Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 19, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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- BY
i1 2,
An Independent Newspaper, Published for the Bert Interest of the People.
f 'hi JEvenlng Newt and The Roseburg Review.
f 6 ?v"-
v- -
t rniciH:'
i today!
(Aaaoolated Pra Uwa-d Wire.!
Dec. 19. Four children
were burned to death, a
i i.. . t .......
woman aenuusij jhjuiu
and two oiners BBtnuy w
hurt today in a fire that
destroyed the home of Mrs.
Olive Jones at Stanley's
Run. Ohio, about five miles
from here. The dead are
Louise Jones. 11: Hazel
f ! Jones, 17, daughters of l ,
tin Wke of.:-uAfKtti:WIuIeJe Murderer, Who
' J I..:...:,. I were the granddaughters of 9tlst r: I
nd Injuries
were the granddaughters of
Mrs. Jones with .whom tney
were spending the night.
Mrs. Jones arose early
this morning and poured
oil in the kitchen stove.
Mrs. Jones rushed upstairs
where they were trapped by
the ' flames. The other
Startled Germany by
Terrible Deed, to Die.
Will Sink Be-; children of Mrs. Jones leap- j Tells Court He Js Willing
, ! ed from the second story ) a
Lk Before the
)er Great
hec. 19. The
iv was added to
I tne storra
window and escaped
slight Injuries.
to Fate Death and Would
Rajher Die Than Enter
an Insne Asylum.
(Aaaoriated Pre Lraaed Wire.)
HANOVER, Germany Bee. 19.
Fritz Haarmann, the "whole
sale murderer" whose trial for
(AamcUted Prm Lue Wtra.)
LA GRANDE. Dee. 19. Mr.
fe cays has held and Mrs. Will Church were turn-, the slaying of 26 persons has
(id Rocky Moun-.ed to death In their home In the stirred all Germany, was sen
tn icy grip. west part of the city In a flretenced to death today.
It was generally. which started at 3 o'clock this h extreme oenaltT wag also
.Great Lakes re-l morning. The cause of the " LJered In The case of h?. ac-
y'H'W,V TrnSS been determlDed ttl.8, compute,1 Han Grans. '
'of the southwest morning. ' . - ,.,
to already hov- An early surmise that an or- of "a"d?i " 24 Toune men the
Sero mark were orheated stove was the cause was I, "rd'"?J?rt?A. ""g m "' !
Ktill lower. Idlscredited by Fire Chief C. Ci"""?8 "!nding over a perlod
!ta the wake of Murchison. Mr. Church wasiOI,' ;f"j;.J..
tended its scope,; United States commissioner here! tu. 1
ton in many sec-and was prominent In .fraternal i'""!! for lncitlDB murder ln
"I go to the decapitating
block joyfully and happily,"
Haarmann declared to the court.
Then he pleaded:
Died and trains .circles
ine tire trapped Air. ana Mrs.
e Rocky Moun- Church who were sleeping urv-
was reported In 'stairs. When found he was lv-
were dead la ing In a sleeping porch with one
"Don't send me to the Insane
asyltinf. I would rather not
sees attributable arm outstretched, as If he had
I attendant ice opened the door from the tall
ies were mimer- way to the sleeping porch ln an live,"
le ice accidents, attempt to escape. Mrs." Church Grans' attorneys reviewing
H of deer north , was found .. near her husband. tto case resented ,the sharge
jjoain Arizona.The house was only partly burn-jthat such an affair was possible
be herded to.ed ' lonly ln Germany, as claimed by
Ion the south Neighbors who were awakened some of the newspapers. ,
, were reported -By screaniB turned ln the flrei -a long chain of cases leads
flaton (ailed, .alarm. .When the firemen ar-lfrom Gilles De Retz via Landru.
old In M.,ntnn rived the Interior of the house !Loeb and Leopold to Haarmann."
Iry dropped as was a mass of flames. .It waa.he declared
t zero at Miles then believed that Mr. and Mrs. ,,, ' ,. . '. .
'derailment of Church were not ln the house. . """"V. luul
",mlnd" in the series of murders
tm,i and ,hat OranB was but his tool,
DAMSKIj wii.t. ot
(.Wx-iatn Frvm tawd Wirr.)
OMAHA, Dec. 19
( AaavUtnl Vrtm Uaxl Wlrt.1
O.MA1U, Dec. 19. Wm.
Dorothy De Vere's Oriental : ranhauuu Omaha chief of
dance will not take place at . detectives who lato yester-
the Christmas pageant to day was shot and seriously
he given by the choir of the ' wounded by a negro who
Hanseom Park. Methodist had barricaded himself in
Church tonight, Walter B. . his home where he was la-
Graham, diretcor of the t r killed and whom of-
choir announced today. ficers sought to arrest on a
Church parishioners were warrant charging a statu-
shown photographs of Va ! tory offense, early today
pose in Miss De Vere's was resting comfortably in
dancing skirt and decided local hospital, where It
that the costume to be used ! was said he had a slight
by the dancer was not quite' ! chance for recovery.
proper for a church enter- Dnnbaum was shot sev-
tain men t and voiced their efal times about the head
protests to Mr. uraham. d faco, whllo leading
Miss DeVere had ordered more than two scores of-
her cosmme from New York ficers in an attempt to cap-
and the garment was to ar- ! t'ire the. negro, Frank
rive this morning. She of-
fered to change the cos-
tume, but i r. Graham an- 4
nounced "the dance is
i fll'COY M
Declares Mrs. Mors, With
Whom He Was Living,
Killed Herself.
Tells Court He Grappled
With Woman in Effort
to Stop Her Attempt
at Suicide.
Myler, and Thomas Ryan.
another detective was hit by
a glancing bullet when he
ran to his fallen -hlef. Ry-
4 an was saved from possible
serious injury by a "bullet
proof" vest he wore.
Takes Liquor Stores But Is
Arrested by U. S.
Deputy Marshals.
Britishers Claim Action of
State Prohibition Agent
, Illegal Pierce Makes
No Comment.
(AnorUtrd Ptfm Ltaied Wire.)
How twenty venturesome young
Americans who left here Inst
May to seek thrills and tnke mo
tion pictures of wild animals
and Btrange people in out of the
way nooks of the orient had to
give up their romantic expedi
tion without having seen a single!
wild animal out of captivity or
glimpsed any out of the way
place but Singapore, was reveal
ed by several of the party who
returned Sesterday, begrimed
from stoking in coal holes or
greased with much dishwashing
in galleys. Head of the party,
Carl Wlnther, Bald to have been
a Danish liuron, f aid' the adven-
tifjers planned to strike out from
Singapore In search of an "npo
man" with whoso haunts Wlnther
had become fnmlllar In previous
travels and after photographing
this missing link thoy hoped to
reach the island of Half, where,
they were told, they nilcht wit
ness the inhabitants' quaint cus
tom of "burning thousand ba
bies" to propctiato their (lods.
Hotel bills and other unexpect
ed expenses at Singapore ato t;p
, iAiMrlatHt rrpai Vnnl Wlrp
PORTLAND, Dec. 19. Cleaver
stated this afternooli he seized
liquor from the British steamer
London Merchant, because com
plaints reached qjm that liouor
from the vessel was being peddJed.
(Aaorlitrd F, Inwl Win.)
PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19.
(Aaxrlalrd Prna Lraaml WlrO
FOllT WORTH, Tel..
Dec. 19. Hank robbers set
fire to the town of Valley
View early today after
wrecking a state and na-
tlonal bank and carrying
away two safes.
The banks were the First
National and the Guaranty
and the business section
was wiped out by the fire.
No accurate estimate of
their loss was obtained but
the fire damage was estl-
mated lat It 00,000. The
safes weighed four thou-
Band pounds each.
(Aaaorlatn) Na Lsaacd Wire.)
MOUNT VERNON, 111., Dec.
19. With defense counsel for
Lawrence M. Hlght, who is on
trlul .with Mrs.' Elsie Sweetin for
the murder by pofson of Mrs.
Anna Hlght and Wilford Sweet
in, ready today to present physi
cians to testify in defense
of his client, new Interest ln the,
rase was arouseu.
Maintains Record When
Other Towns Report Zero
and Sub-Zero Weather.
Eugene Has 4 Above Of
ficial Forecast Shows
Little Relief in Sight
From Cold Snap.
back the liquor he seized aboard
the British steamer London
Merchnnt, State Prohibition Of
ficer (ieorge L. Cleaver will still
face charges of violating the In
ternational treaty regulations,
United States District Attorney
John L. Coke, announced today.
ClenAer was arrested by Depu
ty Unffod Stntos Marsala late yes
terday, but was given until today
to ratfo $1500 ball.
Coke said he had no alterna
tive but to prosecute.
Sheriff Hurlburt, custodian of witnesses' whon
the seized liquor - asked Coke
what he should do with it, inas
much as tho ship from whioh
It was laken would clear Satur
day. '
Coke's advice was to give
back to Cleaver.
' PORTLAND. Deo.. 19.
The official weather fore-
Mrs. Sweotln.l cast for Oregon, issued to-
the principal witness yesterday day is as follows: "Continu-
denied Hlght had suggested that ed cold. Zero temperature
Bhe poisoned her husband and In the east portion, moder-
Regardless of' whether he turns, declared the confession in which ato Jo fresh
she had admitted the crime was, winds.
"I did not give Wilford. poi
son. Hlght did not give me' any
poison," she testified. She pic-j
tured herself as a woman great
ly sinned against and blameless.
She denied she had ever expect
ed the former pastor to make
love to her and reiterated that
her confession was untrue.
Mildred llight, 16, called In
defense of her fnther, related
Roseburg last night maintained
Its place as the warmest spot, in
Oregon with an official weather
report At 11 o'clock last night
the weather bureau thermometer
stood at 21 degrees, according to
Wm, Bell, the local meteorologist.
During the early part of the morn
ing the mercury started upward
the "incident mentioned by' "atato1 "d ? t '!!
ot 5 a. m. observation. The barometer
tom siignuy mis moT'ng ana xnv
wind shifted to V east The
weather predict. or for continu-
ed fair and cold weather over
the body
Sweetin left Inn.
It was that as' tho train pas
sed the wed In home, Hlght
standing on the-front, porch of , 8aturd.!y:. buV,dtim'7 .P. "
It tho Sweetin cottage.
Miss Hlght testified she
I snow If the wind shifts further to
hai. the east.
if Northern Pn-lnn frinnrf. iro. .h I Haarmann was tho "master (Aaaorlate-I Pr. I.eiH Wire.)
toula. due to g fritnd, Fioit Doi ana uranB was out nis tooi.iKid McCoy, ex-pugilist, on trim
i injuries result-!linth,0i. sno, wn "d not know, the real pur-'here for the murder of Mrs
I llnstrnMnr' nnrf Am,,,, v.,, Pose ' luring the young men in- Theresa W. Mors lust August, n ,h n,.,iiiinn how
(cations in the'old friend of the family 'told-10 Haarman'8 r00m- , 'k the witness stand today in anil'bl,fore thfl mollon plc-
most seriously searchers that thev had snendi Haarmann. addressing the his own defense, denied broken- lure cunlcraR nIlu other equlp-
lone lines be- the evening at tho Phiireh'H IJury, showed no remorse for hlsi'y 'hat He killed her, deciareu .,,, .... . b conriBoated as se-
Clly and other home, leavine about 15! n'cWk Igruesome deeds. that he loved her and dramatic-: rllrltv for debts. Fiiver-rldden
Me were rut off Then a search of the burned1 "Weje I set at liberty,' I ally gave his version f, , Ilerj mid "broke" tho adventurers
Irvlce was im-, house wa3 made, and tha bodies would, murder again," he said. death. Ho said It was milclde. W(,re mmnded for months in
Ian 2.000 tele- were fnnnd Mnnv tlm. Hurinv ! "tt'kv T lrii, 1 mvt0,. 1 a court room packed wltn sinennnre. rinnllv ninkine their
... - r 1 urnvnil tn Mm Mwfntilt. hilt that1
. i- film ,1 ,1 nnl a0 hi fnMlpr In tho lUlilLASU, Ure,,
rimni was nmim nraurnuajr inrui U'hlla llin Pni-lfln
hv Cleaver nnd some thirty del u-1 "eat nhend. do any waving. Mrs. m e wio racmo iNonuwesi.
LCZrPoTr. d Sweet... toid tho Jury Hight had -timied o eeze o ay and
Dee. 19.-
Fumes .Withy nnd enmpany. "eiur . mm u.ier nor "" cold
owners of the shin through their hands death eought to mako morning was ror conunuoa coiu.
owners or me snip, iiiniiign storm "somewhere in tho
local nltorney, Rogers MiicVengh "1Vfl to her, 1,111 """t sne nnu re p.plfip area" Indicated ln
hnvp riemnniled the return of tho IH sed and tried to avoid him. ortii facnic area, inaicaieu in
nne oi mnnmn tne riuirn or inu I j uinht nfreest- r"Ior s o.tho weather bureau,
liquor, which is claimed to be a She Uenlea mat llignt suggest- h . in tho
.., r lhn atennipra lnwful ed that sho poison her husband 'nny cimso a cnange in mo
stores "I"""1" lnwruli(im, denied she had done so. forecast before the day la ovsr
, , ' Hhe denied Blio Had ever ueen ""n
. T.r,..n!"r h",8,l",Mn Tu with Hlght in her cottago at tho observer,
to llrlllsh Consul We" who will , cttInp-meeting. I" J'"l'o
raph poles were the fight to control the fke the me," he remarked. Ills plea was :r 8 . uVusua"y. 811 ,; 'way back to tho l ulled States
I the state, com- firmn hnH k. m,i ,., f,,n .,ii.n.. the former prize ring dandy told e,Bv , i.v ,wn. n,i threes.
Ibout 135 towns feet of the bodies, but intense Ms dead father and his friend i nl9,,.8tory' , ,. , , Most of them worked (fom port
Iheat and thick smoko nrohlbited Grans. I l"" u"-ito port nt menial tasks . aboard
capl-chana-e of discovery. ! ! rrnno. i,.a. t rf oner ncir seemea at time ai- 8toamcrs ,lose wn urrved yes-
nnri Tha hnAiaa l , i ." mosr overcome uy nis own recii-
Kt Inula . . . , ... a no BUIU, UUL 1
rrinnt.H 7, -"B'"""". inim, as i was aiono
ri wM similarly home were saved by the diligent! claiming his condition was a
w and I,- .r "V" "Ehters. morbid one, Haarmann eald:
red,K.!rhrh..7"i HaL f: J .."How I got Into this condi-
Jiourl and t. "-' w..r. " - "u"l""u " "on, l don't know. I simply
I belnir IT ,, men or Lniuu saw that in the morn ng
llahoma Ari f."dW!"ow. n "h Prac-iWas a corpse next to m
i "" uuuea ine cu 01 taier-jnot in all cases." He declared mered hrokenlv (A-.-i.iM it r-a.-i wire.)
I ' ",e,suu- . a large proportion of his poten- After Irientiivlne afn deooslt WASHINGTON. Dec. 19. Tho
tial victims escaped. Iboxes, seized and opened. by of- largest peace tlmo supply bill
"I never acted with premedita-ieerg as nlg own ad explaining ever presented to congress a
Vera Can.onu -t, . t j . 1 "" ' u 1 M"",, i mat some or Airs. Aiors jewels mb io '""J"". .......
era henseny, who a few days vletim Hid not ffer resist-:. a i- .,. t,,i .., .i.,i ihreo r,n.irt,.r nt a hil Ion do -
ago was arrested on a charge of;ancei were other declarations. there at her reouest McCoy de-'lars for treasury and postofflca
larceny today paid a fine of $1001 Ucribed the scene In tho apart- department activities during tho
nen sne entered a plea of guilty Frtz Haaimann, a Hanover i mont where he and the woman coming fiscal year was report
to a ChareP nf nmalitllllnn 1.. (...,.!. 1 ... ,vlnl ... ... " , ,. , . i... tl.n l,n,.an Bnn,n,la.
nv- uuuuri. nas bhvwi, a. ,,o iimi nnri niwn iivinir na mnn nnn wiii'ti iuuut i'y iii.j uuusu ni'i'i vu
needed i
in the. -Did von love Mrs. Mors?"
attorney queried.
"Yes," McCoy replied.
"Did ebo love you?'
"Did von kill her for
there ! jewels?"
terday nnd told the tnlo being
tlio lust ot the returning expedi
report It to the llrltish' ambas
sador at WnHhineton.
Captain Anderson of the
This was the only ray
for relief from the frig
id ipel! which has prevailed here
this week.
Portland's minimum tempera-
London Merchant, says Cleaver 1 Tl,n rlnl of Lawrence M. i,llre (,RrIy ,0(lny waR ahova
went to him Wednesday nbout '"K"t and Mrs. Klsio) sweotin l(,r(1 ,WQ de(!Tepg higher than'
S:30 p. m.. presented his card f"r'1,B,. P" ,on. 0mur',1,'r esterdiiy's minimum. Mow
and said he had come to tako all her husband, llford Sweetin. ( n) I,aljnK. cl.nClnued in ct
the IKiuor on board. Tho cap- entered a new phase today when crn 0r(..,on IlakoI. reporting z
tain declared Cleaver did not Attorney Nelson Layman rcpTc- belpw mornlnfti and I'm'atll-
show a warrant or give any ail- "cntlng Hlght began an attempt a 4 ,,cl(,w Temperatures, in
thorltv for the raid other than " show his client 'Offered from W(.H,crn Oregon Included:
that he was state prohibition mental disorders oni therefore S(llem 7 abovo Aibanr 8
commissioner and that he had a 'n,,rwlJr '""onslblo for ob KllKene 4 above. Rose-
largo force of deputies present.:"11 ''' actions. Alienists wore b 2 a)0Ve
After identifvlng safe deooslt
j 19 With low
land huh- nre-
people of Ne
llnimidiate relief
Mrctic ea'her
Jred over this
b.t thr, a
Urr down tr. thl eordlng to police officers Owen'to be a criminal degenerate who on tho nieiif nf aiihui in last lions committee
p ason and R!ll1r visited the woman's apart-; lured men and boys to his Iodg-I -e returned to the apart-' The total is $70.1.1 80. H22 or
now and sleet """n'- ad while there a $600 dia- Ings and then killed Ihem bympnt about 10:30 p. m.," ho II 1.890.61 4 more than for the
ion of the terri-l mond ring disappeared. He made tearing their throats with his 8aid. -Mrs. Mors complained of current year, but approximately!
1 vumpiaini against ner, charging teetn ana sucsing tneir diooo. her feet reing sore and I took $12,000 000 less than budget es
nitht w.-re Bhiv. I larceny. The ring reappeared Inl The crimes were committed in off her shoes. I mixed one or timates.
mperaiare of 9 , ,np hands of a local attorney, andjhls room in the top story of a WO drinks and made some sand-i of the combined total. 126,
ro. a level reach- was returned' to its , owner, and decrepit tenement houso facing wlches. She said the sandwiches si 1.107 would go to tho truivs-
midi'igbt and the larceny charge was amended;1"8 rWT Lelno, and the bodles;were too large, so I got tho ury and $i;:u;,L'i;.4 1 5 to tho
f5'e T' 'Ports that to the one to which the . woman ' were disposed of by throwing butcher knife and ehe cut them. ; pustofflrn di partinent.
naitlons prevall-i pled guilty. Itheni into the stream. Many hu-i -Then she fell into a reverie.l Included In the treasury Itom
iln- "erv "tood j n man bones were found when the toying with the knife. She said is f 1 l.uuo.ono fur enforcement
JAiiianeo, n the. MRS. BRUMBACH'S FUNERAL body of tho rlrer was draggid things were "in a terrible stuie,' ,,f. prohibition 1783,1 20, moro
, - mer. and the government investiga- hut $34 1,770 less Tlisn the total
The testimony at the trial tion of the Mors jewels, (sever- available this vear. Tho. bill ear
whlch aroused Intense horrorlai 0 the lots of lewels later were r S2 0..1 7.S :t 5 for the coast
used to
MarVeiurh declares that theiPr,''" "10 opening or cuu
treaty of May 2 fi . 1 924. -with I Tho first witness was Dr. H.I
('rent Ilrltaln provides that llq-jW. Walker. Creal Springs, 111.. I,
nor mav Do nrotlglll inio men- wau emu no wnn , rinj tnilnv In Its fifth
can ports in bond as. hip, store; Hlght He -aid Illghrt .father fUt Tyl .lid. '"nd" r-
our a niuiini'si inusi nu uiuuu m "" '"-
Kcgenn litis 4 Abovo
Et'CLNE, Ore.. Dec. 19 F.n-
f't t-mperature
6 d--nre.., below,
B"'- witn 10 be-
-'- I.. -,nn,l,a nrrilnl3 W 11
nut nnd given to. customs of- entirely gone six montns Deroro . , hlver i n,t nl-lit
ficers within twenty-four hours his death. Ho told of an uncle J". " ,Z 1 , a"
after the ship arrives. of Lawrence Hight who died In ' ' tur roPP
"Captain Anderson compiled an Insane asylum. He also men- "e 1 befo-.. at
with a., these regulations." says IJon-d member, of Irenc. 0 lockM,' mon.n i ,h. c?i
his attorney. Collector of Cus- Illaht s f a mily on h .1 a degrees aa ve.
son for Cleaver's raid.
t'nlted States Commissioner
The w,nd is still coming from
loms .icrariann liiil ae nu rcu-, i" 1 n m..., .
sound niinu ui oinr unini. , ...
llllt. ,UI llinrni, ......
LaW-.nfin nf nn1niief1 olrt. The
Ho said tho father of
Frnzler, set tomorrow at 10 . m. retire Hlght beat his son, then oL. 1- ,'iirfi.,i tmlnv howv.-.
for Cleaver's preliminary hear- 14, with hickory sticks until tho ,n ..,., , tho cloar skies ot
SALFM. Ore., Dec. 19. Cotr
ernor Pierre refused today to
comment on the nrrest in Port
land of George L. Cleaver, stato
prohibition commissioner on
a charge of unlawfully raiding
a IlrltlHh ship nnd confiscating
blood flowed down his back.
too past two days.
Four 1'.elow In Pendleton
I'KNPLF.TON. Ore.. Dec. 13.
Clear, cold weather was again ln
order in Pendleton with tn-
I Tart of
e nort.
'fl slate
Jmely CViM
J Iiwa. 1,0c. 19
y experiencing
-- i-raperature
r""r the coldest
The rineral of Mrs. A. Drum
bfleh hn naBaa -. J
. .i awnv f 11- .. i ----- , ....
nesday nlrht will k. , tnrougnout t.ermany was revoir-; seized as smuggled property.) I guard, whhfc is being
uiuwi ui 1. 1 augKesieci niaL t "iiwuiu i",pi"veiir ll'U'r siiiuKtinK.
that witnesses were heard be-,ew York until this blew over.i Among the postofdre depart
hlnd closed doors. Among thehen she said: 'Norman would ment Items is $2. M0U. 000 for tho
allegations was that the murder-'you leave me?' 1 transcontinental mall service
er as a butcher had offered hlsj -1 explained that it would bo less than tho amount
customers human flesh for con- only for a couple of weeks but granted for this year.
sumption A I she Jumped up, screaming that o
Haarmann confessed to slay- iRhe was 'going to end it all." an i Thi !vihlnn sisters are nlan-
4 lns 15 youths between the ages pointed the butcher knife at hernna; a Xnias party Monday even
:.!., k,.T; Roseburg Undertaking Parlors!
raiurciay afternoon at 2 o'clock1
witn Kev. McCuliagh of the Pres
byterian church, officiating, ln.
terment will follow in the Masonic
temDfr-,tr,?i!l t Ir)AH IIWC.H FntST cou,? notremember
me mmxr
a, , io
-in Trio
f lorries were
;h" tate but
' i-orti d.
f? "ly-(l
5;n r. thrown 1
f trains de- I
'i-r'l.lH firm Laaa-d Win)
noiSE. Idaho. Deo. 19
Idaho's first execution since
109 took place this morn-
- at iz:zo o'clock when
of 1 5 and 22. hut declared he breast
the exact hands.
holding It with both ,llfi December 22 fi-r all the
She drove It in .and the,ta i...i- r,,iii,. an,l rhllil
.MAX fiINCI-3 IOOO uir n Kur- uuuin ui oiaao DUCKiea at me nut, cui-
tlms. The -rimes were
a period of several years.
epreadjtlng her on the wrist as well as
on the breast. I grappled with
her and the knife flew up and
cut her Hp."
This recital marked tho first
(AaaetlatM IT-ai Iaed WI-.) Uinlanntlon of the various cuts
MARSHFIELD, Ore.. Dec. 19. found n Mrs. Mors' body be-
Rlver aidea th ulstol bullet holu ln
There will be a short pro
gram, anil a Christmas tree with
efts for all. Refreshments will be
f Tved. Each member Is requested
to bring a gift for the tree.
James McClintock. well known
Roseburg boy, who In studying for.nicrnicmotci rending four beloi
the ministry, will spenk at the n, a minimum last night. Sinrn
n , or that was In the custody of ' '1"1"", on Sunday morning ,!. of tho cold snap
federal customs officials. I L 1 1 o'rhH-k. The entire com-ithe m.rnum temperaturo In
lllia cny Lva urwu 11 a".
Salem Hitler Cold
SALEM. Ore., Dec. 19. Sa
lem yesterday experienced the
oldest rurtalned temperature of
the facts?' he governor was ask- ITtlIIrT OF T.AItOFt the ze:.n when the mionf.
. IMONS IS l'LI'tl I'D ter registered a maximum of 19
"T have asked for all the;, ld-grers above for the twenty.
faetr.." he repeated. "You may, M-'i.M it- 1.-1 wi" ' I four hour period ending at ser
sav that I believe in tho enforce- NEW YORK. Dec. 19 rn 0 clock this morning. The
ment of all law. against rich and William Green of Ohio was minimum for the period was 7
nk it tndav elected president or uvun- .mo
t u 1., mnn tv Is nvlteii to artenu wnn
say." said Pierce, "until I have meeting and hear tho sermon bv
ascertained all tho facts In thoj Mr. McClintock.
case. I have asked for all tho
furls." 4
Have von asked Cleaver for
victims ;kt aid
e, rt,llof
wit . Dec.
"se eight) '
10 take a
tho aged gro-
"'n Arnold. n . a
hanged for the tnurHa- a Hoth branches of Coos
"illiam A. Crisp n jiv froze over Wednesday night for. the head
e .. ut' ,!, , l ,cco I ........
.111-11 A.nnM ,n W luo in.i innu biii.c looa.
eomparlT w,th Mll(e Don
eny. now serving a life sen
tence for his partirlpatJon
n no rrlmn nt k.Mi .
store of which Crisp
tirnnrlatnr r.i
' ' ne resisted Ar
-. n en oris
the flow of blood and when ho
realized she was dead he kissed
her on the Hps. lifted tho body
t Avttlnl YawlJ Wtra
MARION. III., Dec. 19. Five keynote of his
u-omi.n (llreet nnil Indlri-rt vie-
time nf anti-Klan warfare, wero constructive proqresslvlsm
each presented with $2.n00 nay-
McCoy then described how tho from the couch to the floor.
o ' (woman, still holding the knlto folded. the arms, placing his own
Mrs. Nellie Hamer and Mrs. n her right hand, grabbed a picture over her heart and eov
Roe MoFall arrived In this city pistol from the table with her ered the corpse.
Wednesday to spend a short ruin left, how he held to hf r knlfo Afterwards, he said, lay
visiting, ihey sre from Albany, hand with his left and struck her !uwn beside the body and In-
o !left arm with his right to knock tended to kill himself with his
Mrs. F. A. Lasher was In this, down tho pistol. own pistol, but ho did not and
city. yesterday shopping and vlslt-i "Hut Just then It exploded." declared he did not know why ho
ting with friends. Mrs. lusher Is he continued, "and a moment failed to end his own life, then
from Sutherlin and returned home.later I felt her body sag." .he added, he became, dazed and
last evening. , He said he tried to staunch hu "didn't remember."
the American Federation of the record of 6 degrees for the
j nbnr week. Tho temperature was ris-
' The election of Mr. Ing slowly this morning although
Green was unanimous. Tho It hovered closely about la do-
ailmmlstrn- grees.
lion lie said, "would be
Manner 111 v nsniiiKinn
formal statement. SEATTLE. V ash.. Dee. 1
i.i ,.,,,.!,! in.taiim.,,1. at Mr. Green said that ho With Increasing cioiio-ness anil
. - i f .1.0 u-tan w it wniiM cs irv nut the poll- slowlv rising lemrer-i'uro pre-
cfes or alnue i,oniper-.. uii-k-u km ,,mi,m
lames P. N'onnan, presl- the cold snnp
They were Mrs. S. Glen
wife of .the Williamson
I Saturday
has been
iromi'v liquor raider, blinded by dent of tho International broadcasting shh , reund tho
antl-Klan bullets In an attempt Hrotherhood of Electrical sound region for .0 last fl8
on her husband's ire. and oth- w orders, was ei.-i.-,, .,,. ...- "'" ' ' "" ,'" " "
era of Tlerrln. made widows by vice-president, to fill tho vs- Last right the J7' J
...ifi., i.!i..i ,1,,,-ln.- ih. itnr. ennev on the executive tore was 1 degress abovo iero.
at council rauseu ny ureen
rln rinls Glen Young rnoke
tho meeting, saying "I am going prolutlnn.
to raid as long as I am In Wil
liamson county."
A minimum temperature or 19
degrees accompanied by strong
southeasterly gales, Is predicted
,,.. 4444j (Continued on page eight)
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