Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 28, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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g. . ...
mmK now
ST i r.- !,-' i
J r'M- c. nt on ih-rn
f - a W.-st
A POUND bodght today
promises to be the begin
ning of its day-by-day usa
at your home.
is so good you will be glad
to serve it regularly.
Swift &. Company
U. s. A.
Makers of Premium Oleomargarine
Onier ynir Christmas and New
Year Greeting funis rrom the
N' vvs I:, view exclusive job prlut
)"C department. A beautiful line
now u.'i display for your, inspection.
Is a Ntudebaker year.
-". V--V. ,v: j. jp
; 1 ' ' : v ' '- , -.: 't
'- , . ' ... . . i.
- , 1 K
' '
h losrtc j' J '" to unraveling the murder ot
C eML. Us irlC,0,flrt- b bcadlens body
f m fcit.- roaucu ComDanv. In rhi-a..
- - - "..uoa. Th. -'-I i. . , .
dtopt Colds in 24 Hoof!
Hill's Cascara Bromide Quinine gives
I quicker relief than any other cold or la
grippe remedy. These tablets disin
tegrate in 10 seconds. Effectiveness
proved in millions of cases. Demand
I red box bearing Mr. Hill's portrait.
All druggists 30 cents.
Iluild a g?rar
;viy b;g Int' rest
terl::l from Pag'
n P rent. Th:-';
if you g"t the tii.i-'
Lumber I Fuel
If It's a
Pn r.'.
saw, axe or wedge, try
A Eusjn?s3 Ava
Gcpo to Eed U-?-rpO
and -wcikes vp h.?.)
i his
is adOcrtia'ed
Chruch of Christ at Myrtle
Ceek, Sunday, Nov. 30. S. S. 10:00
a. m. llring your children to Suu
day school. Preaching 11:00 a. in.
Subject, "A Kuurfold Thankagiv-
Preaching 7:3o p. m. Sub
ject, "If Christ - Should Coma to
Myrtle Creek." It pays to go to
church. A cordial Invitation awalta
you at the Church of Christ. The
church where you are a stranger,
but once.'' Luke Elliott, niinisier.
Catholie Church. Kane and Oak
strews. Rev. IS. I'lery, pastor. Nov.
30lh. Low Mass and Senium at 8
a. m. Catechism Class at 9:45 a. m.
All parents are urged to see that
their children are on time, and cou-'
sistently present at these classes.
11 it'll .Mass and .Senium at 10:30 a.
m. Rosary and Benediction of the !
M. II. S. in the evening at 7:30.
The Forty Hours' Devotion will
continence in this church on
day, Dec. 7th. Kev. Dominic O'C'ou
nor will be In charge.
Bibio Standard Mission. 117
JacUson St. opposite News-Review
office, Rev. L. F. Burror. Regular
week night service tonight 7:30.
Saturday evening service in charge
of. our youti!, people. L'sual Jerv
ices Sunday at 2.30 and 7.30. In the
afternoon service the pastor will
speak, the theme being "Stepping
Stones to Christian Graces." This
fitirvifu will h. n wnrru nf t,n
couragement to every Christian.
si.ert:.i nnmi umi r,rt,,.h in ,r .,rv.l
ices again at 7:30. Also services
every Tuesday and Friday evening
at 7:30. Meeting at the Old 'Sold
iers Home every Friday afternoon
at 2:30. Services at Glengary
every Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. We extend to the people of
Roseburg and vicinity and to any
stranger within our gates- a hearty
and cordial welcome to attend
these services. You will enjoy ev
ery minute. Good live song service,
beautiful testimonies, happy peo
ple. Bette come and see.
First M. E. Church, Corner of
Main and Lane streets. Rev.
Joseph Knotls, pastor. Sunday
school meets at 9:45 a. m. New
scholars are being added every
Sunday. There is a class for every
one. If you are not attending else
where come uud study God's word
with us. The Epworth League
meets at 6:30 p. m. We are having
interesting meetings. All young
neonle are osueclailv Invited. This;
Sunclav mornine we" have another,
of those papular special services.
This time the work of the Wo
men's Home Missionary Society
will be emphasized. The sermon
theme is "God's Workmanship." I
Anomer popular sermon
evpninir. the theme hi-inrr "Tho1
Magnetism of Christ." Good music. I
A cordial welcome i3 extended to
all, especially strangers.
Christian Church. What a bless
ing it is that we never get so old
but w hat we can still learn some
thing. Then along with that bless
ing consider the fact that iu, Rose
burg all may have the opportunity
of attending school. Lnst Kiinduv
hundreds attended these schools ate invited
in various paj-ts of tho city. W'hyi1"1 u3
not take advantage of this. I want
to give a special invitation to ev
ery person in lioseburg, w ho is not
now connected with any school, to
attend classes at the Christian
Church next Sunday at 9:45. At
tho morning service a Thanksgiv
ing service will be held. At 12:15
a delegation will leave for Glen
dale to attend the dedication of
our new church there. The sub
ject for thd evening service will
be, "Missing the Mark." H. E.
oc uegigsi episcopal unurcn.i
Sunday services. . Karly Com j
u. union at S a, in. Church school
and sermon nt 11:00 a. m. Nc
giect of the church weakens the
will, tears down character, and
often it destroys th" happiness of
the home. Get the habit of going
to church. You aro welcome at St.
George's.' Rev. A. O. Dodge, vicar.
The First Baptist Church, " cor
ner of l.tine and Rose streets. H.
L. Caldwell, minister. 9:45 a. in.
the1 Sunday school, Carlos Pat:",
supt. This is a school that is'di1
vout, efficient, anil enthusiastic to
learn the will of G-ud. You are in
vited In etirnil uilti lis ut miv
time. ll:(io a. m. The inorniim'
I worship. Message by the pastor.
I Music by the choir led by Miss
Haseitine, and by the orchestra,
i led by Mr. (Ml. You will find the
; servici s helpful and wors'hiptut.
6:o'i p. m. Tho Youi, People s
i met ti:r, Miiilred Stanvtt, pres.
1 These n tlnfcs are making a laiir-
er ami larger appeal to the younn
pi-iple and are In Iping to cultivate
them in the beitir Dungs. If you
are young you are niosi cordi:iII'
in.i'.eil i., att'iil. 7::;o p. m. Tli"
evening worship. Mes. ;'ge by the
pa.-t',r. Mnsie b the splend'd cho,!
iind orciifbi i a. Spend an hour a'
the close of the Lord's day in his
house. You will b" more than ii
paid'for your effort. The public ai-,
ways welcome.
M. E. Church.
Lin. srr"t-s. St
tor. Si:i" i":i 'nl'
will op n H u n
South. Main ad !
.JUL O'Lnrll, I'!-
I ;. if : ;" SntulM
tur v, ill !;. k
itr IIS Jflll'-, i
. en. nr. "T!i: li
If; hi 'i
You will inics sum. -thing worth
wliih- if em in I to attend the-'
servicei. K.-worih U-ag'te at ::;
: If uu have j "'ltr.; opl" in :ir
home who on lit to be In tin
1 i agn- work W illi t'li s spiendei
. )o"llkf p opie you Will p'Sce! (I l:e
ter if you do not (tiroiiie tie-in
lo alt1 nil. ' (.or tilay Hl'ein-ion to"
, Wo:nen's Missionary Sm ii-ty w:i!
' elee'. i, finers lor Cue folliiwuu
year, l'rmay af'erneoii the reLuetr
i mission slodv class. Prayer mee'
ing Wci.tief nay evening will be de
voted tu a service m prayer for the
reli efXC yV
Established 1875
anoc mlw Ti w Stcvtwluu Gtwunao
which willbogin on Sunday. De
cember 7th. The Rev. M. F. Hill,
pa.-ior of the XI. K. Church, South,
at Co. nulla will do the preaching.
Uroi her Hill is a very able preach
er and the meeting will be a great
success with the support ol the
uu lubershiy.
Lutheran Services. Lutheran,
v. I
seniccs will be conducted at the tlous of their train. 1200 Iowa
usual time Sunday afternoon al school children, her on a pil
2:;;o o'clock, in tho F.piscopal ! grimage to Lincoln's tomb, ar
Pansh House, 211 IS. Cass St. In1 rlvd Springfield shortly be
theso services the commemoration f noon todu.
of the new church vear will bo ob-1 A" tnr,e sections of the train
served. Subteet for the sermon I w delayed by a heuvy snow
will be: "How Should a Christian
Begin the .New Church Year'" Wi
had a flue attendance Thanksgiv-'
ine d.-iv. us ,i..iih!.. it sun.'
day. We are very giad to announce
that wiih next Sunday we will be
gin our Sunday sctuitil. For the j
present we aro compelled to havej
our Sunday school in (lie after
noon. We hope that later we van I
have our Sunday school as well as '
our services iu the moral ug. We
earnestly urge all parents to en-!
courage their children, m bring;
them to Sunday school next Sun
day. Kvery child over five years of
ago is eligible to attend. Also par-
vK-ii-iMiio iu itiu-uu aiiuimj country house and Liucolu s
see how our Sunday schools are j tomb.
run. wo win take up at i.M suu
day afternoon. All strangers cor
dially invited. II. H. ouug, pastor.
International Bible Students As
sociation, study at D3tt W. First
street Sunday at 10:30 a. ill. The
subjects lor study will be: "The
Resurrection and the Spirit of
Atonement." The disciples were
Jews and it might be supposed
that they were somewhat acquaint-
eo- iIh ""' scripture.
We remem
ber, however, that they were not
learned men; and oven if they had
been acquainted with the text of
the scriptures they could not have
had a very clear understanding of
'hem at that time; just as we now
iuru unl nmnv u-on iliTl II I I
truths in
the Uible which have
Ocen tneie lor centuries anu wiiicn i
Christians never understood until
leceutly. Now as we look at the
inspired word of God we can see
some texts in the old testament
which clearly refer to the resur
rection of Jesus, and which texts
must have been familiar to many
Jews at the time Jesus was cruci
fied. All interested in liible study !
to come and study
A Christmas present of a beauti
fully decorated home. Most, beau
tiful designs and work guaran
teed to please. Fisher's Wall Pa
per Store. 4uii West Cass St.
Where is It? Look around and
you will find many useful novel-,
ties that w ill save time and vexa-J
tion by being there when you need
them. Lloyd Crocker.
you have not already aona so,
r order your Christmas Greet
ing Cards now. Beautiful line, at
moderate prices, now being shown
by the News-Review exclusive Job
printing department.
In tho District Court of the 1'nlted
States for the District of Ore
gon. In the matter or J. T. Pitts, Bank
rupt. To the creditors of J. T. Pit's of
Roseburg, in the county of houn
las, and district aforesaid, a
bankrupt :
Notice is hereby given that, on
Hie 25th day of N iveniher, 1921.
he said J. T. Pins was duly aiijml
.eateil bankrupt: and that tin-
first meeting of i:s
') held at the office
Igned referee J:i i:
con, on the 1 1 i!i hy
!92l. at 10 o'clo. k in
;it which time tin-
my attend, prove ti.
of The I
I Mill
( ll e-
Ilf De
in t!i" fieeneon.
;;nl creditors
ti. -'l- (hiiin.;, lt;e
i:i,me the bank
h other b'li
r y riitiif le I tie
I'Oinl a tru.-l' e. e
: upt atld trails u t
en.4 ad mav i.
. aid nii'i'tiu.
Dated Noeinbe
C. I..
Til'.feree i
2vih. I"!1!
This Grows Kair
cr Your
Keep ffee from
i h onrii nf
'tiling kair ar.d
1 ldn?x N'an f'.f
Lliuid Scalp Ah
C fnci hmr
Htowin j mtiiicrie
hroi'i rLk-f
".ipplpi directly
.a tbc h.r roci. the tnnrv-iJont
r."W fTwtl oJ lea,; tr iTrKJlt. 1 i
Lop falling hnir- jiowi nrw Ktr ;n 'ti
iy. Ak u about the 9y-day
p'.AiV V,'t it Mudrt morw-y b' k
" jarkr.tee. buy ah I tv iay and Van
-M youi han tob.r.t
Roieburg, Ore.
( Wvui.J it,. Uund W in.)
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Nov. 2.
Disembarking this morning in
the old Wabash depot, where
Abraham Lincoln made hla fare
well address on leaving to be
come president of the I'nlted
States, a twentieth century
children's crusade, 1.800 strong,
paid Abraham Lincoln one of
tho most impressive tributes ev
er ottered in Springfield.
The children who came as the
guests of tho local Kiwanis club
and the Kiwanis clubs of 33
cities i:t Iowa, were met at the
depot by a large delegation of
Springfield school children and
the Springfield high school band.
A number of local students of
Lincoln were present to puiut out
the tablet marking the spot oil
which the farewell address was
made and to explain the import
ante of that message and the
events leading up to it.
Warm and eager, in splto of a
crust of snow that covered por-
; aIorm ' Missouri and the third
section of the train was not ex-
l?",r,9 unl" "el ?"""'
T" children were greeted at
j tho truiu by a large delegntiou
I of Springfield school childreu,
headed by thu fifty piece Spring
field hiifli school band.
An ambulance brought to tho
train by the local Kiwanis club
to care for any ot the children
that might be ilL drove away
empty as tho pilgrimage to the
various points of Lincoln interest
iu the city started. Tho sched
ule called for visits to tho Lin
coln home, the scene of his fa
mous Springfield addresses, the
Russell & Cannon
404 W. Cass St.
Near Depot
We buy, sell, exchange
and repair furniture.
See our new and second hand
stoves and ranges at reduced
"A Snap"
Ford Truck
Now motor and transmission,
Rocky Mountain brakes, Mil
waukee Pump, new solid tires
In rear, specral heavy spring
iu trout.
'$153.00 Cash
Phone 232 616 Winchester
Auction Sales
Farm or city auctions see ni
for dntes.
We buy and sell furniture. ,
Bargains In new and used
Household Goods.
328 S- Jackson Jhona 541-J
Makes one feel to stay
liome. Of course, you
must have
Furniture and
So give us a call, look
over our big stock.
LLI lUi i
321 N. Jackson St., Roreburg
1118 Winchester GL Phona 4K
Mrs. D. Cornwell
Patients Pnviijged to Have
Their Own Doctor
in any kind of weather any
season any hour
you can have right at hand the
most delicious milk or cream, as rich
as you want it
for coffee, cocoa, cream soiips,
creamed vegetables in any kind of
cooking or baking where the recipe
calls for milk merely by having Bor
den's Evaporated Milk on your kitchen
shelf. That's why the wise housewife
buys several cans at a time.
But to be sure of that pure, fresh
milk flavor and creamy richness, insist
on Borden's.
(AmertatisI I'rws LcaiM-d Wirp.)
MARION. Ohio, Nov. 28.
Jeanne and George De Wolfe,
grand children ot the late Mrs.
Warren G. Hardin-g, are left the
bulk ot her estate, under her will
filed for probate here today.
The will makes special bequests
to friends uud relatives aggregat
ing $5U,ulin and leaves the resi
due of the estate to the grand
children who live hore.
It was generally believed that
Mrs. Harding's estate would to
tal more than $500,000. The
grand children are not to como
Into their inheritance until they
aro 2S years of age. Tho will
establishing a trust fund.
Jeanne Is 15 years of age and
George is 12.
MARION. Ohio. Nov. 2S.
Joanne and George Neely De
Wolf, respectively 15 nnd 12
yours of age, grand children of
the late Mrs. Warren . Hard
ing, were left the bulk of her es
tate estimated to be In excess of
$500,000, under the terms of
her will, filed for probatu hore
They aro children of Mrs.
Harding's only sou, Marshall A.
De Wolfe, who died 13 years
iuio In Colorado and from whose
father Mrs. Harding obtained a
divorce In 1SS4 before marrying
the late president.
Tho estate after sperlal be
quests totalling $56,U0O have
been taken is to be placed In
trust for the children until they
uro 28 years of age; until that
time, under the will they will
draw Interest from the property.
Harry J. Merchant, Marion bank
er was named 'trustee.
The children mother has re
married since the d',"ih of their
father. Her name is Mrs. Roscoe
D. Mezijer, and she lives here
Wo end to
ii wests a;-
V1' v D ' '.l
. . fcfc
Made in
the Northwest
with the two children and her
husband. I'nder the will Mrs.
Mezger is given $2,000.
Marlon friends and retainers
of the Harding regimo in the
White House were substantially
remembered. Mrs. Malcolm Jen
nings, of Columbus. . a great
friend of Mrs. Harding, was giv
en $5,000; Dr. Carl W. Sawyer,
at whose sanitarium Mij. -Hard-. ,
ing died was left $,0. Sten-
ogruphers at the Whlto House
while the Hardings were there.
Mrs. Harding's secretary and
others were given bequests of.
from $500 to $2,000.
Mrs. Harding's will was I'niwn
up on October 14, 1S24. In it
she elects to accept the appraise
ment of her hiisbnni'.s es'iUo,
which was tentatively olaced at
$.00,nno. No final apprulse
meiu has been mnde pubi'c of
Men. Women and Children Treated
MY non-surgical, soothing treatment
for Pile and other Rental and Co
lon disorder Is uiven persons from two
j to over eighty years of age, thu proving
! the mildness of my methods.
I My success In treating thousnnds of men,
I women and children enables me to con
Ifidentlv GUARANTEE to cure tny
! case ot Pile or refund the patient's fee.
My new Seattle offices are now prepared
to care tor patients ttom
Puget Sound and British
'Tiv fViliimhin nUfHrrt fcnrf
today fur r Ktli booklet.
Dr Deo Uuilhlnq Sol-"! Stvfrr Buililina
-...titi.. ii: ?4..'.'. .r
VV 1,
- ' ' - 1
Sirs. Harding's estate.
T 'f- (k A ...
- -y
1 success
ot Xh9 revival xvtuua