TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925.' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW JjMued Daily Excapt Sunday by Tha Nawa-Ravlaw Co, Inc. 6. W. BATES aUJKT U. UATES- -i'rulcleul and Manager Kecrlary-Treaaurer kuiur4 aa aecouil claaa matter May 17, 1821), at ttie jiuat uilic at Koaeburg, Oregon, under the Act of March 1. IS79. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Baili..per year, by raalL. Bailf,ii montba, by mail ally; three mouths, by malL- ataily, aiugle mouth, by maiL. t)atly, by carrier, per month.. 'eekty Newa-Iteviuw, by mail, per year- -14.00 2.uu . 100 . .60 . .60 . 1 00 State PreM Comment llriubcr I Ike AMul-lalcd 1'rw. The Associated Freea la xciulvely jitaled 10 th uia for republi cation of all ne -va dlapu-li0s credited to It or not olburwtea credited ifi taa paper and to all local newa publlatird herein. All righla ol r ublKatlou of apeclal diepauhea herein aia aleo reaerved. ROSEBURG, OREGON, .THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925. NEIGHBORHOOD QUARRELS, Jul. Neighbors have always quarreled from time immemor One used to hear in many towns of people who would jever'speak to a next door neighbor whom they disliked, and would pass them without recognition for years. If such folks Sad'dwelt at opposite ends of the town, they would never lave disputed, but as soon as they were brought close to etiii!r on one street, they could not adjust themselves mu tually; Little frictions would come up, the children would play 'on the neighbor's lawn, or the chickens would invade Jhe garden, etc, etc. From such incidents hot words would Jrise, and soon a feud would start that might never be heal ed. If there have been many who could not get along in the comparatively large space given by a country home, a spirit jf adjustment is specially needed now that so many of them re 'dwelling in close quarters and occupying houres togeth er. There are still some people who are far too sensitive to he things their neighbors do. If the folks who occupy the, apartment overhead do a little dancing or singing,- or if their baby 'cries, then the people underneath sometimes declare ihat they can not tolerate such disturbance, and they must lave quiet or they will move. But as a whole people are learning to take such things more comfortably. If they 3vant absolute 'peace, they would better go to some little jount'ry village and buy a home on some side street and pro vide themselves with an alert watchdog, and they will not be Jioth'ered much. But if they are going to dwell in a modern Jown, they must become a little tolerant in the matter of hu 3nan contacts. If people are doing important work and are Unterested in their occupations, and are reading and think ing and have normal diversions, they ought to get over a Jnorbid sensitiveness to the acts of their neighbors. : " : r ... FIRE HAZARDS ARE GREAT. Juit Why? Why did tbe Oregon legislature meddle with the achool text book law? Why waa the chanj-u made? Aa adopted, the original law was a good law. It ended one of the blKKeie) public acamlals ever In Ore gon the scandal of the domina tion of Oregon schools by the school book trust I'nder the orig inal alatute, tent books were adopt ed every aia years. The 1923 leuls lature changed the law to provide for adoption of one third of tbe books every two years. Last November, the textbook commission contracted for books for two years as r quired by the new law, the supposition being that the book companies would go on supplying the remaining two-thirds' for the coming fuur years at the; old prices. i Hut the book companies refused to contract for the four years' sup- Something The cook at our Deli catessen has a habit YOU'll Like! f concocting dishes that everybody likes. FRESH POTATO CHIPS EVERY DAY . HOT BREAD EVERY NOON ROASTS, SALADS FRIDAY SPECIALS Port Chopa with Dressing. Roast Beef, Walnut Cream and Raisin Pies. VOSBURGH & WIARD Fancy Grocers Phone SIS T; --Assorted Colors pi on 'A'J of lumber may continue to be cur tailed on account of the high price anil the iiw of unhxll I ul ea thu ratA piy oi uooks at tne oiu prices, anu ,,, .,,.,mi,ii,n, ,n Hnnhj -nn. are demanding higher prices, to the tlnuP, a, at present, much higher ' '"7 ,u ' per fin. than the growth of a new supply. , In an effort to repair the blunder The practical solution of the prob the late legislature passed a bill irm u, Iulure ,upl)1y ile3 In curt& autnorlzlng the statu board of id- Ilient of waste such aa destructive uHiion to contract with the pub- iOKKiK methods, the substitution of sher for a four years" supply: olner materials for wood and in re Why the state board of education? forestallon. And upon this import Why not the text book coinmis-; aut economic problem stale and na slim? It was the tent book com- Uoml attention should be continu mlsslon that delivered Oregon from aly focused. Salem Statesman. .htj vi me vuun irusi. 11 was the text book commission that secured a heavy cut In the cost of school books, that raised the stand- S. P. LI GIN Hod Carriers and Teachers A fortluud construction firm ad- arc! of books in use, and that put an dvertiement It offers them IS a end to the school book scandal that aHy tor an eiK,t hour day. ..a.. tiiw oim mr years. : t'Art-Vtiiir A hod of mnrtnp AKKlitd frrm Uued Wire.) KI.AMATH FALLS, Or 3., Aug. 6. Fourteen K amath mill owneis anil operators last night made pub lic a signed statement in which they pledged united support to the Southern Pacific company In its (AatirUtJ 1'reM Ltunl Wire.) KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Aug. 6. Koscse Largent. a cook, may lose tho sight or an eye and psai b.e permanent injuiy lu tho other as the result uf an explosion of a defective rifle bullet while ha was shooting at a target near Henley , latu yusterday. Uhe breech of his rifle was bltiwn out. the bu lot' gYazlng his temple and the powd r being Imbedded in his eye. The Injured man will be ruchcl to ban F:anclsco this moraine for an op-, eratioa in the hope of saving his ; sight. , Heal with gas. II SELF-STYLED Kill Bowl with Black Glass Base This Beautiful Bowl, an attractive ornament in itself, will be specially priced Saturday Only 98c On display in our window until Saturday. Every woman will want one of these bowls, so be on hand early Churchill Hardware Company The Iron Monger BOSTON, Auk- The hear ing of the cube of Mrs. Ida hlan- LnK.., nl 1.. ; I... . Why. then did the legislature take Drlks doesn't entail much re-pon-! banl? .'SZ00 rk '"daughter of Lottu and iiu -" : ik fnaeavorin trio obunu a imrt i ami Central Oreson . ; of the famoua uctrv3a. fliriunel istau-a thai Trip Kttc mfnf bpIm rnrlh (hni in ! . . . , ,, . , ...... not . '. . . . : ivii iur uniiantnroou: du rouses. : " -u ucuu in- . r Vl.u,Vue PrJrciHV today was conttnma until Mon- "".ii oi in, un-suu . unit iron day by Jtulse Prest at the request & II tha 0,,,l.Avn n.nllln la " " . a " mitted to carry out the building .... "iuiui ui itin st-irciiuil nilU u I, ,v t.n Iho urrlur A .tm.iv contracting of school books out of phyili,,l,e ta t1B one Qualification ,.., , , ,, ,K connuis- ntt.(),.,. Tlle vocation requlrei -uu ,,ui nuo me nanus oi inVt.8lment In education or train- As a result of this tinkering with i i,..,i..i .i....-.t. me in i , nit, malt, in w mioul J At no other tunc during the year are fire hazards as great as during the month of August. The low humidity iiowjirevailing makes conditions alarming and extreme care Ishoitrg be exercised, not only throughout the forests of the 3tate, but in all cities, to guard against careless methods that 3vou)d lead to the smallest conflagration. People camping Jind. traveling the highways cannot afford to be negligent in ;tlie .matter. The throwing of cigar and cigarette stubs along thejCQadway is equal to touching a matvh to a kt'g of powder. The, woods and dead grass are excellent fodder for starting a niost disastrous fire. The slightest neglect on the part of artless persons, at this particular period of the year, would iatfrfl great loss to the forests of the county. number of serious fires are already raging through put this county, everyone of which have quite likely emanated from camp fires left burning or the careless distribution of Jighuil matches, cigar or cigarette stubs. Persons cannot be Joo careful. Every precaution should be taken to protect the J'orests and private holdings from destruction, for, onco un der headway, there is no telling what the result might be, particularly at this time of .the year, with numerous forest 4 ires burning throughout the county. o 2 The movement launched by a group of PorUandersTTn Jlie form of a corporation, to invoke the referendum on the jiational prohibition law is not likely to end in success, but in its course it will stir up a lot of discord that communities an well do without. There is no demand for destruction of tho Volstead Act, either in its entirety or by so-called modi fications, except in Ruch sections and they arc far in the ninority where traffic in liquor is encouraged by the in difference of the authorities. Renewed agitation on the li llicr.questitm, like religious quarrels, cannot help but create tonuiuinity discord and neighborhood bickerings, and there by destroy the pull-together spirit necessary to commercial md social advancement. It is patent that a large percent- contract for four years' supply of books, and races increased prices If, aa the attorney general says, the text book commission has been robbed of Its authority to call for bids and make new contracts. Again, it is pertinent to ask, why was there passed the fool law of 1923 exposing school book buyers to the sweet will of the book com panies? Portland Journal. vested large sums of money in preparation for their life's work, receive less pay than the hod car rier. Men who shape the thought of the nation receive small pay for doing It in comparison with the man who carries brick or iiortar. It is any wonder that a graduate !laKP a(ivanIllKe of in t.'MKii ri"K ui one ui uie na tion's ureal engineering schools tossed aside his diploma ar.d Join ed th bricklayer's union? This condition of hlt;h artlsai r' want's In the building trades Is re sponsible for the data in a graph 1 program It has mapped out. The Southern Pacific has pio neered in this section, the state ment Roes on to say, and for that reason It should be protected In Its efforts to provide additional rail service In order that any com pi' t- inu tines might not step in and the opportuni ties which have come as a result of the gradual development which the Southern Pacific has aided. Tan l H. IH Ah Well? We hear much thr-miLr), ih. rr. gular news source, of the sinister 11118 .ton."" "n, ' We have some specials In ship- Influence of Holshevlsm in China. a"' 'n '"" bunding trades is re- -: ... fooring .celling and siding. The Doubtless Russia Is just now " 1 T'7 u V ? KP"' aiu....; are limited. See us today, greatly Influencing China, but not ! "how" 'J"' he ;realer Pft i Pa(;e Lumber & Fuel Co. In the poisonous way we might ;of 1 .h" cost ?' Is that paid o s iuui. irtll ui lilts cost of building is for labor, 40 per cent for materials. In 1120 the la bor cot was 40 pfr cent. Ity 1922 the labor cohI had reached 46 per cent. We are not finding fault with any condition which gives lo rie American workers high wages and a hiuli Mlandard of living. The work ! of the world must be done and the 1 men and women who do ft should be paid well for It. High wage i levels are powerful factors lu I lie ; prosperity of the community. I Hut we make the point, however, that with tiude union workers paid I so highly, we ought to do better ! hv mil- teurhiTat ntnl liriBphi-m Wu niii'ht in i.Uv tiw.m ..n.wioh n t i,fl ton. former llh.-v r.,n uff.r.l f.u hnll.l .n,l . ' fOOtball COBCh, be led to believe Let us. remember that China and Itustda have a common Inter national ' boundary more than 2tfd0 miles long; and that on the Hussion side of that line the peo ple have taken over the govern ment into popular hundn, the New Hum sin being In fact a unit as to government. Let us note another fact not so generally known. The Soviet government uf Ku&jlu has n nnunrcd alt coii'iucHts made' hy Russia tinder the exar In China, Munch it rin and elsewhere; and has restored to China, without any compensation whatever, r)ie mining, forest and all other con cessions that China was forced to ntake either to Russia or to iu- Of defense counsel to enable him to make a more complete exami nation of bpec-iilcauons filed ly AsstBtant-tleneral y, en ton. Judge 1'iest declared that on Monday Mrs. iilankenberg must be prepared to lace charges not only of perjury, but also of ob structing just icy in this court. She came into court, he said, bringing a fraudulent claim oi kinsnip and knowingly auu wil lingly supported that claim hy perjured testimony, not only in one case hut in many. nearest Yamhill receiving plant, so they will be amply taken care of. "Canneries will take prunes rip er than we can for fresh shipment. which adds to the weight and gives the tanner a little better edjre ou the deal in a year like this the crop is short and the cannery demand big. Black Charry Returns states that Henney & com pany has made returns on the blackberry dt-al here which already a net 10 the grower at be n i and 9 cents. the growers than that, for the reason that there stil are claims on two cars which the company be lieves are good claims and will bring in a return. These two cars, according to the company, were de Iaed in transit to such an extent t-;:i; they missed a favorable auc tion which would have brought re turns tip considerably higher George Leisey, Lew Meehan and Wiliaru li. Turner, are all fine. Majestic Theatre Lois Weber, adapter and director, Claude Gillingwater, famous mage when and screen star, Jane Mercer, phe nomenal child actress, who is hail ed as screenland's newest discov ery, and Clara Louise Burnham's noied novel, "Jewel," all combine' to muke one of the most interest ing picture plays of the season, in "A Chapter in Her Life," adapted from the aforementioned story for t he V niversal-Jewel product Ion now playing at the Majestic the atre. Great names and a great story; great acting and a great principle in life underlying the dramatic tale these are the secrets of the big crowds that nightly gather for "A Chapter in Her Life." It is a simple story, a glimpse In to th? innermost soul of a little them than the figure for which ' they were sold. If these claims j are satisfied another payment will; be made to the growers. girl that works a miracle. The play has no villain. Coon with hub. ciiisllLf' PHESIPffllS INSALEMDISTR1CT I Antlers Theatre An astonishing: and hisiory-mak- ni nun is pre-nueu in ro i ins is Marriage." lloburt Henley's pro- duction for Metro Goldviyn, which i id coming to the Antlers thtatrei today. It is not only a shrewd' study of married life as lived today. but also shows that similar condi tions confronted youtig couples in; ICGfEKE Mxswinteit lrri IBI Wire.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 6 Ne gotiations for the refunding of Bel- the time of the ancients A marvel-! f ,l" wV).h war debt Jo the m.ju huintit-Mt into.-i..,iu -uu ouufs win ue uiiuuieu iiexi illustrate this part of the story dividual Russians, The New Kuteda has also re nounced all privileges whatsoever enjoyed by R iihsIr n leaders In China, and has consented that no person, even a Russian mission ary or priest, shall bo exempt from Iho Jurisdiction of a local Chinese court. Can the Milted Stales Fhow any better record for international generosity than this? Are we treating Mexico as well as Rusta Is treating Chlnn? Are the Chi nese simple minded or foolish in showing a friendly feeling toward a nation ns neighborly as this? Portland Telegram. Keep Up the Supply The present building program re quiring a great volume of lumber calls attention to the rapidly dim inlshing reserves of timber. Less than one-thlid of the origi nal wood and timber supply of the EAVERT PALKM, Aug. 6. With local can-nerk-s cutting into the green prune tonnage to a terrific extent, Roy Hurst, local manager for Ienney & Company, announced today that the green prune deal for that con cern is off for the year. The comanpy, however, he de clares, will be back in here again next year for both cherries and prunes. I "With the heavy buying by the I canneries and the short crop In ; this section, we have decided after ranges in i careful Investigation to call off th ; Salem prune ileal for the season. matter. slated Hurst Knowing that Huntington Is In this as we had built business here, the southern college . plans with Salem went so far as to shorten his con tract to cover the football season f AfWM-ialtd Tea UimrJ Wire.) ECGKNE, Ore., Aug. 6. Missis- i slppi college, at Clinton, Miss., is! seeking Charles 'Shy" Hunting-I University of Oregon to guide the grid- I,.....,,. tiwiia- 1-i.i-n- uu iron ue.-MinuB oi imhi insiiiuuuii. can afford to pay their part of the An communication was re- hih ..ri,...,i I,..,.- iku IK... i ived by Huntington from the aid Democrat (Mississippi Institution, bearintt the ' j approval of the president of Ihe in stitution, hut Huntington Is still i undecld'il as to his action In the dealing with the old Uiblical tale of King David and Kath-Sheba. This section lias been photographed ii natural color. Among others in the cast are Kleanor Roanlman, Conrad Nagel, and Lew Cody. Liberty Theatre U'ht' greatest rider of them all, Yakima Canutt, world's champion roper, rider and bulldogger, sweeps like an avenging Nemesis through thrilling story of the westei n White Thunder," which lonly, so that v- might return to Kugene after the urasan ts closed. will bf shown for tle tirst time af ihe Liberty theatre tomorrow and "We are sorry to do Saturday. Taking the part of a nil of our mysterious night rider who is run tlie hub of nine down t he murderer - of hia the deal, but crop developments father. Yakima has a splendid op- amt intensive buying by ranm ries portunity to indulge hu wiuid Our car of Peacock Rock Springs coal is here. Order today. I'age Lumber & Fuel Co. Photm 212. (.Wvlitrtl I'ra lmr, Wlrr. LONIM..V, Aug. 6 Premier Hald win faced a ciowdeil House of Commons when he arose today to move Ihe gtivernint nt's supplemen tary estimate of ln.oio.iM) pour.ihi Heat with gas Itl'i-t billion feet and Ibis supply is being consumed at the rate of about 2 billion feet annually while . f a tfn-n f I I' t 1 1 I m I 1 lit 'iel'lll niiiiuni Kinn III m line iijjc i uiu ioviii. kl-iii-i rtium, iiiimuimcu ui inc ue u 11- j u,r in ,M,iy a billion feet I nlfed SlHle rem:iin. Ii U-lnnllv "K " tinsnce Ihe SUbenten, I half of the laml nr. a was forested. i,!n hl tbe coal mlmnr Industry, i The timber stand was eMimated 1 n T' ner uacei in di tail in." conservatively at Mml billion board f' of the negorlallnns harltug; feet. Now there remain less (ban P to the giivet nuient s Interven- ' m ine dispute Del ween inv miners and the mine owners. He1 d clarcil thai bile the toveiu nieut wai leluctstit lo iuteifer , ! tbe nffair cam" to a point where' have made it Impossible for us to famous horsemanship ln sensation line up enough prunts to twunnt al chases, relays, and breakneck going ahead with the dial. stunts. This Is unquestionably Ihe Ship From Yamhill- j best picture which Men Wilson has "We will ship from Yamhill, Me-' produced stuiring the hero of the Minnvllle and Sheridan. A good cowboy country, and Kingsley Rene sjiare of the tonnage we figured diet's story makes a corking ve on from here was lo come from hide. Nell Ilraniley previa - de Amity and we will arrange with lightful in the heroine's role, while our growers there to tOdp irom the the rest of the cast, which lr. eludes ill be initiated next Monday between the American debt commission and the special I!el;;ian commission which arrived last night ut New York. The Ilelian commissioners will want time for some further discus sions among themselves before the first meeting with the Americans j so that the rormal negotiations I probably w ill not get under way be I fore next Monday. At that time it is expected both sides will make tentative and more or less infor . mat suggestions for the trms of ' 8' tflenunt of the f iSii.of.O.uuO debt. The American commfssion today formally accepted the resignation of Klliott Wadpworth of New York, as its secreiary and elected I'nder Secretary Winston of the treasury, in his place. It received reports from Winston and Representative liurton, of Ohio, a member of the commission, on their observations of financial conditions lu Kurope. The MeCormiek-Deorinp ball hearing cream separator is gelling mure in demand every day. It is the lightest running one made and has behind It ihe largest manufac turers of faim equipment in Ihe world. See one of these separators at Wharton Rroi. National Law,-Notv Anii-EvSlution'Objective fiuor, finds it difficult to do without it, and is willing; to take b chance with the law to get it; but the generation to follow, .if never introduced to its taste, will never miss it, and it is for their welfare that the war on the stuff Rliould never stop until it ceases to he a menace. -1" tUudginjr from the amount of merchandise taken from a local Store in this city sometime during last night ly a bunch )f tJyjjves, one would not be surprised to awaken some bright iumrner morning and find an entire business block carried away including the foundation. So far as night protection Jo-tho business houses of this city is concerned there seems Jole no such "animal." When a gang of robbers can drive n automobile up to the rear entrance of a store, undetected, end load thousands of dollar's worth of merchandise into their conveyance, hop into the machine and drive away, is evidence that even a more spectacular stunt could be carried Ibut without interference. r 4'he idea is sometimes expressed by business women and $rirls,-but they do not get a fair chance for promotion, that When it comes to choosing superintendents and such occu pants' of the best paid positions, a man will often get the Jhance, even if a woman is lietter qualified. A woman Is a jpod deal in the position, when she tries for one of the high er responsibilities, of the college freshman, who fails to get Jrcrtrt, among tho students for all he knows. Hut constantly Jvomen are succeeding in very high M)sitions, and every such lase eU business men to thinking that they need the pecul iar gifts created by woman's intuition. In early days when wood was so abundant as to be In the way of progress, treis which would now be very vitlimMe lor lumber w t re j burned In unler to expedite the i clearing of land. This was espe-! ctslly 1 1 lie of t he bai dw ooiU in ! eluding I h1 o.ik and maple of the' northern MisslsMppl tnllcy stales. ! Hill that cotiiliiiou passed and for Met era! years Ihe same woods u-cti in t u m I ui i e ami fnr flooring has ' sold for almost fabulous prln s. However, lor many yei following! pioneer days i i the vi; iuiih sec- ' lions of til" t'ouniiy the source of ( wihm! Mipply remained ibi.e to the market. ! During rrnt years one of ihi most diiiii ult problems connected with the ii.-ea n( Itimbi r and wood) has been I lie gi eiit distances be tween lie' sources of supply and (It.. rl.i.,t t-.,l,.ll l...- " n.l a cons' nuenre of these disiances ' tran-p'ii tatlnn com have Increased ; until the prices of lumber have be-1 come a real burden. Kor soeral eats during Ihe war and since ih 'nnumpiton of tim ber product! ha.i b-cn reduced And now ceni' nt, and oth"r composite material ate being ncr a-lngly employed In building cunsiructiun. The increase of mcr per cent during the ecn years preceding 1 !- played an Important part in reducing the amount of lumber u- It was force I either lo routitenance a sioppa.ue In the coal Industry that would further depress (Inst Britain's trail1 or find a way out. Taylor-uiau concrete la good con rrete. Tel 1 (K THANKS. We wish In take this meuns of thank ing our friend and neigh bors tor their many k influences during the Illness and death of our husband and fathnr. also we are graleiul for the niaiy beauti till tlowrrs. mus. jomn Tntrix and fnmlly. Cotik wttti itaa. LANE COUNTY WHEAT CROP SHOWING DECREASED YIELD l-.TtiKNK. Ore , Aug S - Th wheat crop on ihe btnih lands in fcme pun of l.ane cotinry U run nitifs Khort. nccordtna to word from tbe harvest fieltU this week. In the river botioms the crop s BtMd h was rpre.. but tho lor ttiy upel! burn' d the ben-hlam! gntln. it l said. In Mini' liMtsnrts tho crop running from fc lo fiftivn huh els to the acr. (AwrH-iatH lrx W ln- SAI'KM. Ore.. Aug. 6 The I t gle I-'oint Irritation district of Jackson county today applied to :he state Irrigation securities rem mission for a state guarantee of in terest on the district bonds for IS months tn ndtlitton lo lh SJ-year guarantee already granted by tle -,1a te. If the 14 months additional guarantee Is allowed. It will make the fuil five year guarantee, allow ed by law. The district's bond ! sue is $iort, OoO. About 2r'H acres of the project are under cnlthatlnn and Sort acres more will be under cultivation this year. Jut received a car of those won .lerful premium Star A. Star shin gles. Prices right .I'age Lumber A i-niel Co. DAILY WEATHER REPORT r. com, reports of heller whet th" giain wan f:l W "' jimn. nmi rnur howe' l'.Cl. then ha been slight Increase ,.nM, ii wiiiiiiii'i e-ii im iiii iiiiikiiiik i.. ommiMtiiy although la.-t car the j price w m I per cent alxne the Paint, varnh, shlngir stain V. S Wrathrr hnr-ai, local of fice. RiiHchuvK, (irt'atiu, Zi hours ndina S a. in. Pri-i ipltatlon In Inchea and hun .rr.lh.i: IlichiKt tomporaturr rostprdav !2 l.owM t"mHratMi- laul nisht i-rt-rlpllalton. Iat 24 hoiim... . Total prwlp. iiinv 1st of month Normal pit'dp for Ihl month Total pn-elp from Mt-pt. 1. 1921, to dato Attubo prvclp. from h't'pt iit; - Total exi'tMs from Hi pt. If.'! Aforaa'' prHlpitt'tri fcr . U.!l 4r 1 o. 1- 'w - yv3 . o m V -a . . i , - X w- w - -jr'- r :i.tit .Mav, lair 14 '.if-otisi. ts,'ptmlHr t: 31 4S con- Although lh futui cou.unjpilonH.r c.nt Jlcouui tliia mouth. tnrhi-ilvf-l fonlsht and Krtdav nawninnr al l airva i non Zli. 10 (Uiunl arm. m I - C. W. NX) UMAX. Obstner. I tvtn if nothing come of tlie suit Ufun in Washington by Lorcn II. Wittncr, Rovtmmcnt m jiloro, lo har the teaching of evolution in District of Columbia mhools, the capital will be the ecnter of the anti-evolution' fight from now on. So prcscntative V. D. I'psh.iw, Ci-orpia, promisej to In troduce a national anti-evolution bil iirconirrcsf. In this, it is supposcl, lie i!l have the tupnort of Brp. J. IV. Summers, Washington i'ite, wlio tnlroduml the "ridir'' to an appropriation bill uDon which Hltlaet't ction i founded. T!ie Wittncr suit is directed at Tri-i. v Ball,,,,, nuiHTintendrni e! tchioU in th capital, where the biology textbook written by Dr Oeor W Hunter, which led to iUc Suope Indictmcot ia Teaaeuee, is tlso used.