SIX .... ' l gin! t. a k - , ii - rrr DETERMINATION OF PURPOSE BOS A man may have a rood purpose, hut he may nut have the determina tion lo carry out that purnoHe. An mrmtnt willi this bank wtll In-lp you rave for soui1 good purport, ami liiNpiiu tho d'-termination to &UC( t-t d. Ar't Interest Pild on Savings Accounts. TheRosebmgNalional Bank Roseburg, Ore. BY FIRE: iiNKHOWN IF LOST CIRL FOUND IN -! RUSHES WITH A NEW j BORN BABE IN ARMS AKIUKIA, Ore. AUK. 20. O king for a I. mi girl who l Isn tl "Mr ! the day before from the field where she had w win working near her farm horn'. deputy sheriffs yesler- 4 j day (Uncovered the r'rl In Ihe I ferns and rushes beetle a ( tldeiand slouch, a new born bahv In her arm. " , Thf child had b-en born to corery Island I th. lonely mother Ihe night i today Identified TO HUH 01S1S OWCE TOO OFTEN NW TODAY of (AorlitJ I'rM, Uawd Wire.) SEATTLE. Aug. 20 The pilot hydroplane seized near 1)1- 'ar Victoria, was s II. Gevr of SAN ANOELO. Tcr.. Aug. 20. Loss of llfo wan feared at a I fire which dentroyed the Lanilon hotel today. .More than a score :of guests were registered last before In the damp darkness 1 night und It was believed mot '4 of the marsh. of them were in the hotel when The child and It mother e the fire broke out. Only one per- were removed and given care. mn, Mrs. li. K. Senor of San An-1 Both will survive. ' tonlo, was knewn to have been . . 4 VICTORIA, n. C. Aug. 20. Cus- rnmoved at 2 o'clock. She wan ! 4 4) 4 4) 4 a itoms officials were investigating S-attle. He was being hild in Vic- tt'.uia by Canadian customs officials ifor investigation, lu connection I iih aerial Jiquor smuggling. tuken to a noMpliul in a critical condition. The lire spread rapid ly to the 1-yric theatre. The Lan don hotel building wax a three story structure containing i" rooms, operated by the Mcliiirnelt Hotel Cumpatiy. WASHINGTON. A up. 20. The retail food Index of the bureau of luhnr statistics of the Interior deport men t showed nn increase j in retail food coat a for July as (computed with June, j An Increaso of 11.5 per cent In all food articles combined was i reported for the year ending on July 15, an compared wltli the "Flit" makes flies flit, never to return. It kill I hem, aluo all other insects which prove a pest around both house and barn. Lloyd Crock er. of sllirhtly more than .'I per cent i p receding yenr. THE POWER WITHIN! Th CHIROPRACTOR makes a practical application of thlH aupreine law of the universe. When we are 111, it la because there la an Interference with the full exprcuHion of Life lhat exlta within the body. The CIIIKDI'KACTOK corrects that Interference so that thiu VITAL KDKC13 may again exprean llself. The time to try CHIROPRACTIC It ''first" not "last.1 CoriKitltallon Free "Yours for Heallli" DR. CATHERINE McNEIL 327 W. Case i STflTETEXT BOOK BODYflCTSDESPITE ADVERSE OPINIOH Phone 594 J (AMrUtH Vrrm LnH Win.) RALKM. Ore., Aup. 20. OrRanlz- ation of plana for the Ions tank of nelrctinR two-lhinls of the srhonl books to be lined In the public schools In the Htate occupied the time of the fttnt text book com mi h ion which convened here thin morning, with a Iomk ll"t of books to be chosen and more tbun thirty This ELECTRIC RANGE Puis Your Kitchen on Pneumatic Tires Riding on rims to save rubber Is POOR ECONOMY AUTOMATIC WE8TINGHOUSE ARTHUR H. CROWELL -Get the A Kent WestliiKhoiirtO Iampa. DANCE AT Melrose Country Club Saturday Nite August 22 Music by Rosebur(? Jazz-O-Two Everybody Welcome DANCE AT LONG'S HALL Coles Valley . SATURDAY NITE August 22 GOOD MUSIC BIG DANCE Idleyld Park Saturday Nite, Aug. 22 Good Music by "Hypocrite Five" Orchestra Special Attractions 10E DcBERNARDI, Manager 1 THE LIBERTY THEATER I Starts New Management j PROGRAM TODAY AND TOMORROW i RICHARD I TALMADGE Tlr Great Rival of & DOUGLAS I A11"ANK1S in the S "FIGHTING I MON" ! A roarln outhiinii of thrills lonphr ecertiiiinr I'aie Ih-vll Dick lias i-Ter es-nyeil In the past An upheaval i lannlis An n plosinn of action -Thai villains and whams like a J.m band e Ina full blast - ALSO: II. C. VI TWFJVS Now Stori.-s of Red I lot Youth College Hoys and Pretty Girls "The Pacemakers" ALSO: THE WEBFOOT WEEKLY AUCTIONEER Don't foiiret that I handle sales In city or country. M. C. Radnbaugh 530 N. Pine St. HOUSE PAINT $2.40 per Gallon Denn-Gerrctscn Co. WE KNOW A MAN who doetm't hare to worry about automobile Inxiirance. llln rar burned up and ha didn't hare enough money to buy a new one. We will write you the covr a ire you n eed on y oh r car Kim. theft, collision. K.tb.tlty and property damage Irsiir anre. It payn to ho lunured. G. W. YOUNG & SON INSURANCE 116 Cass St.- Phone 417 book BaTeftmen to be beard. Indira tlonn wero that the n.' union wonld last at leant throtigh tomorrow and prohahlv lonjrer. A bal oninion from Klton Wat kln and Johnston Wl'non, Port land attorneys, takintr the opposite stand from Attorney-Oeneral I. K. Van Winkle, who held lite present meeting nf the commission HteKal. was rend at the openlnjr session this morning. l have examined the Rfatnte rend this opinion, "and am of the nnlnlon that yon are not only au thorized bo to do (meeting at this time) but that It is vour official duty. Especially Is that true in view nf the fact that the Htate au ocrintemb'nt of publle Instruction has officially staled that the pub lishers refused to renew the con tracts at the old prices x x x x. Your procedure at this tfmp Is authorized bv section of the code under which a special session has been called." Controversy over the rlt?ht of the 1 commission to meet at this time centers upon the provision of law which authorized meeting of the commission only at specified time. Since the last meeting, however, contracts with publishers of text books have expired Hnd the pub !lshvrs have refused to renew them at the old price. The attorney- general was asked for an opinion I on whether a special meeting of the commission could be held io meet this - envrpency. His reply was that such a special session would be contrary to the code and hence all action taken at It would be inva lil. The commission N, proceeding today to the award of contracts de- inlte the apparent probability that the execution of sur-h contracts would be blocked by leal proceed ure. The department of jmblic In struction will follow the ruHn? cf the attorney-Keneral find will not take cognizance of anything thut the commission may do. Superin tendent of Schools J. A. Churchill has announced. RAT,EM. Ore., Aug. 20. The state textbook commission con vened here this morning for a two flay session tn select the text books to be used In the pub'le schools, lesplte the rnlinT r,f Attorney-C.'n-erai I. H. Van Winkle that what ever action wonbl be taken bv them today and tomorrow would be Illegal. The cmml'.sion will proceed to hear the bids of pub lishers and to award contracts for two-third of the state's tt'xt books lespite the posslbl Ity thnt their Icclslons may be overruled. What the effect of thlr action will 1m I problematical. State Su- rtntemint of Schools, J. A. I'hurchlll Is not silting with the hoard nnl has announced the in tention of bis department to follow the ruliiiE of the attorm y gtueral. ilay the activities of the pilot of a s-aplane which was wrecked off liiscovery IsIhihI Tut-sday nifht. The pilot, whoe name was with helil. was arrested and brought here last niKht. While he told officers that he wan flying for pleasure and denied biiv connection with the rum run ning traffic, he faced two possible ch;trp's today; entering Canada without proper papers, and flying an aii plan In Canada without a In-wise. lie said he had been forced down by enirine trouble and heavy seas wrecked his plane. It was to be towed here today. Kesldcnts of the vicinity of Dis covery Island have reported regu lar arriva's fend departures of a plane and belief was expressed that liquor shipments were making their way into the I'nited States ia the air. WILL NAME 24 NEW PROHI LAW AGENTS fAMrMl,t.d I'rMi Iil Wire.) WASHINGTON, AuK. 20. The names of 24 federal nrohibition ad- mlnlstrainrs who will take over en forcement of the nation's dry laws September 1, are expected to be made public tomorrow. Assistant Secretary Andrews of Ihe trensury will confer with Sec retary Me Ion during the day. and It is expected the new dry person nel list will be presented for the secretary's approval. I'nder each administrator there will be an administrative assistant as well as a croup head in ach Ju illrial district viherever practica ble, who will be stationed In Ihe same city as Ihe I'uiled States at torney and co-operate with him. Their name!) will not be an nounced wllh those nf the admin istrators silica the latter will be civen a ftee hand in choosing Iheir own subordinate staffs. v KIN Harn shovels Wharton Uros. for 90 cents at FREIGHT RATES RISE ON RADIO RECEIVING SETS TONITE ONLY 10c 15c ERT0N oftheMoVjes: Janes Cruzc starring Slenn Hunter Willi - Viola Dana WORLD NEWS MARCELLING and borne curllnn. Prices reasonable. Phone 29H-K. KI.BERTA PEACHESNow ready, (iet them at Cooa Junction. A. F. Suksdorf. WANTEI llaby lo care for during winter, Dent of care Kiven. Box ew8-evlew. FOH RENT Two front office rooms, one Inside room. Kohlha- Ken Bldg. Phone 58. Vfonn WANTED 10 corda of oak wowl. Address Oak Wood, care or JSews-Hevlew. FOR RENT 5-room house partly furnished or unfurnished. Garage is month. tloover St. PICK your tomatoes at Rummell liillard. 40 cts. per bu. Every day except sumiay. inquire at store. UAttiu.i r peara for sale, 60c a box. One mile south of Edenbow er school house. II. B. Webster. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house with one acre ground in west Roseburg. Chas. Rusho, 352 8. Main. WANTED At once, half dozen good pack . horses. Must be cheap. See Joe Campbell at Ford Garage. ' GOATS FOR SALE Eight bdeks. one year old, registered: also ten does, registered. J. I. Chap man, Wilbur, Ore. CRAWFORD PEACHES for sale, II per bu. afternoons or Sunday; bring boxes. Jacob Sharps, Gar den valley. FOR SALE South five and half acres of north ten and half acres. block 5, plat E. limpqua Park. Timber. Box 975. Roseburg. FOR SALE or wIll"tra"defor wood a good Holstein cow at the home of H. B. Church. 318 E. Com. Ave., Roseburg, Ore. PARTY" WHO'-BORROWEDCar-liEN HOSE At 746 S. Main street Is known. If property Is returned at once no further action will be taken by owner. LOANS We make loatvji on Im proved residence or business property. No commissions. No delays. I'mpqua Savings and Loan Association. futt hALfc. tomatoes, the very Dest ot my crop: get them while they are good, before It rains. Bring your birxea and pick them yourself for 75 cents per bnshel. J. E. Evans. Pillard. Look for the hhell gns sign. WANTED Electric ranges and hot plates to repair. Wire elements are on hand for all regular mod els to make your range as good as new at a slight cost. Arthur H. Crowell. Phone 611. 10c KM 15c DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting of Glasses 116 Jackson St. Dr. Rupert A. Moon Electro-Chiropractor Nerve and ft pine Specialist. S24 TerMne Illdg. Phone SM Dr. H. C. Church OPTOMETRIST Parkins Bldfl. Roaaburg. Or Phona te. ( AMnrlatnl Pro Iax-d Wlr WASHINGTON. Aug. 20 Radio receiving set acquired a definite idacc In railroad freight schedule and became subject to hlcher freight rates in a decision toduv by the interstate commerce commis sion. The decision Increased th" rat- s on radio sets and talking ma hines combined In less than c:r Icad lots from the first class ra'e 'o-lj limes the first class rate, in many cases the lncrsse In this re sp-ct will be fifty per cent. When phlnped in carload lots the ' increase will be about 20 per c- nt. The commission's decision h.M that the present practice of ship ping radio sets and talking m:i rhines as second class, with a 11111 (mum weight of Iti.ono per carload, sin nld remain uncliatu- 1. The case- was btiMifht before the commission wh-n carriers puhli.-h ei new rreu-w bcIimIuic s-enera 'v raising the radio clarification. j eratlon of the schedules was sin. pendeil Upon protest rf the llrtii o ''orporation of Am rlra. the Kad n Vinufa'-turers' Association if t 'n caxiu The music Industries ciia"! br of Commerce and others. T lav's derision ordered th-se n w schetlu es cancelhd anil reouirc 'he ruOrnnds to nublNh new srh. . u'es which would conform with tit. commission's requhements. Itadio receiving nets her' tofer have b"en shlpied as electrical n pliiinevs and musical ln-t nimcnts. Tleat with gas. STARTS FRIDAY HOOT GIBSON "SPOOK RANCH" FARM LOANS We make loans on improved farm property. Straight loans 3. 5. 7 or 10 years or year ly payment loans extending over a period from twenty to thirty three years. Douglas Abstract Company. ANY WOMAN CAN DO IT Old established fine paying business central location: books open for inspection. Only takes $750 cash But you had better hurry. Law rence Asrency, 125 Casa Street. Phone 219. AKt l()l looking for a home Or a first class lot on which to build? You will find both at Ihe corner of Douglas and Fowler Ms. and along with them you can have a $SDi)0 loan, payable 2 per cent principal and 6 per cent interest or $i) per quarter. TltADE VOI R CITY HOME For a farm; So acres In tract: 35 acres fine plow land under cultivation: extra good 5-room house; barn: commercial poultry house; hog house; machine shed; granary; garage; silo; other improve ments: ail kinds fruit; 20 acres in crops: hay In barn; horses; cows; chickens: sheep; tools: Implements: on main road near school. Submit your proposition to Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street. Phone 219. 1 M.I.T.I.M.M.M.r.TM.TT.MWMM Dr. Harrison Folk Chiropractor Electronic and TCIactroThwaphy 417 Faraloa Bid. rboaa 491 or AHTOM AHUM It ASTOUt A. Ore.. Aug :n. - - new hoippal wa definitely' a- nred for Astoria today, when it was learned that the Catholic sislers of charity of 8t. Mar hospital, have punhnscd an en tire city hie k crowning the rid of the hill above the city The time of construction hs not v . yen-et, but it will tindohted.t be within a year, according to th- sister. The cost of ihe striKur l esmaed a $ It'O 000. R I at f ' T 9 uasi lime tonne H Daniels tW 1 I Richard jj' I FORMER RING STAR, ONCE j WELL OFF, NOW DERELICT (AnoohM Pr, tawHl I NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Palsle Cline. once a leading contender for the world's llghtweieht boxlnz championship, today was "counted out" for 30 days In the work house when he was arraigned on a charge of disorderly conduct brousht by his wife. The couple have separat ed, ('line fought a no-decision con test in 1917 with Bennv Leonard, retired world's lightweight cham pion. "We had $24,000 In the bank when we were married six years ago," she said, "and now we haven't 24 cents. SHOWING of New Fall Fabrics Bordered Flannels The new Dress Flannels in beautiful bordered effects, in variety of shades. Every woman will want this material for her new fall cos tume. Material comes in 54 in. width and requires small yardage. Moderately priced. Charmeen for Fall Fall's most favored dress material is to be had in a variety of colors in 54 in. and 56 in. material. Charmee-n in the famous "Pansy" color is a most delightful fabric. SEE OUR WINDOW , Bellows Store Co. THE STORE OF VALUES TODAY'S BASEBALL EW YORK. Aug. 20. Pitts burgh resumed a three game lead in the national laague pennant race today by defeating Brook lyn S to 1, while the tiiants were losing to Chicago. 5 to 3. THESE LENS LEGAL National Loague. At Boston R. St. Loul 3 lloeton 6 Batteries: Mails and O'Farrell Rarnes and O'Neil At New York: Chicago Since the publication in yester day'a issue of the New-B-Hevlew of I those certain manufacture of auto j headlights and lens that have been I specified by the officials as legal E. i In Oregon, a few additional makes 2 i have been added, and they are: 1 I Flatlites, Liberty, Macbeth D, Smith Lens, and Standard. Those car owners whose autos R. H. E. I nave anv ot these makes of lights S 11 1 r lens are assured that the stale H. 7 9 New York .-. 3 5 2 i accepts them as meeting the de Batteries: Kaufmann and Hart- j mands of the traffic regulations. nett; Bentley and Snyder. n At Brooklyn: R. H E. COSTLY HOTEL FIRE Pittsburgh 2 8 o! OCEAN GROVE, Pa.. Aug. 20.- Brooklyn l 6 0 Fir originating in the adjolnitu Batteries: Kremer and Smith; I Homestead tea room, spread Grimes and Taylor. At Philadelphia: R. H. E. Cincinnati 8 15 2 Philadelphia 4 10 2 Batteries: Rlxey and Hargrave: Pearce, Couch, Knight and Hen line, i through the North End hotel today, causing a loss of from (75,000 to 1100.000. All ot the 350 guests reached the board walk in safety. American League. At Cleveland: (12 in.) R. H. E. Washington 1 13 2 Cleveland 0 8 2 Batteries: Zacharv. Marberry and Severeid: Miller and L. Sew-ell. At Chicago R. H. E. Boston 7 11 6 Chicago ..: It 15 1 Batteries: Ruffing, Zahnlser and Heving: Blankenshlp, Con nolly and Schalk. SIISTAH WILLS IX PARKE PARIS, Aug. 20. Harry Wills, American negro heavyweight pug ilist, will sail for New York, Au gust 29, according to his present plans. He arrived In Paris today alter several weeks in Germany. Cook witn gas. Yesterday's Scores. At Salt Lake 29-4: Portland 9-9. At Oakland 6: San Francisco 5. At Vernon 0; Los Angeles 5. At Sacramento 0; Seattle 10. Coog witn ra PEAR CANNING TO OPEN FULL BLAST FIRST NEXT WEEK Pear canning which started at the I'mpqua Valley Canning com pany plant Tuesday of this week Is starting very light, according to' an announcement from Manager A. i J. Geddes today. Thef rult Is ripening slowly and I only a small amount Is coming in ! so far. All buying is from local j growers. Only a part-time force Is I now employed at the cannery and j little fruit Is being put up at pres ent. Mr. Geddes announces, how-J -.i, urn iiiT-it- ib m Ktniu t-rop in this vicinity and as soon as they are ripened a full force will go on. He expects the big part of the crop to start coming in the first of next week. At present only an ordinary amount of fruit Is being canned. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather rjtireau, local of fice. Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 5 a. m. Precipitation in Inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesteniay 85 Lowest tempearture last night 52 Precipitation, last 24 hours 0 Total precip. since 1st of month 0 Normal precip. for this month .33 Total precip. from SepL 1, 1924. to date 41.91 Average precip. from SepL 1, 1877 .. 34.23 Total excess from Sept. 1. 1924 7.6S Average precipitation for 44 wet seasons, (September to Mav, inclusive) 81 48 Fair and mild tonight and Fri day. WILLIAM BELL, Meteorologist. WHOSE FAULT? Yon may take every precaution against fire. But what about the other fellow your nxt door neighbor at home or at busi ness. His carelessness may mean your loss. Let us protect you from his rhortcomings. Misomc una ROSEBURG. Oil j SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAYI m -AIANC0SIAND- WORLD NEWS Feature Comedy Friday: -New Lives for Old" -THE TEN f5 ClUaCtU 11 W Amit mM CfwA J Apf the Screen Hi at with gas. CECIL K DeMILLE: r. GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT a Qamtnoant Qktun Matinee Sunday, Monday ANTLERS Special Song Prologue