Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 11, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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aural t
L2 ,r,om By citj
fc 35 Sin. c. A.
r J was a guest in
ity "
. Hoag of Marshtleltl.
in KoscburK last night
V-S and a pari of today.
Satem Folks In Town-
Mr. ami Mis. J. M. Clifford, of
1 1
Salot. were vlshlne with friends
in this city yesterday ami loday.
Guctta in City
Mr. and Mis. C. R. P.owman. anil
t t
daughter. Alice, of Metlford. rcgist-i-ml
lit the I'mpqua last night, and
were iu town a part of today.
Direct Factory Dealers
Overland and. Willys-Knight
Motor Cars, Parts, Service
Th'y is an important addition to the automobile business in Doug-
iCcunly, and one which offers new possibilities in satisfaction to
Motor Car users.
Until their new Salesroom and Service Station, now under ccn
uction in North Jackson Street, is completed, Wells and Chase will
erate from their residences:
1RT WELLS, 410 East Lane F. W. CHASE, 628 South Stephens
Both members cf this new organization are men cf broad experi
ce in the automobile business.
A Rr-ntetivescf the Overland and Willys-Knight, they bring
Rcseburg and adjoining territory the assurance of careful and
Lieous attention to every requirement
Demonstrating models cf the Overland line are now available ror
jur inspection.
Toci In th Celebration "
Mrs. Heals anil family, of Klil
dli', word in the city today attend
UK the celebration m honor of
viitory in tin' world war.
Ud From Elkton
Kuth Sawyer, will known Klk
nm huly. was a visitor in lh" city
today and a guest at the C.raml
Down From Canyonville
Thii'sa llunschort, of Canyon'
vlllo, was In the city today enjoy
ing iho ajiow Biased by the fight
ers of the world war.
, . i
November 11th
ys-Overland Pacific Companj
' Down From Clendale
C. J. SetheKa. well known Clen
dale citizen, was a visitor in ltoso
burg today while the boys wore
, staging their celebrating
i Visiting Ro&eburg
! K. A. Movers, of Portland, an of
ficial of the S. P. Co.. was a guest i
at the rmppua last night ami ti-
day while lu re on cuiiipaii) uui
ness. Redecorating Interior
The rooms of Iho uranu nun'i
are undergoing a redecorating pro-.
cess at the hands of C. M. lloyd,
an experienced Interior decorator.
Enjoyed Day Here
Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Tisdnlo,
or Suthorlin, motored over in time I
for the parade this morning and,
enjoyed the day In Roseburg.
Celebrated Here !
Mr. nnd Mrs. K. L. Wright, of
Hood ltlver. reached town last
night and remained over to help
celebrate Armistice Day In Hose
burg. Took In Celebration
i James O. Cole, of Hoaglln, came
down last night and remained In
town over today to enjoy the
Armistice lay festivities staged
here by the Legion men.
Going Southward
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ross, of Se
ville, touring southward, were
.,ta m the nonirliis lust night.
mid today witnessed the Armistice:
Pay frolic In this city.
Visitor From the Orient
Mr. and Mrs. (1. Hayes," of
ohnm.h.'il. China, who are visiting
In Oregon, spent, last night in
I'll HIHW T"'! 'rm'm'JSTia'
Six years apo at Retlionclcs, France, an Armiaiice was signed by
all the belligerents in the Great War, thus halting the raginj. gigantic
battle and ending 52 months of unprecedented suffering.
That the thought should not perlr.h from our hearts, we bow
our heads in silent prayer and reverent devotion for those who gave
their nil in the cause of Liberty, Justice and Democracy.
As a fitting tribute to those v'.io fought and died in the World
, This Store Will Be" Closed Armistice Day
ed suicide, but the patient Is
rapldlv regaining strength and will
soon be able to be taken home.
Order your Christmas greeting'
cards at Hie -ews ueview ouiie,
pr'nlcd In neat designs.
ltosebuig at the I mpqua.
are tnrJtite to the south.
Alaskans In City
1). M. Uuckley. J. (ilassner and
Victor K. Anderson, of Nome.
Alaska, were guests at the Puuglas
holel last nlht and today. end
enjoyed the tun put on by the l.e
gijn boys today.
ur Protn Portland-
Mr. and Mis. J. O. tvrnn, cf
Portland, reached ltoseburg last
night and stopl'i! nt the Crand
hotel. They wi le here I his morn
ing to witness tho Armistice Pay
Eastern Oregoniana Here-
Mr. anil Mrs. A. Mulholland,
PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 11.
- . . Il.tntiiv nti unlviii r,V ttlft HintB
, pniiuineiit roupie or i.n i. ramie. . ,
1 eiiHtern Oregon, wen. guests at the (" commission has been raised
Termlmil holel last nklit. This from SJi) to 25 and on coucars
I iiioining iliev enjoMMl the sport' '"" ? t II2S. as a resu t of ac-
fu.iil.heil by the,n men and : ''"-'" ,hT oommlas.on at a
i ibe nubile schools I m-i tlng here. Kach boh cat skin
i ln" I"'"""- Binoms. Krfn. 1 Th.., hnnn.
I lies are In addition to existing
Mr. and Mrs. E. I.. Farnsworth.
of Sacramento, registered at the j
Douglas hotel last night, and were ,
in town this mnning to enjoy the,
parade. They have bom .
friends In Oregon f ir a few week".
Dinner Served
The ClenL-ary W. C. T. IT. serv
ed lunch today at the Presbyterian
church. 0-rl'.' I.Hliii'i.s were fed
and a comparatively ling" "'"
raised for the W. C. T. V. chl d-ren-s
home which will receive the
proceeds. .
Going to 3. F.
Mrs. N. C. I.onimel, Mrs. N. .
Lo'mniol ami Miss Sue King, of
Couer irAline. Idaho, wire guests
at the L'iii"iua Hotel last nltht.
The Indies aie traveling by motor,
and lifi during the forenoi.n for
San Francisco, where they will Iriends.
Wek-End at Eugene ;
! Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jenkins and ,
sou, Fred, or Looking (Hast, motor
ed to Kii'iene on Saturday and
i spent Sunday with friends in that
vicinity. Tin y n turned to Hose
1 burg yesterday evening. I
Lr'ving For Coos
Wavne E. Jones, local bond
salt siiuin, leaves tomorrow for
Coos and Curry county cities on a
perloiliial business trip to those
localities. Mrs. Jones will probably
accompany him.
Here From Lebanon-
Mr. anil Mrs. John ' 'MfWIntncK
of Lebanon, are vl.-itlng in Koso
burg Willi iilatlves. 'll'ey will n
lea.n In re f r several d.i; s.
Visiting Friends More
Ml. Naomi Scott of Portland.
arrived In lloseburg Sunday and Is
a guest at Hi.- II. I usey louiie of
Miss Helen Ctsey. She will spend
till! week here.
Mr. and Mrs. II. H:bMck, of
Port Angeles, Washington, were
r. nisiep il nt tin' Terminal hotel
tiilny. Til' V n nillilU'd to see the
siri it aiai!e and enjoy the t,ami:i
Christmas and New Year greet
Itig cards at the New s l!ev lew of
In From Glide
Km ma Snider, of (Hide, was
nt.n.nir ih out of lown people at
tending the Armistice pay netivl
lies ill lioselilinr toil IV.
stain aail cnunly provisions.
PORTLAND, Nov. 11. J. W.
Townsend, 60. owwr of a small
da ry near the county farm, w.u
killed today when struck by a
Prlilal Veil stage driven by Ouy
lliillldiiy. Jr.. about four miles
cast of P.irkrose. on the Colum
hi" ttiver highway.
Witnesses said that Townsend
became, confused nnd Jumped from
his own tmcL which was parked
nt thn Sid" of tho roadway, direct
ly Into tho path of the stage,
which had been swung Into the
ditch by llalllday to avoid strik
ing another machine approaching
from the west.
Rlir opening dunce nt Commun
ity Hall, Sutlierlln, Friday night.
Nov II. lioul music and a good
I Mine for evervone.
Dynamite Blows Away Last Barrier
of Great N. Y. 'iersJrdffKTwmd
-LEY . ! which will bring it UP to date. SUIT DISMISSto
SCHOOL NEWS! e,en Rarnes. a student from Jhe su o. , n. r,u.;
I '1'e.n vino. nHS I i t'll n . '"
1 an.: M:?s McCor-: . ,i.
,. ,. i ir llie ursi in
11.1 (111.- . n mrt ,u f,.t- . . .1
It r . , sorrv to nave ner iiiiM i"
r :rl'Uiy aderuooon. . on(i .,lla,,nt. besides
r ciii.un n had a very ,.., i,..i .ith the music.
"'I; ..!u.'!Bln f hi r. mntor and senior
r' h" bwn. y be awarded next February.
" . m,.ul4 was "i
"ie river overflowed! v
'" anil the road be-l y-ou"-u- . m,h
bo ilhe) anJ Ue! .The wport wr tne .. . ;.
".".' I vaier. i -
y Mi Ki
M. ui'HiJLS ' U Hill J. " ' 1 ' y-rv:" vya
Caring For Husband
Mrs. W. V. Stegen. wife of the
traveling sap small who attempted
suicide on the train Siturdav
night, arrived from Seattle yester
day evening and Is al the
of her husband. Despondency was
. :. .1... .... li'vin
eks. We are "-"' " , ,, ,'
,. he is 01 auiouioiMi.'. -
beiiie a yesterday aflemiwn. when the
g .plaintiff failed to prove the owti
.ruhin of the machine. The court
classes ,l',rm.,1 ,,tii Wednesday morn-
for the . . ,, ,ir ai tiutis
which will. . ,, n.
Eliza ;
Hlofhcr's Absence Causes
Trouble for Children
r it K for nuin
poultry diseases. Sold
y, Oregon,
n pa-..-riu
cf Mr
y was given i
Noveniln r 1.
and Mrs. Wil-i
'.'i e of the raini
i "f the high
ft 1". and alumni I
Alt' r an enjoyable'
'- in playing games, I
; r. rved and the
II? UI IllC'vo n'plnV 1
Pra-l vi:tt .1 the ,h,.l ,
,Tn gave a very I
' t.i the stti'lents. '
'"'t.i ,l.i!.. nd
1 the primary
,! Number of days taught during the
to, .. .... , ..,v,.. ,,f davs
montn. zu; i m.u mi" - -
attendance. 1053: total number of
lavs absence, 2S; number pu
pil's enrolled. 51; average at
tendance. 52: per cent of at
tendance 97 3: total n'"'.''";'
times tardy. 33: number o. pur Is
r.fither absent nor tardy, '
Its bv parents. 4- ,
The water supply of the ( arras
Valley school has been condemn
ed by the county unit. Al
.h. .ehool board hr.s not as
the school
TBI uuur- ",'""
looking forward to having
waier flu 'ij
Mrs. I ,, iirnwn. who Is
H"t Tuesday the
T,,l to punhnse a
'! em yclnpedia.
ing Throat
lit i -"u"?nce, worse
l ts yn st night.
Fa nt m it i..i.t
t t- i y who
fi ivtMEDY
I use, U . friend
eran of the Civil War.
CooMge at the election U- Tu. s
day. Mr. Urown cast h.s f. . -t o J
for Lincoln In li.nd "
at everv election since Tti.s is
reconl that few can equal.
Basketball practice h . - be.
stopped temporarily b-i au- of th
weather. We expect to V
fter the rain cases.
provided, of course.
" . , ' .: ..... ' ,
and other .V.; Vv- t-; I
by Wharton y f . f .1
1 i i a ,.ii i r:i' a: is- u .-, . . . ,
,: :!." in "".-"Hi' nt r .T ' j
... thenre staie.1 thut . ' c- ' . I
K i 11 lne. wi'l pre- : -. t' I
pi..;h. ue f'l'.r.l. i'- L
W- li. 'Vpia.. "'1 I ' s
'. rW , i
I- ' ' A- ' M
v.,j-:.- V'j
I glven as the cause of ,c am - - , fc , ' , V' VP 5. l
;IRS.BIJSH TELLS M if fj 1;:';
l other ; fimMmm
HowrainsinSidaanaurag- tr 3 JPrT ' , . fj:
i nr z. - r Mt- . jp t . .
were i. .. .. , l
tie or wedge, try
sin-1 l.i-i ni .:
of the Liber
Kasti rn I'r i'.
ft-rt i't '1' 1'
senvtf.nri'l r
.i-i -I r.-ni . r."
"The Matked Dari
good hailed as one of the and thrill ng
fir, s of the year. P
sdipiatl'.n of Iloiloll'''
i.. iiini- In e t'ory. " ill
Wuh the Ma.-k."
Hel.T.e hadwlik plavs the
rle of the "m? kel dancer" ami
t, shTi:-an appe-i.-s as the
ti'le.l East Indian U Austen
has the p-irt of 1 he husband. In
.,rt s a br l.iaiit crM of
prominent pl.-yrs. In.l.lin
ies.i.h King. Aith'ir HoiiMiisn.
, cr..'g. Via - Andr.... It-s-
, rl Bn-lami. L"n;hy Kmd n.
AU(e Milis and ll' l' - Ward. To
! stwi Thursday.
er" has b'-i n
most inter
motlon I'ir
i a f T' n
. Woman
ntrtrr 1 Inwtl rrrMllirfi
L?ol,oi.r.,l t-.v I vrlin t'.- t inK-".i " J - J
hum's Vegetable Compound
Maena.I.'ew York. "I had ter
rll.le i.airs in Isrtji my sides and a
r a g g " t.'ul""
fis'lim: that f-
fui tedrnesothllt 1 '
.;ould hardly walk, ,
and I g"t run- .
down Atrientwho
Vol taken I vdia
K. rir kl atn's Veg
etal le Compo'Jtiil ,
adviwd me to try ;
it and I have
taken it with the
tiest resiilta. I do
rtiv hour-w ork and
1 mnmn nntftoor work on Hie larm.
j IWrl.'iiiiliM
i mm
: . . . i. -.. ",.'-; :
. . ;.V.-Y-;',v '.;-.i-'..
. 1 he Vegetable Corr pout.d Ifiven
"i vj ' i rr.e bark toy health and I cann'.t
i"-iJl ' praiix. it enough. I sm rfert!y wnl-
!. . .l.-. 1 1,1 tnt'iiii facts if
Two years ago Mrs. Marie Jos
nlilns Newton Alnslle, former
of a New York City art &
placed her two children In a toar
Ins school and disappeared. A
wealthy woman Is willing to sdnpl
them If ths mother can be fouml to
give her consent. Otherwise, they
will hare to jo to Bute Ir.stil
infc. that yuu i-houlrt me tnese fads if
my lttrr 'll . ip o'her women who
still su!rer."-Mis. 1'KilitUT Ut;:-ll,
It. V. li. 1. Mi.tiscna.t.'.Y.
The sp'rit of helpfu'ness rh'iwn in
the letters we are ronstaiitly puMi:
inf- is worthy of m tn e.
The e worsen know by errerienrn
hat l.yiia I'. PmU'im s V-g' tal.le'Vjn'l will do. Your trotL!i.r. are
th" same as theirs.
If you have pniiK and 1 rtrareirg
duwn fwhre and sre n-rvous and ir
ritable. -roiH bv Mrs. liush'i et ri
ence and tfive the tomiwuna a trial.
IntTlor lew of New Yrrrl.-V.
T11K KTeaJ'it v. Iil ular liitoe i .
In tho world has )m' be- n l'i
"holed througti" iiioli r the :
waters of thn Hudson ltlver. Tie
remaining wall of earth Itctw.-n of
thn two bores of the nor'h tut"-,
ono approachllig from Ho N "
Jene y shorn and one from tin N" 1 a
vi. .11.. oiui Bhiitl' r d this -k en
by a dynamite blimt. It l "P" '
that nil the work will be roiilpl. I. .1
In l:1 and that th" lirst loolur
Tl.,l, le will roll un ltr the Hudson
I that time.
Tltls tunnel Is n rardt d ns one of
th" greatest nglin i ting ft M of ell;
time. It la .:r.i f" t loni?. "rh"
Hamburg vt hlfiilnr tunnel v:.l h
runs beneath the Lib" Is I 47! f'"'
In length. Th" I!lick.all tunnel
i n England ruua tor 1.221 fuvt of
,el " miller West Stnvt
In. '
I,.:. '
lot.' '
tn.. r
I 1
. r..
.. I"
1 1 . i. ' i
an I ' i "'
irl with
I. I r. ak-
;"rM "r. I i for
,..n b'H'.t r. i-imly In Hie vie
,.r v.. v V..rk The olio r .is
11 li t. tin n tiin-i-l. t.irmllig
of tho waur supply um
of N. v Yoik City, and the longest
in the wcrld This al-K. ae
leitt by ne ans of rnod.irn explos
ive In lart dynamltu hu now
,.en l.ieurlit to such a stage ot
. rf. enoo thin It Is b. in used In
,-r. utiy nu t' using oiiantlties for all
keels of .w.rk. Through n-k-,o
,,rs uro al.lti to con.iier ap
,, .oily any obst-icle In nature to
,h. roiiitnm of whl.h tlvnamttf la
..,.i. at. If. It hi' a'"" proved thn
1(t ug. tit In practltlil
lv . v. rv kln.l of construction worn
h re It has been US'
The e"'iitton of th-Tmk-Mew
.l.-rsey v. hi
j.rttle.'t. Which Will Cf
plt'tc.l n,00,0lo. I
of the ltrl.lg" III'1
, mUttious of the t a
irrent Mnw
, i . i r tuP.nel
te n oom
ie hamls
1.1 i'oui-
If It's a taw
, U1UI 1 w - -