ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 924. TWO ROSEBURG NEWS- REVIEW luutd Dale Sunday by Tha Nowt-8ovtow Co.. Inc. B V. UATtS UEKT O. BATES ..President and Manager I Becrf tJT-Treurer 1 fcutereu a. eecuad cla.e mailer lay 17. 1S3. at in "'" ; uunkiri nrxn.iti. under tie Act of March 2, li RADIO PROGRAMS From Pacific Cent Station SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dally, per year, by mall Uallv. alz montha. by mall Dally, three montha, by mall- Dally, ttnglt month, by mall Dally, by carrier, per month Weekly Newt-Kevlew, by mall, per year. $4.00 . 2.00 . 1.00 . .60 . .50 . 1.00 rut ml I mm auwrlair frraa. Tha Aeaoclated J'r. I" iclmlvi-iy muled to the me for rP' pli cation of all dlapatcliee credited to II or pot otlmrwlM credited In Ihla paper and to all local newa publlahed herein. All rlglite of re- piiMi.nllon ifBjlalf'Hlehjirx.'n arw alno rcervt-d OSEBURO, OREOON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1924 SOME GOOD, SOUND ADVICE. Tin's paper has always liked the methods employed in the public bcliools of the city under the supervision of Superintendent of Schools M. S. llamm. The standard reached has been most excellent, the guidance of our boys and girls h.-.s been of MtcJi character that from the first picicims BY BERT u BATES I GOOD EVENING FOLKS Th. jarlin' Of tha achool belli Clashed with Tha bell-ringin' Actlvltlaa Of th waterfront Hither this a. m. I t s s s I DUMBELL DORA THINKS Pongee It in export In Mih Jonng. ! $ s s Did you eerub out little Willie fl(lll ri.ajjng of stock, reports, ears this a. m. weather, baseball scores and news S 5 5 j items; 8 p. m. program by the p.. ..i, M,,'t . nit hke to Arion Trio, vocal and Instrumen- larged. to handle 20 tont cucum ber dally. Hood River Apple picking will be two week early, due to dry weather. Prospect of food ciop tnd higher price. Heaverton Contract let for 120,000 theatre. Corvallls Market road from philomath to V. renn will soon be I finished for all traffic Koaa RADIO KGO. Ceneral Electric from Wrenn to King's Valley Oakland. Calif. 312 meters. jirunnwu i" i... 15.-1:30 p. m. I Astoria .siuei, Ceive.l in oue u7 o Muu '.cited Kingdom. Portland New elty directory shows Increase of 100,000 since 1920 cenBUt. Vernonia Count court agrees ti Improve Keasey road with local cooperation. Portland Lumber eiports for Adjust totalled 35.71 4.391 feet, with 182,521.737 fur a months nf 1QV4 I ,t vpnr sama ncrfod Francis, San Prancisco; 6:43 p. m. on,.,! only 96.2S4.594 feet. For- 11.-for I Co. Monday. Sept ! stock reports and weather: i p. to. I studio musical program; i p. m. dance orchestra; 6:30 p. ru. chil dren's stories; 6:45 p. in. final reading stock reports, weather and baseball scores: 8 p. m. Kducation al program; niurlc by Arion Trio; 111 p. ill. dance music. Tuesday. Sept. 16 1:30 p. m. weather and stock reports; 4 p. m. Concert Orchestra of the Hotel 8t. be gom' to school agin 7 S 5 Si 8 Out at the Glide fair Ital; 10 p. in. dance music, i Wednesday, Sept. 17. 1:30 Satlddy. ,,a.lo to the completion of their high school studies naugfct iB.hlB?rhV,.rbl,r.r. but the highest and purest ideals have been instilled in the Bllly goat acc;cntaiiy or on pur- pose, bumped into Nt south tide I ae he was lookin' north, and Henry Tri- r.iinds of the pupila. Ilovi'tifr II,.. fmnltir r.f rl raw! nor tr his important task a .. ' ", ..... ni ports, weather, baseball scores ,L.Ur. u- uUv in K,.h,,l work I to work with him this a. m. on, n d news I ems. Wlt night CUI Ii3 Ul IVHLHVlfl "I." 'J'J .............. ... ... , . . , ,, , r i i -..,., ,.t 1 acct. of hit maheflany office chair throughout the city, Mr. Hamm has so perfected an army of ,belnB witnout uPh0i,tery. instructors that give him the closest cooperation in all things j f 9 that pertain to the welfare of the public schools of Roseburg. I we noticed in the Oregoman .... . -.!.. :.. 4i, -fi nflthit a. m. when Dick Little, mis nas ueeu a iinxiuy Jtciui in uic nuuo.u, eoiyumi,t f0P th, chicag. Trib. un-California campus. OUT institutions 01 learning and lias lirouglll lonn a wnoie- veiled a statue of Andrew oump ( Tuesday, Sept. 16. 3 p, some condition. eii;n wheat exports for 1924 282,089, acalnst R. 646,448 same period In 1923. iieedsport New four-r o 0 m store building to be erected at once. weather and stock reports; 3 p. I Wallowa Two hundred men m. musical program and Cora I. relaying O. . K. & N. track wltn Williams. Institute speaker; 4 p. I 90-pouud rails, m. concert orchestra of the Hotel Arlington Three rock crush St. Fran is. San Francisco; 6:45 era at work surfacing Rock Creek p. m. final reading of the stock re- highway. ...... II. .11...... TMt., . . n niiuna rill lais minus a v.cek being shipped to market. FALL SALE--Big Cut for Qj SEE THE GREEN TAG! All Goods Greer) Tagged Prices Are Cut SOME 25 OFF SOME 50 YES, SOME 75 Way Below Wholesale Value Kitchen Range, reg. JS2.50, seclal price 163.75 Kitchen Range, reg. 167.50. special price 552.50 Electric Range, reg. $90.00. Bpecial price $32.50 Ivory Breakfast Set. reg. $36.50, special price - $27.85 Orange and lilack Breakfast Set, reg. $26.50, special $19.75 White Sewing Machine, reg. $Sj.0o, special price - $24.75 Remington Typewriter, reg. $90.00, spe cial price , $49.50 Solid Mahogany Rocker, reg. $24.50, special price ?. - $17.50 Tint... rDprlava vas IOD CA . . . T'nlvaraiil V'nrillim KurAMn.,r special price .' New Console Phonograph, r g, special price Tile Pattern unolemn, reg. special price . . 9x12 Axmtnster Rug, price 1ST reg. $56.50, Bt, Fire Proof Gloves, reg. $2.25, special jc, Water Pails, reg. 50c, .special price Tin Cups, 3 for ew uoys mcycie, reg. aao, special J In his instructions to the teachers of the city last Sat urday, preparatory to the opening of school which occurred today, Superintendent Hamm, in part, gave the following most excellent advice to the teachers tinder his supervision : "Parents have an obligation to discharge in teaching their children obedience to our laws, thrift, honesty, reliability, clean living, etc. But we know that some parents permit their children to form these habits of conduct and thought by acci dent, from contact with others or from society in general. Some young people are therefore lopsided '. as to their moral fiber and have worldly concep tions of living. It is imperative that we must, whenever possible, by precept, example and out lined course, teach proper manners and morals. Kach day there is ample opportunity in each class incidentally to draw a moral lesson from some phase of the recitation. Let us do this whenever 1-ossible and unconsciously our boys and girls will form correct concepts of living. I do not think we can over-emphasize this duty of our profession. Nor should we slight proper training in courtesy. We sht.uld teach good manners from the first grade to high school seniors, especially proper conduct in public gatherings, respect for one's elders and the usual courtesies of everyday living. Life is much more, than so much arithmetic, geography, geo metry or shorthiwid. A knowledge of the funda mentals is necessary and a well rounded education in the' academic and vocational fields is most de sirable, but perfection in these subjects without a proper outlook on life and the ability to adjust one self in a positive way to our complex social struc ture thereby dealing justly with one's fellow men, is effort all wasted and years of schooling spent for naught. Let us therefore continually take stock of ourselves in this great undertaking and ever remember that we are teaching boys and girls not subjects aiding them to be good, true, loyal citizens." RADIO KLX, The Oakland bune, 5ti9 meters. Monday. Sept. 15.-11:30 a. m. ball scores; 7 p. m. weather and market reports; 8 p. m. program broadcast from the University of base- 7 p. m. 'weather re in the Loeb metrop recently. Dick Blln scores; and ye ed. occupied uppers at the .,ort. Shelby encounter last year and Wednesday, Sept. 17 3 p. m. knowin' Richard's tincere manner , bawbull scores; 7 p. ra. weather as we do, we hereby throw the tup-1 an, niarket reports; 8 p. m. studio port of this great colyum of moral program, vocal and Instrumental, uplift to hit candidate ana. win . recrltHtions. cast our ballot for tr. guy who weart "no man's collar." 59 Chief Ump. Nets hat called a pow-wow of the wild-eyed Indiana this eve, lightt to be furnithed by Bert Lawrence't meter. S S 9 The "Nachrichten," German language newspaper published at Portland, It championing the cause of LaFollette which enough for this colyum RADIO KGO, The Morning Ore- gonian, Portland. 492 meters. Monday, Sept. 15 Jll:30 a. m. Astoria $35,000 Paul Revere Temple, Orange lodge, dedicated. Roseburg First carload of vetch seed shipped from here to Los Angeles. Astoria Fireproof building, containing 10 store rooms and theatre, to be built. Albany City finishes five con ducted street paving Jobs at cost of $3:1,000. Monmouth West Side, Pacific highway now open to Monmouth. Kugene Laying more than $170,000 paving this season. Rainier Contracts let for two new concrete and tile business buildings. Brookings Great demand for 1 These Are Only a Few of Our Many GREEN TAG BARGAINS Don't Miss Our Green Tag HURRY HURRY HURRY Sale No JUDD'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE GROCERY OPEfiS TMADIfRf MEW 111 MAimCjbj ...a mm mm mmm mm aa mwrn bm eaaaai assa mm mm. The Roseburg Grocery opened up for business this morning un der the ownership of the Interna tional Sales and Produce Co., of, Portland, with Mr. T. W. Wixon, 1 (Associated Press Leased Wire.) PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 15. Soft spots are appearing in the lo cal butter market and big creamery men are seriously considering a ro- weainer; i.M p. m. ueiar, pro-1 acrf.aKe D,ot8i and new landa gram: 7:15 p. m. ponce reports, . n , d recently of Medford, as local man- ,lnn,,n,, ln ,ho ,,, nri,s Vnr Coos Hay Lumber exports for ager. Mr. Wixon Is the superin- BOm,. t(.re has been a run- feet, baseball scores, weather and mar ket reports; p. m. 1011m. August totalled 7,103,06 ruesuuy. epi. 10. n.o n. 111. : Wl,rlh $186,483. weather; 3:30 p. m. children's Kugene Cornerstone laid . for program; 7:15 p. m. police reports, ,,w woodrow Wilson junior high baseball scores, weather and mar- 8choo!. ket reporta: 8 p. m. concert by, Portland Rliimniier . p r n V 41 hi 11,8 Setuerling-Lucas .music -o. ; Drug Company plans ,u WeOneBUaV. &eDt. ll. ll. -IW a. wnrehmme seven tendent of the souihern Oregon invav ,,,1,1 here with the fight stores belonging to tne company, ; f()r cn,:lm receipts, the extreme of whic hincludes Ashland, Medford, fer8 ni:!,ie n the country forcing Grants Pass, Roseburg, Marsh-' print batter beyond a healthy level, field and North Bend, and will , Extreme buttorfat prices, with make his home in this city. Speak- some tuvers navinz as hlch as 2D 21c; do. light 2J l.ic; old roos:eis 10c Pekin 16&1SC, Potatoes barely steu 1.40. Hops slov, weak. 13 15c; fuggles 1561; lOfri 12c. Caseara bark 1 to Ir peel 7(i(c pound nal: Oregon grape rcoti luits steady; walnut ded 2SJ((30c pound; the pro huns to the last ditch. The j m weather; 3:30 p. m. talk by "Nachrichten" took Prune Pick-1 j,.anetle P. Cramer, home econom In't to task recently for our "nar- c( editor of the Oregonian: 7:13 row ' comment concernin- ine uer- Irving street, between 14th street. Astoria Xew $75,000 lans $300,000 ing of the policy of the company ; cent!I wa8 Tery' pratifvine; to the' is? pound a roeTl. stories high, on, to a News-Review- representative. . producer who was paving hih feed I Prazi Dutl 15 1 , J ween 13th and Mr. Wixon said this morning that! prices and having verv little pas-1 ;it is Dronosed to make the store : nirace for hu moek aepoi , strict v Twentieth Century con- man drive in wnicn we maoe men-1 8(.orr8 weather and market re-' at once. tion of tl. fact that the square-! M)rts. g p. m. concert provided by Springfield Pooth-Kelly plant headt mutilated the little Belgian tie western Union Telegraph Co. 3 running two full daily shifts children. No rtoubt "Nachrichten"! hadIO KFI. Karle C. Anthony, in great sawmill. would rather nave ex-iaiser dim i i,,,, Angeles. 469 meters. . 1 Portland Warner Brother, runnin' rt canaiaate for presmcni nnrAfin s..m 1: police reports, baseball for 8. P. & S. railroad to be bull ' ""' .7 T' . . " '"iV. I" ' L 0nn.B ,r0S ' won her and market re- at nn. ! "V ".'.'"" '",.."J"" rh.J r . " wllu UnteniDerSI.S but at he it takin.' Indefinite .Monilny. Sept. 15. 5 p. m. one leading independent movie opera hmir of news bulletins: 8 p. m. tors, plan $500,000 movie theatre vacation at Doom they are forced ; ,ian(.p orchestra; 9 p. m. studio , in Portland, one of 20 similar to back a substitute. I nrlaIn: 11) u. tu. Ambassador Ho-' theatres in fnited States and Can- S S S S tel orchestra. n. 1.... Unnl in n tu nun , IK.n.iu., , ',. w ,-. .... - hour of newt bulletins; 6:45 p. m. organ recital: 8 p. m. Ambaasado Hotel orchestra: 9 p. m. studio program; 10 p. m. studio program. Wednesday. Sept. 17. 5 p. m. one hour of news bulletins; 6:45 p. m. detective stories and vocal concert; 7:30 p. 111. 'Mammy" Sim mons and Crosby sisters: 8 p. nr. Kennedy broadcasters; 9 p. 111. studio program; 10 p. in. dance or- Clay Darby la wearln hit hair pompadour which Bets a new pace r on Caaa ttreet. Mil j Tha Chinkt quit flghtin when it rains, accordin' to newt disptchet ard we guest they're wearin' the tame kind of blotter rain coatt we had durln the late rumpua. I 5 9 9 I I Only a few mor months till I round th otrr night. H was i probably afraid Mistah Wills ! would jump over the rope and 1 taka him on after ha finished de '' tha wild bull of tha oa- l'arents and others who have watched the conduct of ; Jrnas. tllO nil til if K(')liwtl tf IvfKiohlltMr liirimr tint u 1 1 1 wt im i it nml i)iwf I S 6 ) 1 " nit, itv oil 'V a mivintviuj of Mr. Hamm feel a just pride in the business-like way in which they have been conducted, and with the thoughts above expressed by the head of the schools, there need be no worry on the part of parents and others regarding the ex cellent training anil educational advantages offered by the schools of this city. i elieslra RADIO KPO. San Francisco, 423 ' meters. i Monilav. Sept. 15.-12 noon, . . . I time signals and scriptural read- 5 ' lugs; 1 p. m. Fairmont Hotel or- We see that Jack Dempaev ouit rhestra: 2:30 p. m. musical matl- the Wills Firpo battle at the 7th nee; 4:30 p. ! Xmas to do your bottlin' early. 5 i 5 The tchool marmt do look year older. ed, tne floor raisea to street level, i m other coast centers, are giving a splendid new front put in. and j the local situation- a decidedly in every respect the establishment I strong undertone. Supplies are brought up to the point where it : none too plentiful and there is a will be representative of the spirit; brisk demand for fancy stock, and progress In Roseburg. The! Country dressed meats and poul company has over 40 stores In the I try were nominal with very few chain of groceries throughout the : offerings and no trading to speak countrv, and are opening up other.0'- branches as fast as suitable loca-,, V,n'',nI haV buyers report a less tlnns ran he Ker-uretl Mr Wlvnn ! bullish feeling In tho Country with atnted that It t the mllcv nf hi. ; owers offering more freely at people to use newspaper liberally , "'"'nt bids. Market generally i : I , , 1 t, !, I SlPHCiy. ill BfLUi uia, utiur, anu iiiai nit. j JlfdeR muuiu jrtitr iu tu wrfh. in tint; an te vauey. moves into its new $30,- """ ' J"is i'""-; skins now at the 15 cents level. ool prices also show a two cent ada, Astoria Practically every sal mon canning factory in lower Co lumbia will pack, salmon this sea son. Corvallls Wlnkley's creamery one of the largest In the Wllamet- and pelts are two cents higher In the local market with calf 000 building. ' "c. Assisting Mr. Ixson today Tillamook Monthly report of 1,1 Retting tne business under way cow testing association for 1854 1 lB v'- Alexander, of Port- cows showed average of 10!IC J lanil. who is the treasurer aJ su pounds of milk and 43.12 pounds perintendent of the company fat. . i8tores throughout the state, and Eugene University of Oregon I Mr. G. T. Parker, also of Portland. uiirary now nas 138. 01S volumes, 2934 purchased since the middle of June. In a review of the taxing system llogvr W. liabson, re cently pointed out that that plain laws of economics opera ting under the income tax law have resulted, after three years of hiuh surtaxes, fullowitiK a period of two years when business tried to cany on alter the armistice, in tlie passing on of all taxes to the ultimate consumer. Higher interest rates, higher prices and higher wages, have absorbed the high taxes that were to have placed a burden upon great Wealth. The yield of tax-exempt bonds luis now reached the figure that used to represent the leld to the inxeMnr of rail, and public utility bonds. A huge Usue of farm loan bonds Was recently placed at par, bearing mtetol rale of l.T.'i pet cent, exempt from federal, state, nnd lo, : ; taxation. I he yield is exactly what iinestors used to g i lieturo the income tax came along. The tax has been sm i. -.-fully pa.vsed on to the consumer. The "untaxed ' are p:.yp :g ti e tax t was sought to be placed upon great wealth. v 1 Hereafter, if the eitoi ts of a number ol ,ug.,!,i.-i,tn.iis avd individuals hi vc the desired effect, goat will I des.t--liati d by a special name which w ill be eomp.v ..Me to pm-', Ixt r, and m.itton. The i.Miie selected by the goat i.e-mg n -t rests in il-.e southuist is "chexon." In reply to ivpicsts f. i api'i'tival of this new name, the 1'iutod States lep..r ment Agriculture has statid that there seems to bo no re. .., why tin-; name :-houid not l,e adopted and generally uppUd to the meat of this domestic a-.imal, and it, therefore, appnni s the i.ame 'hcvoti." 'I'I.e woid "cheon" was created and adopt td alter long consul" ra-m:: of many suggestions, by organi zations representing the principal Angora goat mg 'egion. It was ma.lo l.y conilumng patts of two French Words, "ihevrc" nieaning goat, and "moii'.ou" meaning tnut t.): In other words, "clieon" means goat mutton. In a few months the aquawka of the defeated candidatea will be louder than tl3 waila of a disap pointed radio tet. 8 s The high tchool shebaa were forced to don their middiet today which niakea competition a dern tight keener. S 3 AT LAST For nearly a week We've penned no pome, i The words won't rhyme We've racked oi.r dome. 9 9 9 9 ; m. dance orcnestia; i 30 p. m. children s stories; 7 p. i m. dance orchestra: 8 p. m. organ! recital: 9 p. m. vocal and piano I music: 10 p. m. dance music. Tuesday. Sept. 16 13 noon. I time signals and scriptural read ings: 1 p. m. Fairmont Hotel or chestra; 2:30 p. m. organ recital; 4;:!!l p. m. orchestra music: 5:30 p. in. children's stories; 7 p. m. I orchestra music: 8 p. in. program, 10 p. in. orchestra music. Wednesday, Sept. 17. 12 noon, time slmisls and scriptural read ings: 1 p. m. Fairmont Hotel or chestra: 2:30 p. in. orchestra nni hIc; 5:30 p. in. children's stories; 7 p. m. orchestra music; 8 p. in. orchestra music, vocal selections and talk on Thrift in Education for Hoys. School children attention! Try our noonday hot lunch. Palace of Sweets. L AFOLLETTE FACES School children attention! Try our noonday hot lunch. 1'alaco of S worts. 1 "Whrn a frlter chjwi terbaccer he h.nfn t ouflhter let it trickle outi the sides of his mouth rj 1 . lu .tt WimlM-rly. T INDUSTRIAL REVIEW. Y.-iquiiia Pinnacles in Y:i,U-I iur li.iv cut oif to le 17 foot I Wl.ter depth. : Mrtle Pollll Contract let for: new theatre building. W ork starts ! a l once. Pendleton School population tain K p. r recltration. t U-n.-ss T Li up m 61 SH?S I (I t.-.t A M hit .- ..! S. I'! Ira . I si I ct lt't!.i l!ic ni. a ll.e I t" .01 e,.;is tor e-i. mi in i.l 1 1 ill v i,l lit! -up tor .11 el th.- !,m.!i. di..i.-v I!, ei,..i:i, r u ! , i -I'll m i', '. tn ei ,l l.i I n.iimti. ct 1 , leal, il l- l !.,! i W lr. ' I, t ern C.ih- ho w ili into iu '11 llOMCIs tile 111-1 1111,1 i-n-cli hau, r i tin, cuh $30. and !-.- U ri. a .1- -1" ! it I t i i- a ti . 1'iu . i.l--n. i u l us tin- no ti M t at t'le IclK t nil In I. at. an i( lino - ,1 la ! lie , IK cf .'I'M '.:,.' T .ot II: mlrc i 1 1 With the opening of school today the little fellow lah cn added responsibilities. .ran il . ,'ll luaaip In t: NOTICE Ad t ron ie her. b w lined h"l to hunt or other ,e tie.sju..,! m pivmiaea. , S C. MILLER. Paulo Valli school hollM ll' set Ice. Heiat Pulan lllctl school hn, f' calls for $:h7:''. and gvale si l'oois s ;: i. Klalnaih Falls I'.iillilltlg r. ll'lM t M m ! 1 f n k $:.:,(!.7;15 granted ilniini: Ani:u-t V' 'ti"ni.i - Work s'arted on fi'i lira, if '. -ifiuess Mock to house th-e Mores. Th. ImI'.s Forest Service i. ll lor T-N on :::'",. ono.'ioo ta ..t rch.intaMe timber near Fth nd, ,,, canniv Sal. -ni Uiion iniinir ha omplct, .1 (in. war program of r -..a i.iiiiaiii. rcsitns more than $:n ii.iimi ,.w asphalt ivpe of roads hif a oat $i:, nail ! r vi lie ih.rh,!.. f-hrisilan rl-.urch p. rs lo build n. w church before K.imier -Men. fee -.awmill In operation av.un afi. r"etensne r- pir loiion mar tire. (Associated Press Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON'. Sept. 1.1. Fac ing his most strenuous week since announcing that he was an inde pendent presidential candidate, Senator Koliert M. La Folletle was busy today shaping up the speech he will deliver Thursday night in .Madison Square ciarden, New York City. He expected to complete the text before leaving foi New York. No Inkling has been given by : I Senator La Follette as lo the . ground he will cover in his inl , tial speech to an audience. Friends, howeirr. predict that he will touch on all issues he consiil era of major importance, singling out several for emphasis. Later in the campaign, they say. he will discuss the others at length. Senator La Follette, according ; to present plans, will not go lo .New inric until Thursday, lie will remain there a dav or two alter his address, perhaps over Sunday, for conferences with no- lineal lieutenants and supporter, lirown. af'er o . inent work.j Wide clear cedar boat lumber.1 d wilh ina- i Pane Lumber tt Fuel i'o eii,,,,.. 2K. DRAIN. Sent. 15 (Special). Three men narrowly escaped seri ous injury and perhaps death when the large Franklin touring car in which they were riding went into the ditch, about four thirty o'clock this morning, st across the slreet from Will Cool's garage, where It took fire and was entirely destroyed. The car bore Washington license plates number 66372 and was said to have be longed to a Seattle attorney, who with two other men. were bound north, at the time of the acciden. The car rolled over with top down, but being of light construction the j rise at tile opening of the week. ! Local buyers of caseara bark have reduced their bids to 7 and 8 i cents a pound for new peel. This is a decline of two cents. The cantaloupe market Is a trifle firmer on good stock. Ilest j standards are held at $2. The peach market is almont bire. A cur of Mormon peaches in from I t tiih In bushel baskets were being packing hogs roueh Held at J3 :.. I slaughter pigs SsftS.l uiiicnoKes are lo l.liu per dozen; brussel sprouts 15c a pound: fresh Oregon cauliflower $1.7.1 to $1.85 a crate. Lettuce firm at $2 to S2.25 ; crate. and May $1.39J to Jl, After opening at J higher,. December SI 1: corn underwent a lite all around Starting unchanged December G2 7-8 to 33, but little change. Higher quotations firmness to provisions. CH1CAOO, Sent. u. 000; better xrudrs most er: slaughter fin 255 lights show lOSubc ai! proved shipping 0m; kinds slow; top $10.5 160 to 225 pound aTm $10.20 10.40; biilkftowi 140 to 150 pound weie' ter 2.10 to 350 pound bt Si 10. la; majority pa. $S.Su(( 9.00; buik goal strong weight slaimhte: fi H.25; heavy weight t 10.25: medium $SKu6 $.10iTi 10.50; light 1 packing hogs smooth ...o a PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 15. Cattle steady to stron-r. calves $1.00 higher; receipts 311)9 C!S9 through 1. Steers, 1 1 00 tattle: 29.00U; ei; grade yearlincs and steers; most killing rU early top long year- several loads J10.755 tween grades weighty to 2dc lower; some pr weights held above f. fed steer run gradlnr good: manv short fed ed: shipping demand w dolus In fat she stocl grassy 1 steady to weak: bulk h 4.25; few weight ysu- $4.40 and better tea' lower: better gradei SlO.DOifi 11.00; bobs i"'- $5: stockera and tee fully stoadv; feeiler In well bred western gw pound down. ennH blank: medium J6.fi7.5n- iiiminnii I ...i Lii. ......I, ....up, neiiers, common and medium, all weights, $3.10 'a 5.2.1; cows, common and medium, $:ifi, 4.7.1; runners and enters Sl.HKii 3: bulls, good (beef yearling ex cluded) J3.7f.di 4.60; common to medium (canner and bologna) $2.75(ii 3.75; calves, medium' m n,o..j .1.. , : choice 190 pounds down liifrf 11 isot n, u. . l-iiiriiiru uic iii.ienuie irom'.,11 a . - "'ii .uv, tuxumms - crushing the men, who escaped j-','?"'1 com""n 11,9 Pounds down quality; country with a few scratches, saving only :v', , ' ' , ..' ! lhoU'e 11)0 o I broad: westerns to V rom the wreck. ' "h',Z : PJ'nm to : biclrtinpr weak to ........ ..... ,..,.,, ,, ,.,, n., I, . ruli ft,w ,SM an i common lliil pounds up $4f,5.mon. meaty weighty t in snaue ni.'ter; r-- side nriee '"l.ts 31M ,1218 direct or 'sheen: 3 : tfc '"'"f"' "'.vyweitht 210 to 3.1; sales fat native la" iu.. is hi in in. ttood nnd choice, m in ?-.iriii -..c snnic; bidding arourd : c i"- two suit cases from Eye witnesses lo the aecitlent stated that the machine was going at hh:h speed. The men were picked up shortly after the accident by a I'ahiornia tourist and taken on their way home. tent over Hi RosetHii25tcam LAUNDRY KIDS 3 all. N dicati d PHYSICAL EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENT 0 Ladies Gninasiuiu Classes, twice a week . ..$l.uo per week Ladies V. uinasiuiu Classes, once a week 75 per Young Ladies Dancing and (i.wnnastic classes, twice a week Young Ladies Dancing and Cymnastic Classes, once a week Children's Dancing Classes, twice a w-eek Children's Dancing classes, once a week Priaie D.incinr Lessons Director, Pearl Pyrin. H. s . vershy of Oregon. Classes ginning this week. Call llelnlino Conservatory Phone 3T0. ICudTAtNi ano Blanket? VE LAUNDER . .AT PRICtiTHflTMAir i. r . . . 1 ' ' -ir.u I 1.50 1.00 1 50 l r.o fnl-bi- T11F co is lit Cold V lip. blankets to us, Cllllall'.s loo. th'Mll up to bi e e.iiher flag Send y.nir Sm.l vour We'll do k hke n. m. Tu 9.,.,; iiiciliiim weight 2ail to l pounds medium, good Hnd choice ?!..LT.Cilil.,m; W(,, h, 1MI to 2MI0 ruiids: common, n,. ilium, good up,) ehoice Vi -,n, j , light lights 1.10 lo n;o .u.unils ,-o"n-n.on me.liuia. K,,,i ami medium good nnd (hone $9.2111 M mi- pack ing hogs, si.ioorn. $7 7lVs'ln Packing hoes rough 7 T5: slaughter pigs 13., pounds down medium, good and choice s. ,79 -i-,-fu ller and sio, kit piEs 70 tn im pounds coinmnn. na ,hui, p,, alld I'llmce $,,",u 7 "u 1J'7.,;.,a",'1 1;""ls -"tcidy: receipts 14S.. i.lj iiircrt or through) lamhs 'n',hi,n,hiW,i,'h, " Adam,' ley .v..u?,n.i..i; heaw wight " pounds up medium to' pr-;,,,,. ys !'...-: all weitlns. eon : jr. r.u, v . . . J,,. ' ' "'iimon , .j. .1 . . , i eariinir diiim to prime jr, .-,,, ers 2 year old and ov lirinie . ...1 id.. in; cann.r ...a ..n ...ti .un Hhole n-i.,...: cept lambs on shorn basis. ems; no earh- suit- around LMe lower on v- earlv sales: best heH '' sheep and feeding I1" fot ewes $1.7"c'i 'j.. feeding lambs S 12.7o 6 - ( lloice 5 : $1.10 .1 4i einers, nie ''ou; weth iaclhi.;, t A'. .-any l'k klo plant teiag ea-;Seit. Sihool attention! Trv our nix'uday hot luaca. Paiace of certain that can phase jcm. our vice Is right and so our pi nes. Roseburg Steam Laundry Phone 7 Roieburg. Ore, milTI.AM). s,.pt Mini; hither i-n-hm v 'eipis ::.,.; pullet, -Jl.', - j. ii Sic; henneries '3 ed Portland. Putter w.ah. ,!er:iEe 1k, tra c!,..s. ul4c. s..,n,iiiri,' , , ,.,riS ,r. rn.t:. .. j'n nomini. ton, 4 1" -- rurrent it " "" is ic deliver- Fx- irints i nnd Putti r fuf i.....i, ..... j 4ic.n:-rsWpe;vr,a?k Iu mn one ' ' "'uk Poultry ,tedy. Heaw In ns 22 -3c. light WijUc; springs, Wj-j Furnitul That's VM We Have A unique break and many other tive pieces of fUI Winter wilr here. I Buy your Sto COMP& 321 N. Jackson $ I