I ROSERURG NEWS-REVIEW SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1924. THREE ! .rihvtions to this page, society, wuoiin s ihemum Show . . 11 fctice u-iy of 'a:i:r' a:::- 1' .11 at , ! sree: 0; be i a !,. i a in I" Mi K- .in. and Mrs. e r- ll by Mr ,.ss. M's. I!. Hegister, u--t.'v i. -on. ami -Mrs. lunch!, will receive1 L die I1"W and Mrs. i and Mi -. K. 1.. Whip- I bv a iiiinibe of oth- I' will serve fedding jy Monday t.T will reside. t !s Cather on iy Anniversary . tweatMh birthday annlver- i IM Barker. sun of Mr. H. tiry Iljrker of liiver- I, . occasion for a oath rd.iv evening of a iium fri 'mls. The young peo fc,. evening with infor fcp and amusements, ke. n was served at the t Vt the affair were: Mr. fcinalian. Mr. and Mrs. 4 Mr. and Mrs. llouse .!id Mrs. tlayle Darker, f-.irnaJi.in, Miss Lucy it; rtrmle Heath, Miss Miss Narcissus Col erna Wright, Miss i-tiolil. r. Miss Lulu Iiss Susie Darker, , Hubert Hergold, , May (loigert, Harry Darker, Hiram Dar- rty on Anniversary ti their twenty first murersary i.y inviting c m-' friends to be their 1 I'. Mr. and Mrs. It. L. j Efilil w.-re .harming hosts i m -rS!K. Mild at a I Unj- cake twil, tn-i c: ' turi v dir. tl Otf -n-P.:.e th an-1 "I tills The guests taMe centered . w ith a minia- --in. and a de- ( i- r w as served. r ie... I l,v tl.e I Alva hn I-. '"4!.::c- i - lliiw rhry b pliasant I. iy afi.T Knror in nintrnnn iy ltri.li.-p mod about r. William Mrs. I . 1). tildin. Mrs. 1'ohmI.t. r,d Mrs. II. v.ir.i hold V M. "' ry Club oi,!r.f.sCav ' ' ' I!oeburc ' t: 1 wero the ' - : on Wed- - ti... ladl. s r, ' "' I '.i-aiit a(- ' 1 : arid convor h ( " re,i limch ' '' .' iifternuon K 1. :n. D.-ckor, ' ; i.; ".1. s. Horn Jl' 1 : r : ri , Hannah, ,1-' - . .'enson, ': !.rd, 'r a:Kl Mrs. ! Ar. 1 ci " k ' : n. SSt-3 wan i n- "'" homo of H. H. Mr. 1'en-ler to tho fol- r. I'at.-li-Mr. 1!. Allan. T. K. l'-ntnor. V ,Iot, w. Vi y. r. and Mr,. u h.. I'.v Mm. ' charm low ilii- al By BEULAH JEWETT to this page, Bocieiy, women s ciuds, and shoi.M be teiepnooeu. iu me buuici.v ruuur oy r nuay of each week. Telephone No. 135. I Attractive Luncheon and Bridge Party Thursday of Armistice; All unusually attractive lunch- :!l in' a inrj- eon on Thursday at the ron-lor j.ir which Hi", home had Mrs. J. C. J'onsler, and IWT, til I 1 " " ...i.t. ii. II.1UID MM IIUIll'SSI lhe show and a number of smart matrons J. O. New-land finest. A pretty combination of is, and will be yellow and orchid at the table and ive sliowinK of largo baskets of spicy yellow ms. A small ail- chrysanthemum adorned the .irned. and hot pleasant rooms where tables of j males will be i bridire diverted the guests in the i day. Ribbons afternoon. High score was held prizes for the by Mrs. V. K. Harris, and low hi larious classes. I Mrs. O. U. McAllister. On the guest list were Mrs. Win Hell, .Mrs. J. I. Love, .Mrs. John Knger. Mrs. Hen Zigler. Mrs. II Casey, Mrs. Clair Allen, Mrs. C. A I.ockwood. Mrs. o. D. .McAllister Mrs. A. O. Sutherland. Mrs. Jack Wharton, Mrs V. It. Conlee. Mrs. A. F. Mclvenzie. Mrs. S. N Younic. Mrs. V. ivtterson, Mrs. II. iv I (ledney, und Mrs. yy. F .Harris. I Assisting the hostesses were Mrs. V. F. Jost, and Mrs. Warren ! Hurt. ,-dJins c remony Jim- Woman 8 C ub Has i at seven o chick unit- -. J., Ethel Dunham of Interesting Meeting 1 1'awd Nii-kens ot I An interesting meeting of the I,. j. Kev H. L. Cald-I Roseburg Womans Club drew a i i First Liipust church, large number of that organization j, mti-.t at the Haptist to the Parish House Mondav nf uavllr. and Mrs. A. Lind-j ternoon. A feature of the after u.id. l !! couple. Mr. noon was a talk on the election to a merchant at Looking measures by Walter Fisher, fol- lowed by two readings by Miss Kv- eiyn iSoland, and a Community Sing led by Mrs. Fred Strang. A permanent building board to J formulate plans for the building oi a omaus Club House in Itose burg was appointed. Mrs. William Hell will head this committee, and will be assisted by Mrs. l'onsler. Mrs. (leorge Hradburn, Mrs. Washington Hughes, and Mrs. H. D. Harris. The next meeting of the club will be on November IS. South Deer Creek Ladies Have Nutrition Meetings An Interesting series of nutri tion meetings In the South Deer Creek community have brought the ladies of that district together several times reientl;.- both lor pleasure and profit. County Agent 1!. W. Cooney, and Miss i.lliy A. Case of the L'xtonslon Depart ment at O. A. C. are assisting iif (lie meetings. The first of the series was an Vance Carna- event of October at the home of d Louis liar-' Mrs. E. MeConnack, when foods to ue prepared during the meet ings, were discussed. A luncheon was served at thjs meeting, aim Mrs. II. L. Mcljuighlin was ap pointed chairman of thoKirgaiiiza- Hon and Mrs. J. L". J'inkerton. sec-1 rotary. j iavld Hisphain. and Alda, and is l he second meeting from which t very gratitied that an arrang.-iuent many helps for the country house-' has been made at this time. An wivis were developed, took place ; assisting artist, Hulert Carlin. at the home of Mrs. 1(. L. .Me- pianist, will be with Mr. M.utiti. Laughlin, November a. The morning was devoted to tin- ma'--:n .i. . A c.l,, I I,,ctoic lug of salads, and the afternoon to, Betty Ann bother I iostCSS the planning and preparation of at Birthdav Party peasant even- """ i-anls. I A delicious luncheon was served e,i i,um were ' noon to Miss Lucy A. Case. Mrs. I iitn.-.er. Mr. and Mrs. j- tester, Mrs. Vm. K ihinson. ft -, lira:,; M. Laughliu. ' Mrs. I'arker. Mrs. Sii. p.ird. Mrs. inter I-:dna 1 I earl Anderson, Mrs. (. Iliown. Thelmii I Mrs. V. A. I'earce. Mis. Flora i kobcrta Mc- Smith. Mrs. Itov Hatfield. Mrs. I I Clarence Ingram. Mrs. J. Cox. Mrs. I II. Illood. Mrs. E. Duncan, er Is Bridce Wnl- Mel'on, Jr.. Mis. J c. y i i Mrs. Deeper of Nebra-li.i. M rn. ift, Mr.-". "cur.esc.iy Ilarb-v Swift. Mrs. c. II. liaiiey. Mrs. E. MeConnack. Mrs. Chester Main, Mrs. V. A. J.-nk.iis. Mrs. Win. Marcher, Mrs. Ii. Dieed'ove, Mrs. J. K. rinkerton. Mrs 1 1. V. Hunter, Mrs. Ci-orno ll.uo biake. Mrs. E. Hatfield, Mrs. !; ssie In gtam, Mrs. Itoss Lovela, . . Mrs. , Kro.1 Dover. Mrs. '. I-:. I tannine! I Miss Cnrrio Ilixon. Mifs I.' I.i Swift ( I Mary lillen Ilreeun.ve. Kr-da I'uti lean. Carmen Lovelace. N. Hi-- U""' J Melton, Roy Viritil ll.rfield. 1 Charles Ilel klev. lb .'iif ll.iyor. and Mr. and Mrs. It. L. MeLauph lin. Tho ladies will meet airalri. No vember 18, Ht the lnniie of Mi-"- J C. Swift. ! Little Ruth Gilmour Is Hallowe'en Hostess Hallowe'en spooks and 1 11ns niado merry Saniidav . when llttlo Ruth (liltnour talned ton of In r Intl.- !ri the homo of hr aunt. Vn I'arpeter. at 4-'ii Clair sit. tho happy ovenlnir M:-' 1' served dainty p-frcshm. nts children. Au'otiK !li" '' Itetttc Keo, Viminia I'r- n. Scott. Jean Scott. Lou K' !' Katherino Cro. k.-r. 1 t Crocker. Louise Mnira!!. leta Illalock and .Mat-ir't t.'hc'.b- IlitliT . n'.-r. lids nt. II. After ar.'t.-r t . til" A were 'Iwetl ill .-'"II, ..,rlot'e ( arma-M.tt.t- per. Mrs. Hamm Hostess at Informal Afternoon Mm. M. S. Hamm a ' Ine hnsti ss on ' dn- -i ;v ;1 nnon of this wok itntvi .- a friends In for an Intorn.al a noon. Clusters of fall !h' r ' plac.-d about the r'otr w'.-r- Indies ciialte.l and Hamm' guests o Mr- It M. Ireland. Mrs. Lar 1 illard Johnson. M w. M I Riccardo Martin to Appear' in Concert Here The announcement th.it Klcrar-' ilo Martin is to be heard here in concert on November 21. is more than welcome, for this famous sinser needs no introduction to the musical public. His name and tame are known ever where mroucnout America, as II as In r.ncland. Italy rmany and l.a- tin America. In America he has won notable operatic successes with the Metropolitan and Chicago ('rand Opera Companies, while he has been acclaimed in leading r"bs in the uiajnutr of th,. great opera houses of Kin-ope. He has be.u termed "the American Caru so" by many of the New Yoik critics, and on several occasions, he bus be- n called to fill the place if 'he mighty Caruso himself. i The career of Kiiiardo Martin can well be looked upon as nn In centive to every American student of music, especially those who complain that Americans are dis criminated against. Martin, him self, derides this idea and savs that nationality has nothing what ever to do with one's success, as long as the voice and the other needful qualities are there. The Martin concert will be given at, the Antlers theatre. The Roseburg Dusinesg and Pro fessional Woman's club will sell tickets to the concert, and will as sist Mr. (ioux. of the Antlers the atre, in making the concert lu re a success. The appearance of Mr. Martin here is especially inter esting to those who heard him sing the leading role in Salome, oppo site Mary Garden, with the Chi cago (Irani! Opera company at I'ortlr.tid reci nt Iv. Frederick Shipiiian. who is in cbarce pf Mr. Martin's concerts, Is making arrnjitcmenig for the "ti cert here. Mr. Sliiiman has tried on different occasions to brim: prominent artists here. No Little Hetty Ann Sether was hostess at on unii-iiall clever party on Tllesdav afl.-rioion at the lionii1 i ,. r. (.f til.' h. r l. tll.T. mi i; iP-nti. Mr Tho uo rtlidny ii , ii nd tw 1 Mr-. .!! II W.I- i'ii'i-.iry fi iomls w. ro invii. d In nt I'.'ir o -cine k fur iiiliirliiiil taiii'.'S. A ' dainty pn.p. r .i served to th vpuiik .e..ple I V Mrs. Sethi r, .1 iiirtliday c:ik" w rh . .in. II- , and teer biulil.y lan.rs itLikii:.- an ..lira, live AC .' s: .li.l.n.i'rin: vr.im i d .l,.n... I" w. :e i ii v it fair were ta li.e ll f'i ed. Hi'! Helplll tl tlie I . Ma M .oi , 1 lerin.'i n liul.ar, : .M.'t--r. Mil. lred ..i; N.-r!..,-ithv IT i.-v. i:i,,-1 Ann Itolt I" M n V, . Miiiearet ;..! li.ims l'hll;s Mission Study C!a?3 1 Ins First Mcclincr Tho rec . in ;v ..; ; ::. d 1 " - -. la . had its .1"-. moon. at. in-.'. A r t : i-s w ill iin . Mrs. M- !' and the . . ' a naria- ' Ml I II 1, f e 'S IIU I . id. I upon. ' lhe 111" of f r-' iii. di- i. I f. ot I r. ,1 i.v vi' I. i terian Mi--f:r-t lit. .'Hi the l'r. -' Vie'.V nf til- dertak" a Cullai-li ! study ii? " tlV" nf :ri 1 1 nl chin.i. ' r al ci :u t Vr Sn.'t Robert M'.t ca I Hi i r a. l'et.T Vat 1: N. Vcrk. a' Mr- lit. e-ttll-lv I'!' r '.V. 1 1 ti., .t..i t 1 of p-o-M:-s A i k -Mr-'. M.-s. Ar- In .i " O'l t'l" V..li:K. .Mrs. ,. ,. Lrt-tol. '.. ll. li'. ,".-r, Mr' . p. .-.!,; l". Wll'." . la : .( a'l d- v l"-pi "en: .i li'-r .ir. r has u, I. it IS l:"W . W.st i il-M.r Mrs. -hii.ktoii. Is l 1 4 t" - , t t v' " s-s n -X r f "i I - s . -X f r ' i. n.-M.Jt., j I.M. La- ....I ! el "f ' h. r. Shower for Mrs. Burr Is Event of Week A say croup of matrons and misses gathered Tuesday evening with Misses (Irace and Gertrude Wickiiam as hostesses to honor Mrs. Harrv Durr (Clarice 1'etcrl a recent bride. The affair had been planned as a shower for Mrs. liurr, and a number of useful and dainty gifts presented her. Th" Hallowe'en motit brought a bright note of color to the rooms where sewing and conversation occupied the evening. Th- hostesses served to Mrs. Harry Durr. Mrs. C cil llii-hanK Mrs. Allen Wickiiam. Mrs. James Smith. Mrs. dleim iteymers. Miss Fave tleddes. Miss Louise Ander son. Miss Iteiilah Coinpton. Miss D.-rtha Kohlhagen, Miss Vermin , KohlliHiien, Miss Vivian Orcu'.t. Miss Veins Houser. Miss Thelm.i Trefern. M ss dene SlllgliU'll. Miss Mildred St.urett. Mrs. Petterson Is Hostess to Club The Friday ltridno Club met for play this week with Mrs. V. M. rctteison with Mrs. Louis Melvin present as a guest, and Mrs. J. F. Dillard playing for Mrs. lloch-r-nlel who is out of town. The club members present were Mrs. Fred Schwartz. Mrs. Clair K. Al len Mrs. lrviti Driinn. Mrs. Har old Hudson, Mrs. C. A. I.ockwood. ami Mis. l'etterson. Mrs. Melvin held high score. Eight-O Club Plays at Mis. Fee's Monday llridce clubs held forth In larue numbers this week, anions th" many pleasant afternoons being that of tlie Eight-O Club ut Ih" home of Mrs. Harold Fee on Mon day. Mrs. Ogdcli held hi'h score, and Mrs. Louis Melvin played as a guest. Tin' chili members at plav were Mrs. 11. L. Devaney. Mis. M. S. Alien. Mrs. T. E. Singleton, Mrs. H. F. Ogden. Mrs. W . K. Conlee. Mrs. A. Mclvenzie, Mrs S. N. Young, and Mrs. Fee. Cedar Chest of Linen W ill Be Given Away A iKTt-mluT evt'iK that i ul r ndy iirousiiiK interest In Luinti and soriety rirvles, i- the an lioiinrenient of an informal danrn Satunlay, Dereiniit-r tl, nt the Ar mory, for which the LeKinn Aux iliary will bt hostesses. The fea ture of the evening will he the awarding of a c'dar chest filled with beautiful hand embroidered linen. ;ou ticket.s to the dunce hae bi'in printed, each ticket hearitr!,' a number that will en- tiile lhe holder a chance on t 10 ct dar rhet. Tin se tickets he sohl Armistice Day by J-eion p ir Is, and will also !j. Kale at .Miss Ve!ds Art Shop, 0U Jackson ntreet. The client is larue. and coniaius lovely b;'.n(t made hi m heon s fa, eonnlernane, pillowslips. sii "f s, towels, and oil.cr beautiful tiiiiiL's, and the Auxiliary antiiipai. no troubb- In selliim the tickets. Tho Mile Devils orcloira will play for in dance, and there will be e t .al uni iie featuies. The Lodce members of Oregon Knso fnllnweil t In i r business I1HM inu- iml initiation lriday ev- ning w it !l a u iiif'o ma 1 part v and taffy pull to their families were invited. Mill taffv P illi.iT made the Inp a merry on. api on v h ieh HIGH HATS PRYING WAY TO POPULAR FAVOR WITH CLOSE-FITTING CLOCHE pi kmmmmM km The strictly tailored m i$- ;The liRcwy Tyre, of HAT 0rhATTCRS'nSKr--1.X ,VtLVET & OSTRICH ( ill yiLJk jL jpa BEBE lAfJiELO ADOrTS THE fIVTv A ti, HIGH SILK UiT Vfe-'O l) J If full, stiff, .o!iip'itt's of ostrhh, I V " plac.-d lit the ni-lit rldo of tlio si.jrS'VV "" brim. This Is tlui di hat aim ia)' has bo.-n w.-arllKt while work- Init In li.-r lutost picture, "ArK' n- . ".l.S VlDt BHIM HAS ClilEYtD WIDE POPulPRlT- IT has toon a trur((V f' mllliii' rs to pry thi c!'. th head of thi American 1 and place thereon the Huh f. the off nan lit They htiv. su.cood.'d In a : '-as uro, but n'.t entirely. Mie! a" In sists that she wear lior i Jo-. ' "ii T tiny, rloiho at least half if the titne. li. lia Daniels, the. Vsrti't ou'it litar. when she'j not snnniy f.it.d In rloehe. adops the new h ft" howsn In the photo shore This hat U amaru It U irUumed iu two H. S. Faculty Guests at Reception An Interesting event of tho week in school circles, was the recep tion on Friday eveninp. to the members of the High School facul ty, tor which the patrons of the school were hosts. The reception rooms at the school house were bowers of chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. High School girls ureettd the guests at the entrance and conducted thoin to the recep M .a rooms where Mrs. D. W. Maddox. president of the High S.-hooI I'. T. A.: Mrs. Albert Abra hams, second vice-president: Mrs. I". A. Churchill, president of tlw County Council: Mrs. K. L. Whip ple, president of the ltenson 1. T. A.: Mrs. .lames Arthur, president of the Fullerton 1 T. A : Mrs. Louise Kohlhacen. and Mrs. K. Miiiturn. received. An interesting program preeed j ed the serving of a dainty lunch eon In the music room. Includ , 1 in the numbers on the program w-re: address of welcome. Mrs. 1 W. c. Hurt: selections by the High School mixed quartette. Jean Maddox, Evelyn Hawn, Kalph Church, and Kay Hurt, with Miss Ness at the piano; reading. Miss I velyu Noland; duet, piano and flute. Mrs. L. It. Moore, and Mm ino Moore; vocal solo. Miss Haz eliine, with Elva Wescott at the piano; Hi-ih School male quartet te. I'aul Ceddes. Hall Seely. liu lolph Kdmond. and Hay Hurt, with Morrill ltitter nt the piano; ', dance by Mary Julia Clark accom , panied by Dorothy Cordon. Mrs. Story lies was- iu charge of the luncheon, assisted by Mrs. Clyde I.aughead. Mrs. 11. M. l'ier son. Mrs. W. II. Howden. Mrs. .lohn Kunyan. Mrs. Wendell ! Wright. Mrs. F. A. llemls, .Mrs. : t oster llutner. Mrs. Lawson Hostess to V. C. T. U. Wednesday 1 The v. C. T. F. had an Inter ' csting meeting on Wednesday af ternoon with Mrs. Charles l.nw i son. at I'r.a Moore street. A fea j Hire of the afternoon was the ) reading of a well prepared paper Jiv Mrs. (leorge Kiddle, on "The. I l'roper Observance of Armistice Day." The year books wero dis tributed, and the ladles spent the afternoon darning stockings for ! the children's Farm Dome ut Cor- vallis. Mrs. I larncss Is I Iostcs3 to Club Mrs. Itussell HarneRH provided a pleasant afternoon on Thursday for the nieuiburH of the North side Sunshine Club. Tho ladies who spent the afternoon In hat- W;U j ting and sowing- were. Mrs. 'er ti, non ! ields. Mrs. Win. Kislier. Mrs. i on j L. V. Ingles, Mrs. Homer Kronke, j. Mrs. Stiinley Haney, Mrs. K. . I Hallnu. Mrs. H. llowen, Mrs. Kos- coe Marsters. Mrs. t lydo L.iun'i ea,l. Mrs. Jtduison and Mrs. D. ar dci f f . I.iim lienu was served at fmr by Mrs. Harness iosited I v Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Deardorfi'. "Find nious de sbnwn a dav an I r Man " with tho fa- ' star. Htn Tin Tin, w ill be the Antt'-is t heal re Sim Mnisdav. j Kin Tin Tin F.elgiau polic fie dog, We I was k 'i'iw n bioi-L'hi full, stiff, poinpott's of ostrich, pined nt the ni-lit ride of tliu brim. This Is tlui di hut she has be.-n w.-arlnit while work Iiik In her latest picture, "Aric n tin. Love." The small ek'-tch's ubow four' of Miss Imiihils' hat. Tim one -at the top I' It Is a very never. i model, u iltu tailor id, and trlinin.'l In one lui'i. Khort y'llll. This llttlo feather la '!'. Iu Indigo and white, and li t-.pp"! with a eh-rry clop d tip The hat lt. if Is bin. k ha' tors' i lush. The hat at (he f.p rhht Is a more drcsy ftftttr. wlh a lor.iy s-.ft pair of o.tr.'h f. .ith.-rs careH.lin? the cheek snd cnmilii: w.'l d'-wn over tlie left sho'iMer. This mo h i la In bisik v.-ivet. The h.lt at the lower left Is one of the new models for those who wluh to drop liia bli clocua aail jrit Antlers Theatre. Yen tin.. Love" 5y:,7 over here from France by I.ieuten-! i ant Duncan, who is responsible for ; his training, KiivTinTin. can do' , evry trick a dog can do ami many tricks most dos can't do. IN- can scale a five-foot hurdle and clear a twenty -font pt ream, lie si il is his athletic ability he has a remark-: aide doi; intellect. j Tho cast, besides Kin Tin Tin. includes Juno Marlowe, the tI w ith the Houlful eyes: Vine St. ' flair, tharbs Mailes. Pat Htrt -1 gan. Frt d Stanton, Lew Harvey! and Charles t'onklin. I The story rs well us adaptation1 is by Darrl Francis Zamun k. Mali St. flair is the director. Liber Theatre Do you like a love story on tho screen? Or a :-toiy of intense, gripping plot? Or a story lull of lealisin and humamiess ami char acterizations that get under lhe skin Or a story chuck-full of hu mor? There's no accounting for f.dk's tastes, ami of course there are nil sorts t)f folk -our.g ami old. rich and poor, artists ami brick layers, male and female, highbrows and regular folk. Hut suppose s uueulie created a photopla that had all thnso ele ments mentioned. artist cally wrapped In one prize packaue! That's what the uio ie fan who sees the Fainter Forpoi at ion's pro duction "f Will l.aniturfs gioat screen s'ory, "His I'.ugotten Wife," at the Liberty theatre to morrow and Monday will get. : LOCAL NEWS i Goft to Lot Annele K. II. Hall. S. I'. iMinpnm ma-1 cliinlst. N-rt ludav for l.os Ani:ili on i-otiiiiany Imnlm'srt. I In From Pefl j II. C. iinyii- ami wlf". if I'i'IJ spent t hi iliiy In Iliin tinri! atti nd Iiik to buslni sH mutl'TH. j Servicet at Green : Sunday school hs usual nt the ' Ureen school house, at 2 o'clock Sunday, followed by preaching at Ii. Kev. Mow of the Christian church at lloseburg will preach. The public Ih Invited. Dance Is Cancelled Tho social dance announced for Oakland tonight by the Oakland Cobblers whs cancelled today nw- 1 lng to the death at Oakland of j John linker, n well known Oak I land merchant. Fred Rowley Here ! Fred IjDul.y, of Fuceno, jvpre ! senting the Ffiuitahlo Savinn and j Loan assrfi ial ion, spent the day in j Hit; ehuri; visiting friends and at tending to business matters. I . Benefit Dinner The Oleiu-aiy W. T. F. will j give a chicken dfnuer fur iiu bi i.e fit of the ihildnn's fariu bnme at rnrvallis on Tiiesay. November . 11 at the Fresb leiiati chun h, , starling nt 11: '.Ui a. in. Throat Operations ' ( tperat inns v ere performed yes-1 leiday ct the local hospital f-r Young Jimmv Judd, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M Judd. and little Mi-s F.li ibeth. d n.cbter ,.f Mr. ;;nd Mrs, I,. F. Kicla. (T Ivb-nLotter. It th weie thmaf rn-s, and I -r. Se.dy was In attendance. J TWO HUGE I'OMI-OH'j Cirv A will not take up the now h'?h hats This ha" a wide brim, narrow al tiie I'.ek. and 'rimmed plainly but plea iiiKiy wlih a broad haw of vd ve across tlie front. The last Let shewn, nt the lower rlfht, Is a en 'ii colored fe't, trir-i-nod wl'li two hue' ni.Tchitii; porn tonis. This soft f. lt type nf hat Is Tory fid"er!ri(f to almost every womsn. und much eash r fa wenr than thfl strsii'lif. rather hard lines of the. ijar crowned jroup of cliapoauz, THE SCARE DEVELOPS AN ARMHOLE III ' ; : mm mm mm rllK time nae passed wnen w scarf could bo Just a ilmplo huiKth of silk, and expect to be In the front rank or acarfiloin. The vokiio for icarfs continuing Uiiabuted. the competition Is keen Returns From Portland 1 Miss Acnes Fitehford, county ju vi title ot'ticer, lias returned from , sevetal days spent at Fortlaild on i business matters. j County Judge Is on Job Again ('. F. llarnard, county Judge, who was away from his office for two wee).:; while rreej lng hospi tal treatment, i.; VK.iin on (he job' H" ! al h nirs each day. t 'ullage drove Sentinel. Relative Dead J. ('.. Hodi'es left yesterday for Yedrord. where his brother-lnhiw Harry Hnrdnk, who died Thurs- Ii in Oakland. ( '.tl II n nia, was buried today. Mr. Iturdick's death follows rlnselv Upon tllllt of )ls: wite, Mr. Hodge's sister, who pas sed away only a few weeks ago. North Carolinnns Depart !':-, and Mrs Carl It. Nfuart, of M i r hill. North fandUia. who have been the h'Ulse guests tif I T and Mrs. K. H. Stewart, b ri mday fur I'lUtlaml in reiHia;t bin of th -tr trip ar'aiid the cmintry. The tour liu' pbvi. ian Is a brotloj if Mi.i. I.. U. it Aiill. Coupls Fined A. A. I'l'.sl und ifr, i.f Cr. i- f . H- I t'i i iu Ii In tin- juii I'll! ! In. I. IV. il th. y d a .mil I ri'iltv ti i.f as- 'and l.atteiy. A family r..-A iPvel'l I ed. it Is all.-lt" d. I.. I'e. 11 111.' ! 1'iosts si li 1 1 Mr and Mrs. Si ha. p r. jlind tii" Inn wotii. it .ni'ai .d in a I personal ei.i '.iiiii. r. I Slides Nun-.erotia- i : I : I ' . I l.'i ha. iv I.. In. . n ' v., , ie a n I M.iit- Vo.nl n I, -ma . d I.v li' ally I" palll.illv : sii A Is 'he P ""'t l.lM'tl'lll l. lIllS . 1 I ' V I I. I'. :m C'.lilit V II' !l I,. Ii. .1 ll'.'.i'hiaiii'i-. a it... r i.f l'ri'lte, I .s lie . f 1 tl.' : li'l.'H UT' Of an I Mr. Iloill li'alilii; w as no i .1- ia . d to aiiy 'i ' a' n I. hi in j4 j.iiin,. y I.. U ".. l.'irK. I I. 1 1. I " ,t in. n :,i I, I' ilv lo-ace'l 1 1,.. 1 1 ad, I lid ti altie will 1 1;,'. I if t'ii i Ii. r slid, s ill II l-1llS VIM, IlltV NATION .t.-t IT. -s laa-.t Wtf ) !. .,n. Nov. v hr. Chir I 't- il "ii. of V.ili!nKt"n . ', ii n. "f t ii" ' "a i d of ,. i n,. ", pi i.l.i'.i' too a ml puh , I ;.. "f 1.'" M...!i- li.l- . ,'!.t'ii, te ll' V" S prohihilloil ll ( will I .. a r. all'", loc. .dun: 1 1 ... inihii -h. d in tii" ... I' i.l'.' New . t ...C. v. l'r. ..i . p. a' an 1 our n nil Vr.' -l-. ...ii 'ti'" a w. " ai o. I , , tiie aw av fi'.iu l he White ,. . , a 1,'U'h Iv .".u.lliced Ilia' ,,i. ut Coolnll'i.. w Mile procc. d , iy in a' . hi d Willi Ins It'..!.. : .!' '.I ll I that hi' 'M ill h-.ll I'"' i' in'- a real i i' ',', 1 1 : a id. "and 1 aril ,ii ". pf 'I" ' tnat lhe v 1 -. I - tail! V. hi. 1 1 lie (''lilefiipi.il' S i, t i. , !,, t , " l,C - Ipp'.r' of a , , . r. ' w i. "Ii h" i i l i a. i i' -. ' : ' . " r- . . '. in will make I i.l-. I !.. hoi" ll I I t, .... e'.'T W.l- 111 t'l- . ". ' ' i ' I I of 1 h" li.. I iu 11 II". l'r" t V !;!.'. 1'iV Nov - No . . f,ti . i . .. in.!'!" a' ' ii" A in'" Ilea i ii iv "a I'." pu d'-'ie.l I I.' ' !' " I.' V IT. ( i ll- T, ". ',', i -. ii 1 . : . e ti, ! he pre- ! tit , a''i"l'l" i.f irolill.!oil niloneiii. i.t, but It ai pointed! ;iui i i 1 ri EH2SHSH5HSSa52SaSi C"& I In dorlslnit new and Infronloua valfJ billons of the orlelnnl acorf tnemo 811111a scarfi bavo developed prus tlcnlly Into capelota or wrrapa othora are ao volumlnona that thej almost cover tha dresa with whlcni they are worn; Borne have pocketa, and ao on. ad liitlnltum. Hut. perhaps, the moat original Idea to far la the acarf with tha arnihole, which niakea use of tha worda "fit" and "cut". Thle long aenrf ot printed crop da china sketched by Cheney In I'arla 1 edited with pleated crepe. It la knotted on the right shoultler ana eiu 111 11m loiu.iiw - w iw w. I left arm through. The bat ta also I mode of the same crepej da chlno. pleated and plain, and flnlabed wltn a quaint door knockor ornament lq I dull gold. A Small SlffSterc lsif business" Can laOG thousands ,cf Sdssmcn CoeiO copvj cF ills new pjior is a out that the president's position for strict enforcement and observ ance of tho law had been careful ly stated In his mcHsnKO to con it ross a your bko. Available records at tho Whlto House, however, could not recall Hi" visit of nr. Wilson. At the name time officials reiterated that the president could not but ronsid cr as a violation nf the propriet ies public discussion of iiuoHtiona diacusaed In tho prosldt ntlal of fice. Tht Marquta lledlcl, timmtsir of na nf lha ohleMt and oirsit arlsto natle families la Itsly. a IIU munu acturer nf NaL,i.'s, haj reached Nov York fur an Aiiiirican lour. Tlio Best Sales man in Town? i ' ' It - r j lii'J t!io Answer and find iJcur cusionuTS "by AdCtrtisin I j Canipbill, Mrs. J. F. lullard.