ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW TUESDAY. OCTOBER 21. 1924. THREE t 1 n i?ain Tile ! U coming. Tak it Carload coming. Take it 3-inch 4-inch $3.60 per 100 $4.50 per 100 kSalt 90c per 100 lbs. $17.00 ton our $1.75, $1.95, $2.15 per sack SEE US FIRST WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY FARM BUREAU OPERATIVE EXCHANGE mm ROSEBURG OAKLAND LOCAL NEWS Over From the Bay Henry Ilia-gins. Com flay bil- " - .u.iii. as a guest lit iHipi'Ja last night anj todav. REGISTRATION 13 GREATER (Continued from j:i t-1 1 the In From Dillard ' hundred nanus of voter who had oam .iimtT ui I'liiaru whs in inenol exorcised the franche lor looking amr many years, some having been city tills afternoon bu.-inesg affairs. Wilbur Ladies Visit Mrs. o. v. Short and Mr Ceoreo Phort Jr.. spent the (lav in uosenurg shopping friends. and greeting I In Town Today II. A. Monro, of Salem, was a business visitor in this city this morning. ! Over From Klamath In Town Today , Mr. and Mrs. I). Fpton. of Klnm- . 0. Knighton, prominent busI- O'h Kalis. were visiting friends in ness man of Salem, was a visitor Kusebuig todav. to Roseburg last nlrht and this morning. Back From Trip ' - I Tom Ness, w ho has been . on a ! Going to Coast 'hunting trip In the Drew vicinity, Fharbs D. Snyder, of North returned home today. , Bend, who has been upstate for, several days, was In Roseburg to-jviied Friends ilay enrouto to his home town. Mrs. Wilber J. Ollbbs. of Ttolllng- ham. Washington, was visiting Lumberman In Town friends here yesterday. J. . neini. mil man from the I dead tor ten years ill Hie time the list as prepared. These were cul-' led out and the registration drop ped to 9.S05, and a still further drop was recorded this spring, so that at the present time the list is made Up of voters who have lor the greater part east ballois dur ing the past two-year period. From the indications it is apparent that the vote at tint column Kent nil election will be very heavy: Drew Fast I'm nulla. I Kdctlhou... Tteeilsport country, was In town to. Hei"e From Corvallis 1 Klkhcad day looking after business mat-! I!- M. Adams, well known Cor- Flklon ters here. i vallis citizen, was registered at the Harden Valley.. l'rerlnct M. Api'lcgale .. mi liellows 57 llcnsoii i (alapooia 71 Camas Valley 7 Canvoiivillo 94 l aro ins 1'ivil Hi nd 102 Coles Valley 611 Comstock gi Cow Creek 66 Days Creek 4:1 M-er Creek 1U2 Dixonville 72 Diain ....... 15 .. 6 - 6.1 . 1:12 .. 30 . lo:i Lvn Ore.. Oct. r . ..... raly: receipts. 136 i.a,lv; receipts 51)0. tl), Ore., Oct. 21-Kggs fc:rrent receipts isac .u.- "rsts 4"" 0 11 1111 "livered I'orilaiid. h .adv. Extra cuneg cuy 'anls 3m-; firsts iW. prim 21. Cat- Shopping In Rosebura 1 Mr. and Mrs. v. 11. Fiokhorn. ! of Myrtle Creek, are In Roseburg todav shopping and visiting with friends. ELECTION NEWS ; Of course you're interested The NEWS-REVIEW win print all of It national, state .. E' , of A ... . ' the woolen mills Inirn -from 'preset , constable. I , "' visitor Roseburg yesterday ...i." ',,,l,ijr """ '""" ""' Down. From. Brownsville I.. E. Samuel, of lirownsville. was a busl- Right off the wire the day it happens; the only newspa- per In Douglas county with Associated Press leased w ire service, assuring you of ab- eolutely dependable returns. Reports from every precinct of Douglas county as raoidlv undergrades as the long distance tele- and this morning. Up From Medford C. !,. Wnrnook. well known Med ford business man. was in the oily today, having arrived yesterday and registered nt the i'niqua. 'Terminal Hotel last nigiit. j Visited Here Today W. f. Kugate. of Myrtle Creek, was visiting friends in town this j morning and attending to business. In Roseburg Today Mrs. Jeft Huberts nnd Mrs. J. M. Hoyle. of Mvrtle Creek, were shopping hero. i Up From Gold Hill ! R. A. Caples. of Cold Hill, was among visitors from the southern Part of the Plate to visit Rose burg today. fcmts Hl-, cartons uc. I steaily. 1'csJ churning net snippers u fcteaily. Heavy lions JU I llcat M''i f; springs lc: do. lit-'ht 23(25c; U roosters Wc; ducks, - liitilv-; live turkeys ' 1 dro-Vd 30 :12c., si. IV.. 1.15. adv. Walnuts No. 1 ,,5nc lb.: filberts lS'fn ,:s :7c: Brazil nuts 13 !.!y. Now clusters ISffll iofi ISc; old crop lUGf) a bark steady. New liouiul; old peel nomi- n: grape root ic. 1. Oct. 21. With tle-.- that more than 30,- re left over unsold at -,rds. closing prices on 1 50 to $2 lower than jst week. This is one severe price declines ( the hoes sold in Chi- h rought around $9.25. A ulil around 0, Ore., Oct. 21. tard white blue stem, tie $l.r3; western ater $1.4:t. Northern western red $1.45: -a hard white ?1.60 receipts: wheat 139; ur , ; hay 11. 1. Ore . Oct. 21. pnone can convey them. Prompt! Accurate! Com- plete! a Making Trip South Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McNeil and family rf Albanv, were In Ro?e. Looking After Business Everett llarpham. representing a bond company of Pol l land, w as 1 burg today. They are going to Cal- '" lne citv loday attending to I If you're not a subscriber uy mmoT ear IO vtsit ,-""" - Quests cf Mrs. Cergen Salem Manufacturer Here ! Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Illockley and F. E. Lees, brick manufacturer , ilaughler. of Portland, nre in the of the capital city, was a business city today, guests of Mrs. Clara visitor In Roseburg today. He reg-' tlergen of the tlrand Hotel. istered at the Tmpqua during his stay. ! Moving to Eugene Roach, who has conducti d a snop on Miorman Htreet for tlardiner , (ilendale , (ireen tiill'.ter Hamilton Happy Vr.lley.. Herman Kello-ig ! l ime I.eona I.ooiiing Class.. J l.oon l.ako I Melrose . . i Mill Millwood Ml. Scolt North .Myrtle South Myrtle 1 Nichols Oakland ( Halla I 'a i n it t nine to the NEWS-REVIEW, now is a good time to begin. Why depend on the other fellow's copy for your election news? A dollar will bring the paper to your post office or rural delivery route box for 3 months, or It w ill be delivered in Roseburg by carrier for 50 cents a month. 4 tie -change Is 6hown In country dressed meats on the local mar kets. Veal is dragging at $11 to $12. The hog market is in good condition. Good stock is listed at $13 to $14. Receipts are light. The poultry market is displaying j fnr fnP ,' wh',,rP Motored From Salem Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Harbert and many years, has sold his reslilem daughter Janette. of Salem, who ; property and is moving to Eugene. have been enjovine a motor trip,; were visitors in this city last : Miss Jackson Hack night. .Miss Doris Jackson, who has neon recovering from nil opera- rinksion Kast Iteodspoi't.. W est liocdsport.. Riddle Roselmrg Soottslmrg Soldiers Home... East Siitherlin... U'cst Siitherlin.. Smith River . Tiller i'mpipia West Kork West Roseburg.. Wilbur Woodward Voncalla . 31 . 101 . 114 . 62 i . 6.'. . lli . 91 . IS . IS . 55 . 19 in . 71 . 15 21 91 161 .so M 52 39 21 52 213 130 OS 116 41 101 127 4 4S 37 116 11 94 62 !I4 6S Rep. E. 37 f.7 67 47 21 40 M r.a 2S 19 HI 40 115 3 20 72 17 f.S 21 39 39 9 SS 10 46 7 27 4 "X 57 S 10 55 1".) .ill 4S 24 31 10 35 97 59 32 lll 21 14 Mi 53 21 12 , 93 r 70 35 r.:i 63 M. 31 2.1 4.) 40 36 36 50 30 21 11 23 IS 5.1 37 61 13 23 41 21 21 10 IS M 21 7 49 5 54 20 53 5 2S 1 IS 31 7 14 C7 Ml! 2S 3S 39 ' 13 111 37 61 31 26 4S 4 17 26 24 15 26 59 14 34 25 79 26 Wem. E. 17 11 35 21 S 19 49 11 10 4 12 12 31 ' 42 5 15 25 10 21 3 A 47 19 3S ft 47 5 24 3 9 i 11 21 4 4 51 IS 30 12 7 5 IS 27 15 11 40 4 2 IS 15 9 12 21 5 20 11 44 14 M. 1 10 8 7 S 10 4 S 7 8 9 7 10 I 5 11 15 3 2 4 6 2 44 26 1 3 5 5 4 5 1 1 14 4 21 8 Mise. 6 3 4 1 5 6 9 4 3 3 1 19 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 ,1 K 1 6 2 2 15 13 4 1 1 8 1 6 2 16 G M. 119 90 144 121 91 140 160 140 67 S7 61 164 116 256 21 91 1S4 53 125 41 122 246 )5 11 121 157 3S 112 24 91 20 116 112 24 35 167 2S2 111 121 95 5S 31 91 350 1N !i. 167 45 121 15X 112 6S 64 1S3 26 142 91 194 102 Cram! Total Total K. 60 71 106 31 64 135 73 40 37 .17 176 9 IIS 97 SO 2.1 61 144 62 2 S3 15 140 15 72 11 41 (I 49 SI 1.1 14 SO 167 70 79 42 40 15 55 139 S7 ' 4.1 145 25 16 110 72 31 122 11 96 4S 113 179 16,1 250 193 124 204 213 123 S4 124 MO 29 17S 432 30 129 2M SI 205 66 1M 390 'Ji 2i6 37 297 63 204 35 112 26 165 193 37 49 247 449 1S1 2011 137 9S 46 146 4SI1 276 12S 312 70 119 26S 1V4 99 N9 305 37 21S 119 307 174 JIARTH S TOGGERY-TUB HOME OP GOOD CLOTHES firmer tone with good demand. Prices are unchanged. Hutter prices continue on a steady basis today, nnd Front treet dealers reported no change In the egg trade. South For Winter Mr. and Mrs. IT. J. Tlrrwn, of Walla Walla, were guests at the Terminal last night. leaving todav Ihev will spend the w inter. NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT Woodcraft Thimble club will be held in theMv. P. Hall Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 afler which a special meeting of Lilac Circle No. 49 will be held for the purpose of receiving candidates. o Lawn grass seed at Wharton llros. nnd fertilizer Ranchers In Town F. R. Carhelin. of Dlxnnvll'c. nnd C. L. Rurnott, of Quine's Creek, near Azalea, were among the farmers transacting business in Roseburg today. -. tion performed six weeks ago, has returned to Roseburg mid has re ! sumed her duties at Wimlierly's. Speeder Arrested Lynn Tillman, of Portland, was I arrested last night by Traffic' Of ; ficer Thin ber on a charge f speeding. He will appear in the lo ! cal justice court for arraignment tomorrow. Bound For Portlan0" Dr. nnd Mm. J. K. Fuller, of San Fmnoisco. we'-o visitors in Rose burg Inst nlrht. They were stop ping at the Grand and left during the forenoon for Portland. l'niMiua Inn Popular I'mpiiua Inn. which was recent ly opened on Winchester street, by Mrs. William Eisher, is becom ing iiuito popular, a large num ber of Rosi-burg people, and tour ists stopping there for n delicious home cooked meal. Mrs. Fisher remodeled the 4449 2622 . 7071 i 191S 1069 29S7 392 21S 610 6759 3909 1066S 1066S 1066S B?ck to California yeverlev Bnlrd. who hns been visiting in Oregon for a few weeks, left here today for Los An reles. his home. He registered at the Douglas last night. ulterior Ol ner ''ii?-ninilcrl t.v :i ,! ..f i house and has a large dining j burg Lumber and Manufacturing room arranged, to seat 13 or 20 j (. , a.-.certaln ier,i,c tits of """ the contrnclors and build city t tonally notorious thief. A platinum diamond cluster ring, resembling one stolen from Mrs. Heyworth was" found in pos session of on of tho four. From their iiuest inning of the prisoners, the police nlso hone lo throw light on the rases of Dor- nt llV l, ,ti. unn T 1 On Invitation of the lWl.iirir i.MHi. ....i... ' . "'.' Lumber and Manufacturing Co. Miss I.awson. -Ilroadvvav buller m inagenient, a group of contrnc-: flies" were killed bv robbers who , tors and builders met nt an In- ransacked their apartments 'miss formal banquet served by the Mobe and her wealthy malo rom (irand drill last night to talk over panlon were hold up in her apart- .... lom.iiions anci neeus ol meiir recently and rubbed of iew- The affair was eiry valued nt J50.000. the coinmiinii v. Auto Accident ers of the and to get lirst hand Infornia- Jlurgor. of who have Returning South Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stockton, California been on n motor car trip north torcycle driven bv were visiting In Roseburg last liams. local call boy. night enroute to their home. Thomas' car skidded Orenonian Man Here W. E. Mahoney of tho Oreron Inn staff. ncormiKinied bv Mrs. Ma honev and their dauebter. w-e-e registered nt the Grand Inst night, i They left today for tho north. : seriously injured, occurred this morning at the corner of Lane and Pine streets; when the cifr driven by Charles Thomas, 14(111 the 1110- Delvis Wil colliilnl. Mr. across the street, and draped Itself ouite gracefully around a telephone post breaking boih front wheels, and smashing up tile irotit end of I lie machine. nusual Values in Smart Cloth COATS! Going to Powers Mrs. A. II. Crawford, who lias been visitinc up slnte. enrouto tr her home last nicht stopped off in Rosebunr. registering at the Ter minal. She left for ihe coast today. lion on tile demands of the imhlic A collision in which no one was ! concerniiii- hinl,Hiu a hen. 1 r the contraclors and mill men were present, and the mill company ex pressed a desire to cooperate with owners and contractors in supply ing anything needed in the build ing indiisiiy. The Roc. burg Lum ber 1 nd M iniitacturiiig ro. has but ti cently taken over llie J. (J. I'look iiiteiests, is operalinr a plant here th;il. is capable of sup plying any s..ri of material needed in build' ir.', including windows, d.-ors. si., h. and interior finishing, or built in f. ahu. s. and Is desir ous of ke.-phu; in touch villi con- rt'ictors s 1 11s lo he ithl every d. lllall'l 1 f the neif-hboril.g 1 olillililllilies. my Young Men's Stylish Clothes For Men Who Know STYLE in Clothes covers a multitude of sins. Tho Suit which one ihnp would think is snappy, another wouldn't care to wear. That's largely a question of taste, lint there is the right nnd wrong to stylo which all well, dressed men recognire. Correctness is a byword here. Our Clothes are chosen only after careful study of tho trend of style in America's leading tenters. STETSON HATS FLORSHEIM SHOES Where Service and Quality Meet 3 M r liw CITY GAS RATES New Tariff Proposer to Become Effective on November 15. sumers and necessity thereof. Yours truly. PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF OREGON. E. W. Ostrander, Sec, o Eat Ilaietwood at WImberly'i. CITY WILL PROTEST Council Instructs Attorney to Make Objection to Any Further in Gas Rates. J. H. BULOCK DIES ATAGE0F83 YEARS 7 lE are showing a complete line of Win- ,cr Coats, at the most reasonable There is a wiiiV sln-t.'ir fur trim- Jl - v.. wa - - - - - - ffnodels. smart in every detail, and also a I r Wltout fur, including stsort tvpes of Prided Wools. adies' Shoppe 139 Xorth Jackson Street Return to Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Rich Solberg. who have b- en to California on a motor trip, where here Inst night, guests at the Douglas Hotel. They are returning to their borne at Seattle, leaving for the north today. Back to Bandon Mr. nnd Mrs. Gen. W. Moore. Jr.. who have been visiting Portland snd wav points, were guests at the t'mpnua hotel last night. These people left for the city by the sea today. Carl Wimberly Home Attorney Carl F. Wimherlv, who. has been hunting In the vicinitv of Drew with Tom Ness and Mose Tison. returned home yosterd.iv. The other members of the party will remain out over today. Will Opn Shop Pert Willard. who conducted a b-irb. r shop on Cass Stre. t a.r the dev t and who recently sold his Interest" will open up a shon In the building on Sheridan trei-t that is being vacated by the Roach shoe shop. J. It. Llalook. need K3 y. :uv. a native of North Carolina, ci. .1 last night at his home in North i; buig. following u short illness Mr. lllalocit spent a number oi .ears . in the state- of Missouri 1" lore coming to On-con in lv2. II.- was engaged in the mining bu.n-ss following his arrival in tl:i. s .Ue until his retirement bei ause oi ad vancing Hge. H' is survived by four children, two sons and two daughters. I: S. and H. O. 'Unlock of Kos. : :rg, and Mrs. Mary Itird-ong i f tis-s-uirt and Mrs. Eva M.iy I a.i.-r-liill. of Illinois. The funeral services w ill be I.' Id . on Thursday afternoon at :.:to o'clock. Rev. if. L. Caldwell. 'r fiiiaiing. The services w.ll I., held at ihe t'ndertnking parlors .':iii inti iment in the Masonic ne-n-ry. The Hlue Devils symphonic Jiijiz orchestra of thsl city were yester day engaged lo open Ihe mammoth dunce pavilion in Coiiuillc on next Saturday night. The nianageinonl or the Coiiuillc pavilion went lo a l.ig expense lo secure llni services of the local musical organization, which Is recognized as one of the best dance oichestras In Ibis sec lion of the state. The new pavilion lo supply "l Co'iulllo H luuxliiii f,.et in size city and : """ '"" ""or is or nardwooii. The nine Devils have gained for them selves an enviable reputation fr rii.e dance music and they will 1111 ilonl.t. dly prove a big hit when they piny for Hie big opening on next Saturday night. The orches tra will take their .Inger, Harold I'eniis. wlih them nnd a good pro giam of Hie latest hits will be presented. I' (AmmnrlnlrA Trent Wire.) HOSTON, Oct. 21. Frederick Roy Martin, general manager ot The Associated Press and an ov erseer of Harvard Pnlveraity at a bamiuet of the Boston Club of tho Harvard business School Alumni Association last night , reviewed the past work and the alms of The Associated Press. He said that so far as he knew II was the only organization tab ulating the national election re turns. This work, ho stnled, re quired tho employment of 20,000 persons for 24 hours at an ap proximate cost to Ihe Association of f2f0,000. He dwelt on the covering of wnrs, saying that the two greut mistakes of the world war from the point of view of tha newspapers were "foolish tensor ship and government propaganda." o- "All lU -o- For quick results Review classified i ,1s. US" eWS- 1. 15. Going To I'orlliinil Attorney Gnurge Nminer left this pinrning for PorMniid. where h will represent Carl G. Revniers and H. I.. W"'l in their rase in the federal court. The two ni' n were nrrairriod this morning charged with larceny irom a box ca r. Three Cornered P.iIIMmii l.a'e Saturday afternoon a Ford rnr dr!vn hv Tm .l-nnev. a Dud re driven by s !-ll Telephone , employee, supposed to be from ! Portland, anil n Stn.lebaker own-! nd bv Ed Lewis collided In a three cornered mi up nt (ink nnd fine s're. t All three cars were damaged slightly, but no one was, hurt. ' 30 SI 1 "I "'Je. ) 4 Small can do a hijf business'- Can tHaOc thousands r f i o 0icsmcn EOcrvJ copvj cf tills news- it (.sooIllt1 l'r I.c.m-fi "'r.) WASHINGTON. Oct. 21 Al though I'rt'Sidf-nl (ooliil:i luirt T)"t df-rilI il.-linil.-ly whi lln-r h will vot y mail or o t' Nnrth Atn;) tnn. M;.-h., to hi- h;ti!nt on Novntihcr 1. if wa ;i iI t'nl.iy fit tlic Whif" Hnim tl.'.n tho j u ' s i -d'Tit Ix'Ijcvi'M th' mt fo ttu f.'ov irnint'fit ittid ih 1 ii i-' n v tj i i n atlcndHJils w lu wouhl n ' -;ir ily at x'otTiii.tnv him on sn h n trip, hiii'llv iiutiti' it worth whlli'. The luciili'iit spiiit some 1 1 rim today i ii wm k tnir on i-t vi"p h to Im (I- liv'T'd Thursday nirht b:-fon- (he ii-f rn di ihtoa ot t h' ChjimiM-r of (ii!UH' r of the I'nitfd Sr;tt"" If ;ii said that IhiM adl i' --. whi' h w 171 i-- vot (j prim.irily to a d i--u:.ion (f : tnnin-"i rutifi :t iniM wo'jld proli , al'ly he tin- hi-f ho wilt iuak! dur ing Ih! ra m ; in it. ArraiiU''iri"ii!M havn hin corn ; ph'ii'd to r.nlio hro.Kh at th" at drcmi to ' iy t-i-t Hon of tho conn ilOIIJS THIEF IPD IT ; l 1 L nil We are going to DANCE! Friday, the 24th AT Olalla Hall Lots of Room Everybody Coine. Committee Kat Huzelwood at Wlmberly'i T. W. Morgan, of looking Olass, democratic candidate for county clerk was In Hosolmrg yesterday attending to business mnttera. Mr. Moigun has been In the southern part of Ihe county iu the Interest aw ijr it do men their hata? ! fA'..'!f4( d I'lf-B Li-RK'-ll AVlTf.) ni;v vorrK. ot. L'i: rur , nu n urn: '' tud iv weri- qnt'stloii-f-r ' h boil t t!i' fli'i' ry early today of t li wi't "id a pa 1 1 in til of , Mri )I-cn H'jwortli. fianr- of MiJaiicr Ian" Cul Huh, inl'.rDu- NOTICE v :.. .'. ... :. . 1 lltl it till. i LfKAJf your Italian Prune Trees. 1 lie lest trees money can buy for 8c npiecc. L.S. GKIMSHAW ? ? 2. 2 Grcsliarn, Ore. An Increase In gas rntes, nmnuntlng lo about fifl rents per month for ea h customer, is nsked by the Southern Oregon (ins com pany and will go into effect on November 1.", unless It Is suspend ed by the commission for proper cause bi fore the effective dale. The city ceiincil nt Its regular meeting lat nl"ht. Instructed City Attorney Wimberly lo file n pro test ncalnst the proHised Increase on b. hiilf (,f the rily. and an at tempt M ill he ptnde to prevent any of his campaign. ni;rea.Hc( charges from being fix- ed. The follcwlnr; loiter from the public service commission to the citv council was rend : You ale hereby Informed that there was filed with this office on the I'.lh Instant, a proposed diriff N'o. N. of the Southern Oregon (las cotnii.iiiv which promises to In- ero'iio .,H ,;t r.. In n cities serv ed bv it for lug purposes. The amount of Increase for Ihe 1.100 customers served by the com Tirinv, on an nveru-e nionihlv ba ils. i esJmnteil to be f (1 1 ?. over and iibrve the f I T 1 ." f,H received under Ii..- present rale. The ni 'iiacer of Ihe rompnnv. M". Thos. Ii Fetch, claims thai ' 'his in. reio'o ,h necessary as tile ..Mii r oi iv o principal causes: The tlr. I Is th Increase 111 the cost of oil amounting to $J,f,lKir, for tie- first seven nioii'lis of 1'iJI oyer the same potiod for HI23. The! second dee lo an Increase in the j labo- .."-I of op. rat ion. amounting' t 1 :t '. i r lie. nlh It Is claiiiier ' leu i ..-.t't'ii'd opei -i ' ton und.-r the' Tor'l ' r eVsi;HK sa'.'irieS COIllll not I) KHti. In ,..m.,v Ih.i in- 1' Ii i' r Ih.linet hen talHiie with n In.wl this action, a compliment, passed into our custom of raising the hat. Customers compliment us on Aspirin Tablets because they gain from them aaro relief from colds, grippe and headache. I Absolutely true asmrln, tableta .o mitt toeir Dene liclal sctioii begins In 15 seconds. Highest, purity, never Irritate or hum. (inn of 2u0 Piiretest preiarnllons. Kv.-ry It.. in the best that kill and conscience can produce. Nathan Fullerton 7?ia jteno.ll Drug storm Perkins Building, Roseburg. I ause. when Avil hey Used to Wear -TiJL'J armor, thev thought CV.'l-Ll 'l Tie lug t has lc en opci.itihc from oi t.l. -' - I rnoii'l 1 1 1 l for i.e'i.t itig liicorne" amounf- iTv :i7 for the y. ar FiL'S t liarige.l bv tnereases in o "is Into a -deficit .-.iMotis" nii'ounting to j for ill.' I irst seven (if I'lJI Neither of these I ti - t'.di. any allow ance . -t or r tnr n on inv est- 111! ' f. !"' . .! n in 'i'-mli with th. iv nru' th'1 !t!i oi .!ih-' r 1"). In nr- 'i'lU'ory pro f il'ni? i f tar . itnbm It h" -ff. for i in- b;MM tfr- .,f t. -n- ' tnl-d bv th' rnnHt'l'-li'n for m r i tMt flinwn b fttr' Ili 'f f'i'ib... th.f .if. '.- Mil i-. -f th:it tlm (f'-n'-ml iii;in.u'' r of td" ronipanv fir oi"t1 r tr - ii t : f v h1 a-'k'-d for mp h fur h r i'pian:itinn conr rnln th ltupoBiJ uiiff, lu t-K'-ct on con-