PACE EIGHT ROlMURd NtWS-REVIfW, WEDNESDAY. JULY 9. 1824. Car Washing and Greasing STORAGE Cars Washed, $l and up. Cars Greased 75c and up. Bargains in all New and Used Tires. " Used Cars at Ycur Own Terms Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Buy from me and same money. Day and Night Service. ' We are Distributors for the Goodyear Tires and Tubes. HIGHWAY SERVICE GARAGE L. R. Chambers Phone 478 332 N. Jackson -JK HFLD ON TMESAKE BOTH AL PTDinnn nusnrc! IDPKB1 GLniUUG UIMiiUL : Complaint Issued in Justice Court Charges Young Man With Statutory Crime. NEW YOKK, July 9.A compromise bun been effected by tho democratic mother club or the New York Nursery und Child's Hospital, as a hint, ham. lo the democratic convention with which its arms GIRL GIVES EVIDENCE I Young.Daughter of Mrs. Nye Said to Have Given Stories j of Wild Parties at the Home of Mother. 1 L COBB BUYS ! SUTHEflUH UND; i PRICED FOR QUICK SALE. Chevrolet Iluby Orand will : pull any hill on hi. r im- tires and mechanically perfect. You'll be surprised at the price ! and terms. 1 . ! YANKS TAKE 4TH DAY IN OLYMPICS tin vm tufn so closely bound. On June 20 a platform pledg ing that the first boy born to any member should receive the name of democratic nominee u rail,.! led the convention deadlock with un insistence u) on KirlH until the 21st blrlh was recorded last night. So, while party Itaders were trying; ; in effect a compromise that I would end the convention dead- lock, the proud mother brought about a settlement of the clubs' problems by uniting the two leading contenders for the nom- inntlon 1n name at least.' And William Alfred Kasper heads tho club's ticket, no matter what the convention finally de- decides. OurTailoredCIo? Will appeal to any man's shrewd b -cause of the dollar for dollar valUe af"8 smartness of cut. the quality materilf "'i class workmanship, speak for ther, ,. .-i Ian wear. The Friendly Store on Cats Street (Continued from page one.) Three Hundred Acres Adja- cent to City Limits to Be Placed cn Market. You can't beat this coupe for the money. Overland coupe in pood condition inside and out. Fine tires good spotlight and 13 A GOOD INVESTMENT other extras. Terms to milt. See II today. KMT IlltOTUKKli UAUAUE Clearing of Title by Purchase of Foreclosed Lands Will Result in Demand for Good Property A deal of great Importance to tho Hutherlin community has been com at a standstill nnd Hie land was not, kept up as it would otherwise havo i been. Mr. Cobb has now purchased nil of this land, ly in i; adjacent toj the city limits, and intends to offer the entire amount on the market 111 lots and five and ten-acre tracts. Much of the land is in cultivation, while some hears orchards and (tar-) dens.. The location, so close to the names, Hollywood. Calif., Ralph Spearow, I'niversity of Oregon; tileu Graham, California Tech; Hickard, Canada; llenrijean, Uelgium, Pet ersen, Denmark. All made Jumps of 12 feet. Willi Kitula of Finland, won the final of the 300 meter steeplechase. Only one of the four American qualifiers had any difficulty in mak liiK the Krade. Spearow of Oregon, the flying parson, did not make the qualifying height of 12 feet until bis third and last attempt. That time he made no doubt of his ability by crossing the bar with nearly a foot to spare. With Chas. lloff, the Nor wegian record holder withdrawn frein the event, the Americans are favored to make another clean up, their only rivals being a Canadian, a Dane and a lielgtun. DEMOCRATS PICK" PARTY CANDIDATE A. F. James, who gave the offic ers the Information upon which! Martha Fate and her daughter Fern Nye were arrested fur possession of j intoxicating liquor, was himself ar-J , , , , d b Mr3. Nye rested today on a charge of statua-; n f A ea, the min- tory rape. James it Is claimed as-: colK.erued in the case. sumed Improper relations with Mrs. 0 Nye's 15 year old daughter, Auget! . ,,.v. Beals, while employed at the farm I Hurdle fruit ladders at Wharton home where the women resided. i Bios. According to the story told by thci o officers, James and tho girl were in timate for several mouths while he was employed at the farm. The girl turned her attentions to another man, and James became, jealous and objected to her associations with the rival. When she refused to spurn the advances of the other man.' James became jealous and reported SOMETHING I NEW TODAY X pleted under the terms of which W. i,,Hln imrt of the cltv. and the fine L. Colib has taken over approximate-, soli make the property extremely ly 300 acres of choice, Improved I valuable and there Is no doubt but' land adjacent to tho city and will t Ii t the sale will meet a ready re- place the sumo upon the market at 1 sponse. I once. This transaction will have, the) This property lies so close tohe 1 effect of attracting outside capital I city that as Suthcrlln expands many to Huthorlln, as the titles to tlivse; acres will be taken Inside the bo- (Contlnued from page one.) weeks of presiding at the desk he steam-rollered himself out of tho nomination for the present at least. prnprries are now cleared and an ex cellent Inducement to investors und homcHcckcrs is offered. Mr. Cohh purchased the laud from tho I'aciric .Mutual Life Insurance Company of Los Angeles, the tracts Including tho J. 1'. Lime lauds ahil holdings und tho' properties belong ing In the W. K. SI. John and C. A. Stark estates. Twenty dlttoi-enl pieces were included in the transac tion, all of the land bring Improved and much of it In cultivation. The original purchasers failed to keep up the payments on tho pro perly which reverted to 1'acltlc Life municipal boundaries and will come improved city property, and consequently a good Investment is offered. POUT!, AND, July 8. Tho my. DR. II. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL SERVICE TYrklnn ItultilltiR Phono KG Second Floor Uont'burR Oretron lnuranr Company which Jh-IM Out i 1ory of tho daj!P)1 wonmn vUl up mortKUKcn. Whllu tint titln wit In- rn tu 1(llse nm, rond by Mor(M.t solved in this way linprovoim'iit wum c ('rnnkhite early Munchi morninc i nnd Hiiulrhpd from Cronkhits car by .three men who drove up In a larptt , ituM'hlne, whh partly Kolved thin l morniuR when I, L. Pay, owner of the necond mnehino nppeared at th nherirfn or rice with his attorney, Walter t'ri'chlow und explained mat te ri. luy (! dared that a friend Inir rowert hi car fr the night nnd j pick d up other friends. Including ; two men and three women. .Jay nUI he lwt'i been told that the three meu and three women ntt-ud d ft j ho ue party at (Jreshum where liq uor wm consumed. I'pon rel'ii utn to I'ortland, accordliiK to !aV sec end liaiid Information, Homo of thos.- in the paity nui't:ested they stop t i a road house, while one or Inn 'th i era onpoMi-d t he BtiKKet ion. The woman, hay Haiti, apparently walked i down the liase line read toward i l'ortlHnd. th ihiee mm in the car 1:tVr drove up to tal;e her Uj i the nid ho:M THE LAW reqtiirea an automobile to be lk-tUKed. SAFETY required that liu be fully Insured auaiiiHt Fire, Thfft, Collision, Public Lla bility and Property Drnago. '1 tr MJiOKIC HOC. RCSIBlf C. tR. ANNOUNCEMENT Tin Itarnes ltmbcr Shop en Cass street has st-cured the services of a fust class lady lilarceller. Call 16H-J tor sp-niintnn nts 1 rSho LIBERTY THEATRE I I I TODAY AND TOMORROW At Our Regular Prices Only 10 and 13 Cents FRED THOMSON The World's Champion AM-Around Athlete and Stunt Man, With His Wonderful Horse "SILVER KING" IN THE DANGEROUS COWARD A PICTURE PACKED WITH DYNAMIC THRILLS 9 K ALSO: THE AESOPS FABLES S AND THE TOWN TOHCS HhvIh Hears News NEW YOKK, July 9. John W. Davis, received tho news of his nom ination at the homo of Frank L. J'olk, where he has been during much of the time of tho convention, lie listened to the proceedings by rudlo. Ills first comment was "ap parently 1 am nominated so that's ail there Is to It." Mr. Davis asserted that he would issue a formal state ment later. Ills wife was with hlin when he received the radio an nouncement that he had been chos en as tho democratic presidential I cundidate. After receiving the congratula tions of his friends .Mr. Davis, re tired to a secluded room In the home of the former undcr-seujelary of state to prepare a formal statetiient. .Mr. Davis was posing for the photographers beside bis radio out fit when the final word came, lie had spent most of the day at the l'olk residence where several friends Joined him to listen to the returns as the tide of the convention gradu ally turned in his favor. The crowd eurly guthered In the vicinity of the Polk home at eight eust Hlxty-Elnhth Street. In the house with the Davises were a num-, her of Intimate friends Including P. Norman Davis, a cousin who was un- ' der-secretary of Blale when Mr. Da vis was solicitor general: J. Orr, a ' delegate from Kansas, and formerly 1 lu the department of justice; I'. J. Mctilnty. secretary of the Kansas delegation. John William Davis ramn Into ua- , tioual promiueuce during President. Wilson's administration as solicitor general of the t'nited State, und as the American ambassador to Great to i llrltaln. Appointed to the chief diplomatic post upon the resignation of war lime ambassador, Walter Illnes Puge two months before the armistice, Mr. Davis, represented the I'ulteil Slates at the court of St. James for three' years. Horn and reared In Clarkesburg. West Virginia, he was graduated from Washington and Lee I'niversi ty at the age of 19, receiving his law degree three years later, he was ad mitted to the bar of his state the same year, 1S95. but returned to the university to become professor ot law in 1S9C. i He occupied that post two years, then tiegan the practice of law in Clarkesliurg. Mr. Davis was elected to the West Virginia house of delegates tho low er house of the legislature In 1SS9. Ho served as a delegate to the na tional democratic convention of 1 1 4 In St. I.ouis. In 1906 he was V president-of the West Virginia bar 5J association. In 1911 he was elected 4 to the house of representatives but V resigned in 1911 to accept the ap S polntnient by President Wilson to the office of solicitor general. W hen chosen to succeed Mr. Page at the American embassy In London. Mr. Davis was in Iterne, Switzerland, as a member of the American dele gation assigned to negotiate with tlermany regarding the eichange of prisoners of war lie went back to Washington for conference with the president before taking up his work lu London in Nmember. 191S. Just as the war came t an end. Since his retirement as ambas sador In 121. he has practiced law lu New York City. Mr. Davis mar ried Miss Julia T. MrttonaU in 1'.9. After her death, he married Miss Lll.n :. Itassel In lir. lie Is 5 1 to the officers where they nilr.lit find the liquor at t lie farm. Mlsg Agnes Pltehford. county jav-i enile officer, and District Attorney Cordon had Mlsg Ib als and a youim-' er girl friend, taken into custody ' and held for examination. The girls are reported to have given the ; officers considerable evidence which j may lead to some startling disclos ures. It has been Indicated from the ev- ldence received that numerous "par- j lies" In which a number of people! have been concerned have been held, at the farm home and that the place 1 bore an unsavory reputation. Mrs. Nye's daughter, and a neigh-1 bor girl, who are both under aKe, are said to have participated In these: orgies, and It is possible that charges! will be brought against other men, who are said to have had relation! with the girls. They ure being held In tho custody of tho juvenile nuth-i orities while the investigation is lin ing made. , Mrs. Kate and Mrs. Nye gave bail to guaranteo their appearance in the; justice court on a charge ot unlaw ful possession of Intoxicating liq uor. Hail for Mra. Nye was fixed In the sum of S:ii)0 und for Mrs. Kate, who Is over 70 years of age, in the sum of $200. James was arraigned his nfter noon before Justice of the Peace George Jones and waived prelimin ary examination, lie was ordered held for the grand jury and his bonds were fixed at $T.0o. He is being made to secure ball to provide for his release from custody until grand Jury meets. The complaint WANT pl Woman to do housework. 2 16 So. Rose St. wrtONG "WITH THE MAN Who lives in a rented house with the following at your service. Good 7 room house; 5 lots, finest garden In town; hou?e nlone worth more. Price $lti00. Easy terms. 4 room house in good condition; 4 lots, garage, bain, 1 block from pavement. $H00. Only takes $400 cash. 4 room cottase newly painted and decorated; beautiful yard of fruit and shrubbery; on pavement, all street assessments paid. Price $15no. Only takes S'jUO cash. 5 room cottage, almost new, fully furnished, rented for $200 a year: line lot. Darn, all modern conven run iic.-s 1 r urnisneu nouseKeep- ' lug apts. 707 W. Mosher. j 41 'TMJ FOR RENT Furnished house. In-; You quire at Itosebmg Cafeteria. i the run hALr. uit roru coupe, a Dar-1 1 p ouitioa gain If taken at once. Phone 163. 'n(S lre nni 1 omer .. pups, KOlt mmr- 0 olher ,Itor- Wit SALE Shepherd-Collie apart: I"1. V News-Ilevlew office. KOlt SALE Nifty little trailer, SO Tern.. . .. 5 each. 617 Cobb St. Phone S12-R.I rapp SnS?- "It i:;n,.r,ni,i,.i-i...7T..-1 A i"n.u" "l"'!- - ,. .1 ' 1 KOR RENT nient. Inquire by 3& tires, at Coos Junction ! and nat uarage. WANTED Board and room for a semi-Invalid lady. Close In. West Side preferred. Phone 189-J. R. H. Grinsted. block and m J?l O. Box 9;. B 15 i WANTED Woman, with four-year- nlit child rlfslraa hniiaewm Ir IV. perienced. Address E. F., care I SAE 100TaeJT& ixews-neviuw. $17;0. Only takes icneos. Price Jjoo cash. Modern 6 roonucottane, In excellent condition, all street improvements In and paid for: rented for ST.00 a i year. Price $a)(.0. Easy terms. Brand new modern bungalow, built in features, plastered and decora ' led; all street improvements in and paid for, best part of town. Price i ?:ioi)0. Easy terms. I New buncalow just finished; beau- tifully . located: modern in every j respect, 5 rooms, all street Im- ! noements in and paid for. Price! $2.".uo. I We also have town modern bunpa- j I lows not quite finished that can be j ! purchased on the installment plan 1 Just like rent. Rer.dy to move Into i i in about 2 weeks. Price SltUiO. j , Kor the above and other snap bar-1 I gains In real property see. Law-1 I rence Accncy. 123 Cass Street, Phone 219. ' LOST Scotch collie dog on Fall Creek' Sunday. Large with leather collar. Color Veddish brown. Re ward. Phone 19K14. FOR li ENT 4-room apart inoht, partly furnished, and small house unfurnished. Phone 207-Y or call 420 W. Douglas. FORALEbaiT block, and "stove wood. Also hay in stack at G. W. Kincaid place, opposite Boyer Brothers, on Deer Creek road. FOR-RENT 2 comfortably- furnlsle" ed housekeeping rooms. Kitchen has built in work, hot and cold water. Also garago room. Phone 384-Y NEW 5 room house. Plastered. '"Mod ern plumbing. Paved street. Large lot. $2700.00. $500.00 down. Balance ei-sy terms. G. W. Young & Son. Phone 417. FOR SALETwTj " wuw. frln. two months u l.".:tn Tor-.. iTT! ask tnr n hi YOI.R LAST CHANCE To get this little dairy ranch for the price of fered. 80 acres In tract: 35 acres of fine creek bottom land; crop all harvested and In barns, fenced and cross fenced; fine water supply, 5 room house, newly painted and de corated, GO feet screened porches, wood shed, 2 years' supply wood cut, big barn, silo, hog house, ma chine shed, family orchard, good garden, nouse fully furnished, cream separator, fine big match team, harness, wagon, full set tools and implements, six fine dairy cows, all cows fresh in 4 weeks, 2 hogs, 200 chickens, school and church i mile, on main road. Every thing goes for $7000. On easy terms or will trade for good city property. Lawrence Agency, 125 Cass Street, Phone -219. Tonight tnd The mostspeJ cine-mekkW of 192 nil , Alto "International! and "Etiquei Children 10c ANTLERS FRIDAY AND MTll "TheNtttW A I V V a I ! -- -: A llll Mill milium 111 Added Attraction-THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY i-ositiveiy no advance in Prices rr fl PTTll II J ioc, i5c, 25c Antlers Theatt wait .7T7rA CS&'i'assi j.wcATwsra r, , . . . last.- "tommi mm iwoaimwsvgs. MM $5 rhif: 7M--.'" f.(4?;j.i'i.i; III P T.y? REL NOCICOUTS I ' Note: This theatre has been presented vr'i .Ifl n t . . r,. be each nishl to each cf the first cue hunted Sxf DfmPSCy Pockct nunured ticxet purchasers belter come esrly! hows705and 9:30, Doors Open at 7 P. M. V 1M1WW old