Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 25, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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"Mi, WOMAN'S BGEL jffife -
of each ween, i i-nyuuuu
Lwbure Boy
L Portland
nf pr. si.
l, event to -...--.
, r set in " ,
attended n'"1"
j made Hoseburg
several years.
,. account is taken
Lay Oregonian:
...I, line was suieiiini i
haels and All Angels
h rn weiinesuuy
then Camilla Canficld
ore a gown of white
Lr peorgette with B
bonlireil georgeue
ilk tulle veil was
coronet of the point
given in marriage Dy
M. I'anfield. Her
tt was of bride's roses
ihe valley.
teih' C. Griffin ana
Swanso, carrying
of bovardia auu
Lairons of honor. Mrs.
peach taneia wuii
rllons and gold lace
anson was in name
Kvite tnnimeu wuii
th featliers anu snv-
nastel shades trlm-
ki is of ostrich feath-
to match or manne.
ijs. Mrs. G. w. Red-
,. M. McLean, Mrs. J.
i.rrnd Mrs. Helge
yrried colonial bou-
irsiana Holllngworth,
t... f rhnmrenhlB lowe'en social
khultl sang "Because
'in Mine," and "I I-ove
I accompanied by Mrs.
ho also played the
was attended by and Burr Cnn-
ir of the bride. The
I Dr. George Redpath.
i Waller I.ursen and,
kie church was artlstl-i
rJtd wilh autumn
blrts of gladioli.
Ii Milligan left for a
: Columbia. They will
j a
Irs. McElhinny
re Hosts
rs. Charles McElhhv
ied a number of
rmally at bridge, Wed
last week, first prizes
n C. C. Finley, and
ire Tremper. Tall
' yellow chrysanthe
i a very effective color
I was Berved at the
io Mr. and Mrs. Theo-f-r,
Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
SMr. and Mrs. Charles
fir. and Mrs. Lloyd
and Mrs. R. Il
and Mrs (J. C. Fin-
iMr. and Mrs.
ller Entertains
Bridge Club
P leler Invited the Ia-
t Monday llridge Club
this week for play.
r.nger holding high
pl.inations of roses,
B cosmos, were nrr.inir-
f- In the rooms where
w matrons gathered
ard tables Mr. wii.
Mrs. John Enger. Mrs.
A. K. Sether.
Harris. Mrs. J. C.
K. Mauldin, Mrs.
fiPlimfnt the birthday
Br. p.. u. Shoemak-
'r of intimate friends
" for bridge Thursday
"mn toing t MrS. j.
;,rii Br It r- r-K...i.
Churrh. Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mr. t t
' ' !'" predominat-
hwartz Is
Pn Hostess
T "f smart
"f Mrs.
""Thursday, gatlil
" MMp H!t.:.. . ,
k ami Dlue.
room, hPre card
rrar.eod r.
J5rnu.m,nt. ;
st'".1.i7v-"". brysan'the"!
L Mr. t
'1 h.p-h v.'
ti h ". '"'nors
L J. H
I.-;,,, Meh,; Mr,'
r. .
Mr1. '"-". Mr..
Fuller,n ,,--t-.
r,nna snHptv. Wflmpn'n rluhs nnri
Uhntlons io iu, " '
L ghould be telephoned to the society editor by Friday
R, L. Ellis Elected
President of P. T. A.
nt, ine syimon vaney i-arent
r'f.. rami'lla Can-1 Teachers Association elected oftl-
P M' r, , h..J 8 was! cera at busy meeting, October
Lund. Octi'Di r o. wo .....
16. It. L. Kills will head the or
ganization this year, with Mrs. v.
T. Cloake as vice-president; Mrs.
Max Myers as secretary; Mrs. ('.
K. Trueblood as treasun-r. Mrs.
Trueblood was also elected press
agent and delegate to the p. T. A.
convention at Corvallis. The next '
ineeting will be In the form of B
Hallowe en socials Thursday even- j
ing, October 30.
t r liowen oincia- t--i.L'uii vuii.cig
and Mallowe en rarty
Officers to be Installed at the
second meeting In January, were
elected t the meeting Monday j supplied many play hungry people! A musical program was given
evening of the Neighbors of Wood-! wi,n substantial dramatic fare at the Camas Valley school house
craft Lodge. The officers elected ' such as the commercial theatres. Friday evening of last week,
were: Mrs. Alvla Wetherell. G. N.; i for reasons of one sort or auoiher, I drawing a largo number of the
Mrs. Bertha Taylor, P. G. N.; Mrs. have ni)t been able to furnish. This: residents of that part of the coun
Tlllie Hughes, Adv.; Mis. Ivy Tay- '"ft Is the home of the Moroni , ' The Student iiody of the
lor, Mag.; Mrs. Margaret Whitney, I Olsen Players circuit repertory ! M'hool arranged the program and
clerk; Mrs. Elsie Williams, Att.; i theatre, an original experiment in'lj'"" to have other attractions
Mrs. Tillle Johnson. C. of G.; Mrs. ! P'ay production which has in iisidl,rj"K the winter.
Martha Cook, press corr.; Mr. Mar-! conception the elements of a I ,hr""n ,be" clu ed .a p Ian0
tin Sharrard. musician: Mrs. Alice sound, vital and permanent instltu- j " ob x':r "h"; T'
... , , - ... , . ,inn . cal solo Mrs. Claud Haley; in-
Fickle, I. S.; Mrs. Dorothy lihoads, ; !lon. . Uirnmeni il trio w p nit Di,r
O. S.; Mrs. Edith Churchill. Mrs.! Another interesting fea.ure is J1"' nUwor.h 6lt vocal
Uora Gilbert, M. Fickle, mana- hat Miss Jane, Young the firs. , ZJ uZy: Suet
gers; Mrs. Mary Meyers, flag bear- 'arty "f the company, In seniority. Mra IIpnr aI1(I Mrs llaiPy- In
er. I a graduate of the Vnlversily of strurne,a, ,,,; j,armr' " and
An interesting feature of the Oregon, and lived in The Dalles. ,.:nsworlh 0lt . vocal solo. Mrs.
business meeting was the report of
the two teams in the membership experience mm is iiirg. je
drive. One team has Mrs. Tillle I sponsible for the success of the or
Johnson for its captain, and the ! ganization.
other team, Mrs. Elsie Williams,
Nine applications were received,
and cne was initiated.
The meeting closed with a Hal-
for which Mrs.
rl ik. rin in n Johnson and her side were host
esses. Autumn leaves decorated
the hall, and the games and re
freshments were all significant of
te :;
Mrs. Stanton Hostess
to S. S. Classes
Mrs. Charles G. Stanton was
hostess on Tuesday evening to the
meniDeru oi me iwo nigu ncimui ;
Sunday school classes of the
Christian church. A merry evening
of informal games and music en
tertained the young people, and a
dainty luncheon was served by
Mrs. Stanton. Mrs. D. E. Carr,
and Mrs. Charles V. Stanton.
Largest Event of
Fall Season Saturday
One of the largest social events :
of the fall season occurred onjj rj church, Mrs. J F. Dillnrd.
Saturday of last week when Mrs.'M'r!, ' (;ienn Wlmherly, Mrs. i
Leon McCHntork, and Mi's. H. C.'f-harles McElhlnnf Mrs.' Edwin
Church were host to sixty matrons i
and misses at an informal bridge
and Bewing party at the home of!
Mrs. McClintock. Tall vases of!
autumn leaves and smnll bowls of,
colorful xlnnias brightened the; Clair K. Allen, Mrs. Hoy Hollows,
rooms where the guests gathered Miss Eva Rice and Miss Edith
about the bridge tables, sewed and j Miller. Miss Eva Hiee held high
chatted. Mrs. Harry Stapleton held j score, with Mrs. Edwin Thorn
high score at bridge. Mrs. Glenn j ton second.
Wimberlv second, and Mrs. R. L.I Fall flowers, chrysanthemums.
Whipple' consolation. j marigolds and zinnias in dainty
Assisting the hostesses receive, ! shades of yellow made pretty
and in serving were Mrs. L. A. Dil-j spots of brtaht color through the
LJS Knags' bT&E
M7sACarl1"iyAan;Mi8rEva VVharton assisted the hoses
Rice. I serve' .... .... ,.
Guests at the affair were: Mes-j Mrs Q . ' Woodcock and Mrs.
dames T. E. Singleton. H. r . K- Virgil Averv left Corvaliis today to
den, W. H. Harris. George John- j irye -jj,,,,.,,; where thev are
son. A. G. Sutherland. J. R. Ear- to spPnj week end. Mrs. Woo I
rlngton, A. F. Sether. A. A. WI1-: rnrk )u )(. tnP cest of Mr. and
der, Glenn Wlmberly, H. H. Staple- yr k. F. Maid-n. former Cor
ton, Jack Wharton, George Whar-1 Vi,nisites. now loe.p, d In Hose
ton, Edwin Thornton, Earl Burr, i burg, while Mrs. Avery will visit
Leo Rapp. H. F. Riohtor Carl Yim- nn aunt nnd other relatives there.
berly, R. L. Whipple, Ralph Hun-1 Corvallis Gnzette Times,
saker. Louis Melvin, C. B. Wade, j O C
V. M. Petterson, M. V. Rice. tjQQ Club PlaVS
George Bradburn. James Hume, I.I T . ",,,;.
I,ove. Ben Zlgler, Clair Allen. Roy
Gedney. Charles Lockwood, Mor
ris Allan, George Boiler. Lee
Wells. M. Devaney. A. J. Horhra
del, Llovd Crocker. Fred Kelling
ton. Charles Rusho, Irvin Bnmn.
Flora Stewart. E. B. Stewart. John
Throne, L. B. Skinner. I. B Kiddle.
George Neuner, J. E. McClintock.
Arthur Knauss. L. A. Dillard. B. It.
Shoemaker, E. G. Young and Ral-
a"rl Mrs. Sam ! ston Bridges of Oakland. D. S.
"ysanihermitns and a ! Reals, and A. Frietag of Riddle.
A. VV. Bashford. Miss
Miss Alice Celand
Miss Jine '
Wharton and Miss Bess Wharton
L. F. T. and Country Club
Dances Events Next Week i
Two anticipated events of next
i. .. .i,i,.h .ocletv will
mtn.1. .Ill both have the Hal-
lowe'en spirit av their Inspiration
The I- F. T. club, whose dances
sre bright spots on the social cal
endar of eacn winter w.ii 'i r. the
i season Monday evening won
Hallowe'en dancing party at me
K. P. Hall. Several new members
hov. t.,...n Inbcn itltn the Hut). Shi!
Interesting affairs have been plan-
ned for the season.
Tha tin,,,.,,,,. Cftimlrv Club will
.n- Mri Harold Hud- '!nre and mnl-.e merry on Wed-
...,,r. Mr,. . nesdav evening at the ciud nu. .
An Informal supper at seven wm and sewing. i.uiu ne...i
b served In the nisin nom. and ,crVed at four to Mrs D. Egley.
the floor will be cleared for j0,n Bu'nb!.rk Sr.. It. A. Bms
i. i.. ti, u.ii.,we-rn oiniif mhark. H. P. Conn T. B. Ilusen-
1 will predominate In the decora-;
I Hons and entertainment.
i v4a lor i mrnni i l aAn lj-.ii c i tiii r n itfii
.aea ror Moroni Olsen
illVS, V"ceived in Lof 1 ;
interest in -
.... ; i ' . iiirtiiiin or
KemDv." hv i, m i ...
Players in Roseburg". .November i
is growing ns .), ' . b"
is growing as the storv of the n-X. . C" 1
yef"or"he To rnuv'zy r
the enthusiastic ,.," .fc. J '
option thev h.-va
rn.,,1,.1 , - '
leeciveu in othw cu es I i.d.i
1 Th ..a . . .
..... u..nuo agent visited Rese
ttle advance agent visited Hose
burs last week, ami was mease.! at
, "" been riv. .
the players, ami the keen liner-
I' h which their play is await-
...i r...... ... . , . :
... ...r u,,;,, m iiuiii parent leueii-
rs association is sponsoring Hie
imcjt nere. and nave secured the
Antlers Theatre.
An interesting fact In connec
tion with the Moroni Olson players
Is the stiry of w here Hie idea
'M conceived. In a liistoi. of Hie
organization written by George
-v'al. dramatic editor of the
Oregon Journal, one paragraph
reads: "Over a grocery etore in I
I'guen, i tan, there is a loft heat-l
e.i liv tu-rw r.,,,.1 n, .... 1 .1.1. ..l.
j ..... . ' ... . ot,i,, n. it, in m
scure retreat was developed an
Idea which has commanded admir -
ation through the northwest and
one is an ncuess wnn a
Mrs. h. C. Stanton of Rosehurg
. the euest nf Prof, nnd Mrs. J. H. I
Homer. Mrs. Stanton stopped in
this city on the way from Astoria
and Portland where recent weeks,
had been passed-with relatives and
friends. She is n member of one
of Oregon's well known pioneer
families and versed In the early
history of the state. Mrs. St:ntnn 1
is returning at once to her Hos v
hnrv llninn Cut-vi. II in ( In t o- !
Attractive Series of
ry . r, . -pi vr i
' arttes otorts 1 his Week
A series of attractive parlies
and luncheons for which Mrs. '
George Wharton nnd Mrs. Jack
Wharton will be hostesses this
season, was started this week with
two' bridge aflernoon, nt the
home of Mrs. George Wharton.
On Tucday, the guests nt the
Wharton home were Mrs. A. H.
Crawford. Mrs. Theodore Tremp-
Mrs. Lee A. Wells. Mrs. C. II.
w,le Mp9 i.inva whinnle Mrs
Thornton Mrs "A F McKonzle. i
Mrs s f! Selleck. Mrs. Harold
Nichols. Mrs. Llovd Crocker, Mrs.
J. R. Farrlngton. Mrs. Fred Kell-
Ington. Mrs. Frank I.llburn. Mrs.
Ktlt 1 ui auil - v. -. . . . .-.
The members of the Northside
500 club were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Irvlnn Brnnn en Tins
day evening of this week. At
plnv were Mr. nn, Mrs. Wendell
Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wim
berlv. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Lenox,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred KVIIington.
Mr. nnd Mrs. I.E. L. Crocker. Mr
and Mrs. George N'-uner. Mr. and
Mrs. H. '. Church. The prize
vent to Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Crock-
T nnctieon was served In tho
dining room which was charming
1th a color motif or yellow.
Miss Mav Fisher Is
Host to Friends
Miss May Fisher eijtertalnrd a
few friends Informally Tuesday
evening wit h needle work i; nd mil
sic, serving a rtaintv nineneon at
the close of the evening. Mis'
Fisher's guests were Mrs. Chester
Vnrtnm. M"-. Effle S'liwarz, Mrs.
Wm. De.T-dor'f. Mr?. A. F. Mr
Kenzie, and Miss Marlon Schwarz.
Mrs. Conn Entertains
fortnight ! v' Club
The pu tnliers of the Melrose
r- i-v,.!.- ,l . ffnlheri.I Tlinrs-
riay at ,hp i,m nf Mrs. Hos.oe
ronn for an ni'.ernonn m nininii
bark. F. A. ""
Burroay, and Carrie hruse.
Halloween Social
at Church Thursday
A Hallowe'en social entertained
i tEI",n""n'bB I-alics Aid
'Society of the First M. K. church
'" P"- 0
.r... ......i ..... .., , p. i
t.wuim i.i, iiiv iiett?iiui uuri-
,, ti, ,i,i.. r ... 1
Aid provided I ho entertainment.
Refreshments closed the ufter
noon. pi . (.
leasant Afternoon
ri nr i
i arty i uesctay
Autumn colors were attractive
in the rooms of Mrs. I'red Knight
Tuesday afternoon, when she en-1
tertained a few- friends Informal-
.... .... . ....s o "" '""
i ternoon were Mrs. E. H. Craw- I
j ford. Mrs. A. J. tleddes. Mrs. Hen-;
ry Druecker. Mrs. Fred Egley. !
Mrs. Dinger I.aird. Mrs. Jean j
Hendrickson. Mrs. Mabel Smith.
-virs. 1. 11. unit, Mrs. Wm. Fislior. i
s' :"i at
: Musical Program at
'f - n i t w I
i Umas Valley Last Week
iinwn-Haley; piano solo. Miss Hercher
vocal solo, Mrs. Henry.
W. B. A. Members Enjoy
SOCial Evening Thursday
A Peasant social time followed
the regular business meeting of
the W. II. A. on Thursday even-j
ln,s nt the Hall. Games
were played. Mrs. Vivian French,
Mrs. Leo Kapp. and Mrs. W.
Bonebrake winning prizes, and a
delli ious supper served nt n table
attractive Willi fall flowers, and
Hallowe'en favors.
:"' '
Second in Series
Given on Wednesday
, Mrs. George Wharton and Mrs.
Jack Wharton were hostesses for
the second bridge party of a ser-
i"8. on emu silay altemoon. ,Mrs.
l'red Schwartz held high honors
st cards, and Mrs. Georgo John-
son. consolation. '
Guests for the afternoon proi
Mrs. Victor Petterson, Mrs. Ben!
Zlgler. Mrs. Louis Melvin, Mrs.
David Lenox. Mrs. I. G. Broadway,
Mrs. W. R. Conlee, Mrs. Fred
Schwartz. Mrs. George Johnson, i
'Mrs. George llradburn. Mrs. Wal-!
ter Hamilton, Mrs. A. A. Wilder, !
Mrs. J. F. Barker. Mrs. A. liaiiin.
Mrs. Harry Stapleton. Mrs. Clay'
Darby, Mrs. George Niuiner, and '
, and ,
Mrs. '
it the
Mrs. f barles Wharton.
Glenn Wiinberly assisted the host-
ess serve a dainty luncheon at
card tables.
Art Must Reinforce Nature To Make
if :ir r- - A-r
f ' V A ' 'VI, n -vV
Y I 1 d lX? 1 j $ -S;rK'
V 4 i ifc -Ki-'t':'
K A . j wojotioos ; "rA?,4
: . jtV.A S;f
, CIIICARO Trend of m'ern
tbeauty culture is toward nn.'ng
a woman look natural, accor ling
to Emily Lloyd, beauty expirt of
Chicago, who spoke before the
convention of American bi auty
shop owners held here, at the
jMnrincllo building un Tower
"A woman Is not beautif .1 if
she rs not natural." Miss I I yd '
raid. "But no woman I .k
tatural with a bad skin, peg!'' -ted ,
.air, and Touch uncared-for r. i 'ids i
nd nails. Neither is gray r.air
natural. It takes a little art to
reske a woman look her lovei'esL ,
Kyes with colorless scanty ln-hes i
fnde away into oliM-uiily. and !
brighten naturally and charmingly
ll.. !.!.. il-
jdarkencd. Brifclit glossy batr is a I
Terminate Fstivities
Hallowe'en festivities will
terminate Friday evening in the
public entertainment ami ball for. was the inspiration for a smart af
which the l inpiiua Chiefs are ternoon affair Fruliiv for which
hosts. The Armory will be trans-: Mrs. Harry Stapleton was hostess,
formed into a suitable abiding A variety of fall irni-den flowers
Place for spooks and hobgoblins,
and the "ghost will walk" for the
amusement of all on that nitht.
A stn'ft parade, program, baud
cont'ort. solo dances, and other
en ertainment will precede the, Mrs. stapleton. assisted hv Mrs.
.all which opens at nine. The Wilder. Mrs. Hn.adw.iv. Mrs. Al
Uue Hevils orchestra from the).rt l-a.-dilord. and ' Miss Telta
Kainbow linrdens has been engug- n.ivnes. served luiuheon at Hie
ed to play, and the evening will ,,.a,d tables to Mrs. Irvin llninn.
a merry one for both dancers
i and non-dancers.
, " V . ... i
Th( wpok-onil in lrncnniirit will
be a quiet one; the majority of
mi' younger set planning on ul-
Saturday night for which the
!,. Devils orchesira of Hoseburg
will play. Many are planning on
attending tlm dunce on Sutitr.lav
night, and continuing on ti)
Marshfield Sunday for the foot
ball game between the Elks teams
of the two cities.
Mrs. Conlee Hostess
to Eight-O Club
The Elght-O Bridge club met
with Mrs. W. It. Conlee this week
for the third meeting of the sea
son. Mrs. Morris 'Allen, and Mrs.
It. L. Devaney have been hostes
ess to the club In the past 2 weeks
At play at Mrs. Coulee's were the
club members. Mrs. Morris Allen,
Mrs. It. L. Devaney. Mrs. Harold
Fee. Mrs. A. F. McKonzle. Mrs. II.
F. Ogden, Mrs. T. E. Singleton,
and Mrs S. N. Young. Addition
al guests were Mrs. Louis Melvin,
Mrs. M- F. Hlce, and Mrs. A. .1.
Ford. Autumn leaves were, ar
tistically arranged In the rooms,
and a dainty luncheon served af
ter the gnme. The bridge prize
went to Mrs. Devaney.
C' : it
George Trumbo and Delia
Seiverts Married Sunday
Of interest to Roseburg young
people Is the marriage of George
A Trn,h0i formerly of Hoseburg
now of Oakland, California, and
Miss Delia Seiverts of Onk Grove.
at the home of the brido In Oak
(.P,.. ,..,.. nctw 1 nt two I
oVo(.l Rev. .1. R. Lamb read tho j
eeremony in the presence of only
close relatives. Miss Genu Seiv-
erla hmH Andrew Towl.HC.lll.
erts and Andrew Townsend, ;
brother nnd sister of tho brido '
were the only, attendants. Mr. brief resume of the play "kempy
and Mrs. Trumbo let for Portland to be presented November" i at
after a dinner nt the Seiverts Ihe Antlers Thentre bv the Mor
home. and after a few davs there, i on! Olsen Players, uiidor tho riis-
wlll go by boat to Oakland Calif.. ;
where Mr. Trumbo is employed as
a druggist. I
z:- 9
Prniin nf Friendi Honor
) . ' . .'
I1S3 iVili!er3 L;rtilday
A group of friends of Miss K-th-1
er Miller called informally at her
home I rlilav even'ng. honoring her i
birthday annivers.irv. Th evening
passed ouickly with tanily making
and corn popping, and a luncheon
was s. rve I at the close.
In the croup were: Fay Geddes,
r.ivan Mrauer, Alice iiuoper, ves-
ta lleckley. Estln r Edmonds, Don-
aid Glbbs. Percy Webb, Lynn
Becklev, Leonard Delaney, Gerald
Elvan Strader, Alice Hooper, Yes-
I Geddes, and Vernon Orr.
natural frame for a pretty face. '
"Pure creams and facial ma-
sare keep the kin sinoe'i mimI
velvety Powder of a text ire
that the skin will a-cept ari l of
shade that will Mend with the
natural colonr.g add to the ap-
jM-arance of any woman Mo-t
women l"ok rareli-.s and un
trronmcd without it. Pale lips and
rfcr - ' - - -...";.-.. ..... 0.-.. ., .....
nals of ill-health. Any wiie 1
Mrs. Sether Inspiration
for Smart Afternoon Party
.Mrs. A. K. Sether, who is leaving
soon to make her home In Kn
adorned the pleasant rooms where
liH,lt i.iM.u ..,-r.....i a. .-.........,, ..
" ............ ...... ...
the iruesm iin i.-n....r i,..t.i iii. h
scoro for the Hftriimou
and 'Mrs.
Tisihile low.
n!rs. K,ed Schwartz. Mrs. J. V.. Kn-
ger, Mrs. J. F. Darker. Mrs.
H C.
Wa.ldell. Mrs. A. A. Wilder.
t i m. i ...
Nathan KulleVlon. MrV I. ii. '
Mrs. i '
Broad- ,
way. Mrs. S
Kidde, Mi s i i A I airs j.. A .Mrs.
VrV Tvi..Ti. v?. , T- either side is fixed a little below the
Mrs. Ben .igl r Mis le or l et-. wai5l,in., ,, a ba.l of crepe. These
erson Mrs. nlu r Hamilton. M rs. j , ; ,,. ,,, fl.irc to the sil
L. 11. Skinner, Mrs. .leorge -lohti-Xuctte which marks the new models,
son. Mrs. llert Green. Mrs. (leorge " A .i..m..t nf s.irnris.. whicli. as
Brailbum. Mrs. Glenn Wlmherly, I
Mrs. Jack Wharton. Mrs. Mark Tis.;
dale. Mrs. fail Wlni berly, Mrs. ;
Georgo Wharton. Mrs. Fred
llaynes. Mrs. J. W. Weaver. Mrs.
Fred Chapman. Mrs.. II. Mauliien.
Mrs. Clair K. Allen. Mrs. Lloyd
("rocker. Mm. E. II. Stewart, Mrs.
Leon Met'llntoek. Mrs. J. I. lj ve,
Mrs. Wayne Akers, Miss (Jei'liuilo
Kast, Miss Rosa B. Parrott. Miss
Elizabeth Parrott and ihe honereo
Mrs. A. F. Pel her.
"Music" Is Theme of
Woman's Club Mi-ctino;
The musical meeting of tho
Rosehurg Woman's Club nt tho
home of Mrs. William Bell Tues
day nfternoon. drew a large at
tendance of tho members. Mrs.
C. S. Hefnllne, prominent In mu
sical circles In Hoseburg, was the
speaker of the afternoon, with
"Music" as her subject. Mrs.
Heinllne's talk was unusually in
teresting and instructive and
brought a new meaning to the
word music, nnd the part that It
may take In Ihe lives of every
one. Other musical numbers were
by Miss Suppington, of tile Help
line Conservatory who plaved
"Harcefta' by Nevin:
Dunce of
the Dolls." by Pnldinl: nnd "The
Dream' by Liszt. Mrs. Charles
Brand, nlso of the ron.--.ervalory
sang "Song of India." by Rlnsky
Koesahiiff. and "Rain'' by Curren.
Miss Rosa H. Parrott gave n
pices of the Parent Teachers An -
Koriallou of Ihe High School. Mrs.
aiayneiie ( niircii main, a snori
plea asking tUo elol. to co-operate
I with the High School P. T. A. is
I the organization of a girls club
hit the High School. i
Plans for the annual rail now- I
er and shrubbery exchange were 1
niaile. The Exchange wiJI l.n
held on Friday ami Saturday Oe-1
tuber :tl. nod Novembi r 1. nt the
, Stndebaker sales room on Jack-
i son slreet. The rluh nlso voted to
'subscribe I'm percent for the Fid-
erauon .ews. n sian. inimn-u
of vital Importance to club wom-
Tho serving of a dellleons two
erallon News, a slato publication
course liim-heoti at small tallies
Woman Beautiful
il iCD
.'! i'n UP
oirnn will eliminate On n. with a
lip Mick ued taiefully
;i.t r or than no powder,
r n'd. I f te-k or roo. e. . the
oici' end o'.v.i us me of mnke-
op I tie nit of n.ak'.-up and trie
l"nld:ng up if a cuhfure to suit
the face sre thpg every woman
niuM b-arn, und
tK nr. a.
ne muse learn
t. Tl.erefore
the beauty shop.".
til il
Stuarts arc recalleil in this grace-
dress with its cavalier collars
and cutfi and its lustrouMiess pi ma-
I trrial. Mirrokrciw. a heavy crepe satin.
is employed in black for this charm
inn riistiime with ils romantic quality
til ' pictiircsiticncss, and its very mod
ern silhouette. In velvet, it would he
equally eft rctive, either in the oit
depth of black, or the richness of.
In this instance, the dress is made
n the lustrous side of the crepe sattn.
1 a - ..t 1......... ,i:..b,..-l nt, a nif.
IV", ",' J, ' L. ... ".t : h.
crepe si'le fastens the dress all the way
froll, A .,npCTl ! on
.;,r:lrv rraftsmen know, is an
iarf the successful plot, is in-
trojuccj by the collar and cult's, which
arc not, as would first appear, edged
with lace, but are duuM uts in wnue
l.-ir ami nrr.mdie.
Coming back to velvet, if this dress
is mule in this fabric, the front band
may properly be of crepe of the iame
color. ... .
Velvet, by the way. lias been favored
hy the llautc Couture of Paris in
their openings. The Cheney Style
Service reports, for instance, from the
Koliern Opening a model called
'Oiatclainc" which is described as "a
tube frock in black velvet, narrow and
straight, with only a .few tucks at the
sides indicating the waist, with a biff
plisje ralv.t in white crepe and a few
big silver buttons in front. The tight
. slrcvesuul wbitc pliiic volants at the
cay with Halowe'en favors, and
centered with bright rolored nas
turtiums closed the Interesting
afternoon. Baskets of roses, zin
nias, and marigolds wore In pro
fusion about tho rooms..
Hostesses fer tho uflernoon
were Mrs. H. D Harris, Mrs. W.
W. Bonebriike, Mrs. W. C7T ('ling
er. Mrs. A. C. Kldd. Mrs. 11 It., Mrs. .1. C. Ponsler, nnd
Mrs. 1). E. Carr.
j f,"rs. McDonald 1 lonored
With Uirthday Dinner
I Tho birthday anniversary of Mrs.
T.eona MeDonalil wns tho occasion
, for a surprise ilim-r at Hix o'clock
' Sunday
,t,rs, ;j
.'.us. Mi-lKinnlil h tl.iiH'h
.ses Veltna and Dorothy
.Yeljonald, and .Miss Matt e Bur
tell, ai ling as hostesses,
The Hallowe'en motif gave a fes-
live air lo Ihe rooms, uiiil Hie table
where con vs re laid fur Mr. and
Mrs. pave l.i-nox, nnd son Gordon,
Mr. utiil Mrs. Oliver Johnson. Mr.
and MrH. A. V. .lolnison, Miss EiIh I
v.'ebb and It. B. Mathews. A huge
jello.v birthday eaku with black
candles was cut by M: s. Mi Donald,
and a Iriuful or dainty gifts pro-
sen'ed her.
p 0f n J Auxiliary
r' . 3
iinjoys Merry I arty
An apron social, and Hallowe'en
parly, following the regular liusl
ni ss met t ng of the Ladles A n x 1 1 1-1
my lo the H. of It. T. I'ridav even- ;
Ing provided an evening of
merriment for the members. Ainns- i
n;g ens' iiiaes. and penalties for;
those not weariti;: api'iun sturted
the evellMig s r-'Vl".v. end gnno'S
n iiioptlale to Hallowe'en wero
; i li. A lllnelieiMl win s. I've. I ui
(ciinliniieil on pagu eli;hn
Hik'si chick' n Raisin Dressing
I 'i i : ined Siring Beans
Mashed Polaloes
l.iM, t Cmy
:;iilff,d 'lieiiato Salad
Twin Bi.cillls
I'rune W hip
Breadid Veal Cull, is
l;.'bi'l Ttll'lliis
I'and-ed S.m.i I Potatoes
llealts i.l l.elhue
H.i--!aii I'reslhg
A I . l . ' Pn! I il: K
( . fi. e
l'l:lll:itl 'II I'llSelOie
To I.-led Hal ing Powder
Hi cults Lettuce 'I bou' and I d ilid
I IT' Jsttlg
S n 1 1 :. h ( r- am
A II I Cake
I offee
m n .pivot; si ppi:i:s
With lb" coming of the cooler
. nf rail, conn s an interest 111
vetiiniM lit hanie." etltet 'altlllig
.. i,.l i in mi" will or another,
. i In the k. rvi'ig of something
'I. t:i. -p. . lally If Hie even
s' is .ml and t !.e cue Is slay
:.'. ll" v will ne... anil enjoy
: 1 i i! v s.l I-- t :i lit la! lo eat .
V nnt -oirpi i e t hem with a
1,1 :
ofi r Slipper- As tho popu-
nf this inatlllg rani" Is
i.l ne rapidly rro'o l-'ilih Ave
to Main St reel, and w o are
tl vIli'lS tO 1- II IO "pill."."
i ;... ." and lo lell tin. dlf
. ,. I., t e.-n tlie I iravons and
K i-t tod'., why not ! am
'I no: ai. mil Chinese ennk-'ry
-o Ilia' we ITI..V bae refl'sll
. Iii keeping with tie i spirit
. game.
ul r
In ii.-n r we thing of ( hliieso, no n-iially think of ( hop
S ::.'.'. It is tlm f.-nernl luipres-
sion that we got this dish from
China. It Is really a Chinese dish,
but the story goes thnt it was in
vented in this country by Chinese
chefs and later introduced - in
China by Chinese students return
ing there from America. Wheth
er this is actually true or nj.t, the
fact remains that Chop Suey Is
eoually popular in American coun
tries as well as In China.
Judging from the way people
patronize tho Chinese restau
rants especially for this dish,
proves its popularity, without a
doubt. Many housewives now
make It at homo for occasional va
riety. There are a number of varieties
of Chop Suey which may "be
served at the Mah Jongg supper,
ell her plain or made with chick
en or shrimps, or mushrooms,
nnd with or without the bean
With Chop Suey. rice plain
boiled or steamed is served
Some like hot rolls In addition to
tho rice, although the rice takes,
tho place of bread nulte nicely.
Or, instead of Chop Suey. yon
can serve Chow Meln, which
mean fried noodles.
And tea, of course. No tea
seems unite so delicious as the
tea which Is served at tho Chinese
reslnurnnts. They use the best
ton, of course. If you -would
like something especially nice you
ran get nn exquisitely flavored tea
made from Jasamine flowers, at
most Chinese or Oriental shops.
, Now as to the dessert to servo
will, your Mull Jongg supper.
whTTo you ran do unite nicely
withoi'l anv. ns few desserts are
used by the Chinese, yet small
cakes are popular. If you make
t''om nf home, you can bake a
plain calm In a large aheot, and
cut It Into s'ltiares or In diamond
hapen, then uso different frost
Ings nnd decorations to furnish
variety. Make tho rakes small,
however, ns most of your guests
will probably not care for a large
piece of cake, after casting a aub
utanilal supper of Chop Suey.
Chop Suey
2 pounds of lean porL, or one
pound pork nnd one of beef.
2 pounds bean sprouts
" cups finely cut celery
1 to 2 eups onions cut Into
Sail to taste
1 eop soup stock or water
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon Mollassea
2 tablespoons bacon or beef
I can mushrooms. If desired
Cut meat Into cubes, about 1-4
lo f, Inches thlnck. Put baron
or beef drippings Into a deep
si.iico pan or a largo skillet.
V'l-on hot mid the meat and on
ions nnd fry for about ten min
utes. Then add the chopped Cel
ery, rprouts. slock or water, sea
soning's nnd took about 1j niln-ut.-s
Add the molasses. Mix
cornstarch with a little cold wa
ter nnd stir Into Hie Polling stock;
or water until It thickens. It Is
t hen ready to serve.
Cbl. ken and shrimp chop Suey
are prepared In the same way. ex
cept that only at.out half as many
onions are used.
Almond Cakes
4 eups of silted flour
1 l. vel teaspoon Calumet nnk
Ing Powder
1 cup Mtnr
f, e.:gs
I cup lard
Aim on ds
teaspoon almond extract.
Sift the floor, sugar and bak
ing powder together three times.
d.l the bird and mix until meal
like, then add the slightly beaten
cpim and flavoring. Turn onto a
board and shape Into small round
rakes, nl.otit an Inch and a half
In diameter. Sprinkle with coarse
ly chopped almonds, and hake In
a moderately hot oven, until nice
ly browned.