Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 09, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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W.I.HM.I. JuogaVe 11 f b" M ' l nd,'r,,r00d
K u hn v. w Jersey broke un. m of
V Id vote weal lo I'nderwood and 12 styles,
X went lo Class. In North Carolina central
i Just Arrived!
5 ....
Another carload of Exchange Flour and Feed,,
Economy Feed. XXX Chop, Goldenrod and Brewster-
! lodgen Poukry Feeds.
'& Baling Wire $5.00 per 100 lbs. Wire Fence, Barbed
3 Wire, Staples, Binder Twine.
See Us First We Can Save You Money.
Roseburg and Oakland
... . . In .lal.ifinn
g also. "K values in me mum -
A When N'-w Jersey broke up, 1 of fancy Milk handkerchief. Uuiena
Persian patterns, aoou "
went to Class. In Norm Carolina contrast colorings, He. uraim
John W. luv Im picked up 20. goods Just in. Special at i"e tu-
V In Ohio he got 2:i more. , Carr'a.
S John VV. Davis, of Weal Virginia.;
sprang into tliu lead In today s bal-j NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET
g luting, with Oscar W. I'nderwood of IMPROVEMENT
A Alabama, close behind him. Sealed proposals will he received
g in the break up of the McAdoo b (m? unUl.ri(lKncd at his off"' '
S and Smith forces which began on . . .. .. . , niv of Kose-
g the loist ballot today tl. West 1 eg ,. up to S ociock P. M.,
Virginian sprung Into the h ad and , Lv iUt. v.,U. U,r the Im-
&, many of the Smith voles were turn-i t o( - nUH from ,ie
S ed to fnderwood putting ine Ala-;"". n "l " r, t0
I 'TVVeredl.b of Iowa, to whom Point 450 feet north thereof, In -he;
S ... ,i, u,.a,i, ...ntain. were City of Roseburg, Oregon, in the
attempting to deliver their strength, I manner prov.-ed by Ordinance No.
5 was a slow third. i 827. ....
On this ballot the first of the! All bids must be submitted upon
? day the new order of candidates blank forms which wlil he furnished
ft was John W. Davis. 316; Oscar I n-j upon application to the undersigned
6 derwood, 2S9.S; K. T. Meredith. , and must be accompanied by a certi
E 130. fled check payable to the City
g This was a gain of 113.5 for Mr. Treasurer for five per cent of the
J Davis, and a guln of 187 for Under-) amount of the bid. to be forfeited to
ft wood. It was also a gain of 64 6,, he city In the event said bid Is ac
j$ for Meredith. But It was a loss of , ceptea and the biMf.r shall fall to en
V 230.5 for Smith and a loss of lj,er (nlo a contract with the city ac-
for McAdoo. mere was ' ' , ' fording to the terms of said blu. A
(continue! from psx one)
1 P. , n , .7 . 1 If. 1 1 : T X . J' J
Ml if II 99
JlfVi . til
I For Infant!,
Thm Aged
Rich Milk, Malted Grain ext. In powder
ilny and nfgl. t when the 101st bal
lot was put off until today.
Smith lenders today d. -elded to
split up tlieir vote olid permit dele
gates to ballot for their own prefer
ences, l-'or tin- present it wus be-
li-wd a majority of the votes would! rorai,maknTheFood-Drmkfr?AllAges.
t'.i lirst lo I'nderwood. i Dicrstible No Cooking. A light Lunch
(iovernor Smith, who was present' always at hand. Also in Tablet form,
r.t lite roiifcrciHv today fully ap-l Ask for "Horlick't," at all Fountain,
proved the plan. org llieniiaii of ' IST Afny Imitation Substitute
Illinois, ttmmum-cd tho d--cisiou.
Itiiiolig others prei-ent at Hie cotlfer
enre were franklin 1. itoosevelt, j
Senator W ulxh i.f .MuKsachusetts. I
Noriiiuti K. .Mack, of New York and)
Joseph K. Culley of Pennsylvania. '
Tim Smith crowd was determined !
that no eleventh hour movement by!
I lie McAdtio forces should nominatol
had not actually withdrawn.
"We will stand by him to the
end." Bald Ihe women defiantly.
Today's session began Willi a pray
er by the Iteverand Win, Wilkinson
of Trinity Church "The lllshop of
Wall Street."
It was In nulte a different utmos
drift to John W. Davis of West Vir
glnla. as the balloting progressed.
It carried him to a new high mark
with Oscar W. fnderwood of Ala
bama atlll following closely behind.
Attempts of the McAduo forces lo
lK-iuealh their strength to K. T.
Meredith, of Iowa, were not success
ful und some of te moBt sieadlust
MiAdoo battalions In the long fight
flopped over Into the Davis column
on the llt-nd ballot.
bond of 100 per cent of the contract
satisfactory to the City will be re
quired from the contractor. The tlm
slated In the proposals for complet
ing the work will be considered In
awarding the contract.
The Council reserves the right lo
reject any or all bids.
Iiy Order of the Common Council.
Dated July 9th. 1924.
City Recorder of the City of
The Smith strength during
ballot was being split up and going ; Roseburg, Oregon.
largely to I'nderwood. ! o
On the luJud ballot the leaders: NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET
John W. Davis, 415: and 4-6; I Sealed proposals will be received
I nderwood, atii; jieremin. t,o auu , Dv the undersigned at his office In
-3; Walsh of Montana. 123.
.. . .'i .i . . , I phere that the convention met today.
"Any time that we want to un It mari.hing. singing bands of Mc
n a man Ihe Smith forces can be . ,vi Uses and inton-
! McAdoo ...62 21 U
jsmllH 121 4 4 7J
Davis :lll 413 8.WJ
fnderwood 229 307 108
Meredith 130 15
Walsh 88 123 58
oroi lint iimeiiier. sin i iireiiiiuii. .
Weary and only half awake, the Vr Mark- ""'"' P"rne Ka8 b''n COm""9-
democratic national convention re-! -hrtsinins ur a, .."."u , Honed by Ihe city as special traffic
, . , . .1 l... WITH UUnt'Ill. I llt'IV w -l tr Biuicti 'i , , , t-fjiitru tlliu llio uiuurri i
",u' . , , ,. .! empty chairs In the delegates und on.cer ami nas oeen p,cKi.,K " i enter nto a contraCt w,h the City
lue.-.-s ...h. o ""'I "! .,.,., ..,i.,n mwl canvassea of "Ulliuer OI uuioisib iai jikiii uou i"" I ....rt, , ,k . i, 1.1,1
their forces by delegation leaders ; "Y " 1 bond of 100 per cent of the contract.
showed that few of the delegations """ Y" , ratisfactory to the City will be re-
the city hall In the city of Roseburg,
Oregon, up to 5 o'clock P. M.. Mon
day, July 21st, 1924 for the Improve
ment of Spruce street from the end
of the present pavement to the north
I curb line of Douglas street, In the
City of Roseburg, Oregon, in the
manner provided by Ordinance No.
All bids must be submitted upon
blank forms which will be furnished
upon application to the undersigned
and must be accompanied by a cer
tified check payable to the City
Treasurer for five per cent of the
amount of the bid. to be forfeited to
the City In the event said bid is ac
cepted and the bidder shall fail to
and attempt to reassemble them in
to a body.
McAdoo supporters were awaiting
. ...II ,.., 1, I'l... n.
word of f.-rmal withdrawal from'"1"," ' '"" ;,
ward at the expense of the democrat
ic national convention.
Apparently the musicians were
still on full pay for they tackled
. I William Tell for the 41st time with
enthusiasm and gusto.
Mr. .McAdoo
liiK to deliver most of tlta Mc.VWu
urchi'ili. At tile beginning of the I
session today there was an under-1
cut rent Indicating a spurt lor Oscar j
AV. Inderwond of A 1 11 Da mil, whose
(Iovernor Smith before proceeding to
orgniii.e to increase, their strength
elsewhere. An organized contest
-was opened between John W. Davis,
who was rilling a. rising llile as the
session adjourned early this morn
iug and K. T. Meredith, of Iowa,
quite busy today taking care of uum- num, fi.()m (he conIra(:,or Tne time
tous canes.
" W s, Z; cabi to 'whom j h .floor carrying the won, fro,,, the
loo's leaders were attempt-1 McAdoo people and the p lis w le
supporters expected to draw strength
from several states, incluting New
York, Ohio and Illinois.
, hen the remalninir McAdoo wo
nien delegates come lnti);lhe conven
t lcill they came uolslessly, bill with
koiiii light let t . They distributed
,lcarcr pointing out 1I111I whllx .Mr.
a.McAdoo released his delegate he
for Oeorgia and Texas, which have
been solid McAdoo delegations, to go
for Meredith on the first ballot to
day. There were some votes for Da
vis in Texas, but it was being held titral college w ill be held
under unit rule, (ieorgla, 11 was i'ns. Oregon, July 2S, 29,
I stilted In the proposals for completing
the work will be considered In
awarding the contract.
I The Cnoaell reserves the right to
I relect anv or all bids.
P,v Order of the Common Council.
Dated July 9th. 19?4.
I City Recorder of the City of Itose-
I burg, Oregon. ,
said, was ready to break the unit 1
to follow the McAdoo advice for
Meredith. Massachusetts, which has
been voting 3 31 for Smith and 21
for McAdoo was In a predicament.
The religious issue and the Klan had
made things troublesome for Un
delegates from that state and for
Ihe effect at home at least, they In
tended to stick with Coventor Smith
Tor a time. (
(iovernor Davis of Kansas was net
I convinced that he was out of Ir and
!waa trvlng to recover his delegation
ISO Was This Itoschurif Woman Who'from John W. Davis, of West Vir
ginia, rue avaiiaiiiiny oi a uin
The Southern Oregon Home Mak
ers Institute conducted by the Exten-1 NOTICE OF BIDS FOR STREET
slun Service of tho Oregon Agrlcul- IMPROVEMENT
at ('.rants ! Sealed proposals will be received
30. 31 and bv the undersigned .at his office In
August 1. in the navilkm on the Jose-1 th ntv iinii in tho ntv nf Ttnao.
rule but the majority was expected j i.hine county fair grounds, adjoining , burg. Oregon tin to 5 o'clock P. M..
the auto camp uud city park. ; Mondnv, .lulv 21st. 1924 for the Im-
Daily programs will include lec-; provemenl of Chanman street from
lures on her.lth problems by Dr. Ks- tp w(st nne of Madrone avenue to
tella I'ord Warner. of the State , tbe west line of Laurelwood Addl-
iloanl of Health, and clothing prob-.tlon. In the City of Roseburg. Oregon.
!i 111s by Miss Lsther Itelle Cooley, of the manner provided by Ordinance
the Oreuon Agricultural college. i jcn
Handicraft problems for home de-' An p,j, nt De submitted upon
Miration will be in charge of expert- b'nnk forms which will be furnished
iii-cd persons, and the women at-' application to the undersigned
mala una iiisinuie in naic an op- pm nlst DP accompanied bv a eerti-
Tclls Her Experience.
farmer on the ticket was being dis
cussed to his advantage.
The first ballot of the day was
the lulst. an unheard of and un
dreamed of record. California
eortuniiy to make a choice of the fij -heck ti.-ivnl.1o to the Cliv Trens.
I base of handicraft work in which j rw fn rfve Pcr cent of the amount
they desire instruction. : of ttie M to bff forfeited to the Cltv
There will be music furnished by 1n thp ,., fM l8 acCepted and
prominent artists and the recreation t)lo bidder shall fall to enter into a
will be in charge of an experienced contract' with the City according to
Popular men and women of the
1 All too often women accept their
nu I ...
Iscx. They fail to realize that weak wh'eh had been solid for .McAdoo j S,. wm pn sent and aid In mak
, spin ii-t : 111 K ine insiiiuie.a success wnn lec-1
Walsh is tne maioruy 01 ii. joiui: llir.,s ... . a,i,irMS,,s on subfects
-kidneys uro often to blame for that
'Im.-ll n.-h.. thn.A t..n,tn,.,.w .li-,.- U.M.
and that tired, denressvd feelinit 1 " "l"- I"11"" "-' ; which are of vital Interest lo both
.Thousands have found new health and "r- Murpliree. of i-lorlda. one 01
strength bv liclninir the weakened Hryana several candidates, got four
kidn. vs with Donn's Pills a stimulant f tiorida voles, i.eoigla split
diuretic. This Koscburir case is nnt f"r the first time giving M
.of many: ,
Mrs. I. D. Rishop, SIS Fullerton St.,1
Vays; "My kidneys troubled me a I'd
.and I felt tired and run down. 1 t-ad
,a continual dull ache across my hark .
and could hardly keep IT i 11 if. My
kidneys acted irrcjrulaiiy, too. Poan'i
.fills heli-cd nie wonderfully. Thr t
.ba-kacl-e and tired, worn out feelinp
left ami my kniiuys were regulated.
I rue UK-, at ail dealers.
inuue c-v tnr a i toncy icne-dy -- r t
.Dean's Pills the same that Mrs,
.Pisbpp lia-l. Koster-Millun 11 Co., Mfrs.
Hullalo, N. Y.
Ailoo 1 1
and live lo J nil ll V.'. Davis. Idaho s
elKhl went solid to Davis V. llolls
lon, former secretary of the lreas-
ury. Senator Walsh of Molilalia and
liiderwood picked up scattering I
votes in various slates as the roll j
taP proceeded. )
Maryland got on Davis' band wa-'
gen on Ibis ballot mid gave (lovern-j
or lillillles li; lo the West Vtrgln-
Den'l Ian. (Iovernor Ritchie himself an-1
nouueeri tut oaliot. j
New York s-illt giving the bull; ot
her vole to fnderwood. He got'
Mil. I
Tb.. I'linn. .elli' nl i hanged her vote1
the farm and city women of today
There Is no charge in connection
with tin Instruction and entertain
ment which will be provided anil all
the women are invited to attend and
take part In any phase of Ihe work
which Interests them. This will af
ford a very profitable vacation nip
for many who are only nhl to plan
on a few davs during the summer
American fence and barb
Wharton Pros.
w ire at I
S A 7 I C 1 T I
To Friends in Marshfield
It is ( i Im' ixpottt that mi will t. t sirvico nt a imtvWo
wl;it!t'ii Tin' m:iiijiriipm tif the M;ir.lifi'M S. rvu Stalion l
Alt'T rti hin1 passi il tho rdtc of town, yon will notion n
wli'tc (etui it tt?urtuiv. wiih two lnri;o ml ptmi im Mtandiim in
front TIichv im in .n nn mitotimtir, liiNiirttit: quii k ttml arcu
nil" ht-r it Thii nr hIhhh topi'''1. iH ,, 'ht '
K t rvt i itrop that ou inlcr.
T!m drivrwHM Itniliiitf to t h wtjitton aro wiili' nm ivv.
i: :!
itu wtll be ftcll sallstletl. if vtll will make a stop at the
Mi!u hi Sciviie stiiili-n. uMn your next visit to the clly.
Marshfield Service Station
!3 Scuth Bresdway South of S. P. Freight Depot
' - n t.l.l
is x
xn l
Dr. Donald 1(. C.ibbs has opened
dental offices In Ihe Perkins building.
He has been delayed somewhat In
the opening of ht office by the In-,
ability to secure Ihe equipment de
sired prior lo this lime. Dr. Cibbs
has installed the latest and most
modern dental tiiuipm- in and has an
office fully supplied will, all appar
atus necessary for the best of dental
P-le hundred and Iw.tnv-five west
coast sawmills for w. t k en lin-r June
21. manufactured ye. r.t::,. l s 4 feet of i
lumber; sohl 9T :'.'i:l.i:!2 l.-.i; and
shi,p-d 9.'t,t;;'s ni f.-t t.
. Kails being laid from Skivkum to
Ktin-.i on Natron cutoff.
Work to start on sugar factory at ;
Prim-ville. August 1.
-.'o. Suiting
i SUCKidD vIh. riihic
can be washed and worn In any
way you please. It is absolutely
fast to KrrnvTnisn tr rv-
W. win prnctlr and fWrfully f.
urn your m-nr nt onbr for wr
rrd of Kvorf.t whirh. for ar.T TPfu.
not h.,l e. Jbr, hut .I.e. THR
In sit popul.r .hi). Th torn
Krf..t- u lUmpnl mu rard la
tkt ymi
molim rnikagt
For years this company has claimed that Zerolene, be
cause it lubricates better, enables the average car to eo
about five percent farther on a gallon of gasoline thai
when other oils are used.
A few weeks ago this claim received the most remade.. '
.1.1. AMMv.nAM ; - 4-ViA 4ie1l1e stF qnniinl T A
ctUlC L;UIliliIHd.UUll III Llic itauiw ui i.ii aunutu i-vJS Angelgg.
Camp Curry (Yosemite) Economy Run. Six out of the
seven trophies offered, including the sweepstakes, were
won by Zerolene-lubricated cars. The sweepstakes
winner, an Overland Model 92, driven by Joe Bozzanj,
travelling the 400 miles of desert and mountain roads, aver
aged 29.36 miles to the gallon of gasoline an achievement
which the 1924 contest rules made all the more remark
able as they forebade coasting or stopping the engine.
The following extract, from Mr.
Bozzani's letter shows how Zerolene
stood up under the gruelling conditions
of the contest:
"In the Overland cars the oil lu
bricates the transmission units as
well as the motor. Yet in spite of
the terrific heat encountered while
travelling through the Mojave des
ert, when the ultimate check was
made I found greatly to my sur
prise, the gauge showed absolutely
no use of oil whatsoever.
"Gentlemen, I think this is re
markable. I attribute my success in
winning the 1924 Yosemite Ecob,
omy Sweepstakes greatly to the !
use of Zerolene in the motor and
Red Crown in the tank."
Right here, in the official records
of this economy run classic, it p.
answer to the oil question. Whypiy
tribute to the superstition that ost
ein oil, merely because it costs mg
and is made in the East, is in act
mysterious way "better." Eipoi
enced drivers, out to make recorfi,
don't share that superstition whj
should you?
even ft it does
co less
the terms of said bid. A bond of 100
per cent of the contract, satisfactory
to the City will be required from the
contractor. The time stated In the
proposals for completing the work
will be considered In awarding the
The Council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
ny Order of the Common Council.
Dated July 9th, 1924.
City Itecorder of the City of liose
burg, Oregon.
Ttrd trid
if- t-t-f-f 'tjii-fi
Kr Trial Ofte
.in .,- a v a t?ri -r t -t
i a t t n -it-
I a. a . HA. Nt ox
pan ki a v a fcn
"The Silk Store"
Pioneer Drug Store.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the undersigned at his ofUce in
the City Hall in the City of Kose
buig, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock P. M.,
Monday, July 21st. 1921, for the Im
provement of Madrone Avenue from
the north line of Lilburn Street to
the south line of Riverside Drive, In
the City of Koseburg. Oregon, in the
manner provided by Ordinance No.
All bids must be submitted upon
blank forms which will be furnished
upon application to the undersigned
and must be accompanied by a cer
tified check payable to the City
Treasurer for five per cent of the
amount of the bid. to be forfeited to
the City in the event said bid is ac
cepted and the bidder shall fall to
enter Into a contract with the City
according to the terms of said bid. A
bond of led per cent of the contract
satisfactory to the City will be re
quired from the contractor. . The
time stated in the proposals for com
pleting the work will be considered
in awarding the contract, a
The Council reserves the ritht to
relect any or all bids.
By Order of the Common Council.
Ited July 9th. 1524.
n. i wiiipri.K.
City Recorder of the City of Rose
burg. Oregon.
We sincerely w ish to thank our I
friends and neighbors for their'assis
tance and for their beautiful floral
gifts during the Illness and after the
death of our beloved wife, mother
and sister. These thanks are deeper
than words can express.
and children.
and families.
I'stial r,Oc size In a good sponge,
our special l"ic each. Large chamois
at 60c. Fine for the car and get It
i-l I'nrrs where you save.
rt !. .hMD
jf HUH-uiu "
ler at Whartoi Bros.
' "" ILc ttm
DAILY Mtni"-- l
U. S. Weather Bwvl
Roseburg. Oreson.
a. m.. June 25. IMi J
Relative humidity t ' t- 1
terday V J
lllgnesi icwer-
Lowest MV,"
Precipltatien - - .
Total precip. i
Normal precip. lor
Total precip. from
to nate -
Average prec'P- tn' Z
TouV deficiency fro
Avenge preci'p'ltaiW;
Fair tongm '",1
1 I
Everything Youte
In the way of Pure. Wholesome Grocenci
supply at lowest cost, and best quality.
Perkins Bdg.