SIX ROSKBURG NEWS-REVIEW TUESDAY. AUGUST 19, 1924 ... . r c-g t WE TAKE PRIDE In our service, nnd conHluntly en deavor to mako every transaction cordial, helpful ami satisfactory. Your ClH'i kins Account, whether of large or moderate size is invited. The Rosebuig National Bank Rosebur,Ore McCOY'S SANITY IS NOT DECIDED (continued from page 1 1 attempt to escape from the Mors li in iii u- shop after "Kid" McCoy entered It Wednesday mornini nnd .Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Siliaapp tlio other two victims of the shop ping district Hhootin.? affray, who say McCoy sought them out nnd phot them because they encourag ed a reconciliation between .Mi ami .Mrs. Mors. Out of the testimony of these nnd other witnesses, District At torney Asa Keyes confidently pre dicts will develop an Indictment charging McCoy with I ho murder of .Mrs. Mors. McCoys sister. Mrs. Maud Thoinns, has alreadv told the Brand Jury of an aliened confession made by her brothel while t ho body of .Mrs. Mors wai yet warm. McCoy says that Mrs. Mori killed herielf in his presence ir kw m YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETINGS Every Evening Trrts Week by MM rap.. Editor of the Watchman Magazine In the Big Cotton Tabernacle at the Seventh Day Adventist Camp Meeting, Bellows Park, Roseburg. Mr. Froom is a National Figure and one of the most interesting speakers of the day. The subjects for this week are: Tuesday Civilization's Last Stand. Wednesday The Crash of Nations. Thursday The Crisis of the Ages. Friday Cod's Wise Men. Saturday Humanity at the Cross Roads. Every Lecture Missed is Lost Forever. Welcome Seats Free. . " i TEeLibertyTheatre BIG SPECIAL PICTURE LAST TIME TODAY Regular Prices iC" Onty 10 and 15 cts. JAMES KIRKWOOD and'LILA LEE IN "WANDERING HUSBANDS" The AmnrliiK Story with Many llun...r,, Also: Charley Chase Comedy AUo: The Sport Pictorial "Our Empire Guardians" - Tf - - 1 h.-- the apartment they had been or rupyinir as ".Mr. and Mis. S Shields" lor aliout a month. Tho testimony of Mrs Martin in expected to provo Important de pita the fad that Mili-e 1N aicree with her ideniiflrrition o Mr. Morn as the man .she Faw leaving the ap; rr men t . Detec tives point out that hr utory ot u woman's rT-anm issui hat fron tho death room iibou! iiiMniKht, c lowly followed hy a pistol shot and tlio noise of one or two men leaving tl place helpn to fix the time of the shootine and to estab lish It as a cane of homicide, not suicide. Alienists yesterday put a ser ious obstacle in the way of any attempt to free McCoy on an in sanity plea, wln'11 two of three specialists sent Into the suspect's cell hy the district attorney re ported him entirely sane. The detailed written reports of1 the three alienists were to be submitted twhi v. i yHIS space was cleaned by the Imperial Cleaners. . Our auto will call for your clothing and clean them. Sifuat ions. m IS. COUNCIL WAHT5 TO KNOW P0WEI1 Asks City Attorney for Opinion Regarding Re I striction of Building. PETITION IS FI-LED ! City Beautiful Commission j Wants Council to Stop Building Garages on Sidewalk Line;. "Whether or not the city council has authority to prevent the con struction if garagcH or buildings other than residence or store buildings on the front edge of residence property, is a question which tins tiAcn refel-ieil to Die c y at(( rm.v for nr, opinion. There j tin len a Kreat deal of complaiiU about people coustrucliiiB garages next to tin sidewalk line, shutting off the view of their neighbors, and often greatly Injuring the ap pearance of the street. The City ileautiful commission has been ap proached with this complaint on numerous occasions, and the same condition has been brought to the attention of tho city council. The council seems to feel, however, J that II has no right to dictate to a property owner where he shall construct buildings on his own land, as long as the buildings are not a menace or a nuisance. At last night's council meetiiiB ! the City Ileautiful commission pre-1 I sented a lengthy, petition asking ' I that a building ordinance, amend I ment. be adopted prohlbitinB the Ramies from being built next to i lie nuiew itm The council did not 1 feel like taking action on the pe tition until legal advice could be secured, and the city attorney was Instructed to make nn investiga tion and give tlio council a legal opinion on t he matter. Mayor Klce reported to the council that he had taken up the matter of traffic signs through the city with the state traffic depart ment, and that a representative of the slate would be here soon to give the city advice in this regard. The mayor was authorized by the city council to employ a work man to make needed repairs to the root 01 me cny nan. 1 A complaint was made about the use of the streets for storage pur- J Kix w,,pl.3 a j .,,,,, nav(, poses, the practu f L. W. Metz-1 Bi,i(i ,here was not anv posslbilitv ger of allowing lumber to accumu-; f carrying nnv of tiie southern late on North l'lne sli-eet, and the , Klt,.a " Mr I a (.'()i,,ttc contin Douglas County Creamery allow- Ued, "but we hnvo received such lug cans to be piled on the Doug-1 encouraging reports that we have las street sidewalk, were particu larly mentioned. The maishal was Instructed to notify t lie offenders to discontinue lliis practice, and if they did not obey Instructions lo arrest them. The final estimate- on the IiurelwiHid sewer was allowed in the sum of $SS.!l2. The bid for the paving of East Kourlli street in tho sum of J7.SliS.ul, was accepled, the only bid being submitted by L. W. Mi tz ger. Tho bid of nice and Rice for $rp.ri0.:iS worth of Improvement! bonds was the only one submitted and was accepted. A premium of! J.".. 112 was given. Dorothy Anderson. 11 year old It was reported that some posts daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. An were obstructing the sidewalk on dersoti of Melrose, Is being Glenn street, anil thev were order- ed moved. 4rcli Triumph Pumps and Oxfords at $9.00 are beyond comparison In smartness, comfort, shape - retajning and wearing qualities they are to be classed only with footwear costing considerably more; in deed, it is difficult to find footwear that ri vals Arch-Triumph in hygienic construction at any price. Black Kid Straps and Black and Havana Kid Oxfords;, Perfect Fitting. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IRViN BRUNN Perkins Bldg. Shoes tunt Satisfy and Kit Your KfL maaaanemsa Rain or Shine! BARGAIN DANCE at Rainbow Gardens WEDNESDAY NITE 75c BLUE DEVILS 'Of Course" U FDLLETTE WDBK (.-Wswlntpfl Irts I.rftA-d Wire.) CHAM). ISLAND. Am?. 1 9. ! Format km of n new political or ) panlntion in Nehrasha to nomln nto Senator Robert M. La Fol j l'tto of 'Ncoiik.ii and Senator , liui ton K. Wheeler of Montana. ! as independent candidate fot j president und vlee-pre.sident in i tliin Htate, was in prospect an La j I-'ollette Htipportertf fathered to day for n nians convention accord torney and a member of the meet ing's arrangement committee. Traduction of a new political !o insurT the naming 1 nr"l - dential electors to servo Senator La FoIIette in caso he carried the state in the November election. NEW YORK, Aug. lfl. Sen ators La Kollette and Wheeler will give battle to the democratic national ticket in John W. Da vis' homo slate. West Virginia and in the solid south, nccordlng to Robert M. La Kollette, Jr.. who arrived here today to confer with tillhert S. Uoe. regional cam paign director, Arthur Garfield Hayes, state chairman and Ilerm an L. Ekern. in chargo of the campaign fund to be solicited from the general public. The senator's son leaves . to night for Washington where the progressive .nominees v.'ill confer Thursday as to speaking tours. Mr. La Toilette's attention was called to the report that Warren 1 S. Stone, president of the liroth crhood of Locomotive Engineers was to resign as treasurer of the conference for progressive politic-1' ""'leu wun a speaker s plat al nctlon I form an(I with SPats '"f "le mem- "My understanding of tho mat- ter is that .Mr. Stone's resignation! has 110 significance,'' he said. "It ) is largely a technical proposi-j Hon, as he felt that the treasurer j should also be located In Wash- 1 ington along w ith the offices of Mr. Itronson who has direct i charge of arrangements being nmon ,i,,n, the labor organiza- deelded It is worth while lo make a strenuous enmpign there." The situation in the far west. Mr. La Kollette described as bright. and he said n vigorous fight would be made for Nebraska the home state of Governor Dry an. sougiit ny officers.- '1 he young J lady disappeared yesterday in com j pany with another girl, and possi 1 bly n male companion. Miss Anderson has been em ployed in Fred Hamilton's apple orchards at Garden Valley, and re ceived a check for $17 In payment for her work. Sho is also believed to have stolen a $10 check from her father, and to have forged the endorsement of a married sis ter, who resides In Washington. She went to the Ladies shoppe on Monday morning, and pur chased a whlto and rose colored dress, and a tan hat, and chanted her clothing In the dressing room. Another girl, taller nnd light coniplexloned. and wearing a ml sweater with a while border waited for her. When the Ander son girl came out she told Iht friend. "I am ready to go." she had previously told the clerk that 1 she was getting ready to leave for San Francisco. The two girls went outside and were seen talk Ing to a young man, but whether he went with them or not the of ficers have not determined. The description of the girl has been wired to officers in Oregon and California and it in expect, ,1 that she will be located and re turned to her home. In the evi nt the oung man Is with her instruc tions have been given that he al so be held. Officers have not et determined who tho girl friend was. MOW C'llli l'' APPOINTED (Ansoelnteil Trcsa I.cnsi-it YVIre.l ASTORIA. Aug. 19. The ;ip polntment of Charles A. Murphy as chief of police of Astoria was announced late yesterday by O. A. Krnts. city manager. Murphy will success J. II. Ent ler, who resigned last Satur day. Til. UFA FI.IMIN ATi:i (Aoelnt.-,l Press l.t-ateil Wire.! I1KOOKLINE. Man., Auir is William T. Tilden national tennis singles champion and jient here of tiie double title was elim inated from the national doni.l.n tournament today when R Nor rls William and Walson Wash burn won over Tilden nnd his boy partner, W'ciner, 6-2, H-7, 6-4. I DIES HITS ANOTHER TITLE Formal Notification to Take Place in Evanston, III., This Evening. i ! THOUSANDS All END I Big Demonstration Antici pated During Ceremonies Dawes Prominent in Political Life. (Aisnelntinl Tress t.p.lFPfl Wire.) i KVAN'STON. IS. Chns. ' ft. Dawes, once currency comp I I roller, once the A. K. F'a chief ! huilget dilector and head ot the i reiurut!on commission's exnerts j committee waited at his home here today for the coming or the 1 republican leaders to add formal ly another title to bis name ! ! 0 V"?''" vice-president l;i! nominee. The party cni'itatns gathered by Hie hundreds, and even by the thousands in Chicago and to night they will march on this 'inlet little city on the shore of Lake Michigan to notify Mr. Dawes in a formal manner of his selection. The notification will take place j on tho lawn of the Dawes home, starting at 8 o'clock (central j daylight savings time.) I The exercises are to lie preced- n by a parade of tne old fash I ioned type. designiM to give the j whole affair something of the flavor of a big political rally. Everything was in readiness here for the notification. Evan- oiesseii in ner oest wun ii ami ounners nying ana nor ! citizens had decorated all the ! streets about the Dawes home. The wide lawn looking out to ward tho lake, scarcely more than ,100 yards distant,, bad been bcrs of the official notification committee nnd . lie hundreds ot notables who had sent word that they would be present. Officials of the republican na tional committee working with Evanston citi.ens in arranging for the ceremonies expect upw-ards of a hundred tlioif.-and people to gather about the Dawes home and 1 along the nearby lake front : should tho weather be favorable Voice amplifying apparatus had 1 been installed to insure that all I may hear. Delegations from nearly a bun DR. H.C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST . EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL SERVICE Perkins Building Phone 86 Second Floor Roseburg, Ore. advice? Strait J-lrjiritA. Held over for two day to accommodate the crowds. "The Birth of a Nation" tiie prt'att rtt liirtuiv ut all '"titnos! M 2 Performances Daily at 2:20 p.m.; 7:20 p.m. Children 10c; Adults 25c IW I L L you take a wise bird's I 109 South V. FLOWERPHONE J. I TONITE AND WEDNESDAY S more L i MAJESTfG" -1 i t NEW TODAY f WANTED Clean rags. Highway Service Oarage. FOR SALE Dresner. and springs. 1047 toy Ave. IiROCCOLI plants for sale. Dr. C. H. Hall'-y, Ituseburg. Oregon. FOR KALE Chevrolet bug. Cheap If taken at c-nce. UH7 Corey Ave. FOR ItLXT Furnished house. 1 keeping rooms, reasonable. 1110 Prospect. ! FOlt SALE Droccoll plants. Os wego strain. C. V. l!radforl. l'hone 15K21. j FOlt SALE Chevrolet louring; model. 191'0. A bargain for 175. Cash. Call 493-Y. WANTED Work of any kind by day or hour. Housework prefer red, l'hone 3G0-11. WANTED About six prune pick ers. To begin Sept. 1. (Jood camp ground, l'hone 17F4. AM 1.1) Home laundry at my home. First class work done. Quick wash. 421 Pitsor St. CIV1NC, AWAY 2 Collie Shepherd pups, a weeks old, fat. healthy, full of pep. Come and pet them. 617 Cobb St. PEACHES Elberta peaches, half mile east of Highway. Just north of Happy Valley Bridge M. M. Van Horn. WANTED nace cooking on ranch for 4 or 5 men, more or less. Jlrs. A. V. Bailey. 120 No. Stephens St. WANTED to buy, a good second hand feed cutter. Will trade pood horse, saddle and bridle for ewes. II. J. Kretwell, Dix onvllle. Ore.. FO K SALE 1 leaut i fill home in West Roseburg. Largo " house, modern. Largo lots, fine shade trees. Barn. All for less than you can build the house. Call 1170 Military St. or phone 4o0-L. MONEY SIMPLY WON'T-WORK Unless you give it a chance. 5 room modern, fully furnished cot tage, fully insured and rented for $C5 a month; pays 17 per cent on investment of "$1750. Only takes J'ioO cash. Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street, Phone 219. DON'T lake chances. Mr. Chasfain of the Medford Fluff Rug Works Js in -Roseburg for a few days. He personally delivers each or der taken, saving you postage. Also you see what you are get ting before you pay. Place your ordir for Fall deliver. Phone 251. FOirSALEfTcfT'S nearwilbur hi school. Nicely furnished 6 room house with fire place, elec tric lights, water system, 18 acres farm land, two large chick en houses. Price $4500. Easy terms. Chas Kycs, 820 No. Jack son St. BUY A USED CAR Cheaper to rule tnan walk Fords, $25 and up 12 touring cars to select from. 3 .roadsters. 1 Maxwell touring car, $10. 1 Maxwell touring car, $38. 1 Dodge touring car, $159. 1 Studebaker special, $400. 2 used Kordson tractors. Genuine Ford battery, 13 plate, 30 ampere hour, $16.50. C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. KHilliE IT OCT FOR YOCRSELF Modern 4 room house, plastered, walls all tint ed, fine electric fixtures, mod ern bath, toilet, 'lavatory, polish ed floors kitchen all built in. 1 orealctast room, 2 porches, large garage and wood shed, good level lot, fine garden land. Everything complete for cost of labor and materials, S1K75 takes clear title to it. Only takes $IOo cash, llalance like rent. You better step lively. Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street, l'hone 219. dred Chicago organizations, some political, some civic, some labor some business and some repre sentative of the nominee's na tive state of Ohio, have reserved space near ihe speaker's stand. Many of the delegations plan to brint bannirs, torches and bands with them, nnd one enthus iastic group has received permis sum to anchor a callope of the circus type opposite the Dawes home. Early indications showed i nni neither music would he lacking. nor noise Thousands upon thousands will hear the proceedings bv radio a' have installed appara tus connecting up 1 ti major ra-dio-ca ting stations of the coun ry. extending from New England far into the west. The broad- .. -inig win start nt i;:4 t central standard time.) p. m "iii::im .M. Ilntler. chnlr .ii.ui 01 i ne republican national committee will preside nt the ceremonies. An inv,.e:.ii.,n .... HI offered by one of Mr. Dawes' neighbors, the Rev. .lohn Thomp son pastor of Ihe First Method st t hurel, of Chicago and the belied, el, on will be pronounced bv the Rev. Iluch Patrick Snath' pastor of St. Mary's Catholic cii'mci of Evanston. The notification address will he i,,,,!,. by frn.r representative A. W. .liberies of Nebraska, who place, I Mr. ,,aw,.,. , ,,; fore Hie ( leveland convention He was selected ,0 ta': the place of rh-l'iV .I'!,rV:"' "'"l'rary : " lleveiand ven ion. who is now abroad. con- ir. nawes address low that made by Mr. .1 will f. effrles and the cere- '"it tne bencdicti ion monies will end tiie'', """i"n Incidental to the main proceedings i.. , i.r unlay. Tho Hamilton I"" OI I lllcn-o will many of the vi.nn. . ent. rtaiti in ii-In- .le . . . . i-"on of .. ...... ,: , , nairtnan Lutl-r as rror",r"'1,", r"cW;ca edl-Ji'rremo;,p;-""e ".'""tion n-,nonVaW' ,Wl" ,,n,"""n the natio,,,,, c.,,,,,,,1,,,,,, nnd DcaHoi. cominlttee tit dinner. PROGRAM AT OAKLAND The Uninoua. I JKianu uu Fridav i entertainment ! I""5 ' an ,L. i.' V. ' ,n" fi "'V 4 lit-, v bf-daU-ailWWimmi, i a,, " Jin" 1 51 n 1 1. A ... .ItV J I DANCING ACADEMY I 'a LatPit in rtr.ii S 1 Dancing taught DPFX FVFfiV llTcrmiu .r . .. ... ...... nuLiigj,! m A 1 TUES..THURS. & SAT. EVENINGS S: MUU5EHALL I Edward Elliott I Jean Wallingsford S PKon 867-U At The Pargeter Place 11-2 Miles Northeast City August 2Cth at 1:30 P. M. 7 acres fine Standing Com, especially good. 1 Horse, 8 years old. 36. R. I. Red Pullets, r .-ady to lay. 2 Heifer Calves, 8 months old. Buggy and Single Harness. Hand Corn Planter. Other articles too numerous to mention. Plenty of Fine Pasture .1 ni on me riace. Terms Cash J. W. Crumett, Owner M. C. Radabaugh, Auctioneer A REWARD does' not always get your stolen car back. Let us protect it with insurance. The cost Is small. WW MASONIC CIDC. FDSEBUHC. OBE LAST TIME TONITE -First Showing In Oregon! Reginald Denny IN "The Reckless AgV Also "Among the Missing" and "Pathe News" Children ANTLERS Adults 10c 15c-25c Vednesday "Hi3 Children's Children" 51 ..i...w.i.i..-.i.i.I.I.T.T.Tg.TigB;;T5T. AUCTION SiUOi fM WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRDJAi. SATURDAY, SUNDAY AUGUST 20-24 Only One Show a Night 924 MUSICAL COMEDY FEATURING IMARJORIE KIN New York Dancing GRACEFUL CIRLS GORGEOUS GOWNS SWEET SINGERS DAINTY DANCERS CLEVER C0MLU"V'J WEDNESDAY NIGHT, "GALLACHER AN0 Children 25c Asitlei'Sisoc 11 tTo- B:, ,;" ' J H Door. Open, 7:15: P.ctur-.. r ill YOUR KEff surr awatr 1. 1 " ,la lust am,-.- We know y00 J F'oua ot it ( bin sraartues,, "mfort, is sh-ijji of the very terns. The W'H give you it i service. adler com, CLOTHES KED LOOKING You , SELECT VOUSSEAsJ Cpencei 1 tiii- m. a. ' I 119 t r a Exquisite Bri Gifts w (fatun km chest, and cas wsddino a ni n,iv midtlnillt"! term. We would like r1 hcino you t "I sortmcstl. BubarBroi JEWELERS 01 oss sTRtrtl mm r J i R EVIE1 Also picture