SIX ROSEBURS NEWS-REVIEW. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1925. No mors pinched toss, rubbed heelt, lam mui. ctes, aching insteps, strain, ed arches after your feet have been NFootographed" and fitted accordingly. Let ue sncw you today. HiKicks For Boys REGULAR FELLOWS WEAR 'EM Baseball fret with every pair Roseburg Booterie IRVIN BRUNN SHOES THAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET. PERKINS BLDO. ROSEBURO. OREGON PRESIDENT C0N50I DATON cloning days of the session, lh conference report failed of approv al, with consid erable opposition voiced to some of its main pro pone I Spokesmen for the farming terrl torlea told the president thin sum mer. however, that they believed TIMBER IN SMITH RIVER REGION IS SWEPT BY FLAMES t NEW TODAY t OF HAIL LINES ! Insures Rate Uniformity and Precludes Ruinous Competition. P-Z BORER CONTROL ', V'7. benzine Kan cryHtalB have iMwn used by growers In this coun ty for three years with Rood re sults for control of prune and peach root borera. Experimental work by the county agent haa shown that beat reaulta can only be had where Instructions are carefully followed. One ounce to one and a quarter ouncea should be used on trees over ten years old. Use one ounce on trees from five to ten years. Three quartera of an ounce can be nsed on trees three to five years Ol. Trees younger than three years can only be protected by the whitewash formula an outlined In Station Circular No. 39. The county agent can effect aj great saving on the price or the crystals by growers forming a pool and buying in ton lots. To secure .highest efficiency of this gas It should be applied to the trees Au gust 15th to September Int. Grow ers who are Interested In this sub ject should call at the county agent's office before the clone of the pool, August Ifilh. Kvery prune ami peach grower should read U. a. Bulletin No. 1216 and 1065 regard SUICIDE EFFORT OF CORVALLIS MAN MAY BE A SUCCESS mclmt I'm UwmI Wire.) PORTLAND, Auk. 4. Albert Wilke. ('orvallls, who was found shot through the at the approach to the. Inlfrttiutn bridge Saturday night, remained In a crit ical condit Ion at a hospital here today, and attendant, doubted whether he could recover. The. po lice reported that Otto Wlike, of Ilucoda, Wash., brother, told them that Albert admitted to him that I ho had shot hlniKelf In a fit of de spondency, and that the utory he told of being shot In a holdup wan a fake. Albert Bald he threw the revo'ver Into the river after shoot Ing himself. SYSTEM NOW HAZARD Coolidge Also in Favor of Co-Operative Marketing Aided by Federal Government. A Webber splitting gun saves time and wedires for splitting pine or fir wood. See one at Wharton Tiros. LAWYERS IN PICKFORO CASE IN WORDY BATTLE (AawUtxl rn tnanl Wlr..)- . BWAMI'HCOTT. Mans., Aug. 4 Voluntary consolidation of rail roads in President Coolldge's opin ion would pave the way of a solu tion of the transportation problem. vtriiie he has refrained from committing himself .on the propos al, the president Is watching with interest tne efforts or the Van sweringen Interests to receive in terstate commerce commission ap proval of their merger plan. He believea that settlement of the points at Issue will make It possi ble for other transportation sys tems, now at sea as to whether lh-y can proceed with consolida tions, to definitely proceed with their programs. Mr. Coolidge, who In the past has advocated voluntary consolida tion, wherever advisable, Is of the opinion that In this way the vex- ', Ing rale problem can be solved, i Transportation charges. h be lieve, could then be rixrd at a level which would enable large on- (AmocLImI Prw Wlr-. ) LOS ANtiEI.KS, Aug. 4 The Jury was excused today until 2 o'clock this nfternoon and defense iittiirni.VB ft-niti l...hlri,l cr..nt nllua il law books plunged inlu their argu- J"1"1 systems to make a fair re- menta suiiiiorl I lie the r mm Inn of " '""r m uuaiuraa anil yesterday for Hn Instructed verdict or not guilty in the trial of the three men accused at plotting to kidnap Mary I'lrkford, film star. The trio of defendants, composed of Adrian W ood, Claude llolcomb. Jng life history of the borers re-i and C. z. Stephens, listened onlv niHjuniuiM iw our urcnnru losses. P-Z benzine is the most practical method or controllng this pest yet discovered. Special price on baby garments, baby garments, rompers and dress es. The Art Baby Shop. Intermittently to the verbal bar rage of their attorneys as it stir red the laxy summer air of the court room. Special price on package goods. The Art & Baby Shop. j the ramps and a wind Is b ow- Ing from the west. ANTHRACITE COAL MINERS STRIKE IS NOW PROBABILITY Every ro-oneratlve markettnr legislation being recruited hre Ito th the principal need nf the.j trnoon to fight a V termers ana mat tne president nan (determined to again leave the prob lem In the hnin of hi conference. ;tead'd by Robert D. Carey of Wyoming. Secrntary of Atrrlrnltwre Jnrd'ne served on the conferenc b-fore Upnolnfment to his present post. jcome onposftlon wp npnaront to he conference report Isst Ion In th deartment nf agriculture as well as In rongre-m. Among other things, the confer ence. Md not nrove wait the Mo Vary-Haugen bill, designed to en eon rare exportation of superfluous ,fnrn produrtji. The executive nnrlertJnds frnm the reports he has received that the economic situation In farm nrens Is Improving wllh nHces of most of the products described ns verv rood. The nn'v unfavorable condition Is reported to him an re sulting from poor crops In certain restricted sections. Poth Senator Curtis of Kansas and Renresentntfve Prunell of In diana who visited the president here, declared farming conditions were showing a steadv Improve ment and were approaching nor mal. Rounding out the sixth week of his vacation here tcday. President f'oolltlge haa virtually no engage ment except hla usual Tuesday conference with newsnaper men. He planned to give the day over 'argelv to rest and to chatting with his house guest. John T. Adams of Iowa, former chairman of the re publican national committee. FOR SALE 1924 Ford cuupo. In- (As-ut! prm Wir.) quire fe3' Winchester. RKKISI'OItT, Ore.. Aug. 4. w.n cait t-i.-i available man was -n . u- u c,.. . this af- i ini,j . ,..i .... forest fire " " ' . "? I 14 mile, up the Smith river I - - Jj""' ! which is endangering the log- I WCYCLKS. 2nd band. 10 up. ! glng camps of the fmpqua I R(""'b"'' Cyclery. north side. j Mills and Timber company ! FOR SALK 1 waterpower washing ! and burning throuch valuable machine, 1 10Jx8-ft. rug. 408 E. j limber. Forest rangers sent Iiouglas. emergency calls for the fire , FOIl SALE One RumbTmlette and iisniers. i ne nre is wt or one Delaine buck. Knver Bro epFiikiu,urML! o.rij Our cow sprav is guaranteed to kill the files, llring your can. Whar ton llros. would do awny with the present conditions where some lines are mnklng an enormous profit while others are making none. j For Co-Oprativ, Marketing. Presldfnt Coolidge will recall his agricultural conference to map out i a legislative program for farm aid. j The conference which was ap- j pointed a year ago. presented a i program to the last session or con-1 gress In which the principal recom-1 mendation was ror government aid : In cooperative marketing. I Coming helore congress In the SPECIAL PRICES On Summer Lint of Baby Bonnets, Rompers, Dresses, Boys' Suits. Models and Package Goods Crochet Thread at 9c per ball While It lasts. Infants Iteailv Made downs 79c The ART AND BABY SHOP 127 Jackson St. HOUSE PAINT $2.40 per Gallon Denn-Cerretscn Co. DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist in the fitting of Glasses 116 Jackson SL BARGAINS FOR AUGUST Electric Chandeliers VOll (ROOM HUN'dAI.OW' -:: $25.00 ' Consisting of 4-llght. 2-llght anil 2 single-light chandeliers with ornamental ball lamp reflector, while shaving unit for hath, daylight unit for kitchen and celling units with shades fih- all other lights. Completely wired, ready to use except for lamp bulbs, and a moderate charge fur connecting in your home. Price. Includes all necessary glassware and Is good for 30 days only. Fixtures are high quality and durable finish. See them at 404 W. Cass (near depot). ARTHUR H. CROWELL3TT" Agent Weitlnghouie Mazda Lampi. Save This Advertisement. Dr. Rupert A. Moon Electro-Chiropractor Nerve and Spine Specialist. 824 Perkins Bids. Phone 554 AIKPLAXKS COMPI.KTF i:tM.MII.r JOUIXKV. f AwotM.tNt rret taM WirO CHITA, RusHla, Aug. 4. Two alrplunea, flying from Tukyo to Mo-cow under the ausplcea of the Dully Asuhi. a Japuuese newspa per, arrived here today from Harbin. Manchuria, a distance of approximately 1,300 miles. 2? DANCING EVERY Wed. and Sat. Nites RAINBOW GARDENS On the Vnipqita nt Winchester efs Wonderful There" The Music by DEEDLE'S Swanee Boys Society Syncopatera featuring thin week "We're Going Back Together Again"; "My Sweetie Turned Me Down." ADDKO ATTRACTION Blair Stewart O. A. C.'t Famous Baritone JITNEY! f AMrWarod PtM LMd Win.) ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., All(r. 4 Anthrarite arale nfffotlatlons will i fieintrefy oe broken off on resump tion of the waee arale conference this afternoon, barrine unforseen developments. arconlinK to an opinion voiced by a hlejh authority anions the minera today. What ground would likely be adduced for surh a break was not indicated. Anthracite operators on arrival for Ihe meeting expressed full de termination to uphold all costs the Jljenity of their scale committee axalnst the rhatlenRft they Mt John L. Iewl. prealdent of the Inited Mine Workers of America, had raised against It. Samuel T). Warrlner. chairman of the anthracite operators confer ence, and William J. Kfchards, president of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company, whose presence Mr. i-ewls had re quested today did not accompany the other operators here. It was officially announced the "two lead ers would not come. MARK BROOM CASE JURY DISAGREES fAiMnrl.ted Pm l.r.wd WirO Kl'ClKNE, Ore., Aug. 4. Jury disagreement was reported yester day In the case or Mark Ilroom, on a charge of possession ofJiquor. It Is expected that the state will try the case again. The hearing was , held in the justice court. Today ilriHim wl 1 be tried on a charge of triinsportatfon ef liquor. lie was recently Indicted on six counts. Phone 14F14. LOST flrey Persian cat. Return Mrs. II. W. Lootr, 520 Cobb St. Reward. LOST Emichf kcsTTimientlflca tlnn tag. C. F. Cramer. Leave at 135 S. Stephens. WANTEDKwlaOnlshlng, T-hour service, 9 a. m., 6 P. ra. Ivory gloss or medium. Clark Studio, Cass St. FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. Hot and cold water and lights furnished. 344 S. Jackson. FOR stLE Oneslx'yeaTbld bay saddle mare, good lines, fast walker, also one air-motor wind mill, g ft. wheel. Iloth cheap If taken at once. Address Edmund Hounds, Ruckles, Ore. LOST On-Pacific- highway be tween Coos Junction and Rose burg, collie dog answering to name of "Shep." Mostly black, with white neck, breast and part of face. Wears brown collar. Finder phone 135, Roseburg. MXLI3 HELP WANTEIVMan; energetic and reliable, wanted for factory representative to handle our business in Roseburg dis trict: unusual opportunity, with fortune for right man: experi ence or capital unnecessary; write fully Syncro Motors Co., Battle Creek. Mich, 3 THE GROWTH OF AN ACORN An acorri does not jump Into an oak In a yeai but it eventually boomes one of the strongest and moi-l substantial trees. Ho your funds if invested safely and added to regularly grow to a good reserve fund. Your account is Invited. 4 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. - TheRoseburgNalional Bank Roseburg, Ore. SI SCHOOL BOOK LIST CAN'T BE tlves of tbe publishing firms will be given a definite amount or time before the commission and to pre CHANGED NOW I ered. Mr. Churchill declared he would (Con tinned from page I t MM Kllll'S TO FOItl OX Ills llll. MMnrl-t.,1 Prrm fiwd Wlr. WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. Sale or the L'OU vesyels for scrapping was awarded to Henry Ford to dny by the shipping hoard. Ills Mil was l,7ut;,uiQ. Zenoleum animal dip ami lice killer at Wharton Pros. FIRE EATS TIMBER NEAR FALLS CITY Dr. H. C. Church OPTOMETRIST Parkin Bldg. Roseburg, Ore, Phone 88. I Dr. Harrison Folk i Chiropractor Electronic and 'Eloctro-Theraphy ' 417 Perklna Bldg. Phone 481 AUCTIONEER Don't forget that I handle sales In city or country. M. C. Radabnugh 530 N. Pine SL 1 Mil. LILSLK 1 Y 1 HLA ILK LAST TIME TODAY At Our Regular Prices SPECIAL PRODUCTION Only 10 end 1 Cents LfONEL MRRYMORE in " NG W0MU MEDDU 7 'lajierna Jotcorama vttb an eminent supporting car ALSO: OREGONIA N NEWS WtEKLV AND ey E8, VES. NANETTE" COMEDY WE KNOW A MAN who doesn't hare to worry about automobile Insurance. Ills car burned up and ho didn't have enouRli money to buy a new one. We will write you the cover ae you heed on your car Hie, Ihefl, collision, liability and property da mane It ur auce. It pays to be Insured. G. W. YOUNG & SON INSURANCE 116 Cass St. Phone 417 WHILE ON YOUR VACATION Insure Your Baggage If it Is lost, stolen or damaged, our company protecte you. The rale Is low. the coverage brosd. Insurance Is Our Business Wed. and Thurs.! Richard Talmsdoe In ''UNKAOWN" koiiuk. in AUTCHESS (. " TROUSEV1 A mere matter of detail THE pmit poptilnrily if Duti licss Trou wrs is lurp'ly due to tin" w ise rare (lint lli ninnii fnrliiri'r pni to cnrli small iK luil I lie way Ihe liuttonsnre.scwed on, the size uf the culls, the of the scams, the l lt loops. You will npireeitc these niceties even though the first tliintf that strikes yon is the fashionnlile cut. Ciislotn tailor style, yet at n price that lil.s a ttioilest purse. We have your size in lnlchess Trousers for ln-., for work, for play mui every pair liear the famous warranty la Ih'I, ctiaraiitiviu " lic a HulUm; fl.M ii Hip." DUDS FOR MEN f Amnriatml 1'rrM lePaaiHl Win. 1 FALLS CITY. Ore., Aujr. 4 Sparks from donkey engines In the Falls City Lumber company- hold ing started a serious fire In the green timber five miles south of Falls City about noon today. All the men from the ramp and from the mill were rushed to the scene to fUht the Tames. The fire started just over the di vide cn the south side of the moun tain. At 2 o'clock today it covered an area of nearly a mile. FRENCH MERMAID IN CHANNEL NEAR GOAL AT DOVER Mm.hI.IH rim Ltawd Wire.) DOVEIl, Knaland. Au. 4. Mile. Jane Slon. the French girl who is Rtleniptlnit to swim the English channel, starting from France this morning, was only five miles from the Dover pier at 8:50 o'clock to night. Experts here think that If she is able to swim about three miles In the next two hours and a half she has a good chance of landing some where east or Dover, as high tide occurs just after midnight. The French tug which is occom panylng Mile. Slon Is now visible rrom the Dover pier. It moves slowly 'ahead, showing that Mile. Sion continues her progress for 1 lover. The weather Is fair and the sea is moderate. $50,000 IN GEMS TAKEN FROM AUTO BONDSMEN RELEASED (AMoHatixl Vrvm Leased Wire.) LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 4. Jewelry valued at $50,000. left in a woman's handbag, was taken from an automobile here today while a negro chauffeur sat in the front seat of the car, Mrs. K. E. Wat hen reported to police. Three men loitering on a corner, one with his arm in a sling, offer the only clue detectives have found. The chauffeur said he had not left the car and had permitted no one to enter while Mrs. Wathen was in an antique shop. A plaiinutn watch, encrusted with thirty diamonds and fastened with a platinum chain, and a flexible bracelet, studded with old heirlpom diamonds of one-eighth to one'and one-half carats, constituted the most valued articles. The bracelet was valued at $:it.iUi, detectives were told. o of the conditions mentioned In the above excerpt now exist, and adds: 'It Is true that tbe contracts for two thirds of the books now in use in the public schools have expired. but the statute specifically author ises the continued use of such books for two and four years for the respective thirds, and that no other text books shall be used in the public schools subsequent to such addition.- In other words, the legislature has clearly indicated Its Intention that the books already adopted shall remain In use until new adoptions are made at the regular biennial periods Bet out In the statute." 1 This would Beera to explode the theory of some members of the text book commission that the attorney-general's verbal opinion left all superintendents free to adopt text books as they saw fit. be governed by the ruling of the attorney -general and would act ac cordingly. This is In opposition to the desire of tbe commission which may resort to mandamus proceed ings in order to get the entire mat ter settled by tbe courts, it was intimated. A good cream separator will pay for itself In the cream that It saves. The McCormick-Deering separator Is the easiest running; one made and It is guaranteed to get all the cream. See one at Wharton Bros. SALEM. Ore., Aug. 4. The state text book commission yester day failed to clarify the situation which it faced, and the only defin ite result of the meeting was an opinion of the attorney-general rul ing that neither Superintendent J. A. Churchill or the text book com mission has authority under the law to change the text books at this time, as one-third of the books was changed last November and the second one third cannot be changed until November. 1926. In the face of the opinion the commis sion adopted a resolution that the i paid iwo-inirus or tne text dooks not considered last November should be adopted In open competition. An effort was made to bring the controversy to a conclusion by a motion directing Mr. Churchill to notify publishers that the commis sion would meet in Salem August used, and 20 for the purpose of adopting text alleged to OLDER CilHLS CXXFKltKXCE TO BE HELD I MEDIWRD MEDFORD, Ore.. Aug. 4. Mrs. Jean M. Johnson, of Port land, general secretary of the Older Girls conference, announced loday that the annual Southern Oregon convention of the organi sation will be held In this city September 4 to 7. inclusive. The Medford Chamber of Commerce will take the delegates to Crater Lake during the convention. Rubber belting at Wharton Dron CIIARUE OK AHSAI LT AND II A TEH Y DRAWS FINK OK 10 IN tTTY XH'.tT. books In the subjects for which' hoard contracts have expired. Hepresenta- thews A charge of assault and hotter. was filed in the city court this morning against W. H. Knierim. who entered a plea of guilty, and fine of $10. The com plaint was filed by L. L. Ma thews, whoMalmed that he pur chased several frames, one of which proved defective. He re turned the frame, and was up braided by Knierim. In the ar gument, abusive language was finally Knierim Is have ' picked up a and to have the leg. Btruck Ma nn The bondsmen of Raymond E. Spence. accused of vacrancy, were released today when Spence was surrendered to the city officers. Spence was arrested several months ago, and was convicted of vagrancy. He appouled his case to the circuit court, and provided appeal bonds, Thomas J. Drown and J. K. Kalbe signing the bond for htm. Mr. Brown expects to leave in the near future, however, to look after mining interests, and asked to be relieved from the bond. Spence was turned over to , M FRir.AN triiikfrq nfao POISON GAS BAN FROWNED ON BY CHEMISTS SOCIETY (AMx-Ulnl Vtrm LMfl Wrff.) LOS ANGELES. Aug. 4. The ban on poison gas pronounced by t he (J eneva conference was de nounced today by the executive committee of the American Chemi cal Society as a menace to nation al safety and to humanity. the city authorities and this after noon was endeavoring to procure new bondsmen. ISLAND OF TASMANIA TODAY'S BASEBALL National League At Pittsburgh: It. IT. E. Philadelphia -.. 8 14 1 Pittsburgh 4 9 t) Hattcrlcs: Mitchell and llenllne; Morrison. Kheehan, CulUlon and Smith. Spencer. At Chicago: It. IT. E. Ilrookl) n ... 2 9 4 Chicago S 7 3 llatterles: Onborne and Taylor; Alexander and Churry. f AiMnrlttMl Vrtm Lturd Wire ) HOI1AI1T. Tasmania. Aug. .(5) The lour light cruisers or the l;nlted States navy enroute bera ror a visit were sighted ott the Tasmanfan coast early today (Wednesday). The ships coming are those In light crulsrr division 2 the Hlch uuind. the Trenton, the Memphis iind the Marblrhend. QUINE BROS. ROSEBURO OREGON CHICAGO, Aug. 4 Dick Kerr, former White Sot pitcher and hero or the world's series or 1919, today was re-instaied In organized base ball by Commissioner K. M. Ijtndls. American League. At Poslnn - 11. II. K. St. Louis 10 15 S Itoston .7 11 t Hntteriet: (lii'ton and Iiixon; Fuhr lto an -I lllschoff. At Philadelphia: 1! H. E. t'htcaso 3 7 2 Philadelphia 9 16 0 Ihitteries: Thurston. Cvensros tnd Crouse; (tray, ilaumgartner and Cochrane. At New York: It. IT. T. Cleveland .... 1 7 1 New York 4 0 llatterles: Karr and Myatt; Shocker and Srhang. Tonite and Wedneeday PETE MORRISON In "THE MYSTERY OF LOST RANCH A fast story of th moving Western wide open spaces Butlntss In Portland lalo IV Stephens, of Stephens Mo tor Company. vy this morning for Portland. He rct to spend only a short time there attending to lnv porant business matters. FEATURE COMEDY 10c 15c Service Does Not End With the mere tying up the package of goods purchased and the money therefor shut up in the cash register of the dealer that is, our service does not end there. But we admit that the above procedure ends the transaction with some concerns. Our store is glad to show its appreciation by extending this matter of service so that it stretches all the way up to your Home, and the goods delivered free at your door. Then, we are glad to have you call up and place your order by phone, and we think enough of your integrity to accept the order and let you pay for it when you come down or at the end of the month. Try our plan and see how nicely it works. Specials Log Cabin Syrup, small size 28c: med 55c 4 Roll Crepe Toilet Paper 25c Clorox. I bottle 20c Coffee, Best Crade. lb 45c Golden West Vanilla. 8 oz 50c White Wonder Soap, 26 bars $1.00 2 Bars Borax free and I shopping bag free. Amazo Oil, pt. 25c; quart '. 50c Economy Grocery O. L JOHNSON The Store that Serves You Best Phone 63 344 N. Jackson TONITE AND WEDNESDAY A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION 'Playing with Souls' With Jacqueline Logan. Mary Aetor, Clint Brook and "Butter" Collier! Someone, somewhere. Is playing with Souls someone, somewhere, will psr! ALSO: "INTERNATIONAL NEWS" AND "SKY PLUMBER" COMEDY 10c 9