ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1924 FOUR Keliogg's Bran did mere In tea wceh than medicine fccn fa 20 years Out of refr.ird for your own health, road thin ktir: Ontlrawn : Your "KrumbWI Priri," nwl Vf m u m cTt-l. h tlimp mort- fur me In two wtkt than th humirla dollara worth of rm'dirii I hv taken in last twenty yenm f..r cunatlpation. It i wutitlrrful, and, it if w imjile. Y(Mrt truIy Arlington II. Caiman. I'atctioifue, N. V. Mr. fiirmnn'i exporwui-a hus bcn fltiplicntfd in IhoUKUids ff lumuL Why duo K"Hot'K, Urnii wiicc-cd ffvlu'n drujrs und l-ilis fail f Tin? answi-r h simple. J'rujji Iimvo tin iitiwituiul effect upon iho tmwclj. 'j lay irritutc (lie inte.tin..s. Tiio more tl y urn UM'd, the mere one h;ia to Ude. Finally, tiny have no effect nt ,11. KeHo'fl lirau STIMULATES the! int'Mdinf. Tt clns, rwry and puri ii.M thfiti. Jt ads I'x.-irtiy ut natiiM :n'fn. And it is iit vcr n--' s.sarv to in fn:iso tli. amount cati n. It" fa ten ntful.'jrh, Kfll(j: ' I-rnii is puar;:n tred to l.rin p.-riiiant-ut relief to tha most chidiiif (vise of ftHHt ipation, or vnur Rrorcr return nr iimney. i'of Keller's Unjii in Al.lj hruu. Nxth inir lint AM bran can bu bo efTVetive. Mint i why doctors recuuiUicud K-.-iiojitf V. Tho wofi-I. rful, flavor of Rf!i..;:e'fl I'.rau i-i f-iila.'iv. Jt is dt Sutiilly Ln!;k" urhiinrv (raiirt, Cit two t;tMr-iv.,if uN d'ii!v in rliroiiic cnhi'H, with every ir i I . Kit it ui;ii ini'k or r renin ;.n( irt !,' r ipe en ( v ry p;u k;i('i'. KiTI''h Jirnri, cioki-'J him! knunMed. i in-nk' in LUltlu Cxuck, hiuld ly all i;ioci'X. ADDS FINE BALCONY FOR DISPLAYING GOODS for handling the of tl.e firm. ' MANY STATE ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE UP FOR DECISION NOV. 4 ' MJv Associated I'r"-i.) i NKW YOliK. Oct. 1' I .--When I thn voter of thu country fc to j the polls November 4. their pnn- cfpul dutv, from a national Mand point, will be to reenter their choic f rr preMid'-iil and vic 1 pjcsldcMt. In many stales I h y I will be called upon to cho.-o new ; state ofiiciaJa, but in !narly all : they will be asked to express the:r , ! approval of proposed Htatt conti- : ; tutional ariieiidfiieiils and a ' iety of othiT prupo.siitions r'fei-i j rtil to (tin pi-oplu by the wtat'.' t k-KinlatureH. j Adjnsii-d comp' iiHat ion or f id '. : for veleruiis of tiio World War will be vetted upon in Heveral I , Btatt-H nnd in some instance th ; veterans of the Spanish-American-War and th f'bilippine lnsurref-j tion are included, while in oim' the cjueMion lakes in the Vett r ans of tin; Civil War. CALIFORNIA. OKEGONIOTVIR, COMPANY TnjimdStockyklih 0 n SUPREME COURT JO SHRED ask any incrabcr ornarazation I). II. Lenox, who bnH Ihmti In the furnlturu IniMim'.-iH on N'orlli Jai k boii Htrcct for ovcral yf-urn, han just riTTiodili'ii tho inMolor of lils salon room hy tiio inMitlori of a beautiful balcony cxtunilini; from the nnr of tin- ImlliliiiK " Main' btroi't to hourly tin- c-uilor of thoi room. A wiiio iJtairodii'' In Iho con-: tor leads to tho balcony, ami on the upper floor will bo iliHplayed a Kroat variety of haiii.uone jdeeos of furniture for all purl of the home. The present coimented i'oinlitio:i of the main floor will be relieved, enabling Mr. Lenox to: rearrange the stock ko that lis at traotlvw lines may ho artlslically Hhown to piirchasei s. Tho hal-j cony Ih not yet ipillo completed, but within a few days will bo In readiness for receiving Ihe slock. II will mill (rreat Iv to Hie facilities HUNTERS NOTICE Aljx,;!u!oy no tresT'aHstiur nr hui'Uni; on rjovcr t'rtik ilaroh and Sun.-.)line ranch. In auie pre- SOU'. JIM SHOUT. i J : I ; i i:li'iiTi:i. Aini-rican I.e.'!un Auxillarv will hold their business meet ing Tnesdav ecninir, Oct. L'l, at. 8 o'clock sbari. liusiio ss of lui Iionance. J'uil attiodance lUKi-d. dates for president ami vk-e-prua-; askcrt , i.l. t,! I'-ieSt .Nebraska, to provide for nom ! ination by direct primary of cun ' dirlates lor I nit f d States senator, I iepre.-,. iitatiw s in t'oiiKress and I i tale and county elective o- F'lorida itoiy become the haven i (Kerrf. of the wealthy if the voters of1 oh l-oii. to provide that all vot- that statu approve n proposed ! cts intit riad and w rite tho Kn- ! ocmjiany. (A.iHodatf-d PrenB L-4srd Wire.) SAI.K.M. Or., Oct. 21. In re veiaiitK Judge J. W. Hamilton in the ruse of Alpha H. McCallister. ai.p. lant, against Silas 1!. Mc (alli.ter. an appealed divorce cae from I.iine county, tho su preme court today not only (.-rants tho woman a divorce from her husband, but also allows lier $l."i,nou alimony and. costs and disbursements. The opinion was written by Justice liurnett. In her compluint Mrs. McCallister asked nn undivided one third In- in thoir property In Illi nois or u i:ross sum as preman ent alimony. Tho supreme court today dis missed an appeal in the case of the estate of Xarifa J. Filling, de ceased, the Children's home, and the Security Savings and Trust administrator, nppel- Tempting' Special Remarkable Values presented in this Saleonv IT1.. tt '-. to thnt mill mvh i " to the THRIFTY SHOPPER. 1 Hall's Catarrh Medicine JVT-Z id Deaf- your tVKtein of Calarrh rieHH caused by Catarrh. Sold by dniKKlwtH f'r over 40 yeara J, CHENhY A CO.. Toledo. O coriHtil ul ional ainendineut which j lIi lanua,"'; to repeal incomi provides that the idiall levy! lllX law; to make cnnpulsory ap- 110 tax on inheritances or in-1 plication of workmen's componsa- toincH. It would otter a little itioi: law further encoHrau'ern nt to resl denci! In that stale by providing exemption from taxation lo heads of families on household oo(H and person effects up to $ 500. j North Carolina would be in a j position to embark in the Hteam ship business with a statu-owned t lino if the voters approve a pro I pned bond issue of f s,.0o,(Hpu. f Of iho amount 1 be available to e i terminals and the remainder to be used, if necessary, to establish lanis, URainst fhoman N. Strong and othura appealed from Multno mah county where the case was betoro Judtfe Tazwell. The appeal K,.nr h-r-.-v ffir ho ml ssiift oft was iiom un oruer or me u uun js.O'ni.noo as state's share for ! s't"j" " 'mal account of Thorn- completion or vehicular tunnul j s oiunim . j,uia -uuu. under the Hudson river between 1 i ,.-v., I I T ills one word is sn:;"S tive of our entire ser vice. It means that you need have no fears as to tlo' falo of your property when entrusted to us. Please." We Aim to H.S.French TliAHSf EB AND STORACt CO. PHONE 220 $25 REWARD! For Ihe "culprit" who turns In the b. st manuscript l"r a booster playlet, suitable lor pn sent at ion bv the I uip'ina Cliiefs. l'lay must cover some phase of Imllan ion1 and consist of one act, to run about ltd minutes. The script must bo In tho hands of the committee by Itocemher 1. This is a chance for someone to gain fame and a fortune of $25. GET EUSY Mail ait manuscripts to UMPQUA CHIEFS CONTEST COMMITTEE rtoseburg, Ore. If you have any the Chiefs will be ure accepted. ulher Ideas on itunl ', mail 'em in and 1 that you are taken care of if our ideas A Tubful of Clothes Washed Absolutely Clean in Only . Minutes. nirrely sluft wash is lirv The Savage Waslitr Tlien with tliis Savage WpsIut yon gear and spin for one inuml- ,uul tin rnoutjli for the line. NO OTHF.R WASIir.'.i Oi l FRS SUCH ADVANTAGLS A Demonstration Will IVuve Our Claim Everybody's Iixclumgc the stale-owned steamship line. Aid to World War veterans in es tablishing homes by loans of not more t hail S 2 , i i to each veter an would be available If auotiter ! proposed liotiii Issue of $i,oijo,ooo j Is approved. I Condensation or aid to veter ; ans would be provided by consli ; ttitloual amendments or referon i dtim ii'uestlons in other slates as I follows: Alabama would exempt I all former service men of the ar ,' my, navy and marine corps from paying poll tax; Kansas would recognize the services of Veter i ans In the Spa nlsli-A in -rictui War, i I'liilippitie Insurrection and China relief expedition with compensu ; tlou at Iho rale of $1 a day lor ' each day of service, the maximum I to any veteran lo bo $i;ou; Louis ! l:in;i would increase pensions to i Confederate vet' runs: .Maryland 1 and Montana would provide aid 1 i or adjusted compensation, the i iijuestion in the latter state le 1 pending upon tho compensation aniendini lit being carried; Ore gon would extend the provisions of the soldier bonus amendment j to female residents of tho state who were engaged in the war do- partment during the W orld War. j and to veterans of tho Spanish j American War; Colorado, adjust- ed compensation for veterans of , the Wotld War, Spanish-Ameiii an i War. I'bllipplno Insurrection and the Civil War; Texas would ex-' tend the privilege of pensions to j all Confederate veterans and w id ows of Confederate veterans w ho 1 movi d to tile state prior to Jan- uarv 1 . 1 i 1 o. The present limit- ! aiiou of resilience Is January I, 1 line. South Caroliiui and Ccorgia ap parently are getting too mil' h stale legislation, and in both the voters are asked to approve con stitutional amendments providing lor biennial sessions of the legis latures Instead of the annual ses sions as tit present. The question of legislating out! of existence all private anil paro chial schools will come before tho voters of Michigan and Washing-! ton. in tho former It Is proposed 1 as a const It tit ional iiineudineni. while In Washington it in put be fore Ihe people as all Initiative measure, and proposes lo close : all private schools lo children un-: de, 111 years of age. In that st;)te it would nf leet schools conducted by the Koniau Catholics, I, other-i ans. Kplscopallans and Seventh I lay Advent ista. as well as numer ous military academics for bos and private schools for girls. A similar law passed in Oregon , w as dei lared uncoil st it m ional by the f. deral district Court of Ap peals The case thou was taken to the Supremo Court of the Culled States, which Is expected finally ; Ic ib terniiiie the iiiestion of con-, s! it lit iotiaht y tit the term which was convened this month. Citn'ornta will go into the pow er business on an extensive se;le it the voters approve a propo-.d lo b.i v e t lie gov . nur appoint u board to develop and dlslnMlle water and electric energy an dto eie $..ini,n in vv on h tit bonds to lurther the prelects iJiiestuOM a'fecting ali'tis are to be voted upon 111 I .1 1 i t'ortl la all.! V v .id.i '1 lie leriu-T would put a I ' ' i 1 tax on eve; y male in'.i.i bM ,,nt e: i lit- state lor e,l uc.i t lo n a 1 pur t'e es, cxi uipting p. isons p. n inc. .lersey City and NevV York, and the Delaware river bridge be tween Caniden and riiiladelphia. Arizona, for a baud issue of $.",.-,00.(100 lor a paved highway from i'hoenix to lllytho, Callfom- t7.oh.ooi) would I I'slaidish seaport; Massachusetts, to decide wheth er the state .shall favor an amend ment to the federal oonstilution xeeutors under the alleged will of Xarifa J. Paling executed in Itila, and pillowing attorney fees of $r.O.(IOO. Tlie question of reasonableness of the fees was noi before the supreme court. Kelative to the Baling will con test the supreme court opinion remarks that "it may be stated that this was probably the most j important and longest-drawn-out contest that has ever been known 'in the courts of Oregon. The ! testimony consumed several thou ! sand pages, and numerous exliib j its pertinent thereto would also j occupy several thousand pages." 1 The opinion dismissing the appeal county or municipal offices 1 s written uy Liner Justice -Mc- nr tne opinion ninges on a stipulation that was entered into by the parties not to appeal the case. Relatives to this the su premo court says: "We think It was the duty of the appellants, if the stipulation was iuiprovidently entered into or procured by fraud, to have ap pealed to the lower court to set it aside, before attempting to' ap peal, and if the court refused to do this, then to bring that matter up, with the balance'of the tran script as part of its substance, of appeal to this court. However, nothing here said Is to be con strued as precluding a remedy to th" home against trustees who may have fraudulently frittered away valuable rights. That's not in this rase, and indeed, no tradit ion intent is charged, either on the record or in the briefs. The appeal will be dismissed." I ho court denied a petition for re.iearing of the case of the standard Lumber company i linst (lovernor Pierce and oth ers, which tested the constitution-I ality of the state income tax act, j and in which the supreme court ; held the act in the main to be! constitutional. o . CLOSE OUT MODART CORSETS Modart Corsets appeal to the discriminating woman because they are comfort able to wear and last long er than ordinary Corsets. Uny now at reduced prices. All $r.UU, $").50, and ?;.U0 models, 0O QC now- All 57.00, $7.50 $S.0U models !..... 54.85 SILK UMBRELLAS UNDER PRICED . L-mbrella, ofsnTt "u Gloria Silk h eTer? Popular ''ncy strap or rutje ami Ivory tP8 special at , 'prohibiting the employment of children in industry; whether the daylight saving law shall be con tinued in operation; whether tho word "male'' shall be stricken from the statutes in order that women shall be eligible to Hold state, county or municipal offices on an eoual basis with men; whether the state shall adopt a state prohibition enforcement act. THOS.B. KAY Republican Nominee for State Treasurer Kaysers & Wear Right Gloves Ktrap wrist gauntlet gloves of suede leather in tan ami grav, ail sizes, (PI Q(? pair Vli J J Kayser's chamoisette gloves in mode, gray, cov ert, beaver, putty, etc., novelty , gauntlet styles with embroidery on cuffs and silk stitching on (. backs, special at, (pi JC 'V. pair Kayser's strap wrist chamoisette gloves, all sizes; colors: mode, gray, covert RKn and brown, pair. "" KAYSERS SILK UNDERWEAR Silken unllerthings of un usual merit, buy now for gifts. One Star Italian silk vests in pink, peach andQQ tm black, each $CAo Three star Italian silk vests, one star silk bloom- ers in pink and OCT i 1 peach, each V.DD J I Three star Italian silk 'LJ uiouiueis in nesn oJ or only, pair "PLOj SPECIAL VALUES IN H0SIEI Women's heavy mercerized lisle hose, rib Btyle in heather mixtures, pair wide 85c i ! v'y- 1" p ' , ill ;..., . . i !K' i Women's wool and rotton heavy ribbed lioae, in several colors, pair $1.15 Women's silk and wool hoseinblwi $1.65 Women's silk and fibre hose mitt v. tops in Russia brown and content J 65c The Marksbury Comm NOTICE TO PRUNE GROWERS MATU'KT, AND LONG Kit after a Shampoo. CUIU, Golden REGfiESS HELD FOB The of pur- i:ieetion of T. H. Kav lo the of fice of State In;isnrer hp aim re ftrniUK l liepubliean conlnd tin tiutst impi'i'Iaut boards and ftuiv tions of Htute kvitihik nt. Stale Treasurer is a nunibt the Imard of contiol, wliieh s vise:; s!ate i 1 1 -1 il u t ioiis antl lit elKisini; power of the ttate; her id Ihe state tax tate biiukiu:; ltoari!, state l.niii htartl, desert land hoard, stitt-.1 Ijeiwl I'ninmisioti, state Imdi'.et eoniiuis sioii and other important hniinls. Air. Ka 's pa;-t ainJiation w nh ',.iU i:it ei iinii nt insures an ra tion based on experience, tfai'ieiicy ami husi:u's judgment. Vote 43 X TU OS. n. KAV For S I A l l: I RKASl HI R fAssocltert Press Leased Wlre.l rOHTLANI), Oct. 21. The Multnomah county grand jury will tomorrow be permitted to bear the tacts Involving the dentil of .Mrs. Magnus A. Mortal who died of injuries suffered October !). in an auto accident. Chief dep uty district attorney Joseph Ilani mersly announced this following a coroners imiuest last night. The coroner's jury' recom mended that Zulu I, owe. negress. driver of the car which crashed into another in which Mrs. Morud was riding, be held for tho grand jury, und added that it thought Mrs. Lowe responsible for the fatality. Valvollne c y 1 ; IK ton Uros. Order of the board of directors j of the South Douglas Cooperative LAST Prune Growers Tool. The present Glint ; prune pool will be closed on Oc ; tober 23rd at 5 p. in. on tho follow ing sizes, 80'3, 90's and 100's and over. EDWIN" WEAVER, President. A. W. CASWELL, Secretary. o FARM REMINDERS , Oregon communities needing an j outlet ditch for drainage may se- cure preliminary topographic and soil surveys to learn the costs, I feasibility, and extent of Ihe pro jected outlet system. A petition tot drainage district is then prepared according to the state law and presented to the county court, l'ull procedure is outlined in stalion .circular 47 published by the state ' experiment station. system. Pruning too late in the winter causes more bleeding than earlier pruning, say reports of the stale experiment station. I I Molting hens- require liberal feeding as hi usually go Hire quickly, rct'dic: the liens in exc- retared an earl-' tion. 0. A. C. E Most cane fruits are apparently self fertile under Oregon condi tions, according to experiment sta tion reports. The mild and moij w inters of western Oregon make the propagation of these fruits an easy alter. To avoid insects and diseases, growers are advised to ; select young plants only and these j from yards thu tare clean and free oil at Whar- j f,um trouble. .1 or I- pro n ot I pi open v ,1 to pc GET YOUR ROOF READY FOR j WINTER l YV Ariena. I'M iv. bet P ihip i a bon a Mil. Ill Nevada I tiia: por- ; it nt ion t li i : Ihe sine n i it i us in :ti. n o;. -t pioper.v liissne of Metis of in- i I rai i n i: prov ide for t lie lacing colli- ' . ... (!, el" , a- Cilt:: I'M vi MiirL,Ait, UN DlMKhSS sxrjTxcxajusatcssx', NEARKI.AM ATM FAl ! q . IEM.J WOOD eU f DlNN Citr.RCTStN (0. B Tol N. N:.i n Phcne i J hi Cal'te . b, ea "I sb. I' I. I , l ii'i: i , to .. .r 1 tc c , 1" -ion 'im I e'Xiilg I eio-ti-e oexi'i:: M'.v I i, r.a i noi. v e , , likel one or nioje ef vour buiblini - O' - 1 n- ' lire tosily and itniiov ing. llcinembcr .0 iliiie.d I; uo painting lor tlie lust leu years. FOR SALE DY L. W. METZGER METZGER BUILDING PHONE 3t; 'rn t. ,1 to 1 ; .1 Do You L.'is Dia I ca or Green Tea; .comi;i'v tiroc-i y PHL'Nt tJ (Associated 1'icss I.i KLAMATH PALL; in airplane apparently in dis tress., was sei n over Klamath Kalis shortly after :i o'clo. k last night. The aviator circled over the city once or twice, and accord ing to some ob.-ervers, was sei n ing to flash some signal belev.-. Suddenly the motor stopped ami the plane appeared to plun.'e downward near Kvvauna liav. No trace of the machine could' be found today. Arundel, p:ano liner, rhone ISO L. DAILY WEATHER REPORT V. S. Weather Iiurrau. local of fice, lion, burg. Oregon. 21 hours ending D A. M. Relative lmniidltv 5 p m v. .est. 'Id iv ' Precp. II,- ! -i l.OVV e ( le;.p, ' a' 'li e .,., tttt,( - I Pleclpilatiou 1 et ; hours. . . . u' Total pi, ,-ip ,..., ur-t u ,,-,!, J e Noriiml piee p. ; ,r this .,.nh 2 i.l Total pre, ip. from st, nt. i Amounts of sulfur ranging from three pounds to 5o pounds pet acre a year are added to soils by rainfall. The amount of sulfur. iosi jh drainage water has fie I Wlr.) i qilently been larger, says the ex- j Oct. 21. 1 I"'""'"1 siation. tending to reduce me suiiur content of th the point essential lor ni able production. High-Top Boys &C The boy or girl who wears these Shoes not only expects but gets extra wear and extra value. In blacks and tans a jvvide variety of styles. in w.coss A. H. PERRIN1 soils to st profit- Grapes may be pinned in Ore ton a' any t i :n following lb.- t',,.t tWO W, . ks atier til" leaves fll al'er the fall ef lll-S Of Ol:',,! 'Oil HUH Willld Olhetwjse mv(, ' " t-ansterred b;ie- Xn . t , , Pruning too S1 lie leavi'.. rail. Ins. ancr Hundrtdthi. date il.ilC ' ' lio,M. to leV V in, OlIIC S' V- lid i' XI I .o t.l xes. a!..,, lo I', at l.ixv pl'e.v i l- i1, ,'..,l plenary ei , '.i"ll le Id iu Muy of general i ykr, to :ect and;- when ix nosm rg sroi' AT Hotel Umpqua ii. i. A.-iev'- i-,.-ii'. i:om ?ept. 1. 1x77 Te'al 0. tico n, v ti, i::i Ax erase precipitation for 46 wet seasons. (September to May. Inclusive)...; .. t rns. lt.ed. piobatnv r a 11" t'.'i' .Hid edlo .-day, nied, rate leu, a.uic WM. EELL, Iktcorolcii,: Its Wat p, r- root FORMIEIII Special Six Studebakcr Touring Car 1 'loi'ioti, ,i and Tr.e LOW PRICE EASY TERN'S ID MARSH M0T03 CO. Cbtvroltt and Oalvlard Sa!t and Serv,ce J! Mi il i V ;TW.TTTTW.WeTTTTTTW I Nursery 'Tre C. E. MOYEK NURSE ! i i. rs ,or winter and i am iio oooixniK n.-e ...,,' ' ,1,1' : . . . ,. ,1 ir,cs v"1 ' iiiey ate noine grown, accon; ' ' ovi.i,,,., ,..i ki..i. in ... 1 r way. 1, , , , r i- .t.oiifW. " . .'I,' "illlllll SIOCK COIlslMS "i '. , Tn O ern Soft Shell Hlack all (trailed ' ' -N"r .s I mot 1. They have developed x:- rujsrw" und strong buds. klx l'ears Pour variefu s liiclii'lin- a eos ,4 ... alum Peai lies Eight varieties leans """ bast well adapted to this distri. i. y' Pi lines Several varieties, i!it'-!'!:te ' ' pf.,., r 'frequently called Datel. I'eti'e. 1 1: I""''1'' sl a " 1'iaeh or Myrobolau Hoot. Some fine tre" replants. Cherries Five varieties. Crapes Nino varieties. tjcs I'laco your order now and I w'1 siiring delivery. llPinornhn, If v. In eo what V0U i,( nurscrv. ., '5 Vtl" llemenibcr good trees arc s,.;r,e " My prices are right and no l'inrlr" direct with grower and owner. 4 Nursery located 8 miles sou'.i "i i"- ay or 1 mile north of Dillard staiieu. C. E. MOYER, Rosebur