! Khali pay each aeniesler in advance i a tuition fee equal to the per capita f co.nt of the preceding Bihool year. To enable both old and new stu I dentti In plannlUK their firut se mester's work, the following data will be of value. Requirements for Graduation In order to graduate a student complete 32 credits of work. 3u of which miMt be gained In regu lar subject of the curriculum. They must Include 2 credits In Ameri can hiMory. 2 credits in civics. K credits in Kngllnh and 1 credit in occupations. Kach student mut complete two major subjects of three years each and two minor subjects of two years each. The balance of each student's course is elect I VP. rnxsltile major subjects: Knglifh, l.alln, history, (IncltKllng rivics), ' Science '(ph.slcs biology ), I'liysi- oluuy ami gen. science, Mathemat- icn (Algt bra tieom ) I'osHible minor subjects: History, 1 Science. Iatin, Spanish. Mathemal ! M s. Agriculture, Shorthand, Type- w riling. Hook keeping, (Including ! Commercial Ijiw , Sewing, Cooking. Thyslcal education la compulsory ! for all students. j No student 111 be permitted to take six studies. Five should not br taken unless one subject is y- ; it.K repealed, or IT a student has a In nil tnadc in all his work. ! ,o student will be permitted to i take two senicsteirt of Kngllsh at one time except in tile senior year, A'id ilit ii only with (he approxnl ot the principal. J Adtam-rd wotk may not be tak en until all pre tons work has been ci.mpN'tcd. I. e. Knclish VI may not , bf laden unless Mngllsh V has been pa-- it. etc. No stud'-nt may take shorthand Vtlio dors not ink- typewriting. I he Mibifrt.H to be laiuht in each yc;tr the lust semester are as fol low .s: l-'i lmian- Knglih I ami II, A1 Kel r a I and II. Latin 1 and II. i.i'k and Uoniaii Ifisiory, SewinK I, H:tilf. Mut. Octiipanons. Pen 1 in. in hip and Spilling (Kor coiimier i u l. ni ) , hum animals. s ,pht iimrr Kngllsh HI and IV, ri.ui. lit'ometry I. Caesar I, Hthle. e-al and Mixtern History. Mu RHEUMATISM I atinol la thr lliimaa ltolv If leu Ufll I ,e Trnnk'. rrrrrltln Ii i. pit ,,..l, i,.i h. In r.o 1. It Is ;t I 1 .ull'i llll .1 Is l.iliil el ale. t:omtuerclal etJOKraphy. Itook keepinte I, Fhyaiolotry, Cooking 1, Farm Crops and Horticulture. Junior Knidish V and VI, Ameri can lllmory I. Hpanish I, Virgil, Hible, Shorthand 1, TypewritinK I. HiuloKy I, Mutiic, Solid tieometry, Cookinsr III, Uookkeepine; III. Farm Mechanics and Rural Engineering. Senior Kngllsh VII and VIII, Civics I. Spanlnh III, Ilihle. rhyies I. .Music, Shorthand 111, Tyiwrit Ing III. Sewing 111. HIOH SCHOOL TEXTS Freshman: English 111, Ward, Heott, Foresman A Co.; Payne, Hand, McNally & Co.; Occupa tions, t;owan, Wheatley, Brewer (jinn & Co.; t;eneral Selence, Heas ler, II. H. Sanborn Co.; General Science Manual. Messier, B. II. San born Co.; Algebra Ml, W'ejls and Hart, 1). C. Heath & Co.; Latin I- II, Smith. Allyn & llacon; Ancient History MI, Breasted, Chin & Co.;, Spelling, Chew, Allyn & I'.acon; Commercial , Arithmetic. Stone Mills, B. 11. Sanborn Co.; Farm Animals, Plumb, Webb Pub. Co. Sophomore: English III-IV, Long, (ilnn & Co.; Cllpplnger, Silver, Burdette Co.; Piano Geometry, Ml, Liurell & Arnold, Chas. E. Mer rill & Co.; Caesar Ml, Kelsey, Allyn & llacon; Mediaeval and Modern History, Robinson, (linn & Co.; Physiology, Conn-Builington, Silver, Burdette &. Co.; Commercial Geography. Koblnsdn, Rand, Mc Nally & Co.; Bookkeeping I, 2uth Century Stock, No. 1. No. 9, No ll), Southwestern Pub. Co.: Farm Crops and Soils, Cox, Wiley & Sons; Bookkeeping II. 2oth Cen tury Stock. No. 1, No. 20, South western Pub. Co. Junior: English V and VI, Fresh man anil Sophomore texts; Solid Geometry, llurell & Arnold. Chas. E. Merrill & Co.; Algebra 111, Wells & Hart, I). C. Heath & Co.; Cicero. Gunnison & Hurley, Silver, Bur dette & Co.; Spanish Ml, Hills Ford, I). C. Heath & Co.; Biology, Smallwood. Allyn Bacon; Com mercial Law, Huffrutt, Ginn & Co.; Typewriting MI, Rational, Gregg Pub. Co.; Shorthand Ml, Gregg, Gregg Pub. Co.; American History, Flte, (Revised), Henry Holt & Co.; Fimn Engineering, KoMi-Belirends. Wiley & Sons; Bookkeeping III, 2ith Century stock. No. 7, No. 30, Southwestern Pub. Co. Senior: English VII VIII. Fresh man and Sophomore texts; Civics, Magruder. Allyn & Bacon; Virgil, Farrelough & Brown, II. II. San born & Co.; Spanish I1MV, Dorado Ray. (ilnn 4t Co.: Physics, Mil liken, Gale. Pyle. Glnn & Co.; Phy sics Manual, Mtllikan. Gale, Hlsh op, Ginn & Co.; Shorthand III IV. Gregg Speed Studies. Gregg Pub. Co.; Typew riting 111 IV, Rational, Gregg Pub. Co. Positions Wanted The high school prinvipal will bo glad to receive the names of any iwrsons wanting girls or boys to work for Iheir room anil board. The principal will also bo glad to know of any other part time ,' employ ment for out of school hours aud on Saturday. The nnnual reunion of the Rid dles and their relative wan held la't Sunday in tho Guild Hall at Riddle. M nitiers of the Clan began gathering at 10:00 o'clock, and by 11':!1', more than a hundred had arrived from all parta of southern Oregon. At 1:00 o'clock the crowd ate lunch. After lunch the time was spent In recalling past events, in general conversa tion, aud in a short business meeting at which timo Judge (J. W. Itiildle. Commandant of the Soldiers' Home at Roseburg, gave a short history of the migration of the Riddle ancesors to Oregon. Judge Riddle. President, Mrs. J. Ii. Riddle, Vice-President, and Helena Riddle. Secretary, wore re-elected to their respective of fices. Mulc was provided throughout the ufteruoon by a group of the young people about 4:00 o'clock after dihiieasing with several me lons, the crowd dispersed. H was agreed that tho next reunion would lie held about a year from lust Sunday. .Many of members of the Riddle Clan could not attend the reunion, dUe to the bud weather and work nt home. Those present at the reunion were: Jlr. and Mrs. G. W. Riddle, Ade line Stewart, Mr. and Mrs-. Ken neth (juine and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Catching and daughter. Ralph (Julne, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strang und children, Mrs. Ella Small. Judk-e and Mrs. Geo. Qulne, Mr. und Mrs. Ira B. Riddle, Mrs. Chas. Hunt. George Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown and childreu, Mr. and Mrs. E. McCormack. of Ros. burg; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cuts fonh and sons. Harry and Curtis: Mr and Mrs. M. S. Zelgler and daughter, Mrs. Jennie Crosby, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Winston. Winston; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. It. Riddle. Florence, Riddle, Geo. Riddle. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wluirton, from Granls Pass, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strang. Helen Strang. Holi Holmes, Mr. und Mrs. Ben Plymale. Mrs. Marie Bennett from Medford. Mrs. Houseman do-by and son Roymond from Junction City: Ernestine and Maud Riddle. New-berg, Mrs. Lau ra Bradley, Washington, 1). C, R. V. liciill, Caroline Drcxler, Cen tral Point, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Stauffer and son Robert from Taft. California, Mrs. I). O. Wea ver and son David, Gardiner, Mr. anil Mrs. E. L. Rice and children Hva S. Rice. Hoy Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Davis, Ralph St. Onge from Dlllard. Aliner Riddle. Mary F. Riddle. Helena Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. George Frater, Mr. and Mrs. Cllve Willis and family. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Logsdon, Abner, Rosa mond nnd Lillian Logsdone. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Grout. II. F. Nich ols, Mrs. O. L. Willis. Glen Wil lis, Mr. and Mrs. stilley Nichols and son. Adclie Nichols. Mrs. E. F MocIiip, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Krnest Riddle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Al. Tomp kins. Clvde Cutching. Moso Ryan ot Riddle. Cook wltn gas. CHRYSLER GAIN FEATURES CLIMB ! VARIOUS STOCKS -O LEMON CLING PEACHES. Now ready at Curtis' ranch. Dring boxes. Phone 8K4. MOVEMENT TO DEEPEN SUTHERLIN CREEK At the regular meeting of the city council nxt Monday niht. ihe matter of cleaninc the willows and brush from Sutherlin creek and deepeniiiK the channel, will be taken up, and all citizens interest ed In this matter are reiiuented to be present. The condition of Ihe creek bed nas resulted in over flow k of at least two mrccti ami a number of loin durinK heavy rains the past pevernl eaiM, and it is proposed to see If nome action can not be taken to remedy this an noyance. In certain portion of lie- cre'k bed the willow have be come tto thick and maivd thai it is impossible tor the channel to cany the Mirplua waler MVHslond by hejuy rains, as a ot which ihe banks overflow and lots and ftrcetrf aief piodr-d. It Is pnli able that the city will apprnpnaii several hundred do!lai s tow am cleat ho; ami dee-nl'ii; (he cr- k channel, and it is midrsiood th.: several ii irens have volunteered to Kiu1 financial assistance in th.-matter.- Huth'-rlin Sun. Studebukcr model. ' (Awrltn I'ntu IsmhI Wtr. j NEW YORK, Sep. 8. Kespond ln(r to reprt of expanding fall Imsiness, stock prices, resumed the epwaril movement today under the ' ! adership of the motor shares. , MnrkiiiR up of the call money rate 'o five per cent on the calling of loans to make up the, deficit in re serves nhown in last Saturday's i 'ear i tit house statement caused Jh t wrMrary setback around the non hour, which carrit-rt many is Mtcs off 1 to 3 points from their . arlier hiirhs, but the rally was re vtnned In the nf; 'rnoon when Chry ler crossed 319 for a net (tain of more than tea points to within a small fraction of Its record, hiph. Mail order, m rchandisinp, food, iiuipmrnt and public utility Ismucs ;ilso developed several points of s-Tencih with ponls aain active in a number of specialties. Hails fol lowed In the wake of tlu' indus- : ialfl. ELECTRIC COOKING less watching I POWER COMPANY I IN P KOliWiS Th actuul average coat of current for electric cooking and llfthtlnit. together. In home in into neighbor hood, U a month The roast, for instance first a quick searing to seal in the savory jukes, and then a slow cooking heat as in a tireless cooker. That's In the oven. But over here, something is simmering gently in a saucepan. Another pan is bub bling vigorously at the lid. Tomorrow morning's prunes are stewing leisurely between whiles. Dinner Is being prepared and it must be watched, too. For each different dish requires a different method, a different heat. One fire will not do for all. That's one reason why electric ranges,' with their instantly regulated and easily controlled, cooking temperatures, from a sizzling, 6earlng heat in one place to a Just-keep-it-alive glow in another, are so favored by good cooks. Electricity makes good cookery better, and easier. And that, plus the surprising economy of electrical cooking, is a reason why near ly one thousand eight hundred kitchens in the territory served by this company are now fuel-less and ash-less. Nearly one thousand eight hundred electric ranges have made them so. ' Ask your nearest dealer to show you several models. Convenient payments, il you like. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY SUTHERLIN SCHOOLS TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 15 At reo-nt meeting of the Suth erlin public school boanl. It wan ilecidiMt lo begin the year's aehnol work on Momlay. September 14th, says the Sutherlin Sun. All the tearhers with the exception of one in me. niKn ncnooi nave now oeen encaged, and the board expects to have the full quota signed up by the end of the present week The teachers thus far engaged are: T f Trike nrlnrlnnl- Cnr K TenKyck, high school: Ielorne-J Taft, sevenlh and eighth grades; I Mls Margaret Trader, fourth andj fifth grades; Mrs. IUanch Apple gate, primary grades. The Beveral school rooms In the building have been put in good re-, pair aix'X repainted, and Janitor K. 1 L. Ilouser reports that as far as he ' Is concerned, everything is "all set" for tho opening date. 1 JAPAN MAY LEVY TAX ON AIDS TO ARTIFICIAL FEMININE BEAUTY TOKYO, Sept. 8. Beauty of the kind that can be brought at drug' stores may he levied upon by the i department of finance for an an nual tribute of some 98.ti00.0OO yen. This is provided for In a bill the department is drafting to present! to the diet. The bill provides a 20 ; per cent tax on all the bottled, j Jugged, Jarred and tuned mysteries j which decorate milady's dressing, tahle and milady herself. Not even her bath Is to be excepted for soaps make up fully half of the toilet ar- j tides sold In Japan. BIRTHDAYS EASILY REMEMBERED PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Sep. S. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglass of their three children. Bernice Johnson of this city have no diffi culty In remembering the birthdays Marian, the eldest, was born May S, 1920, and three years later Klix abeth Julia made ber appearance on the same date. Little Olive Nona kept up the family regularity as to birthdays by arriving on May 6 this year. We sell woo rena By the yard. Bernler the Tailor. 2 doors north Liberty theatre. builds no yearly Uiiinir Parent Mr. und Mrs. Noh.d II. tiwltel. f St. Louis, nre gut'sts at Ihe iitne of lite fit nier'.. parents. Mr. . 'id Mih. Otlu Coettel. of tills ty. The vUitnrs nre touring the ast. Mr. (Inetl.l helm: the riis ; let sitle ni;nng"r ftr the KdiMin 1 'cctiic Appliance Company, of i 'ilcao. They will remain here ' t n few and continue on ; rth. lint I'liTl H. IT. .. III." III. .11 mIh) rit;nrt Trunk n in. r. it' V. v in i.-rm i.'W 1'hnne Vjj Studio open for rel;.iintiu:i alter rvpt S, .it H oi ' ! V" ttMIll' It ) id-, mm.- t. kii' Mm t hji-ic I'.M I. I i h.- t iMllQ I I' il " i " :nui ttt-.. BMrrltr liter mefljrln. Tt tint it rrt'x. i !, .n !, fT II. Tj r 1 r.r only Ib.W mt .Nlhn FulUrtyn luuf iur. ATHLETICS, ONCE IM LE AO. DROP 12 GAMES IN ROW NKU YiltK. S' ft. S Krnm ;i pi lut fi)r th'1 i hampinnhip. i!t Atm-t (mi, It iiKih' h 'i. until i .n i within ln hit- hnnf in'ti a It inruMhmit hiriL-i.'t iiihm h. Tfic !;! -I AfiVrtU (li.vs 1 1 a il -i ti t!i-l (' li hi' -turchl il. f-:, nlnt' (nit ;nni''3 h-hitnl 1L Mnck-t t Htn on i!K bntu- fi. U t'JtliM'tl.lV n- to Hlih t,.t, I '2 la 1 ami 7 to fi. Tin- riratrn. ri.!f iT in fj ,mt it thi (iianirt whh ft Ii ml of S nn n half hhi.H'!. iniiT't:il'i. il ih( ir a.!- aiiUi v PpMttinK wih ih" rub, Th fnt-jtal''- ontli.T', , IlitMr fors In n niornitie hi(f t. s 10 S, to'il of ;i(rinn lii i! ir nma-stsl hy lliiwo r''.t, Tmi i ihe Jifit'inottn. ilie ('u! nnnJc in' hm. HLhl Moil, 9 lo . Men uli rieaneJ pnsr!. 1 1 .VX Kowborc Clnutvr. buo 471. Cook with pas. RAY GLASS TAKES SECOND IN SHOOT HELD AT EUGENE CONFERENCE DATED ON RH IN ELAND SECURITY PACT (fkworlatrd Vrtm Wtir.) PARIS. St-p. The allied for eign mlnlftlern. It vm alI in tif firial quarters today, have offtclal- ly tleclilei. to mtt Foreign Minis i ler Streiimann of (rermany At , Iauanne, nlnnit Scptt'iiiher 5, an a prelim. nary to the coMfomioe of iiiinlstrrn w hich will attempt to draft a Rhlneland gacnrlly pact. rr Ebb Eventually It Will Be a Savage WhyNotNow? SAVAGE V WASHIR.svKt' DRYER. Doe mora Work Haj no Wringer No wringing of clothes, no chance of accident. Washes anything that is washable, and does it quickly and well, and spins the clothing dry enough for the line and the operator does not have to touch them. WE WILL DEMONSTRATE Everybody's Exchange p4h57 f VHatri !ms tay Wlr..) ku;i:nk. ore., s. j.t. v u i:. mnio'is. of KilKene. was hlull int ni:i'l in the stoml annual . ipshnot, held li.-r' Sunday and sterility, by the Lane County - ortnienV As.tMi.iilen. with a to- l f out nf t'.'l turrets. Hrty lilas. of Kuk. ne. was s.-eond ch nmn at the i-U. A romn.'tl- m wiih a score of S'.O. Piaimons ule r.'i In event. Eil ( of Ceiullle. won Ihe ' mdli'sp i-hoot with a score of 4 ; r." Iiird evert. lr. .V. K. lowns Ivnlnml, tied him in the handl i.p hut lest In the shoot-off. Afl' a ilimble He. the Coo,ull!e um d-'tea;d IJurene In the team I'ux)t Sumlay. 'Ihe Portland team iv. is third In the event. A niBiltM, piano tuner. FUeo 18-U 1 1 The Cause of Your ill Health JF you have Piles or other Rectal or Colon disorders there is the cans of your nervousness, lack of vitality, stomach trouble, (rrncral physical and mental moptcity. I can help you win bade your health for positively curing yratr Pile under a WRIT! EN CLAK ANTKK or fe returned. Act today by calling for an elimination or writing for my FREE booklet eiptain huj my celebrated treat ment for lilS and other Rectal and Colon ailments. I ........ . 1t DLAN. M.D..Inc hibtuno orticii. iiamt orrictf : . DrDkoi luiV'M SOS Sit Vuft. uA ' Tubby Is a High Kicker But then what boy would not "feel his feed" when his mother insists on giving him Grimm's Milk Bread three times a day. Order Grimm's Milk Bread i your grocer, or phone The Ideal Bakery Em Phona 1iJ IK harictin