Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 17, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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V . j-v'i"' r,'iH v Bjacj t 'sac
Contolldatlon el Th Cvinlng Niwa and Th Roieburg Review.
An Independent Newepiper, Publlehed for the Beet Intereet ot the People.
2 EH
1E La
1 H y tia da M
Packer, shot by stepson
(Asaorlatcd Press leased Wire.)
COIIVALLIS, Or., Oct. 17.
Opening ol the Albany-Cor-
vallis highway will occur today
when a caravan of Denton
county autos leaves Corvallis
to Story Told by Slayer He Fired Fatal Shot
Stepfather Reached tor bun Domestic
Troubles Are Recounted Uthcers
Are Making Investigation.
istovel Snider, hunt-j
..mi .utile, residing on!
Id place above reel, was
lrd yesterday evening
n. Fred rarazoo, uur-
I concerning a set-
.ha vnnnir man's work
t.jmmer months. I'ara
rrendered to the offi-
ianiy following tne
.mei that he actel In
nd that his stop-
arled for a gun.
kilter, District Attor-
and Sheriff Starmer,
o other officers, left
tor the Rcene of the
tere the body still lay
make an Investigation,
mine whether or not
related bv Parazoo
to the Indications and
be found in tho lit-1
fae where the tragedy
Id it.-. fiffler. thnt '.
, .
been lying about him, !
eruay afternoon, re-;
1. a hunt, he found ,
Oi thp house and he-
lo him about some of
--.'j mat nan Deen
iraght up tlie matter I
I pon the terms pt an !
nt. and hot words
Parazoo claims, be-j
names, and Inmnnd i
rtiair and reached for j
kirns In the corner j
-I away. As he stood
:lreJ, the bullet strik-1
rtcht side, just below '
: pie and ranging nt nn I
.h the bodv into the I
' Ml on his face at ;
his slaver, who tnrneil i
tier to see where tho'
ick and then went out j
"If UP. He tried first tn
to bring him to town, i
'able to do So went to
i to telephone In over I
ni line hut could not ,
w walked on to the j
where he found two 1
'ine for town. Thov 1
(Hide where he anr.
tnself lo Deputy sl.r-;
. Lilly, who notified
nvr. I
and Deluiy Sheriffs I
11. who were in the i
he time, lmmedinti-lv I
Glide, nieeiine I.lllv i
in wilh the nrisoncr '
! on out to the Ilonil
prd the properly and
was molested tin-1
'Kail. n coulil be made.j
la brniiL-hi e-. i.,,,.
where he fieelv dUeii.,. !
WillC. and ne-.l.. -. !
' 'he officers. !
Full Slrro...,. .
Attorney fir-'
advise,! hin, it,.,.
"U'd be us. d n,
- I'lmiiMn, however,'
1 " nothing to tell but tho '
willi.ig to answer
M to the Hn. .!.,
L ,, "l ' '.' IS'IO U1U
j 14 apparent that con-r-'oiesuc
trouble enters
V,i0n: he 'oung man's
f Milder We-.. ,,!...-
''n abem f. .. ago.
The woman.
- ' ' :'ce- 4
' tlan h. , ,,, hns-
s on t,:. .... ..
f- Ti.larv , , ..n,
led ,1 ."iM'iiua
,,d' man be-
' fe. ,d onlv a
the mpfather'be-
.Hie fte;,,,jni acoorJ.
- m,' woman also
- dreuH. and was
t.V ' ' d"m- One
Po , i woman:
-.- .... mierfere,!
' t-:. n. ,.nt
' t an i:i,er to ihe
?"i-r- "'"'h a m.i.
'ven, b.V i, ,n
' 1'raz say. he was
,ir,"rU:"r""r"' This
f-"iiue. h . . .
-l """" 4
had assumed control of the wo
man's money, and bad made sever
al bad Investments. He had every
thing mortgaged and would allow
her nothing, refusing her the uso
of the automobile, which the son
claimed belonged partly to his
Parazoo says that he worked
with Snider on his packing trips
into the forest; and also worked
abut the place.
The domestic trouble grew
worse, he said, and Snider fre
quently beat (he -woman, Parazoo's
mother, when the young man was
"away from home.
Anther Woman In Case
Then there was another matter
upon which the young man touch
ed lightly, saying that it was
something between his mother and
his step-father; something appar
ently concerning another woman.
Tarazoo and Snider had been on
a trip into the forest, and on the
way out Parazoo stopped at a
camp to care for sonit; sick horses
and Snider came on alone. On the
way, It was intimated, he stopped
with another woman, and Mrs.
Snider heard about It. They had
some difficult); and frequent quar
rels over it, but Parazoo said he
knew little about the matter so re
fused to discus's It.
About two weeks ago, he called
up the sheriff and said that his
bother and s.tep-father were hav
ing trouble and wanted to know if
something could be done. The
sheriff advised him to come to
Roseburg and swear out a warrant
for Snlder'B arrest for beating tho
woman. Snider, however," would
not let Paruzoo and the woman
use the car, and the sheriff was so
informed, but as then? was no com
plaint or warrant the sheriff could
not act.
"You had better come out here
befrre something happens." Varaf
zoo is alleged to have said at the
Later the mother an!, her son
came to town and laid their troub
les before IMstrict Attorney Cor
don, who advised them to employ
an attorney. They consulted Attor
ney Wlmborly, who, according to
Parazoo, ndvised them to return to
Solder's home, but (old the young
man to see that his mother was
not abusi..
An agreement had been made,
the officers were told, whereby
Parazoo was to work for Snider
during the summer, and In return
was to be given enough bacon, po
tatoes and other supplies to pro
vide for himself during the winter
months, which he intended to
spend on his homestead.
Recently Parazoo said he had
heard that Snider had been telling
that he did not Intend to settle,
and had made other statements of
a derogatory nature, which the
young nian resented.
"Rut I didn't want no trouble
with him. I never wanted none. I
tried to avoid it," Parazoo told the
ofticers. "Rut he kept telling lies
about me and abusing mother. He
lust did It for cussedness. I guess,
he was Just that kind always
raisins the devil.
"Yesterday morning I went up
to my homestead to see If there
was anything I could do there. I
worked for a little while and then
went down to Charley Parazoo's,
to see If I could help him. There
was nothing to do so I borrowed
his gun and went for a hunt. I
didn't kill anything and along In
the afternoon, I guess about 3
o'clock. 1 came back. Mother had
Just come thrfe for a visit and we
were talking around, and she said
that Snider was telling lies about
me, and said that he had told her
he wasn't going to seitle with me.
and she nsked nie why 1 didn't
stick up for my rights. We talked
for a while and they told me that
1 Gi.Uii io Kel wiiai lie had om"; -
to give me and that I should stand
up for myself.
Engage In Quarrel.
"When I went on home I decid
ed that we would have to have It
out. I still had t harley's gun. and
whi a I went In the house 1 found
Sievn (Snider) sitting at the table
reading some trappers' magazine,
and I saya to him, 'Steve, I hear
you have been telling lies about
me. Iihin't we have a proportion
that If I worked for you this sum-;
(Continued ou page 6)
at noon for Albany to meet
tiovernor Walter M. Pierce
and his party ana the Al
bany delegation. They will
return to the O. A. C. Ar
mory where J. Kred Yates,
pioneer attorney will make
the dedication address.
The main speeches will be
given by Governor Pierce
and R. A. Rooth, former
highway commissioner.
County courts of both Linn
4 and Renton counties, both
the present and former state
highway commissions and
Roy O'Kleln state highway
engineer, will be honor
nur ii unn i ii in
iiRiicfii; hfiwy;
iiiinn nn nniPT
:! i
Mammoth Dirigible Making
Flight Near Coast Line and
Did Not Halt in S. F. j
British Colony Removed
From Wrangell Island
By Soviet Transport.
Passes Over Eureka About
2:30 Thi3 Afternoon
Ship Makes Bee Line
for Destination.
Jo Kifort, former ivsUlrnt of
this city, nnd M. R Morninpstar,
of Marshflokl, aro soon to open a
iiMMlorn Huh room ami billanl jkip
lor in MarshtiHil. aiTordint; to uu
announcement received hero to
il a. v.
The new Hub room is to bo
modeled after the San IMego es
tablishment conducted by Ora
Morninpslar, former world cham
pion billiardiat and brother of the
Marshfield man. M. IS. Morninystar
was interested with hht brother
for three and a half years and
hopes to- duplicate that business in
k Fmall way at first, with ample
provision for growth.
liolh Morningstar nnd Elfert
rank anions leading billhirdists of
this secliou and they follow thv
game with interest. Morningstar
ha been in' the electrical business
with Marshfield Klectric company
but plans to resiun, when the Hub
room is opened. Kifert is a veteran
railrond engineer and plans to se
cure a year's leave of absence from
the Southern Taciiic to 4art the
NEED OF G. 0. P.
William Butler, Chairman
of Republican Commit
tee, Testifies Today.
M.xsrii:i.i lux iivi.H
PORTLAND. Or.. Oct. 17.
Ceorgo A. Mansfield has
been named receiver of tho
Kni-m llnreau by Circuit
iludge Stuplcton. His bond
was fixed at K'.OOtl. Mine
field was president of the organization.
i nun r rnT nt
:LUNb tLtb HUH
Mrs. A. C. Chase, Myrtle Point
matron, was in the city today vls
itius wifh friends.
Soviet Officials Confiscate
Furs Russian Ship
Bucked Ice for
32 Days.
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
NO.M E, Alaska, Oct. 17. A
colony Intended to establish Rrit
Ish title to Wrangell Island, In
the Arctic ocean north of Siberia,
was carried off by the Russian
armed transport Red October,
which raised the Russian flag
there August 20, it was learned
here today.
This news came here from
Whalen, by which name Alaskans
call that part of Siberia extend
ing Inland and northward and
southward from Rering Strait.
The Red October, called by Rus
sians, the Krasny Oktlbr, bucked
the ice 32 days to reach Wrangell
Island, to which the coast guard
cutter Hear, and the Uusolino
M-hooners Herman and Silver
Wave, three American vessels
iriorf In vhIii to Dcnetrate this
summer. The Herman reached
Herald Island, 40 miles east of
Wrangell Island, and found there
bones and relics believed to have
come from one of two parties of
four men each that perished after
the Karluk, exploration ship of
Vilhjalmiir Stefansson which went
down in the ice 60 miles north ot
Herald Island, January 11. 1914.
the colony carried away by the
Red October is to lie landed at
Indian Point, which Is In W halen.
or at Vladivostok, l.oou miles to
the south, according to tho ad
vices from Whalen.
This colony, consisting of 13
Eskimos with Harry Wells of
Nome, over them, was taken to
Wrangell Island by Harold Noice
of Seattle, who found that an ex
pedition led there In ml by Alan
Crawford of Toronto had perished
with the exception of an Ksklino
seamstress, Ada Hlackjaik.
Previous reports had spoken of
the Red October finding 2 Kskl
mos on the island, but today's ad
vices said thirteen, which was the
Dumber taken there by Noice.
With the colony, Soviet of
ficials aboard the Red October
confiscated Its take of furs, ac
cording to Whalen messages. This
take consisted of 40 fox and 40
polar bear skins.
Bi,.ri Pre.. Leased Wire.)
Russian armored transport Red
October wljlch was recently sent
to Wrangell Island to claim that
bit Of land for Soviet Russia, is
expeeted to arrive here shortly
wilh the bodies of members of;
Stifanssons Karluk expedition
which were found on Herald Is
land, east of V runnel!. i
(The Karluk. an exploration
ship, went down in the ice sixty:
miles north of Herald Island In;
114.) !
NEW YORK. Oct. 17 Vilhjal
miir Siefansson. who a year ago
founded the colony on Wrancell
Island which Is reported from
Nome to have been cair!d off by
a Russian transport, said today,
that the colony comprised 1J Ks-,
klmos and Charles Wells of ln-j
tconnuueu ou poto ") j
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
17. The dirigible Shenan-j
doah is making slow prog
ress today in the flight from
San Diego, Cal., to Camp
Lewis, Wash. Since she,
left yesterday morning she ;
has encountered heavy head
winds as she flies along the
coast line.
At 1 2 : 30 p. m. today she
was 80 miles south of Lu
reka, Cal., and was estinwV
ed from land to be moving
30 miles an hour. Previous
ly she had made nly 20
miles an hour from the Snn
Francisco harbor .entrance,
oassed at 6:30" a. m. until
she reached Fort Bragg,
Cal., at 1 1 :55 a. m.
At 1 1 : 20 a. m., when she
was nine miles north of
Point Arena, the big air!
traveler sent a wireless ines-j
sage to the steamer Admiral
Schley, which was steaming
southward below her, that. I
although she was then buck- j
ing strong head winds, "alii
was well on board." Pre
viously she had dipped in
land for five miles, accord
ing to a report from Man
chester, near Point Arena,
presumably to escape the
blow, but she put out ever
the sea again with but little
Passing Fort Bragg s!ie
was close inland, and the
scores of watchers in that
little lumber community,
could see the glint of . r
silvery sides in the bri'it
sunlight. She was goinr; so
slowly that she remained
within sight for many min
utes. I
The observers at Frtj
Bragg noted that the wind!
had dropped and could .tot
explain the failure of the big ;
air craft tp make bold r!
time. I
A message received from tliel
Shenandoah by the local winb-sa
station at 11:25 said:
"Tin use of helium Instead of!
hydrogen fas reduces the redo: -t i
operation of the ship. We inni
compfllet! to conserve fuel in i-r-der
to mi ur. p aching our m x; .- : !
ply at Camp Lewis, Wash. ."iy i
delay would imperil this. W .re,
mot. i nnxionr; to visit the nt. ef j
ltih nil Auerlrans are .f ii'
ISan Iritr.cisioi ami will do so .n !
our return; meanwhile we gr.;i lyi
Francisco along tho California
coast, today put a message in the
air to Major James Rolph. Jr.,
saying the aircraft would not vis
it Sail I'ranclsco until her return
The Shenandoah continued on
her way up tho California roast
without cntoriiiK riiin I'lanclsco
hay while thuiisauds of disap
pointed early risers watched from
house tops for tho expected in
itial appearance ot the iiiaut air
craft. Copies of the message received
by Mayor Rolph were also addres
sed to the commandant of the
Twelfth Naval District. Army of
ficials at Ciiisy Field here were
also taken by surprise by the un
expected announcement from the
dirigible commander. A number
of airplanes were ready to take
off from the field, which is Just
Inside the (loltlen Hale, to fly out
and photograph the Fheiiandoali
as she entered San I'raticisro Ray.
Tho message from Commander
Lnnsdowne said:
"Passing San rranclsco. Regret
steady headwinds prevented Sln n
andoah reaching San Francisco
yesterday betoro -sunset. Will
come lo Han Francisco ou return
to San Diego."
As the news was relayed
throughout the city by telephone
calls to news paper oil ices and tho
disappointed city settled down to
a routine day. The Shenandoah
was reported off point Reyes at
(i::io a. m., twenty three miles
north of San Francisco.
When apprised l.y 'Ihe Associat
eil Press of Commander
downe's message, .Mayor Rolph
"it Is tn be regretted that I ho
Tells Investigating Commit
tee Large Sum Needed
to Carry on Campaign
Throughout U. S.
(Associated Press Leased Vro.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Pres
ident Coolidgo today expressed
satisfaction with the report of tho
republican national committee as
submitted by its officinls to ho
Horali committee ut Chicago on
campaign expenditures, which ho
said, showed that the campaign
so far had been conducted with
care and with regard for tho law.
Mr. Coolidgo believes the re
port of tho commit loo reveals that
tho policies ho outlined in his
speech of acceptance on running
tho campaign on a budget system
nnd entirely in accord with tho
funds available have been carried
out. Ho feels tho report shows
expenditures of the campaign
thus far have been properly made.
Many Candidates to Be
Voted Upon at the
November Election.
dlsannointiug turn in the wcntli-lct nth
er last made It Impossible
for this great airship lo visit our
SAN I'll A NCI SCO, Oct. 17.
The Federal Telegraph Company,
reported the air cruiser. Shenan
doah, elllollle from Sun llioco,
California, to Camp Lewis, Wash
ington, five mes from the golden
gate entrance to Sun Francisco
bay at f.:10 a. in. The aircraft
hud rhiinmcd lis course from north
to northeast, anil was proceeding
slowly, the message said.
The Shenandoah pnmed Fort
Ross, 72 miles north of San Fran
cisco, at ItiL'O a. m., the Pacific
Telephone and T'-Iegr;.pli com
pany reported.
According to plans announced
yesterday the route of Ihe dirig
ible north from San Fraie-isco will
depend entirely on wind and
weather condition:!.
SAN II! A NCI ft). Oct. 17.
The dirigible Shenandoah was
seen to veer toward the land
While approaching Point Arena,
which Is i pprnlmately I mlb a
north of San Franci-co, cording
to a telegraph report received at
s:4n a. in. today by the North
western Paelrir Itallroad company
here. She scciucd to be making
fast !n.e.
FliANCMCO. Oct .17.
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Tho re
publican national campaign or
ganizations. Intends if possible to
collect an additional S 1 ..fito.OOO
to carry on its work between now
and election day. William M. lint
lcr, chairman f the republican
national committee testified today
before the special senate commit
tee investigating campaign funds.
This sum would make up tho
J'0.000 budget which tho re
publican campaign committee de
rided at the outset of the cam
paign would necessary for the
conduct for what Duller denomin
ated as a vigorous campaign.
"That is a modest, amount in
view of tho expenditures made
heretofore." President Coolldge's
field marshal told the committee.
Chairman Honih inquired as to
the uses to which the funds had
! beiHi put and Mr, I tut lcr said It
I was used by the various bureaus
' within the organiallon.
I "Are there any organizations
I which are raising money and ex
pending it for the republican Ui k-
As far as Roseburg Is concerned
"Tho Indlnn'g Last Stand" w ill be
held In this city for ten days, tho
latter part of next July. The com
mittee meeting nt the chamber of
commerce office yesterday after
noon so went on record, and 1b
prepared to back lis assertion by
the hardest kind of work. It is
naturally understood that this
roiumlitee will have the undivided
bai king of all the business inter
ests of this city in putting over
one of the biggest ntfalrs In the
northwest of this character this
coming yenr. ,
A resolution was unanimously
passed assuring the Indians (hat
Roseburg was ready to do Its lull
share in financing the event, n,nd
it is expected that when the
tribes' committees meet later in
this monlli that action will bo Ink-1
en by them to guarantco tho
show for this lily.
A pretty thorough ranvasa had
been taken previous to the meet
ing yesterday and It was the gener
al opinion of all approached that
Roseburg ehould iflnst certainly
underwrite the event, nnd there
by bring to this, city and the t!mie
qua. valley many thousands cf ciihI
ern tourists that olh.erwtio would
nui come here next year. The an
nonnc "incut it' made thus early so
Unit, all eastern motor tourists will
place Roseburg on llielr next
year's vacation Itinerary.
Initiative and Referendum
Proposals to Be Con
sidered as Well , as
Election of Officers
r than your own organiz
ation?' asked Senator Itorah.
".None that 1 urn aware of ex
cept tho dilferent Htate oiganl.a
tlnnV Huiler replied.
Senator Caraway, democrat, Ar
kaniaslmik over the examination.
"An you the nolo ant horn y
when it rume.s to t lio (U"stion ot
wiVit. nh:ll it whi't shall imt ho
dic with tlio iunI.H raided lie
ak. il.
"That's A difficult question to
answer." Huiler replied, "I tako
t he nd v ieu ol 01 her peniile."
"Hut you are the, final tuithor
ll7' pursued Senator Caraway.
'Ves, thatH ri'ht." Him nation
al chairman waid.
"I noticed an' allotment of
$:;m.imjm for work union colored
people. IkM'h the nature of that
w ork." questioned .Senator (Jar
away. They havo their headquarters
nnd speakers and correspondence.
Then they have people ccmiiiK to
.see them."
"I assume from your answer
that the expeiih'H of thoMi coming
to see them are paid."
"As to the expense fir puhlic
Itv, doi-s that include. 'Holler
"A rood deal
"And canned
Mr. Huiler
and the h n.itur
"Voil ret the
The dirh iMe SI:
over Van !i ster,
land from 1'oint
a. in.
ti.'iido;ili p.-t--f
fiw mil" In
An n: ut 1 :
the city in the Shenandoah cru; .
"The Shenandoah in now an.:iK
1.000 fei't above the water nfter fi
lm: to a 4. "oo foot altitude Mid
ni-t I n r? lirhtly inm-nnmif w.ikh.
At her jrtsut rate Camp I.'ih
Hhonld i f ra h d le t we. n n. d
iiilit and diiwn."
SAN I'H AN'CISf'O. Oct. 17
The dirfvihle SlnMiandoali nnt a
ill f ft a K" o ! lit t '! i '! UI I r i . -
lew Htation. near Kun Ita at 10 .'.0
a. m. that he expected to reach
Kureka at. 2:40 p. in. or there
ahouti. nccirdini; lo n me-eune re
retwd h the Western I'nlon lien.
Kiirekii l approximately - "
Tni!e from San 'iauciou on an
ulr line.
i'.i m-Iei:al
san ntANcrsco, ot. 1;. !
ThA navy diriKihlo Shenan I - th
delayed hcause of storm! ;nd
head wind fnconnterd last n fht
on hnr t-U, f .'... T.i. . !
- - - ...... whh ... r-w w -'-
FAN rilAN'nr'i
Thn Shetiando,-! h
Kurt Vr-iW Citlif
a. m. the Tacific
Tei-mpu tumjiaiij
'(, Oc.
ia.ed over
imla, at 11:
Telephone atid
of It." ; '
eined lion pulsed
explained :
llewhpapeirt to
print edilorialH cot out by tin' re-
putdiean ori'aniatiou without
I their dlscbi.-ing their nonn c?" ho
I cotitim d.
"1 don't liiow about that," the
witness replied.
Senator Caraway In
about the let'.T of a Mas
seitn man ii lie t in r inviting
trihllliol.s to the repulillf-all
Iiaicri III eXi ess Of III"
elll'Mint v it h a pioliu-' thai lie.
coiitriiilllloii would tie "covered
Mr. HutbT declared Ihe repub
lican organization not only had
nothing lo do wilh that, but dis
approved of li.
The Arkansas senator then
want i to know a'totit the part a-i-riglied
Joseph It. I.riindv if Itiis
Inl. I'eliosv Ivan. a. lo r.i.-e I t'io.
i.'i'i In I'. nie i ivatlla. Mr. liutler
said Ihe natl'inal otcani.'.atloii had
not approve,! of a b iter s nl out
by (Iru'idy soliciting funds. lie al
itontinui.d ou iai;u '&)
A telegram was received this
morning from roster llutoer slat
ing that tho railroad slippers met
nt I. os Angeb h yesterday to con
sider the new rales proposed on
top-Iced shipments yesterday, at
the request of the railroads:,
f'hiilrnian Dearborn presided and
stated that the roads were ready
to hear from the shippers, who In
stead of replying Individually had
Attorney Thelali of Hall lianclsco
appear for them, lie staled Unit
sin. e the carrier had ordered tho
publics! ion of the new tariff, the
shippe rs were willing lo listen to
anything the carriers had to of
fer, but had nothing 'tn sav until
something definite was submit
ted. The shippers present repre
sented twenty thousand cars an
nuallv. Mr. I'.utner says, and were
tipiitilniotis In their opinion that
the new rub' Is the most no lust,
that the railroads have ever pro
pped, and If put Into etfecl will
rum the i mo t vegetable Industry.
It was p ported, he said, that tho
rail road i are spreading propa
ganda.! Intended lo Justify the nr.
lion, but every town In Cali
fornia "is up In anna against the
(AHser!,1t, d I're.s r.en.fd "VVtre.l
rilH'AtiO. Oct. 17 - llotll still
love elC il Other illUietlll lltst
Tnesdav fleori'o V. Lewis, rratl'l
SOII nf the late Itoberl D. Lewis,
a rnrtii' r president or Ihe Ameri
can l oin" r i t'otiipanv. obtained a
divi.r. e from Mrs. M i" Itearli
I.ews. kill to be n Oils" Of Ilex
Iteaeh, ii'ivi list, aiji ai-'O of I'i'ed
S'one. tie-!. Mn, Lew
is tod .'IV in M.-il the diver'" mere
ly a year's experiment during
whli h 'he vanls a real chance at
" still love l)i r." Lew! 1 Hll
'".-'he wanted a s'age career."
"V I, v. we both lo." each o'h
leir iHMir.e n in-t a year's i
rei i",. et " 'ii M ri l.ew !.
hi- e n v t -.V" ) :i ill i ' n I
than a tr. ' h : I
c. ell !'i V f'.i I I '
ill 111" w
I'll! I
i Id.
Tealoie v.
hie hand I"
hi iliV.ife
aid. can I lo r
t wo fi i nils In
ln.-ci I ing lliulionvs
f'onniv It.i.el M.'k" r P.
a nd
V. i a
v In
hi in.'
Co'Ultv I 'en. liiN - teller I'd.
,, r I. ft tins in.ii'iini- f"r a
,- nreii'i'1 the cir. le Including
on :!. Tiler. ;.i ,llle and
I ,1... 'I lo v w il in-:.", t
. .mi r..a I .. The trip H
. In the county road-
tiUne.i i'uiU.
Voters who go to the polls on
November 4 are going to find a
rather long ballot awaiting their
conniderniion and action. Nation
al, state, district, county nnd lo
cal ollicera are to bo voted upon,
together with aeven dilative anij
referendum measureK.
There sra iour candidates for
president and vico president to ha
voted upon, each having livo elec
tors to bo chosen. Calvin Cool
idgo and Charles tl. Duwea, head
tho list, carrying the banner for
the republican par;.. John W.
Davis and Charier Dryan aro
the democratic fa. ies; lloli
eit M. l.a Kolletlo end lliiiiou K.
Wheeler alipear on tho iudcpeuil
eul aectlou of the ticket and
l-'rank T. Johns uud Verno L.
ltuynulds aro the socialist labor
party candidates.
In' the race lor I'nlled Statea
senator there are four candidates,
10. Coulter, of Multnomah coun
ty, iiiogiesslve; (iiuiies L. Mc
.nry, of .Mai-ion county, repub
lican: Milton A. Miller, of .Mul
tnomah county, democrat; nnd It.
llobliiaon, of Clatsop county, so
cialist labor.
There are also four men In tha
race for representative from the
fust district: w. J. liutler, of
Lane county, Independent; 11. L.
Clark, of Marion county, demo
crat; V. C. llawiey. of Marlon
rounly, republican; and I'pton A.
I'plon, of Clackamas county, so
cialist labor. .
L. J. Francis, of Washington
county, socialist labor; Waller
I., lb mhrco, of Vaniliill county.
' ilcuioi rat; anil .iin A. Kuzur, ot
Clatsop county, republican, aro
j the three who aro seeking elec
tion to the olllce of .Secretary of
Slate for Oregon.
I Thomas II. Kay of Marion coun
I ty. republican, and Jefferson My
! ers of Mull uom.ili county, cleiuo
j crut, are conlesiing the office o
I state treasurer.
Three Judges are In the race f)or
the stale supreme bench, with two
' lo elect. The candidates are Har
ry II. licit, of I'olk enmity; O. 1'.
tCovhow, of Don' las couiuy. who
(has the elldoi'seuient of both tho
democratic and progressive par
j lies; uud 1'ircy Ii. Kelly, of Linn
I county, are nt'eking tho offices. A
recent derision of the supremo
court holds that the candidate
are not running to 1111 vacancies
of elilier of the particular jtidgi n
whose places are to bo lilted, but
that tho two receiving tho hlgh
1 est number of voles are to bo
"lei ted.
I t-'or Attorney (ieneral, V. 1.
I Adams of Multnoinau county, pro
! gr. ssiie, and I. II. Van WliiUb
, of Marion county, are opposi d,
; whli" J. D. MiihMe, of Wa-hing-j
ton couuiy, Is uiioi ni'ied for tho
loltlie ot Hairy and 1'ood C un-
I In tho district ofiices I hern aro
several contests. .Newton McCoy,
l of .Millllniijlall county, having tho
ctniorM'nicnt of the democrat la progressivo parties, and lid
; ward Dstiaiider, of Miiltnomalt
ci.uniy, ri puhlii an, nrs tint candl-
Judge John C. Kendal!, ot Coo.i
rount'. 111" pre cut inciitnbcitt,
bus no oppu'li ton In s"
'reebctiim lo the cirulit iour;,
1 Jiidi'o Kendall resides in Marsh-
, field.
It. I.,, republican, ami J.
I!. Mitiiiiioik, democrat. aro
i cauil.i!ali s I'T the n in-' of statu
; t-i liator, and for stu'o represent
ative t. A. iti i, her. and Merrjl
I', eli.iver ui" tiie n 1"! lilcatl iiin
didat. and V.ali-r rl. 1" i ! i . r.
and C. Ii. ii I: the deino-
njiic standard I i-
I. y Cordon b.. opposition
Coming down lo lb ' county of
fir ' i Ihei" at" several hc.Ue cotl-
t is to h" fioiud.
i C. I.. I'.i i hley, i! iiiocrat. and
M. W. I i.iuciiet ty. republican, nro
' the elfiee of I'ounty cotu
lli s-h.ner. Mr. llei illev reside! at
iioml!le. and .Mr. Daiuiieiiy at
Vi le 1.1,1. (Hie Ii to ho elected to
t il til" pi ice ef 11. . Long. Who,
b.'.i'tso of s'.l.tiiii. is unable to
'in t e Il e:tni j .la' e.
Sain Hiarnr i' ha i no opposition
l-..t,ttl I ..ll te,., 4