ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1924. SEVEN JUST THE THINtwu JUS ONLY K.50 t OTIS Jkklj ovst throat m hot flannel APORUB ton Jan Uitd Ymarh Ii'' IS FAKK L.a J Wir. .) ' Nov. TllO mvsteriniif inii. fcto has baffled cf- i, I. r name is !0 M 10 percent hys It to I)r. C'iarence Ibyiatrist of the Beautify! fltt, China Cup. k Sink Case or ikti home at tonvenient. See t yC. OREGON Time I your winter cleaned and Let our auto fcctthem. V" them look ro CiL nt r, il!Hdwe.Co'. I I oi-; R way .hene 277 W ill Call S"'" '. on, J and Alt r Electric Toaster N Handiest little contri ?d.'f cvpr used. r v' vancc 1 one for your wife. j dutifully and reverses the slice C ,itv for touching it. Manes you, r'T; d it is always hot and cr.sp. Idu wai r ..a. i been rchill Hardware Co. The Winchester Store. idio! Radio! BOYS! the Crosiey No. 51 2 tube Radio for only $20.35. Lie? S tube sot for 533. Loud speakers only $10. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER ,TTS MUSIC STORE ROSEBURG, ORE. ELIABLE TAILOR J. H. BERNIER Upitalrt Next Umpqua Hotel Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations Make Your Clothes in Roseburg ! NOTICE OF ANNUAL ELEC I TION . v tne annual election tor an officers of tho DoukIus county chapter of the Ameri- can Red Cross will be held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms on Wednesday evening, Nov. 26 at 7 p. m. If you are interested In this work come to this meeting and help determine the fu- ttire activities of the chapter In this count v. BY THE PRESIDENT. Northwestern University medi cal school. Twice Dr. Neyman has made attempts to solve the question of her identity and each time she sit mid to pass readily under the spell and answer questions none of which developed any clues. WALL PAPER ON SALE Come and see it and get prices. Beautiful designs. Save 2o to 5(1 cts. nu dollar and be in style. At Fisher's Wall Paper Store. Brave the Wind and Storm in fte best wet weather togs ever invented ff:(? r'(?"a tprkri R CO. &)-..,, TUBBY v. m f OH, BOY YOO SHOULD SEEfj Aa THE -MIKEV AN DRESSlW ArJ MASfHED POTAIOEi AM' CBAM PERRY SMjtE. AW PUKXK.IM PIE I KAD I I 1.1 I 1 I IT. U V 1 mux 2? HOIJIILH Al.lXtWKM I'SB 1'HOKAXE TALK (AnocUted 1'rw Loued Win?.) LONDON. Nov. 26. HrltUh military law recognltcs the fact that soldiers are liable to out bursts of profanity, and when a private of the royal dragoons was charred at an Aldei-shot court-martiul recently with utilug insuhordinate language toward a sergeant, he was acquitted upou I the. grounds that the expressions he used "were common bar room language." The Uritish manual of military law. cited by the do- i- fense in the case, aays: "A soldkT uses violent lan guage, which Is a mere outburst of momentary irritation or ex treme, without at all intending to be Insubordinate. Allowance must be made for coarse expres sions which a man of inferior ed- ' liftnltnn u!11 Mca aa mac otiiIa. ' lives." NOTICE TO EAGLES A Thanksgiving turkey dinner will be served to all Eagles and their families, Wednesday evening, Nov. 26th u 8 p. in. Maccabce Hull. B. F. GOODMAN, Sec. .NO TIKKKV FOrt 1.0KH AND LKOI'OLD (AtMtwintril 1'ri'M l-fiijed Wire.) CHICAGO, Nov. 26. There will be no Thunksglvlng turkey for Nathan Leopold, Jr., and Richard Loeb, serving life terms for the murder of Robert Franks. Instead the menu will consist of roast pork, potatoes, tomatoes, mince pie, toffee and a cigar. Hut prison routine will be bro ken for the day. No work will be done, and in the afternoon a vaudeville program will be giv en. o If It's a saw, axe or wedge, try Lowell's. orK.v IjO.xu hkiimjk (Associated Prew Lrofeil Wire.) PEEKILLS. N. Y., Nov. 26. The new Hear Mountalu bridge across the Hudson -iver. the longest suspended structure in the world, will be opened to traffic tomorrow. Its length is 2,257 feet and it is the only ve hicular bridge across the Hudson below Albany. Built by private capital, It will be a toll bridge. WHAT COULD BE NICER Than have your furniture bright ened up with Sapolin stains and enamels. Save 25 . per cent on thein at Fisher's Paint Store, 403 West Cass St. AlTFIt -I'llK'AtiO GI XMKX ( AwiM'iutt'ii 1'reM Lrksc-J V, irt.) CHICAGO, Nov. 26. Raid ing forces combining resources of the states attorney, sheriff and police department have, be gun what officials plan to be the most concentrated drive against criminals. Chicago has ever known. Squads last nipht and-early to day visited all sections of the city and its suburbs, closing sus pected places and arresting care takers. Owners of some resorts, the raidt rs reported, had already locked their doors and deserted tho premises. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELEC TION NOTICE State of Oregon, , County of Douglas. School District No. 4, ss. NOTICE is hereby given that at the School District Bond Election hereby called to be held at the directors' room in the high school building in the city of Roseburg In and for said school district No. 4 of Douglas county, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of De cember, 1924, between the hours of two o'clock p. m. and seven o'clock p. m. there will be submitted to the legal voters thereof the ques tion of contracting a bonded in debtedness in the sum of $165, 000.00 fbr the purpose of erecting and furnishing a school building in and for said district and pur chasing a site therefor. The vote to be by ballot upon which shall be Ihe words "Bonds Yes" and "Bonds No," and the voters shall place a cross (X) between the word "Bonds" and the word "Ygl," or between the word "Bonds" and the word "No" which Indicates his choice. The polls for the reception ol the ballots cast for or against tho contraction of said indebtedness will, on said day and date, and at the place aforesaid, be opened nt the hour of two o'clock p. m. and remain open until the hour of aeven o'clouk p. m. of the samel day, when the same shall be closed. ' I ' By order of the District School I Board of School District No. 4 of Douglas County. Oregon, made, : this lath day of November, 1!I24. II. W. TAYLOR, Chalynan, District School Board. Attest: V T Mirelll. District Clerk. GoSH I tfE Too! COULDAJT GE.E. I HAD VrOEEK TN0 HELPlNS OF EyER nHIN BUT VMM AT f 0eM tSklM Safe and Proven Remedy for Colds, Grip and Influenza. The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Look for this Signature .OI,F MOKE POPl I.AK Awwlutitl Vwm Li-ufetk Wire. ) CHICAGO, Nov. 26 Coif has outstripped curative waters, scenery, bathing and fishing as the winning attraction of water ing places, according to the re sults of a study made public to day by Al Esplnosa, profession al golfer. Esplnosa said that while the old enticements to health resorts were still Btrolig with a certain number of persons, the great growth of tho last few years was due largely to the building of goir links at various Florida winter resorts, gulf coast cities and California's scenic spots. . As a proof of his observations, Esplnosa cited the fact that to day, Orlanda, IMorida, enter tains more northerners since the opening of its golf links than the largest old Hme winter re sorts of the south lured with a combination of sea fishing, salt wati;r bathing and winter sun shine. Walter Hagen is building two golf links in Florida and the en tire state is pjanting fairways, building greens and digging bunkers to accomodate the ever Increasing demand from north ern golfers. Old time California winter: re sorts are building larger hostel eries in a vain effort to take care of the influx of those who have been attracted by the golf links, built at first with tiie sole Idea of trying to please the mo dest number of visitors who had shown a surfeit of bathing aud a bored expression when viewing the scenery for the 'steenth time. GIVE YOUR FAMILY A Christmas present of a beauti fully decorated home. Most beau tiful designs and work guaran teed to please. Fisher's Wall Ta per Store. 403 West Cass St. 1N.II Ui;l) 1SY 1IOMU , (AnAociatrd Ph-hs l.enwil Wire.) CHICAGO, Nov. 2(i. William Altier was hurled several feet Into tho air. his clothing was torn to shreds nnd ho was prob ably fatally injured today when a bomb exploded near his home as he was passing on I1I3 way to work. 0 Subscribe for magazines at Fic tion Library. BAXDIT IS KILLED (Ai-aociateil PrcM l-earn-.! V ) PALO ALTO. Cal., Nov. 2fi An unidentified man. believed to be one of two suspected safe; crackers, who disarpied Police-i man L. S. Lawrence here last j night and engaged in a pisiol i fight with Policeman Delbert i Gorman, was found shot to death on a Palo Alto strtet today. I The policemen who were walk-1 ing a beat together, surprised the two supposed cracksmen as (hey were acting in a suspicious man- ( ner in front of a downtown store. Tho men disarmed Lawrence, . Salem, Orcg. "ihru heavy lit t but Gurman opened fire. The.itiB I developed a severe case of men returned the fire, one of the feminine weakness. I suffered with bullets wounding Gorman in the backaches and bearing pains. I ieg got so weak- I could not do any The dead man was found ' work, I would get very severe dizzy about four blocks from the sc. tm 6Pcll,,1 "l0 iast excitement I of tho shooting. There was a .would faint dead away. I was so bullet wound In his chest yind nitro-glycerine his pockets., and dynamite 111 CALL FOR SCHOOL WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that nil school warrants of School Distriel No. 4 of Douglas county, Oregon, numbered No. 3M5 to No. .1157 and up to and Including No. 7475 en dorsed Not. Paid For Want of Funds, on the 2lith day of May, 1024, are this day called for pig ment and all Interest thereon will cease from the date of fhis n ii: e Dsted this, the 25th day of N - ( veinber, 1924. j 1 V. J. Mlf'El.I.I. C!"rk District N .. Just Boy. ATE SO MUCH ECvT AX3THEC FO 12 A WHOLE - V ATE SO Mew CAIOT EN.EW THIWK -I GOTTA 60 TO "THtT tTORE FOR MOM rii," i i DOMT RtKitr-'iBER. I VJAi TO 6E.T TA, A'M I I I Ir. w on the Box. 30c 1 II) IlAItYl.OX PALACE I (AMHtate.l lri. U-iaed Wirr. ) CHU'ACO, Nov. 26. Tho ruins of what is believed to have been the first palace of tho Kirn-'s of ltuliylon has be( n un carilii'd by the Field museuin Oxford expedition excavating the ruins of Kish, according to word received here by I). C. Dn vit, director of the museum. The palace is probably the oldest architectural structure ev er found in the near east, ac cording to Professor S. Lung don. Assyriologist, head of the expwfition. It is built of the earliest type of brick known and is in a remarkalilo state of pres ervation. o riSINCK IX tOl'KXKY (Airinleil Press l.tiined Wire.) LONDON". Nov. 2fi. The Prince of Wales is among the 55 entrants for the amateur squash rackets championship which be gins in London in xt Monday, ac cording to the Daily Express. This is the first time the prince has entered the tournament, al though he has been a player for some years. IN BANKRUPTCY In the Distiict Court of Ihe I'nited Slates for the District of Ore gon. In the matter of (Jeorge A C.oswlck, Bankrupt. To the creditors of George W Goswlck. of Roseburg, In the county of Douglas, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt : Notice is hereby given lhat on the l!lth day of November, 1924. the said Geo. W. Goswick was duly ndjudicuUd ban'Kiupr; and that the first meeling of his creditors will bo. held at Ihe office of the undersigned referee In Roseburg, Oregon, on the 8th titty of Decent ber, 1!I24, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, at which time the said cred itors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. C. L. HAMILTON. Referee In Bankruptcy. Hated November 25. 1H24. Eat Hazeiwood nt Wlmherly's. Mrs. Elizabeth Zander. Reap the Reward ' of Perfect Health nervous 1 conici not sianu any noise, could not sleep, and hail very little ; appetite. 1 went down in weight from 118 pounds to 'Hi. I was a physical wreck- when I began tak ing Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion Lut thru t!ic persistent tw: of this wondenii! woman's medicine I 'was completely relieved of my ail ment anil restored to perfect health. I pained in we:j.;lit aiel never fi It tetter than a'ti r t..kii:t! (he 'Favorite. Prescription." Mrs. I'Jiabeth Zan der, 1J7U Norway St. , Your health ia your most import ant asset. So why net write Dr. Pierce, President "Invalids' Hotel Btnfalo, X. Y ., and nccive con- Ifidcntia! tin dical advice free, or send ' 10c for 'rial pkg. t ddvts. vjEu.GEEwa! WHAT i THE LiE CF GCIM IF VcU r,ojT i.mi.i un.r TO iiUV J : - 1 r.t " i- if ' P- H J 1 -. FREE I'ntil With FREE December 1st only. each JC.00 order or over A large SxlO hoto In folder. Don't delay sit now and avoid the rush. CLARK'S STUDIO CASS ST, Roseburg Nut 1 Dank IMdg. wmun or aal or nvrrin..iu tin. her. ut-ntTRi lnrt orruv. vsh - invmn. 1. t' Oct. 17, 1M4. NciUv (f hrhy gtven (hat aubjiH't conditions and limitation of ti:e "t of June. i. ly ct siat ?1 , fetiruary 16, (40 mm.. 11, si. Mint itt'partnwntal r?Kiilitlon of April U. is;), Crt I.. l, a;i, th tlmtier on the following lantU will h told ln?e. IS. 1:'4. at it) o'cio-k a m. at puMlc auction at tin I'nlted Ptatea InncI ot'lee at It.n. bni. e"r-Kon. to the Mfrhent bltl.ier at not las than the appraised vuhie as shown Ity tills notitc, sale to t'o snhleot to the approval of Ihe S.c. retary of the Interior. The pim-ha. I price, with an additional anm of one-nun or z per cent, tnerc-or, .. In commissions allowed, must be iti-poitet at time of sule., moiw-v . he returned if sale la not approved, otherwise patent wl'i Issue for the tinilier wliirh must tie removed within ten yenrs. Itids will he re ceived from citixets of the I'nlted Stales, assoeiatlona of such citizens and corporations orKnnkxed under the laws of the ttlnted States, or any late. Territory or IMstrirt thereof only, t'pon application of n qualified purchaser, the timber on any lcKal silhdlvislon wilt be of fered separately tiefora helntr in cluded in any offer of a larKVr unit. T. 20 8 H 4 W Sec. 21. NKU M:'i red fir 40(1 M, N SK!4 red fir S.'.O M cedar 50 M. SHU NR1, red fir 4011 M. SWii N10'4 red fir 600 M NK", NW4 red fir 12H0 M. NWe,' NV4 red fir 6S0 M, SK"4 NV rid fir 1 moo -M. SWNW4 red fir lono M. NV'4 SU14 red fir 6011 M, sr'i SH'i red fir J75 M. cedar 50 M, SWii HK'i red fir 40 M, NKH SB'1, roa tir 7:,o m. NW swv red fir I ton rti:e; swvj red fir SSO M. SVCi sVU red fir il'00 V Sec. 27. NKVi KH red fir 4.-.0 M. NWI4 NWli red fir 700 M. SK'i KW V, red fir 500 M, SW14 NWt4 re,l fir 600 M. NE14 SC?i rod fir 3io M. NW4 M-:i4 red fir 400 M. Incense cedar 76 M. NB'4 SWV, red fir di'O M, SWl SVm red fir 750 M. Sen. 2'.l, SK'4 NKU red Iir 1000 M. cedar 76 M, XWi, NK'4 red fir l:lno M. cedir 4r M, SWU NE4 red fir l:T.O M.. SKi, KK red fir 1035 Xf, cedar 15 M. SK NWi4 red llr S60 M, cedar 15 M.. N'WVi NV4 red fir 510 M. fiW'i, NW"4 red fir 8S6 M, cedar 60 M. SK(4 NW( rea fir 776 M, cedar 10 M. white fir 20 M, SK'i SV e; red fir 660 M, cedar 10 M, NW'i, Wi red fir 5Do M, cedar 45 M, white fir 30 M. Sivi; Slf, red fir 4H0 M. white fir 3ft M, KIOIJ f 4 red fir 345 M, cedar 111 M, NK'. PK'i red fir 930 M. NW14 SE4 r.d fir 916 M. SW"4 SKU rod fir 830 M, cedar 20 M. SK'4 SK(4 red fir 1290 M, cedar 30 M, white fir 10 M ; Sec. St. lot 2. red fir COO M : Sec. 33. NK'4 NKV',. red fir 6S0 M, NW'i NKi; r.d fir 750 M. white fir 40 M. SC'i NK'4 red fir S60 M, SWV4 NK'4 red fir 800 M. NW'i NWV4 red fir 3i0 M. SW'4 NWV4 red fir 4i0 M. SK'4 SKV, red fir 7S0 M, SV'4 SW'4 red fir 500 M. T. 21 S. R. 4 W., See. 3. Frl. NK'4 NK14 red fir SnO M. l'rl. NV'4 NKI4 rel fir 650 M, HK'4 NK'4 red fir 600 Jt, SW'i NIO'4 red fir 700 M. Frt. NK", NW'i red fir U'on M. l'rl. NV'4 NV", red fir 1400 M, tK'4 NW'4 red fir 7o0 M, SW'4 NW'4 r.d fir 1100 M. NKV4 HW'4 red fir 6110 M, NW'4 KWS4 red fir 830 M. Sec. 5, Krl. NK'4 NK'4 red fir 356 M. wlilte fir 10 M. l'rl. NW'4 NKV4 red fir 1025 M, cedar 2o M, wlitte fir 15 M, cedar poleH ton; SWV4 NKV4 red fix 7 ml Id. tiedar 80 M, white fir 10 M. H ': ' 4 NK14 red fir 560 M. cedar 15 t, white fir :it M, Frl. N10'4 NW14 red fir llss M co dor 6 M, white fir 6 ,M. l'rl. NW'i NW'4 red fir ItiO M. cedar 29 M white fir 10 M. SW'4 Nv red fir fir iniio M, cedar 20 M. white fir Id' M. NKV4 SW'4 red flr.6:'o M, c-dur 80 M, white fir 10 M, NWV4 SV'4 red fir 410 M. cedar 5 M. white fir 75 M. Kvi '4 SVV'4 red fir 4S5 ,M, cc. dar 10 M. SK'4 SW'J red fir 3.15 M. cedar 20 M. NK',SK'4 reil fir 7 75 M. cedar 25 M. white fir 50 .M. NW'i SKV, red fir 1 1 no M, cedar ::5 M. white fir 6 11, SU'14 SK'i led fir 8n5 M, white fir 23 M, SK'i SKL, red fir 440 M. cedar 65 M. white fir 10 M; none of the tllllhir on these sections nt he sold for less lhau $1.60 per M. for the red fir and ce dar, fi'i cents per 51 for the while llr and Incense redar and 6'ii ceots each for the cedar poles. '1. 28 S.. r 10 W., Sec. 35, NKV, SK'4. fir 1 Ml M. white cedar 250 M, SK'4 SK'i fir 120 M. wblto cedar 450 M, NW4 SW'4 fir 45') M, while cedar 100 M, S i, SW, fir 500 M; none of the llniher on this section to he sold for less than $1.50 per it for the fir and $7 t"T M fur the white ceitar. T. 37 S., It. 8 W.. ec. 7, SK SWi, pine ::in M. fir 10 M, SW'4 SKI,, tune 3'in M. tir 60 M, Sec. 47. NKU NWii pine 170 M. fir ll'i M; -NW', NW'4. tiinn 85 M. fir 3.'0 M; BKV, NW'4 pine 360 M. SIVH NWS pine Co M, fir HO M. NK'4 SW'4 pine !l" M. fir 75 M, NW'4 SW'4, plno 400 M : none of the tlinher on these sections to lie sold for less than $:l per M for the pine and $1 per ,M for the fir. T. 15 S., It. 6 '.. Sec. 6. NK", SK'i, fir 1115 M, cedar 75 XI, NW'i SK',4 fir lli'lo M, SK'4 HI:1, fir 8110 M, cedar 20 M. SW'4 SK'i fir lH'O M. cedar 60 M ; none oT the tiiilher on this section to he sold for than $1.75 per M for the fir nnd $1 per M for the cedar. T. -'1 S., II. 4 W. Sc. 23, SW'4 NK'4 red fir 8. Hi M. NK'4 NW'. red fir 7.'i'l M. white fir 2r, M. NWi, ,NV", red lui lie.'i M, while fir .".ii M. SK' NW', 1 red fir I M. SWV, NW', ml fir, 8. .0 M. while fir 25 M. iviliir 10 M. NK', SIH, red fir lino M. Willie fir! 4 M. NW'i sll'ii led fir 1)10 M. while fir 40 M. Iii'en,... r.ilar 10 M, S 1 : ' , SW, red fir I 2 In .M. while fir hi M. , e,i..r :.'i -M. sv. 'i swti red f i r 7" M while f:r loo M, ichir 00 M. NWi, SI'.', re.l fir II. Ml M, white tir I'.n 20 M. SW, eHH e, fir .""i XI, white tir 1,0 It. " M. none of the tin, her on Hils sec-l tioti to to- so',1 for less 1)1,111 $1 75 per M f,.r trie red fir $1 50 per M Tor! Ihe cedar and 5o icnts per M for the while fir and lniense cedar.1 i;,,i. It. WUkhain. u'linu cotiiiiiia-' n:(?,L I'LL THINK CF IT fif TrtE TlrF Wt feET 00V 0 THE.K.E. 1 AIojT r''JE IF IT - , ' r I h V.V Classified Section ALL NEW A0 ON BACK PAGI I FOR SALE :l FOR RENT - ' 1 . ..... ! - " 1 Koauburic CycUry, 22$ N. Main. ; ,Vni vM v U " -..,..1" ,.,.,i-l ClMi rango in first class 1'hone 33 R. conditiou. lll'LI, VVVA lor sale. J. P. Wil liams on Pacific Highway at Dillard. FOK SALK Jt rsi y ca7 ) i s Was fresh Sept. 2 ral. W. If. Camp, 1276 Prospect. FOIl SALK Fit split stove and block wood, rrotnpt delivery. Phone 1S1-Y. O. J. Hand. . . linos. . FOR SALE 2nd hand pianos. (130, (145, 15u, (275; orguus. $20. IJ5. Otts Music Store FOK SALK Stove wood aud block wood, also good baled hay. I'hone 14F14, lloyer Bros. I'OU SALE Remington portable typewriter, almest new, $15. t. K. Gross, 23tt North Jackson St. FOR SALE Two Oakland auto mobiles, one touring, oue en closed, cheap. See them at Whartnn Bros. FOK SALIC Shepherd collio pups. Front good stock. 1J mos. old. $7.50 each. Mrs. J. S. Frey, Rose burg, Star Kt. FOK SALE Best grade Frnii quotte English walnuts, also home grown honey. Phono Bu- senbark Bros. 6F32. R. A. Bu- senbark. FOR SALE New Oregon anil Gold Dollar Strawberry plants. These are Inspected plants, and good ones. 1). C. McGhehcy, Phone 1 SFia. I FOK SALE Acre land, 5-room house, garago, barn, poultry j House, null irovs, j nnio inini cily limits, good road $300 cash hal. $20 month without interest. Full price $11150. Owner, 228 N. Main. WANTED TO KENT Two or threo room unfurnfihed apart ment. Phone 452. WANTED To rent Store-space by January first. Apply to I'arks Schneider. Koseburg, Ore. WANTED Uousewoik of any kind of work. Will also do work at home. Mrs. W. J. Ivuns. 1002 Prospect St. WANTEI:Touy7b.i"y or black, mare, 1100 to 1200 lbs. Blocky built. Job Heldenroich, Kose burg. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER wants part time work. Your bookkeei- ing can be handled fit a nominal cost to yourself. Address E. X., J care News-Review. i HE WANTS TO SELI As he Is leaving town. 5-room bouse. Lot Mxlllll feet, .lust outside city limits. Price $13i'ii.0o. Small pay ment down and balance like rent. See this today. !. W. Young ft Son. Phono 417. Till-' use of a motor cat is a pleasure and n convenience si long as the tires stand up. We handle lin-s that we know will give superior service. The Selherllng All Tread 'Wear Like Iron.' We give valuable cards to our cmdoiners with every Hoc cash pur I'hiise. ASK FOU THEM. Highway Service Co. SI Inc. Jackcon & Dourjlas Sts. Phone 333 "V-T',"? V- : 1", Jfi ,11 '- By WINNER f I Alk T WHAT l 'U'i r TO iET V' lUtuMi'RoMC AW' TVvO CH0CLF.T U't C:iAM CODAS ... ,,Mc & ii",7 rw tJ IIHLI e, wta--, ICl.l.V frOPS -I1 : ----n - , s , , I..' r." j WANTED j I y) f f f""eburfl' 0ra'"' I,, VA I I IV -t Li n 1 1 1 T I'hone 31F5. . .i10 .,.. i4' Brand. IXjlt KENT A new modern house v ith furnace. I'hone 420-R. j FOK KENT Housekeeping rooms, I downstairs, bath, garage. 821 W. ! ljine. ' FOK KENT 5-room and one 4 ' room furnished house. Both mod ern. No small children. Phone 170-J or crII 547 So. Stephens. FOK KENT Six room house, I bath, and large closets, large 1 yard, garage. Available Decem- ber 1st. Winter wood all JO.- M. t, s. jiauim. 1 I LOST AND FOUND H h LOST Wahl fountain pen with out cap. Finder please return to News-Review office. LOST-Wednesduy, gold breast pin with small cameo. Finder please return to (his office. Reward. LOST Fox u-irier; white with two black spots on back, black ears. Please notify Koseburg Hotel. FOUND SinaT loose leaf note book. Owner call at 646 Com. Describe property and pay lor adv. LOST Suitcase, Monday, Nov. 24, between Roseburg and Eugene. Finder bring to News-Review or notify C. J. Swift, Roseburg, Kt, 1. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS HOME LAUNDRY Phone B37. PHONOCRAPH RECORDS ex changed free. 927 Winchester. WILL wash windows, wax floors and housecleanlng. Phone 385-L. YO ifc ANS A V E2 5 cents on the dollar on your floor stains and enamels at Fisher's Paint Store. CAR OWNER Don't forget U call 653 when In need of anM parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecklnf House. ATTENTION LADIES The fa ninus Style Arch Shoes for la dles just arrived. For appoint ment R. P. Pence, Box 1213, Citv. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS DR. M. H. PLYLER ChirapractH rbystuian. 114 W. Lane SL POWELL'S FURNITURE STORE If It's cheap, we have it. If It's quality, try us. 230 N. JACKSON ST, Insure in Your Home Company PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Portland, Oregon G.W. YOUNG & SON INSURANCE 116 Cats St. Phone 417 WHEN IN ROSEBURG STOP AT j Hotel Umpqua POWELL'S 2ND HAND STORE TRY US Our Prices Are Always Right. Our Service the llcst. Conveniently Located at 238 N. JACKSON ST. Terminal Ceauly Shoppc at Terminal Hotel Mam .IIIiik, hair cutting sham-l.- iiini:. all kinds of hi autT w,,ik txiioitly tlone. Phone rJ'i. Mrs. 11 ii lut Ogilen, Prop. Turkeys Wi iln nut sell turkeys, hut wo l;;io all nf the trimmings fur r imr Tliank-ii-'ivmi; dinner. .Min: meat, r:u.-ins. curranti., null, iiile-, celery, lettuce ami all kinds of canned ( ult i ami vegetables. Economy Grocery Whcr You Aro Served ths Dest. Phone 63 r A.M S Milt K We Save You Money! I lH tnd give you qnr.lity when a von hnv from nu Inlnrlni. !rinhh and a full lino of I ti.guldings. D Roseburg Lumber & I nt hf I ini'rl rnlur 5vi