Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 11, 1925, Page 1, Image 1

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Consolidation of Tha Evening Ntwt and
Tha Ronburg Rtvtaw
An Indapandent Newspaper, Published lor
th Beit Interests of th Psople.
O- n appropriation of $200 bai
Latest Evidence Points to
Accomplices in Career
'of Crookedness.
o. .
'C.rZ'0'f W 'he Glide com-
V. ' In their annual fair.
h. to be held on
. . x3. The money la
w 10
o. r me nremiumB. V
j vjiwi being offer-
-.mis varieties
ed K
year hoio
red in that
people each
the best com- 0)
mully fairs a the county, and
always have a fine program In
connection with their exhibits.
Silk Formula Lifted From
Chemistry Book; Store
Skeins Bait for
Stock Buyers.
fAamrlated Prna Laatd Wire.)
OAKLAND. Cal.. Aug. 11.
Search for a man and woman, be
lieved to have been confederates of
Charles Henry Schwartz, at least
to the extent of visiting him be
tween the time he killed O. W.
Barbe, ministerial
his suicide whon
Shotgun Answers Volley of
Stones 5 Injured and
15 Others Held
for Trial.
(Aara-UtH Frra Ixufd Wh.)
FRAMlNtlHAM, Mass.. Aug. 11.
Sixty of the seventy-five men
wayfarer, and .taken Into custody last night after
arrest for his la Ku Klux Klan meeting had been
crime was Imminent last Sunday, I broken up In a shooting affray. In
Was engaging attention of police. which five men were wounded,
today. That the author of the "too I were released today. The other
perfect" plot to defraud Insurance ' fifteen were held in $200 ball for
companies of more than $100,000
by cashing In on the bodv of a man
he had murdered, received food
and medical attention for an In-
appearance August 19 on charge of
assault with dangerous weapons.
Twenty-four of them were a
raigned after the others had been
jured ankle, after he had fled from dismissed without hearing. Nine
the Ce'lulose plant laboratory others were dismissed for lack of
which he had fired to Incinerate .evidence.
his victim's corpse.' is tho state-1 One of those he'd was Perley W.
ment of Inspector Wallman of the Libby, upon whose farm the Klan
Oakland department. V allman 1 meeting was held. It was Libby s
predicted that within the next 24lhouse that the Klansmen took
Cinderella Girl Waives All
Claim to Fortune of Her
Ex-Foster Father.
Dines With Browning Party
at Farewell Feed After
Proceedings, Then
Returns Home.
(Aanclattd Prm Leased Wire.)
NEW YORK. Aug. 11. The
adoption of Mary Louise Spas by
Edward W. Browning, millionaire
real estate operator, was annulled
today by Surrogate Noble of
Queens county, on the grounds that
the girl bad misrepresented her
The age Issue was the only one
presented by District Attorney
Newcombe. who entered the motion
lor revocation.
The prune growers of the j Mwrutnt itm im(4 Win.)
Itoseburg district are to meet on I WASHINGTON. Aug. 11. The
Saturday afternoon. August 15, , sale of a carload of American
at 8 p. m , at the City Hall, for 1 apples In Scotland for four times
the purpose of perfecting the ort I the pries brought by Portuguese
ganliation of the Roseburg Prima i uupies and for a higher price
Growers Cooperative Association, i than could be obtained for Au
It la proposed at this meeting to jatrallan and New Zealaud apples
elect officers, and to transact 1 was set forth today by the de
such other business as may prop- partment of agriculture as a
erly come before the meeting for striking illustration of the possl
conslderation. The articles of unties of shipping American fruit
incorporation were prepared last (abroad. '
week and were filed -with tho J. McPheo Ferguson, of Yakl
corporatlon commissioner. Every-1 ma. Washington, harvestetl the
thing Is now In readiness to per-: tipples of the winesap variety In
feet the association, and every 11924. Despite the fact that they
prune grower interested in the were a year old and were ship
disposal of this year'a crop or i ped .3,000 miles, they arrived in
next year's crop Is urged hy those J Scotland in first class condition,
fostering the organization to be They were wrapped In oil paper
present at Saturday night's meet- at the time of harvest and pluced
Oaklnnd has already completed
its group, and has signed up 150
acres of orchard. A strong cam
paign for membership is to be
Initiated in that district.
in cold
storage at Yakima until
lu refrigerator cam.
(AnocUtnl Tmt Lrued Wire.)
PORTLAND, Aug. 11 After de
bating from 3 until 9:30 p. m. last
night, the state game commission
decided to erase from the minutes
j of its last meeting the long succes
sion ot cnarges ana uetense state
ments which surrounded the dis
missal of Master Warden Hiirahp.
SWAMPSCOTT. Mass., Aug. U.iduff. Superintendent of Hatcheries
President Coolidge ,1s holding' Hykeman and Educational Director
himself in readiness to return to Jones.
Washington if any situation de-' The minutes were turned over to
velops requiring his presence there. I Chairman Clifford and Warden
He does not, however, foresee thlsl Averlll with instructions to cut out
contingency, has not made any ' 'he evidences of a fight and credit
plans as yet for terminating his va-j the dismissals to the cause of har-
i cation, and Indications were given j mony.
. , ... .i muttv Him ii uiuunmv tvuinu u- wu-
h f7 .k n 88 al8 tor several weeks or a'
her foster father, when the surrt!montn i
gate's decision was announced. The j Th t.MptiI a ml Mr. Pool Id DEDUCT 90 CTS. BOX FOR
have definitely decided to spend shipping WHAT'S LEFT 7
veloptnents in thin case. were thrown at them by watchers
As the Investigation continunR along the road. State troopers
(he evidence being accumulated rounded up 45 men in the Libby
tends further and further to dis
credit the statements yiade by
Schwartz in the farewell Mter he
penned to his wife regarding
events lending up to the slaying
and the character of the crime.
Instead of having slain a total
stranger, who attacked him, as
Srhwartz wrote Mrs. Schwartz, the
police believe that he had been ac
quainted with Barbe tor four years.
The Identification of the victim
house, 22 more in the barn and
eight others in the bushes sur
rounding the buildings.
Two of the wounded, Alonzo Fo
ley and Thomas Sliney, both of
hours there will be startling de-; shelter when they declared atones j Jwded the square outride from
i.uo iuuniiiiK iu wit
ness .the final act In tho "Cinderel
la romance."
Mary and her parents agreed to
the annulment, the text of the
agreement containing a provision
that the girl was not to participate
In any right as heir to the fori u no
a i'Ia it.nM ! m i . nrowning. Her reiatfvnn n-
hospltal! Foley, shot through the I iboun,d themselves not to bring
left temple with buckshot, Is in a " "l against Mr.
serious condition. Sliney has two I)r"ing or his heirs,
facial wounds. The others shot urownlng later accompanied
were able to go home after their 17 and h(,r Prents to the hotel
,.. ,i,Aoa.ui Uelleclaire. where hn linn n unit
as Barbe is regarded as virtually The riots started lawt night when Tne,.RirJi P" against going
certain through th. disclosure of ja crowd of hostile spectators gath-! lne hotel, but finally was per-
ered outside a field on the farm of i i nwi me party
Pearly W. Libby. where 100 Klans-iJ'ad what Hi-owning called "the
girl showed little emotion.
Apparently abandoning her of-,.... B ii.-.,..r, v
forts to enter a convent, Mary re-Kuest8 of lne president's' father. i
turned to her home In Astoria i mionnl John C. Coolidee. who is'
nnvn Biiv if ii me court nouse.
A large crowd of curious people
waited in the little building and
CHICAGO, Aug. If. Seven
witnesses who directed Barbe to
the plant of the Cellulose company
at Walnut Creek: through the
statement of another person that
Ilarbo had told he was going to
Walnut Creek to visit his friend,
Schwartz, and through evidence at
hand that Srhwartz and Barbe had
written letters to each other num
erous times.
L. O. Shoemaker, a former serv
ice man of Los Angeles, told th
contrary story that Schwartz and
Bnrbe met In hi presence in Wal
nut Creek In 1921.
The pretentions of Schwortz to fled.
have been a chemist and the in
ventor of a compound for artificial
silk making that wou'd revolution
ize the frduMry, have suffered as
the investigation Is progressing.
His formula was -copied verbatim
from nn old book on chemlstrv,
said Professor E. O. Helnrich.
criminologist of the University of
California, and the supposed high
intended to hold their fifth ifa.wp" tl Inner.
meeting In as many weeks. A few
taunts and rocks hurled at the
Klansmen by the outsiders were
answered by six charges of buck
shot fired from the darkness near P"nts.
When Brown in ir left tho nniio
he said he had "juade no cash set
tlement whatever. ' The girl then
returned to her home with her
a henhouse beside the Libby
house. As the five men fell, the
outsiders dispersed, pausing long
enough to pick up the wounded and
carry them to a nearby doctor's
office where their wounds were
j dressed and the state police noti-
Attempt to Enter Convent Fails.
NEWARK. N. J Aug. 11. The
Newark Star Eaele, In a copyright
story today, will announce that
-radically recovered from hla re- cars of pears from California,
cent illness and operation. ? three from Oregon arrived" to-
Prior to his departure for rly- nay. Thirty-right cars on
mouth, the president expects to track Including broken. 12
confer here with Postmaster-Gen- cars sold. California Hartletta
eral New on routine mailers, lle v rR 1 2 boxes sold at $1.85 to 4
had as a luncheon guest today $2.85, mostly 12.25 to $2.50.
Charles R. Crane, former minister I
to China. J
Divorce Case Congressman
Scott Reveals Iligher-Ups
As Foremost "Scojflaivs
Only 2 Rockwood,
California, Standing on
Original Sites.
LOSS NEAR $175,000
Populace Takes Refuge in
Irrigation Ditches and
Casualty List Only
Totals Five.
(AancLtnl rNS trunl Wire.)
ROCKWOOD. Cal., Aug. 11.
Mud, splinters and dead chickens
were underfoot today as the half
thousand Inhabitants of this little
Imperial valley town set them
selves to the task of bringing order
out of the chaos In the wake ot
Sunday's tornado.
The property damaged estimated
(Aanr'itnl rrna Uunl Wlft.)
11. C. Rogers Arundell. of
Oregon, today was appointed
a ntember of the board of
taj appeals for a term ex
piring June 1, 1926.
The names of William C.
Iloyden of Chicago and Wil
liam Bullitt of Louisville are
said to be under considera
tion by President Coolidge.
for the ambassadorship to
It 1
Ueclares innocence and Lioes
to Death Unflinchingly
. Leaves $500 to Son
for Education.
at between $125,000 and $175,000 j garage man.
(Anritffl rrrm Uol Wire.)'
LINCOLN. Neb.. Aug. 11. Wal
ter Ray Simmons, former Montana
cowboy and .deputy sheriff, was
electrocuted at the state prison
here today for tha slaying of
frank Pahl, Spencer, Nebraska,
covered the destruction of a grain
warehouse and cantaloupe sheds.
unuiHKe to grocery store tnai wasjat 7-iq a
winonru .mi iib iiiiiiiuutiuii HUM I
planted In the mud 200 yards away:
destruction or damage of a dozen
homea, and the havoc wrought In'
The current was sent Into his
body at 7:05 a. in., and tumid off
The doctors pronounced Sim
mons dead shortly after.
Simmons left a last letter with
corn and cotton fields and among m , . y, nmemn- '
telephone and telegraph lines serv-,P?n",,.y." P"lr. Montsn, .ddress-
telephone and telegraph lines serv
ing the village. t
Due to the destruction of tele
phone and telegraph communlca-
! tion
(AtwylatM Pma lMf1 Wlr.)
ALPENA. Mirh.. Anjr. 11. Fifty
boxes of li(uor taktm aboard th
steanipr Cristobal at Panama in
the spring of 1921 turned a oon-
ri r.i.nuimi juiin-i miu n pay m lllft" j
lnr and gambling affair. Florn I
Ia1law, a Filipino, test If ted by d-
anothor room, she look disarran(t
ed. Hnr hair was all niusHfd.''
KnadinK of thn de poult ion had
not bi'n complt' vhen .udir
Frank I. Km rick adjournt-d the
morn in ff session.
It was "quite the usual thin,
to serve liquor in Wash Iiir ton
. . .. hnnitia unit nunrtmpnla In Ift'' nnil
posiunn loduy hi in uivnren near- i . ,t
nC M -"rn- .iarnuuni a. uuuiiiiuii.
Inir of C'onprcssman Fran
EUGENE, Ore., Aujt. 11. Gored) At the convent of St. John the
by a cow, and severely gashed ; Baptist. 17 Amity Tlaee, the girl
about the body. Mrs. Don Hulibf rt, I threw herself at the feet of the
whose residence is about six miles (Mother Superior and beeged to be
ly inflammable compound for the ouh of Eugene, was brought to a "accepted for th novitiate,
cutting of silk fibre wan nothing j hospital yeMeiMay. Oh Ira so tired of everything."
but a harmless paste which h stir- The cow. reputed to be. hard to she sobbed "Please take me, sis
red Inrespant'y whenever visitors nandie. turned on her whll j shejter even'thlng Is anhes."
were around Professor Helnrich was milking, ard bffore she could) A later anna' to the Domlnlran
Bai(j ' I get away had pinned her down. A i fathers at 337 South Orange ave-
in'.nai nf htn . Trunin in the i number of stitches were -necessary nue alno failed.
inrh Brmv Srhwarti was ai c,08e tne wounrl8- "r lon't think you are 'apnhl
private In the Tied Cross s-'rvlce,
police state, and the silk skeins
which he is said to have exhibited
as progress made by him when
selling stock In his company, were
purchased at a department store
It has developed that one pollry
carried by Schwartz in favor of
Mrs. Schwnrtr. for $25,000 had
PORTLAND. Aug. 11. In one of
.tho hardest fought heavyweight
I bouts ever staged In the northwest.
' I Sam Baker, Hollywood movie cel-
1 lAhrlln wnn as 1A nualulnti
T . w .. . ,iT.i from WW Johnson, one time con-
plred August 2. If t prove, that , pf fo'r lnp heavywpll!h, crown.
m Z t ill 7mm I - A -rrlf,c rlrh C""P ' th- Jawihor- 't-ortlr after midnight
'"..' loAAfifl r'oor Johnson In the second
which otalhd mor than lliwooo
",ai r,CCnr,.,.J,h' Lf.'!h' left found hi. mark In l-fl.g
ii. .w. " ; range smashes.
I.. ' lilntirtu.l A. a nf U ra
. . . Kiri " " " ...
Mary Louise spas, the 21-year-old ,, . Scott, asserted In another tleposl-
Bohemian girl, who unsuccessfully I Da'la,w; wl,1 wa" f"'r b"l,nl tlon read. The deposition was lak
trled to become a modern rinderel- ,n rristobal. said that there was'pn at S(in ,)(lgo Ca, wnere MnI
la. spent the night and this morn- drinking all over the ship. ! Hamilton resides. Mrs. Hamilton.
Ing In Newark In a vain effort to "'tverywhere you can find glass- formerly a neighbor of the Srotts
enter a convent and become a nun. jes and liquor," Dallaw said. "Whm lat the Wardman Park hotel' In
u i cannot oecome a nun. ' sob- we got to Norroik we cleaned tne , Washington, said liquor was serv-
I the young woman. "I'm aninrlshln and found lot. nf wln. bottles H Dt ih. BaPtn,unf on that
I to marry a poor boy and we'll work 'In congressmen's rooms. We found was a general practice In offl-
ann nave a nice home." some times two. three, four bottles Hal Washington for hostesses to
In each room. They a'l were emp- Invite their guests to have a drink.
1v" Mrs. Ilaml Inn also related that
"'When the Cristobal docked at Scott sold the Scott household
Norfolk." Dallaw said, "the re-, furniture and effects In 1923 to
malnlng boxes of liquor wre load- Congressman Iloyal Johnson of
ed Into an army truck and taken Minnesota. Congressman Scotl
away." once rrmarked that hn wondered
Iiallaw said he went to the "If mv canary ever steps out," Mrs.
House office hiilldln? to ask Mr. Hamilton's deposition said.
Scott to help him get a Job. I A parly at Capialn Wilbur Sum-
"I knock one. two. three times ners' quarters at Fort Myer. Va.. In
on door." Pa'law deposed In bro- bono- of a sister of Uriitadler-Oen-ken
Kngllsh which was retained In eral William Mitchell, was related,
the document. "I wall tn, fifteen ;The affair was attended by Mrs.
minutes. I tHed to nek through Scott and a score more of guests.
the kevhole, but I could not see : Mrs. Hamilton aald. and was order
anvthlnr. i lv throughout. Mrs. Scott at no
"Finally Mr. Scott he open the time was alone with Captain Stun
Idonr; he look verv suspicions. He ner. Ihe ileposlllon averred.
Ilnok all mussed up. Most all time Another partv at the Srnlt
Mr. Scott he keep bis clothes new laparinieni was nescriueu. iiiKiiuium
and pressed, but he look very bad i wero served. Mrs. Hamilton said
whn he open the door. j and Congressman Scott partook
"Miss Kennedy she came mil of along wllh the olheri
making a Judgment now." a father
I of the order told her. "'If you In
's'st you can to to the convent sta
tion near Summit or to the house
of the Ocod Shepherd nesr h"re.
but I advise against It. Oo home
wllh your father and mother. I
give von aiv blessing."
Accompanied by her father and
mother, the girl who for a day or
two hud been the adopted daugh
ter of Kdward W. Drowning, weal
thy renl estate operator, arrived
ed to his son, Walter R. Simmons,
Jr., saying he was leaving $r00 In
currency to be used for his son's
It was not until yesterday :"tcation.
word of Mockwood's plight' "mnnons was np at the regular
reached the outside world and aid t,n"" hnA hai1 breakfast of pine-
was sent from Brawley, El Centre
and other nearby towns:
When relief workers arrived they
learned that two funnel shaped
apple .oranges, rofree, bacon, toast,
eggs and potatoes.'
At six a. m., tho death warrant
was read to the condemned man by
clouds had swooped down on Rock-1 Warden Fenton of the prison
wood late Sunday, and that to tliel A final statement was made bv
terror stricken residents these twoSlmmons to his attorney for pub-
lunueis seemed to be racing pell iiicsiion. It follows:
mell toward a collision In the
midst of the town.
Those whot could flung them
selves Into nearby - Irrigation
flitches, a fuct which is believed to
"It Is but a few moments : that
there fs a hereafter, and that If I
wero leaving ihe world with a He
on mv tontue 1 wouldn't have the
chance I have If I te'l the truth.
explain Ihe small casualty list of and realizing that as 1 do and be.
live siignny injured, nail ami tor- living that to he truth, the only
renllal rains beat upon the sur-t,lng I can say Is that I am lnno
vlvors as they cringed under the:c(nt.
flailing winds of Ihe storm and j "l ain dying wllhout any nrelu
when they emerged from their iin-idce against anyone nil is forglv
provlsed slorm cellars, (hey found by )p and , ,pk ,tKlvltnrm )n
the hall had killed countWss chick-1 )lacl , , mm.h pnh...
ens while the rain was turning th. lr
streets and outlying roads inlojt
UtlKS ill I11UU.
A few minutes before the execll
on the former rowbov cslted re-
.n...... t .. kl. ....II n .. .1 . I. - .. 1. 1
.nl 'uTr" ,ipP"xl';them for tho courtesy he was
shown. W)en asked how he felt,
Simmons replied:
"All right. I go without crack
ing." Simmons maintained his outward
cnlm to the last and sat with th
lind riiHinumire an re w"n oeing
sirtpppfi .mo i uenm cnair.
in marked contrast to the long
fires kindled where their kitchen flht nf Hlmmons and his attorneys
stoves used to be. Ifnr Hf'. Jhe execution phvslclan
"rcnounceu xne stayer ueau at
7:1. a. m.
Simmons renuested 'at n'ht
WITH CARGO; OWNER body will be taken there today.
mately twenty buildings were
standing on their original founda
tions. One resilience reposed In
apparent comfort upon the site
which a few minutes before belong
ed to the grocery store. Many
chickens that survived derth In the
storm huddled about the Oenrl
for today s breakfasts they were
rooked ity many rami lies en- Lamp
Cool Night and High Hu
midity Aids in Gaining
Control Over Fires.
Lookouts Able to See Out
From Stations for the
First Time in Several
The low temperature of last
night, coupled with the high hu
midity resulted in a general relief
in the fire situation. This morning
reports received were to the effect
that all flrea In Douglas county
were out, and that conditions were
greatly improved. Visibility was re
ported to be much better, and for
the first time in many daya look
outs were able to get a glimpse of
at least a portion of their territory.
This afternoon the Douglas
county fire patrol received a report
of a small fire on Olalla creek,
southwest of Roseburg. Men were
Immediately dispatched to the
scene. As the fire waa Just start
ing to show smoke. It la not ho.
lleved to be of any great size or
tAmnrtti PrM. I) Wit.)
coast guard cutter (-2ti2 early to
day captured the Jessie M., a 40-
foot craft, on the coast south of
Lana County Situation Betttr.
KUtiKNE, Ore.. Aug. 11. With,
smoke cleared away and skies
threatening rain, there waa every
Indication that the forest fire
threala of yesterday had abated
here today.
('reparations were belna made
this morning for flights over Ihe
forested areas of Lane county by
ioresi air patrol piiuts stationed
Low hanging clouds today gave
Indication that the long-conlliiued
dry spell here might be broken
thin the near future. It waa 1
much cooler lhls morning than has
been the custom wllhln the past
two months.
Yesterday's maximum tempera
lire was but 81 degrees.
The wind shlfled to Ihe south
today, giving added Indications
that Ihe long-awaited rain might
pay a visit.
Dry Spell Not Unusual.
SAI.EM. Ore.. Aug. 11. F. A. El
liott, state forester, takes excep
ceptlon to newspaper statements
that the present dry spell Is a
record breaker for length.
In 1917. aays Elliott, citing off -
clal weather records, Port 'ami waa
69 daya without rain, Tlllnmook
117 days. Roseburg 94 days. Med-
ford 119 days. Port Orford IBS
days. Ilend 120 days and Raker 103
days. In 1914 there wns no rain
In the timbered districts from June
23 to September 6. a total of 74
Timber fires, says Elliott have
been held in check this season, '
and the logs of grefn timber Is
small. "
One Flra In Jackson County'.'
MKKKOHI), Ore., Aug. 11. With
I roo'er weather nnil all hill nn. nf
HAS NO. 200,000""' Jl "'P" reported yesterday un-
u.-r vi.iiiiui, mo iiiri'SL lire biiimi-
tlcn In Jackson county this morn-
. , i. . t. i i .
aiiL-M ... ii .' .. Ing was murh Improved
here wl.h a cargo of 300 casea of first time ., Oregon automobile Is L" ""ni'-nt Issued by the local
Honor aboard . i i k forest service. The ono fire of
and, when he saw he had bungled,
killed himself.
rvrpnTirtM nnl litre 1
CAtLr i iwn rruiic-j viKds won
"Take me to this o'ace." she
told James O'Neill, a tsxl-drlver.
as she pointed to a newspnner story
Mllnr how Oeraldlne Itlrhe. 19.
New York afrl snnrht asvlnm In
SPEC' WOODS WINS ,h" v""- J"hn the Dan
HURRICANE BOUTi Aini.e" ,he conri " 17
I When the early morning attempt
rAaneUM FTm id wir.) , to a ronse the Inmates of the con-
P.END, Ore.. Aug. 11. Spec vent was unsuccessful, the alrl
ten-round decision consulted with h-r narents and
mere last night from Submarine told the driver to take her to
Dorothy Ellin gson "Jazz Girl"
Goes to Trial Second Time
jor Murder of Her Mother
ine vessel was towed to Ban! The distinction of having
Francisco, as ina coast guard ves-miimher hns fallen lo C. W. Ne'son
sel neared Melggs wharf here will f uend. This, however, dor a not
Its prlte, the owner Jumped over- mean Hint Ihe actnnl number of
board. He was not apprehended, j passenger automobile has vet
nor was his name learned. i reached Hint number, since ihe
The capture waa maile 20 miles ) numbers from K0.000 lo 9!),9!i!) have
from Pigeon Point, which Is 4 R: been reserved for trucks. The nr.
tual total licenses Issued Is 197.
C03, or which 1K2.3D3 have been is
sued for passenger cars and l.pi.3i)0
for trucks.
Hint "" i" "I"" i umii
miles south of Han Francisco.
f Awx-uixl Trtm tiuni wir.) ! examination of the
BiM rmvr'lar'n a... it elite. He refused
, . ' ' , . make i
Dorothy Klllngson, 17year-o.d j,
"Jan girl." went on trial the fc- good."
young malrl
veslerday to
new Investigation, declar-
would serve "no public
The Klwanls luncheon program
today was a very. Interest Ing one,
being conducted by Nnpnleon
Hire. A cornet solo played by
Mrs. Shock ley, was greatly ap
preciated and she was forced to
respond to an encore. Mrs.
miles from Prospect near lh Cra
ter Lake hU'hway, and has burned
over about 40 acres, but Is confined
lo sn old burned area and will not
threaten merchantable timber.
Seattle Lands Equipment
SEATTLE, Aug. 11. The Seattle
city council yesterday directed the
fire chief to lend apparatus ha
could spsre to communities flight
ing fires In brush and forests. The
city was found lo hnve considerable
jdiscarited fire fUhllnu equipment,
inc'itdlng nunipln crglres.
Kerry Timber Co. Big Loser.
ASTORIA. Ore.. Ana. 11. A
WATER OWNERSHIP "" rain last night, mists and fog-
gy wenther have further checked
'ihe big forest fire aling Ihe Colum
bia and N'ehalem river railway and
Ihe blar.e In Ihe upper YuunRs rlv
r valley near Saddle mountain.
lighter In weight today than at the
time nf h-T first trial, due to an
operation for appendicitis perform
ed In the meantime and to a stom
ach, ailment which has prevented
iKmmtrA Trrm Lnsnl Wh ( iDean. of this city. In what Is term-lchesn hotel and call for her this
PORTLAND. Aug. 11 P. L. led the hardest fought fight ever j morning.
Kent, crop statistician of the de- seen here. They spent the night at a hostel-
nartment nf arrlculture in his From the tan nt fh. 'm. In the v nr... it.. ii.A i
monthly report today says that in first round until the end. both men ; b-eakf-.ted In their room nn'a can l''1"1 ""! ,0,lay f"r 'hp 1 M," Kl''"" was ten pounds
spite or some deterioration ouring never ceased bsttllng. Time and of roffri and sandwiches after i'" 1 " r nun. r.i
July, due largely to very hot again both became sn tired theyiwhlch Ihe unsuccessful attempt ,n"on' ' Jry. The first
weather. Oregon's grain crops are could not knock each other out. In'wss resumed !,rlal w" """'I "y an Insanity
still found to be larger than they , the third round, cheering of th I Before 9 o'clock the Irlo left !!"'r,n which resulted In a ver
were last rear. IrrnwH made It lmnnlbl tnr ihe ' V.-.-1, th. .1,1 ih.i diet of Insanity. Ijiter the girl
The same is true of hay and po- fighters to hear the gong. Thvishe must snnesr In court In Jams- w" prononncea sane and h r esse ner fom tnmnr solid food. Her
tatoes. but tree fruits and grapes bd to be stopped by the referee, lire t 1 . at in a m. ' rr'ei 'nr ,rl,l. hysterical behaviour and a series
are either somewhat less than In Each round was the same. boh j Bfore leaving Newark. Vst oh- No request for a continuance of fainting spells f-aturM her pre-
1924 or about the same In pros pec- standing np and s uralng. or with italned from th" tsvl driver a slate- was made by the dlense attnr- vlous appearances In court. !
tlve yields. brads together and arms gelng like)ment showing that she hsd spent neys. In-Jsu Imn Hall, psychlst- A pba of temporary Insanity. II ,
The prune crop will be but a pistons, lambasting each other ui-ithe night here and thst she hsdjrlst who tesilflrd at the insanity was Indicated by the girl's attor
small fraction of a full yield. The til the round ended. tried to gain admission to the ihesrlna. accepted a suhpoacna Inte res. wl I be the basis of the de
hop crop fs expected to be about Woods fought at 1.131. D-an atconvents. givlna him a duplicate. Ivestarday and will repeat on the fense. Selection of a Jury began'
the same as In 1924. '144. (Continued on pag-s ) witness stand the story of his first at once when the case was called.
BALEM. Ore.. Aug. 11. Two Im
portant steps toward the proposed
purchase of Ihe Salem Wa!"r com-
Khockley waa accompanied on the "" " "" I The first of these ll'-es Is said lo
nlnno hy Mrs. K. 1.. P. Llntott. J ,,,kPn "" " mwlln!have burned over 15.000 acrea, an
The attendance prise was won hyn''l, I""' nlht h lhamber of irs ,vpn n,Miss long anil aeveral
"" ' . t ... . I miles wide. It was on th Kerry
T he first of these was a vote that ., mtM.r rompiiny property. This
engineers be selected to make an (irH- lhml.h lt burnP1 lo ,h. N,.ha.
appraisal of the plant, on. to he ,,., ,,, , rkpnr(.,,, ha, ot
selected by the cliy. one by fh"v,r,,, ,nc, Saturday,
company and a third lo be s. lecinl Th voting's rlvei valley fire Is
" " ' -i"u.on ihe f'rnwn-W ainetto
Mr. Mlddleburg. Two d'llghtful
recitations were given by Miss
lietly Lawrence, after which Fire
Chief James Kletcher gnve an
Interesting and Instructive tulk
on "Klro llaxnrdn and Fire
l-'lghlliig." He explained some of
tha hazard which exist l:( all
cities, and pointed out the
(ompanv a land.
Cnnnillan Klrcs Irftip ltonler.
SPOKANE. Aug. 11 With two
large fires still uncontrolled In
the Kanlksu national forest.
blazes from across the Canadian
step was a vote ttint Mavor tllesy
and Preslil -nt T. M. Hicks, nf tin-
thoirs used by fire departments In iChamb"r of Coniiin'rce, sini'iliit an
hnndllng various types of fires. ! sdvlsory committee to consult wllh .
He enlisted the aid of all Kiwa- he cltv and i hninb' r authorities
e'nns In fire prevention activities, ftom time to tlnie.
The board of directors snnonnred ' P'l- r to the adoption nf lhsa nnn are sweeping Into tha reserve.
the nomination of He mi tor H. L. two mollnn'. the aptiroxlmnleiv 90 sold Information received here
t-'ddv to rill the ta-m of District ' persons present voted unanimously todav. The Ithode fire, which
Trustee O. C. Mrown, retired. Ilhat the city should lake over the ),,, burned over more thsn 1.0U0
-o - I system. T n Kay came In after acres and the tipper Salmon rl-
Pred Harris of flunler. was In th vole had ben taken, and whn ver flra, about 300 acrea in ei
noseburg today attending to busl-hls vote wss demanded be voted I tent, wero defying efforts ot
ness matters. against It, standing alone. I (Continued on page 1)
1 ,,