Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 26, 1925, Page 5, Image 5

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You folks of Roseburg and vicinity to the fact that this great opportunity to
save is now knocking at your door. Just three more days remain" in which
you can purchase your Gift needs at such remarkable savings.
Positively Ends Friday Night at 6 p. m.
You can't afford to let this opportunity go by if you have Graduation or
Wedding Gifts to buy. Gifts that last.
- J.
Paper Cups and Dishes
Made by Electricity
(AwocUtrd I-im LmjmI Wir.)
SALEM, lire., ilay 2ti. A new
IirutiUiu relative to reffrendum
pt'tillona coutroM Secretary of
Stain Kozit and Iiuh b;tm put up
to the Attorney General tor ulu- :
Hon. Thin is whether name
sUned to referendum petition disk of tine quality paper and pluee
(lied with the seer, lury of slate u in a swtlun of the nmehlne for
run be withdrawn by hllu at the i preiuillif. 'rhlH nrmsslnir Klvea the
request of the alKnera. ester-, cup lt kIioiih, plaliiint the lde for
day he received about 200 postal girenuth und rliMillty. The plee is
nun irailKrerreil to another unit of
r.Ktnpnr.vlnir the many diversi
fied ftppllentlon of electricity. In
enlou machines ure now used for
maklnK paper eupa and illhe by a
manufacturing concern In llrooklyn.
Th creation of thee paper cups
la an lmervHtinii process. .Mechani
cal llntvrs on an innenlous electric-
iirnen machine pick up a slncle
Sale Ends This Week!
Card's 10th
card requesting that numes bo
withdrawn from tho referendum
petitions for tin' bus bill wlua
these are filed in hi office.
The attempted withdrawals
wero Inspired, it Is said, by the
association of county JuUkv and
commissioners who ie bitterly
fiKhtiiiR the referendum and who
sent form post cards to several
thousand siKerg of the petitions
requesting that they. bIku them
and wild them to to aecretary
of state.
PORTLAND. Ore., May 26. An
nouncement was made here today
that petitions for a referendum on
the bus bill passed by the last leg
islature have been prepared ready
for filinK with the secretary of
state, containing more than 29.0u0
signatures of which 19.6&0 have
been certified.
For prompt laxi nervf-e, city or
country trips. Pbon 44
roI.UMUUS. O., May 26 Tne
Cheater (I'a.) overture askins that
the Presbytery of New York be ,
excluded was requested in a niin-1
oriiv report of the bills and the '
overtures conunlttefl presented to
the penernl assembly of tho Fres
bvterian Church in the United
States "for the lack of sustaining
A minority report sicned by
Vltra-fundamentalista asked that
the assembly appoint a committee
to carry on an Investigation of all
charges airainst the l'resbytery
and virtually seeks to set up a
court to try the Issue.
Doth were laid on the table,
p. ndins the report of the perman
ent judicial committee. The latter
body is considering three com
plaints against the l'resbytery,
arising out of the Kosdick case and
the licensing of young ministers
who do not fully subscribe to Pres
byterian creeds and doctrines.
of Chicago fire fame.
The Tintown conflagration, like
the disastrous Chicago fire, Is sup
posed to have started yesterday
when a cow wandered into the
kitchen of a house and kicked
over an oil lamp. There being
no lire fighting "equipment In the
village, one block was razed. The
damage amounted to $15.
Tintown is inhabited solely by
Mexicans of the poorer class, who
have built their homes Irom tin
cans, parts of Junked automobiles
and unythlng vino that could be
tacked or glued to take form on
the framework.
Ranges on
at Powells.
easy payment plan
OREGON'S $35,000
I (AMOciittal I'ren Iurd Wire)
I SAT.EM, Ore., May 2i. Mem
ber's of tho battleship Oregon
commission, who returned" to Sa
j lem yesterday from Ilreurerton
I navy yard, reported that l"he Ore
gon will reach Portland June 8.
being brought down the coast
PARIS, May .26, A divorce was
granted today to Mae Murray,
American motion picture actress.
In almost record time, the grounds
being desertion, cruelty and failure
to provide.
The movie actress's husband.
Robert Z. Leonard, opposed the
divorce decree, contending . the
action was groundless. Miss Mur
ray set forth that the union had
ben unhappy almost from the
beginning and that her husband
had treated her wlih cruelty, dis
dain, contempt and had caused
violent scenes on futile pretexts.
Finally he excluder! her from
their homo and had madojio pro
vision for her since, the movie
star maintained.
She said-she had tried In vain
to bring about a reconciliation.
Latimer's Arsenate Lead eigh
teen cents per pound at Stearns
and Chenowetli, Oakland, Ore.
(AmocUttd TrMi Leased Wire.)
rATlIS. May 26. Jack Dempsey
announced today that he will be
t ..ti.n..r' Arsenate Lead clgh
t,i n cents p.-r pounu at : from jjremerton by three govern- reaay io nicei mo "
and Chenowelh. Oakland, Ore. j nlv,,lt tEs. only steam enough 'our cornered competition between
o will be carried in the Oregon's Weinert, Wills, Gibbous and Tun-
TMTIQF Rl fifK OF boilers to operate the steering iney. '
,riTvrc W". The queen of the Rose The statement was made after
TIN CAN CITY IS I Festival will be aboard when the!Dempsey had taken a strenuous
HI IRNFD- LOSS $15 "hip cornea Into Portland. iwork out at the athletic club at
i,UKlNLl, LU30 , jhp con,mi!,sion hus ,,een - IParls. He declared he was anxious
7 , . nhlc to find any traro of the to get back Inio the ring and feels
,Ai.W Pre- ud .) 8ve, service that the peo-1 that the eventual winner of forth
ItlsilKK. Ariz., May 2". v "rk ' i0 of Oregon presented to the i coming bout in America 13 worthy
of rebuilding Its dwellings of tin shi ufu,r ,ha Suanlsu war ttt a of a chance at the championship,
faced houses, were bcuun by many , of ,5 ,)0 o
luliu'.iiants of Tintown. a Mexican . 0 R,rl th CMassIfied ad
the snnie uiaehlne, where It Is sterll
lied by heating.
When the scvond step has been
completed, the cup has assumed It
llnal funii with i.hiited shies, nat
ural cured Up and tumbler shape.
Hut, as a measure of added etll
elency. It Is put through a third
procens, being sprayed with hot
paratlin, which ecals the plaits and
gives Increased rigidity anil crlsi
ness. From thin point the cup
pusses Into a baking chamber. :
when- the paraffin Is drained off.
The fiiiNned cups are carried along
on an endless onveyor past' a fan,
the breeze from which hastens dry-
Set of 6 etched fancy pattern Tumblers 50c
Science Is now greatly concern
ed with the alarmiiiK increase in
neurotics or nervous sufferers.
Thousands of experiments had
beeu made to find a remedy that
would give immediate rnlitf from
nerve troubles and at tho same
time tone up the entire nervous
At last an eminent San Francisco
physician announces a new discov
ery which has beeu proven by
clinical tests to give relief from
sharp, darting, ihiKlUiR. creeping
nerve pains, and give tono to the
nnrve cells, thus benefiting the en
tire system. This remedy is called
Kopa Neuritis Tablets, and is based
on the Seh-nce of Homeopathy, a
method of treatment endorsed by
eminent physicians" everywhere.
Don't let yoiir nerves wreck your
life. If you have any sinns of ner
vousness or nerve trouble, gain re
litif and ward off M-rious disease
at once with Kopa Neuritis Tablets.
Guaranteed harmless; no bromides
or narcotics. W. F. Chapman's
pharmacy will supply, you. Mall
orders filled.
Relieves Workers of
Stigma of Suspicion
To save workers in factories
which employ In their products
gold, silver, or precious stones from
suffering the indignity of being se-
ipenni ror searching, a Danish en
gineer 1ms invented a special ap
pnrntiw. Hitherto, the custom has been to j
stop a certain proportion of the
workers leaving nwch factories at
night, thus apparently casting sua-
nlcion upon the Individuals selected. J
lly the new invention the worker j
asked to adjourn to the searching
room Is chosen by a machine.
The apparatus consists of a con- I
t'n fner holding n number of balls,
corresponding to the mlcr of !
workers engaged In thw factory.
Some of the balls are made of a nm- I
terial conductive of electricity. As
the workers pass to the exit they
press a button, vju-n a bull Is re- '
leased. It rolls out of the container .
nnd a vliite lamp glows for n mo- j
ment. In such case the worker i
pnwe on.
Should one of the conducting
spheres roll out, the electric cur- i
rent turns on a red lamp, which !
means that the person Indicated Is
one of those to be searched.
cost of JS.huO.
vagrant I Surc death to gophers, squirrels,
havoc to the.mice, crows, etc. u jku uo Uu.
emulating the bovine poison. ..iu.u ..n-..
colony near here today,
cause of the antics 01
cow who wrought
villiiee In
ead tne
in The News-Review. Tliey
mean dollar to you.
grr'" : "
(AMociatfd l're&a Luird Wir .)
WASHINGTON, May 26, Exten
sive revision ot freight rates on
grain and -grain products moving
from Itoeky Mountain territory to
the Mississippi river and territory
east wh recommended to the inter
state commerce commission today
by its examiners;
After investigating the complaint
of Utah producers in which, Ore
gon, Idaho and Washington state
interests joined, the examiners
held that Colorado producers held
a rate advantage over producers in
a considerable part of Idaho. Ore
gon and I'tah. The comm-.ssion
was advised that the general rates
out ot Colorado to the. east should
be maintained but that tho com
plaining producers' in the other
states should be given rates to con
suming territory measured by ad
ditions of from 10 to 2't cents per
hundred pounds to the Colorado
At the same time the report sug
gested that rates on grains other
than wheat should be DO per cent
of the rate on wheat.
PnnV without waste !
Wife Was His Memory
j "Tear story of the absent-minded
! minister." writes a contributor to
I the Youth's Coin. union, "reminds
; me of a minister whom I knew In n
little Wisconsin town many years
( ago. lie hail a wretched memory,
: but for all that he was nothing less
than a suint.
J "His ' nhsnntmlndedness was
I chronic. He seldom could remem
t her his text, and, being averse to
: notes, he depended on his cood wife
to come to his rescue. He would
i lean over the pulpit nnd say, 'What
! was my text for today, my dear?'
She would tell him, and he
would then 'proceed to preuch a
line sermon from It.
"One Sunday after the singing of
tin s4cond hymn he 'opened his
1 '.it tie, and. leanlni; down, made the
usind request: 'My text for toihiy.
; my donrV
! "'I don't know, I'm sure.' com
. pnfiodly replied his wife. 'You for
j got to tell nier"
Butteries Land
The supply of fluid mllK In the
Dnnilnh'im republic Is fnlr'y ade
quate nnd iiltlioiiL'h It N In general
use for adults, modern methods of
pnxluetion and distribution do not
prevail. A larire amount of con
densed, evaporated and powdered
milk Is imported Into the country
e;uh year nnd one or the other of
these preserved milks -Is always
used for Infiint feeding. No butter
is nuiile anywhere In (he republic
nnd the demand for this commodity
In the nenl market Is met by tin
port at Ions chiefly from the I'nlted
States ami I'enmark. New York
Plain Tumblers in heavy or thin blown 5c
Water Pitcher in plain thin blown 50c
China Cup and Saucer, fancy pattern 10c
Oilcloth in white, blues or browns, yd 35c
Table Covers, Oilcloth, slight misprints 55c
Japanese blue and white tablecloth 54x54 79c
Fancy gold edged Box Paper, white or colors 23c
Linen Envelopes, 10c quality, 3 pkgs. .- 23c
Colored Embroidered Voile Handkerchiefs 10c
Electric Curling Irons, guaranteed 69c
Towels, Coat Hangers, Pencils, Clothes Pins,, Yard
Goods, Hose, Women's Ties, Men's Ties, Beads, Scarfs,
Garters, Toweling, etc.
Store Closed All Day Saturday, May 3Cth
ill i.!i 'J, lidiMHTTiii I'm tn
It A MAT, French Morocco, May
2S. Ahout fifty French Bolillem,
IncluilinK aeven officers, wero kill
ed and ahout ino nativo troops
flKlnlnn with tho French wero
wounded. It was announced today,
dtirlnK the fighting which preced
ed tho French retirement which la
Mill cnntlnulue. to a lino south of
tho Oucntha river.
Before ordering your engraved . order your graduation announce
graduation announcementa, call at . ,., i
the Newa-Jteview office and .oe the I au!Bla Bt the Newi-Kevlew offlca
new line Just received. j New "ue of aamples just received.
Sluile!..-.'r co?ts H'ss per pound
than butter.
Talk over the advantages of electric ranges
with any friend who owns one.
You will learn that electric cooking saves all
the savory juices and flavors that food shrink
age is insignificant. This way there are no
more weary trips for coal and wood, no dirty
ashes to empty.
You will enjoy this easy, economical way of
cooking, and you can afford it. The California
Oregon Power Company gives a special cook
ing rate so low that the average bill for both
cooking and lighting together is often less than
the cost of other types of fuel alone!
Ask at our office, how you can cook this
way and save. See these labor-saving electric
ranges at your dealers today. You ci get one
on easy payments to be installed immediately.
(Asunrlilrd Pn-m la-d Wire.;
CHICAGO, May 2i. Anc'lo
G ii'., a brolher of Michael (Jen
na, who it reputed to have fallen
heir to nmeh of the influence held
by the lato Mir ... Merlo anion c
Italian Americans here, wan ri'l
d!ed with bulMs from vawec off
shot puna nnd probably fatally
wnunlt d todiiy as he Urove his
auto on the north sido.
She Pitied the Lion
t'ncle Imd 1'int returned home
fnt:i an eieiition into Afrha af
ter bic (ffiuie. piiys the 'Hitler; he
wjtx delit'hilni; nil the f.imlly with
itirnnn tuleg of adventure In the i
one of my beirters wn no nnv- J
iiL'i ly httten by n lle-n once," he Hn
ri!inep, "(hut he hud to him hln '
iirm nmitif utcd.'' j
'I he tp win n slmrt ullenep while:
tiie infnrniutlen n.-mk In, nnd then !
tt-' Hinnll diiiiirlitt-r nf ttie Imufe !
t:nd In n nyniiv;'hetle voice:
" hnt a pity, uri' le ; the poor I
II' -ti mUlit Ju-t iih well have had
Liberty Theatre.
Some months bko over a million
read it of the C'oHinopolftan niupa
zine wero delighted by JVter H.
Kyne's Btury, "Cornflower ('Hle'B
Concert," the tale of a ouiik, tal
ented Kill who Kot her blR chance
toniake kmh1 on her Klorioua voice
through the philanthrophy of a Cal
ifornia miner who watt coiihidered
a bail man by the community. Now
these reader and many million.
more are to havo the pleasure of f
Heelnic HiIh vivhl story, for It has I ;
now been Herrened anil In Hcheduled j :
to rome Ui the Liberty theatre for u I M
iwiiwmi iuii, pirtruriK KiiiiDiniw, mil-
bel Hiillin, utar of "Vanity Kalr"
and many other nolahlo pictured
h:H been entruiited with the role of
Modernize Your Home
By laying an Arkansas "Perfection" Oak Floor. We will
furnish sufficient flooring of good quality to luy a room
14x16 for $19.50. Other sizes proportionately. Ask
us about it.
Sold Only By
Coen Lumber Company
Phone 121
Our fleet of liirKe and
miiall vans ntand reudy to
move you anywhere you
desire. We guarantee to
protect your property atnl
render prouipt. econoiuical
service at lowest prices.
"We aim to please"
For concrete worn can Taylor,
UJ No. Kllnt St Tl. 226-K.
I'MilS. My !!. M. II' r"
tr'itsiir-r t tlii rr-r."h ItoynlM fif Aflinn. wxliiv hliot
thrmnrh Ihp Iic.tI. p'Thaim f.italls.
In a mibwiiv n'Kllcin by n ui.l
(ontifl 'J asuallant li -x m x il.
e Best Sales
man ia To'.vn?
Imj ; "fl"' M
ir.d iKc .iisvir And
find ijou' customers
Do Not Force Plants
If n plnnt h;iH l.e.-n irrow-ln2 thrift,
ilv for Kfime time nnd then heliii
t lnck it prifh:i1.!y neeh n rent,
nri ! no nni'Hint nf fopi-i in
jinv friii:inent ywd. 1 Miring tln
. -'.TIC peri"d Jl phlflt fn hettcr If
li 't entirely nhne Jn n dry. con I
a r. It will e.f Pn n n ' Cird
vs i withuiit nny iittentt.n if ny
tI benin to put otir new jrreen
t.i ..'tt. When thevi ni".v -li(nt
. . v themwU en t(i pjnii Mhoiild
i." i:iven n tlier'i'ih wiiterini.'. tt r
; ii' i '.r.z If ne e":'ry, nnd hniiu-ht
into It h plm-e In ihe hijn. After
It !h trrowlhK well it (nny he K'v'
Ski and Snawshoeg
fie tiilck foreo'B Of
the vr)''V!.-e i;ii liwfl
- In?
j .. Antlere Theatre
What could be more appropriate?
, Puramoiint'H Air rtn and paa
j sender Service Ih now defunct but
for nix weeks It operated betwiten
IKliyollfe, the famoiin denerieil mtn
jinic Nevada, and Coldfleld,
I elwhty ndlen away.
()nly three mull lialnn a week
' touf h Ileatty, th tow n tieari'st
: Khyollte, ami Ihe air mall xervlce
v.hh InMlMHed to aceoriinioliito the
tlare number of player who made
1 f h'-lr headquarter In the deserted
cliy durinn the filming of 'The Air
Mall," piodnt-ed for Paramount by
Irvin NVillat. the man w ho made
' North of 3i."
! Featured with tlnxter hi the ple
I ture, com in i? to the Antler Thea
tre, on W'i dric'lay next, are Itillle
i Iove, Mary Hrlan and Ifouicla
Falrbank. Jr. OHhth lne!ud Juy
Millver, Ihnry Irvine. Moyd Whit
,1'Kk, iShumway and It le hard
i Tucker.
J. T.d to l" li. "Te fiiltiile ffr Ue
I' n ttie hV. wlil'h Ih pref.-rred In
;,.. wcM.ded The lurte
''; tjflic' of tl:e n q lem fur-
x, .-' e ii larger p!in "t e
tu the U hiiovv nnd hy di-irtt.iitlnif weight of the w curer nver a
Lirtf'T Piirfiic. dw" tlet hrenk tlu
liriitle enmt en t"p ef th io ,
w td' h mnkp i-r-ure without mow
tlMr ltnpslhle.
It-fore oroeriim yonr enKrnviV!
rraduation announcment, call at
th Neva Review office and e tb
nw Ua jut rwceiwL
Majettic Theatre.
Fix yerirn wero knocked ottf a
u:i' inn MniK a uneonclouiinei" It-t-eif
iluifitt Ihn tilminr of W-ey
llarry latej-t. "i;eoii:e WanhlnK
ton, Jr " A malh t did the little
triik. Weey play th" ruin of a
boy who outwit a pans; of deeper
a'e crtn-pii mot'f And, of couth e,
ha to hav h: little nialb t to help
throtwh the diftlciilty. It play at
(he Maje-tic Wednesday and U a
Wainer Hcreen (lailc.
Outilda and lnhle white paint
2.ii t galloa at Powells.
tfsra i r.'TraN
Co somewhere this summer. Plan to mate
it the happiest vacation you ever had.
Low Rotindtrip Fares
are in effect throughout the sum
mer season. It's nmnzing what
they will enaole you to see and do.
So ko this vacation. Know
Oregon. Visit Tillamook Beaches,
Ni'7ort Beaches, Coos Bay
Beaches, Moiiiitnin Kesorts,Craier.
Lake, Drcgon Gitcs.
And nly uron our agcnt for
full travel information. Ask for
our illustrated booklet
"Oregon Outdvori."
L. D. MOORE, General Agent
Phors 11 Hoieburg, Oregon