Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 28, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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- I mure - ...... . .. i iuio iiie Donuiar version or ;i nam. i
" .'oi-gUltn Will Tllim. ,m Y..... . . . . - . ... ... . ... i .
L for wetK 1 - - .ua.frnci j-KKB uas as her' yaru, ami the overalls and apron of i awmcis orr mr wwk enu are
C Iniase the et'k , V htust'u'f' M. in Luimell, form-; lh i.lucith conmU'twi the picture. ! warned to be eximiwly careful
f...aA i least l hive days at , erly or itoaeburg but now mukinv 1 Several numhAr t.v th. iihi iwv-Ha I to prevent fires from getting
61 ,.i Oakland Will l hr-r hnmu in Un kv..,,,vi . . ' ....-t.. .......j ... utartori frfl flhmilil 1m lk.n
oniiniv i..t... ti. . ' " . a i .u . J.. ,.-..-.. ....... -.. vjril I'.UMiiitM null liHnillU'r
Vto ' s"wul the r day9;! Mre- Nam,ie -ague, of Portland.! w -h ended iu a "free for nil" I : Gardiner sue, lug ,
Saturday iu atlendan e at were dinner guest, of Mis. Page n ! A. fanner lads. A ' ft , u, SoU nl us Ten i " m, -
... races, sports of all Kinds. Thursday tv.-uiiiK to coiiipliiucnt ','ot'k veiill"K arranm'd by the rosl- t j,r .. . . ".,,,.-.,,. . .,,
,nd other TOieiiaiuiui-ui Mt'8. uumiHIl. A low bol of bright i lu'"'8 01 ''""u lilass amused the " I Hotel I'mpuuu . I
.....ill Di-ovido. liaudonuy- nasturtiums centered mi ninu,..i.. f ii i;i'irs who nunlaiided vltturouslv fi ,i i. m .n s.,r. i "
Huge Barnyard Is
irDhoned to the society editor by Friday or each week!
' Tdlanhnno Kn 135
. -in a general exo-i Informnl Dinnnr
,17 seashore, and hUh-! " " . .
3.oun, 'o"e bave not "ouse Guest Thursday
Scene of Gay Party
The annual ilayseed Festival, an
event of Friday night, was the out
standing entertainment of the week,
; William Hell, local weather
and the Armory, where the Fextivnl observer, was Informed today
was held under the management "of from Pan Francisco headquart-
the American Legion wus the scene era. that conditions are tavor-
ota gay imrty, vounsr and old enter- j ''le for warm weather during
ng imo tho informal festival spirit. the next few d: with drying
i Count less bales ot Lav. cackllmr northerly winds. This will
I chickens, farm ima'ienients. and Sit greatl'. increare the fire hai-
Eat Ilazelwood at Winibeiiy's.
Vislliu;; lUnklejn
Judge and Mrs. L. 11. Stearns and
family of l'ortiand arrived In the
and Hiram transformed the Armory ; ards, particularly In the forest , . ?,01.k;v
of : barn-1 areas. I'ersons out In wooded
(Ily Associated Press.)
AI!CO, Itlaho, June 28. The
"Craters of the Moon" ecthn. loial
ed about 40 miles south of hero and
recc'tt'y muda a national monument
by anion of President Coolldge. Is
so named because its wierd lava
city today to spend a few- davs here ! " rmlu !'"ars maraea rewm-
i visiting at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. "'' "un as seen tnrougn
icicftco. e.
IX) .XKW N.iriOXAli PAltK
Dusting powder for aphis and oth
er insects. Wharton liros.
table. j the ridiculous characters. The real
. .arestillK rourui o vmj i;;: t;;: r- i it ir. ui uiw eveuing was me entrance
,nd those Coos Bay points Hiss Margaret Pane will leave to-ot Ami!rlcan I.egion Drum corps
.c, s number from here.) night for a trip east to' North Da-i''! mliforn'- ll1 tlieir elever pl-iying
L, Oregon, wnero 1 Koia wnere siju will visit with her , .-..ii
Cue planned will draw its brothers. Enroutoto her destina-U'"y (or, on, I,re8l"'u"u the urulu
ITmW '""" ',arU''8 ,lon he 1U 8,ul' at Vancouver. 13. i .'!!'' "il'h !,hty
T" . ' f,.r r iM ' i . .. .. . I won af the Port and Rose Festival n
::r.r .r . u. . ml dance go to the drum corps to defray
L. .p ,u uKuai one win oe tne guest I tMt expenses to the Kose
u ., . ,7 luumpson. ai The sum of ?20 wlil be cleared.
iinuuniuii, muuinud. I .-
, , y r M,s- W. R. liowman and daughter
iewiy iviarned Couple
Guests at Party
A number of the friends nf Mr
.,i manv interesting events , and Mrs. Lucius Min:iir who
bireniii early uays wm ub ie- married the early part )f Juii ', g i'h-
L .nd North llend have ar-
hpsting Fourth of July!
I', to the open road for trips
rLute, tne J"cr-
t out of the way points.
tr$ W 111 u'""
Doe Dedication
Lri of "touglas county, and
r,B other parts of tho state
fcer Canyon Camp Sunday
r.iM'cation of the Pioneer
of Marshfield, are house guests here
of Mrs. llowman's sister, Mrs. F. O.
:s .-3
Pretty Home Wedding
I these pioneers who helped erexl ,it the Durlaud hold" i-i West! at Green This Morning
Koseburg recently In ihei,- honor
A ballon dance mid other interesting
features made the evening an en
joyable one for the sixty guests. Mr.
and Mrs. Marsters served dainty
rv,!ir!as County and state
Impqua chapter ot the
In of the American Ilevolu-
v rharce of tlie tay ana nave
I (or an interesting program.
h nroininent pioneers wno
a nait in the day'3 events ' -"- O w
L G. W. Kiddie, and Hon. Club Has Meeting
eraiann. ine auuress oi uie i -r-i j ... .
te made !:y Hon. Dexter j Thursday Night
! the lxiuslas County Concert A meeting of the Past Noble
II play. Many Itoseburg peo-1 CI rand's Club was held on Thursday
iiniiir to the camp for the I evening of this week in the ladies
Inch and the Interesting dedi-j parlor of tho I. U. O. F. Temple.
ine ousiness nour was louoweu Dy
a delicious luncheon served iu the
banquet room by Mrs. Fisher and
Mrs. Johnson. .Mrs. Kdythe Kelley
has invited the club to her home at
Kelley's Horner on July 2D.
J. W.
Jng Dance at
k)W Gardens 1 onight.
ninn of the Rainbow Car-
i draw the younger set to
:er tonifht. The Clardens are
management of the Illue
ti-tbestra, an organizatoin of
it Eojeburg musicians and
aiillbe one o the features
ma months. Although the
kvihui not quite completed
fciflttace will be held to-
trueit week stands for the
l; nrious refreshments and
areaitnees will have been ar-
Ticiets will be sold by well
ofletmrK girls. No more beau-
ot could be chosen than
e gardens have been located.
nver bank where the cool
id murmuring water refresh
Iter a warm day, and the
waters add romance and
the success of the Rainbow
is assured.
0 Club Plays
on Monday
moon rt bridge entertained
s ot the Eight-O club Monday
a at the home of Mrs. A. F.
Mrs. V. It. Conlee held
re. Low bowls of many col
sturtiuuis brightened the
here the card tables were
Enjoying the pleasant
were Mrs. Morris Allah.
L. Uevaney, Mrs. S. N. Young.
Bond. Mrs. J. 1. Love,
R. Coulee, and Mrs. J. C.
S :J .
!r of ni,s,.mi-2 folk v.i!l
Ilandnn-IU -The-Sea tonight
the OM-mng dance at Silver
"dens on the beach there.
1 nnmin over tomorrow to
otilins at the beach.
f; a
"I Mrs. Marsters
onor Guests
Mrs. Lucius Marsters,
anlacp was an event nf the
r! of June. comnlimont-
ny Mr. an.l Mrs. Roscoe
' .io n: ji, d a number
"to greet the newly married
An-oik weilding, cleverly
tMertah.ed the guests.
fhow.T surprised Mr.
- .V.Hrt. i. liani iug and
"t'.ifd tri
Mrs. F. L. Russell
Honored by Aid
The eighty second birthday of
Mrs. F. L. Russell wus made the oc
casion for a pleasant afternoon of
the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society
Wednesday at the church parlors.
Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
McKlwain at Green, was tho scene of
a pretty home wedding this ntormiig,
when their daughter, Anna, was unit
ed in marriage to Oscar V). Caldwell.
Rev. H. L Caldwell read tho sorvlce
in the presence of only the imme
diate relatives. The bride and gronin
are both residents of Los Aii'reles and
motored to Green with tli.i groom's
mother. Mrs. O. Caldwell of San
Francisco. Thev will return to Los
Angeles to reside, making a side trip
to Crater Lake.
Friends are congratulating Mr. and
Mrs. Thomns H. Ness on the arrival
of a baby son. Monday. June 23. Mrs.
Ness is still at Mercy hospital.
Do You Know
TJiat a tunic blouse, exotically In
spired, has diagonal lines and allur
ing fringes that remind cne of the
picturesque land of Spain? It is of
heavy crepe and quite appropriate for
semi-formal wear.
That Paris delights In emphasis
ing the voguo of navy blue? She fa
A beautiful boquct of tlowirs was Vors It In suits and frocks for the
given Mrs. Russell, A silver tea I street especially, although she sane
closed the afternoon. The afternoon tions it for nearly every summer oc
was arranged by Mrs. I. G. ilroad
way. Mrs. Chas. Wharton. .Mrs. J.
F. Ilarker, Mrs. Jas. Sawyer, Mrs.
W. Cristeser, Mrs. F. P. Clemens,
Mrs. A. II. Small, and Mrs. Dee
Aiken. The Ladies Alid will not
meet during the summer but will re
assemble the first Thursday In Sep
tember. Woman's Club Meets
at Bradburn Country Home
The attractive country home of
That a New York specialty shop
famous for its original fashions has
introduced an underthe-arm bag of
kid with Hatik decoration? It Ib a
most original and attractivo acces
sory. That cretonne Is being used, not
only for trimmings cuffs, collur.
pockets and narrow bandings but as
ice is excellent.
Jack Toelle ot Yoncalla Is spending
a few days lu itoseburg looking after
business interests.
J. A. McCord of Yoncalla was a vis
itor iu Roseburg for a few hours to
day. :
VV. F. Kernin of Sutherlln spent
tho day iu Roseburg transacting bus
iness matters.
A. L. Houghlaling of Bridge, Ore
gon, was a business visitor in Rose
burg today.
Wilfred Brown and son, of Camas
Valley, were visitors in the city for a
short time today.
Mrs. S. C. Endicott of Oakland
spent the afternoon In tho city shop
ping and visiting with friends.
J. v. Thompson of Oakland enter
ed Mercy hospital today where ho
will be under the care ot Drs. Sether
and Stewart.
Mrs. W. T. Ridgeway who resides
in Sulherlin spent a few hours iu the
city today shopping and visiting with
In Town Today
Mrs. T. E. Grae of Wilbur was
among the out of town visitors here
for a few hours today.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Fnye of
Drain were in the city yesterday for
some time shopping und looking after
other matters.
llardle fruit ladders a-e built to
last. Sold by Wharton Bros.
Chevrolet Motor .Man Here
C. W. Fox of Portland, representa
tive of the Chevrolet Moipr com
pany, arrived In the city yesterday
evening to spend a few days here
in the interests ot the company.
Cooper's sheep dip and branding
liquid at Wharton Bros.
Returns to Riddle
Miss Francis Yokum who has been
spending the past six weeks in this
city visiting with Mrs. U. F. Mc
laughlin, and with Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Neuner, roturned to her
home in Riddle last evening. Miss
Yokum was confined to Mercy hos
pital for five weeks.
Horse collars and collar pads
Wharton Bros.
Countless years ago this area, lo
cated iu a valley about 25 miles long
and thno mllea wide, was the scene
ot great volcanic activity. Surround
ing the district is ttmherlund which
abounds with wild animals.
A freak of the region is an im
mense underground cavern, hollow
ed out by a seething low of molten
lava, and down which automobiles
can drive for a considerable dis
tance. tit her caverns glow with phos
phorescent tints or volcanic ash,
of nations and pledging the party to
a policy of cooperation with the oth
er nations in the pi omot ion ot world
peace. This plan was the subject
nf five hours discussion with New
ton 1). linker, secretary or war un
der Woodrow W ilson, .contending to
the lust for a repetition of the l2i
declaration calling lor Immediate
American membership in tho league.
ma lormcr war secretary prepay-
urau oi a minority re
port. Itllt Wllen tho rnnnntll.. oH.
Journed ho had not leached a final
decision as to whether ho would pre
sent It to the convention.
Three Klan planks were taken un
der consideration. One by Bryan
omitted the name of the invisible
empire; a second which wus a com
posite draft of the suggestion ot
several of the anti-klaii leaders, de
nounced the Klan by name and a
third, which was presented by the
member from Alabama, referred to
the "Know-Nothing parly." The
democrats had denounced that or-
dead and cold, yet presenting the ' gunlsation in 1856 and declared that
appearance of an active volcano.
There are no rattlesnakes or other
reptiles in tho district, despite the
fact that similar lava territory else
W'here Is literally alive with them.
Why there are no snakes lu the "cra
ters" Ib a question w hich no one cun
The region is not far fnnn the
bealen paths of tourist travel to
Yellowstone National Park.
400 gal. electric home water plant
at a bargain. ZlglerFeo lldw. Co.
Goes to Riddle
Miss Lucille
Gllbreath who has
M. C. Bond, local agent for the
Southern Puciflc station, had both
feet badly jammed anil his left ankle
sprained last Saturday when a well
drill weighing four hundred pounds
rolled from the big express truck at
the depot as it was being unloaded
trom an express car, says the Suth-
been spending the past few uays in 0rllu Sun. The drill, which was con
this city visiting with her sister. HiK,,,.a to W. F. Kornln, well known
Mrs. Stanley Ilowden, returned to her local well driller, Is an "onery"
home in Riddlo last evening. Sho was think to handle, and In some man
accompanied by her sister who will n,,r ,), ,.xmi,sa messenger and Mr.
spend the week end In that city vis
lliug with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Gilbrcatb.
Get windows, doors and frames at
It. L. Sherman, who .Is a resident
of Myrtle Creek arrived In the city
yesterday to spend a few days here
attending to business.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Michaels of Days
Creek spent several hours In the city
yesterday afternoon shopping und at
tending to other matters.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chamberlain
and daughter of Looking Glass spent
the day in Roseburg shopping and
attending to other affniiB.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Singleton who
are residents of Glide wore in the
a material for straight line coats of . rlty for several hours today visiting
undeniable smartness? It is used us
a lining, loo.
That scarfs are printed. But Iked,
Mrs. George Bradburn at Winston , hand-painted, banded, fringed? W hat
was the scene ot the last meeting oil ever its peculiarity, a scarf there
the year of the lioseluirg Women's must be wound once about the neck
Club' on Tuesday. Interesting tea- j with both ends hanging straight down
tores were the reports of the State j In frc.rt.
Federation meeting by Mrs. J. C.
Ponsler, a report of tho march ot
the presidents at the same meeting
by lira. Foster Butner, and a report
of the Biennial meeting in Los Au
yebM bv Mrs. William Hell.
The retiring nr-sident Mrs. Wash
ington Hughes was the recipient oi
an attractive bar pin. and the new
with friend and shopping.
Mr. Weaver Here
Edwin Weaver of Myrtlo Creek,
county commissioner, arrived In the
city yesterday tu spend a few days
here looking after legal matters.
Here For Few Days
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cannon who
reside in Glide are spending a few
days iu the city shopping und attend
ing to other matters.
Mr. Lee In Town
J. . Lea of Riddle arrived In the
el'y yesterday 1o spend a few days
officers wen; instancu. n..o ; V "' .u t . i
Butner will head the organization ; Mf. Li e is registered at the Hotel
next year, Mrs. J. C. Ponsler will be ; Grand.
secretary, and Mrs. Charles B. Neal,
treasurer. Free Lec,ure Tueaday
i .in, in'iin wus served at flower There will be a free lecture Tues-
de. ked tables bv a committee head- , day. Julv 1st, at the Adventist church I . J"?' ' , '
e,l oy Mr' Stuart Mitchell. The ; on Military street In West Roseburg. i h"r. Hngl.ter v .,.
club will meet again the first Tues- j The subject will be "The Philosophy j "" .'r0 vis
Motorist Fined
J. W. Foust was fined $.1 today in
the local justice court after pleading
guilty to a charge of railing lo aid a
driver after Injuring his vehicle.
day in October.
1 to nj.-.-r ,(.
.dir. Harry Jett. Mr.
- ri-1 l;..v.. n, Miss Verus
Miss Florence Wharton and Miss,
Virginia Titus arrived in Roseburg.
Stindav. and remained until I hum-,
dav visiting with .Miss Wharton s par-
nrlents, Mr. mi'i .virs. V.
OI I . '- . . i..,. f,,r Portland
J ney I' ll i iiuimw " - ,
where Titus joined relatives and
left for New York to spend the sum
mer Miss Wharton will return here
to the summer at her bom".
Both Miss Whart-.n and Miss
Titus have been teaching in the high
of Health." The public is Invited to
(he lecture and urged to attend.
Returns From Vacation
M. W. P.ergh. who has been spend-
Visit In Roseburg
Mrs. Minnie Laker of Oakland, and
oige Mnrcum.
,'lrglnla May, of
Los Angeles were visitors in Rose
burg yesterday. They were former
residents of Roseburg.
Return From Salem
Mir. W. A. CummlngH
and son
Ing the past several days enjoying a ; Lloyd, who have been spending the
vacation and visiting wi:h friends and 1 past several davs In Salem visiting
relatives in Portland and other points, with Mrs. Cunmilngs' brother, W. W.
returned to bis homo in Roseburg to-; chadwick. returned to their home in
day. : this city today.
There is a persistent rumor to the
effect that a deal is pending for the
sale and development of the Roach
Company's timber holdings of Co.OOO
acres east of Sutherlin, says the
Sutherlln Sun. There is no way of
confirming this rumor, as R. M. Fox,
Pacific Coast manager of the Roach
company, is uncommunicative on the
subject, and the members of several
parties which have been hero recent
ly looking at the Umber, have "Hide
stepped" any information.
On Monday afternoon Hank Wen
zenberg, who has been In the employ
of tho Roach Timber Co. for over
fifteen years as a timber cruiser, ar
rived here and was taken out lo the
big timber Wednesday by Bob Mc
Culloin. ' Hank" has been here before
and is well known to a number of
our oldest residents. Ho refused to
state the object of his visit hero at
this time; but did say that the out
look was good for an early develop
ment of the timber.
On Thursday morning two Rent lu
men who had the appearance of be
lug prosperous business men. arrived
here and were taken out to tho tim
ber by D. W. Banker, it is understood
that they expect to remain in the
timber for several days.
During May three different parties
all presumably representing the same
Interests, visited the Roach timber
holdings, and one party consisting of
Beveral men remained In the timber
for ten days. These men were evi
dently buyers and not cruisers.
The Sun learns from a reliable
source llmt the remark was made re
cently by a pel son In a os!ion to
know, that 'development work on the
limber would undoubtedly be Mailed
during the present year."
honor SUWlsl,, at Ul,doiido H. ach, California.
Hayes, Miss
Mis. Rholes, Miss
Klna Rholi-s,
Mi.-s Hetty Mar
i. Jess Walker.
.VKI! H"!"' ') Adtain Bowen.
5 Jett.
v .
' and Wife Sur-
oung People
I bv Y
Mrs. Ballou Hostess
to Northside Club
Mrs. E. P- Ballon ...rovided a
pleasant afternoon e! dialling are.
music for the ladies of the Noi:hsi!
Sunshine club on Wednesday of this
At The Umpqua f To Visit Daughter
- m mi, r i:nc, ne arrived lii Mrs. Grant Wilcox and
the ciiv vsierdav afternoon to spend Mips Garnet, left loday for Lugene
a few davs hens' in the Interests nf where thev will spend the week end
c;. l.'.lr Prnvlainn rnmnanv. Mr. I Visiting Wi'll Ml'. Wileox'S daughter.
llila'rv U registered at the Hotel Mrs. C. M. Rm.vnn. They nia.h
Crnpqua. . tr'P b' automobile.
ii. it'iion were
'' f ' n by the
- .f the rr.ris
a' in n body tn
' r who w i
i .-eifornia
-o. i, .Iniiitv Of.' .' on ''--
of the .'.I.tinoon 10 -.'-'
Mrs. K. K. Harness.
!;-.. Sam Startner,
ud. ; . Mrs. w m.
r 1', 'ill". Mis. Ho
i. W. Insles, Mrs.
at the clos
Fred Bowen.
Mrs. S. Baney.
Mis. C. R. Ca-.
l isher, Mrs. W.-.K
mer Kronke, Mrs.
A. D. llulb' it. .Mi
C. M. Join:-, and
leave,"1'"' OI ""u"41"
to te-i
Cherry Price High
Mr-. J. H. Clark who is sItinc'for
t f.w Vs at St.-Umis. Mo., writes
iMt nt Denver sho found cherries
felling for rents per pound. She Is
having a vry cnjovablo trip.
Pearl Peters, a good looking young
vvnimiii, was arrested lu re last, night
charged with vagrancy. She and a
man claimed to b" her husband, ar
rived in a larg.-i closed car a few days
ago und have been located at Hie
lump grounds. Yeslerdav evening
the1 she was local"! bv slurifr Marnier
; m the Mexican work train In the local
! railroad vards. scnnllly clad. As the
Cuetts Return Home officers eni.-r.-d she dashed out of the
Audrey and Palo Datibds, who have : ,:ar. sain apparel, but was wain cup
been spending the past two weeks In ; lured and after donning her nothing
this city vK'.ig with thr fraud ; was taken lo the :' f"
I Mrs. B. F. J"S. leu .L'raicneil iui ai" 'i"
for their home In of the Peace George Jones on a
, rhaign of vagrancy, and liter.-! a
Bond lost control ot it while moving
It from the car. Mr. Bond was obliged
to go to his homo where a physician
wus suiuinoned to attend to his in
juries, and it will probably be a week
or ten days before he Is back on the
job. Otto Nelson was obliged to
handle the work at the station Sun
day and Monday, and Tuesday the
company sent a man here to assist In
In, tolling the business until Mr. Bond
was able to report for duty.
This Is a Studebaker year.
w. j. Iryan gets
(Continued from pnge one.)
port of Mr. Bryan who was clothed
wllh full authority lo bring about a
settlement satisfactory to I he com
mittee, and it was hoped, the con
vention. Reports coming from tho confer
ence rooms of the democratic party
leaders curly Ibis morning showed
no Immediate prospect of an agree
ment that would keep the Ku Klux
Klan Issue off the floor of tliu na
tional convention.
GnliiK into consultation in various
groups as soon us the morning con
vention session ended, tho party
chiefs struggled desperately for a
solution of the problem. Somo still
hoped for success, but others were
predicting opening just before the
platform committee resumed Us ses
sions that no agreument would be
Should all their efforts fail, the
committee prolmhly will submit two
reports, one by the majority con
demning "the klan wllhout naming
It and one by a fighting, iincoinp
roinlKliig minority, directing a specif
ic attack against the organization
then the convention will choose be
tween the two proposals after a de
bate. Efforts were made while the lend
era were In conlerence to again rsn-
viiss sentiment among the Indlvlclu-
inere was no reason now whv It
should be speclficully opposed to
in., rvu -viiix Man.
The coiuuosita ulnnk wM.-l.
the support of a majority In the nlat-
torm committee suys:
"We condemn ....
cletles as opposed to the exerciso of
rroe , jvernineiit and contrary to the
spirit If not lo the letter of the con
stitution. No member of such so
ciety can justly claim to be a de
scendent of Thomas Jefferson.
yve tnercroro pledge the demo
cratic parly to oppose tho efforts of
tho Kn Klux Klan or any similar or
ganization that Interferes with polit
ical freedom or religious liberty or
which engenders racial prejudices."
The devotion ot the democrntlo
party to religious freedom as guar
anteed under the constitution Is re
attlrmed in the Bryan plunk, which
makes no specific mention ot the
With these three plunks before
them the members of the committee
decided to rollow Hie same proced
ure as In the debate or the league
ullotlng five minutes to each speak
er with the exception of Bryan and
representative Finis Garrett of Ten
nessee, the party leader in tliu house
who were ulloted as much time as
they might caro to tuko.
David L. Rockwell, campaign
mannger for McAdoo. declared af
ter tho recess of the morning ses
sion, that the outlook for agreement
of the Klan plunk was not promising.
Tho judgment of tho wiser men
In tho iloniocratlc party Is about to
prevail," he added. ,
i "By Hint I mean that the platform
will reflect a national parly view
rathor than a local view."
Opening the debate In the commit
tee, Bryan said ho did not believe
the Klan was a necessary or a perm
anent organization and' Hint If left
alone would be forgotten four years
from now. He added that tho Inclu
sion or the name of the invisible em
pire In the platform would result In
the wrecking of tho democratic par
ly. If Iho Klan is named, Mr. Bryan
said, tho democratic parly will censo
to exist as a political entity and will
go to the country with religion as
the chief Issue.
Joseph A. Kellogg, the member
from New York, argued that the is
sue would not be dodged and thnt.
the Klan should be named. If tfc.e
parly did not naiiio it. he said, the
people would feel t hat "democracy
Is afraid of It." landing his voice to
tho posllltlon taken by Mr. Ilryan.
Representative Garrett declared tho
Klan was a temporary thing that
woul dlsappeur In a few years uu
less It continued to receive undue
publicity by political convsntlons.
He argued that since congress can
not legislate on the matter It would
be futile for the democratic pnrty to
recognize It in lis platform and that
II Is a question for stales to regulate
by prohibiting the wearing of masks.
A charge that tho Klan hud dis
rooted the social, religious and po
litical life In Maine, wus load" by
W. It. Patiengall, the member from
that state, llo Insisted that tho Klan
be named.
Senator Owen of Oklahoma told
the commute), that to mention the
Klan In the platform, would ruin Al-
Siultli as a candidate and
parents. Mr. ar,
this a.lerooon
Cack Frcm Trip
M. nl -.e Fr'd
n lames were' Mr. rnd Mrs. Vio.a;".
early part of the 1-ave July 4:h for 1
bau-h presented River, Port An." I'"- a".
n with a silver ! ci n point t w her - ;'
i' l'I-le's s.,c;.ty ' an nuii vacation f' r
J- :H for the 1 harle. I. 1 issue. i''- '
k; rto , '.' "ma' em.-nt lulu, will be in i-i-.'i: - '
w uca iir. Hiiiou. j bureau In their absence
' f !'
n 1;
p.,.:: plan to
i; Hood
I el er ror'ii
i'! enjoy it.' ir
vera! we. i.s.
tl. of Hono
f the weather
i Returns Home
I, on. who has H'-lcn lira", v ho Is Bttendln? Hi"
lirr-- i'-." bast two weeks In l uiversiiv- Oregon, has returned
i-Nr-ton and Idaho, has returned h(,r horm at Wilbur to spend tin-
). r l.oTi.c- In 'his ciiy. Miss Freder- suuuut.r wiih h'T parents Mr. and
!,-i h; 1 a n,o-.r pleasant vacation Mr. 1. L. Gi,''.
iti;,g inaev of iti" prominent places'
t'o- !.. s ctec. mi li'T return she fo v.t't Osurjl'er
nt to Herd and then fsik the Mrs. F. S. M-ather, who has been
.... t';l-uii Mi K' nzie Pa-. to Lu- ) ;e ndln-j: 11" -t isdivcral days lu th,.-.
..;!;,. ! ;,o:i i.'.a' to stages ntv visuirr; v. ih h r mother. Mr;'.
,V j.. in cperai d )!a:lv each j B s-ioah. ! '"' ibis afternoon for in r
It.-;;. Feg'-ne, and home in p..rtw;.l. H'T mother, trs.
plea of guilty, and was fined 1UU.
f A'.'i' liil"! I'rejo. I.ean.c! Wire )
P.ilD:. Jo.e- !e --'I lie l'a:ii from
In uiVark lo.iav dfea'ed tho t'niied
S'atcs ohiupie I'll' nr.; tolls team by
mint male !,. to ocv. n.
I.-.'.f 'l"t of
norled in" '
. .1... r i -c in ce :c ni rencii- s -an wem io .
in. Ttu uip Is exceedingly beauti-i will spend il' days visiting there., the O,
; n and prune is
ii rally h i" li""'
led or on tli'n "H. Where
known I" l." ' roubi-oio" it I spray-
iih her and ed for accord. tig to the d.rec llons in
A. C. apiay caienuar.
al nieuibers of several delegations.
but in the main the discussions and : freel K
peace efforts w-re cui lined' to the abolish McAdoo, ho asserted that In
dozen or so of rhleftans who are his siale the Klan wus railing sway
guiding figures in ihc convention, hind that the same condition prevail-
Tim chairman of one largo di lc- ed in other southern states,
gallon when It was sugi!"il'd that; Discussion became so general that
the deb gallon try to g. i toi-eilier on 1 lb" five iiilnule rule was abolished
a compromise declared Dial If such and there, was an agreement Unit the
a meetlnir were called It would last time should be limited to 15 mln
for a week. 1 "tea for pioponents an.l HO minutes
There was a disposition on the for opponent, but this agreement
part of some or Hie Smith leaders ; later wus nhrogntecl.
to favor a plan lo postpone action' Debate becamu unlimited. About
on the Klan plank niiiil after ilui.thls time one member of the cum
presidential nominee, had bee n i-hos- nilllee said h" had conm from his
en. In that manner. It wus poinii'd delegation instructed to vole for a
out, tho coinlldate cciiitd give his ml- re.olutlon naming the Klan and urg
vlcci whether Hie Kiun should I"' d that a solution be arrived at bc-
iiamid In the platform.
The New York del. gallon
for., daylight.
"Hell, It s daylight now,"
said to strongly favor nati'lun the "ed another committeeman.
Klan, and Franklin I' Hoo-ov . 11
niuiucrer oi th" Smith ca'np.ticri fao!
the dclciMtos thorn--! h es shonid de
etde the K in ii 'I'l "-m w ithout iniv-
lng It wl'h Candida. hi.
Tt.U ser.tiiiient at. least found gen-
is support unci soon afterwards the
commit te-e nd iourned.
Jnahiilty of the platform commit
tee In lis Ion session to reach an
"If Ihc- eiiie.iion is oroiii'ht up en agieemeiit. on the Klan question was
the floor of tlie i nv cut ion," Mr said by leaders of ihe Illinois iel--Itoosevelt
sii.l. Ill" v.Me- ..fitiimaitd- gielion lo l.ave l.-n unclui'ige.l Iho
ed bv the unions c a lid Ida ' es will iiililil.le of tlie lillno.s delegation
split, Son.C' ;'mil!l tl l-j.oi ' ' I ) Will towalel i:i(. ci'l"slioll.
II, -l O'lielV
, 1,.-
vc. le . liaine the h
will not.
McAdoo mid 1 n.l.'M'-o "!
gat.-a abo will he found divided
"Ther. Tor", ih. ro isn t.e no Is-sue
over the Ku Ivi.i.i Klan us between
i-andlclal- s .er-ol;a!:y.''
A nuinbi r of 1- ad- rs wiil give him
th' lr sui'i-ori.
Before , Ine tn- Kl-m h
the conniiiti'-c. apiiioved a pro
posing a referendum on the league
l,o.r;v i;. Itrennan. chief of th"
d. I. git it'll, whi. li I-. one of the larg
er en'.!, told fro nets that other than
n Rie iifie e outlelnti.illon would be re
gard. l novc ;n a vl. tory for the Klan
fon.s and would biniol tlie party .n
th" "poiilieal oi ganiiiition . of. tho
Kl.m "
I'-, ii'oii v. as d-e.c I l!i. d as d.-lerri-,
lied agues' any compromise and the
same n'iit'i'1" -was aserili4 to Kd
uiuud 11. Moore, tho Ohio leader.
,. , i.