tOSEBURO NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY. JUIV 9. 1924. PKot sern AKE UP! kweek we are offering a good Lm Clock at the very special Uof ' THIS EXCEUUENT TIME PIECE IT'S A GENUINE BARGAIN Wchiii Hardware Co. THE WINCHESTER STORE ' t I & tmtt - V, H- MKDAa Dentist gulkPng Ro-eburg. or P'FSr without plate. Makes a Fine Wall I jt it us tell you about 'Sa it N Churchill EiJ Hdw. Co. p. S. Has been a re ceut drop in prlco. Guaranteed Ush Martin Serges $75.00 per suit Wr, The Tailor Serf lo llmpqua Hotel Antlers Theatre The world's heavyweight cham pion. Jack Dempsey,- is hum n every where In the world. Since his sensa tional leap to tin' championship, when he defeated Jess Will&rd, he has been the outstanding figure in the world of sports. Held Invincible he has neer yet met an opponent who even caused him any apprehen sion in the rinR. Angel Klrpo, Tom my Gibbons, Uiwrges Carpentier all have been beaten by him. Many sport writers claim he is the gieat csl tighter in the entire history of the ring. lempsey, out of the ring, is a big. lovable chap. He idolizes his mother and sister. He loves to play with children and docs, and, thouch he innhes his living fighting, is as ten der as a woman. In these pictures, "Fight and Win," he plays the un beatable Jack O'Day for Universal, booked by Manager Goux of the Ant lers theatre, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. dependence - Creamery OLD RELIABLE Wwrg Buying Station at BURG POULTRY MARKET " HI No. Jackson St l the Income Stops H you Prepared F that emergency? JW E. FLURRY durance Agency Roams 1 and 2 Mi"i Sank Bids- Roseburg, Ore. Liberty Theatre The story starts with a real wild west rodeo and plenty of action. Thomson brings his athletic ability into play by competing acalnst tiie pick of the cowboys, showing great versatility as a hoiseman and roper. Hazel Keener plays the feminine lead and her actions at the prize fight, where she is dressed as a boy. are certain to make the house shake with laughter. Silver King, Fred Thomson's won der horse, proves he's a real equine star and as deserving of credit as Miss Keener and Thomson. The plot Is an unusually strong one with plenty of mystery and sus pense. The cast is exceptionally good. Frank Harney, who plays the role of the villain, being a noted boxer: In fact, two years ago he knocked out the now famous Klrpo. Others in the cast are Al Kauffmnn. Lillian Adrian, Jim Corey, Andrew Arbuekle and Pavid Kirby. At Lib erty theatre, today and tomorrow. Antlers Theatre Along came Eve. Then the trouble began. Two friends rushed headlong into danger. One double-crossed and won temporary respite. The other bided his time and then dealt justice where Justice was due. The girl, lov ed by them both, was with them when they waited in the cabin for the return of a rancher with J-ii.Ofiii. And as they waited, the avalanche roared down the mountainside. There tlif-y crouched, two men and a girl In lloll s Hole. And out of this gripping situation well, see' for yourself in the new Wil liam Fox offering. 'Hell's Hole," starring Charles Junes, which comes to the Antlers theatre tonight for a 2 day run. This Is one of the best features Jones has made. BIG SOCIAL DANCE At I-ong's Hall. Coles Valley. Saturday- evening. July 12. Music by Sharrard's SyncopHtnrs. Kveryone come and have a pond time. jhautauqua port be here. Have fought your ticket Le' us call for your nd Have it nicely sand ready for it. HH1CHESTER 3 FILLS U " ti"iiiu''i. A i(7r-lA M-rli. r t!.m-xl t.rndX EJlYS 71 I ,r. leu,-! 1 !.' '-". W I C S ii iVi iikim rn.iAi t A K sniO BY CKXiOiH'HJvmifgy LOVE-OR FAMES by VIOLET DARE v Author of Half-rimo WifflT WHO'S WHO ANT) WHAT'S HAPPEN EiX IOROTHT LANE to to Nw York to visit PiCUMS CHANT and try to break into movK'B. She meeta UWREXCH KKENCH. ft young publicity agent, and through biin Bets fin engutrt'ment with JOHN SEVATtl. -the rrat lover of the screen." Seward (all in love with her and ankn her to marry htm, but she refuses. She qurrl with Lawn nee. whom she loves, and ac cepts the attentions of E1KHORN, a blR producer, until they become obnoxious. A reporter comes to see her late one ntffht after she has abruptly left Elk horn, to tell her that Elk horn baa been boasting of having been her escort, and that John Seward has beaten him In public. He asks why Seward should defend her, and she, touched by Seward's chivalry, rvpllea that she ta engaged to him. Frightened by the tmiple she has got Into, Dorothy de cides to give up her cursor and o home, but early in the morning as ishe Is on her way to the station she meets French, who persuades her to stay, and tells her that he haa got ba engagement for her with a friend of hts who Is making a picture. In the country, and that she can Leave town at once and he will stmlghten things out for her. she leaves at 3nc, and that night reaches her destination and meets CARL BA'NINO. her new di rector. The next day French fol lows, and proposes to her. XLII A, CHALLENGE TO FATE. KXBW now that I'd always been In love with Lawrence from the first time that I saw him t lie re In the studio. He told mo, as we sat there look ing at the falls, that he'd been In love with mo from the first, too. ''That was one reason why I tried to help you to get on In pic- tares, be said. "At first' 1 wanted to tell you to go back home and not got into the aw-' ful mess; now that you know something of the motion-picture world you can un derstand that, can't you? Hut then, when I realized how much you meant to me. I was acared to death fur fear that you would go back home, and I bejran doine everything I could to get you to stay. 'Tin going bark to my first ad vice now, thoiiRh," he went on. 'Tin poinff to tell you again to go back h'me. Only tills time it's our home thnt I want you to go to." "Why, Larry, do you mean that you want mo to leave pictures?" I asked, sitting up straight to stare at him, "1 sure do. Just as fust as you win." At first that seemed Incredible. And even though I had thoupht. Just a few moments before, that I was tired of trying to get along In the movies, and that I'd rather get out of It than do almost anything else, I realized then that It would be ter ribly hard for me to give up nay work. We talked about !t a long t'mc "I couldn't sit by and see my wife m the arms of another man, even thouKh I do know that It's all Jurt part of the day's wortc," Lkj-ry said. "And to have you arour.d in the Ho ww ricnt, of oun mnS 1 vu ) o raacli la low with htm tiu VA. h&v done anything !a th woiitf that h wanted m to. 60 I pcgmi iae4 that I'd five up aotlnc In Vta movlea as aoon oa wa wr marrtad. which waa to ba rlaht away. But thara waa another objactlaa to our plana, ona that wa hadn't pacted and oouldn't bruah aalde. that wa ran Into aa aooa aa wa Kutl back to the Inn. i Larry and I ot back to the hotaE J nut- In time (or euppar, and none; of the dlnnera we'd eaten together In New York", reatauranta taatad better thao tha baoon and act a anat "I couldn't tit by and my Ve la (Aa ami of another mm' berries that we ata that day on thai aide porch ot that old Inn, with thai falls roarlna; in front ot'na, t We ware Just finishing whan aisj automobile came roaring along um the ro&d, and Carl Banning drovei up. He caught eight of Larry aa hat Jumped out of hla car, and aeemed, awfully surprised to Bee him; rath pleased, too, when Larry told hint that everything had bean straight" ened out all right. "And we've got aome other newai to announce. Larry went on. reach- Ing across the table to take bold of my hand, "Dodo and I are going to be married tomorrow, and wa wanf you to be best man." I Mr. Banning just stared at us for a moment, and then shook hla heanV "You don't rope me In on that' oeremony," he aald. "And If my word counta for anything, you'll; postpone It for a while. Just stop, and think a minute. Miss Lane's, got to go on and work In thla plo-, ture for mo. hasn't shet Tre de pended on hor, and It would hardly 1 be right for her to back out, would VIOLET DARE Larry, holding than ever. "It, It "No." admitted my hand tighter wouldn't-" "Well, that would mean not only that you two couldn't fro orf on a honeymoon, but It would mean, too. that you'd have to be separate! right away. You oan't Just chuclc your Job, can you, French T You'll, have to get back' to New York, una yowa do perfectly wr-tched because you weren't hers. MIhs Lane would be just aa miser -I able, and couldn't possibly do her) Dent work for me. o why not be senslbleT 'Wairi until snes Uirouxh here; It'll only lo six weeks or perhaps two months. lou can plan to take your vacation' then, and can bo looking around: for aa apartment In New York lai the meantime." I He waa right, of course, and yep somehow I wished that Larry and I could Just have gone ahead and! done aa we'd planned, without any older -person to Interfere. Later on, now mucn 1 wished that wa ta4 done Just that) I don't beEov tbag it cvr pays to postpone your pines. lty and I mt Tan Iota ft ritiKeiK uungs over, ji mia to sr back to town on a norrnlna; pp7 he'd have to go to Ithaca and eftaasf el Jro far w Vra!, m he -mrm -jej iSnve bnck with M. Mterasna nut &av Mi. P.- v .nA ' - J bo dono, sweetheart. 1 can support land yro would get to OratV sU essMW night, or away on locat'en!t oitlA you, and you'll be pretty busy juit I I looking after our home." ' (tew The Perfected Surface Burial Vault ..i"c: ! M..i'.v.,::;' tl)tja'bi 'tfW. t-.v-nl'l Ci II or writ. T.S.MILLIK1N, Hcxliut, Ol m PflOU Classified Section ALL NEW ADS ON BACK PAGE An extra heavy program of band music -has been arranged for the regular weekly concert of the IHug ltts County bund tomorrow nlyht. The band will feature a number of the standard classical selections and a program well worth bearing will be presented. Hecause of the Chau tauqua no program will be given a week (rom Thursday, but the follow ing Thurolay, on the 24th. the band will feature selections from "Rob In Hood." The opera will be here on the last day of the and the people of Koseliurg will have an opportunity to hear the entire opera. On Thursday the favorite Detections will be presented by the band. The program, for tomorrow night follows: March. "Brooks Trlamphu," Selti. Overture "Hungarian Lutsplvl," Kela-ltella. Fox Trot. "Home la rasadena." Chilean Dance "Maunana," Mls sud. Waltx, "A Kiss In the Dark." Vic tor Herbert. Characteristic "In Ole Arkansas," Zimmerman. Fox Trot. "Sit I In' In a Corner." Overture "Slradella." Kftiwtow. March. "Plaia." Scltier. "Star Spangled Uuuner." AUTO KILLS SMAlZ GIRL NEAR SALEM SAI.KM, Ore., July 9. Uussle Irene Nelson, 11. was struck and in stantly killed by an automobile driv en by Miss Nona Hoyt, of Hfllsboro, on the Pacific highway at Harlow, ts uittes north of here this niurnlni;. according to word brought here shortly afternoon by state traffic of ficer Griffith. Officer Griffith reported that the little girl was walking south on the left hand al'le of the pavement and thut the onrusbinx car struck her In the back and curried her 130 feet before being brought to a stop. The force of the collision raved In the radiator of the machine.- Griffith auld that he lusted the brakes ot the machine and found tlic la In perfect order. FOR SALE FOR SALE Chevrolet in first class roiiitltlon. Lane St. Rooms. FOR 9AI.K I'erslan kittens. Mrs. Kdgar llufhani, I'hono 2i7-lt- FOR SALE A few Ions of oats and vetch hay In shock. State Farm. FOR SAl.K Heifer, gentle, freah. 140. l'hone 1.. Thomburg. FOUSAI.K 3 months- old Jersey heifer calf. Ask for Wood, News Review. FOR SALE 2nd hand Overland FOR FSNT safety deposit boxes,' Knaeburg NstlonsI Bank. ROOM lor "rent. 120 " V Lane SC. 1'houe 177. Close In. - FOR KKNT Civaa" room"-furnished' lor livht housekeeping or sleeping room, hot and cold water. Close In.; ' Rates rsasonuble, 141 N. Kane SL .- WANTED 7. touring. 1-25. H. Roeburg. J. Box HO. KU 2, OBSTINATE CASE RELIEVED QUICKLY SAYS KOREX DID MORE THAN EVERYTHING ELSE TRIED IN 5 YEARS. FOR SALE Hoys' bicycle, good con dition. $12 50. Jean Tynun, 72S So. Jackson St. FOR-SALE NVoodsuw, ' pulleys and engine. Address lk-e Adams, ltuac- burg. Orec, Rl.l. FOR SALE 1S20 MaxwelT louring, good condition, all uood cord tlivs. extras, for sale cheap, luuuire 417 lVrklns IlUlg. STILL have nice raspberries. H.2S per crate. Bring containers and pick them. Won't last much lonRcr. jwrence Herscher, llillnril. FoirAXiiIo" XT! resoii onTTiitiT- way near It. R. station, store and school, 1100.00 per acre. Address I. II., care News-Review FOR SALE A eniHll flock of pure bred hliropsiure ewes, niso a lew buck lambs and a yearling Inmb. Wilfred Drown. Camas Valley, Oregon. $250lU'YS A IIOTkTE In first class condition. Must bu seen to be ap preciated, rubber good. Can ba seen at the Broadway Garage, or can see Mr. Nclsou at the 1'eopks Supply. HorsKWOHK waut.d. by the hour. tiwS So. Stephens St. VANTE1 Small gas engine--at onto. E. It. Bryant, l'hone 175-H. WANTElA-Sewtrg todo"lo7 childrea and women. 421 Fitter. VANTEl Bicycle, must be In goolj shape and cheap, for cash. Tele phone 2,"F2. WANTEIV-Fosltlon as stenographer or office work of any kind. Ad dress M. II., care News Review. WANTEI GeueTai h'jusewniE fil Roseburg by experienced girl. Write to Anna Sileulus, Glide, Oiv E.l'ERlENl'EI)"jl'.NlORhlKhschoiiT teacher wishes to tutor students who fulled In 7 ill. 8th or Freshman subjects. Exams will be given In ticptetuber, giving pupils an oppor tunity to raise their grades to passing. Address Uox SI, Roseburg, LOST AND FOUND 1 1 LOST Cameo ring. Feward. at this office. Lear f'l)l'NI Gentleman's gold ring. Owner please call at this office ami describe It. LOST Bill fofiler-coliiTtning cu? rency and railroad pusses. Finder lesve at this office. Reward. FOR RENT PASTFRE for rent for cows, $3 per month. Apply lo Mis. J'. Slnnolt. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 618 80. Mnln. "For five yejtrs I suffered from glnnd troubles," rays Mr. J. Johnson of Dundee Mississippi, "and could not get much relief, huhough under went three X Kay examinations. Then 1 tried korex compound and it did me more good than all the treatments I had tried in the 6 years. I cannot say too much In praise of It. Al though I am now Do yeurs old. I feel I am only 25." Mnny remarknbln restorations to vigorous health Hnct . noriiinl activity are being credited to korex com pound almost daily by enthusiastic users.- Sufferers from weakness af ter the flu, low vitality, lack ot appe tite, aching muscles, glandular Inac tivity, and premature old age, will be Interested In learning that tho Ameri can distributors of korex compound, have arranged for korex compound to be sold in Knaeburg, Oregon, at Lloyd Crocker's i'loneer Drug More, 241 N. Jackson street. Just ask for korex compound. FOR RENT 3-room apartment, nice ly furnished. I'hono 193. S. W. Starmer. No children. FOir"liENt Nfoclern. well furnHheS house. Reasonable. Address I). H., care News-Review. FisH-KENT Four-room" apartment two blocks from pnstofflce, electric ity for cooking, hot water, cool and alrv apart inent. l'hone 227 Y. LOST Sunday on highway between Grants l'asa and Antlers, roll of bedding and overcoats. Reward. E. I.. Thompson, Route 2, Box 113. Roseburg, Oregon. I.OST Between Grants Pass ami Canyonvillo on July 61b, a new tfOxllt C'i'C. cord tire, mounted on Ford rim. Finder notify News, Glendnle, Ore., tor reward. MISCELLANEOUS HOME LAl'NIiRY lhonaS37. RECOKI) EXCHANGE. 828 No. Kane. SHEEl' To let out on shares. In quire of T. M. Ollivant. 842 So. Fine, or l'hone 75 Y. CAR O W N ER I ku'tfoFgt to call 663 when In need of auto parts. I Sa' Ts Auto Wrecking House. e Weekly meeting of Chautauqua guarantors nnd coninilttees will be held WEDNESDAY. July i'lh at Heiiillne Conservatory, 7:30 sharp. The director, Mr. John A. ltostwlrk will be at this meeting 1 and a full report of all tickets sold as well as tho money for w the tickets must be had at this meeting. j When in Roseburg Motel Umpqua Is Invigorating jQnic. w 1 Vi a iM r fsa t t LOCAL NEWS Arundel, plauo tunei. I'h"De 189-L. L':U Hazel wood at Wlmbcrly's. Within 3 lu-jrs you can'now flivver 1 to Bandon by the Sea. Siding and rustic, Page Lumber and Fuel Company. Band concert Sunday at Bandon by the Sea. IF "It Ain't a Goin' to Rain No Mo' " Things will get dryer llitin they are how. And fire hnzurds will Increase. Insure Against Fire Now Our agency Is at your service. I'ronipt service ami reliable pro tection. G.W. YOUNG & SON INSURANCE 119 C.iss St. Phone 417 Merchants Lunch 11 A. M. TO 2 P. M. 40c Tiy This Lunch and De Satisfied Dinner 11a. m. to 8 p. m. You can get a good mcul here for 30 cents and up. WAFFLES ANO COFFEE WITH REAL CREAM TRY 'EM The Douglas Grill W. R. WARNER, Prop. Diamond coal briquets, the steady fire Page's. Wanted Dry Caacara bark. We pay highest prices. Berger's bargain Store. Dr. Itnirlsnn Folk announces, open ing of offices In new location 417-18-11) Perkins IIMg. Electronic diagnosis unrl ir.'ftfnp'nt. (Abrarns Method ) Kurtz Transfer Co. Is now located In the New Melwr Building, corner Oak and Pine. Furniture Moved, Packed and Stored. Local and Long Distance 1 Iauling Piano Moving a Specialty PHONE 47 Iced Coffee You enjoy your cup of hot Cof fee for hieukrast. Why not en Joy It for tho other meals as Iced coffee inailo as follows: Brew It according to the usual way, only make It somewhat stronger and pour It hot from tin' pot Into a gluss nearly full of 1 rue ki'.l Ire. Add sagar and cream to taste. ECONOMY GROCERY PHONE 63 TUBBY Tubby Has "Self-Affliction." By WINNER fiT Lo VM'TH TRVQljo WAy 77 Our Auto Will Call t HOMO All THE CIRLS :TuRND V0U DOWN. VOO CANT (jtl , PARPNlC YotJCAT i f ACTV HO HO TriAT A. ;n?'-i ootss 1 r. I DOAi'T WA,TA Jo ; 'l'.'-i. 'ji 1 OH AJ0 Vbu COMT EECAUE AO ClBl'Ll Go with 'co, TrlATS Vv'iAY! FS0U WAS oc L0 1 am Goiri i Tell Yoo I AISST FcELlN WEll.Vrt SVCK l lELLYA - I'M 0D LOOKtM J.IKE ":' r? . Y0V COULD GET Ji. VV ' r '-At, is.: '-, "11. 1 1 ' t zAj- I I HAJE A AttrriOM T? KnOC Oil S5SY SMITHS' BLOCK CfF- CftN'T GET r,AY MOlTri ME LlKt THAT T AlNT AW OF HIS BOilMESS lr NONE OF THOSE OL STOCK UP GlRLVLL eE PAROLE B -1U SWOW HIM HC CAN'T , KD ME ANY MOCE J " T 7 1 COES'i LOOK IF PRETTY cifW Alow) -AlOBOOYl I CAM KIP ME AMYfAOCE LiECAubt I AlWl uuirj 1 TO THAT Ot t ARTY . - . . , .?.;. i : ! fi: i .'I I'M 4 i :'