TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW IS3UEO EVERY THURSDAY H. W. liAit.'j BUKT (J. BATES- ..frutiiUent and AliiuaKt-r Secretary-Treasurer ! Ruieburir, Oregon, nnder the Act of Harch 2, 187 I PicKms ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924 ".If RTEN PROGRAM T IDENIES STORY tUBtOhll I ION hAlct Pally, per year, by mall . Dally, alz uiontbs, by mall- Daily, thr months, by mall Dlir. alnffle month, by inatl PariT, b carrrr, per month H.W 1 uu : l.uo .60 .60 I.OU JHelBh w 'ik AaocJate4 frtM, Th Associated J'ia l Muluilvsly entitled to tha u. for republi cation ui aii uri dlkaicnea creilltea to It or Dot otherwise credited Id this idt aod to all local oewa published herein. All rights of re-eiirilloHtk-n of ipfcjtl dlepatrhfa herein are aleo reserved. .Weekly News-Rerlew, by mail, per year- HOSEBURQ. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924. THE HOMECOMING STUDENTS, When the boys and girls come home for the holidays from schools and colleges, they are an object of much adora tion from admiring relatives. Many of the home folks are worrying' for fear they are studying too hard, but that is probably the least of things that should excite alarm. Judg ing by their new slang, their more self confident poise, their increased sophistication, they have learned a great deal. Soma of the parents may feel they have learned too much. Not so much is heard of the courses they have studied, which one would think from their conversation, was a very minor clement. That does not mean that they are not doing some atin bet they can lick 'em blind real work. It would be tedious for anyone to grind away on BY BERT & BATES. GOOD EVENING FOLKS Tnli it the Last bath night Till Xmaa So do a Good job of It hh DUMBELL DORA THINKS A round robin ia a fat bird. S S The Eureka, Calif., hi team will meet the locale here Tuesday and we hope the visitors haven't the hoof and mouth disease. 9 9 4 4 With the enow driftin' down in little gobs today we wonder why the poeta don't bombard this sanc tum with effusions concernin' the whiteness of the flakes. 9 3 9 As usual the weather is tin usual. 8 5 5 9 The K s. basketball fellers al most took the aluminums into! KINDERGARTEN e The Helnline Kindergarten and Dramatic Art depart- ment undor ' the direction of Mlxs Noland extends a cor- dial invitation to their Christ- mas program Saturday even- inn 7:30 sharp at the Conaer- vatory. Sonirs, games and the one act play, "Home Made Santa Claus" will be present- ed by the little folks. ' i lOliS TENOR 'name ia L'la S. Robinson, and) who cume from Kansas City! to be a llroadway star ia to mar ry Carl Kaudall, her dancing1 (partner. In revealing the eu-' MUKenient today Mrs. J. H. Rob-; iuson said her daughter, although on Broadway three years, bad i never smoked a cigarette, or i drank a drop of liquor." I OF BLACKMA! L I John McCormack Nails Lie ATTENTION MEMBERS OF THE I MACCABEE3 I Xmas tree and social at Macea- . bee Hall, December 22, Monday, for members of the Maccabees anu f millet. Tb. v!U Uk tin, I -!- rf U-e reg I ar -mi'liiu: tiiut f-.Ha tn :ce 25th a I'm woutu and Says His Life Is an Open Book. hours. In tills plant last season, 250,oi0 pounds of prunes were; cured, and sold for 6 cents perj pound to packing bouses in Rose-' burg. "Mr. Smith states that this de-i nydrator is operated at about ha" ! is N'T 17IPI4T H A C C the cost of one burning cord wood,! WUl 1 riVn 1 D"Vr with an increase In capacity of aj Utile better than 6u per cent Reproduced on the inside pages j . . of this issue of The volt are to be j Declares It Is Impossible to found camera notes on tnat oui-j standing fruit industry of Douglas county devoted to thoscause of bet- j ter breakfasts, to the pleasing of. palaes and promotion of good! health." I In addition to the above article there appears a write-up of Yreka'sl new hotel, The Yreka Inn, which I i J.. I .. O .. nncnn-l iiml ' Jiaa just uceu miuimij "i"-" Gift sets make your selection early and get your choice of our beautiful and useful toilet sets. Lloyd Crocker. Take Action Against an Unknown Foe Not a Cent for Tribute. (AuocUted frrw Li'-d Wire.) NEW YORK, Dec. 20. Ru- camp yestiddy eve ana weii wnich is predicted to mi a long- morg that Jonn McCormack had folded. TO IMPORT SLGAIt (Aawclited 1T.-M UurA Wire.) MOSCOW. Dec. 20. Owing to the failure of the beet root crop, the Soviet govrnnient hug authorized the Importation of 300,000,000 pounds of sugar, the hulk of which will be pur chased in the United States, Czecho-Slovakia and England. The government probubly will be obliged also to import a con siderable quantity of grain. The only complete electrical Btock In town Hudson Electric; Store. ' j FI.1U DEAD PKOSl'ECTOn felt want with the traveling DUDIlc'pad ioo,000 to blackmailers in who make stop-overs in nortneru Koston after being maneuvered California. The following quotation nt0 compromising situation lni from the last paragraph or. tins the Copley Plasa Hotel, are, (AMoeiited n Liaml wire.l write-up is ot particular interest Drandeu as raisenood by -tne sing- REDDING, Calif., Dec. 20. to the people of Douglas county, jer. Tne remains' of .William' Slem-: "Yreka Inn was erected at a; Tha tenor revealed today that mer, gu years old, prospector cost of $125,000. It is conducted by: for five years the whispered and part owner of the Keystone Weaver brothers under the per- story nad been going tne rounds m)nei were found iate yesterday 5 55 textbooks week after week. It is no wonder that when the . We be fllad when it mnnl up requirements of the class room are suspended for a brief and conversations turn to some respite, they should kick their heels up in the air, and seek to a?nermore interes,in' than tho i-l'orget such forbidding facts as lessons and examinations. I In spite of all the holiday doings, there should be some good , Many an Umpqua Chief blanket, 9onal management of L. U Wea- so vague that it never couldjon tt' lonely mountain trail 25 - ,,,,.,...,.. .......... I ver, and operated in conjunction o- iurmei mau '"""jmiles north of here by a tram: bedstead. with their Hotel Umpqua in Rn-somebody heard from somebody ilne operator Slemmer evident- 5 I I burg, Oregon." Iels of the blackmailers plot. ly naa been dead about six weeks Have you done your Xmas bot-i o I At tlio trim of W illiam J. Coc- and anmals had consumed part thn'7 I Buy electrical gifts where 8erv-:fa". former district attorney of ot hlg Dody. u was not deter- 5 8 8 8 Ice is guaranteed. HudBon Electric '" uoui, ouu immed how he came to hlg death, We wlsht Xmas would hurry up ' store- and get over so we could chuck the tree in ths furnace for fuel. heart to heart talks with the folks at home- The day will come soon when in their consciousness of their own inde pendence and necessity for self-reliance, they will feel they make their own decisions. The power of the home to influence them will have passed to some extent. These days before they have made this final flight into the world are precious for those who love them. There is still time to give them good words of counsel. The home folks must realize that that young people can not be held up to all the old ' fashioned ideas. Yet the young folks should also realize that j w9 kinde; 9ad we llv wh"re i i,i . . i i r j i i " 1 ago gives wisuom, ana mat, me counsels vi uie nonie aic , droppin' mercury S 9 9 When we hear about folks tellin'' about 44 dearees below and such i usually good. Some people may entertain the idea that retail meat dealers are making a good deal of money. If so they should read a recent IT. S. department of agriculture survey, which indicates thai, the average retailer makes a net profit of only one and seven tenths cents out of each dollar that the con sumer pays. H is a close business, with hard competition. The report suggests that such a store should sell at least $11,000 a year in order to make a reasonable profit. That would suggest that meat dealers should advertise more, so that their expenses on each sale would be reduced by volume Df business. ' - 9 9 9 One thing nice about the chilli- ness is the rosy knees the janes ; cused of conspiring to exort 50,000 from Victir F. Searles, an affidavit referring to fe story was Introduced in evl' cnrisE ox mavfIjOWek (AMtK-luted 1'rcrt Lne.-d Uire.j WASHINfiTON TW On dence. " frfpndo warn InvltpH hv Mrs. Abraham Levy who ad-l p,u.( ,i ira rn,i,. itilts having, been used by the dav t0 be guegta o( an aftDrnoon an devening cruise down the Po- bluckmail gang to lure Its vic tims, made the affidavit. She said she had learned of the story of the blackmail of "John Mc Cormack tomac on tnei Mayflower. are wearin'. 9 9 'it. through a conversation among As homecoming welcoming to members of the blackmailing I the alumni, the students of Rose- gang. j burg liigh school invited them to, "Fight back? You enn't;. not If It'tt a u ., nr -B .1 y - a r ., as tho affidavit put pOWPn-g. ' ' be present at a Christmas honie-'a band you can't see," said Mr. Mebbe we're all wrong but:conljnK program in the assembly McCormack. referring to his ef- nevertheless we can't see tho vuse I room at 3 oclock, Friday after- forts to get at the source of the of embroider.n' flowers on teddies.' noon. The program was opened by rumor. S Christmas carols by the Boys' audi "My friends know that I have Santa Claus is wearin' his ' Girls' Glee Clubs. A Christmas played the game of life decent whiskers a la Valentino this year j story. "The Other Wise Man,"jjy.' continued McCormack, "they accordin' to fashion reports. I sr"'y i keeping with the yule- know my family life has been b a a tidu spirit was given by Miss Rosa right and that my public won't Gas masks are very appropriate to give with Xmas stogies. 3 on the football team. Those re- like I ceivlng letters were Ray 'Jost, n Parrnii i:nh ivmhet nwnleil believe this lie: that I know.' th fnnti.aii letiers tn thB hnv.! "I nave never been biackmail- who had made the required time The nioM cop must feel buildin' a bon fire on the corner of! Harold Irwin, Bernard Young, Clif- cd," he added. "I would spend millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute." Cass and Jackson these nighta. 9 S 3 Uneasiness is caused in Europe, because the allied com mission that has been investigating German armament, found that C.ermnny has more soldiers than is allowed by the treaty, and that factories are secretly making arms. IThe tj&gzs3 tiennans are anxious to borrow money to put themselves on their feet industrially. It will be considered among the busi ness men that people who break their international treaties, niislit also default on their promises to pay. Possibly how ever, this German armament may be exaggerated, as pre paration for a great war is too big a proposition to be car ried on in dark corners. o According to l)r Grat., editor of tho Epworth Herald, as he remarked in an address to the Epworth League, the faults of tho younger generation are due more to unspanked parents than to unspanked children. There is much com plaint about the morals and manners and ideas of the young crowd. It' parents were n little more willing to assert them selves, children would yield obedience more readily. It is ford Hess, Donald Ferguson, Lynn Ueckley, Orval Agee, Claire Taylor, Harry Helliwell, Glade Bruton, Kenneth Clurk, Bert Lawrence, Ed mund Dolan, Ernest Forrester and Guy Perrin. Jost, lrwln, Young, Berkley, Taylor and Perrln will graduate this year, and will be greatly missed on next year's foot- "Well by gum, I fin'lly got the ball team by the high school dern pump thawed out.' For all kinas ot floor coverings, try Powell s. prune"cropi1T given boost (Continued from page one) The Hardle Mogul 10 sprayer has a dust and spray proof hood that covers the engine and pump. They have a Cushman engine, one ot the highest types of gas engines made. See this new Hardie at Wharton Bros. o ME.XICA.V IOAX FAILS (Amieliteil Prw Leafl Wire.) MEXICO CITY. Dec. 20. Failure of tho $50,000,000 loan ' Following the awarding of the letters, three cups were awarded. vuiiiu iuui-i jMi-scmru which was to have been nego- juniors with a cup for the mostjtiated for the Mexican govern polnts in basketball, the cup being intent by J. L. Arlitt, banker of received by Miss Mildred Davis in Austin, Tex., Is announced by behalf of the class. Next the cup Secretary of the Treasury Pani. donated by Hudson's Electric The secretary gave out the Store was awarded to the senior 'text sent to the Mexican consul class. This makes the second year'general in New York ordering ! far the class of '25 to hold the cun. 'him to notify Mr. Arlitt. that as of every your crops. At present1 The third cup to be awarded, was j the time stipulated by the loan there are approximately 4,omi presented by Mr. Hamni in behalf , contract was long overdue, the teres in Douglas countv given overl of the Rotary Club, to the high icontract was cancelled the mo to prune culture. The' importance' school, for the beautifying of the'"101" notification was made, and inagnitudu of tho prune In-1 school grounds and the help given lienor Pnnl added that another dustrv in this region is further1 bv the school in the city beautl-rPason for cancelling the con evldenced by the several packing! ful movement. Paul Geddes, presl-lact wa" the hoPe the h.e'd by (hi I Hlllt, however, for a lew parents to require obedience, 1 ""uses and a dehydrating plant in j dent of the S. B. A. made the"'" ""rdmPb" balancert rt. .n ,,,,,,; , ', , , , .. . , ., . ' Hosehurg and elsewhere in the val- speech of acceptance for the w"'a. be .alance1 due ,,t0 when the majoity are more or less bossed by their children, , ,,.y of , i-mr,n. school. After the presentation of adouted n recently While tlie tune for arbitrary assertion of authority has gone "A few statistics make plain1 the cups Miss Lois Cobb, in behalf , J by, the modern kid element have more liberty than they 1 " " ',L'"T is ' ' The McCormick-Deering cream ! ty, Oregon: raking the last years S. B. A. why the class had never SPnarntnP u.ii n,v fnr itif i ,hi know how to use wisely, and it could be restricted with 1 crops as the basis of an average., left a memorial to the school, say-, lt 111 save See the n "wi profit to themselves. i tnis "' 1'as produced each lug that the funds for the mentor- gi7e al Wharton Bros. ( year about S,;.iH,om) pounds or nil had been raised but up to the j 0 O ' I dried prunes approximately a lime of graduation no decision was 4PPROVR FAI'ESDITVRF ! Th. iv will be general satisfaction that the I'nited States I finl1 "f ""' ,'l,,il'' f "e. made as to what the gift might be. j ' '1 '" '' ! ,i , . . , I northwest. Hie largest crop was A committee was put in charge (AwclitH rm kiiH 1 government lias agreeil to take part ill a conference to lie ll.ono.ono pounds, the smallest and had onl recently purrtased a! TOKIO. Dec. 20. The .Tap-! lilil r-t .spritijr i'.t tloneva, to eop.siili'r fOiitroi of the trilf-' Br'"'""0 l,m""u- The last two suitable m. nioriul. The high school anese cabinet todav approved a! r n-i , , , , . , figures quoted are significant of was then presented with a beautl- total exoendltnre of ven 1 I'M-1 W in i.nvs. There are many cases where the use to which ,is ,,,; thai while there Is a'fu. walnut table and five r! airs to 000,0oo7or ,hJ doming year Tho! liuinilions of war are to be put, should be investigated, be- ! wil1'' variation in the annual out- adorn the stage. This Is something expenditure represents the f i-i i: , . II, , t, it ,. . I i . l . .i i. i ! ""HSlns county prune in- that the high school has been in nal budget total. i loie the puu'ha.el are allowed to base them. It may be t ds,,y has crop la.lures. ; ,, .j r fr a number of years and! o riesirabl' ', in the ease of such a country as Mexico, to allow' "This year the first gr.'in the girt will he greatly appreciated Special prices on jllvcrwaro. ! tile recoKiiizeti. government thereof to have arms w ilh which , ,", . '.. . . .. . ' ' "' ."' ot. nfi "T0 "amwm. iiiit I meaning ripe, but not dried) were fmnllv In hehulf nf l)i.. to put down revolts. I'.llt such sale should bo strictly guard-' shipped from Oouglns county to1 sclmol r.nil Ceddes thanked the I'd. If the wr.-iimns uf w:n- foil intn tlio Imn.U C tl," I r.o.Ulo. ! ra'"rn markets, a total of eighty class of '21 for their commemora- ' carloads being marketed and n makers u ho ;mv always looking for a fight, they may be used lo start a revolution. Encouraging such an outbreak is a good deal li've throwing a match into a heap of dry leaves in an inflammable forest. You can never tell how far it will spread. a good profit. The tive offering. The alumni was in vited by Mr. Campbell to visit the Here's A Record f Prrm Loam) Wire.) NEW YORK, Dec. 20.- fla ting t!ie grow records for the years ti'll to V.:: 'school and the rest room. As a Sharon. IK years of age, musi inilu.'ie show that K."7 full car- close to the program the school cajconiedy dancer, whose real loads of dncd prunes were ship- song was sung bv the students I' d nut of l'Mutlas r.Mintv during whit., howls ,,r ..n.w . ...,.' ,n" agreeing to do no en fii.nre ,lit..s ntl , tl... .).,, I '"""" I'lectrlcul gif's niako tlieni happy from Hudson's Kl' eric Stole. Sil crnare t'l it carries a guaran tee nf lnM.;tin prices. McKcau. l'arliy A Itmdw in. tint period. Tlv ! include th.- 1. ss thaiwarload slm-' After the program, the alumni incuts nor the fruit shipped by ex-'was entertained In the Bit h." r-st l'r' I room by the students and r-fresh- "Am.ther I'Vent I'.evelonmcnl of ments were served. A nine her nf the l"'iieias county prune industry' altminl were present, many of Ins to do wih canning: the I Mug- who mare now attending college, lis product has been found excel-' Those attending were: Evelyn hnt!y suited to this purpose, and Quine, Iris Hire. Violet v Cole, this y-ar green prunes wcr nick- Constance Ucndrfrkunn. I Verne i 1 I v the t'mpcjua Valley Canning Hawn. Innald llelltwell. Kosina t ompany. I'ortrr, Thclma Newhani. Lois point or spci i;u interest to Cobb. Leo Hi cklrv. ltnland tins coninani In the prim Indus- Schwar'z IVrroll lies iv:m Atter. I try has t) do with the utilization Inirv. Ill 1 1 llurr. Helen Churchill. Of etec'r Hrn'nt in urln. ).. 4.. enk... ,i ... l.. "" i.neii, JiUKil 1 nipple, rMliedl. ,.., . l..,i,,ur,,,.l, ... . -i ' -. -'r' c" .-nil-.,... ii, . Mini" inursion. I lllior'l r 1P1IIS, th'se notes shows nn interior Virion Needhiim. Willis t..fftt i'Ylllli's nre-niscs .1 Wln-jl.m ' li... ..I... i, .u.. ... lion of trees ar I lrcr:.,. Lloyd i r.ry 1'alnt and Taper Store, ttnere a II. I motor Is usi-il to 1'hll Singleton, Maiguerite Huslio Crocker. I' J West c ass lew of the dchidratcr of Clay Thelnia Tretren. and Mrs. Lcta ' " " 1 " iiiirnite n fin u ln h lt rllmtix .,u.,.. ut.. Aslihy's lirportcl Broccoli seed, The most brauilful and salisfac- lh ,,t Mir tlirouuh tunnels, up. The 'liomeconiing ' , ";, ' ' ""'.' "' , '.' " "" '"' ."'" provannieiy lim tei-t In length, an added Mttr.Mdlon to Chrlsimas pel pound, (.rowers should crd.'r.solf and l.imily. Beautify your ,, !s ,rcd , K..,..rt.. (he ,acation and It ts hoped that the at once. Apt. 6. over Itoso Con-( homo with Fisher's wall paper and ,, (1uiicl ,et. Tho total capacity custom may he conllnued next burg, Ore, West Cass S:. until Iaurelwood field had1 bt'rn paid fnr. Give 'er a SAVAGE WRINGERLESS Washer and Dryer If site slaves over the back breaking wash board, or old etyle wringer washer, end her washday drudgery for all time with the gift: of the Wringerless Savuge. The Gift of the Savage Means: No more red, swoUen, wash day hands washing, rinsing, bluing and drying without put ting the hands in water. No wore hand rinse and hlu fng Savage washes, rinses, blues and dries in its own tub, no ' other" tubs needed. Less mending repairing Savage never breaks buttons or flattens fasteners. (No wringing.) Less ironing Savage Wringer less drying leaves no "wringer creases" to be ironed out. Have us reserve otir Savogo now for Christmas delivery. VTn'i Everybody's. Exchange eV5rrrtT,oi zzr : Jttw. iv i SWrflht 8&m mL I 'Tli?, Your Christnuu treetip. proprate gift, wiU recall l imW, thoughlfulnesa at OrtVm.. fW nut. Minn "Z J r yt " Felt Bootees Stencilled Collars fiff Padded sole, spring heel. A pretty bootee for misses, children and in fants. Sizes Sixes Sixes 5 8J4 11 11H-2 8Sc, 98c, $1.19 House Slippers For Women Soft leather, pompom, light flexible sole, heels. $1.79 Two Kmckcr f - if v '111 boits ror Doy$ Betterdarifi made kit. thcre'fi thing EbJJM wear thiis:i Fall ffiortfeii boy will bc'.t Good, rn fabrics infH and colon made and i OthentM Stylish Ul For Men and J , Big, roomy, warm, gooi 'S'Js' (finished 1 Values made possibles? iner oowerl ' $14.75, $16.50 and up! J The Overcoat of the com R ter! Some with all around with three-piece belt ff a ' f,.n Vplted or belted s others full belted or plaL W i a jki hrcnted rnoaeiJ- b Some fancy pW back, MOJ plain. Popular shdc brown, tan, grey. e,c- T. .-M not be too much troubh i to show you these w""" , W L Overcoats whether you b J ' p(, ,re confident ths. yea wi I '" ol that equally go oo co. w i eiscwncrc av prices LOCAL NEWS Your i-r.'il t In piii.l Jit llii'l.-uii'it Kloc trlc Stm I'm? It. Dnn'f .iit nntil tho mi:iuir to onler your ro, I hihI wikhI tlnf colli nriilliir. limn ;riTrt.-i'n t n. F':r Ikt Xmis. "I.iixlto Silk nml th rions othrr Itrtns for il.'rora- II elsewhere at out ww- - pric": 1 PHONE 456 ;i:o S". t t Ha ' in. llio Kt.'at i!ir for rut-, h-uis.",' rtr. ' y JllMl box IV P. Flshrr, ;ir.'I1. 1 1 1 1 1 a n lirThs, nut nr.- nt.' iin.l m:''. M;uiy p.-nplo i!p in. Six nion'hs' ti'iMtmriit, wr-lromlnu Is of this iiliiiit. m Ui'inonsttated last yi'ar ty tin- ntuilonU. ljist yenr tlio 'iiaion. i Soon I'ouuJ i' ir 1 I'laa aa bondtd en account of WOOD COAL Dry Block Fir Block Oak Split Oak Seasoned Slab Englewood (COOS BAY) Rock Springs Royal Utah Dclivtry th samt day en ll orders received before 3 o. Call 128 DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Dates to Ref t.1 V The enrollment 'e,RCo Eugene I, nl Il-.iiiilr"l of our . ftKf. worlrt t"1 "",',,, ,', von """' In n;ori' tnau f eugene mm A. E Phone 66 ,32 WilH""'"