f A f : A V S TAR: THE 2 7 FEATURE CAR 35,000 STAR CARS have been sold to satisfied . owners on the Pacific Coast in less than 20 months. In its first year of operation the Star factory in Oakland built more than 20,000 cars. , The Star.through its sales record and its economy in the truest sense of the word hat rightly earned its title of being ;' The Highest Grade Low-Priced Car in the World i I! j (AgKriciutetf 1'reKn I.-::t-d Wire.) PIIILADKLITIIA. July . Mem bers of liif general "iincll of American liar Assoi iaiioii represent in every atalo an. I d 'Tilery in the I'nlon anil China, have Ik -tn chosen at tlw uimuul convention here. They include; . Alaska Ilulph K . 'iiuhorliion, Juneau. Arizona T. G. No California (j urn v-y Angeles. .Montana William liutte. Ort-Ron C. M. Thomas. Medford. Washington Arihur W. Davit), Spokane. U, Prescott. Newliu, 18 .11. llogors. TENDER-HEARTED MISS FLIM-FLAMMED BY THIEF PORTLAND, Jury 9 ( I I) He looked up Into her eyes, tine look ed down In his. "Kor Cud's sake."' lie pleaded, "If you'll let mo po this time I'll never do It ai,aln." This little sc in- softened the heart of Miss Ituhy William, who returned home and found a burglar under her bed. M.e agreed' to let hi in Ko. Later she discovered $15 and a railroad ticket were missiii;; and called the police. RAPP BROTHERS Douglas County Distributors Drain Garage Sutherlin Garage I.V.MI-IA l IHSAITI .VHS (HtliliON CITV, July It... William Hilt, business man of Ol.impla, Wasli., who disappeared from liiat rliy about ten days aire ifti r mii ferliiK Injury to bis head in a dive in a swimming pool, turned up In Oregon City thin week ami disap peared ncaln. It became known to day. Monday nlclit he r Kistered at a hotel here. Tuesday ho telephon ed his wife at Olymplu to telegraph no le y. He disappeared anain. how ever, before llie funds were delivered to him. Mis. Hilt and Henry llitt of 1'orllaml, a broiher, were today coiidticiint; a search. r - T KllT l in Hi Nt'WJ Itt'VH'W rtrr mutton 4200. INVEST VACATION PAY IN A Jor Economical Transportation I L-:rLj i Spend your vacation fund to llie liost advantage ly playing Gypsy witli nuxL-rn coniforta and conven iences afforded in a Chevrolet. Go wherever your fancy leadd. The usual heavy expenses for lares, rooms and tneahi can be in vested in a Chevrolet, ready and nUe to serve and please you for years, wmn THIS QUALITY CAR IS EASY TO OWN ASK US ABOUT THE PLAN c rr: The Ed Marsh Motcr Co. You Hate Taxis !' ;;r us it; u-nm mi ;.;n t:n! l i ti iiaturallv h. : r I i If tMi Kn-v tht-iT i a ":i'-t S''V"tht(.;' Mni;; :th v-':r ni;t tihl- iloll t K- t'P p :t I I. i oil tin i :.tr W'Tii, lln:; U t Hr IMW, i f 1.111 I; It Ml a IrfU w.'ul'. IT tni Mail. itn.l 1i- .-:tt': i. a i'r 1 ii t , ( in i r i:o unun'. . Hall & Young Caratrc "Not nnr- in two voar. itini rpv daH has my old rnr failt-il me In I hmidliiiK mail to GluU" fxelaiuu-d P. 'Php" (.liltiani with ii-'iii np cnthus ia.sin In a k it hi p ol rci)iis rrcount itiK rxpiM-inc'H with their mi(oint bir$. "All the strvWe wmli t,n t In car wart don bftwrcii tht Kix-day-a-wick trips. I't' hatilid ay much as sacks of Mi,ur on ih car at a tiint'. When thf loads rt loo Jarui I hook a tuowht-t'l tratlrr ou hciiind li rnrry the surplus woiuht." It is i'Mtinirif'd tir-a 'TtMi" runs tlie old Dodge stago 400 miles a weok car in a mi ar out, ,i milt s canyhiK mail and iuUch makin miscriiani'ous tr-ps. w Inch would makt a total of iiumo in an lo.tiuo milos. Alon with his mail coritract ho hauls L-oods Inr the i.dc sloru ami losid-'tits f that district. Although In- Hpfo. Kir.it icr has not ri'cordi-d all iho miles tua.led. It is ( imsi r ai ivHy rstm'ait d t!w t ar has hi 4-n driviMt more than Gl.l'OO miles. Thi- spfodonii ier n istm d l.ono miles whon ho punhased tlio car Tho imichino has cost him wry little lor upkeep, n i;ardU ts ' of tho fcreat miloae. jft "W hen ! hauli d tl." "I tt-ns i ( , j"ctit camnd s;i!num tt t!ie fi-h h; th'iy to feed tho tush, my car conI me only J 7 IS in 1 1 p:i h s oai in ; the wlielc nit'ii h.'' he dec!:"rd. "A I every trip 1 hauled f. pounds of salmon NshVs my regular load, with tlw aid of the tiaiVr. Scmoi tnh-s lur uik tin- w::iter I had to pull v.'.ur i.in o;it of lioles v!i re h- veie htliek. ''Tl'.eii' nro two tn ;. r mi til iv''. in i Mr c.unt wiili nuil: Iihut roads lil.m the i"e I ti.i. i, h -t ii.i i '; i ioad tl'.e tinnl cai Is 1, v.cin otit Willi'' UltlV IS -t'l T U : i T i H . l.'i'tr.lK lteshlt's tt;;.t Ui itn was , l,.i ;( d r'v'.v.d b'lnd and llie n;!nr v.n.i wc;v i A h lin '.ased :n w To Attend Convention ! ' I A I . Se. I; 1, x, , i' - , f..- INirt'iri-l i. a;'. I i':e N- ' . vv.w i ni ion ef a : sret fall's. '. titu::: T: v Sa:i llo V. USED CAR BARGAINS FORDS 1921 Ford To-arins. A-l condition. 1921 Coupe. 1 923 1 ourin looks like new $325 Touring with California top $173 Ford Touring $200 Touring $100 OTHER MAKES 1 92 1 Touring, in Hood condition $223 1917 Dodge $123 Buick Six $125 Used Tractor, just overhauled $275 1920 Special Six S t u d e baker, new paint $450 Dodje, screen side $350 Motorcycle $ 50 C. A. Lockwocd Motcr Co. Anncuncernent I wish to announce to the car owners of Doug las County that I have been appointed official representative for United Motors which means ' Delco, Uciny and Klaxon, also Electric Auto Lilc Service Wnrr.int for Spfrccr A vai.aiU w.n i---t.'d t"uy he rMi eistrt im I !.e at?. id u ,i ; d H,ii IIIs- o i a i ' V. : jn . li-.Mi-; s;JifciiMd lOfcit-v.it t!;. lei ui-va. This iue.ii.-3 special and "r-, cc to Every tj- O . t-tr in Dci .Js County W. R. BROWN Aa'er.i. ! ve Electric bervicc i '.t:-"en. St. South There is little or nothing in the ordinary four by which to measure Maxwell ridins and driving results of today. Vibration literally ceases to exist, so far as those in the car are concerned. The car rides with the ease of one twice as heavy. There is no four in Amer ica today at anything like its price to equal the good Max well and you can find that out for yourself in 30 min utes by calling on the near est Maxwell dealer. 111 PreriJent and Chairman of the Board III J ' j' Maxwell Motor Satei Corporation I J. W. Michael Motor Car CoT p j li N MA'N ST' R0SE3lJRa FOimfflTfflSES' "That the Lord Josus Clirist' hv tlie muuili (if iiis si rv.-int, liiini.-l, twenty f've Iniiidreil yi-.irs ami, lun--tolil the (.Teat nations thai voul-l t uio in the earth ilown 1o tlio in ent uay, jiredioliiiK tlit; distressed, per plexed condition of Kurope, tiint this v. ill evi titually he relieved by tile seltiiiK up of the eternal kingdom of tied," as tlie i.ssertion of K,uiKelist '1'luieinkT last nlsht at canvas taber nacle on N. Kose St. '"I he iniaae of llie second chapter of Hani. I with its four parts, and the v.sion oi the lour creat licasis of the sevtiuib cli..pter. are the same and represent the four jrcat nations that have ruled in the world since the cap tivity or tlie children of Israel in iSaln Ion--lial.ylun, iledo lVrsia, Ure t ia and Kotaiv "The vi.-ion of the linage with its four paus-liead of pold, breast ami anus of silver, sids of brass and i"-s cf iron -uas i:hen lirst to a heathen km-, and made a treat im pr. s-ien wi;h him. However, when Unit s.i- fit to outline the- nations of e::ttti to ins rvant ''anii-l, lie r"). s b. asts, siloiviuir devouring one another, lor blond. "' of tl.e inutile and the font th In ast n-iin sent us into which Koine man family have clearly ilenionstra-1 Ore., where they hid ted be'ore the world and the universe w hen the automoDiie, ew timt thev nrc unablo to miiiinuo the I ichnian. oluneed ow. situation." banknietit. Bryant did M v in iim int.- ii;ii- .iiessiuo. Will Ut I ,- , Mr Thiii.niW. thee... iii.o v..,,iM.. ! Kllc hman wai liso 4B 0 ' 'I will be no inquest, it NIKS IX WKIX'lv f Associiit TVe.i T.eape Wire.l LA (lUAN'DK, Ore., July 0. II. Itryant. in. of Albany, was almost instantly- killed today when his neck was broken in an putomoliiie acci dent near Perry, four miles from hen'. Hryant and John Kllchman, also WOMEN'S SILK HOitfl Yes, yon can ftlii to 4 value $1.W 09e ' l- ch-i,lon mill si2M It lH hose will outwear louoli! much more. ShapM the ankle. A pure silk ...tvtere thP.t looks U a . .... Lf Trv them. Tnoy an- u- -;i .i.'iiiii. uini joiui r.iii ii mull, ui.-iu ; . ... of Albany, were returning to Alhanv. I ing dollar hose Hiim riseni.il n.it:i t'ne.r iiatiu-i . and thus The l noti:s ot ! la the ti n lint was unid. i ci :if..r,-. s. T! day (o-i.i- fn Kottian "in t!.IM- blo-.i!.: ill nai i U.t lo.;rt!i and fitth I't.s iif Kurope to- ion of tile ot-, i Pl I'M el I- 7:1!. i. : - ti id I . I;.... I: . -ill. is Uu.-. v e a i e lit Utile, tr-at event. i Ki:u Uuu ' 'o S' t up His y an- to pt. fi.HUe... i ef th it.o.-t !.;:i--ii'tii. at.d i-i- r. cm i-ir - !' -Ill t . l-l fni ' l'i'-- M. "- d to l.r.n ' r'" ' ' U)t;h; Hi..! lar these a- l av il-.,i-,,i--f an ;-,::. ,;, -J. Hit-W. letter Service Since moving to out new location we are k equipped and in position to give better senice. We Specialize in Battery RepaW all makes of Batteries. All work is guaranteed. Gabriel Snubbers Sales and Service . o.nhlSiH Call and see us In our new quarters on soum Opposite Central Telephone 0ff.es AUTO ELECTRIC STAT ph. one H. L. BOUCOCK, Prop-,36- 22&Stepk n I STORAC? 1 fO tl 'I BATTERiW