ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1924. FIVE WILt- t OTICE I noting or the Pilhrd Farmers Kill be hoid at the c house, Saturday, 1:30 p. m. All stock juesteJ to attend. T. 11F.XRY. Pres. I ItU'I'INC, Sec. 10NAL CARDS Z4 U:u-Cliiropractlcscuool v. i-ane si. IVICE gan and de- is our J. Let us t wearing ap 1 household t low. Phone mto 'will call. )UR WAY ione 277 Ho Will Call TICS leap make vour Chambers iy service Urage He 473 UK iurized bottle peso. to the until itreoch- j purity to you. id D; airy E 39-L team KIDS me 473 V H I r nr mm nninroi wilt utm rniiLoii t ,i;tv of our flour and feed. When we K;S'. have to beat about the la know what the price is before you send p. Flour $2.30. $2.15. $2.00 per sack. jer Ycur Land Plaster Now f .bbivE ABOUT JANUARY 20 i r r;t-Ve Can Save You Money. FARM BUREAU PERAT1VE EXCHANGE ROSE6URGOAKLAND rr. , p. MAU Our truek3 travel over all roads. They never grum ble at the moving tasss we Impose upon them. Our long distance rates are as low as can bo found for such a service. "We aim to please" H.S. FRENCH Tonuses a Kn STnsiP.F fin. M4 PHONE 220 IS NEWS Roberts Creek school closed for the holidays Wednesday afternoon with an ellcelive proxraiti. Christina. varatlori brought sev eral cf our number back home asain. Amorf! them ere: Mr. and -Mrs. L. F. Thomas of Portland ; iu'sfu. Letter, Ivan and George Reed of Eugene; Miss Viola 11. 1'nontas, who has bten attending Monmouth; Harold 10. Cooper l'roni tiiu .Monmouth Normal School and Nellie Thomas who has , oeen teaching school near Lugene. V.'e all rejoice that boch .Mrs. F. G. Hatiield and Mrs. J. N. Thomas nave so recovered from serious operations that they tan be back uonu.-a ruin, although they are still under the doctor s care. Misses Veruie and Mollio Paul, of Hollywood, Caiitorni, are now vis iting with tiieir brother Mr. V. U. Paul. The sr.ow furnished us a lovely Christmas. Sleinhs and sleigh bells were all that was needed to make it ideal. SNOWBIRD. Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 1S3-L WOODCUTTERS ATTENTION The Board of Directors of School Pistrict No. 4 of Douglas' county, Oregon, will receive sealed j bids for 401) cords of old prowth : red fir, or and for 400 cords of, second growth red fir wood to be delivered as follows: Iliph School,! I'M cords; Benson School, 9it ! cords; liose School 90 cords; Ful-' lerton School, 30 cords. i These bids may be filed at any time with the Clerk up to three, o'clock P. M. on January 6th, j litl'a and all bids wil be opened at the regular board meeting held on the same day. Details as to size and time of de-j livery may be obtained from the clerk. I The Hoard reserves the right to I reject i.ny and ail bids. j mica tins me ism uay oi De cember, vsz. V. J. MICELLI, Clerk School District No. 4. Office, First Stalo anil Savings Hank. CALIFORNIA COMPANY I. LI o 11 m ROBERTS CREEK L- - S. t;- opanizr.ticri f 1 V. -i.-jL . " " TUBBY l ; - .., . B "Pi- C W-llM VA J ,L f ' :" vis I ) ' ---vu8oyf V I KrV?rrt.4 r-:Vri I - It .ie J ( I S 4 C 1 JP3-B, or f LSLV- )V Trn n d n a ri 1 7 r iu uuonuiiL Chamber of Commerce to Have Five Major Com mittees to Secure Data. RESULTS EXPECTED Departments Are So Organ ized That All Phases of Activity Are Covered. The building up of a modern Chamber of Commerce is a some what slow process. Conditions are changing so rapidly in this coun try that each year must be cumula tive in action and results. During vi'i the ltoseburg chamber 'of commerce deptnded upon special coiiiiu.uei-s lo Iook after carrying out the details of the organization, but during PJ25 there will be a uuiituei of standing committees that will s.pend the entire year in uiiie instances in woiKing out one or two problems. There are five uiajur bLuiKiiiig committees whose work will extend all over Douglas county, and before the end of the year some definite results should be apparent, and a start made in collecting data that will assist in the years to come to develop the county as it should be. These ma jor committees are as follows: Kaw products committee, manu factured products committee, transportation committee, com merce committee and civic com mittee. The functions of each of these major committees are broad and take in every activity in the county from the timber, the farm, the orchard and the mine, to the organization of local community clubs and working with the county agent in his boys and girls club work, and so on up to the time when the manufactured products committee can take hold of the problem. There are several o'.her standing committees that are ot minor Im portance and have to do primarily with tile conduct of the chamber of Commerce business. President Lloyd L. Crocker has anuojneed these committees for the ensuing year, and they are as follows: Budget committee: Lloyd L. Crocker, chairman; Thos. 11. Ness, O. Ai. Berrie. Finance committee: O. M. ller rie, chairman; J. T. Goodman, Geo. K. Qulue, Jr. Membership committee: J. T. Goodman, chairman; K. A. liusen baik, L. 1). Moore, O. C. linker, W. O. dinger, A li. Crawford. Transportation committee: Thos. II. Ness, chairman; V. J. Weaver, J. II. Booth, 11. C. Parsiow, Geo. K. Qulne Jr. Haw products committee: It. A. IJusenburk, chairman; Chas. A. Brand, Foster Butner, A. C. Marsters, li. W. Cooncy, W. A. Bo gard. Commerce Committee Booth, chairman; John M Glenn Wimberly, Foster Bert Sutherland. Manufactured products : J. II. Throne, Butner, coinmit- tee: Thos. 11. Ness, chairman N. Hildebrand, A. J. Geddes, A. A. W. liashford, Iloiace Berg. Civics committee: Lloyd L. Crocker, president Chamber of I Commerce, chairman; Max Haiiim, president Rotary Club; W. C. j Harding, president Kiwauls club; Thos. Ness, president Lmpaua I Chiefs; Geo. K. Hour, mayor of I Roseburg; Dr. K. B. Stewart, torn nander American Legion; Geo. K. Quine, Jr., Judge of county court; A. C. Marsters. president mer chants association. Ilou.e committee: O. M. Ber- rie, chairman; J. T. Goodman, Geo. K. Quine, Jr. I H"forestatir.n ronimiitce: J. 1. j MeClintnck, chairman; Joe! Murphy, John M. Throne. "Indians' Last. Stand" commit- ; !(": o. ('. Baker, chairman; A. T. Lawn nee. J. K. MeClintork, W. O. j Clincer, G'ore Smith. ' ( hnmb'T of Cotmuerce his- : t-rian: Geo. W. Hldille. I)irer:er ce-mty ch'imh'r of enm- j raerce: (,uy ( oruon. Home products show coiimrttee : O. M. Berri", chairman: 1!. W. Cooiey. A. N. Hildebrand, Thos. H. N?s. It. A. P.nseiibarl:. All li- FOR M IRK Wt to . rectors of County Chamber Commerce. Committee on devislon of con tution and bylaws: Geo. K. Quine, Jr., chairman: W. K. Chap man, John Farriugten, W. B. Day, Dexter Rice. Membership meetings: J. T. Goodman, chairman; Lyman Spen cer, Bert Bates. A. 11. Crawford, A. M. Knudtson. legislative committee: A. C. Marsters, chairman; B. L. Kddy, R. A. Herscher, Walter Fisher, J. H. Booth. Councillor chamber of commerce of the l ulled States: Dexter lilce. DelegUes State Chamber of Commerce: Lloyd Crocker, Thos. It Wk Ness. o Santox the best tooth brush made. Bristles guaranteed to stay with the brush. Lloyd Crocker. NOTICE United and Rose-leaf Trade chlrs will not be redeemable at the United Cigar Store after Dec. SO. owing to change In ownership. All persona having such chips should have them redeemed prior to that time. LAWRENCE NEUNER, Prop. Studeb.iker costs less per pound than butter. Today's Cross THE DIAGONAL CRISS I F yoa can solve this crops, word ehowin? considerable speed, nltliough the words in the puxzle, with the exception of the United Stales Vice-President, are common ones. Below the diagram are the the puzzle. J Z 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 dL. O IHifc 15 16 17 -JLv,. r-.M. 'M.': -ILlZ. Te 17 -J-1E5X1 MM. , 7toto 32 "33 wti Z to 35 36 3V Mi. M. Ste m 1,1,,,' .1 1". , 46 g 47 48 49 50 V;.. 61 oil 44 . I . 55 .p 1 1 1 1 1 l 'till HORIZONTAL. 1 waist bands G half 11 merit 12 devours 13 note of scale 15 peoplo who rip 17 parent II prrfix meaning arrnin 20 decay 21 title 22 speck 23 lustre 2.S sea eagle 28 breathe audibly through the no.-e 28 carries 30 authorita tive stand ard 81 reduces to liquid form 32 very thin 53 thick, black, vis cous liquid ?D steered wildly (nuut.) 42 negative 1.1 beast of burden 14 irritate 45 South Af rican an telope 1G- second otliecr of a civil or pnr.'7.ation ( 47 paying at tention to 51 type meas ure 52 prickly seed vcr.sel 53 point of juncture 55 guides 5G Indian tents 35 rrme en trances Herewith is the solution to pu lie No. id. t.M Uj .jTiRj'LitiDl tTeJs tm g a t) e . "a; o!f i a Pi B e. 7 'eH; tJwIcJ py R- ' l "A.y!Tp J H A U J? TJ There'll Be No Supper Till Runt Get; , - Ti -N Mil I r7. AiMT W ,"" I J iV'A ( ""A . r- - L. ' HCILMO HW Vic, i "' ,' C K,r-r-, f , M . Jr i a co t n K-v t HOf?(3v HtML , , xv. S'sg'A I V "cat y f-: ' ) 1 1 to. :'. 1 -rT 1 r J i-Ac i jr- to . k i r-. V ' iK-tor rJ T I IS"'. 1 0A mmj J x&xk. & C. "-.' --tohA v "A lw h-1 1 ' ICE FPJ DESCHUTES 1 ' nnti is: lit i I (Arijird t.(-aMKl Wire.) ! BKNli. Ore., Pec. SO. Ico In the Deschutes river has caused some barking up of the water around the lumber mills nd to exI,11 mw-nerea wiin 'be flow of the water under the nruigcg wiinin tile city but there is no indications of au impend ing flood. i Tho lava formation of the country which provides sub- teianuean drainage makes flood conditions here all almost unheard-of occurrence, according to those who have lived near the Deschutes river for a long time. Ico blocks In the river threat ens! the Deschutes-Tumalo bridge at Tumnlo yesterday and the county court ordered tho bridge closed. A crew is work ing on tho bridge now, repairing the damage done by the Ice. While tho temperature drop - Word Puzzle - CROSS Twister No. 60 puzzle in half an hour you will he synonyms for the words contained in I VERTICAL. 1 a dinner cour.-e (Pi.) 2 2 foint of co nipass 3 ip;i,l cov er nu 4 Ittfort! b involve in knot.i 6 conn"'!' in contact with 7 propr-Ilinj; device 8 belonvrin?; to nn irani- n.aio ol)j''t D plural end irtfT o. many nou ns 10 lona soon 16 foundation 17 dorp mud 19 they who make emends 21 environ ment 23 a Vico- J'tesident of tho U.S. ? 1 plnco 117 fenialo OeT 20 a-.d sfripsi fnrniinr r.ds of a hnrrel m a lock 4 struck with reverem'.o 30 quality Y1 .st uhs 40 asserts 4 1 Jive 47 shade 4S -?o wrong 41 born .SO 1 reach 52 exist 54 pronoun Tip For Beginners. Solve this puz7Je by compar ing the Rynonyrru listed in tho "Horizontal" and 'Vertical' columns with the number of spuc extending cros:iwiAc or downward on the diatrnim, m the" may be- If a word occurs to you meaniiiff rub ntantiaJly the siime ns the nynonym and Uie correct num ber of I'-tters to fit in the spacer between iU numler and the first shaded Btop following, write it in lightly. Work away tho small words, the "easy" words, first, and they will pive you pl'-nty of clues to th. dif ficult one. YOUR BOY See to it that he gets the Kxiy-builJinK and strength ening elements that. Scott's Emulsion supplies in great ubunjance. It is the famous white food tonic that builds strength for all aA'i- ped last night below the free- ing point tor the first limn in three days, the snow Is prac tically all gone . i o C.nsco Brlnuets for all night fires. Demi C.erretsen Co. READY FOR BATTLE ' (AKKH-i.tJ Trrifc W'irf.) TUCSON, Ariz., Dee. 30. Knuto Kockne, coach of the No tre Dame uudetealed footbull team, enrouto to Pasadi na, Cat llornla, to meet Stanford 1'nl Versity New Year's Day. express ed himself yesterday as pleased with the nil-American team, as selected by Wulter Camp. "I inn pleased and grateful for the recognition given the Notre IDaine eleven," Rockne eald. "We aro tflnd for Stuhldreher, Crow ley and Walsh for tho honor shown them, but more so for the fact that the team, mid team play, which has been the factor which has mado their work pos sible has been recognized by I Camp. "Stuhldreher was Camp's choice for quarterback on the first all-American team, Crowley was named on the second team, while Walsh won a place on tho third mythical eleven." Rockne said that he was not over-confident ns to the outcome of the New Year's Day . game, "but we are confident wo will lie ready lor our best game of tho year." o If it's a clock, watch, suitcase blanket or heating stove, try Powell's. o Liberty Theatr Tiery I'rlscilla XM ir comes to tho liberty theaere tomorrow and Trr.irsday in her Hcond Hunt StromheiK special production "A I'afe. in Cairo." Ailvarrt report i tat" that this new picture If not only one of tin moat lavish pro ductions In which .Vilss ivnn has ever appeared but that It oven rx ceedn "Tho Siren of ScviMe," from iho point of anion nnd dramatic intercut. "A Cafe In Cairo" la a pictuiiza tinn of the novel of the same name by l.ola Korrej'ter, author nf "I'he White. Moth." It is a colorful, exot ic nti'lodrama romance of trie land of Cleopatra, and it is said thai th" very atmosphere end niy.stlcistu of the Kar Ka.t pervades its every scene. Ati'Iers Theatre TIi;bby! He wan Just, nn evry day yo.ini; fellcw, who loved his wif.' and bin home, and eveiytiilii'r lut one day liui mother in-law, and his two brother In-law walked (n on him, and then the trouble be pan. lirlefly, this Is the theme of Har .)M Lloyd's newest fan creator. !"lIot Water." which In- finished ait'-r five montlis of liihTi.dw work j a l the Hollywood studios, and 'which will represent lil stMond of-Ift-rhiK as an indi'pi-nd nt jrodue r. lit is the attiuetion today al the Anilera theatre. ! M.ijestic Theatre ! Hi.storUaliy correct are the t iti:-i iisetl In ' I'ion' er Trails, " a Vhanaph special product ion. whi'h w ill tie exhibited at the Majestic '1 lieal i e nn tonic lit . For many w ft :a before prod tic 1 ion was be t.'ufi, t he lte;,ear ch I tepart nient of VI i a ''I Hph in hu-'y checl. I nj; :teeh''M in tli- film t'.iid obtaining In tointation and tlescriptioiiH of build lnps aiid towim of the cold rm-h p'-rlod .of " I'J for use In "Cioin t r Trails." The Ittn nt I loot Saloon In t lie picture Is an exact p-plica ol the lamoiis "Kl I'orado." a atoon and ranihlirifr den of lh- days of Uie i ;tr; titties. The l, ir and dance liiiil a,e exact cojii" .( of I It in in- IIIOIM place. For all kitvm nt floor covering trv Powell k. Home. Classified Section ALL NEW AOS FOR SALE FOR S.M.K-Saddle, at the llailey Davidson Agency. Cass St. FIR wood, cord wood. font or ltl wood. Phono lll'H, Boyer Bros. FOR S.U.E wood. W. 1 IF41. -Oak and fir A. Jenkins. Mock Phone FOR SALE Baled hay. Kdrnbow er Orchard Tracts. Fred Fisher Jdgr. Phone 2l"3. I'm; SA l.K -V iking ""separator-id 400 lb. capacity. Inquire at Rose burg Poultry Market. FOR SALE- Collie and "Shepherd pups from good stock. M. W. Drollinger, 3 miles west of town. FOR SALE Two "Oakland auto mobiles, one touriug, one en closed, cheap. See them at Wharton Bros. FOR SALEAbout' io" Whito'Teg" horns. Pullets or hens. Mrs. Common. Box So-A. R. 2. K.ise burg. HAVE YOUR deer skins tanned nnd made up at the Ross Glove factory. 116 S:). Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. FOR SA1.10- (tiiklaiiil-!-uriniTTr" P.HS model. Flrnt class shape; good rubber all around. Reason able. Inquire at Broadway's Gu ruge. 1 1 0 U S LO F O R S A L H 1 1 a s to" bo movid. At corner of Lane and Stephens Sts. known as Mrs. Shuey's property. See A. T. Law rence Real Estate. WANTED l WANTED Brush cutlers. Phil Strader. Dlxnnvillc. Phone l':vj. DRESSMAK1NG -First class work reasonable. IMS S. 111" St. F.n- trance on Woodward. HIMTING CAUSES DEATH M,.rhtt',l IT t.('tift.'il Wirr VERA CRUZ, Dec. .10. A dis patch from Orlzatto says riot ing by tenants thero resulted In the death of a sister-in-law of Governor Jara and tho wounding of his nephew. The authorities arrested those responsible Kir tho crime. tormli"ht for leaking riof' Cut be applied in any weather, henn-tii'rrel-ien Co. New Year We have cvor.vlhinr,' In (ho line of Groceries. Pn.injit at tention lo nil orders. Economy Grocery Phone C3 Insure in Your Home Company PACIFIC RTATF8 FIR F! INSURANCE COMPANY of Portland, Oregon G.W. YOUNG & SON Lxsiut.wa-; ltd Cw St. Phone 417 'M'M'K'I'MI'I'K'K'K'W'W'K', i 'c '.1 i: LOERTY Win n you use one, you are at riMTty, m the lucomi! lax l!i:u vili make ou ih tro'd le 'I Ip- mo t v!no!e, pi rfect. and coin:l '!e iiicome tax record and bookkeejiim; h r'.'eiu made. We d.'fy all compel it ion. Four 4iouk:t In oil" for only " i. it will pay ou to look one ov r le to; e ou sti'i't J our hook,' for the i;-w yejir. A k your friend.; w li'i h:1 v iis' rl o'lr h; .a m ears. WAYNE JONC3 Hotel DouyVi- , M.7.Tr77T By WINNER ON BACK PACK WANTED High school girl to work for room and board. Call i Teh-phone Number 1. VI LI. R"v for dolls and mend ios. Phone M7 or call at 97 Winchester St. WANTED A white p. kin drake. I Good :oek. Address Ray Wright, Days Creek, Ore. WANTED Small herd good sheep. Could use about 25 two year old steers. Address .. Box or phone 419-Y. WANTEI Furs. Highest prices". With L. F. Wilson, Hood Tire Shop, opposite News-Review. 11. F. Shields. LADY i..i'i wisues position as house- I keeper for gentleman. at once. Address Box 1, view. caro News Ue- FOR RENT FOR RENT- 5 room house. Call 3f.2. FOR RENT S-room luinisiieil apt. 4"S E. Douglas St. FOR RENT -3-room apaitnanf. li'S East Douglas. POU inONf--M'o.iern furnished bungalow. Phone 37D-Y. FOR RENT Modern 3 room apart !Mont. 811 Mill St. 1'hone 43-U. FOR KENT Furnished modern-5- room cottago. Adults only. Call nt 541 So. Pine St. Foit KENT ;l furnished rooms? Lights, water and phone. In- quire nt 41IG Flocd St. FOR RENT 2-rooiu house"- Inr- nished. i'J per mo. Mrs. E. J. Smith, Pheiie 210-L. 11! RENT-Jan. 1st. Nicely "fur nished apartment. "43 So. Steph en yt. Phone SS3.J. FOR KENT Furnished apart ment. 25 per month. Will be vacant Jan. 1. l'hone 247-It. 2-KOOM furnished apts. ""J12S room furnished apts. $15. Bath privilege. 210 So. Parrott St. FOR REN r 2-rooiii furnished apartment. In center of town. Modern. $23 per mo. No children ('.. W. Youn & Son. PhoDe 417. I LOST AND FOUND I ! . ' i FOl'NIi-Walch charm with lodsn eiableuH. Owner p!"a:'( call at this (hfiee and describe It. I Ul'.'i - Pul'M' colltaimn ; money. Owner sou me, describj proper ty and pay lor adv. Ban Whit sett. F i ) 1' N I ) La d v 's-"b"ra c d'etT-Ownei describe property and pay foi ndv. B. F. I'hllson. 12Sj" Win chester Si. Phone 325-J. I.o;"f Man's poeketboolT Sa!ur day evenlnp, cuntainiiiK unen. ilona-il cheek made out to A. C. Winters. 1'lnder return to this office. Reward. LOST- 'orl;nian pin used tu wali'h charm, llai Initial 1) on b;ek. K'-wani for retuni to NeAs Revhw office or to John Howell, ll.'.ii Military St. j LOST - Silk lirml has contalninB small coin purse, some silver, I property of Mrs. J. ('. Fullerton. j Reward for return to News-Ite-! view office or to ltexall Store. i I MISCELLANEOUS ! i j PIldNOGRAI'lt records, hoiiuht sold and exchanged. 1)27 Witt Chester St. i'AR " OiVNEK-Don t ' "forpt J ca'l E53 when In need of antl parts. Sarffa Auto Wracklnj J llouse. Electronic Diagnosis ana Treatment (Abrams Method) DR. HARRISON FOLK Electronic and Chiropractic Pfiysician 117-1R.T1 Prrkms tlldn. Phone Ford Owners Attentionl 1 Invite j(iu to come ;iiid sen the i laa.t i nciosui'ca for open ca !;. C. M. J3IJS ADTO 10? SHOP Wiin he; ter and, No. Jacksou. l'liono 4iiS m IN IIOSECL'RG STCP at Hotel Unipqua Rc'Liblo-Tciilcr J. H. DERNIER rami PrCL-. ihj. Alterations VV r.iake Your Clothes ill Rosebwrr; ,:.rrr..';mijm t'n.!-- O-ntm.l at 2 ,' I r.vir.. Oil. E :' ' , . .: iud Air I i;' ; '- mittal. V. on'l I cnit. 10 CjL to I C Y: Gal t Ar T .fV. O.t e-Hil ?rt. j C M-cUi IIt!we. Co. I T-iE WI,',CHt3TLR STOKE 1 i i