Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 05, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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I. V.
I. . '
I handle the entire line of Fairbanks, Morse & Co.
My specialty i irrigating outfits consisting of gaso
line engines and pumps carried in stock at all
times. If you are in noed of an irrigating outfit,
scale or pump, etc., call 362.
Warehouse at Oak and Pine
r- chiiii
II lie In
I p ' ed. 1.-,
(Ansorlati-d Press Lcai'I Wire,)
SALEM, Auk fi. -Following n
preliminary report filed laic yes
terday by Oswald West, chairman
of tho special commit mc appoint
ed by Governor Fierce to Invest I
gatn the sales of stocks and
bonds In Oregon, a more extended
report will bu filed shortly which
tho governor says' "will tako the
hair off."
Tho governor withholds Infor
mation which is In tile nature of
tho prellnilnary -report. In a
statement made at the time I lie
special committee was appointed
he said hn had been intormi.d
that millions of dollars In virtu
ally worthless securities had be-in
sold to the citizens of Or. fun.
(Associated press l.criHeit Wire.)
WAUSA W, Aug. 5. A H0M1
evik band, armed with machine
guns and bombs has raided the
Polish town of Stolphce istolbt-
y). southwest or Minsk, say tlis-i 11
patches received here. Tho ruhl-i
ors reieaseu prisoners irom the!
Jail and pillaged the post office ;
and railroad station smashing the;
telegraph and teh-phono instr-i i
nients so that the news was not 1
irannmiiK-u IO Warsaw II II 1 1 1 t IH'
affair was over.
mo ruiiiers wero repnisei
from the lax collector's offices
by employes anil police al:, r a
Hall's Catarrh
Medicine ;
will do what we
claim for it rid
your lyiitem of Catarrh or Deaf
ness mused by Catarrh. I
Sold bV druggists for over 40 M ars
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O.
COODYLMt Rt lo'.l
l - lr if Wl
r tubks mi S
m weir. -ifs ve
f IfiJ TV TANY a lipit i jr n-.vtii-.'s lire tnniblcs v v '
fF.f " have been solvtjl-y tai.s new JO.vJli N'
' K IrcaJ Lluular '.et j.
t.J USt ns " a "K,'u vort!i as t.ic 1
K There int any K-tn-r c.-inJ-isuiion for W i',,' ; V' ,
lonrf f imp t ire mtvIl i- i 'i i n .n . . .1 U. t v-,
lircs and a Revere Tube. 1 1
' W i i,t
W Khtrk no hauling Job.
our trucks mnj our . ffi
ciitit drivers and tnu k-iiH-u
will tai klti your haul
iiiK prohkm tt tul Kolve it
BKtihla li ily. '1 is
lam t; hautitiK a KH'ciiH'y.
"We Aim to Please"
H.s. French
light In which one employee mill
scw-ii policemen were killed. I'o
lioh cavalry going to ili.-ir aid
whs green ii witn a burst it ma
chine gun fire and a n-. bat-
llowed. The raiders escao-
aiing a number of wounded
who were made prisoners.
Cavalry tones are after the
band Willi some prospect of Us
capture, according to later re
ports. Some of (h,. miller,!, it is
sialed, won, Hu, regiilallo'i Soviet
army uniform, In-iiriiuj r-'d stars.
. o . .
(Auxin Intc
11 ess lo used Wu v. )
Aug. 5. Dr. II. K
Kelly, county Judgu of Lake .-01111-iy
has written Governor I'ier-e
appealing for assistance for the
sheep men of that county in i-blp-pin-g
their lambs eastward tor
leeitniK purposes. It is impos
sible to send them east without
shipping through northern Cali
fornia and Colorado and No
biaska. The feeding stales, re
fuse to admit them becauso of
the recent loot and mouth disease
menace in California. Tim por
tion of Calilornia tliroli;-li which
the lambs would be sc. 1, .1 has
not been llll'ivleit by t,,' ,ii.,oaie.
Tim goiernor has turned the com
miinicailoii oier to ir. w. il. i.v-
slale veterinai iau.
o .
Wntkins store 120
phouu 17?.
W. Lane,
. i
(illiL 1 1 I :. 1 1 1 1 1
( AKseclateil J-..
'.-:;..! Wire.) I
Aug. 5. The
young unman w ho was struck
and killed by a truck here yes
terday while the was cruising the
sin-el. was lileniilted last uiglii
ns Miss Esther Toedter. IS. of
Post Fulls, Idaho, by Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Coffiiian, who accoiu
panled her to Portland Irom her
IIi - s
y rilling and locksmithlng.
burg Cyclerv. 2JS N. Main St.
"rA l-'.'U .f
H N-.-. ...;,..
Ore port
! ihould ilwy hjve SAKTISEFTIC with
! thm co DTtvem aid eve potitiv? relief to
I r
end all tit in raihrt, ci.afinf.
unburn, windbum, chapped
lip, cu-; Krun vuimn
for core, area tret
A premium of 6"0 was obtained
liy Die city on ilH ll.l.oiiu issue of
file truck bonds, which were sold
la.-' night, at the regular meeting
of the council, to the I' Val
ley liank of this city. Seven bids
submitted and all carried an
offer of a liberal premium.
The bonds are In the sum of
$ir,,000 and are being Issued to
Iiav for the fire engine which Is
I'lfiiecifil in arrive In ibe ritv ilur-
lug the coming week
'1 he bid of the I'lupqua Valley
bank was higher than that of any
oilier bidder by almost 3u, the re
mainder of the bids being quite
Clark, Kendall and company of
fered a premium of $14. "o; The
Lumberman's Trust Company,
7573; Freeman, Smith and Camp
Co., $t:tii.r.o; Kalph Schneeloch
Co, $.74 20; ruipqiia Valley
Hank, $600; Illylhe, Wltler and
Co.. $532.50.
aii oi ine oiuuers except mo 10-j
cai Dans (femaniieii a transcript :
and legal opinion on the bonds
I'n-iis Leased Vire.)
ILL1A.MSTOWN. Mass., Aug. ;
5. Secretary Hoover never in
luny way tried to exert influence ;
I upon William S. Culbertson vice-j
lu.r.nan or the tarni commissiou 1
said .Mr. Culbertson today
"Senator La Follette." said Mr.
Culbertson, ."Is reported to havo
said that Secretary Hoover
brought pressure upon me to
change my views as a tariff com
missioner upon the sugar duties.
I cannot believe that the rennt ir
was reported correctly, lull it he
made Biti h a statement it was
based on Information which is
absolutely false. Mr. Hoo:er has
never in any way tried to exert
influence upon me.
"No one lias been a more sym
pathetic supporter of scientific
lar;ff making than Mr. ilo:iver."
(AssiM-lalcd Press Lensol Wire.)
5. The five-cornered rao for :h"
democratic nomiiiatioii foe l'nil
ed Slates senators in which in
terest centers on J. C. Walton,
ousted governor unit Ar.ii-klan
candidate, overshadows al! other
contests in Oklahoma's primary
Attacking Hip Kit Khix
nnd touching lightly on economic
iiuestions and his record as gov
ernor. Walton carried his cam
paign Into every section1 of the
stale, lie Is regarded by politic
al observers as a formidable
Walton's opponents ar- Chas.
.1. Wrightsman. Tulsa Oil mag
nate; S. P. I'reelin.g. former al
lorney -Leneral; T. P. Gore. .i,ri
er raited Slates senator an. I E.
It. Unwind, congressman from the
first district. Wriglitsinan and
Howard are said to have Klan
approval. Wrightsman also has
the endorsement n tu- farm la
bor plntir,-ssie league.
M W ItA I I S HKIH ;i i
;.i;T(iN. Aug. .-..-Pro-new
schedules to establish
through rates on cedar
and shingles from north
coast croup points to
Ui-slliiat tons todav were
I su-pi nib , by the Inter
oiiiniene commission from
r to liecember '.
proposed new rales would
"rally hinder than the e-
i III lit n : 1 ion rates.
I I-,,- l.,s,....t ,,,-
OS baseball results
itt.ind. I; Nacramento.
HI". :: ; Salt Lake.
h--r games hchedulc
I.l'llix. ue.
. Pliiladelphia light
1 111-' indie's decis-
1 Hariauan, Detroit,
FN TOWN P.,,. Ag -.
:(' Kid. Pavama mubile
. unit in the third round of
i ill- -I ten round bout w ith
s SiKi. tile Senegalese.
ISVU I.E. Ky . Aug. -
I rank, -i.iriia. Los Anueles. was
Kim, Ked out bv Joe Palilalia.
1 "in... i.i--. iii ihr- soM-nili uf a
tvbidultd 12 louud buut.
a . ,
P. .;:;.r
The following la a list of the
clulm allowed ly the county court
at the lust regular meeting:
Gencrul County Fund
Roadmaster:F. C. Frear 1.80;
n. H. Frver. 3.46, Leas & ,Co
125; Sheriff: W. C. Grubb 44.05,
J. O. Newland A Son 29.25, W. A.
iirauham 3.34. S. W. Starmer
14 ho. Western I'union Tel Co.
2.72. W. C. Cruhb 2.00, C. M.
Jones 3.50. H. C Dougherty J. 10,
F. W. Dillard 4.50, W. E. Strick-
llng 2.00, C. M. Orirritb 4.25, Ed
Sterling 1.00; Assessor: Fern
Reymcrs 30.00, and 10.50, Glass
& l'rudhonime Co. 286.20, D. 11.
Lennox 3.10; Court House: Rose
burg Dev. Co. 40.00, Calif.- Ore.
Power Co. 26.70, Churchill Hdw.
Co. 4.65; Justice Court: George
Jones 116.35, y. W. Dillard 7.75,
Win. l'emberton 1.00. A. Creason
1.00, W. L. Cobb 1.00, C. VV. Kirk
1.00, K. P. McLendon 1.00, G. W.
I .Stephens l.UU,
E. M. Cole 1.00
i E. J. Daurte 1.00, E. Hollenbaugh
7.C Ti. E. E. Leas 8.20; Cor: M. E.
i Hitter, 33.53; Sch, Supt.: Ethel
! Fisher 63 0", W. E. Flnzer & Co.
i 140.00, V. H. Ilowdeo 9.00, Drain
i Enterprise 4.00; Myrtle Creek
Slail 2.20. Sutherlin Sun 2.25.
: Gleudale News 4.20, Kiddie En
I terprise 4.30, Mrs. Stewart O'
i dell 24.00. O. C. Drown 16.98. L.
1 L. Hurd 7.50, Ella II. lirown 160.
j 00. .Mrs. N. E. Dixson 28.50; Co.
I Home & Ind.: CaliL-Ore. Power
! Co. 20.17. It. A. Stowell 10.00,
: L. E. Teunlnger 5.00, John LuU-
i ner
f.ft fc'strin linn;iii Co. Kxir.
IJ. C. .McCoy 'i.Zh, jUouglasi
Co. Flour Mill 12.20. L. Grace
i HolmoH 5.0U, Mercy Hospital 65.
, 25, Win. Cordon 3.45, Talbott &
Slater 10. 00, Ksbg. lndertaklng
(jn .jj.oo
Page & Fuel Co
1.15, s.
Ilolslnger 12.31, Hud
son Elec. Store 92.99, L. J. Glea
sou 10.50, Wilson Merc. Co. 10.
00. Itsbg. Groc. Co. 15.00, lied
Cross l'hannacy 13.50, Victor
lloyd 10.00, A. J. Lilliurn 2.88,
.Nathan Fullertaii 20.35, Lloyd L.
Crocker 20.30; Jail: Marsters
Drug Co. 1.25, Noun & Son 2.50,
'Geo. W. Zerr 18.00; Juvenile:
Agnes M. l'ttchiord 11.15; Pick
lens ltros 4.13; Co. Surveyor:
I gtilne Goodman & Co. 15.00, A.
t. AIL-i-n-i to 70 It 1.. Steams; Health I'nit: Florence
Crandv 34.20. Hureau of Pub.
1I(,a,Ul Kuniug & child Hygiene.
ur w c u,.t 17.13; Treas.: ,
nrrniiirlis Adilir. Xlae. Co. 12.23:
I Co. Court; Edwin Weaver 124.-
oi; Kt. of Way: Mrs. Ilertha
Moore ISO. 00, Nettie I). Itryant
323.00, W. N. Sebastian 4c wf.
1.1. Oil; Cur. Exp.: Creed Conn 8.
33, E. E. Inline 9.00, Kllliam
Sta. Co., 2.20, Itsbg. Hook Store
133.95, Hsbg. News-itcview 99.00
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. 97.40; Elec
:... ii. n,....n.,., o mi. Mi,.,.
Ore. Agrlc. College 240.00, (
eral Hoad (iransf.) 3,212.62,
Missouri l'ulnl & Varnish Co.
724.02, Santa Cms-Portland Ce
ment Co. 777.60, J. J. Ketiney
lioad District Payroll
District 1: B. II. Sutton 5.99, O.
M. Mohr 4.48, G. N. Gurney 7.48;
Jlist 3NJ: C. S. McCollum 41.88,
11. M. Clay 47.84, D. E. Clay 47.
i 84. I. 11. Smiley 65.89. Fred
Schelling 41.92; Dist 3SJ: Stan
ley Dcwar 4.48, Floyd Wroe 3.73,
A. L. Perkins 5.23; Dist. 4:-J. It.
Dalley 3.49. Russel Dailey 1.99,
Pat Dailey 5.9S. Alfred Ross 5.9S,
I Dist 6: Clyde Rydell 91.77. Har
! ry Burchard 11.96, W. J. Hurt-hard
65.88. W. It. Sawyers 41.96.
Wm. Ilargan 122.79, . L. Butler
; 112.30. Geo. Elliot" 89.85. Howard
: Shudle 41.86, Arna Johnson S.
i 97, D. R. Wakefield 55.38, Nor
: man Monson 44.85, R. A. Moore
, 5.99, Chas. Ilargan 89.85, Del
I bert Ilargan 83.86, Archie Dam
on 2.99. Gilbert Hinder 2.99, Nor
i man Weatherly 41.10, C. A. Clem
, cms 2.99, Eurl llorsewcll 44.85,
' Geo. Andrews 3S.87, Henry Luck
singer 41.88. Wr. Garrison 29.
; 90, T. J. Andrews 35.94; Dist 7:
Clyde Rydell 11.97, Arna Johnson'
j 2.99, C. G. McNeel 16.44, C. A.
'.Clements 10.46, Raymond Jones
8 .98. Henry Brown 8.98, Oliver
j Haines 11. 9S. Lew Rowe 11.9S.'
Ed Grubbc 5.99, 1). R. Wakefield
10.46; Hist. 11: l.eanord Cooper
8.98, Stuart Cooper 2.99. W. M. !
Cooper S.97. (i. W. Cooper 47.96;
'Dist 12: T. F. Heard 3s. 91. Cor
vin Heard ."..Y'H. H-nrv Jones
Mrs. Jahr Finally Relieved
, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
! ' etable Compound
' Howard lake, Minn. "I write
! to let you know that I have taken
.several bottles of
your medicine in
the last three
months, and found
it to be very good.
I had pain and
other troubles wo
men have and was
not able to do my
work. Seoiiig your
'Ad' in the paper,
I thought of giv
inR I.ydis E. Puik's Vegetable
Compound a trial. I got good results
from it and feel able to do my house
work new. 1 used to have lots of pains,
but after takin;; the medicine I am
relieved from pains that 1 had suf
fered from for years. I recommend
tho Vegetable Compound to mv
friends, and hopo this letter will Kr
Fatisfactnrvfor vou topuldish " Mrs.
Jknnik Jahr. k. R. No. 2, Box SI,
Howard Lake. Minn.
Free iiikui liequest
I.ydia E. Pinkhani's Private Text
Hihik ujion "Ailments Peculiar to
Women ' will be sent vou freo, uin
ro'iuesr. ii rue io i.yaia t.. p-nk-hain
Medicine Co., I.yrh. Massachu
setts. This hix-k contains valuablf
in formation that every woman should
1 " "
35 94. Ben Jacoby 2J.0, Clarence
Hodge. 35 94; -Dist 16: Edward
T Edmond. 21.70, R. W. Dick
7 47; DlBt. 19: Win. C Leven
9 98 W. K. Thompson 11.96, J
Rostermmdt 11.98. G. C. Grout
14 95. f. Ingram 69.80, Albert
l..m 17 94: 1) St. Z:
Ken 93 33, J. M. Spancake
j i- n v. Weatneny a.ia.
Dallas Shelton 13.71. Cha. El
8.72. R. J. Sualdln 99.-
75 Axle Peterson 223.28. Walter
To'ck 19.9:. L. Krewson 25.31.
Claude Moore 14 8, Win. Mattoon
1 4S Emmet Gile 7.4 7, Marvin
cmmril 8.97: Dist 21: W. C.
Heudered 6.98. John Pieronl 14.
95; Dial. 22: W. E. Richard 32.
ai i Allen 14.95. Ernest Al
len 14 95. Chas. Shrall 8.38. M
Dnnsett 8.97. Evert Allen 17.97
Harold Myer 17.97. Arthur Wit
u,,., 17 u: John Smith 17.97
nut iu: S. N. Woodward 19.47
Jack Toelle 17.97, A. E. Gilmer
k 7 Elmer Vineyard 8.97. H
y. Wilson 8.97, J. A. McCraken
17 97. F. C. Toelle 20.96, Delbert
I.antlon 8.97, F. L. Woodward
in;, ft. A. Woolman 8.97; Dist
SB i?. A. McCord 46.62, Geo,
rh',noeth 49.37. E. A. Hugg 8.
96 A. Klenke 2.99: Dist 27: D
fi Weatherly 38.94. Dallas Shel
ton I'll. 94. W. L. Leonard 9. 98
Joe tnnlford- 2.99, Carl Wlnnl
fred 1.4 9; Dist 28: R. C. Agee
27.2. A. Hume 11.96, A. Hume
11.97, Ernest Johnson 10.46, Roy
Quiiiton 2 99. Hill Ryatt 1.49, R,
C. Agee 6.49; Dist. 38: George
Thomas 7.4 7. A. A. French 7.4 1
J. M. Thomas 11.98, D. P. French
16 22: Dist. 39: E. C. Davis 32.
46, Tisoa. Hatfield 1.50; Dist:
41: T. L. lioewar 22.71, 11. It
Joucs 11.98: Dist. 46: Arthur
Wnollev 26.41: Dist. 61: D. O.
Weatherly 22.71, Dallas Shelton
17 46. J. M- Davison 24.20, C. F.
Cooiier 2.99. Fred Hand 26.95, E.
Manning 17.94. Joe Deardoff 26.
95. W. A Henning 5.98, Frank
Hammond 10.45, Fred Souther-
tin 14.95, W. A. Davison 11.98 B,
H. Henning 35.94; Dist. 66: L,
Johnson 14.95; Dist. t?2: Adam
Schneider 5.25, G. 11. Vlnnoford
2.99; Dist. 66: T. B. Burnett 12.-
98, Tom Burnett Jr. 4.98- Dist
68: Italph Fullerton 4.48; Dist,
73: era Black, 26.91, Chas
Wroe 17.97, Ray Osborn 29.89,
Clifford Osborn 92.48; Dist. 74:
Inan Dysert 19.47; Dist. 75: C.
Hawkins 6.98, Victor Davis 11.-
'98, J. A. Soules 8.98, Cbas.
Hawkins 12.21, Edward Hawkins
11.96, J. L. Horrh) 23.96, Harry
Keilog 23.96, Chas. Strouse 5.98,
A. S. Wells 5.98.
Itiuul District Hills
District 1: li. B. Sutton 9.39;
Dist 39 J: L'mpqua Mills & Tbr.
Co. 12.60 Dist 4: Umpqua Riv.
Stm. Nav. Co. 13.60, Union Iron
Wks. 4.00, Frank L. Taylor 85.-
82: Dist 6: H. FTyer 2.54, J. N.
Hedden 12.50, Clyde Rydell 25.
00, C. L. Spalding 17.50, H. L.
Bossen 11.36, P. C. Levenhagen
9.60; Dist. 9: Stearns & Cheno
weth 13.20, H. L. Hossen 4. 69.
Max Bauer 3.00; Dist 11: Can
Hluniburg 10.00; Dist: 12: Mrs.
Clarence Hodges 2.00; Dist. 16
union uu ivO. tj.ia; uisi. so: w
i (, Cool Motor Co. 7.70, R. J
Spalding 103.86, E. G. Whipple
(24.12, Ben Mattoon 405,79, II. A.
Cool 9.64, Babb & Rexroad 13.50,
i J. W. Benefiel 4.50, M. R. Rryan
3.00, General Road 354.95 & 95.1
00, Standard Oil Co. 6.18; Dist
22: C. B. Danford 3.65; Dist. 23:
Gen. Rd. 170.00; Dist 24: H. R.
Parks 15.00, Stearns & Cheno
weth 4.85; Paul G. Freeman 27.
00; Dist. 26: Cowan's Garage 24.-
' 00, Fen. ltd. 194.78; Dist. 27:
(len. Rd. 12.50, H. F. Hebard 9.-
' 40, Howard-Cooper Corpo. 16.40;
Hist. 28: Road Bldrs Equip. Co.
111.48; Dist 30: Geo. Bickel 12.
nti; Dist. 36: Harry Hagcl 2.00;
Dist. 46: Road Dist. 20: 52.00;
Hist 48: Churchill Hdw. Co .50;
Hist 49: Wharton Bros. 84.00;
Hist 61: Stearns & Chenoweth
, 10.60; General Rd. 70.00, A. K.
Stearns 2.50; Dist. 52: Oakland
.Machine Shop 1.00; Dist. 53:
Commercial bank 77.74; Dist 61:
C. A. McGinuls 4.75. V7. Worth-
iliiglon 2.99 (Dist. 68): Dist. 71:
General Rd. 18.00; Dist. 73: F.
L. Taylor 1.50; Dist. 75: R. II.
. Easley 16.40, Steams & Cheno-
I weth 6.60.
I Special Tax Payroll
Dist 4: J. R. Dailey 127.04;
Ilussel Dailey 236.81, Alfred
lloss 76.78, John Shapley 4 4. 85.
Pal Dailey 4 4.85. Fred Sherman
65.78, Claude Dailey 6.97, Emery
Pailey 5.97, Claude McAdams,
1.48, Geor. C. Chamberlain 1.49;
Hist 9: Fred S. Weatherly 24.43,
Hob McCollum 20.93, Chas. Cross
man 2.99. Albert Bichette 2.99.
Floyd Wells 2.99. Doc Foley 63.
s2, Calvern Foley 35.88, Harry
E. Cram 2.99. Fabin Chenberlln
V9S Jim Cook 17.94. Dale Bul
lock 17.94. Milo Bullock 14.95.
t;-o. Bullock 23.94. lloyd Rador
:;'..94, Chas Fryer 35.91. Ed
Mode 35. 94, Elmer Reels 29.95;
I '1st 10: D. Winingham -53.S6. J.
Intngham .18.81. Albert Mit
.hell 38 87; Dist 23: D. Vander
wrt 40.38. J. E. Thicle ."9.90. T.
.1 Barr 35.93, Jas. Huntington
..93. D. O. Durham 35.93, W'.
I: Ramsey 35.68, Claude Wise
17.93, John Camon 17.93; Dist.
-i: H. R. Parks 51.92. Archie
l arks 22.42. Chas. Parks 19.4:'.:
l ied Coggswell 8.97. Ray Itenels
97, John Drew 5.99, E. J. O'
ilell 11. 98. Rafel Wise 29. 95. E.
W. Letsom 5.99. E. Eehlin 5.98.
1 avid Coons 5 98. R. Caisty .1..
-; Dist. 33: F. I). Lane 21.06.
dw. Events. 23 96. Keith Smith
- :.96. Sylvan Boroughs 2S.45.
I dw. Cachelin 11.96: Dist. 36:
II. L. Entels 69.90. Lern Engels
,.: ,0,;.i,".IrfO4? J::!;n!A source of many ills
1 uieard 29.90, J. G. Snider 29.- t . ,
. Harry c. Boyle 17.91. Bert I A great proponion of stomach
ouIig 20.93. Setb Matthews g- trouble aside from cancer or
'.n Uv 1 r?; :r. ""VIS -'."iV"1 ulccts- is due t0 reflex irritation
& DisV' 40 :S J. IarrV? ' t-nu-n or colon. Un-
I SC. Barney Hass 329. J. c. ! a ro you, Files or other reaal
I. u-e 26 91; Dist: 42: Noah Sri-1 disorders may be the cause of
. rs 12 98. R. C. Sell- rs 2.99: ( Tt l health.
l ist. 47: Al Reach 32.88. C. H. The luccru of mv non.jnrc-lral tr,r.
iort ::i.3. .'. c
:;i.3. .'. C. Short 2im 45: i
' si : i:-:. i. 11. tiusinison,
1. K. Bsker 33.92. Ed Essrlstrotn i
. I 38. Fred llartman 48 33. lier-1
.. d Parker 5.98. Wr. Ehhcsltrom
st. :,::
h Cole
i 97, Alden Leach 8 97: Hist
I J.. Hamilton 24.32. Huch
2 '.96, .1. C. Hamilton 41.93. Cecil
i .de H.95. ndy Seward 11.96:
Dist .3: ft. C. Poweli 117.7 4. W.
McXlba 47.81. W. C. Powell 64.-'
28, Chaa. Oberman '18.00, E. D.
Powell 63.82. D. C. Higgluboln
m 76.24. Carl Ilitgenbotham
77.74. 6am Kraft 65.78, Howard
Sayer 64.28, Frank Oberman
47.84, Leonard Oberman 50.83,
Earl Hlgglnbotham 2.1:17, Geo.
McHuglll Jr.. 8. 97, Chester Hud-
I d.estor, 74.74 : W- : Q-
deau 149.85. Thos. Rondeau 17
94, Vernl I-orwill 43.5. Frank
Dumont 41.86, II. T. Smith 38.
87, Geo. Rondeau 14 95, R. L.
Peunell 34.38, Wilmer Clark 14.
94, Dist. 63: J. H. Percy 25.96,
V. C. Dunriven 26.95, Odis Dun
lven 11.96. Roy Conley 11.96.
Tom Thackery 11.96. John Moris
13.45, John Conley 17.97; Dist.
65: It. W. Alspaugh 66.94, Ermel
Briggs 29.95, Vernon Owens 17.-
94, H. J. Eawley 1( 94, A. J.
Fawley 17.94; Dist. 71: W. W.
Bogard 90.86. W. F. Wright 71.
88, J. De Bernard! 41.86, I. O.
Cole 66.81, V. E. De Bernardl
17.94, E. J. Wright 17.94.
Kpeclul Tux Hills
District 20: Rd. Dist. No. 20
84.00, Dist 22: Rr. Dist. No. 20
323.00; Dist 23: Gen. Rr. 279.60;
Dist. 24: Gen. Rd. 243.90 & 324.
95; Dist. 26: Gen. Rd. 925.00;
Dist. 28: R. C. Hill 662.50, Era
met Hall 836.34; Dist. 30: C. W.
Puckett 600.00; Dist. 46: Rd.
Dist. No. 20 688.00; Dist 53:
Stearns & Cbenowotb 216.65. J.
A. Denn Rowler Co. 59.40,, Dist.
57; J. A. Denn Powder Cd. 21.
82, J. D. Van Dyke 4.85; Dist.
69: C. S. Henninger 1.05; Dist.
71: J. A. Denn Powder Co. 20.
99. Rock Creek Stage Line 16.
60, Harry Hagel 1.00, J. A. Denn
Powder Co. 10.75; Dist. 20: Rd.
Dist. No. 20 351.12; Dist. 53:
Rr. Dist. No. 53 78.00, Geo. Mc
Huglll Jr., 6.47; Dist 63: I), J.
Gotf 1.25; Reedsport Funds Port
laud Branch Fed. Res. Bk. of S
f. 1150.00.
General I toad Payroll
Dist. 20: C. W. Lunden 70.00,
J. M. Spancake 66.13, E. W. Rid
dle 164.10. C. M. Malcolm 174.
08, J. A. Soules 14.95, Cal Spenc
er 14.95. W. V. Hurst 260.71, J.
Hougland 107.73, Lloyd Roberts
101.74. Homer Gallop 121.25,
Fred Stone 107.73, R. O. Chaney
107.73, D. J. Bark 121.23, Adam
Frederick 91.77, N. M. Humph
reys 81.79, Fred Chamberlin 79.-
79, Guy Conley 67.83, Harry Al
len 7.96, T. J. Andrews 11.98, G.
B. Andrews 8. 96. Harry Burch
ard 32.94, G. Burchard 13.45,
H. R. Parks 38.94, Archie Parks
5.98, E. W. Letsom 23.96, John!
Potter 23.96, Ray Potter 5.98,
Calvert Cox 11.98, Josn Drew 17.
97. Fred Coggswell 11.96, Roy
Renela 11.96, Francis Coggeswell
2.99, H. R. Panks 22.96, F. Cog
gsw3ll 11.96, Roy Itenels 11.96,
Francis Coggswell 11.96, Lee
Wurtz 11.98, E. J. Odell 11.98,
E. y. Seales 11.98. Wm. Wilkin
son 17.97, R. J. Spaulding 7.98,
Geo. Kesterson 7.4 7, C. L. Spald
ing 5.23, H. D. Connine 26.20,
Leslie Lilly 19.44, O. G. King 8.
97, Bert Owen 8.97, John Bruce
5.98, H. M. Clay 17.94, D. E.
Clay 17.94, W. II. Smiley 41.93,
C. S. McCollum 20.94, D. Weath
erly 19.46, Dallas Shelton 7.48, D.
O. Weatherly 64.90, Dallas Shel
ton 49.90.
Bonds 11)1
Wm. C. Leven 162.25, J. C.
llnghouse 65.78, Wm. E. Thomp
son 74. 1 5, John Rocteuumuidl
165.74, R. E. Emmerson 50.83,
Hurry Hagen 56.81, Ivan Welch
69.90, M. D. Swank 22.42, Wm.
Hedges 77.87, F. E. Dark 35.87,
Oren Tracy 11.98.
(ieneral ltoail Hills
C. X. Wood 243.16, R. II. May-
nard 243.74, C. R. Cavender 190.
00, S. B. Crouch 20.98, Voncalla
Lbr. Co. 245.00, S. P. Co. 4.00,
L. W. Metz.gor 78.75, Rosb. Gar
age 36.65, Standard Oil Co. 510.-
51, Churchill Hdw Co. 19.02.
Amr. Rdy Exp. 8.00, R. E. Horn-
ess 182,35, Stearns & Chenoweth
69.80, O. C. Weikcl 218.39, I'nion
Oil Co. 260.53. H. S. French
Transf. Co. .25, Mrs. R. W. Long,
55.65, J. A. Denn Powder Co 28.-
08, Russell Grader Mfg. Co 105.
59, Cowan's Garage 121.81, Poole,
& McGoniglo 1738.00, J. N. Hed-j
den 35.53, Feenaughty Mach. Co. !
C8.64, J. A. .lanelle 21.85, H. A.
Cool 2.63, P. C. Levennugeii 13.-'
80, Rice Bros. & Adani3 52.50, 1
P. D. Wolford 23.50, Myrtle Cr.
Garage 18.31, B. J. Gotf 19.60,'
Harry Hagel 5.60, Hohls Garage
162.90. J. F. Rice 4 3.34, Bank of
Cottage Grove-339.77. R. II. Fry
er 3.08. Illihee Mill & Hlg.' 12.48,
Bebb & Rexroad 23.36, C. L. ;
Spalding 265.32, Drain Garage
2.75. Paul Levenhagen 3S9.92,
Stearns & Chenoweth 6.43. l'mp
qua Mill & Tbr. Co. 217.32, Earl
Brant 11 13. MO, Ptld. Branch Fed.
Res. Bk. of S. F. 3200.00, R. II. i
Maynard 520.59, Market Roard:
E. M. Metzger 170U.00. F. J. Con-i
nine 22.75, Ptld Branch Fed. Res.!
Bk. of S. P. 31731.00. Bonds
1921: Fred Fisher 10.00. Olger
(i. Sether 2.80. R. E. Harness
410.25. General Road 51.00, i;.
I). Way 150.00, p. D. Wolford
Within 3 hours you can now fliv
ver to Bandon by the Sea.
ment ever manv vejrs rnthl m.
ny c of Filet or re
fund the paticnt'i fee.
.'-" t
r.A I
j 1 1, isu -rain - oppomtc COtRT HOUSE
We Make Y,. r, " A't,rrt
Just On rsC r
Qwn with Cooht:
and stewing SummeS
r . . . ready tn
jujj, no mujj, M
I tKC- s tne new Summ v ,
Xl Quaker, th, oewoSSg
Rich and flavory, a complete vfan, v.
cooked, served and eatery Z fcL
way and BpoUess, in ajiffy.
Takeatheplace of too heating tooSm.
the strength to keep up SurX?'
women freedom from kitcheaUla',
Standard full $ize and wtiaht c
Um, VA pound.; U$gSfc
llllll t. Bl'llltl-.,
(Associated Pres. Leased Wire.) I desnonZ "d
PORTLAND. Aug. 6.-Arthur iZ, "7 4
W. Lindley. 52. a crinnle ex-rall.t B")llTe t tt
road man ended his life early to
day by taking poison in his room
I at a hotel here, according to
The Savage Washer
In Only Fifteen Minutei
Then with this Savage Washer vou mtrAIti
gear and spin for one minute and thewai"J!
enough for the line. '1
A Demonstration Will ProVe Our CIub 1
Everybody's ExchangeJ
K. O. T. M. Meets each second
and fourth Thursday of each
month, la ;tnCcabee hall, cor
ner Cass and Pine streets. Vis
iting Knights alway:. welcome.
G. W. RAPP, R. K.
Umpqua Klan No. 5. Meet 2nd
and 4th Mondays of each month.
Address P. O. Box 885, Rose
burg, Oregon.
Knights of Pythias, Alpha Lodge
No. 47. Meets every Wednes
day in Knights of Pythias hall.
120 Rose street. Visitors always
Woodmen of the World, Camp No.
125 Meets In the Odd Fellows
Hall in Roseburg every first
and third Monday evenings. Vis
iting neighbors always welcome.
M. M. MILLER. Clerk.
Pythian Sisters, Umpqua Temple,
No. 4 Meets the second and
fourth Monday evenings of each
month, at the K. of P. hall. Vis
itors frUvays welcome.
les, Roseburg Aerie Meets in
Maccabee hall, on Cass street, i
on second and fourth Wednes
day evenings of each month, at j
8 o'c lock. Visiting brethern in I
good standing always welcome.
11. F. GOODMAN. Sec.
United Artisans Meets in Mac
cabee hall first and third Wed
nesdays. Visiting members al
wavs welcome.
d. P. O. Elks, Rose'ourg Lodge
No. 36. Hold regular roomiu
nlcations at the Elk's Temple on
each Thursday of every month.
All members requested to at
tend regularly, and all visiting
brothers are cordially invited to
D. B. Itl'BAIi, E. R.
J. G. DAY, Secretary.
wt un In IL . .
'ue l""". Bin
Pnlann ri. n. . .
j. r&Am.r''
a It quickly.
W. B. A. 0. T. W, Swbri
, view No. 11.-H014
meetings on oiil J
Thursdays, it 7:l!
Ing sisters Invited M tf 1
'views. Maccsbee htt, 1
Cass streets. I
AT F. A A. . U.W U
13. Regulr cojunn
.a Innrtll We"-
each monti, W HuonHW
Vn.h.irr. Ore. '
rt rt F . PSI eun-w
' .: ... .. mm
pIe every Frid r
ing Dretneru
come. .
A. J. CEPDE. Eee
. f, thv v. Fil
i7uFirchip"t ;y
Stated (on"fL yd
panions ll,me-uirt
i. i rnowr. Hi r1
: u.RKlS, Se5.
0 0?'
lows ienii
member, m i ' I
conlially iV'l,-rS.J
conuaa: --U.,EUJ.
'.."'.,7 sit I
TIl.LlE i.
"Holds their
on the first fx
jjmted Brotn-
and Je""""...i
and third .jjis
v of P- a"- I '
mvlteJ to
of Clofe
1 .CLEA-:
come. ,-.,!
G. K QUISE.Jr.f- I