ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1925. SEVTN COMING SOO N 1 One carload only. Nitrate Soda. Cash with order in advance $60 ton out of car. This price positively does not apply on any except cash in advance or ders. Out of car 10 day payment $63.50, out of warehouse $65.00. Land Plaster until February I , $ 1 2 ton, 65c per sack. Buy now and save money. Use fertilizers and make money. Don't Forget Our Flour Prices $7.80, $8.60, $9.00 bbl. The highest quality and the lowest price in town. , See Us First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ROSEBURQ OAKLAND We' ll DO YOUR PACKINGCf,ATIMC PROPOSALS FOR WOOD OREGON STATE SOLDIERS' HOME On the 3rd day of February, 925, at 2:00 o'clock P. M.. the Oregon State Board of Control will receive sealed bids for fur nishing wood to the Oregon State Soldier?' Home, Roseburg, Ore gon, as follows: 500, cords 4-ft. second growth fir, or 500 cords 4-ft. old growth fir slabwood. To be delivered at tin? Oregon State Soldiers' Home between February 15th and November 1st, 1925. Specifications and blanks for bidding will be furnished by the Commandant of the Home, or by the Oregon State Board of Con trol at Salem. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 10 percent of the amount bid, pay able to the Oregon State Board of Control, which sum so deposit ed shall be held as a guarantee that the successful bidder will en ter Into a contract to furnish the amount awarded. Bids shall be enclosed In a sealed envelope marked "Bids for Wood at Roseburg," and shall be addressed to the undersigned. The Board reserves the right to peject any or all bids or to ac cept the bid deemed best for the Slate. ' Dated at Saem, Oregon this' 19th day of January.. 1925. CARLE ABIiAMS Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. Pruning afid grafting, trees, vines, bushes, reasonable. L. Bergold, Roseburg. Prune grapes now. The Umpqua Florist Choice Cut Flowers Always Fresh Finest Quality Artistic Floral Designs. Visit Our Greenhouse or Call 40-F2. Special Tea Garden Syrup, gal.-$1.40 Log Cabin Syrup Small ' Cans 30c Medium Cans ! 60e Wigwam Syrup Small Cans 20e Medium Cans 40c Economy Grocery Phone 63 Moths Garments kept clean are not moth eaten. Moths thrive on the dirt in the cloth. Keep your clothing cleaned and pressed by TRY OUR WAY Phon 277 Our Auto Will Calf NEW FORD COUPE AT A BIO SAVING. SEE L. R. Chambers HIGHWAY SERVICE GARAGE Phone 478 And our doing It will In sure lis bt-ing done per fpctly. Export crating and ship services are rendered by this reliable transport ing company, rhoue us to-, day (or rates. "We aim to please.'' ' H.s. French TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. . PHONE 220 AMERICAN LEGION Basketball practice Thurs- day night, 8 o'clock. Tuesday at 7 o'clock. ! I STRAHORN DENIES SALE (Annciatcd Vrtm Unw-tl Wire.) PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 22. Robert E. Strahorn, builder of the Oregon, California and Eastern i railroad, which runs out of Klam ath Falls, in a statement given out here last night denied rumors that he had sold the line. He de-1 I dared the railroad in southern j J and south central Oregon niuy re sult in "a long drawn out fight between powerful railroad antag onists- OH l)KK In the County Court of the State ot Oregon for DouKlan County. In the matter of the C.unrdiunhfp of KM her M. Reese, a Minor. This matter coming on for hear ing at this time upon Uiu putltlon of (juy Coition, guardian of the, estute of "frstlifr A!. Kiese, n minor, for a Ik't'iise to st-' If property of mi hi eHtntc, and It appealing to the court from such petition that it would be beneficial to "aid minor that the Interest of nalrl minor in real property therein described be And H further appearing to the court that court did, mi the 2:trd i day of October, 1924. duly make and enter an order requesting tne next: of k-in of said minor ami all persons interested In said estate to appear on ; the 2Jnd d.iy of November H4, Ht 10 o'clock A. M. to show, causa why! it license should not be Kiuntd to j said guardian for the eale of said: estate; . ' And It further appearing to the , j court that service ot a copy of said order was not made upon the next j of kin of said minor at least ten! days before aaid J J rid day of Ni-- vember, ItflM, or at all, and that ai copy of said order was not puiJth-t : ed at least three successive weeks In a newspaper circulating in uoug- las County, Oregon, It in, therefore, ORDKUFH. AD 'jl.'IHjUD and IKtKKKl that the next of kin of said minor and all ! pet sons interented in ttaid estate ap- pear before tnis court In th- County Court room in the Court Houe at i Kosehurg. DoiiKlas County, Orwgm, :on the :mth day of January, i::r., at, 10 o'clock a. m to show cause, 'if riiv there he, why a lk-eime should not be granted to s;.id guardian for the sale of mirh estute; audi estate hemg an undivided one- eitthth interest in and to the fol lowing deacribed real property, to- ; wit: ' Beginning at A point from which the.Mv corner of I-ot No. 7 of Wile Fruit Trait be iir N IS d H. K 4. cht., tlu w S 71 d.g. W ll..H j chs. to the right b-tnk 'f the Sojih Cmprjua river, trance S .UVii deg .) 2m ch.4. to middle of IVi'nty rad, i i thence H deg. K I i-l" fhs.. th-n. e N i:,'., dec fi 7-itOths m rj lt (v jnf bemnniiiK rou in initig in.:'.' n s, j all beiim i:i Dougliis C.mtiiy, Hiale luf Oremiii.' exi epl a roadway tw,ivi i feet Wide, ov- r Ulid n-mx the est rfnie sold to 1.. Vers I n.s ro- onh d at p.'Ke of Vol. tij , eed record! t.f lM;iiglas Cuunly.j I ( Ireifoli. j And It H further T ! f 'K!t Kl . A I -H'I::K1! iik! i ; I 'i ! lil.'l . i !' " ..f this onl r h,t publlnlinl In 1 e Ito' Ni .VM-Ke ieW. M TP A -p i per In general ion In H:'ti-. Ciiuntv. tirrvmi, for 1 1 1 r f hjc- l ecssive Weeks pi h.r 1o said 3i th day uf .Linirirv, l!':'.'-. Iijtedi Janfin'y . It-1. , C.KOUOI-; K. tjl I M'. Cttuii.y .1' dgc. ' ri-st p'thP.hed .l:iinrirv V. 1-'. ' TUBBY 'HELLO HELLO, IS THIS LITTLE BOY IS LOST OR KIDNAPED, HEDiOWTCOME HOME LftT - Ort, . WLtAC YNO HIM MQUS1 mm .ihuy Charles Wakefield Cad man. one of the foremost American compos ers to today, w ho will appear here In Joint recital with Princess Tdlanla at the Helnline Conserva tory, Monday, Jan. 16, was honor guest and soloist at one of the con certs given at the Hollywood Bowl last summer by the Los Angeles Symphony orchestra with Alfred Herts conducting. The largest crowd of the season, over ten thousand, attending and Mr. Cadruan was given an ovation which lasted over ten minutes. The bowl is a natural amphi theatre seating 20,000 people. The orchestra playvd his Omar Khayyam Suite which w as written for the photoplay of the same name and several of his most popular compositions were sung. Mr. Cad man accompanying them on the pi ano. . Announcement has been' made re cently that Charles Wakefield Cad man has been added to the faculty of the I'niversiiy of Southern Cali fornia lor the coming seusou. Mr. Cuitwan will deli sr three lectures, takng as his subjects, "Public School Music," "Indian Mualc and its Influence," and the "Problem of the American Composer." Mr. Cadman is noted for his en thusiasm ad the'splendld work he has done in behalf of the junior clubs, in the state federation of music clubs, of which he Is the chairman of education. He has cur ried that department further than ever before" iu Us history. He is al so chairman in California of the Oiera in Our Language Foundation and takes a keen Interest in alt young composers who he helps most unselfishly in getting compo sitions published and proper public presentation. Johnson's Floor Polishing Sets as easy to operate as a carpet sweeper. Come in and see th.:M. Lloyd Crocker. ANTLERS THEATRE The 'Jolly Roger' flits over the blue waves cf the Pacific ocean once more! The vessel which flew this for bidden flag was a sixteenth cen tury craft constructed especially for use in the fictuie. Jt was a high poop, square ringed sails and two tows of cannon peeping from her bluff aides. Sailing from the Los Angeles harbor at San l'edro tho pirate ship with the! entire "Peter Pan" company on board, proceeded to Santa Cruz island where exterior scenes for the pic ture were made. 1 "Peter Pan," adapted for the screen by Willis Goldbrrk, will be the Toartire at the " AntlerSfha tre starting tonight Libsrty Theatre Stirring melodrama, sweet ro mance and an abundance of aplne tiekiing thrills rmike "Laughing At Danger," IHck Talmadge's latent photoplay production which appears lor a first run at the Liberty the atre tomorrow and Saturday, one of the most exciting pieces of en tertainment ever released by F. H. O. Kva Novak heads a capable cast in support of the star, and Tal niadm hinibolf out-Talmadges Tal madge. That he Is the mosr intrepid actor In motion pictures today is proved by the fact that he fractur ed a vertebrae in his neck during the filming of his last picture, "Stepping Lively." An aid to Health and Comfort Goodrich Water Hottles. Take onu homo. Lloyd Crocker. - BEND FIREMEN OVERCOME (Associated 1'reM mwt-1 Wire.) IlKNI), Ore., Jan. 22. Klre late yesterday afte-rnoon part ally de stroyed the May apartment house owned by Frank H. May. The loss was estimated at about $2, 000. Two firemen were overcome A Ooo4 ThingrDONT MISS IT. STi your nam and address plainly vritwo togtther W'th 5 cenU (and thu ilip) to Charaberlaia Medicin Co, l)m Moinea, Iowa, and receive in return a trial packsge containing Chamberlain's Cough Kemely for oouiit, colds, croup, bronchial, "flu" and whooping coughs, nd tickling throat: ClismbcrUiu's 8tom fc-h and Lirer Tablet for stomach troo titea, (ndijtion, assy paint that croW the bm ' biliorj"D autl conttipatiooj Chamberlsun'e Silve, needed In every tmij fur borna, tcalda, wound;, pi lea, and ikin a.Tections; thee valiMd fainiir nmlifin frir mil h eenta. I nn'l iniss ll CA'i-Y.-THtt LIT TL.BATER Anu tjci r&il TllUDV POLICE OV1 l-'WI CAW FIM0 HIM BACK HERE r rOt?e (xJife WHO'S WHO VNn WHAT'S CYNTHIA and JIM l.ELAND at-tle- down after their honeymoon, to find that Jim's mother Intend to monopolize him as she alwoya has. Cymhii rannot nccuatom herself to this! or to .her mother-ln-lnw'a de termination to remodel nor. Jhn leave town on businen-a, and Cyn thia and Madame Lchind quarrel. Cynthia make the acquaintance of NOEL flAKDNER. the black aheop of the town, recently returned from Pari, where hla wife bu divorced him. She also meets CEC1LK MALCOLM, a gay yoW Widow who has designs on GurUnur. TODAY'S INSTALMENT XX DEFIANCE CYNTHIA liked Noel TLuner: there was something Quite Ir rouNtible about him. ' As they atood wtiitins for the elevator, after looking at the r apartment which she had just agreed to rent from him. she found her self, thinking of the thlnim Ce- " A-';wav i 8111(1 about him. ' t f.i H "The town's $ i 1 black s h e e p." W3 i,-. JJU i CoriU hnd railed him. And Bhc h:ut said that she herself was VIOLET DARE one of the few women In town who frankly admitted having been a good friend of his. Certainly, during the golf game of the day before, Cecile had been eager enough to establish that fnendship once more, now that he had returned from abroad. Cynthia coubl not help feeling Bor ry for him. It was quite obvious that he had been In love with his wife, and had felt much cut up when sho docided to go back to her own people. Cynthia pictured him ruah ing to France after he.- when she went nbrond with her parents, and plenditig with her not to divorce him. How could any woman havo been so hard-hearted, she asked herself again. Of course, there probably had been trouble. It was impossible to deny that Gardner had a look in his eye th:tt would not have leen character istic of a man who snt quietly back and let the world go by. No doubt ho had given his wife plenty of provocation, reflected Cynthia. Per haps he had flirted with. Cecile Mal colm n Cecile would certainly have encournged him. If he needed en couragement. And yet Cecile did not seem to be his type at all. Cynthia sighed. Weren't there any happy married people anywhere? "About that stock that your mother-in-law bought," remarked Gard ner, as they left the elevator and started across the lobby of the apartment house. "I've got every thing straightened out, and am go ing to see her this afternoon and buy the stock from her. Now, lot mo get this thing quite straight you don't want her to know that you aro going to buy It, do yn,i7 uru K""Oj iu ii. "Oh, no; she's n thing about V, and one else. I want t not to Know nny- d neither is any- to well, you see. I want to surprise her. Sho feels that I'm partly responsible fr her buying it, and also for mnklng her lots of trouble. Jim always advises her about her Inveetrnents, and she Dougnt tnai siotk wnen ne on honeymooning wnn me. i ney uotn say that If ho had been home he wouldn't have let her buy It at all " "1 see commented Gardner, his Hps twisting In a cynical little smile. "They think it's no good.H -"Well, you know. It has gone down with smoke for a period of five minut s and one firemen, Ityron S. McDonald, left alono for a mo ment holding a hose on the roof ws thrown down by the weight of the hose and suffered a wrenched side. It was more ser ious than it would have been oth erwise Blncp he had lust recently recovered from the effects of two broken libs. Why grumble? It s bettor to get coal at Pages. FOOD SALE The ladies of St. Joseph's church will hold a food sale on Sat., .lun. 21 at MtKean, Darby and llahl v. ln's. Portland Oret'onlan rnvs "Cnd niun Im n rr. niiirt I lfllihtriil :iml III terenllr.g concert. Tslanina san fond acted ex(uisitely ; voice of Inv- ly qualiiy, wiih fine drainaiie ef :f':ct; theae, wtra given veritable lovalions." Stepping k."Ub I W J V , HIM A tOD in) Approval StizjUiSMTia, lamer. efc.xm slm.-e she bought It, awfully fast Cynthia added. "Sure It has. And because I con trol It, and I've always ben a blacfc sheep, she and Jim feel that ah outfit to get rid of It at once. Thej think I'm no good, just as the rest of the town doe. Well, I'll show them. They're going to get th ahiK'k of their Uvea!" "Oh, I'm sure that you're going ti make a hi thing of this!" exe la lined C:nthlu. impulsively laying her ham' on his arm. You Jut can't hell it." "Thanka." he murmured huskily "You don't know what that meant to me. having you believe In me It's been so long since anyone cured" He broke off abruptly, and Cyn thia self-consciously took her han! from his arm. For a moment sh had quite forgotten herself. She turned from him and then turned Hharply back aain. For at the curl sat her sister-in-law, Louella, In her cur. And Louella's face told Cyn thia that she had seen that Impul sive little action. Cynthia took the bull by the horns the moment she caught her breath and run across the sidewulk to the car. At tho curb Mat Louella in Her car "Oh, Louella, how nice to see you! she exclaimed. "I 'tried to see you earlier In the morning," replied Iouel)a frostily "Mother was preparing to go away, very hurriedly; she's Just waiting for some sort of business conference that's to take, place this afternoon. Then she's going lit once." "Truly? Where?" asked Cynthia wondering how It happened that Louella did not know that the busi ness conference was with Gardner, who was standing beside her. "She's going to join Jim, and gc with him to Honolulu," replied Lou ella, with Just a hint of malice in her smile. "He feels that the trip will do her good, and though she doesn't really want to go, she'a al ways enjoyed traveling with him, ac she's going to do it." Cynthi could not speak. Jim wnf going to take his mother Insteod of her! Oh, how could he be so cruel? Gardner glanced down at her quickly, his koen eyes noting her sudden pallor and the sharp way that she drew la her brenth. "Iady for luncheon, lady fair?" he drawled. "I'rn, afraid you need It after that sightseeing round ot my apartment." Cynthia hesitated a moment, then lifted her head proudly. Louolln was the personification of disap proval. " 'Deed I am rendy for luncheon, Noel,' murmured Cynthia, and won! with him to his own car. Food for Gossip. Just nrrlved carload or Tage Fence, Square Deal Fence and Monarch galvanized Red Top. Tlab wire. Write us for prices. Stearns 4c Chvuoweth, Oakland. Or I DAILY WtATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Hureati, Vicnl of- fice, Roseburg, Oiegou, 21 hours ' ending & a. m. Precip. in Inchas and Hundredths. Highest temiieratuie yestenlay tin lowest temperature laut night.. 43 I'lec'diilallon last 21 hours 0 Total preclii. ainre first month..2.14 Normal iiriK.ip. for this month.... 6.70 , Total precip, from Sept. I, to (Into 26.02 , Average: pB cip. from Sept. I, W7 17.84 Total excess from Sept. 1, 11124 8.18 Average precipitation for 46 wet season 4. (rieplembtT to May, inclusive) 31.48 Kaln tonight and Friday, moder ate t'-niperature. WM. IIKI.L. Meteorologist. on the Gas. A-r liu ICCC I hi IMtltW I WAUTA GO HOME To SE.E MY MOM , RUT II- I OU, a"lLl jivc mb & iiPPIW FnR S.TAVIN' lODTTA SCHOOL-AN IF I DCM'T SO 1(0 III GET ARUtVi tu r u Pyritht by L'niud Evangelist Miller spoke to a packed house at the Methodist, meeting last night. "If God be tor us, who can be' against us", was his text aud he euiphaslivu the fact that the Christian church is a church niilitani. He recounted the wars of our country in past years where we hve uiet aud defeated powerful foes and declared that the fiaht the' church is waingi against sin is the greatest ot! them all. The church mu&t be prepared In order to succeed. Hoj made a strung appeal to tho church people for recoiisecratioui which met with a hearty re ft po use. , Trofesaor Ted ford has his or-' chestra at work and his chorus full. He and Mrs. Ted turd sang a number which was lull of, power. I 1H. Miller delighted thu au-, d fence with hla rendition of ai favorite ong, proving himself a' singer as well as a preacher. ' Toulght Is hiKh school nihtj and it Is expected that It wfll bo! necessary to be in the meeting early to obtain a good seat. I Tnose attending the revival meetings are missing the passing i of the collection plate every! night. The expenses are heavy and will amount to JO 2 5, uut counting the offering to the EvunKeltst the lust Sunday of the mooting. Of course the expenses must be raised some way. In or der to do this the finance com mittee are selling 125 revival shares at $5 each. This is prov ing a popular method and nearly $400 has thus far been secured. It is hoped the response will con tinue as generous so that nightly offerings will, not have to be re sorted to. o Washington Irving said: "I value this delicious home feeling aa one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow." Page Lumber & Fuel Co. TANKER AFIRE AT SEA . (Aatltl Vim Wire.) HUNTINGTON 11EAC11, Cul., Jan. 22. Indications that an oil tanker is afire about 1 mile oft shore from hero were reported to day by representatives of the As sociated Ail company field office, who sad they saw through field glasses a vessel apareniry- burn ing with large clouds of black smoke, assumed to be from oil. Seating capacity is limited to 250. so be sure of your ticket for Cad man Tsianlna, Jan. 26. Johnson Loses Place On Advisory Board. Byron Bancroft Johnson, Presi dent of the American League nt Baseball Clubs, has finally been forced to acknowledge the supreme power of former Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landls aa High Cora ml s loner of Baseball. Discredited by el. b executives Is his own league, Johnson was dropped aa ths League's member of the Advisory Board In faror of Phil Ball, Bt Louts, at the Joint meeting of the two loam ns inf Chicago. He r tains office as league president only upon good behavior. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. M. If. PLYLKR :hlropractl physician, 126 W. Lane 8t. DONALD R. GIBBS, Dentist. Phone 401 212 Perkins Bldg. HtLLO.THAT LOOKS. LIKE THE nrv KVO THAT IS MISSINO nri.. V 7 i r 7 t LV 5V o n, lO r fi:vps. Tmtm T. j..i. lag. Classified Section ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PAGE. FOR SALE FOR 6 ALE Oak and fir block wood. Phone 14F3. ONIONS Yullow" 'GTobii lianvcrs. ' 12 lbs for 60c delivered, l'houel H4. '- FOR SALE Alldale imps. Inquire Hr. It. K. Hunt, 101S VVuichi aier ' St. FIR wood, eord wood. Moot or 16-' Inch wood, l'hone 14F14, Boyer Bros. Foil SAT.E i;lola" eleetric asli- Inn machine. 32 volt motor. 1. 11. Nichols, Ilrockway, Ore. FOR'SALE Purebred Ulack"J.Tsey Giants pullets and cockerels. Koseburg Poultry Market. FOR SALE A few good "serond hand sewing maelunes, cheap. Singer Store, 105 Cass St, VolC SALE one Old Trusty and two Iron Clad Incubators. Rob ert Tjoniwlnnd. Melrose, Ore. . FOR SALE Autos, real burKuins, or w hat have you to trade? wood accepted. 829 W. Vane St. FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Rock hatching eggs. aUto some flo trios. W. 11. Klnsel, Wilbur, Ore. - FOR" SALE -Oakland touring car in very good condition. Price reasonable. At llroadway's gar age. FOK SALK Good 3 1-4 Mitchell wagon and a 14 in. steel beam plow, both excellent condition. Call or write W. F. Hohensee, Ho tel Hood, Sutherlin. fRSALESacfirice.lctVbla anJ $25 worth records, all for $75. Brand new Home sewlm; ma chiyie $65. Dandy large cudar chest, $18. 42ij Floed St., 3rd floor. FfSH "SALK Ut'KistoriHl Ilolsteln bull calf. Comes from record stock. Mother now giving 80 pounds of 4 per cent milk. Can he had at $40 if taken at once. VYIIIard Smith, Glide, l'hone 34F23. FUI tTti A L K Fo rd ton truck, Uux stell axle, new tires, 2 Si udf bak er touring cars; one Maxwell tour inn '23, and, other used car barKains. These are priced low for quick sale. See them early and get your choice. Michael Mo tor Co., 515 N. Jackson. " NOTICE TO WATER CON SUMERS , Wrater will be shut off Saturday, Jan. 24th from 8 a. m. unrll noon, affecting all consumers from Rlv ershlu to Winchester. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY lNui'ICR of sals op Government tlinbur, tlenernl Lund Of Cite. Vuh limloii. I). C. Jhii. M. luju. Nallce Is hTt!hy given tliut ulijccLf.fta-the contiiiiuiiH unu iiiniiaiKMiN oi i ne uns of June 9. (at) Htat. 218, tutiruury tt, l'Jiw tie btai., mv) ami June 4 lB-'U H Stat,, 7:,S) snd di'uttrt limn tat rt-KUlut ioim of Alnl 14, lw.'T (r.u U -t a7, the timber tin thu following funds will be sold pen. , at iv ociuik a. m. u oubltc auctliiti ut the U. K. Lund. Of' rke at UoneifTii-g orKon, to the hJithtiMt bidiinr at not linn thun the uipruled value an uliown by .thin notice, ii I ft tu D ecujuut to tne Hp urovul of the Wnrretary of the In terlor. The purchase prke, with an stldlilonul sum ot'one-fllth of one ptr cent, thutvof, heitiK toinmie Mtons allowed, ntuttt be ilcpottltrd at time of auie. mont-v to be i-i-turncd if iule 1m not approved, othtTwiee patent will Ihmsu for the tliuher, which muet be removed within tn years. lHUs will be rucelvod from cltisti'iia of the United htatea, Sfiao- cluilone of much citJ.fna and coroor- atlons orKanised under the lawa of the Unltrd Status, or any ritate. Ter ritory oi dlntrict thereut, only, tip on applk-atlon of a qualified pur chair the timber on any Ififiil sub division will be offert-it separately bufoie Ix'ing In any oift-r of a laraor unit. T. IS S.. Jt. 7 W., Xw. 3, I)t 1, nd fir mo M.t red crdur 75 11. I-.t 2 red fir 12T M.. n-d redur M.. none of tho timber mi IIikmii IntM to bit Hold fur li-Ma Hum i.0O lu-r M. T. 2 H., It. 10 W .ic. Jj, rw '4 e r!U iir ;v m., xctoiid growth fir 80 M., white fir 4(i ri wnite ceunr nv m.. IKW4 red fir 17 M., si-cond growth iir ai.. wime fir iu ai.. wime tfdar 100 M., NU'l, HK r fir 14u M., second itrowth fir 240 M., white ct-dar M.. HElA red fir Zoo M., icconil growth fir 80 ii., white cciiar J m none oi inn iinioer on thrtie tracts to be aold for thun f.Od per M. for the n-d fir, $1.00 pnr .vi. tor th aroonu urowin iir; ou ivntM P'T M, for the wlilte fir and $7.00 p-r M. fT the white rcilur. T. 27 M.. It. 1J W.. Ht'C. J.(. NK'm NK'i ypllow. Ik- ?,:m) M., hftiilix-k loo M, .NWK4 Nl-.v yellow fir .toon m., ium Uni-k 100 M.. liniie of tlui tiiuhi'r ot I thi-Me tun tt to lie aM for U;k than l$2,50 per M. for tlui yellow fir and HO cents Ai. fur lh hemlock. T. 2S H. It. Z W'.. HcC. th. Lot 1 red rir r:"t M.. not to Ix; no Id for lens thun f'.Hi ncr At. T. 20 ti.. Jt. 1 W . :,. I red fir Ut0 M., J-'t 2 rt-il fir l.txo Al , none o tne tunu i in tiicHP ta lo hw aold for lo than 11.7b o-r At T. 17 K.. it. 7 V.. Hie. .3:1, HW'A SW red tlr IRl'f) AI.. red cedar 6 M., none of- the timber on this tmi t to be sold lur l- ( hi. it i ;",0 per M. for the red ftr and S 1 . AO p-r At. fr th red te.lar. William -r.r- f 'I'tiuniKsluncr. By WINNER IF THAT OLE COP THiMrfS, HE'SGOWNA CATCW ME - HE'S Cot amother 7 i i - f -jqv i --nr - WANTED WANTED Two oodchoppe'rs. L. Marsters. Phone 17r'2. WAN l b! Lsed uuuk stuvva uud ranges at Powell's Furniture com pany. V A NT ED One to 200head fcwe. State price and aee. Rosa Condlt, Aumsville, Oregon. WANTED 2nd hand incubator in good shape. About Sou-egg capa city. Address "lucubator," care News-ileVlew. WANT ED To assign my L C. . course in Electric Wiring at re duced rates . Address Box 8, News-Review. All LE Vod icd'boy of T" wants place to work and go to school. Can do anything. Craig S. Hulm, Uoue burg. Ore. Care N. L. Conn. WANTED Men to clear land; mostly young oak and laurel; Also men to make poats cabins, furnished. N. L. Conn, Roseburg, Ore., l'hone 6F15. WANTED A milch cow; would like to trade pigs or hogs for her; also want second-hand small gas engine. J. F. Van Al len, Days Creek, Ore. WANTED Five tonV goodTay, d livered three miles south of Rose burg on pavemeut . Cash on de livery. Write W. H. McNary,Kt 1, Box 175-A, Roaeburg, Oregon. FOR RENT FOIl RENT Sleeping room. 420 E. Wash. Phone 91-L. Kill RENT A typewriter. Phone 1S1-J srter 5:30 pm. FOirntENT-4-fiirnirhed house- keoptnx rooms. 24B No. Rose St. FuK KENT 3-rooiu lurmshttl apt. clone In. 408 E. DoUKlas St. FOR RENT Small furnished apart ment Close in, $25 a month. Phone 247-R. FOR RENT Six-room apartment on ground tloor. Inquire at Fishr er's store. FOR RENT Furnished apartment . close in. Inquire at 329 E. Doug las. Phone 140-L. r oil RENT Furnished 3 room apt. II B. Lights, water and bath fur nished, 248 So. Parrott 8t FOR RENTFurnished Tiousekeep- ing rooms, 1st or 2nd floor -good comfortable rooms. Phone 202-L. FOR LEASE Stock and grali farm in i'lournoy valley, lnquii j N. L. Conn, Roseburg, Ore. hona KF1S. FORT RENT 2-room apartment wnn, nam, close in. L,iguta, n. anu o. water furnished. (17.60. Phona 227-Y. VtK RKN'i' Threo furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, hot and cold water and . lights. In quire 426 Floed St LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Roseburg and Sulherlln, black patent leather bag. Finder please notify High way Service Co. LOST WcdrjanJ 14, brown silk umbrella, bone and Ivory handle, amber tips on highway, north of Drain. Finder please notify-Mrs. W. 8. McElhinny, Roseburg. Re ward. MISCELLANEOUS PHONOGRAPH repairing. Ros burg t'yclery, 228 N. Main 8t: KEY " FITTING Locks repaired Roseburg Cyclery, 22H N. Main. WILL TRAI)E5iood touiing-car for truck. Jones Auto Top Shop. 620 Winchester St EX1'EHT"'II1CVCLE repairing, phonograph and general repair work. Rooeburg Cyclery, 228 N. Main St. CIENT wants' loan of $500 oif good real estate security. 8 per cent in terest. U. W. Vouug & Son. I'bon 417. . CAR OWNER Don't forget U call 553 when In need of autt parts. Sarffs Auto Wreektnj House. 1 il(' YOU are lii need of a usTmT Truclc let me know. I have 40 makes ol trucks, 1 ton to 5 ton. Prices from $2.r.O to $1000. A. A. Frent sel, 124 W. Ouk St., Roseburg, Ort'Ktm. WHEN IN ROSEBURG STOP AT Hotel Umpqua Reliable Tailor J. H. BERNIER Upstairs Next Umpqua Hotel Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations We Make Your Clothes in Roseburg 'll ,4 CshtfwtM. Ofollns, Oft, W.trt and Alt sfFTAt, Won't Lsak. A 10 CWL to 10.000 CaL Am SnU. Om Om ttttm. Churchill Hdwe. Co. THE WINCHESTER $TORB