ROSEBURG NF.WS-REVIEW WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26. 1924. THREE .jvntti to pay some taxes, if v fnTvcu realize that every time you , Inr ar on an unpaved highway 'four cents a mile? . I This is the cost of increased repair, Wandgasolinebills. Highway research has definitely . 'established these facts. I Each year you tax yourself in this way good many dollars. Instead of spending this money for 'increased transportation costs, why not Vest it in Concrete Highways and vourself some dividends. i Concrete Roads and Streets pay for 'themselves in the saving they effect on 'the cost of motoring. Their maintenance cost is so low that this saving alone returns good dividends on the investment, year after year. I You are imposing an unnecessary tax onyourself from which you get no return, by failing to work for more Concreta Highways. Not in a long time have general con ditions been so favorable for carrying on "men public works as permanent high-' way building. Your highway authorities are ready to carry on their 6hare of this great public work. But they must have your .. tupporc I Tell them you are ready to invest -in Bore Concrete Highways, now. s HAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Gasco Building PORTLAND, OREG. I A National Organization to Improve and Lama tnt vjitt oj concrete OFFICES IN 39 CITIES in was in from Oak- rir ami Mr l. I niiiunT u I' spent the day Is-; spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and iims anu shopping. : Mrs. W. L. Cobb and family. ho spent yesterday ' L. M. Combs, who has been Fiins after business spending the past few days in this "mi louay to Lu- city on business left this morning I for Kuirene. - - 1 iner llB SAVE WORK AND WORRY DINE HERE TOMORROW F Grand Grill t LOCAL NEWS J Mrs. W. G. Garner arrived in this city last night from The Dalles to spend the hulidms with Mr. and Mis. R. T. lilakley. Wm. L. Farland. who has been serving on the Jury at court for the past week, left Tuesday for his Hume la Ulcndale. Jerry E. bronaugh, well known attorney of Portland, .who has his oflices in the Gasco building there. Is in this city attending court. ! Mr?. Krank Vorn. cf Fond lu I Ijis. Wisconsin, is spending the Thanksgiving season visiting at e home of her father. U. K. Conk. Forlnfants, Invalids. The Aged V. R. Tate arrived In this ilty ; this nuniing fr.mi Portland. Mr. i T.ite in vi!:h the Southern 1'aiific company and ts here on business I for a few days. Mrs. E. Fisher and E. Mcliroom. who have been spending the past few days in Eugene on business, re turned to this city last night. L. R. Chambers, of the High way Service Garage, spent Mon day in Myrtle Point on business. Mr. Chambers returned here yes- teruay morning. Mrs. H. C. Waddell, who has been spending the past few days visiting in northern points of Ore gon returned to this city lust evening. Mr. Harkell and wife, who have been living In Portland, spent Mon day In this city. They are touring southern Oregon to find a business location. They left Tuesday morn ing by motor for points south. Dr. C. II. Bailey, a resident of South Deer Creek, was among the visitors In this city Tuesday. Dr. Bailey spent the day looking after business matters. Claud and Harry Crocker return ed to this city last night from Port land where they have been spend ing the past few days visiting with frienus and attending to business affairs. P. Frolik, of Colfax, North Da kota, spent a few hours here Tues day. Mr. Krolik is taking a carload of potatoes by freight to Colma, California. He will return to his J uome next veeeK. at Qn Dime For nil members of the family.ehildren or adults, ailing or well. Serve at meals, between meals, or upon retiring. A nour ishing, easily assimilated Food-Drink which, at any hour of the day or nieht, relieves faintness or hunger. Prepared a t home by stirring the pow der in hot or cold water. Ho cooking, j G. G. Matey, who was among the ; business visitors here yesterday, left for his home at Dole yesterday i afternoon. ' I Frank White, who had the mis fortune to Injure his with an axe. while cutting wood about two I '.vet ks ago, is now much better and ! is able to he about. Curtlss Miller is expectod in this ci:y toilny to visit at the home of J. S. Miller. Mr. Miller is from I'l'tllaml and will be here for the 'I Laiiksgiviug holidays. Bert Tomllns'on, who spent yes terday in this city on business re turned to Salem today. Maurice Newland Is expected In , this city tonight from Corvullls where he is attending school. He i will spend the Thanksgiving holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Newland. I V". M. Ftrchmeyer, of the fa i'!i'ic Telephone and Telegraph company, is In thin city for a few 'in s on business. He arrived here yesterday from the north . W. J. Sausen whD has been siHMiiIIng the past few days in this city on business will leave today for Corvallis. lie is a representa tive of the (Grandma Cookie com pany of that place. W. H. Cudney was among the business visiters from out of town who spent yesterday In this city. Mr. Cudney left this morning for his home la Wolf Creek. He has been disposing of his wood here. J. L. Staton. a representative of the Allen and Lewis company, Ku gene wholesale grocers, arrived hi re a few days ago to transact company business. He will leave for Eugene tonight. Henry Doht, the buyer for the firm of BIzzenger company of Port land, his been spending the past few days In Roseburg on business. Mr. Doht states that business Is good here. He left this morn ing for Grants Pass and Med ford. On his return he will prob ably make another stop here. Hen Rodilln, who has been work ing at the Mercy Hospital for the past year, left this morning for San Francisco. Mr. Roddin will spend the holidays in that place and may locate there in the future. E. A. Sheldon arrived In this city Tuesday from Chicago. He plans to visit here during the holi days. Mr. Sheldon Is looking for a good location for a farm tor poul try raising. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Wells and two sons of this city, will leave for Portland today, where they will spend the Thanksgiving holidays. They will return home about Sun day. They will make the - trip by auto. M. G. Klrkpatrlck, who was ar rested on a traffic violation charge I in the city court, and who gave cash bail In fhe sum of $5, failed) to make his appearance yesterday morning, and the bail was declared forfeited. ' 1 R. A. Baynard, who arrived here the first of the week from Port land, and spent a few davs here on business, left for Grants PnsR this morning. Mr. Baynard Is in the business of Mason Ehrman and company, of Eugene. He states that business is very good here and more so in the southern points of Oregon than up In Portland and Seattle. C. C. Frederick, who has been siiemling the past few days in this city on business, left this morning tor West Fork. Mr. Frederick came here from Portland and is with the Southern Pacific company. atioia. Constip teeecfe 40 fes rr REM! VIS CONSTIM'IOH ALLBRAN COOKErV-KRUHBLED BEADY TO What a wreck of the human body constipation can make. It floocta the system with dangerous poisons. It leads to serious diseases. Don't neglect itt Kellogg's ALL-BRAN, cooked and krumbledk if eaten regularly, is guaranteed to relieve perma nently the most chronic cases of constipation. If it fails, your grocer will return your money,' Kellogg's is ALL BRAN. Doctors recommend it. They know that only ALL BRAN can bring 100 per cent results. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN stimulates the intestine in nature's own wonderful way. It sweeps, cleans and purifiesl It makes the bowels function naturally and regularly. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN has a delicious, nut-lika flavor. Eat it with milk or cream or in the; recipes given on every package. Eat two table spoonfuls daily in chronic cases, with every meal. All grocers. 1H JW-.WirtdW the original W&AU ready to eat T Lilian..! r'l. -i... ' " ' ii . w 1 1 i.ui. in ictiirjini mill i and Col. Markussen arrived in this city yesterday and spent a few hours visiting with Captain and Mrs. Goode, of the Salvation Army. Col. Christopherson and Col Markussen are on their way from Portland to San Francisco, and are old 'friends of Captain ( Merrill Neer, Eugene man, spent yesterday in this city on business. He returned there today. Mh3 Minsell arrived In this city yesterday to visit and look after business. She left this morn ing for Coqullle. C. J. Stan, who was a business visitor In this city yesterday, re turned to Salem this morning. Mrs. Emma El wood anlved in thin city last evening to visit at the home of her brother, K. H. Grinsted in West Roseburg. Mrs. E. M. Mnvlty spent yesterday I Kiwood has been living in Long here on business. Mr. Mavitv si Beach, California, and will be here from Eugene and left for there "'''ring the holidays. She may do- this morning. I cide to locate here. Ralph P. Laird spent yesterday in this city on business. Mr. Laird is from Eugene and is tho supervisor of census. He left this morning' for points north by auto. They re side at Klumaih Fulls. J Lee Oleson, who Is returning! to his home in San Frane'sco for! the holidays, spent a fe hours in this city yesterday. He has been! in Coos Bay for the Langley- Micliael3 company, druggists. Mrs. Lena Slndt of Melrose, brought to The News-Review office this morning an exceptionally large egg, laid by one of her White Leg horn hens. Mrs. Sindt stated that such eggs were a frequent occur rence at her place. Mrs. H. P. Bush of Medford pas sed through here Monday and spent the night at the Douglas. She is traveling north and Is en deavoring to dispose of her hay at Medford. She motored to Eugene Tuesday morning. Z. N. Agee, the representative of the Zellerbach Paper company of Portland, was in this city Monday on business. Mr. Agee has charge of the sales out pf Eugene. He left for Medford by auto Tuesday morning. . . B. W. Bates and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dillard returned from Portland last evening after a few days spent at that city. Mrs. Bates, who has been at Portland for the past two months for the benefit of her health, accompanied the party home and will remain here until after the holidays. C ARR'S Christmas Store is Ready ! Toys and Practical Gift Goods of All Kinds Are Now on Display. Don't wait buy now. We offer the early buyer vast assortments of toy and gift goods moderate prices quick, courteous service tasty, orderly displays that make buying easy. A dozen gift shops under one roof. r.tvv pITH ELECTRIC washing Machine f quick! F. P. Baltimore and wife have returned to Roseburg to make ' their home. They- have recently been residlngat Marshfleld, where Mr. Baltimore has been employed on the motor run between Marsh- : field and Powers. The motor run has been taken off and Mr. Baltl- I more will take a run out of this jclty. , j Relnhart Langer, a transient, picked up some medicine, and a few loose articles whilp passing through the city of Canyonville 1 today, and proceeded on his way' north. However, he had covered only a few miles before the depu ty sheriff overtook him. and pro-1 vided him with company on Into Roseburg yhere Judee Jones as sessed a fine of I-j for petty larceny. OUR STORE POLICY Featuring quality goods, but always at popular prices, our store is the mecca for all of Douglas County at the Christmas scacon. Our syndicate buying power enables us to bffer not only a great variety of up-to-the-minute goods but to keep down the cost to our customers. Our stocks today would do credit to a store in any town many times the size of Roseburg. Remember we do not import goods merely for the Christmas season, but carry large stocks of toys and general gift goods the year around. Therefore you can find large assortments right up to and through Christmas. We want you to visit our store and see our lines. stfksttsiydkjJA BUY NOW AND BE SAFE While we buy our fall stocks with the idea of having enough to last through the season, of course certain lines are depleted early. Buying direct as we do, our opening prices are lower than they can be if we have to later fill in stocks from the local jobber. Therefore, the early buyer gains in price, in assortment, in service and in nervous wear and tear. Buy now and be safe. We will hold any items at our store until such time as you may want them. Also a small deposit will hold any item that may be paid at a later date. You will find nothing to lose a"nd everything to gain by shopping now. Start today! till liii sfifli m.MliiiHniHi1H ONLY FOUR WEEKS TO CHRISTMAS! Iv- AlUminurn amJ Copper mnn and TAKES HOLD AND HELPS Colds that "hang on" should be gotten rid of, for no one can stand the strain of racking cough, dis turbed sleep and Irritation of throat and lungs. Marie Helsler, Kree port, 111., writes: 'I had more or less of a cough for years, and I have taken quite a number of medi cines. None of them takes hold and helps like Foley's Honey and , Tar." This old. reliable cough sy rup promptly helps couphs, colds, croup rnd whooping cough. Con- many new improvement, gi I ec Hardware Co. f?e 25 i r",0TO''K,1'2-.Myu,h(,me. I if Christmas Boxes We have literally thousands of Christmas box' s. Also all the "fixing-" Tags, seals, paper, post cards and a beautiful line of booklets. Nothing better in town. GET BUSY WITH THAT SHOPPING TODAY The Place to do it is 9 Roseburg's Christmas Store "It's a joy to do your Christmas shopping at Cars. CA'RR V'V 800 jy Low Prices We do our buying thru Nearly a thousand stores banded together, buying millions of dollars worth of goods every year. W,., '"ur "ie. g; tains no opiates. Children like It. r,,Www W. F. CHAPMAN . WW. r -WW'S I" hit -I mi - mr--w