ROSEBURG NTWS.Rr.VIEW SATURDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1924. ruun Large Selection Artists Materials, Winsor and Newtons. Oil and Mater Colors and Transparent Oil Colors. for Photo Painting. Pastellos, Drawing Paper, Students, Canvas Academy Board Mat Board, of every color, cover paper, canvas faced board, large selection of colored bronze powders, Shellac. Bronzing Liquid. Picture Varnish. Buy your mouldings of us. Beautiful Oil PAINTINGS, PASIIIJ, PHOTOCHROKES, onvof WE MAKE .V.IAE LASTl.XC. IIFAI TIFI t.'AM ECOXO.VIC .l.V.h'.6J.. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER patterns to select from. -IX FRAMES tort. 1 . 8a ; I' TTJT 9 a h ism 11 r F YOU need Windows, Sash or Doors, call and see me as I carry a most complete stock of all sizes. Everything for the builder. L. W. METZGER I Metzger Building Oak & Pine Streets Phone 362 Mr. and Mrs. John Joqufns spent Friday in this city shopping and visiting with frind9. They are residents ot Myrtle Creek. James Pickens whs among those from O. A. C. to arrive here yesier- J LOCAL NEWS J t n T;,v!w la In this dtv for a , day or so attending to business nay. lie win ne nere lor uie unsi matters, Mr. Davis is a resident of.1 mas and New Ytars vacation. Glide. I Pad would like a pair of new M. E. Smithpeter arrived here' house slippers for Xmas. See the Thursday from Medford to spend, new ones at the Roseurg Boot the next few days looking afleri erie. business interests. 1 ' Miss Florence Yeo Is expected E. E. Wccklcy arrived here last here this week from Eugene to night In snend Ihe next few days' M1"'" me u.riMm nu. , .iu HAROLD LLOYD "Hot Water" ANTLERS DEC. 28-30 looking after business matters and visiting. .Mr. Weekley is from Ilridge, Oregon. her sister, -Wits Martha Yeo. If It's a eiorS, watcn, suitcase. blanket or heating stove, try l'owell's. Joan Rackley was a visitor In this city Friday. "Miss Rackley is trom Camas Valley, and spent the I day shopping and visiting. I La Verne Hawn arrived here to day from Corvallis to K t Wood is snendine a short holidays with his parents. time in this city looking after oflbetn attending school at Corvallis. ficlal business. Mr. Wood is from' Pr. E. J. Wainscott, who spent n,i ih. Tbursiiay looking after business He has V?"'""" reiuiueu lu liis unite jcticiuhj. D. C. Corbltl, who spent Thurs day In this city looking after bus iness matters, returned tox his borne at Eugene Friday morning. : Grants Pass and is a Southern l'a cific official R. 3. Weekly and C. F. Peclen are spending a short ftme hero looking after business matters.: They are from Myrtle Point. An ideal gift for sister a pair of satin boudoir slippers only Jl at the Roseburg liooterie. Xmas Shopping Made Easy at Our Store FOR DAD Knife Smoke Sets Shaving Mug! Flash Lights Tools FOR MOTHER Percolators Dishes Koaster; Waffle Irons Toasters' FOR CHILDREN Toys Wagons Coasters Skootors Knives Many Useful Articles In i-'uinlture and Hardware GIFTS THAT WILL LAST AND PLEASE PARSLOW FURNITURE CO. 111 N. Jackson Street Roseburg, Oregon Ahe V. llennett slid M. C. San ,l,.rin arrlveil hern Thursiliiv from Mrs. J. V. O Milra was among Eugene to spend a few days here, those in from the rural districts. visiting and attending to . uns mm nUv mS, ,,,.,,. Airs. O Mara is a resident of Glide, Clifford Fields arrived here yes terday from Corvallis, where he is attending O. A. C to spend the Christmas holidays with his par ' ems, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fields. Y. G. Perkins is spending a few days In this city looking after business matters. Mr. Perkins ar rived hero Thursday from Spring field, Oregon. Buy her a floor lamp for Xmas. $15. 00 to $35.00. Hudson Electric Store. 1 Miss Janet Ward will Have to- , . . . day for Chlco. Cal.. to send the Mr. and Mrs. Brown arrived here ,.i'in,.. j v..,., h.,ii.i. ' yesterday from Looking Glass to W. K. Harris and wife were guests at the Grand hotel Thurs day night. They are Coos Bay peo ple and left this morning by mo tor for southern points. Pitts Elmore and I). C. Glincs, who spent Thursday in Roseburg, with relatives. Miss Ward is teacher in the local high school. Chester Broders, a teacher In the local high Bchool, will leave today for Corvallis, where he will spend the Christmas vacation with relatives. i spend a few days on business. Mr. Iirown will anend tho teachers, j examinations at the high school, j A good selection of auto acce:-j saties left at greatly reduced; prices. It Is easy to find a s"uitable1 gift here. Battery tion. 312 N. Jackson St. . Sta- Burton I In! ton arrived in this I city Friday from O. A. C. where he ; has been attending school for the 1 looking after business matters i wintfr. He will bo here durine the 1 sily were James Met'lintock, Lu- and visiting left Friday morning holiday season. Ician Cobb, and Paul Trut blood. Among those to nrrive here yes terday trom the Willamette Lniver- for their homes at Corvallis. Helen Churchill arrived here last night from Corvallis, where They will be here during the Christ- Free-Blli DULL Free 5 with the Lucky Number !j ecemfeer 24th Mrs. A Matthews sprnt Friday In vacation. ! this city shopping and visiting with I I friands. Mrs. Matthews is from1 Among those to arrive homo Fri- i she has been attending O. A. C, ! Glide and returned home in the : ln' 1(r the Christmas vacation, to spend tho C hristmas vacation ! evening. from O. A. C. at Corvallis- are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Y. ! George Bradhurn, Vivian Orcutt, H.Churchill. J. F. Grimm was among those to 'eI1 Chase, Donald Helliwell, i spend Friday here looking after Mary iseit and Jeanette Rice. Mrs. W. E. Brown and two sons, Gerald and Alberten, were guests at the Grand Hotel last night. They ftre from Centralia, Washington, and left this morning for the south by motor. M. II. Nichols Is among those who are spending a few days in this city looking after bifsiness in terests. Mr. Nirhols is from Port land and Is representing the Western Electric company. business matters and visiting with rnemls. Mr. Grimm returned home yesterday evening. Buy him a set of Exide recharge able "B" batteries for Christmas. So better battery made and the Among those In from the rural price ia reasonable. Umpqua Bat districts Friday was W. W. Walton. tery Station. 312 N. Jackson St. Air. Walton is a Glide resident and ; was here looking matters. after business Cuess the Candles in the Window. A guess will be given with each $1.00 purchase of toys or small Cedar Chest. The nearest to the right number gets the big doll. Big reduction on all toys and small Cedar Chests. Watch Our Window. F. E. Triee of the O. A. C. ex tension service, at Corvallis, ar rived hero Thursday from the north to spend a few days trans acting business affairs. Mr. Pierce Is a guest at tho Grand hotel. v Judd's Furniture Store O. B. Murray was among those from the rural districts to spend the day here Friday looking after business and visiting. Mr. Murray Is a resilient of Cainaa Valley and returned home in the evening. A. C. I'lOs. the clerk at ihe Grand Hotel, left Friday morning for San Francisco, I.os Angeles, and other southern points. He ex pects to spend the Christmas holi days with his family nnd will re turn nbnut the first of he year. Mrs. M. E. James, who has bern confined to her homo in this city for the past Wfek with blood poii soiling, is reported as slightly bet ter today. Mrs. Ada Borough is expected to arrive here sometime today from Steve nsvllle, Montana, to l spend tho Christmas holidays with In r daughter, Mis. II. A. Metcalf, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Carden Rnd ilauch ters. Helen and Iiernlce, of Can yonville, spent the late nficrnoon yesterday In this city doing their Christmas shopping. Grant Clayton Is leaving Mon day for Marshfield with a load of j turkeys. Mr. Clayton has sold his I birds to a Marshfield concern and ! Is making delivery by truck over the coast read. Among those to arrive here ves terilay from Corvallis to spend 'the ii iiiiii, acaiion were i.oas L.o right, Maurice Xewland. Beekley and William Thrall. Vitus Ilouser was among llnse to arrive here yesterday from Cor vallis, where she has been attend ing O A. C. Miss Housi r will bo nere lor tne Christmas holida lays. Adelbert Young A few 7-tube Selccto Radio sets; left for Christmas delivery. Thej cheapest good set yet. Umpqua ' Battery Station. 312 N. Jackson St. earney s broceter 300 West Cass Sireet- Christmas Special i v ru.u. p r i laigc i aii.jr i luiiua vjiapc null, per doZ,. Tt, Large Fancy Navel Oranges, per doz. j Small Fancy Navel Oranges, per doz. . . large r ancy i.eiuuiis, per aoz At, rv rM.. D::.. i -ncr Lsiiiucr iusici ixaisiiis, per pKg.... jp Market Day Special Seedless Raisins, 4 lb nCin. Large oeeaea rsaisms, i. picgs. ror 25c Ehrman's Best Currants, 2 pkgs. for 3 Best Grade Citron Peel, per lb 5 Orange and Lemon Peel, per lb jjj Baker's Premium Chocolate, per cake jj Best Grade Bulk Mince Meat, 2 lbs. for ....Zjfc southern sweet rotatoes, per lb jj, Best Grade Mixed Nuts, per lb 20t Best Grade Almond Nuts, per lb 2ft Oregon's Best Walnuts, per lb 3 No. 2 Walnuts, per lb Filbert (or Hazel) Nuts, per lb 20t Jumbo Roasted Peanuts, per lb ( Pecan Nuts, per lb Jfc New Jersey Cranberries, per lb Pie Pumpkins, each H Hubbard and Sweet Potato Squash, per lb i Cream Mix Candy 24c lb. 2s lb off in quantity Layi Our Pride Mixed Candy 20c lb., 2 c lb. off i quantity buys. Plain Mixed Candv. 20c lb.. 2c off in auantitvlmi Candy for decorating Cakes, per lb if Defiance Mixed Candy, lb 111 Broken Mixed Candy 20c lb. 2c lb. off in qjdj Swan's Down Cake and Pastry Flour, per pkjSj Crown Pastry Flour, small sacks, per sk ij Crown Pastry Flour 9 lb. sacks, per sk Amaizo, Mazola and Wesson Cooking Oil, quarts, 47c; 2 quarts, 90c; gallons (13 SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE AT KEARNEYS THE STORE THAT BROUGHT 'EM DOWN 300 West Cass St., Roseburg, Oregon Mr 4 111 I K. 'O w II ill i ViJ::vn 1 The Radio Ho m e TN tmr vir ncjr future the home without a r.iJio m! 1 be like the home without a telephone bclunj the times. The entertainment brn.tdV.nt toj.iy for the bcnclit of r(Jio homes n ol the highest character but you cannot enjoy it unless your home is equipped with a rjJio outfit. 1 his Christmas afl'orjs an cxiellcnt opportunity to have one installed in your home ... and we hive them Mnjjinjj in price $20.00 to $600.00 GLOBE CHOSLEY SUPER HETRODYNE. BRUNSWICK RADIOLA AND SONORADO SOLD ON EASY TERMS V? OTT'S MUSIC STORE arrived .vest, rday from Corvallis where lie has betn attending ). A. C to spend tlie holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Youi - Among those to nrrive h"i ti-rday to spend the holiday. Margiieritn Kusho, Thelma ren and Inez Calhoun. Tin an attending the University Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heath mo tored over to this city yesterday from Marshfield. They spent the day visilng with ir. II. C. Church and family. Mrs. Heath is a sister of Dr. Church. Thev returned hr re home in the evening. Tnf. y are A I inn B. Scott Is spending a short in inis city look ni! an nusinoss matters. Ite arrived h Thursday nlsht from Kugin.' r is lu re in the interests of a ! manufacturing company. Word has been received here from Corvallis that Ferroll lies, who is atti nding O. A. C, has been selected as the official accompan ist for the O. A. C. Men s Glee club. Ho is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Storey lies ot this city. Studebaker costs less per pound than butter. Hall's Catarrh lVlCUlCinC; ciaim for it rid your' system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold bv druggists for over 40 years. F. J. CHENEY & CO Toledo. Ohio See our window for special prices on silverware. McKean, Parby and Baldwin. Mis. J. IV ;,.,.se. who has !,-, voting with her mother, Mrs. i nils city for the week or ten days, returned t ni:ne in San Jose, Tl.ursday night, to be ihe holidays. Calif . presen' for The primary and junior .! mi nts of the Mi'th' Kpi Church. Smith. Sunday s, will have a ('hrlstm.-n jiarty s d-iy afternoon, liiii'mbrr 2 o'clock in the church p,, The afternoon n- l. up. games and a general good tin, time of the game was victory cinched for either side. The Roseburg high team is composed of much new material this sea-j son and from tho showing made last night against more exper ienced players, it is predicted that the squad will develop in to a winning five. The game was full of thrills and a good 'one from tho standpoint of a specta-j to, team defeated the team In the pre-: between halves I candidates for membership in the I i"R" Cltll, stntrprl a hnrlnsniiA school Same, attired in ladles' apparel. (, A good gamo Is promised last night in an alumni toim nnd 1,0x1 TP3loy night, December were Fticiessful in defeating tho 2"r,i when tho Koseburs team high school baketeers bv a score '"pets the Kurcka, California of IT to l::. It was a hard fought n,Kh school. Tickets are sell- contest, wiinc-wil bv an entluis- '"R "".Tpidly and the gym Ford Owners Attention! I invite you to come and sea the lass enclosures for opea cars. C. M. JONES AUTO TOP SHOP Winchester nnd No. Jackson. Phone 4CS rofhfrn'1" lerr"-flR" EleclwM (AW" DR. HAM . .j r Former basketball Ilosehurg high stars joined HAVS OS ft- T ihp it: tfDtW11, ran.' at 5. poniJV' ,Byjrt mnjdisa Wi' H.S.FS should -lie crowd ot rooters and at no r!U'ked to capacity. A pood preliminary is being arranged. Joseph iHtnn. well known 1 hnd man. spent Thursday in city looking after business ters. Mr. Dunne ts fh, presi.l the Oregon S ate Motor ,-., tion anil Is also the owner IVrtlaml Ice Cream conn. liile here he was a guest r.r.ind Hotel v r,.t, n, , Friday morning. the Mr. W. and Mrs. T. nury, who have been vi.- ti n- at the home f th. lr daucht.T Mrs I l. I'ellolt, of this ritv for the past' three we.Ks. left Tlv.irsilnv n'Kht! for (lai.l.ind. California. They willi visft with their other a'uhtr ilurng the holidays and will then' K on to l.s Ahg-l, s to visit until spring. Mr. and Mrs. stem k. bury i.inr. here frjni Norfork. Nebras k.. nnd state that ihy are vry f.iMirshly lni.ressed with linon. as the clinmte Is so much milder than that of the eastern states. Tiny intend iu:,ing the n tura , trip by way of Salt Lake City. ' 9& CALIFORNIA OPJ&ON POWER COMPANY TnjmdSto&yidJs Of IO 1A . Christmas cards, tinsel, ribbon, ' Si tissuo paper, tree decorations, j J stickers, bells, streamers, candles I Lingerie" Mellow Store Co. i J for I n J I ' S When You 10"r CASH DISCOUNT ON ALL PURCHASES OF J1.03 AND OVER. Powell Furniture Co. 233 N. JACKSON ST. ber thePi ask arrv oroanlzaticm HAROLD LLOYD "Hot Water" ANTLERS DEC. 3-30 trr--rTnnri"TnrnTii 'inii'iii'P'w) Built-in Features CONVENIENT AND ATTRACTIVE by Skilled Mechanics 'rices fens,, ;,!,,.. fief our F.HiinmtvK Roseburg Lumber & Mf g: Co. Roseburg, Oregon That Turkey money-remem- - l...v.a TTinre. your monry uu;a , c. i 'l,: ,rl Hrav Enani". 2 jpeuidi vii.-" SOCenf ' (at Roseburg I FARM BURgl COOPERATIVE) 'Mrwn::Ti'iit';'1