Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 09, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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    Sessional nurse says
"Mirk Say Tanlac
lMo're Than Match for
"'I'lfinn mu.-I'lMmmjuuj ruijuJXJVruvrLru truTJTjTJTfinriraiJUnj rir rirLiniruTjui nm Ui j i. n n -i r
. w.-.-jt
"Stomach rln would make me so
weak I wouM feel rijthl faint. The
least exertion would completely ,,x.
linust me nml ix months before
Ins Tanlac 1 was so weak 1 had to
hire niy housework done. I as in hed
most of the time for two months and
Her from Marthfield
I- V. MrK.-e of Id la a
business visitor lu the city.
idee campaign, will quite likely re
ceive the appointuieui.
.... ,.
I I Ihe IK i
k--sPn . i ... .v(rit-nce aa a ; was getting desnerate.
T Mre the statement of; "Tanlac was more
, uu . . 1. -
f J-iifonna. will bo of Inter-I-
l .. I,, need of an uu-
HO HI 17
IOn.!CVifte-n 'ears experience
"' vs Mrs. Clark's
than a match
for my troubles and eit;hi bottles ,.ft
me feeling fine. I eat and sleep like
a child and have energy ami strength
that makes life a pleasure. Tar.lac Is
simply arand."
Tanlac is for sale by all sood druir-
Ml BUI"' - 1 ' " n"a mi
-1 never fould the equal glsls. Accept no substltuie. Over
. . .mrnath medicine and, million bottles sold.
f "ears aw an attack of in- j
me wiuiul -ee . -
bad fix that! Tanlac Vegetable Pills
for ronstl-
the nwnufaeturers of TAN' LAP.
I t. in
r . ... ..... UHnied to do me Datfon made and rnmnmU
I J1IQ Kai " - -.
.e,d of ''
; Her From Rack Creek
lWter ltice was a visitor In the
city today from his camp at Ruck
Co to Eugene
A. N. ore-tut and Kuene Tarrott
motored to It-Vuene today to attend
. to bu.-im-ss mumrs.
i S. P. Official Here
; It. K. Mull.iney, special agent for
Ihe Southern Pacific i-ouipanv. is a
i visitor in the city from Portland.
I John Hunter III
John Hunter, well known local cap
itallKt. is quite HI at his home in this
city according to a report today. i
Speeder Fined
Edmund Dolan today paid a fine of
tli lu the city court on a charae of
in From Ranch
P. A. Hernia was a visitor In the
city today from his ranch at Oakland.
The Hernia fuiuily have moved to the
ranch to remain durum the summer
Can Boone Fined
Dan lioone today paid a flue of
$lo lu the local city court on a charge
uf speeding. An additional ti 50 was
assessed when llooue informed the
court that he ImG been giveu a "bum
kins. expressed, how-i
ihe Germans had agreed
E,i, point detnaniieu uy uie .
r' ...... n f ihe control ,
The only kodak finishlnr
L,trA Press leased Wire.)
L ,u)y 9 Germany a re- ; ageucira we nave in tne city are,
L i luter-allied military con- Chapman Drug Store and Church-
Lr armaments cease on ri p-, in hiiw. t o.
Was ue""l "J ' ' I uuic t,iuniii ut-
unbassadora in a note i tention.
ine German ambassador CLARK'S STUDIO
it was aiiEouueeu io- , Jtoseburs Nat 1 Bank lildg.
! C. V. Clark. Prop.
Visit Daughters
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Doss left today
for Park Place near Portland.- anil
Spokane, where they will spend the
next three weeks visiting with their
daughters. ,
Burn Grass at Sutherlin
In order in prevent the serious fire
hazards, many of the citizens of
Sutherlin were busily eneneed tn
burning the dry grass around the bus
iness section last night.
Going to Coast -j
Mayor N. Rice and family left this
' afternoon for Marshfield. North Rend,
Sunset Reach and Randon, where
, lliey expect to spend the next ten
i days or two weeks enjoying a vuca-
Where quality counts.
Ln i utiviiies.
l.,viiiiitor s note
ft t the cer-satlon of con-
L append entirely on the
r ...i, r.1 Ihrt rnmmlR.
L t ind on Oerman con'pli-
l the five requirements pre-
tide on her regarding dis-
r . j
ptBoa 01 uisil. inai..:..i ..."
nnld lie determined by the
Lj control commission, the (
t forth ana any slsp-shuih
,jM wished to oiler w ould :
lred. .
rnnew Mitchell wi'gcni' fit a'
Lr the present prices. Wiiar-1
MAX hHl'.ll l)i:.l)
Coroner Ritter left this af
ternoon in response to a phone
call from Leona to the effect
that a man had been found
dead at his home about ten
miles north of Leona. No name
was given and the particulars
of the deaih are unknown. It
Home for the Summer
Miss lteairice Rice, of Myrtle
Creek, is home for the slimmer from
Redding, California, where she has
been in ch:i:ee of the commercial de
partment of the city shcools.
Detroit People Here
C. L. Henderson and wife of De
troit, Mich., urrived here yesterday
lor a vacation trip. They stated that
they had heard ao much of the fish
ing lu the Cmpqua Valley that they
determined to try. their luck in the
various streanks.
Chiefs Meet Tonight
The rmpqita Chief are meeting at
7:30 o'clock lontght at the l.awrenee
Realty office. The meeting la an till
port slit one and Chief I'nipqua has
issued a call for all of the braves to
be In attendance.
III At Home
I Margaret Jean, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Arthur, who reside in
I liurelwood. Is quite 111 at the family
: home. The little girl contracted blood
: poisoning as the result of an Insect
bite and has been under the caro of
Dr. Stewart all week.
tiolng To Kureka
Chief stute Traffic Officer Turn
Raffety and Kenneth Itloom, deputy,
I passed through Roseburg today en-
route to Kureka, California, where
they will meet the caravan which is
enroute to the Coos lluy county.
They will esco .. the caravan from
Kureka to Murshfield.
Power Coiiimny Officers- Here
Paul n. Mcivee, general manager
and first vice-president of The Ore
gon California Power Company, Don
ald McKee, assisstant general man
ager, YV. H. Crawford, manager of
the new Industries department and
M. II. Field, auditor, drove tip from
the home office at Medtord today
for a conference with T. 11. Nesa,
manager of the t'mpuua district.
Kat HaicUood at Wimberly'a.
To Return Today
C.eorgo llurneit and W. O. ('linger
will return from Portland this alter
noou. They are bringing back a lSiek
enbacker si dan which Mr. dinger
has purchased.
was said that the man was
found on the floor of the home
and had apparently been dead
since Sunday.
Arm Is Healing
The young son or S. N. Miller of
West Rosi burs, who fractured his
arm lust week when he fell on a
rock, is reported as improved today.
The break was cared for by Dr. Mi I-
Trip to California
Miss Minnie Ucll. Mrs. S. W. Rell.
and Mayuard and Raymond Dell will
leave Muuday by automobile for a I
nionih's trip to Calitornia. They will I
go to San Francisco. Los Angeles
and will visit at Lung Reach
Lester Hell and family.
dinner No. Reserve District No. 12 "
The Douglas National Bank
At Roaeburgi in the (tale of Oregon, at the close of business on June 30, 1924"
1. a Uians and discounts, including rediscounts,
acceptaucia of other hanks, and foreign bill
of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement
of this bank (except those shown in b and cl
I. Overdrafts, unsecured .
i. U. S. Government securities owned:
a lcpoitcd to secure circulation tl S. Ponds
par value 25,000.00
All other fulled States government securl
I'es tincluding premiums, if any) 113.7:,0.uo
Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc.:
Hanking House, S21.UVO0O; Furniture ,.nd fix
tures, $1.00
Heal estrle owned other than banking house
Lawful reserve with Federal Keserve Rank
Cash In vault and amount due from national
hanks w
Amount due from State hanks, bunkers, and
trust companies in the I'nlted States tether
than Included In Items 8, 9, und 101
Checks on other banks in the same city or
town as reporting bunk (other than Item 12)
Total of Items 9, 10. 11. 12. and 13
b Miscellaneous cash Items
liedc mptlon fund wllh V. S. Treasurer and
due from I'. S. Treasurer
1,250.00 '
County Clerk Home
County Clerk 1. U. Riddle returned
last night from Ontario. California,
w here he was called by the Illness of
County Roadmaster Floyd Krear
with I ,oJay for lleedsport where he ,
will start the work of surveying the j
Mill Creek bridge-sue in an eriort to
I make an estimate on the cost of the
construction of a bridge at that
place. The county conn has been peti
tioned to borrow $25,000 from the
his wife's sister, Mrs. i. M. Moore, i v,'r M, cr,,,'k aml l,,'1 ,htf
La Follutte for the presidency, It was
suid lust night.
Harness oil at Wharton Bros.
Visit With Jim Watson
K. K. Kulill of Kugene an 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Rufu llolman of Portland spent
a short time in ihe cily last evening
visiting with Mr. J. O. Walson. They
were enroute south for a vacation
We Pr. Leased Wlre I pOrMlCflC DRAW I IP
tsid'n't and v" NOTE ON DAWES PLAN In From Glide
will be nominated bv the j 1!nb R'akely of Glide was a visitor
Independent party, a pollt-l PARIS, July 9. A Joint note to;'" 'lie my today. Mr. Rlakely says
P inion said lo be the out- . the allies suggesting how the differ- things are luoking fino in the Glide
Li ihe committee of 4S. lent questions connected with appli- ! section and that
ti bere today. A refer
oitvasueed in choosing the
nd the ballots were to be
tuliT. The successful can
nill be innounced tonlgnt.
i m toe been placed In
t.. ... ... i.i
Mrs. Riddle remained In Onta lo. Mr.
Riiiille's mother, Mary F. Riddle
made Ihe trip also and returned home
lust night.
Planning for County Exhibit
C. O. Garrett, of Ulendale. was In
the city last evajilng for a few hourst
.Mr. Garreit la making early prepanv
tions fur the county exhibit ut the
slate fair and is Interviewing farmers
and others with the hope of assembl
ing Ihe usual creditable exhibit sent
from this county.
ernmcnt on the North I'mpqiia road, I
and before borrowing desires to know .
exuetly the gum needed to complete ;
court house fund to build a bridge
the work. '
Whether or not the money Is bor-1
rowed depends upon the opinion to !
he submitted by. District Attorney;
Guy Cordon. The mutter of whether'
or not the county court can legally'
borrow from the court house fund
bus been submitted to him. and if he
decides that the court which creates :
the fun.l lias a right to draw from U
Ihe action will be taken as petitioned ;
Capital stock puld In
Surplus fund
I'ndlvlded profits $13,328.96 '
b Reserved for building 20,000.00
Circulating notes outstanding
Amount due lo national banks
Amount due to Slate banks, bankers, and trust
companies in the I' lilted states and foreign
countries (other than included in Items 21 or
Certified chinks outstanding ....
Cashier's checks outstanding
Total of Items 21. 22. 23, 24. and 25 52.689.62
Demand deposit! (other than bank deposits)
subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 31)
Individual dcKalta subject to chock
Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days
(other than for money borrowed)
State, county, or other municipal depoalts se
cured by pledge of assets of this bank or
surety In.nd .
Tuial of demand deposits (other than bank
deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 26. 27,
2S. 29. SO. and 31 927,034.46
Postal savings detiosits
Total of time deposits subject to Reserve,
Items 32. 33. 34. and 35 .. 9.872.58
United State deposits (other than postal sav
ings), including War 1-oan deposit account and
deposits of I'nlted Slutea disbursing officers
30,000.00 i
695,686.83. (
' Total $1,179,973.03"
State of Oregon, County of Douglas, ss:
1, II. II. Stupleton, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
Hint the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beleit.
MiUHcniieu and sworn to before m CORRKCT Attest :
this Mh day of July, 1924.
Notary Public.
Broken Muffler Costs $2.50
Lloyd Tipton was arrested last
night on a charge of driving a car
section and that vacationists h re i w'tn tne muitier open. nen ar
..... . .. . . . .... .. . . ran-null hnl.ira fife W i.
se 'led :r";.Mhi:: " 1 " " LmW" miC'i Ve he claimed that the muffler -r.y helped u. during the Illness
enee'le-een'-'prMnJ Ml, Z, - s broken and paid a fine of $2.50 1 d bereavement of our beloved son
aa a m-nuuy ior noi iiuv.iik nau uie: i "-j"1
m mi tuts iiiuuivr u,rii. uvu m-, .
rauned before City Recorder R. L. I We wish to thank all who so t.nd-
GeorgH Thompson, and wife of , break repaired.
Grants Puns, former residents of this
city, spent -lust night here on their j
way from Grants Puss lo Kugene. Mr. 1
Donald and Premier llerriot of ; Stop in City
France today, the lirltiuli premier
ii lor the presidency are Mr. MacDonnld said the docu-
kn. Fort F.'orlh. Texas: Jus. i ments he had drawn up with M. ller-
lr. Mini ruy, mo.; tt. l.. noi consniuieo uie joim noie m, u ; Thompson Is plant'lnv on movliig to
mtm. Mont.: J. H. Hop- enplatned now tne Dawes plan inigiii , Kugene permanenllv in the near fu-
h fort City, and John Za- be setled at the Inter-ullled London , turp
Ifjsapolij. 'conference, which remained for Juiyi
iltmital party will not ,6. lie declared there was no thought Leaving for Portland
ranauniry or itooen i.;oi pomimuiiiii; it,- hjiih-i
r- -
" ' !
I w r t i A.i
Dr. C. M. McNeil, chiropractor spe-
I rialist of Ibis city left this morning
for Portland to attend the annual
chiropniclor's convention which will
continue tor three days, starting
July liith. The convention is being
held at the Hotel Portland.
Standard Oil Men Visit
W. L. Muney. of Pert land, sales
manager for the Standard Oil com
pany, and J. G. Wagoner, his ussis-
! lant, were visitors ill Roseburg yes
j lerday. J. L. Moloney and F.'C. Fast
i man, also connected with the Stan
i dard oil company of Portland, ac
companied them.
Portland Visitors Here
Mr. and Mrs. Iiiifus Hnlman and
daughter, and Kdward O'Neill, were
registered at the Hotel I'mpqua last
evening. They were Joined here by
Miss Virginia Whiting and left this
morning for the south Intending lo go
to Crescent City. Calif., and then to
Gold Reach, Curry county, returning
by way of Randon and Coos Ruy.
Windows Are Exchanged
Duds for Men and Churchill's Hard
ware company exchanged windows
this week for a novelty, the clothing
establishment placing men's wearing
apparel in the hardware store win
dow and the latter reciprocating by
placing a regular display In the clolh
er's window. The novelty is attrac
ting lota of attention.
Mrs. J. L Uoyle, and family.
Rubber belling in all to six
Inches lit Wharton Pros.
J. 11.
E. h.
KOlll.ll AGEN,
Upstairs Next Umpqua Hotel
Cleaning, Pressing, Alterations
We Make Your Clothes in Roseburg
Building Garage
j Jienrif Andrit fu constructing n 1
i cniicrt'ii' K.irrwa buittliiiR 40 by 70
I frt in thf n ar of the Rs'burK,
I Apartments. The building w ill be us-1
e-1 for storaj;1 purp,f,,'8 and also for
! thp hiMisinn of cars of the residents
: ht thf aartm nt hjiildit.. '
Visited With Neunen 1
j Mr. and Mis. J. G. raddt'II and two
for the noun aftf-r a hlior tii;ic p'nt
in tli' citv visiting with their friends
Mr. mill Mis. I-aurenrt; Nuner. Mr.'
raddell h one of the hiraest auto
d iil.-rs of 1-os Aneii-s They are en
route to Kritinh Columbia on a vaca
tion trip.
Back From Coquille
Mr. and MrH. Jhiih-s Hutchings re
t'irned Inst nivht fron Coquille where
they 1 ed for a few days. Mrs.
Iiut hints' daughter. I)oren. who has
bt-eii relatives at Coqiii!), re
turned witli them. Mr. Hiit hints re
t'orfs thnt 1 1 1 - Coos Uay highway in
b in if pr.iv II d iimr the lHuj;'a
n.Li.ty l.n' iind trav-iliim I bluw for
several miles.
Solid Oak Boxes, heavy insulated, all high grade.
2? lb- Ice Chamber : $22.45
lb. Ire Chamber $30.50
W lb. Ice Chamber .. : $25.90
'0 lb. Ice Chamber $31.10
Wr-Fce Hardware Co. p"
Leaves for Grants P?st
J. L. Ili'-rvy. who r'cirilly tl
Kk ti1 a v irrlslii- lil stfi kcr for th
;,s"l,nrK ChiiTiibi-r of Commi-rco, left
for h i 5 home in firariH J'ass today.
Mr. !larv'y is iMi,rintinilliir th
p-ini'nc nf li st if K'.t in Pnrtlan'I
anil i'l I'tutii to tliit city rhortly.
Tli-' firt I 't of stifkfrs should ar-riM-
li.-r"- hlMirliy ami mill b ills-1ril,:i'i-l
at one' to tourists and lo
r;:l nintiirlsts.
Leavin For Portland
i. H. Shanibroiil;. r-puMiraifsiatf
ro tn,ilt-,,m',n Irnin n,iiKlas county,
will lav. ihi fVTiin? for Portland
to .itfri'l a rii'-iinK of th- ri-pulill-r.-titral
rfirim:tt' whlfh
ion-n-s at thit city tomorrow. Th
,! 'tion r,: t.'finrs and reports of
f .-iriwuitto-s l!l pla"" a' this
rn'hiTint. a-i '!! as H'' s'lr'lon ff
a ili.itrman of tho -nat- rommlttr- to
siT,d VaI' r I. Ton.-c. Jr. !! I'at
K . son. uir.a--r of the Ori'gon Cool-
On Fishing Trip
I). M. Wilson of thfl Clnrk-Wllson
Lumber company of Portland, and
Dr. lVndi-r, ulso of Portland. urriv?d
lioro yc-KU'rilay to spend un days fish
iiiK up the North I'mpqua. They stute
that tlu-y were attracted by the Dolus
las county showitiK at the wild life
exposition In Portland in February
and tletermini'il on a vacation trip
here at that time.
Pavilion Nears Completion
Contractor Mitzuer has a large
crew of men working on the Itsln-'
bow Gardens dance pavilion at Win
chester this week and will soon have
Ihe roof on the structure. The bulld
liiK will be screened around all shies.
m.,kiriK it tme of the finest open air
pavilions In southern Oregon. The .
JJlue L'evils have announced a lug
dance at the (Innlens on next Satur
day night. j
Severed an Artery
I. ( line of Looking Class, was se-'.
verely Injured )esterday while en-paf-ed
In peelinu chlttem bark. His
knife s'lpped and cut an artery In his
arm and had ii nut been for timely
r.s.istance Irom those close by he
ruh::bl woi.l l have bled to death In
a .-horl lime. A tourniquet was ap-1
pile I and the food flow stopped. He
was bronchi to il.e city and I'r. Wade
ti. ;l the artery.
Head Wechanic Returnee
llarrv lloiline, head mechanic at
the Motor Shop t-arage, has returned
from a trip to St. Paul, where he was
called by the rlous Illness of his
notn:-r a few w, ' ks ago. He rebuts
her condition somewhat improved,
thoiirh she had been very lil. lur
ll:g his abierne Mr. IIiHhne visited
-e, rial fn!i, lani astern cities where
r- enjoyed a visit with relatives knd
f. .en-is.
Married Yesterday '
J'loi-d It. liwoii, and lora Haves,
the former of po-ebttrg and the latter
of tirants Pass, were quietly married
yesterday afternoon at the office of
County Judee Oorge Qulne. The
wedding was petlormed In tne pres
ence of only tl:e immvdiate friends of
the ron'rartlng parties. They will,
make their home in this r if y. the,
groom being emiiloyed by the 8. i'. ;
company here. 1
Kat Hniclwood at Wlinui'ily's.
Complete Line of Furni
ture for any room in your J ,
flene .mpson of tho Lane sour ty
giunu farm arrived In Itoschurg this
mornliiK with two truck loads uf
pheasants to be distributed through-'
out Douglas county. The trucks car
ried HI'S birds, which were taken out
to widely separated districts and re- 1
leased through Hie efforts of the Hose- i
; burg Itod and (inn club. The sports- 1
I men are endeavoring to obluln a largo i
: number of pheasants for this county;
, and expect lo release a great many j
more before the end of the year. I
Electronic Diagnosis and
(Abrama Method)
Electronic and Chlropractio
417-18 18 Perkins Bldg.
11 IS Winchester St Phone 4S0
Mrs. D. Cornwell
Patlanta privileged to have their
own doctor.
A Bargain Event
In keeping with the policy of the store to carry no
garments from one season the the next, we offer
the following
Sprung and Summer Apparel
at 1-3 to 1-2 the original price.
S21, N. Jackson St, Roseburg
IStve. YOUR, ojothes I
I Gnz your. cuthe&
IVK your rIoth"
It in natural thl
your Karmm'n .ihh1
f nl Horn tltn In thn
laun'try. hut ym yinirnt if
phdiilrj lak th' out
'f tli'-m. Our iysti'!n ol
you to.
Roseburg Steam
Phom 79 Rote burg. Or.
Dresses, Knit Fabrics, Roshanara,
Canton Crepe, end Crepe de Chine,
Dresses of dotted and plain hand
drawn voiles, cleverly styled, now
Street and Porch Dresses of fine
quality domestic and imported
Gingham, now
and ecru, each
Waists and Blouses of
and check dimity, white
Suits of Tweed, Cashmere or
I lomespun in light colors, now
Coats for Sports or utility wear
plaids, stripes and plain colors
Sports Coats of polaire in plain
colors and plaids, now
Dozen Sleeveless Sweaters in
l ibre Silk and light weight Wools,
fashionable colors, each