ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW TUESDAY. AUGUST 26, 1924. TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Issued Daily Except Sunday by Tha News-Review Co.. Inn. 1). V. liATK J!i:i(T U. HATES.. ..President and Manager Secretary-Treasurer fculcrt-U an second class matter May 17; ltiju, at ibt post ullice at Jtoscl.ui'K. Oregon, under the Act of March 2, 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pally, per yeiir, by mall IMtly, six mouths, by mall.. I)aily, three uioulha, by mall Daily, mugle uiouth, by mail , luily, by carrier, per womb Weekly .Sews Keview, by mail, per year.... ..14.00 2. Ml) 1.00 .60 ... .60 2.00 Jlrtulirr of Th AHMirllr4 lrra. The Assm-lnti-d )'r-cn id exrluwively entitled to the use for republl- ' cation of uil li.-ws diHpatrhe orwllw-d t It or nut ulh-TwIne crertlli-d ' In iliis l ai r an) tu ail lueul news published herein. All right! of re ( l-ii 1. 1 1 ..: inn ef !'. l.vl l.--fiith, h h-reln nr slsn reserved. ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1!4. A WONDERFUL HANDCLASP. It was a notable moment in the history of the times, when tin: Ficnch premier and the German chancellor were induced to s ence on reparations and that there seemed to be real I'ri'TiiUhip behind it. The disputes of these two nations have PICKJNS BY BERT & BATES GOOD EVENING FOLKS -ill dinger Bell hop at The Grand hotel Has just returned From Crater Lake With his family And reports i A big catch In the chape I Of a sniff lin' cold. . 6 DUMBELL DORA THINKS Uncle Tom's Cabin is a read House. 5 5 S RADIO PROGRAMS From Pacific Ca Station i AMr.iiur. e nanus ai me close oi me i,onaon comer- if dreams came I KADI O KI.X (Oukluuil, Cal.) -09 j meters. ! Tuesday. Aug. -6. 3 lo 5 p. in. base nail score, all leagues; to 7 p. m. Sunset program; 7 tu 7:31 p. ! in. news items. Wednesday, Auk. 27. 5 to 5 p. j m. baHeliall scores; 7 to 7:31) p. m. news items; 8 to 10:30 p. m. studio program including: presen I tation of three part opera "Kigol ! etto." j :.A1)I() KIU, (Los Angeles) 31)5 meters. .Monday, Aug. 2312:30 to 1:- J 15 p. m. Carl Allen and his Ren ; dezvous Ballroom orchestra, i Tuesday. Aug. l.:3ll to 1:13 . p. m. Piggly Wiggly Oirlf C to ; 6:30 p. in. Hiclinian's concert or I rhestra of Ililtimire hole!; 6:30 to ' 7:3d children's program ; 8 to It) p. in. J. Howard Johnson, tenor NEWEST MODES in true; if dreams came true, Perhaps we'd find that ancient way, J,cpt the world ill turmoil for hundreds of years. They ! And' Itnda once more, we'd wan. in to 11 p. m. Hickman's dance or' filii'lly brought about a world disaster causing infinite pain, ; The fragrant path, of Yesterday I Wednesday '.Aug8 .7.-12:30 to .stllTi'rilljr, and loss to the American people. It will be a Co O'P'ying. and. hand in hand i 1:15 p. m. Oaks Tavern orchestra; wonderful thin if these ipiarrellin countries can make a: c'-e h"" b 'Z'uZ n al effort for better relations. The French have taken the1 Wl,n blossoms cf the summer land program; 8 to 9:3(1 p. m. musical position that the Germans would pay only what they were A b'"""' '' ; mu VtaSK forced to Jiay by military force. hile the German peoi)le And Oh, my sweet! if dreams came dance orchestra. are guilty of maintain!, in power and following the com- j magic place, we'd find S K' Wmai' CaM 312 lllimds of a wicked, conscienceless, and brutal government, With skies of never failing blue Tuesday, Aug. 26. 1:.10 p. in. it is unwise to assume in advance that they would not fol-! An?"' "",ul b ,' Tntl, CiUtTa low the lead of the present more democratic authority if the j The imie whisp-ring streams that t Hotel st. j-'ranris: :45 p. m. ti same were encouraged to maintain its existence. ; VniT. O med with dew, P- program given by Oak- We'd follow to the .unset glow , 11,11,1 Llks Lodge No. 171 lo 1 a. And back again, if dream, came 1 "' Halsteads dance orchestra. true. 1 'l",'l St. Francis. . It has been the custom of President Coolidge, ever since ' ' j Wednesday, a us. 27. 1:30 p. Perhaps we'd find what we have '" 1"OCK exchange and weather EVERY DAY U'ASKS. he came to Washington as vice-president, to take hold and help with the work on his father's Vermont farm while he spent his vacations there. Thereby he sets a good example to the men of the nation. Many men who have gained a little advance in station, would feel it beneath their dignity to put :.. .,r ll 1 ,1.. 41... : oil u pan oi iivi Liiia aim K. uui hi uu b.iii.c ui a. un ui.-ii pcrhaps we'd find at some hotel home places. 1 hey think it looks better to have hired helpers Or m a restaurant or caffay, do such tasks. A false point of view. The bigger the man reports; 3 p. m. missed Through all the weary vanisled r,K''am : 4.t0, 5, years, (Our hopeless longing when we kissed, The courage of our unshed tears) musical studio 30 p. in. con- COATS AND HATS I ft THE OUT OF FIVE rloyil Wilson, and his brother-in-law V. 11. farter, accompanied by Tom Wolgomott of Salem, re- TODAY'S The Latest Summary 0f D ditioru as IUed b ......... . i liniww ril ic. turned this morning from a hunt-! PRODUCE HOUSES CLOSF lin; )jirk threA huck deer. Th TlAft mu, E ing bac'j three buck deer. '1 Ue hunters Mere working along a I ridge and In a draw ahead of them : ruin r,v.n - ' is - ...w uxi9 Mbxr WEEK u,oe. '""'"i l-rea Least d Vt'jre ruuu.-Mi, ure., Au Wilson saw a big buck. He shot I Commission houses are , , ' Puuuo , nJ the deer, and as -he fired four , their shippers against market! n ' lr' j more bucks and several does ran i l-ouuce to arrive not lan-i- m ' ,::" ol . Iml from the small draw and start- riiil:iy aftem-xm. Produce Wh" fKi, j-'?'.' ed quartering away below the ' ,"' 1 oa.ur;iay nisin for , .w hunters. After the ' bombardment j holiday. Not much tus n,,. . ' 0,(tL.d'7 had ceased the hunters found that "xp cted Saturday mnrnwe uo' '-nir ti? they nail Killed tnree out or me. iv win make it a THE HAT SHOP STYLE AND PLEASING TO PRICES ANYONE. na tive bucks, everyone being a three-; day-holiday. " j JLly point and quite heavy. Having "? ""-- win De open U. tl-" '' ""ife '2 onnn-h n,e for Immediate .... b,)r lay for 'heir regular J.nrrt,.,. ..' """Mr, .'...,! enough mea for immediate use they retuinei! to town, but will go out again later in the Beason for another hunt. . 'Wears k..;"' CHARIOTEERS COMING A telegrtuii received yesterday by Knsign stack of the Salvation Army, announces the coming to Hoseburg on Wednesday of the Charioteer lliigade of the Salva tion army in the western territory. The brigade numbers six men of special ability, and a real treat is ill store for those who hear them trading session. the holiday. Ill be closed Monday the 'h, iw.v ' u'au 00sene likm u'.iiu PORTLAND, Ore., Aug 'f, Tho local butter market is stead'v and unchanged; fresh high score "stock is scarce and in demand fcggs are firm with prices ni). changed, strong undertone j3 evl dent and stock scarce. Country meats ... Commandant Barnes, who is in light; the demand is light- tun charge of the brigade has an- calves H to .4ic:'hi m i.'. i.-- nounced a musical meeting for 8; Poultry Is steady hut r..,i.jl o'clock tomorrow night at the Sal-i still sufficient for all requirements I coMi " K tts vaile.n arniv hall, to which every-l Demand is sluggish with nri,.' i g ,0 Coantt body is invited. A sHver offering I changed. ' , u ne- bndf, . will be taken to help defray ex-i Thf hay market Is steady and rni.l '.ave I00- " ,.r nur IS HeiPg 0. tlh2vvC..-j toiiiir ISflEI( rue Lone i nenses. Captain Ernest Shannon who was at one time assisting in the KosebuiR corps, is a member of the, brigade, the other members being Captains Hoogstade and Mil ler, Lieutenant Davenport and Kn- voy Karnes, son of Commandant Tlarnes. the leader. 'T.IoreTcTT07.7.I.TTtXJg.T.- Hall's Catarrh Medicine tv cert orchestra of Hotel St. l-'rancls 6:45 p. m. final reading, stock exchange and weather reports. radio km ' isnn vretei 1 one of tne Krale Sl hfl,ls employed ! ,,v rn,rrh 423 meters. j l.,nl? , f",lr teachers, and this year I SoW bv (,nis,.lst3 for over 40 years will do what we I uivwiwii- oiaim for it rid I ........ ...... n .... rw. is, the more he needs to keep in touch with the tasks of com- A chicken dinner that would sell For fifty cents per service, say. Tuesday. Aug. ". 12 . ia' same ouiiuing mere will be time signals; 1 to 2 p. m. Seig- ' tw,'lve ,l'1-'h're. This' Is an imlica-: er's Kairmoiint Hotel orchestra; ! I"m of Il,e ' here. The: 2:30 lo 3:30 p. m. organ recital; ' scl,0,,ls arp ' am told, and do- ! 7 to 7:30 p. m. Seiger's orches- "nc w"ik. School opens Sept. ; J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Mil. more he will understand and sympathize with the ideas of; My dear, if that there dream came the every day man. IF.! la 1E5 i ,lLFi! FKlXISIf true. S S Man cemmites suicide in a row- ninn f,i U; T ip n'.nrp 10 hum cs si n e ifiu-k nr n hue t in ""ul "nc ,ur rnc anu , tra: 8 to 10 o. m. i:il rn. 1 ' VOU. ' 1 ll'Kt ..V..... I,.. I - ' i;r;im. ,,cii annul living exnenseu . Wedui'Mlay. Aug. 27. 12 noon. Well, I find nmo things cheaper i lime signals; 1 to 2 p. in. Seig- 1,11,1 some things higher. In the er's Fairniount Hotel orchestra; ; ln,it linf'. we live easy. We get 2:30 to 3:30 p. m. Kislier's Am-! ''o dozen lemons for 15 cents, we boat. Wl.n they absolutely refuse I'l'ians of the Saliirla cafe; 4:30 ft four dozen oranges for a quar- to bite it surely doe. make a feller : '" :,lu m- t'iger s Kairmount o r, and toilay I notice an ad of i desperate. ( Hotel orcheslra; 5:30 to t):30 p. I ten seedless grape fruit for 25 1 ' " iiiiui, ii n iiour Hinries; i to reins, nreaci eignt to ten cents a 7:3H p. m. Seller's orchestra: 8 leaf. Tomatoes about four cents a Some day some perfectly honest to Hi p. m. Instrumental and vo- pound. I see Utile difference on young lady i. going to explain to cal numbers. .ats, ,,,. fur aml lin of ner ycung man that she is entirely KADIO KI'T (Los Angeles) 4C,9 u,.,t kind able to step from the street to the j meters. j ThtrB an, v .,,,.,,., nnn, Tuesday. Aug. 21!. 5 to 5:- here, and nmn'v smnll hnn. p. HI. Kveiling Herald news Slime nf Die lin,,.' nvn hnlll nn the '!,'" 11 P' ,"V-Kxum- "hi Spanish style, and in fact there illetins; :ir, to S"'..u ,i.. i, .... , ,...,,. ,AT"""rr? ,7T,"!"' 8 "M'ne I neve,- heard of. Building per Why do pre- scripUcns Dear this mark? fered. The market lost n-rt f ... t,. T'lnti,: ftrength through improved pastiue, o-rp T :in grazing conditions. ,ir ,,t Little InterePt sIiowt, in ' tl .n"hei1 it . u hops although the eastern market be done L"?- ' .s slightly improved. Coast hops I day morel Jt now being quoted at 24 in 2i ,,,. i, .'.n" in the New York market on ! ing to presm 'i aju.veis are inactive here with a; to be built , meagre atiempt or business trans-l structed on w ' ! ' cent.-.. and h,,n. .. ' in mint acted around 18 to 20 .ni.iei lone is snown in thel in mind that ik.!" onion niniitet with No. 1 Wallai called upon ti r ivanH gioDcs still bringing sa.So fie of ik. r.''" .) ( I' Lfiised Wire.) LONDON', Am;. 2(1.-- The ilirt cnveiy ul an I'liexpected storini; life walk without him boosting her elbow. S (.Wm hil. il Ti.'-:, T.i MK. cl Wl ' COl.l'.M 111 . !i. C, Aug. 211. Willi tile I'oillcht Inr lllu I'llili'd SihIhs hi -uu t o lirrl In general in terest S'ltnli riii-iilliia iKMiiiii-rals tire voiing in Hie parly primary 1 i,,,, IM iIM f,,,', ,, w(,,r ,.,. HL. "! Mother's capacity was only today for a lull t it ket ol unices ! HUIlk ,,v (;(,rm.,n Hulmiariiie a ha" dozen, they were real pies, lo be filled ut iho coiiiin.g ;eiier-j ., , 7 , ,'h n1(,,lti of Louth' S S S 111 elect inn. I Swill v. on 111., north coast, lias 1 plni-e In (lie fore part 4if the Lin er l.:iureiitlc, which lias been ly- ' A Chicago machine can turn out thirty thousand of them a day, and Senator Nut IV Dial, of Laiir- 30 bulletins; iner news bulletins; p. in. II p. in. Ambassador Hotel Cocoa-! not drove Orchestra; ! to 10 p. m. Mxaminer studio program; u to 1 1 p. in. popular ballad nra- SciCntists aver that babies six gram. enabled divers In recover .r, 1 1 - nnu. i., i j i , Weil newil n v An 7 . r t c. ,i. .lie ileum ben is M'P''scd by onu pounds worth of gold bars and a feeHn for mu5iJ Tnj8 wlll 30 p. ,. Kvening Herald news llew-i s -ntame James K Ho mes ,,. ,, ,.P lv,. fnr ,,. Iail) wh 8 Junlor erj when hulleiins; 5:30 to 6 p. ill. Exam ul Allien, lormer governor I ole Th .livers have 11 working 111- ' -.. . Iner n,.iv hnlln.ln. and Stale Insurance .. ,r slv . "u" m i,,,,,.Hv 0lr,..' ,.,, g g g q cm, musi cal numbers: 7:30 to 8 n. in. i-niisigniiieiit to American bank- America produces one-fourth of "Mammy" Simons and Croshv ! els of 7.0011.0(10.(11111 pounds in 'he world's good tobacco, and sisters: 8 to !! n m Frank Curr i mils are being issued every dav. and homes are being erected in all parts of town. There are some new business blocks going in also. Hun dreds and hundreds of cars pass yry 42nasifc&r per 100. Stocks cost dealers nrnanil whfn th. .I..H.......I .. iu,n i ..o.i.v-n-u i-uruiinii. f ew local, eastern Oretoii tv onions are coming as yet. I constructed at , ,te Tomatoes are plentiful with lots sidering its i, , of over ripe stock in the market .! cost wa. abon t'llT Ilest repacked tomatoei will brin' --V aroi.nd S1.25 but bulk of olfeiir. Fnrit WrTST selh-.g at $1 or under Wharten R " The melon market remain:i shig-i " - . in spite of the hot weather.! A i.ouRvionis onns; n! high as I w T T TMlti wnn nome grown uurrell Gems co-i 1 ing at J? lo I2.2J. i HTXTEB RrrTHi tiood watermelons are worth 2 v to 22 cents for fresh stock with ""iaWIVmlttBir The Dalles melons bringing the MEDF0RD, lij j( niguer price. , - "uira uion". tft i veteran, aged i:. n, PORTLAND, Ore., Ails. 26 Cat-; lost ln l Pitt tie nominally steady: reeeinta m ' triet, since Si:nrdii Hogs weak to lower- re, ,ii,t ' ins, relumed m nmi v 112. Heavyweight 250 to 350 lbs.,j ''' -fternooa ibtjt (,, meuiuin, good and choice Slifn 9.75; j " llul. arcoraina it 1 1. medium weight. 2liil to 2r.(l nnnmin ! saPe received hert In I nieriiiiin, good and choice .50 i !''' Riy. So dmib 10.25; light weight, lti to 300 P Hat Oja- pounds, common, medium, good i "al1 w. Mr and choice Sliiro 10.50. i fered no Ul t!lm t sheep nominally st:-adv: re.! his two days miiprJ cuipts 363. because the "it" is the first letter1 through Ilurbank every day. The in the Latin word Kecipe. whim 4 the timber. j iimJ "lens ii .-".ne in teriuilteiitly lor six years to re i. iimniissiiiner .louii j. .ne.vaiioii, cnV(,r lavy jnn,,M- locki-r 11111 11 Ol t III II 111 llltl. EQUALIZATION BOARD MEETING 1 gold and silver bullion. The en tne I'nusii'.nmcht now- has n covered. NO'I'ICI". Is hereby given that on , o the n i l. mi Monday of Sepiember. Waikm a Store 120 l:il. Hie llniml of Kiiualialion pbmm 177, will aliend. at the court bouse. In the Assessor's office, and publicly 1 examine (he assessment rolls, mid correct all ei rnis in valuation, de-. scriptiim of qualities of lauds,' loin, or oilier property assessed by tin- assessor; and it shall be the I duly of peisi:ns interested to ap-j pear nt tilt !im and place ,-ip-, pilnted. Signed, frank L. 'al l kins, Assessor. wnen we smeii some ot tne aiiaita orchestra; to 10 r. ni Kxamin been smoked in tins town we wonder er studio urogram: 10 to 1 I n m what becomes of all the good stuff. Woodland Community orchestra 3 S 9 3 tenth millionth Ford is going through today and there is to be a big demonstration here. On Aug. 13, I received a tele gram from our son Monroe at Sac ramento that he was quite sick, and hail to look much after him self and did not improve. I jump ed 1:11 the train here in the even- means "take." Doctors the coun try over prescribe Castor Oil PORTLAND Ore.. Aug. 26 K.;gs firm; pullets one cent high er, torrent receipts 33c; pullets 4 tllttll iiisis .--c; nennerics j) it ; , .ijc, iienvere,! i-oruami. t TO REI.KM HUTU s TV. Lane, Everybody has his secret, ambi 1 tion. Ours is to. get appointed, on a board of education, mooch around and call mestic science class the ; gives a cookery demonstration. 3 S S 9 body internally clean and function ing regularly. Puretest Castor Oil is a clear, bright oil from recently harvested beans and is made absolutely pure bv a new process. Not nauseating and then " sloniacn. 1 nuntnen 11 mi up anil ukp old fashioned castor oil, but 11 to 12 p. ni. Ambassador Hotel ing, and landed at Sacramento the Cocoanut drove orchestra. ' next day, found the young man had . o ( been having fever, and a bad 1 uk 1 i.AM), Ore.. Ant :!(i. Ilut-t a fA-i.ifdPr,nlw( is a genue inxanve to Keep tnu " ' "imny, e-.ra cunes. city .(tic; KLAMATH f.'.Hi 1 standards jsic; prime firsts 3,1c: Advim ft-fci firsts 35c; undergrades nuininal received im Ota prints 42c; cartons 43c. 4 SnPrlf( ui y,, iititieriat steady, nest rniirn- effect tkit 1 in-, ereiini :.e net snippers true conipan,- g0nd tfi:- 1 on Its way lo ; the purpose ol n to 'take. 1 D0NT TRY TO RAISE your family , 4 ait.chment oi p-CT the Crater ut' x" Park company. Tvi this Wednesday he started to Kverv Hem the best that skill and co''o and indiscretions of eating and 4 voicing the alti'ts" on the do- 1 LETTERS FROM THE broUBllt him honlc w,th us- 80 ,hi,t niHn. sweet, nutty and easy to take.iuyNt IKY 10 KAlbt your family , 4 he day it y PC Oll V ' our family is now again united. ' One of 200 Puretest pt-epnra-' without it. For stotpach aches and 4 itration. rtUrLfc illP soon improved at home, and lions for health and hygiene, pains; sudden cramp severe intestinal REV. I pealed I Coiilnn. BRllliU. iOT TO PLEDUE REDUCTION i?S:;H: "The feller who coughs in church (,?"i f:il.-i : 1 1 : v . ! i I;. in li.i 11 fit l.t ai. il Wire A n. l' ti l'i inn' ltt.i, f lii.ii: i. . d to Hi.- J.;ii;iin ul' N.iliini. ilmt iili li.-ii-h ( til 1 ! ,1 HI U .is collsl .nn i StrkltlL tl ti illH-r III r U Illiil Illi'Ml I i. -ni Ml II! - ; 1 1 I 1 M 1 1 1 1 lin I itiU'' tli.n I In pit -nit or 1h.1t lin pt 1 ii i not tu i v il tl.rir :n ni.iiii t 111 inr thus .u Mr. .l:i. Ii..:i.i!.l i-nipli.i- ii-.l M at a rmiMii. t altii' p. u t tt tht r v pi n ( w .is (I in to t mil p t it loli ! i l 11 tli. piiu iTs w li 1 1 h mil M 1 1 t hin iti.i 1 1 il on l 1 m ut u. il iK'.H i'int nl.s lie )Ii ( Ln tl ( , 1 1 .it Hill Lit) Jih .1 m u , 1 t lo It nt 1, 1 1 mm h uu 1 't 1 ut 11 1 s, PIf Dili Mil il A. II. Davy of Wilbur, tmlav 1111 before District Attorney asking that a charge of ; I'ssanll and battery be pccrt titles out loud at the movies. ' ,.. , i,i Hill 11. I l, ...1... ,.. prune orch:rds vail, it is al- mild Daw. Ill lil orelia ni worker, and struck j him several limes, once llllte se ; verelv . j A'i'iMilillg 111 tile Mnrv told the il strict attorney, llvatt has been H-.SIIIIHIIK Hie iluties nt all onlianl I be-s, ;i 1 1 hi HI 1: h he was given Un ailtlini'it . ii;nu D.ivv was nls,, a I nil lllbel nf tl,i Mime , lew, will, H w, s workim: in the lieorge K Tiak nl-i hard, alii! reseiue.l ! all s all II mle v hen he tried to Inn Hie pll-kers 1.1 week t.lMef. ! 'I'll" bin h'M Hie illstllel altnr ll' i thai ll.itt 1. 1,1, led he ai,,. Ins : lil..lliel In up, IUII a,, tllev Were HI king . the bus Hie. ' 1 hiil the. 11. aid w.,rk as 1.1-t ,.1 "' lis Ihev I'l. ; I, Mllhmign hi I. mils Hie. w 1 l'e ii, kiln; al n rapid 1 ale. Ill:' nnler- lihil lied !.,., s ceil he ""I was mi M h.le In- ,. I I . -M , ( liim.i 11. h:N, e'l tfl- '." ' Is L.el.v 77,0 R2s Drui ston Pnshtira. Oeoon mm tow v I work in l.os Angeles, living at care and produce. - MILTON WRITES. home and going over every morn- . Ilurbank, Calif, ing. He has a verv good position Nathan fUllertOn August 3, 1D2I. begieiiing work at S o'clock and Kosebiirg News-Ueview and 'quitting al 4:30. He is making the r,'l,'m's: 1 trip now on tin- street car. Of Well, I have been a full month' course we are delighted to have in Kurbank now, and I know more hi,,, i lmme m-aln is the same auy wlo reads the . . "" 1 """ oenue. (jur church work Is beginning to .1 Ills IS tl Itmul 1 ,1 I i n .. ..1 1 . ... . . 1 - " " """inis nn snow some nie. 1 nave ueen in I see more ot it, and I realize that j 121 homes in the months I have it has wondeitul possibilities. I bPPn here. and the calling lo do have been asked lo answer a mini- ! ni,,e R tremendous. I have a big her or niiesiKins about this conn I n,n-s rass tluit meets everv Suu . try. first Is, do you suffer with the ! (lllv ,,,,,,-ning in a hall, ami the heat. Well no. The last thr ,,. hav0 their own Ilible school iiinrniiiKs have been considerably noui nf course reporting to the foggv. ami we have had quite a lm r,.K, ,ar s,hool. We have some nl Inch fog The-- last few morn-; .a, times, and fine interest, incs have made me think v.-rv ! .nU.h M increase soon. W ell, much ot liiiseburg. I built a littl-I m fr ,),is time rraiernally. drinkintr. chan?ea in water, diet of A tiled Inat weet lr ciimnte, take , Lee alleging bread ' fTJt A lVlrjrDI AIW'Q a ira,-i nn the !tf r va imviii,mM - - ,..A,cl rnnr rvuRRHOEAi'"!",,ll",l:1 DFMFDY j and connfimt Never fail to have it on Hand. nnn ciinn-i" r - j Dy CLUYAS W1LU Snapshots of a Man At a Vaudeville Show. J lieV. I I It. I I : ! I'. ( 'r l l 'I lie I I . t .1 nf I I . r. lo: I.. Is, ,1 An.' I- 11 1 ..! inn will I nl 1 )i il 11 : II , I.O II. HI. man,. . 1 tie the linv r. senl, lie all'l 1 1 at t l'i, , llvali Mm. U him 1 slaMe.l In 1 1 1: 1 1 1 h ,, I, j o, In nihil- p., t, ! held a'i.1 eniihl 1,,,. ,, he sa.s Ih i'i s,, ,, ' Jaw . The .- ;ile n! u sivnt', ri irnm 1: , , I.I..W i 'I he i'i st rti i ii 1 f 1 1 1 .'II IllVeslli;:-!!,.!! "'" taets wail-in' ,.i I' itt. n 1 barge w'll . - o 1 Vss,,, fr, !:l 1 11:. Mnn '. ('ninn ll'I'ari' l.aptist church. imiiike.i in bis pelpit Sunday night its a text for his si rnnui nn ' I . iiliiiinn." anniiuuceil last night 1 hat he w ill luu' a hun I n -I "II in his pulpit next Siindav. when he will preach on "ih. downl.-ill of an American" .li--. 'issjnK ih,. ease ot Kid Mt-Cny. Hie pugilist lacing trial 011 11 murder charge. The church w ill he darkened and the eve so, kels nl tile siu Will lie i il ll ill ill ll t ed I'.. candles. fire We this morning 111 the fire nlaee. have not suffered with ih"1 (As "l (.ill I 7(t I'tM Mi ; .1. I'. UL' I ..'I t. ..' ..'ll in 1 1 tl "lav. V. il. " I" ' en tin ir 1 ! a ri 1 ( l. . II' p. 1 iej liVv . a 1 .1 ' I . 1 ; Is ,1 1 ..1 I., eis ale 1'M'c. I I'll d.l S 'I W 11 I .I'.ll ell.-telll ap .I'l'ld IV". nl. .1 I'le;, l-ii i.'m:. t r.. ng ... : 1 ,. ,. I 1 .His lm al bat .1 w are . 1 ;i!.,- . wiin hnn. us fnr 1. ringing -i r,.. hi t ie, r nf t he season, w 1. ti h ..lm.- ' k wnii a tiiiir-pouit 1, ui that dlc .sed I ;n pniiinls. 11.. ,,: --" killeii a black bear and Inr cub on I he trip .Limes Hums and I.. N. lion, i came in shorily alter Kvana hi i:al ..s Li.jj.ij u buvk iker. Vi'UK. I Ul alt. r .1 W a-! 1.. IIS. .1 ' Vng. 2T. I ol the l-'iist heat here at any time any ninr.- ! bo i'ed a live 1 1 :i 11 we did In Hoseburg. In lm! the weather bureau man at nu;-j place has made it holler the.,, there than here. There is always a breeze here, and and In the si..i... it was generally pleasant. 1 What about your water? is an- j other question. Do you have plemv j of it. We have gnml water. It :s w;ii'in now. and we have to u.e, ice. Yes, we have plenty of it, aiul ; there is no rest 1 icl inn here on w a-1 ter. The water hero comes fm-ii 1 wells, and there is no enil nt ir. j These wells eontlnt be (lumped ,j: y ' aiipareni ly. The ciiy is adding an other biz well also in case nt" an ip ei cency . We Irrigate all we i.'V" ! to. and the water bills ate n..t' high. The water snd litht '. , -t ate iiiiinicipally owncl. Let i ." sav also that our homes haw 1. 1 I j no r.'stiictinn tut liuhls. The M-..t ; lights are lessenc.l over the li-'; .1 number, but this will not last Wh it iilxeil mil- K.'lli'.il. 1 is . still linnlli, r qutinn: Theie atel IH-rittiotl. now six MipM'l ht 1 1 hi inn. in l.ui -l'-H:k Tin hinh si lion! i a ht .t'iti- r. 11. Hiiros. El un ! si WL, . .! . l-;'i EV."5 CUTr.f-r ;,c IK TTMT1' T.:,T c IMYICTS -ilaw GV' .;vt c n ": VX KT L.'.s WIPE Wt cAMUtry r.CR zic:i tmel a:v.'A':S miss tie. cri';: IS SOO'.'UV AT','G MCNCL-VI-T iN"c l.itixl I'n-sM 1.' I 1 Km; ;ni.l !: n -nn. ti Lt nit 1 Vir ' rOKTI.ANO. Or.. A i.e. Ciuvrrnnr Walter M. Pirn-o s i cmti niititM' appoint to invt-st ii;ite Htock nttil hnnd do a Is, Kx-(lo frn or Oswald ost and tlfori:' r.hi' k hat stihtntttod In tho ovrnnr a rrpnrt mado puhlit- l.rro TiiMav on It h invest itat inn-, or th- liutiiia.. Martin rmnpany. It ili-.ilt in d -tail with tho organization hy that roinpany nl th ost- rn rinain corporation, the Nun h i-Mim n i'i natirp -orporat inn I ho AmiTirin Socnritiort mmpanv and tho - ond Nortlnvmtoi n Kuiam-o i r- tr:'v pit ih in.: Si-tiatoi a .lit 011 pif 'htiu tin- l.j.iinl fill hiifliltne. :nl th- ' h tt r. ii.' no h P.. t. ,11. Ot 111, v. '"it M.'to Ml 111 OUt tu 0. ''i tllMi I a I" Oil 1 n-ion hol.v 1 ti- ,ivt inr. niMC pitChOil hi:: :.iM!" in Pai'T Io;i;im H ; llh si or.'l. ss J.MI1H' -on it Via t thi I'lTlh (iMlt- o! Ills (iirrrr. Ho il. Loum slirday, 2 SO'l Thi-ro junior ltih U ar- now 1 mi- 1 final I" m il wr hi ii .1 lumo n - . - i roi trd o(n. Tho build intr-i a ! wt'll rnuippiM. wi ll c.ii d for. ar.d , tho lawns an a dtlmJit. pot only havlnc rihsm, hut hoiup i-f th' in j inito a lot of shruhhory. Th'ro is, a lino (twinintiii-r pool, nl tho bo u.e it al! buiuuier. Lv-t ; tar Thr ronort whirli t riti. i.;i -s th tMotliods omployt'd in s'ork . inir. st.itos thai it 'i-oi ts a per tod frnn l o -niaty, I'.'h, t, timo hon tho 1 nnd.i-M.u: ,ti rfini pa ny mlorod tlo- f told, t o .Inly, wh'-n tho t-M-khntd. its of iho fin .in of i rnpnr.r ton took niattrrrt into thi-lr own hand- and with a vh1 to proiortitiG t"i romMinitiK iisnots sold thorn to ); Oronou TniM otnpany, a bond hou-o of l'ortluud." -i ac6 - r, ?:.'"'-' s v.i' isrj 7t '"in":: kp'v v" ci.rc- rN'".sC m:msi r a r i-z ? '.tT Kc:?rr i? - MVcKI r ' ' . i-s'.'.N' i" i' M. ''.: , c.-r i.'. t.,-., Y.iCS V.,?MH.i SHE V-,uSE' kk iKT'xt TvE."i;r?. y". v. iv.? any crFsirncN e'. ' .L-sL V.-VNT t.CsM'U-' ut rLrsn-cv:'!"' A? IT I? N'T Mt-H cf r-r r-i.'v IS r t. A- .r -. oWasA-s '".-J cM;C-ii;r M b s V'k LOW fccViTl-N - '