ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1924. " SIX BASKET BALL EUREKA, CALIF., HIGH SCHOOL vs. ROSEEURG HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday Night, December, 23 PRELIMINARY 7:15 MAIN EVENT 8:15 PRICES 35c AND 50c AT THE HIGH SCHOOL GYM STABS MAN AND ! LEAVES HIM TO ' i DIE IN A CABIN! (Continued from page one) NEW TODAY WnfW IT FOR RENT 5-rnom galow, Phone 379-Y. modern bun- grazed the Bide of my Jaw." Bystanders were crowding around the alleged murderer as his voice rose. Deputy Clyburn had left his prisoner alone with the interviewer.. "Well, when he hit me twice, I Just turned and shoved him backwards. lie was dead drunk and lost his balance, falling in a corner. They say 1 pulled a knife. I did not. I didn't see a knife. FOR RENT Modern 3-rooin apart ment. S14 Mill St. I'hone 4UJ-K. , FORSALE Rhode Island Red roosters. E. Rhodes I'hone 38-Y. j FOR RENT Furnished apt. 40S E. Douglas. Will be vacant Dec; FOR RENT 2-room electric cook stove, I'hone 248-R. apartment, hot water. 1 1 ' l Right in This Community t-Ip,,,,, solderine Iron for thelThat Is about ail I remember. I " - . tl,f, hnilud ,1,1,1 On mV WHV ... n . . r. x- ,OUt Saw Mllllvan uoiiik cuiiiruiniK Iwith the halter of his horse. It left him there. "Drinking as I had been, I did not think to stop at Cly- imrn's house and tell him to at tend to Nolan. You see I BICYCLES, wagons and scooters., Roseburg Cyclery, 228 N. Mainj St. 14 radi') fan, or general home use, liatlery Station. 312 Jackson St. there are many people who have sums to Invest and they net wise ly when they do not givo ear to tiio wi 11 learneil speech of some speculative schemer-. Ask those who have won success ami they will tell you that it always pays to In vest safely. Vour account is Invited. 4c- Interest Paid on Savinr,r Accounts. TheRosebuigNalioiial Bank Roseburg, Ore HAROLD LLOYD "Hot Water" ANTLERS DEC. 28-SO Several fresh cowb. J. D. Johnson, Roberts Creek. I'hone GF5. will BIG TURKEY DANCE ARMORY TONITE We have good dry seasoned oak, Don't wait until the last minute fir and slab wood, benn Gerretsen : to order your coal and wood this Co I cold weulher. Denn (lerretsen To. BLUE DEVILS Music Two Turkeys Given Away Everybody 10c Dancers (Gentc) $1.00 9. I 4 Turkey and Pig 15 afraid that Nolan, drunk as he! was, would freeze to death while in an intoxicated slumber. Instead I waited till next morn ing and then sent my boy, Wes ley, over to Park Dyer's to tell him that maybe Nolan needed a doctor. ! "That is about nil I know about it. I am Innocent and if convicted they will hang a man who had no hand in the murder of John Nolan. I am willing to answer to any charge they might filo against mo. I come through Oregon on my way to California without extradition because I know I am innocent of this crime." Deputy Clyburn left on this morning's train with his prison- er for Yreka. A coroner's Jury was to have met today to de termine the cause of Nolan's death. A warrant for Howard'B arrest will doubtless be Issued upon his arrival in Yreka, Calif. CAPABLE reliable woman care for children, day or night. Phone 70-J. was for RENT Housekeeping rooms, downstairs, bath, garage, 821 W. Dane. FOR-SALEDry fir block wood, J3.G0 per tier. Phone 49-J. Sun day afternoon. BICYCLES for the girl or boy. We i have all sizes and prices from J10 up. Roseburg Cyclery, 228 N. Main St DRESSEDCAPONS Fancy qual ity, 35 cts. lb. delivered Dec. 24th. Write D. T. Meyers, 1332 Harvard Ave, Roseburg. second C. S. Phone FOR SALE Oak and growth fir block wood. Henninger, Wilbur, Ore. 30F3. GET OUR PRICES on nursery stock before buying. Logan Farm Nursery, Salem, Oregon, R. 6, Box 121. From Ag'es 1 to A Gift of "FAD A" Radio Thrills All From the tiniest tot to tlie oldest grandparent Christmas will mean untold delights if you get a "Fada" Radio set. Educational for the youngsters entertaining for the elders and the ideal gift for all. Whether one tube or Superheterodyne we have the gift Set you want. Parts also make fine gifts for the Radio enthusiast. BELLOWS RADIO SHOP ! EXCLUSIVE . . . RADIO j PARTS REPAIRS SERVICE Phone 90 R AT DIXONVILLE December 21 Trap and Rifle Shoot ing. Come early and have all day sport. SHELLS AND LUNCH ON GROUND DINING CAR OF TRAIN PLUNGES INTO RIVER (Continued from page one) hurtled through the air it turned over and plowed into the murky waters on its back, leaving its trucks exposed and one of two win dows just above the water line. CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis.. Dec. 20. The rear coach of a Soo line passenger train, Minneapolis to Chicago, fell from the bridge of the Chippewa river here at noon today. The fire department and all available ambulances have gone to the scene. It is said several persons were killed but this is no', con firmed. There were between 1j ami 20 passengers in the coach, it is raid. LOST Child's purse containing three J5.00 bills. Reward. Return to G. W. Young & Son, 116 Cass St. Phone 417. FOR RENT 50-acre farm, 600- acre ranch. 19 houses, 13 farms for sale and trade. Low prices C. Merrill, 504 Mill St. FOR SALE S. C. Buff Orpington cockerels of prize-winning stock from Colfax, Washington, J2.50 each. Mrs. A. V. Abeene, Suther- lin, Ore. Pasteurized Milk We are addln? Pasteurized milk to our delivery. Wo pas teurize In the bottle, there fore milk, bottle and cap are pasteurized. Try some. Rexroad Dairy PHONE 39 L MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 20. The reneral offices of the Soo lint- hie received woid from Chippewa Falls today that the rear coach of the Minneapolis-Chicago train plunged from a trestle near Chippewa Falis, Wis. No details were given. The train left here at 7:45 a. m. today. J CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis., Dec. 20. Five persons are known to have bern drowned in the. Chippe wa river here today when tho din ing car of a Chicago bound Soo line passenger train hur'ied Into the river after being derailed. It Is believed a switch bolt was snap ped by the intense cold. U is thought thnt 12 persons wer.j u, the car. Stven were rescued. Winter I Hat Sale Late Hats lit it Models in Ladies' Closing nut entire- line Th. LIBERTY THEATRIC LAST TIME TONIGHT At Our Regular pricc, Only 10 and 15 Certs i Yakima Canutt I LAST YEAR'S WORLD'S CHAMPION COWDOY , STARRING IN !. I "BRANDED A BANDIT" V U.nil,.f,,1 II..,-. i i. ....i... I LOWEST PRICES Come In and see tills beauti ful, seasonal!,' millinery. Specialty Shoppe Mrs. S. M. King, Prop. -'l.'i X. .lai kson I Wonderful llursi'mnnshlp and l'arlng Also: Monty Banks Feature Comedy "Always Late" Also: The Bray Nature Picture "ADVICE IS CHEAP" Hut the huk of It Is frequently i" pensive. ' I'tiic-," no charge on our nd on iiisurntii e mailers. The I" neftt ,.f our experience Is '-.irs for tlie asking. It "a a-" in any doubt nhout the it'ii'ieinv of your Insurance I'i- lection, come In and talk I'' us. - j SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY h " I The Comedy-Thrill Marvel WW." R.i ncssnmc. cfe MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 20. A wrecking train in charge of tlen eral Superintendent I'rbans left here today for Chippewa Falls, it was nnouneed by officials of the Minn, apoi.s. St. Paul and Sauh bie Marie railway here. Another wrecking train left Stev ens Point, Wis., in charge of Divi sion Superintendent W. W. Wade. The hospital list of injured as given to The Associated Press did not include any one from west of Sioux City. The gates of the Wizota dam three miles up the river, were or dered closed as soon as the news of the wreck reached the authori ties. '1 bis will lower th unit enable searchers to di finite!,- determine if other bodies are held in the wreckage. One of tin- first bodies removed was that of a baby, but up to 2:. to p. m. no Identification had bun made. Those who witnessed the efforts of those who tried to escape from the rivi r said that two -ml a went down while trying to ewim ashoa after broking their wav from the car. One man nnu a woman are among th deail. Knur persons wt re taken from i wrccKage by niembe: FOR SALE Cow, heavy milker, will be fresh soon. Also two bred heifers. C. W. Cook, Roseburg, Rt. 2. 31 miles from town, on Garden Valley road. SALESMEN OR SALESWOMEN covering any territory to carry ribbons sideline, ten per cent commission. Augusta Company, S33 to 341 Fourth Ave., New York.i FOR SALE Accredited chicks. Now is the time to get your or der in for future delivery. White Hatchery, sells only S. C. White Leghorn AA accredited chicks at single A prices. Full count and Bafe delivery guaranteed. Write for price list No. 6. White Hatchery, Petaluma. Calif. iTrkN'TSEEMRE"ASONABLE But It's true. Almost six acres cf good land; li acres excellent garden land; some fruit; fine cow pasture; well fenced; 4 room cottage; house well fur nished with everything; good barn; 2 chicken houses; one mile from town. Everything goes If taken soon for $500. Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street. Phon 219. LIBERTY When you use one you are at liberty as the Income tax man will make you no trouble. The most simple, perfect and complete income tax record and bookkeeping system made. We defy all competition. Five books in one for only $5.00. It will i ay you to look one over before you start your books for the new year Ask your friends who have used our system for years. Wayne E. Jones, Hotel Douglas. Christmas flowers of "all kinds at The Fern. I SPORT SHORTS fire iieii-,r,M,e,,i i,ii.. . , ' """ii k uve cmnc! io mem while ciiiuing itiree necro port' rs, gai the shore in safetv. i winning only two. Prompt delivery mad. Hers of wood and coal. IVnn ti rctsen Co. -o DR.H.C. CHURCH onoMETKIST FXCLUSIVE OPTICAL SERVICE Perkins PulMing rhne Second Floor Roseburg. Ore K WITH MATT MOORE AND PATSY RUTH MILLFU IN A ? MONSTER JUBILEE OF FUN AND FROLIC 'This (irent Kim Spei'lnl only 2.,'cts for Adults. In i fer children DR. DEAN D PUBAR iirioMi ruisi Kfrelalist in n Int. III! J.i k.. ,, si Oct your Christmas at The Fern. o MARKS (ilAXT laiuiyman' Cloud of tl: Palace of Sweets, presented t ed. of Prune l'ickin's with " a guint striped randy Christmas eane today, and the fame has been pined on dlsplav in t'u-News-Keview windows. Mr Cloud Is an expert In his lino and his supply of candv cum are fast. The prune pi, k- crs with the News-Review can hardly wait to bite Into de beautiful specimen. HAROLD LLOYD "Hot Water" ANTLERS DEC. 2&30 Dogs are faster than men, but not so speedy as race horses, on all nr. The greyhound. Oh llov, set a world's record of 31 2-5 seconds ror live iixteenths of a mile, hut the best American mnrk for the poinsettins same distance, among running horse Is 29 4-5 seconds, made by Nash Cash In i1? t,,' 'ANDY CAM: best time is one minute rnnr seconds. made by "Peerless Mel" Sheppard. former Olympic champion in 1910. h DAILY WEATHER REPORT IT. S. Weather Bureau. Wot flee. Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ' endln 6 A. M. Highest temperature yesterday 32 lowest temperature last night 22 Precipitation, last 24 hours fi Total preclp. since first month2fifl Normal preclp. for this month 5 92 T'H --op from Sept. l, $t to dat6 21.3ii ' AveiBMe preclp. from Sept j V ,,s" n o; I Tetnt excess from Sent 1 ! :...w Averse Precipitation for 40 I wet seasons. (Sptember to ! Mr. Inclusive) 31 40 ' Cloudy and warmer tonight and' Sund.iv with rain or snow. j WM. BELL, Meteorologist, j- Slippers Plack and Brown Kid, Felt Lined, Padded Sole $2.00 All wool Hylo in brown and grey $1.35 iff Wtttit - . a v ,V obe and jcel Sure to Please Any Man Swniu ot Swan,,.. m wiish'' to r: BUY HIM SOMETHING TO WEAR DUDS FOR ME! CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks, and we gratefully ac knowledge our indebtedness to those who so kindly assisted us af ter the death of our beloved hus band, father and grandfather. Al so we thank the kind neighbors and friends for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. C. N. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Newell N. Wood, Newell Wood, Jr. , MMIMJ MIWM1IWIIIMIIMWWI1IM lllillMMIMM lllliq We have a good selection of ra- j dlo loud speakers for Christmas shoppers. $10 to $36.5n. Umpqua Battery Station. 312 N. Jackson; St. Shingles, lots of them. Excel-! lent quality and the price is right.! Page Lumber and Fuel Co. Phone 1 242. I UlnceAtrdLj Pullet" .Toe Bush Vnnlfoo! water level 'pitcher, sent to St. Louis in the trade by which New York gets I I'rban Shocker was a greater 1 nemesis to the Browns than j Shocker was to the hugmen. ' llecords reveal that Bush con- j quered the Browns in 17 con-1 secutive games he pitched against I them over a period of three) years. He beat them seven ' straight In 1922, six times in 1Q'.3 nnrt foot In a unidentified son before the Browns 'finally broke the streak. Shocker, on the other band lost his Jinx hold on the Yankee's last season. f A T T I W f Select Gifts of TZic joy cf giving iwrthl&t overbalances any little difjmaf CHRISTMAS snorjcers can nisely their cift headquarters, safe in tie bfl they, will secure articles of high inttfSj beautv. usefulness and intrinsic valiK,kP The pift of a watch forma a most auproprjtt toiaai will carry its associations lor years to come. style, design, and price can be iully satisfied BUBARBROS. JEWELERS AND OPTICIAN! 1 bill -kits, im TZ, Deserving your consideration The newest of patterns in this fine silvcrplatc de serves your consideration because of its excellence of design, its finished workmanship and the 1S47 Rog crs bros. repu tation for durability. We Juve it in all the pieces for correct table setting ideal for your own use or gift purposes! 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVEni'LATE IT IS NOT TOO LATE a 1 slti'in" If you have not yet placed your order for Christmas cards for your friends we ran still accommodate you 1 short notice. We still have nice assortment to make se A lertions frnm and w ill give vnn nrnmnt service. Orders A nrtoteil tbe smile dav n'ceiv- ed. Let us know your wants at once. News-Review Kniu- sive Job Printing Department. Polled plants and cut flowers for Christmas at The Kern rsf1. . All J "THE paM -lL-! air- SUNDAY-'' mih R u,l 4; JEWELERS US CASS ST. - I . f I 'II it::: -ltl i m . r r i ! Would you telegraph a iQQfoi cheery, loving me- ; iqwj H; itojr j0