ROSEBURG vrRFVIFW TUESDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1924 FOUR MASONS ATTENTION - . flninj Master nro. o. r. Co.-ln.w will P Laurel Lodge No. 12, an ollicial visit I ueo- liav, l'f. 3i. All mem- I,, i s nr.; r .1 ii -sti'd to be pros- nit. iiinmr will be sined at C:30. $ py order of tin' W. M , V. 1". HARRIS. HIS1HRY AS NOTABLE QH- niiai nniiT niaif i-rv t IMIkll I I! "II IV "- czr- SJ ibun ribni isifli a iBEBANKRQBBER NitttW f;1 '- 1 ...... v. j t yoursel. on these straight Scandal Develops in Political Circles Ccoliclge Victory Outstanding Feature Division of Democratic Party Unequalled in History of Party Conventions. I Sensational P iin-'i.. Ann if N W. itcu VPHINCT 1'ri '.- is Maid liiaL a lion ali'l w but benny more fain, fully Until year lie. L" ii- evidence concerning loans nil. ' epochs It oy feiim i becrclnry of tlio j tame in liko terlor ait, wno lemvu iu lit out like a lnmij,' ivt'. iK to on uiieivois vuo v . .cords fe that are efitt U oy tho liases, aims characterized ii,.-.uitiieil lur r,ecuii.T ui Inc. -IX many tin-y tio vol! i-: el: rclii If you rat Iii- iii it " frim riiiis;in:;!ioli To m-l l!.o rci.':-. j-i:r s:.!:. i v.;il;. !! you ,::t 1-r.m v ill ,,;. yi.ei ... ih- ;, ''l"1 ; f - l!i; Ali. it ii AL', 1 .'. v.M if.-.. .1 r i.!.v.!Clall Mltftlt!:i OI! IO '.'.. tin; i...iUKal ana ubishuih-l'JJ-1 just lira wiiii' to a ciooc. Thu ilawned with a si-nsa-liunal hiTifa of ri'Vidatioiu ol al- li'i ILMIIVCS. .Si iiatur V.'hd-li r of Moiita . w;u ttio etiiiling siiirit of I.. li.aiflicTty jiiijuny ' li-'l't t. toiinuy tauin.i; lift or u cuiit-i Maft and corruinlon in Iho ual outiiouriii or ti sumo: y 10.)itrtT Kvrrv t I-.;!:.. is tin: Ivi.i I yoi.r i; i ,,; K'!"V pn:.itivrs ri V i vi.r; y.i-j rr.t f.joiNwillia .-:.rti.-il ton cos'.K-t:!, hr:v,:,c cii.i n.-i'v .!; v".i in p:-i.pi: '..'i.-.i t.i ti: Jif.v:r. of l.ruii I.Vy Vo:U.u! Von I.avt-n't t- n 2 r r rrnt r 50 por font rt a lii:i cii l i'o-.v tii::l ki-!l"l";"'i v.i'l civ- VOM cent r'.-Jiff Il.'X ALSl. 1 1 10 ALL. : 'rt !. I.iv Ir!n your fniI::ion lire: vorr! I'iU.t r.n:l ra'.l-.urfct cm only itzw v:itt! clihlrpiisinx ftniilifTciiiM. Turt 1 r: n i'.fi!) rujinul ficriii:iii'iil!y li.I; yoa! TJn'y i!o ni! lnur: t?ta n"ip."ry luilk rr rc:,',!iii:w tii.-.t niiikc ALL 1JHAN positive in iti li t . 'iinini! ac:i.n! id vliy Kelitrs'o ALL-.'JJA.X is u iict't ihily ! K,-!'o(:f.r' ALL-BRAN is CUASAMI-IvD to pivo you pfrri!i:nri!l rtlicf ii you vi!! tTo tul! siioojifiiU t'ni li (lay, or r.3 iu:t;Ii viiih rucfi jiiml in !n-onic raws! If vou wonlii roalic how tli'lifioin Kc'.iot'" AI.I-njJ.VS is cwke!, kstiir.Silcil irnl rriuly t f;,t niiil viliul it :v?ai:n to your hculth yon v.otil l r.')t los n minute utiirtiri tr r;it i' ! All prnrf-rs m-M Kclii-irg's ALi.-li!t.V.N in t!u ltcd and (J recti package. in. Ki. I. 'it tiioii; o itcvii.uu lJui caiiu i.niti-.-a fi'oiu 1 n ; and Mirctaiy Ai cuTaiis' hurtan thu In!, ral (;iivi-i iimtut mat shook about aiKsieu coiiuiniou tin: nation. It ii toing out with Diiariiuint of Jablico. Urn InnMicatiou.i a vasiiu intin- Other iniMtiniiiuns i,r- a lunM-riative l'rioid'-nt in takua durint; tin; initio t m; Whilu iiuiim; and I J i '- !?-"--iiiary of tin- iiwt.:uy narking Lai k to flic daja of Do. Tbo hoiiatu invi stigations and tin; ntuin of J'r.sidint I'uoliilKO in tlio White Ilou.,1; lor four .war.-, in a ihiei-iornorid clic ti..ii wi-ru uniiuuhtionably tho outstanding' lioiitical uvints of tin; yiar. Tuu fn.liia of liisla uvu and i'.ui.'utivo actomiilish niri.t wiru mark'-d by iurthor Uii ri'dui lion aim auoiher slKe lrmn tho nubile dobt. in t-o und : spri.: Iuturi...! wi.iih Uiuw a .ki.'iit Cuolici.' ilnn; ot' t-i-uinloina mi. -s ;iuu ol Tixas land frainlo, i-Kv .-i nalor .Maylli'ld of 'ii...s, It- -yian iiroiia.muida, tho liok iiea.o award, Mniii'ing Hoard, ttircrn.'t. ihar!,'ts at;aiu.-t ini-iubi-is of tuu llnusu, lainpaisn i'pi.-nUituri.'i and other iniuor iirobci. 'I'ax I.rj;iliitiiiii. Tin; tax bill ii.obabiy was the of 1 ; wd a si'Hrs of n!i Ai!i-'l ration. to si'.ii- iraii iit'hts in liTiiior ,1 tin in by tin1 l.-amii' An i-Mbi'iTiis.-ir.B Ini'i- .!. -,i a:-i.-inx oat ot the maruiT ot Yirt'-Coi:;;ul itobert W. lnibrie. at 1'. i, -. a ii. I'll .-in. was t L't'led by the :avnn nt of ?'j'i,ijU Indemnity by l'.-'n-ia. The tucc.ifut fllKlit of army i-.vJi-fir aroaud the world and the ilefrin-u te.-t wi re the two out ..ia.".din eveuu i" the military iii'hl. Thne out of four plums 1. a.i::;; I .'a'ili irnin in tlf niiildlc of .M.r.iii eiieuiimavigatid the slobe, lijlHit west to east, arriving back in' California in September. Th" ileiVaiw t--t. planned as a r'b-!l to Ceneral ivr. hin:; who re tiled from active service in th" iuuiy mi .S",i:enib'-r J J, mobilized i ii" n- '.a-poAi r of the naticn in a te.-t. eiie ri-.-'iey, acordiiit; to plans diattei! by IVi'sliing for a citizen i ,11111V. '1 h.jim'i not a complete sue e .- ;. ai-i'1.'.' ottii'ii'.ls expressed i. -laetioa. The navy v.."..; one r.f the chief 1'inie.i of ( .'!on and contiover ;, ii'i nueieaii' ihe year, because of Wounds Policemen in Run ning Fight at Mobile Rail road Station. I ! CONFESSES MURDER Notebook Contains State ment That Men Being Held for 1923 Mur der Not Guilty. (AMnciattil I'rt-ss Leaned Wire.) MOHILK, Ala., Dec. 30. An uuideiitilied man, believed to be the man who robbed a branch ot tat-'the Marino Trust and Hanking company ot New Orleans ot uu on Christmas i-ve, was snot and killed in a pistol fight at I the Louisville and Nashville de- 111 ;.rlv fn.l;iv hnf Tint unlit n f- the ull-ced deterioration of its ma-1 ter the Ina haa seriously wouud- tel .ill ..'in i :- i oii 'iui in ,i i'i..,riay Kerrer. sneelal ncent ot tlio L. and N. and Patrolmaa from ti1 Cuni;iess was ill session from otiisianiiin.'i pieeo in nismunu the bet-inning ot January to the etuu ted, even over.-aadoA ins iw "nil of June, mainly eimiossed companion piece, the solditis' with tin; investigation, with fev- lioiuis bill which unaily w at ensh assaults on cabinet ofiieers through p.ovidmg insui ance pul- -1 jA f 4l-i O fat. -'H-C UilLL TrCnil I POrn niPrr '.'L ,V ,,' . .'ldeuilal". W tlilam ti. MfA.ii;... with a ean- ILL I-ILU YW Ua!' ' "'" W -''''' '',h didate of sterlii.-; worth, ai.oid- HU h iT l! Wi i;L V"'' l,v ":" "f H'K I" he f,v.. as will ILfl.t! L'L LLf XjlUltu. I, , a..- in to word re- as , (,,,.,,..,.,,, avis ot gaini being id.iM'd din ing the Imi;,! iv v.iiati'in In Oivi:on and W a: -h ini. l on aloni; the Co lin lea ril'T. The fame lat : ith inildi'iida) u wiiu rediitiiiK taxes, passing the jj bonus, eiuutiiig restrictive leis j laiiiui bailing Japanese and geu 1 .rally keeping the country ill a l turmoil. it letuined oa Decem '1 her ;;, a cha-lcned body, tiio iu- surgent Hi luibln ans largely de j iiauii, Willi all eniavculated le- i.-iaiive prugiain, ilesined oniy i lo keep it busy until us consli- tiuional demise on .March 4 next. No laionei- was Congie.-- ad i journed tor the suiniui r than tlio J quadrennial l'l'i i-idi ntial w as usneleil ill Willi -l bang. Less ? llian a week after luljoui nnit ut, Call ia Coelldge, of 'ei inunl, was f acelaillied ttle Iioiuineu of tile 1' liep.ibliean party. l.ele ral ( nai-i. s ti. Dawes, ot ;i Cliicago was named as li.s ruu- nitig mate. t i '1 he lemoerals, intent upon j the unrest and dis content incident to the revela tiinis of otiiiial eorruption un ' tier tiiu iiepubliian ailutiliislra, i in ii , went into eonv. ii;;nii in I New York early in July, lull of hope. , They emerged 10 days later, after lo;l baliuls In the n.n.-l tur- litllent linlllleal eoiivelllanl l.l history, torn and Met ding from biiii-r religious iiiar:ei:i and iae tiollat disii.ites b.'twetii limt'i'- tnir Al S in it li ui Ni w oik, and liies for veterans. ecretaiy .Mellon recommended shaip downward revision of the tax rates to stimulate reveiiu:; producing investint lit and licet off tlio night of capital iaio tax ixeinpt seiurilies wliieh statt-S and liiunieiialitles continued to issue at the rale ot $l,uuu,00", tH'U a ear, ili.-pi'.e ciilicism iy fed.iai ullicials. The Lemoeiatic Independcit coalition in tue lloin-u balked at Aiellon s f::;ui' s, lKH.'ever, ai.d granted only half tie; cut ;i;;k- 1. "i'lie sii-naie was e.iti moro ua j ieidiiig and th 'y cunipiomi-i d at dropping tile maximum sur tax rale only in per cent, l;..l-itu- l'risideiit Ceniid-ce t i tei.n the hill when he M'Jiicd it, "l.:i : a;i:ifai-to.y." V. ith all its tax i -vision, llewever, the na' ion's t.tX burden was cut $-1 .'.), nun, uuO. A provisieii luoviding for peli liciiy of inciiiiie tax pa;, mc.'.s ! u ; i. r ni.'.e.i' 1 1..' bin ui.ta 'ti: I':' Mil.-M HI..I In a: ien oi t i.r r..-t:. b- , l.en f i n;.!. i.i. ui.- a . i .-lubi :', iiiii: fil a rt and a d -ina.. . ier ;. .t S 3 ratio. A paper dis-1 put- v.iih Croat Ihitaai over the right of this country under the alius treaty to raise the elevation of its guns, sliil unsfttlnl. likewise caused coiiiiiiutioii. As the year closed, congress made available funds to modernize its motive pow er, and provide i;ix new scout crais. rs. It like vise instituted an invesiii a! ion lo learn th'.' cause of the navy's alleged deterioration. Aeipiisjtien of two r.evv dirigibles was another navaj event. The Siien ai:do::h, built ill this country, was put into service, ai d made many trips over the country, one from coast to coast, ill experimental v, ink. Another giant gasbag, the ZU-3, or Los Angeles, was obtained ii-iini (ieriiii'r.y as a war prize, be- alter Pistole, or tne Mobile po lice force. The shots that kill ed the man were fired by Detec tive C.ibby Wilcox after a run ning fight from the platform of a Pullman car through the sta tion to tho fruit wharf, where the man dropped dead. Superintendent ot roitce Guy Alolony, of .New Orleans, anil William Friess, manager of tho bank which was robbed, are en routo here today. The sum of $2,033 was taken off the man's body, mainly in twenty dollar bills. The money was strapped to his body beneath his shirt. lie also had two pis tols, said to have been stolen JjEl t'pson Board U ear ily and ouickly ap pl:ed to wad j and ceilings. TT . ' I tr Bfff Homes f """rut I crack or fall i- l "g and artistic I 7 Jst as Upson Boards- ' used for eve l.. wall in the t2 nn? old pC and ceilings. But do not cor.fuser I. Board with nn); ! ; er - nearly ftitt j And . brittle,, ent plaster board,!,!,! CHURCHILL ! LK.J... I iiaruwareu, Ths WinchesterStin "The ahcxt ahmhrmtnl eppnni mg iienverea aiier a iiii-iiuni: Atlantic tligiit. i'residi nt Cei lidg'-'s inierv. trans-( from the New Orleans bank. Pour! dynamite caps were also found ition in his pockets and a quantity of of the Lutrary 'ii;Vcw tf i-.tu warm re ir. recause of the suua .r the navy lin;; col.ciu- il iO li-llun. 1 all ie v, ea-.-r. . i,i Ne at i i ... iiion .i! l.l i.. I TU- 1 It ai t b inn - ii'..' . t a . ,.i I : ( I. , I'liNH. it'll M h.l 1 1- lit III I le I .: ti am 1. i .1 II i're.l If it'-, a tinm Clui oath. ir w. lg vv i Yiigiitia ..ut v. it h a pa iliv ldeil and J. ant i hall, e nf in nig thititiea the vi.ttn.-. Cov nor l h. tilt s llivan ui Nebra. was tin- lleniin ralii: Ylcc-I lt thn'.ial nuuiliit Am. and :it in slat" ier FRATTTRF,n IN NEWS OF THE DAY v .'';'-" - .'"""'..'-v-.v .. ' .. ' r" s'x , , - y fi'' '.' r'."" .Mi anvv bile. Senator K-hert M. """ l.a toilette luiil ,:a,is lor his i-i'in 1'aiir. .e! rv .moji.ii y ,. own cani.aii-.n. Un July I, at """ M!,s ur..!-!;..l..'ii bill t'lev.lallll, at a eiinveiiliell f the ' "" 1 '"" '' a l,,.l),lsler l.lll'.l e Cent, li li, e ier I 'rngi cssile I', ,11- l...'i:-lwin,. ..- h.ll lor ivv, Ileal Action. l.a Follet t e w as "' ' 1 " ''' lal""' board, formally m-.-laiin.-tl the leader nf1"11 """""' I""-t;- - A no i n an pei.ileiice and ": I.iuiii I,, d hiln.-ell en t in- oeiiill of . Pn -idiniial p.illtits. with : tor In -l.T ol Mm, l. ina. 1' .ill ill l.llinn of l..i:-l- el. del.-- ' .1 the II, :, t. is s .i. s st i.,. i . : 1,1 P, id Olll. , i.lS i '.li by t!.- NSSi lie I .. 1 .uels; v. i u I.:.- ;,",,! . i , .-.a-! In , the HI of i.her ft.iy tt .1 ' te.l in obtain an exhaustive ; Indy ol tie li iative iniperts.n' e of airctait si-.d b.-.i tleships in naval l. s.t'jivd th- iiavy's year. 'i! the uuc' i-tain st tion. ai'sroi riatior ... .e pi.htiy t ut. sions fioin lite study. Tiu Public Debt Til- tiva o:ry ilepartnier.t roniiiiu-! ed lo shave the public debt and I place the short-term issues on a so.uid'T basis. Nearly one billion; dollars was cut from the debt, with, resultant cuts in inter-st refi'.iire metits. A huge is..ue of ;'.u year four' per cent bonds was put on the mar-j k si ti e e,.,l of lie- : ear, , H ... . i v ei-'.h being sold for cash. : as.d a'-.otlssr 511, one. line. nn'l being i a-.-d in exilnu-e Ier Third Liber ty bonds and other maturing issues. v .-'.uwy of irrigation arid re ;! ilP',l!ion p.d'.i it s e.i 111- 1:' was on- of the chief evei.ts uf C'e ii t-risr dfKiitinentV. year. I'.. for putting recla mation on a seii'ider basis v. -re in a bill which was pas si .. by tongre.-s. The roni .initii.i;-. day and night 11. .".st to-eoast air-mall s'-rvire was inaugurated by ti e post titiice Iu l artmeiit during tht; year anil nr. t with great lavor. promising to be-1 come an established adjunct of the 'iZ&ZStZSSSlSyjEJSB&TS.' postal service. It delivers mail from A one coast to another in less 3li hours, compared to UG by Heath struck haul into d.un itl 1!JI. XS'oodsow' W'iison, ammuuuion. I A notebook aiso was found in his pockets. It bore the name of Y'. 11. Wright and had been pierced by one of the bullets which killed him. ; In this notebook was an entry which stat-d that ho had killed a roan by the name of Thomas. Criffin in Dps Moines, Iowa, on November IB, llJ23, and that two innocent men had been convicted for tho crime and now woro i'u prison. Entries in the notebook added that "in case I get killed, I want the truth to come out; it isn't right for two innocent boys 1 to suffer, but as lout; as I am alive, I would not confess." In the next paragraph an entry, i said: : "I hereby swear that I killed a man named Thomas Griffin In lies Moines on November 1G, 11123." In the notebook also was writ ten: . -CI "I am tho man wlio killed Thomas Grit'fia near West 13th , Street and the C. K. I. & P. de pot in lies' Moines. As for Jako liarshbarger seeing two men run! away, he is mistaken. "i robbed cars alono and when Oriffin came upon me lie had a gun in his hand no I pulled mine and got him. The gun that I killed him with is in the hands ot the chief of police of Leaven worth, Kansas, His name is Young. Tlio gun was a .J:: Coit. Two boys serving a t:re sentence for the crime are ap innocent as babes, and I swear before God that I am the man who shot Criffin. Every word is true, I swear to that. Amen, 'travel ing west." llKS MOINI1S, Iowa. Pec. 30. William E. Wright, killed in a pistol fight with police at Mo bile, Ala., today and in whose possession was found a confes sion that he killed a Pes Moines detective in 192:1 was identified by the state investigation bur eau as a boxcar robber who had been convicted and served time both in Iowa and Kansas. Wright was convicted in Ot tumwa in 1020 for robbing boi ens and served two years. He a' u 3T 1 ia lie is ! i) T:!is C,-i Its. a 1: r?K3ii an wa !iuiii.2a 'on i 1 as Ik a ant;. -it' -iBt; 1" IMrniar liialKu 01 ill sal teit..!!!: lit! mim; liyttisra as i i. fii5 th :c" : ti( tea t BotlKf ;: s P CHIEF FIGURES IN THE 05'' KIM IIUIII f S3 than : g by train. , S official-1 Si w 'iiue president, kii-tnn on FetjiiKiiy d.-.c..!, Sfiiaiftr I.iv,!,,-- i.i M.'..-;ier: li.m t:t'.!y r.ine nvni (!:(! in ah His thief op 1 1 n ry Citbui srtls, survival is. dyint: at his Unusual Values in Dependable Used Cams .. u. i I'm- ( 'I ui lint of ti... i.i-: dr. 1 ' d i .i i , i p.i . s ii in 1 1' J,; a ; .1 . I'! II.: I, t-l :,.r I 'ti "-''- " ' - eM. us- .! : i b-, :-i-.,l "' 1( ' -. 1 Si - 1 -'. alsl i a P-,1,, 1- ;-.! ir v-t- ai- ' .1 I . i .us a IS, Jt..e. 1 t-,,1 h . ' t . ; ; t i' ,i 1 i - ..- s , . . I .. is.- i : . i. I " i i..b i .si'.:..... :.-. i.i i . : i '. . - ,-.... i.i. 1 li, ,,s,l la P-lb-i- - died ill i Ug Sll-Cee V. - -. :t .:: s-u. Cai -i il. C :: lbs lias'. .Mass.. in Ntn-m-ry of Agi.i.llli'if W..1-'a;i-.i:,gf ni in i icteb- r d I u:a. Hi The ward Cor- pre.-idillt's i of biood Mi 1 1 v t ' s ,. :'. ,,'. ' pi :-: - ,i js t b '' i l M ",'..ii i i I'.ir- I a i a ... 1 S . , ..." I I : 1 ),, ' Id-'-- I'ir I I v.l lb ' v' H'sliss, ;!.. ;i- ,-. nt C b .: r I 1 , ,!! ; lis Air. d lie l.Ii-.ISS !:i. tIS. Ill- . Ae-I f Mr--. Ki.rd- I i i : i - -. . 1 b; lis 111 1 i ed. ii-ipre I''. id. ami is.t. 1. 1. d. .liid la'l-r -r 1 1 .ii h w .is P: i P.-at .d p., DAILY WF.ATHEP, FiEPOP.T Hn'ph Cre. frnntrd n line lenf. t w en: v I :v -.' unit leirliaii'iii ti- '. p- l..-t lil'Maril . IS I I I'-ide': 'lb. I . ; l"i m nliir. en lit I 1 el Inll-iv ln New ei k. Ill vi is. I, ' . m.'iJ (i.e.- Week. Later llti I. i. vs.. ,-i !. ib d Utirprbe ,M, Is I is. ii, I 'li iy, A'ne'b .in r.'polt of I er .i.i- -ii. in. nl le V.istin II Jtei till, pr.-iii-1-t rf I i-. I..-I .li-i.-v slew -'I ' Louise W. la u.s. I . p. t.i t! .. J-ii-e i e,.j I M. I n. :ier. h.. f. i i ., ', .! i- b ii e.-ii i - I its I lo run lu ;.rth . s-.. I.; t . . ; ...x n...i-.t s and h.-r )aung I n- a. in.!. lewis, (. e , 1. 1 1 1 1 i.k'c runMi: 2 inyv-.-LLiii ' I ' " v. -r',,1. Nu bi'rn I' a i-,-. i: Crei n ' . 'v. I'sllgnltl.-; : .1 ; - p i ; i ' at tk n "' wire iWI) ll ' sri ca-en n. II .. I is ili-nit-J a . ! - .,.rK. ,,n . t - i'-isu-v. Mri ' :..e l.i o lleuiv .1 il.'teetiv.'l '.. 1 .... km.i i In r Wi i-r, rf '1 h-urs 1. . I A responsible dealer in motor cars cannot jeopardize his repu tation by an irre sponsible used car department. For your protoct ion make your used ccr purchase from a rcpu tzbh dealer. 1923 TOURING A-l shape, original tire, new spare, bumpers, raoto nn'ter. lias Vim tiooO miles. Price $750.00. 1922 DODGS 3ROTHERS iour;iN3 t-rginal tins, pond spare, w , I 'imp, is, sun shade, '. -i as go- il as new. 1 rii t s S').- i-.i-u. DODGE BROTHERS TOURING 1 'Is p reduction, first clasq ns - 1. ar.ii :,1 conditio n. is..- :rsi. rCDCE BROTHERS TOURING 1920 N' w tir-i and In i . shape. Price $2.' ,.,T' .. i first ii. I'U. 1021 A 1 i CHEV iitl'ii'.inn. V si.'- ' J 9 k "i S: : - - tts, f I ' lj 11 to r-'-i 0 V --' ' ; y t I - l J - - r. m ; , i,. . -'- . --.t-v- J '-rrS 'iT2 OVERLANO RCAD3TLfi l'rii- S27.-..1,... f'i si f: 1. '.-.rieiT- - si , .i- i . IS..-S .1. . ;-'; -s-i f.-r 4i . i - i I- i- s'-.i.-) .-.1 iS ' : ' ' . ! V. !ai .,,.v. V.'i:. Li7LL, ilJlcorulDa-uU 1. 0. KcuSjad & Sen DcJ; E3ro'en Cealcra rnd Accessories ROS72EURG, ORE concert m - ,(iri,:, witn (JJ I , were discharged rrnr t would be an "accldi r .a n m arrests wrf ' ceir.rihteJ , r writer. he;e ratter; !s soon 10 bo Z-..C C ls"'',C i ' Ix. Ansel.'. V. S. i. to a rnvatercrp-- ' , fv-P. ms'r declare. t t her f. atoien from I, It th. coliccticn, A ' ;':. sjj uju I4...U L ..vj lv l'xlci.'d U S-.j.l -..leUJ, oa'.