ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1924. SEVEN u fc N. J.. Nov- -S. r .1 l-.ot hrorKuiucca ' Mary KusemaK. srday attacKtu a VI in an axe, ki'.linK one, ana injurinft anoi.i- :t....,' . was navine been I His invalid wife. Jln-r room, was si the face and r. .....Iiori- (time to rescue Vy jummoneu po ke servant iu a me to do it." the police. She and came from k wo. .eisiiuors ttended church kd ne.'er given of unbalanced kt floor coverings imss tf PRICES 1 E WAY" - B WE MAKE B pay pay.. i stain to call i to our price to have you You can see fW rt moil fclancinit at it. F'e that nui- k is all that it askin; a? t n-xt laundrv Steam f Roieburj, Ore. I. k Will Sing Better and beautiful Commodious Home Bird Cage3 in Attractive Models :ercnt kinds of material and colors. 'e carry a big stock. FOR EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE chill Hardware Co. The Winchester Store. STORING VITAMINS The average healthy person stores up within the body several days' supply of es sential vitamins. This ex plains why a well-nourished person of any age is less sus ceptible to germ-infection than those who are mal nourished. Scoii's Emulsion is a safety-factor that helps keep you well-nourished. A very little used daily to i hi not survive, complement the regular diet, (inured, 1 1, at- actjvates vvith essential Vita scape and s . j 1 1 -1 .11 tine cheik. The mms and helps build rev L n,v,. ,d ner 1 Store up a reserve of pi n -iih jors. to essential vitamins- take Scott's regularly. Scott & Bowne, UloomfieUi, N. J. nUESSCKD 0 (Associated L-ed Wire.) NEW YORK, Rita Weiman. dramatist," and -Maurice Marks, Nov. 28. Miss authoress and her husband an advertising man. aro on their honeymoon at llriar Clif Manor, N. Y. having been married yesterday within . seven months after .Miss Welnian ' who professed she was a miso j gamist, had written a magazine article entitled "I urn still single I because ." ' The tine limit expired iu Oc- i tober, when the article appeared. ! I At Itriar Cliff Manor the bride : registered as Miss Weiman above I uer husbands name and in par enthesis, over the names she wrote, "Mr. and Mrs." o CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS i Notice is hereby given rtiat all school warrants of School District No. 4 of Douglas county, Oregon, I numbered No. 3363 to No. 3457 and I urn in n urn l.lliiU fiitU lilHHiiiL iiiniii ii' Mi i nri itnn v Prew' up to and including No. 7475 en- Pinkham's Vcf?etablo Compound be ilorsed Not TfliH 'x't nr ! i. ?. musea Not Paid For Want of Funds, on the 2!)th day of May, l!i24, are this day called for pay ment and all Interest thereon will cease from the date of this notice. Dated this, the 23th day of No vember, 124. V. J. MICELLI. Clerk District No. 4. GPN fir Ml ' eOLPH VERV ILL Nov. 2S. .Icmej M. 1'!. son of Mayor Rolph I'ranris'-o who is ill with ' r. a; the city hospit- o n fairly good night. r.'t.'n.r comfortably this I'iiyslc.'aiis said tho "ould probably reacii Its lime ! IO-mON, Nov. S. .1, mej M. j ';i:. Dl. son of Mayor Rolph1 Jour winter '' ''"nris-,, who is hi with! . " '',;.' r ; fev:r. a; the city hospit-1 cleaned and ,' T' " " fairly good night. ' :-M vii r.'t.'n.' comfortably this1 Let our ai.-o ' I'iiy.iic.'aus said tho f , . . I ' would probably reacii lt8 ' !m uicm. I - , . b '"ni" 111 from drink-; e t ier,. l.i. ': ': n:. - ed ... ..... ... - ... ,UUK r.1:,..., p.,, wi,';,,, a I,, , . 1 r"i ' .fvi N'foro art after philr! i currency and clothes the robber : ft F 2 - r. 1; I ' tiTirr-oared irom modi, me! left some f his own shabby' (3 V f . 1 " -". '-irrin. and ian be garments to cover Itclil'.i f.mliar- 1 L 1 ''" ': k:r y. ar. - ' ' ni-eir,,, mothers. JCLRV-.Ay OH.VWHAT.I HEAiRD ,11 XJll- " S. M'fw.'K , 1 k. If ABm IT Vrtl. -TT U V r L:.l Vrf II MOF f.r-I- WHl ttUl VTIIf i f h'o w di en Give vou a black Because get avjay wiih -that (PKir. o.., V EfcCHtn ct) I EVF LIKE THAT! H she's A GuU.) UlTH ME JST BECAUSE FVEWEC 1' V HtR? J NHV DiDMT You SOCkf 7 THA'S WHvJ V SHE'S A SSl. ' a., .ov-Lpt Vr- il 7FPPFI IN RUN (AoorUtcd frem Lruei Wlrr.) I1ERLI.V. Nor. 28. A weekly mail zeppelin service between the United States and Europe ill soon be started. Dr. Hugo Eckutr, director of ths Zeppelin company, who had charge of the ZR-fi s trans-Atlunllc flight, said toddy. The Zeppelin-Goodyear com bination dues not inleud to es tablish a passenger service for ' the present, he indicated, but be- lieves one zeppeliu each wy i weekly carrying a half million ; letters at 25 cents per letter, would be a business success. .Dr. .ckner expects soon to leave for Spain to arrange for Spain to arrange for a Madrid Ituenos Aires, service worked on the same weekly basis, worked to and from the United States, the dirigibles on this route, would tuke four days going from Eur ope and four and a half davs re turning, he estimated. The airship of the future will be larger than the ZR-3, accord - lug to Dr. Eckuer who nredic-t- ed the capacity at from 100.000 t,i 11 n nun n.,hi n,. i,nh such ' Khln ha Honi,.rr'H f ho n irth pole region could be eas- ily explored. As a measure for effecting on easy landing for the big diri gibles making a repetition of trouble experienced on the occa sion of the wVshington christen ing of the Los Angeles unlikely. Dr. Eckner suggests, Btartlug and landing nt nighty when the sun Is not shining and little gas need be blown off. Bankers Wife Advises Roseburg People.! ."I had stomach trouble so bad caused oy rneuinausm, dui wnai I'verything I ate soured and form-1 j" he cause Joint-Ease soaks ed gas. Was miserable until 1 tried rBht in through skin and Mesh Adlertka. This helped the first ianu BO,1J rihl lo an1 corrects the day." Adlerika helps any case of trouble at its source, gas on stomach unless due to deep-l Remember Joint-Laso is for all seated causes. The QUICK artton I ments of tho J0:nts- whether in m ! .. n .u. 'ankle, knee. hiu. elbow, shoulder. Ika is such an excellent' Intestinal evactmnt it is wonderful for con stipation it often works in one hour and never gripes. Nothan Ful lerlon, druggist. IPBLEGf (AwocUted Prei Leased '.V:c WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Aj lock of .Napoleon Bonnpaft's hair originally presented, by France's Immortal emperor to bis blood relative. Prince Charles Lucien ; Honapnrte, has been given to the Massachusetts historical so ciety by Mrs. Archibald Hopkins of this city. - The memento has been an ijicirloom in the donor's family BEFORE TWINS WERE BOB Was Very Miserable. Felt Lot. Better After Taking Lydia E Pinkham' Vegetable Compouat Wporens. Wis. ."F tivili- Lvdi TT i u uiiiy twiiiswere liorn because n-.y sister used it and recommended itto me. Iwassolcould scarcely go about my daily work 1 was in such mis-i ery. Eutafterlbe-zantakinirthescc-ond bottle I was feeling lots better. I took three bot tles and a half be- V.ra 1 was confined and finished tho jot 'le while I wns in bed. I pot up 'ce!b:!t fine and have taken care of the T:i-tf el -no ever since. I recommend i? V'e;;c!at)!e Compound highly and i!I 5i".j its praises in the future. " -Airs hA GianiTZ, Wyocetia, Vis. it U remarkable how p--.nv coses d-c len reported simiiar to tni3 one. rs aro left in a wcr.kened : run-rf .v-.fl conrhtip after child ."'i', tnd for each Mutheri Uie euro is 'raby-js weil-nit-h impofsii le. is ithird rr themothcr. but : i'felf will indirectly suffer. '..Vinliham's WuetnCle Ci t:: :" .n et".l!ent tonic for ths 'k-, Kfoi-c nnd nf ter child t i:-nrr-iiared from rrodii ine! -..i" l.irbn. and ian he - 1 - ri-rir)(r mothers. Pi! If o I HOLIDAY GREETING CARDS -Order 'your holiday greet- Ing cards printed now. your order lu early to assure prompt dellTery. The New- lievk-w exclusive Job print- lng department has Just re- celvod a beautiful line to make selections from. Order nlac- d now need not be paid for before nuary 1. if you so ! desire. Don't delay to call at - this office and make your ss- i-cilom while the stock is : comnlete. Mnnv fine samples are at your disposal. for thrf e generations having been given to Edward Everett, when minister to England by Prince Charles In IS 15. Joint-Ease For Stiff Swollen Joints I Rheumatic 'or Otherwise Says: "When Jolnt-l'iiv irts ' lu Jo,ut nT u''" ' . ," " 7 ' was a high-class pharmacist who siiw prescription after pre- I senpuon tan to neip nunurtus 01 ! his customers to get rid of rheu- matlc swellings "and stiff inflamed Joints. And it was this same man who asserted that a remedy could and would ho compounded that would make creaky, swollen, tormented Joints work with just as much smoothness as they ever did. Now this prescriptijn, rightly named Joint-Ease, after being tested successfully on many obsti nate cases. Is offered through pro gressive pharmacists to the mil lions of people who suffer from ailing joints that need limbering up twingy, inflamed, stiff, Joints are usually ! fnine or finBer- and hen rub.'irove orchestra. it on, you may expect speedy and KiauiyniB results. It .is now on sale at all drug gists for 60 cents a tube. Always remember, when Joint Ease gets in joint agony gets out quick. Every rheu-rjatlc sufferer ought to send today .or free book, "The Inner Mysteries of Rheumatism" (just out). Address II. P. Clearway ter, box 800, Hallowell, Maine. iiPnl ( (Adflociatdl Prew t.eaar) Wire. LOS ANGELES. Nov. 28. Michael Bellows concrete wine vat lies in fragments ,on his ranch near here today. Hut it, wio nui inu hii:k in me pre - Volstead beverage that kicked tne tank to pieces, according to prohibition agonts. Finding the ten foot tank sunk in earth and hidden under brush the officers, puzzled as to how to carry away the confiscated wine, finally comprised by siphoning out enough for evidence and blowing up what remained, tank and all, with a few stick fo dyna mite. Bellows was arraigned on a charge of violating the Volstead act and released under $2,000 bail. WALL PAPER ON SALE Come and see it and get prices Beautiful designs. Save 23 to 5i i cts. on dollar and be in stylo. At I Fisher's Wall Paper Store. Subscribe for uiairaz:nes at Mr-1 tion Library. (AHKoeiih-d Vrrm Loaned Wir-'.) LOS ANGELES. Nov. "S ; California's salubrious climate ( rendered less painful the plight I i of R. W. P.eld, visitor liom San Diego, who was welcomed to Los , I Angeles yesterday by a leisurely i holdup man who waited wi'li j pointed pis'ol while Held shed i nil his money and ganni nts n ; the sidewalk. Leaving with the currency and clothes the robber : left some of his own shabby 1 .garments to cover Held' cm bar-1 rassrm nt. Secret RADIO PROGRAMS From Pacific CojsI Stations Features for Friday, November 18. u utile urotuers. Inc.. Sau .'laucisco, -ti'3 meters 12:45 p.. ui., auuress broadcast from torn- inonucailn club luurheou. San FiuuiLho. 1 p. ui , r annum Hotel on. hi si ra; 4;3u p. ui., Fairmont ho tel onhestiu. KHJ The Tiroes. Los Anseles S'J meters 12:3.1 p. m news it.. 1113 I aiul i)iuj.i: 3:3 p. m., matinee inu- J aienle; l) p. iu., llickuiuu's urches-! tia; tkSo childten's hour; lu p. ui.,1 Hxkuiuu's orchestra, j Features for Friday, November 23 i KI'O Hale Brothers. Inc. San, Francisco. 4-3 mete 12:45 p.; iu., KairiAont ho!d orchestra. KHJ The Times, iw Angeles,' 355 meters 12:30 p. m., news I items and music; 2:30 p. m., uiati-; nee uiusicale; p. m., Hickman's! orcltstra: 6:30 children's hour: 10 p. m., H 11. man's urchetura. KUYV The- Oregonian, Portland, Ore. 4H2 meters 12:30 p. 111., Multnomah hotel strollers, concert 5 p. m , children's program; S p. "i., popular leiture, tuivursiiy ot (lr' Kin Extension division; lo:3o p. 111.. Hoot Owls. KtJO lioneral Electric Com pauy, uaaiana. 312 meters 3 p in., stiniio Hiusical speaker: 4 p. in., St concert and Francis hotel concert orchestra; 5::io p. m., Ciris' half hour; r.stlier Wood Schneider; Silt nt nignt. KlSt! Angelus Temple, Los An geles, 27S mcters-3:30 p. in., or gan recital; J:30 pv ni., auditorium service; special music; 11:15 p. m.. Temple Silver Hand. 11 ray Studio program; 10 p. m., organ recital 10:30 p. m.. radio bible school and sunshine nour. KI.X The Tribune, Oakland, 509 meters 8 p. m., studio program. presentation of "Pagliaeci," grand opera ami drama in two acts, American thtatcr orchestra and oriran recital. KFI Karlo C. Anthony, Inc., Los An;;e.i, 4ii9 metirs o p. m., houri of neavs bulletins; C:45 p, in., or F.m reeltnl; 8 p. in., two hours of special ptngramu; 10 p. m., vocnl I recital by Myra Hello Vickers; 11 P in., Anibassudor Holi4 Cocoanut . Features for Saturday, November 29 KrI l-.arle C. Anthony. Inc.. Los Angiles, 4tjy meters 5 p. m., hour or news bulletins: 6:4a p. m., speak- p. in., nance orchestra and soloist; S p. m , three hours of spa tial piograms, musical recitals; 11 p. in., Ambassador Hotel orches tra. KFSG Angelus Temple, Los An geles, 27S miters 3:30 p. m.. Gray Studio program, 7:30 p. m.. auili- JL- ium divine healing service; 10:3'i p. m., sunshine hour KOO General Electric Com pany, Oakland. 312 meters 4 p. m Hotel St. Francis concert or chestra; 8 p. m., Scottish ftite pro Tam; 10 p. m.. Halstead's orches tra, dance music. . . KG W The renoninHv-on!aniJ. 492 meters--10 p. m., olsen's or chestra, dance music; news items. KHJ The Times, Los Angeles. 30'i meters 12:30 p. m., Rotary club . luncheon; 2:30 p. m., Wi 11 man's Saturday frolic; 6 p. m.. liicKinnn s orehi slia, 0:30 p. m.. children's program 10 p. in., llick- .Hian s orcnestra. . KI'O Hale Brothers, Inc San Franclsao, 423 meters 1 p. in., I Fairmont Hotel orchestra: 3:20 1 p. ni., tia dansaiit. Hradfield's band; Fairmont hotel or chestra; i Ethel Suhl's tango lesson. ! . Arundel, piano tuner, rnone 1S9-1. EMD RECEIVED LONDON. Nov. 2S The Rus sian reply to the British note re- grdlng the alb red .inovieff let ter and the Anglo-Riissiati treaty has been received in Loudon and It iff expected that Christian Ran kovsky, Soviet charge d' af faires, will deliver it to the for eign office today. Tho text has not been publish ed as yet, but it is uiuli-rsiood to I'Eree wllh ihe ion east given out earlier in the week, being along the lines gi neraliy anticipated by tne rorei..;n oltlce. A Moscow dispatch on Tui s day said the Soviet reply to the British note would probably re iterate th" demand that the au thenticity of tli" alleged inn- BABY'S COLDS are soon "nipped in the bud" without "doinij" by use of Vapo Run Oct 17 MxllimJnri Ultd Yrly Revenue f SHCiiib SY NOT! uiff-.TF Mrll.-ir: 1 Mini Tin' I F T ClDJATaLlH r j c r? &avm AKj THE flNMiLH CF HIP. lUli t.r.r.Y CCVlb ALMOh'T OV V At THfiM w i CALIFORNIA ft 0HEG0N POWER COMPANY ask any number of our onjanizntion vleff lettir be passed upon by an arbitration committee. Regarding the liihisli rejec tion of the Anclo-Iiussian treatv the reply was expected to slate that all the Sovii t could do was to exprtss regret that the oppor-' fnnltv liml lioen lnut In l:ililwh 1 cordial diplomatic and couimer ci:il r"laticps. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELEC TION NOTICE Slnte of Oregon, Countv ot IViitlas. School District No. 4, ss vriTrry ; K...-..I,.. ,.i.-..n ii,., ... ......v.. ... ... ,..u ...... in the School District Dond lCliciion llerebv called to be held at the illieetni-n' room in tho hi.-h .nh,,ni building In the citv of ltoseburc in I and fi r said ehm,l ,llstrlei 4 i f n.,,,,.!.-,. countv. Oreuoi. on' Wednesday, the 10th day of Do-' comber. 1921, between the hours ofi two o'clock p. m. and seven o'clock p. in. there will be submitted to tho legal voters thereof the ques tion of contracting a bonded In debtedness in the sum of $1(13. 1100.00 for the purpose of erect in an'' furnishing a school building In anil for said district and pur- chasing a site therefor, T'1H vole ,0 00 Dv ballot upon i which shall be the .-words "Honda Yes" .and "Bonds No," nml i "l0 voters shall place a cross (X) between tho word T.onds" nnd th word "Vis," or between the wonl "Honds" and the word "No" which Indicates his choice The polls for the reception of tho buMots cast for or against tho contraction of said indebtedness will, on said day nnd date, and at the plaoe aforesaid, be opened at ! the hour of two o'clock n. m nml i remain onen until the hour of seven o'clock p. m n. or uie same same shall be day, when the I closed Hy order of the District School Hoard of School District No. 4 of Douglas County, Oregon, made this 13th day ot November, 1924. H. W. TAYLOR. Chairman, District School Hoard. Attest: V. J. Micelll, District Clerk. -o NOTICM (if sul ef government tlmher. lieiierni Ijinil Office. Wash ington, . (.'.. (lit. IT. Net lev l hereby Ktven tliat slll.ject o thn eeiidli loin ani limitations of the ni ls nf Jliun 9. tins (3U Slat.. 1 S I , Fehruary -Jtl, liny (Hi Stat.. 117111. ami Mitiii:irtiiH'ii1al ri'KUliUliun ef April li, (.-,ii 1.. j,., -;;tti. ti,,. Illilher en the f,,l ImwIiik JjhiiIs uill t sell! Ilee. I.'i. llil't. at 10 o'elmk a- ni. at puhlh ainMinn at 'the I'nlted stall's bind office at Itnx... Inii-ir. tlr. Kon. to tho hlg-liem htil.ler j at not 1. sh than the .1 1.. raised value jus shown hy this nnliie, Hide to lie , t to the n.,n,al of I lie See.) 1 ,-..l!,r,. ..r ,1... I i..- n. . . .... .' "" i.n.-.i-.i. io. pur n.ise ' prli e. vein, nil lulilillomil sum ofi iilie-flfih ot I per Cent, tin-roof, l.e-i iio; i-oininissloiis nllow.-d. mint h.-' il.-l.os lleil ht thne of mile., money to he l eliirm d if Hale Is not li I'prol eil, otlnru-.--e .) wl'l issue for II. .-I timber Whii h mils! ,,. reillol i d wilhin ityn y.-nrs. iilils will he r..-r.-lleil from eitlf.-m of Hi,, t nileil Mate, association!! of hiii h eitixelii - and coriior.-itl-.ns orgMnlz.-d iind.r the laws uf the tlnil.-d Slates, flr any tnte. T.-rrlt.ny or llistricl thereof only, fpon uppllcation of a iliiHlifml iHir.-liuser. il.e timher on any leiral nuhdivlslon will ha of 'ered sepHrately before helnn In eluded In any offer of a l.irgt-r unit. T. :'il S., It 4 V, S.-c. 21. Sf.'; NI-:'; r.-n 1 1 r I'm rti. r,-4 Ai-.',, rid fir 1 V.ll M.. cedur ."ill M. SKi, NK', reil i fir inn M. SU'i-1 MIC; r.-d fir rein M I XI-;', NW'i r.-d fir ll'.'.l Jt N W i IN'.V, i.d fir CM, M SK'i ,Vl, red fr 1 M. .-', NV", r-d fir I ..el) 1 M. nu ', si-:', r.-d fir r,..-, it, si:', .Si:', i.d fir 7:r. M. Mi ,M, : SU ', Si:', red fir I -ii M. SKH SV", r.-d fir 7;.u ,M. NW; SW'i r,., fir , I l"ll M. SI-:1, SU'i, red fir vsi. M. s i', .vwi; r,.(j f r 1 M'l M NK'i NWi r.-d fir M. I NW., NW, red fir 7. "I M. SK", i NW, red fir rem M. SW'i NW', r-.l 'Ir .too M. NK'i SK'i r.-d fir 3'iH M, NU'i, SK', red fir M M. Incense eedar 7r, M. NK'i SW red fir rmO M. NW'ij SW, r.-d fir ;s ,l Sw. 2'., NK'. NK', red fir 1 M. c.lar 7.7 M. NW, NI-:', led fir null .sr. ced.r I.". SI. SW, NK', I. d fir .M . Sl-.'i; NK', r. d fir I . ;:, t. e. dar 1 .'. .M. M-;., NU'i red Iir .i.'.o M. c.-dar 1-. SI.. NW, NW .; red fir Mil M. sW. VW, red fir .-, SI. c. dnr on M. r. .. fir M, tar M M. e fir M. m:i. SW i4 N W ' , 1 r. At , ed fir W 1, l.r 10 M. .!. . , d.,r W-, ) '. ', :io m. si;i; -d f'r f.r M. : " M. d 1 1 :: I'. M. d f'r M. SW N I-; 1 , I .St. NW'i SKH SK', r.-d fir y; , si:', r. d fir r.d Al. -'. . si. 'i M. w' it.- fir I'l SI r,n.i ,l ; s. o SI. NW' M'-'i '.', r. d Nli1. 'I f'.l o Al. : t: . bile M N i-: ' ,-. ti X )) ' , i.-l f.r ..I ViCfs-jT it i vi u I WON I f.ET or'.'r; IL EE HL i-x. TH - ) r1- MAO. AIL RC;-.T .THT Lc-TTCf Ir" 7 - t k . -1 ,1 a 11 , t Classified Section- ALL NEW AOS FOR SALE lilf'YCI.ES- K.'.Seblll'li -For Xm:is Cvclery. 22s presents. . Main. lil't 1. l'l'Psj r.,- 1 1, wii 1 liams on' 1'acific 'llic'hway at' lullard. i Tr7 OR SALE - Jersey cow, 6 Was fresh Sept. 2 Kill. V Camp, 127(i l'rospeet. ' "'! II. U'ST SKLL 1 five-passenger car, nod tires and starter, $150. K'lseburg bervie State'i. 1'OU SALE Fit split stove and block wood. Prompt delivery. rnone PH. O. J. Itand. FOR SALE 2nd hand pianos. $120. $11.".. flS.l. 275: orgaus.l $20. $25. Ott's Music Store. FOR SALfcJ Stove wood and f'-i block wood, also good baled hay. j i i urn, iiui ui'm. I rtm IMMEDIATE sale two . . ... iria.le jersey ml ill rows with month old c:ilf. Plume 1MI-J. 1 FOR SALE Two Oakland auto-i mobiles, one touriug. oue en - closed, cheap. See them at W h irl. n Hroi. FoR SALE Shepherd coIlin piips From good stock. 1J nios. old I $i.0 ciu h. Mrs. J. S. Frey, Rose- burg, Star lit. DIE. IlANKj "Dramatic Stories of Jesus" are firtlen based on fact.' You will find them fascinating.! Roseburir Hook Store. FUR SALE Heat grade Fraii-j qnette English walnuts, also' home grown honey. Phone l!u- senbark Hros. tF32. R. A. Hu senhnrk. saOT FOR SALE Practically new Wood Hros. 2U3(i threshing nincliine, first class running romliilon. Hargain if taken soon. E. L. Hoskins, Melrose,, Ore, Fbl! SALE New Oreiien and Gold Dollar Strawberry plants. These are Inspected plants, and good ones. 1). C. McGhehey, Phone !3F13. FOR SALE Acre lamL Sriifiin house, garage, barn, poultry house, fruit trees, J mile from city limits, good rond .10O cash haj. f2o in.. nth without interest. Full price $1030. Owner. 228 N Main. fir 500 M. T 31 S.. II. 4 W., Sec. S. I'rl. NK'i NF', red fir sr.o M, KrI. .VW'i N 1 : 1 i red fir Gfio M. SIC, NK'i r.-d fir sun Jt. SU'i; N'i-'i: r..,l rir 7"') M, l-'il NK'i NW, red fir I2in M IVI. XW'i NU'l, i,d fir llll'l M. sl-:'i NW'i r.-d fir Toil M, SW'4 NV'4 red Tir II. .0 M. NE14 sV' red fir rem .M. NW, SW4 red fin -v. ec. li. KrI. .NK'i NK'i red fir .ir.5 M. while fir 10 M. KrI. NW'4 NK'i rrd fir licjj M. eedar 25 M. white fir 15 M, eednr poles lllll; SW'-i N !:',, red fir .so Jt. eednr V) II. white fir lu M. SK'4 KHi red tlr '.itfi M. eednr 1.1 M, wnile fir :'.i M. Irl. SK, NW'j red fir 1 1 so M ca di, r 5 At. white fir 5 ,l, KrI. N )V ,, NW'i r.-d fir Hsu M ,-,r ;a Jt white fir HI M, SW'i .WV'i red fir 0 M, ce.l.-ir fi M, SKH NW red fir 1)1. cedar :'0 M, white fir 10 M. NK'.-i hWC, r.-d fir i,:o M. cedar :to M. l,lie iir in 11, niV'i sll'ij red Iir 110 II, cedar 5 II, whit,, fir if' M. ' S W '-, l i d fir IhS M. ee. ilnr III M. SK'j SW, red fir :t:5 M, e.-.Inr Jo M, NK',4 sl-.'.4 red fir 77" St. eed. 1 r 2."i M. while fir Ml M NW, si;i, r.l rir Htm M. ee.iur ::.'. t. while fir ft SI. MW'i SKi', red fir .M, while fir 25 ,M, Si:'.i KB'i lid 111- -II'. M. eednr fo) ,M. while f,r 10 .M; of the Umber on these seel 11,119 t he sold lor 1,-i.a than St. for tin. red fir and 1 Ml per r.o eentB per M for the will... Mr Kin! Incense cedar and r.2 '. efr.its each for ttie cedar poles. T. 2$ S.. l' 10 W., Sec. .I.,, M-ii, SK'i, fir K.I) -St. whlt eedar 270 M. s I-: ' SK'4 fir 120 M. wlilt.i cedar 4S'I J.I, NW SWi fir 47,0 l, whim cedar 100 M, SW'i, Sw', fir Mm M; none of thn tinibwr on tills section to he aold for less I hall SIT o per M for the fir nnd per Si for tile wlille ...'dnr. T. t;7 St., 11. S . ee. 7. SK'i S W ' , pine v:o M. fir toil M, SU'i, SK',. pine :io0 M, fir . M, Sec. 17, N K ' NWi pin.- 170 M, fir 1 ; " ,M; NU I, NW',, pin.) k.'i M. fir 221) M ; SK'i NW, pine Jt. SW. NW 'i dne I.iO St, Hi- III. ,l. NKii SW pine .110 St, fir ,:. M, SW,, pine 400 ,vi : none oi in., limner on tn.-s. .-. I Ions to I dd f ir le w tlu.n j:i per At for the pue and fl per M for Hi- fir T. I.'. S., 11. W., See. 5, NK', SK'i, fir 11.15 M. cedar 7'i M. NW'i .-K' fir li'.oo M, KH'i SI-:", fir mo .St, ci-ilnr 20 M. SW'i SK',4 fir 1 l"0 St. cedar .'.0 Al ; of the llu, I. -r on this y.M-iton to he aold for I. .S Hi, hi Jl.;r. p.-r Al for the fn mid tl ..-i Al for the cedar. T. 21 S., It. I .. .-'.-.-. :., SW'i NK'i r-d Iir Mel M. NK'i NW'i red fir 7Ml M. win. 1 1 r 2.7 Al, NW'i NW'i r.-d fir I.'i") St. white fir Ml ,f. SK'i .NWi, red fir 1 Al. SW'i NW'i, r,d fir SI lute fir 2.". .VI. cedar HI Al. , S W ' , M d fir I I "0 SI. while fir N 1 : .V!. NW s i, red fir 'jlu At. 'i- f r In he vie. ...Iir to Al. , SW 1 i led fir l-'l'i Al. white f.r I. 1-ir Mi SI, SW'i SW i, r.d flr ;. M fir l.m M. ,...4.1 r .l St, NW', si:', r.-d f'r 1 ! ci At. wlitt.- fir :!'. M, .,.i..r Lo SI SW, SK', r-d f.r 1 SI .ilill, fir i.'i M i-.-ilir 4n Al. 10. -ii- of li,.- tiiiih or on tins see- li'in 10 I..- sold f.-l I. --.. 1)1 111 t: p.-r M r.,r IK.- i.d fir Ji.r.'i per SI lor Il.e ' . 'I ir lii.d Ml . , lit- p.-r Al tor it,,. 1, hue t.r and lin .-iise .-...tin-. w i. ub. mi. a- iiim conn. US- By WINNER v IT UP L 1, r ON BACK PAGE I WANTED f FIRST class sewing, reasonable 1110 Prospect St. '-AlV wants housework. 305 W. Mosher Room 3. i WANTED General housework. Albino f care Kows-Ite- view. WANTED To rent Store space by January first. Apply to Parks Sjhmdder. Rosebuif, Ore. WANTEI To buy. bay' or black mare, lino to 1200 lbs. Ulocky built. Joe Huidenreich. Rose burg. WANTED A good A No. 1 cow, one that will give lots of milk and it fresh now or will bo soon. A. F. Suksdoi-f. Coos Junction, or write iioseburg. Ore. I l.'VPl. l;-p luinei-rei. I -- ..... uv, lii wania good , Prt time work. Your book keep On,, ing can be handled at a nominal cost to yourself. Address care News-Review. E. X HE WANTS TO SELL As Tie la leaving town. 5 room hous Lot HoxMO feet. Just outsider city limns, rnce luoo.oo, Sinarr pay ment down and balance Ilka rent. See this today. G. W. Young & Son. Phone 417. FOR RENT PIANOS FOR RENT Phone 21F5. Mrs. Claries A. Brand. FOR RENT A new modern house with furnace. Phone 420-R. TW O ACRES strawberTieTto lease for cash or on shares. I', 0. Box 1102, Roseburg, Oregon. F O I Fit KN T5"nom ami one 4 rooin furnished house. Both mod ern. No small children. Phono 179-J or call 547 So. Stephens. I LOST AND FOUND LOST Fox terrier, white with two black spots on back, black enrs. Please notify Roseburg Hotel. I.OST Suitcase, MoTidayTNov. 21, between Roseburg and Eugene.. Findor bring to News-Review or notify C. J. Swift, Iioseburg, RL 1. Howard. MISCELLANEOUS HOME LAUNDRY Phone 537. ' YOU CAN SAVE 25 cents on the dollar on your floor stains and enamels at Fisher's Paint Store. Car OWNElfDon't forget ti call 553 when In need of aut parts. Sartf'a Auto Wreckinf House, G Ef THAT PHONOGRAPH i Ready for yotir Xmas records, We can put it In shape for you, Roseburg Cyclery, 228 N. Main. PROFESSIONAL CAR03 ' DR. M. H. PLYLER ChlrapractK Physician. 114 W. Lane St - POWELL'S FURNITURE STORE, If It's cheap, we bars It If It's quality, try us. 238 N. JACKSON 8T. ' Insure - in Your Home Company PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Portland, Oregon '. G.W. YOUNG & SON INSURANCE 118 Cats St. Phono 417 WHEN IN ROSEBURG STOP AT Hotel Umpqua POWELL'S 2ND HAND STORE TRY US Our Prices Are Alwiys Right. Our Service the Ilest. Colivenlentlv Iicated at ,1 23 N. JACKSON ST. Beauty Shoppe at Terminal Hold '. .Viitci-Ilini:. Intir euttlnt; sham-' ii'ii'11117, all kinds of beauty, ..pi-ttly lion.-. 1'hone :.m:. .Mrs. It. rtliu onilen, prop,' j Turkeys A V-' t!t not H ll turki'V!, but I we Ikivc a!l thn triimuinKS 1 fur ;- our 'I'li.inksi;i niK iliuncr. 1 iix'.ii, ri.-ui.'t. curr;uni. u-l ait hi nils of cm lit-J Economy Crocory Where You Arc ScrvcJ the Best. Phonfl 63