Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 09, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    I (ill -
Issued Dally Except Sunday by Ths newnwii -
.president nd Mananer
Watered a. .ecoad cl... matter May H .!. at to. pojt olflc. at Roseburg,
Oreion. under toa Act of March I. 1871.
Dally, per year, by mall
Dally, six montns, oy maii-
tlalty, three months, by mall
Dally, jingle month, by mall ,
Dally, by carrier, per month.;
Weekly News-Review, by mall, per year
Maibr ( Ike A.olc Vrm.
. ... .muled to the u. for repuDiiraiion
dispatches heriln am also reserved.
From Pacific Cot Sutton
It is a truism of business life, that if people generally think
Iwislnnss is coin to be bad. then it can't be very good. Some peo-
io niu-nva Kppm to be attracted by unfavorable news. If they
hear of some factory shutting down, they will at once tell that
linnneninir over and over again. Hut 50 factories in their own clis-
mnvr meanwhile be owratiiiK very fully, but it may not occur
to them to mention that fact, business authorities say tnai wime
conditions now are good, there is not that aggressive punch and
confidence that existed a few months ago. Perhaps the trouble is
with mental attitude. Many people may have gotten the idea
that a recession is due about so often and on general principles
they are looking for it. If they look for it too much, they help
bring it on. The people who are as ready to spread good news as
bad are more helpful.
Thev are onlv dumb animals and cannot tell their troubles
to the world but they are the faithful friends of man and pets of
children. The Oroiron State Humane bociety has been wonting
for three months to get evidence in the Albany dog poisoning
cases occuring last spring. Persons took the trouble to warn
prominent citinens by sending anonymous postcards that they
must keei their dogs off the streets. Postal secret service men
ran down the authors of the postcards, and brought the matter be
fore the United States grand jury for misuse of mails. Poisoning
domestic animals is a state offense and sending threatening mes
sages through tlte mails is a federal offense severely punishable.
Jn Portland, the Humane Society under a city law disposes of
stray and surplus housecats. In the rest of the state dropping cats
and kittens in other people's dooryards is much complained of. It
is much more humane to find a home where they are wanted, or
else chloroform them.
The growing tolerance of the age was manifested when the
Methodist general conference a few days ago voted to modify
their famous rule which outlaws certain amusements, including
theatres, dancing, etc., among members of their comnujnion. As
chanued. the choice of such diversions is left to the individual
conscience, subject to action by the church if it is felt that mem
bers abuse their freedom. All enormous amount of denunciation
lias been poured upon such amusements as theatre going, card
playing, and dancing, long regarded as a trinity of evils. Yet each
one of these three diversions could always be conducted in a way
to be helpful and truly recreative. The result of such prohibi
tions by churches, has been that many people who would not be
hurt by diversions have been deprived of a recreative experience
that their lives needed, while most of those who were in danger
from such amusements would pay no attention to such rules.
. o
A good many young folks are quietly slipping out of their
home towns and getting married without previous notice. Some
times a desire to avoid a fuss and feathers and expense is the mo
tive. Quite frequently it is due to the feeling that the parents
may object, but that if confronted with the accomplished fact,
thev will' withdraw their objection. When parents have devoted
the. Iwst of their life efforts to irive their children a favorable
start in life, it would seem as if they might fairly ask to be noti
ficd in advance of their children's intention to marry. Young
people who have reached the legal age have the right to pick their
own wedded partners, but they rarely make a mistake in at least
giving their parents a chance to offer advice in so vital a matter.
o ' '
A tooth of some prehistoric animal, eight inches long and
four indies wide, was found in the Mississippi river. Some of
them feel about that size when the dentists are working on 'em.
. o
The people who worry from too much competition are often
the same ones who have not yet discovered that it pays to advertise.
01' Jupe and
Hia prinklin' can
Have not aa yet
Forced us to
Uae rowboata
In Croatin'
The mam stem.'
A waffle la a non-skid pancake.
I I i I
01' Bill Warner waa married Satid
dy night and waa busy today replen
ishing hia cigar rase.
The legion fellers leave tomorry for
the metrop where tney wm enoeavor
to show the big town boys how to
have a good time when away from
In order to do
The Now Horse trot dance
It Is necessary
To have a III'
Waaon behind.
A bunch of the town rowdlee are
killing the aong blrda on the Elks
Island with alingshots and now ws
know that a skunk is not the lowest
form of animal life.
Ye ed. Just ree'l a message from
Cal and he wants us to run as vice
pres. with him but we refused Be
cause we'd rather live In Oregon,
t I I
A lady as proud
As Old Lucifer
Is tired of
Her husband'a abucifer.
She says
She will see,
If she ever gets free,
That love doesn't again
Make a guclfer. .
The swimmers are thia week again
puttln' on their heavle undiea.
I I t I
If Mr. Spivla
Who left hia wife and baby
Twenty years ago
Will return home
It will give the baby
Great pleasure
To knock his block off.
119 1
If the young' lady who appeared at
the swlmmin' hole last Friday eve
without a bathin' suit will call at our
sanctum we will explain why we
Notice In small paper:
There la no truth
In the rumor that
SI Hopkins was drunk
On Tuesday of last week.
It was Monday.
I i H
The nashnal guardera will leave to
night If the corpruls git their pjttees
wrapped In time.
She may be
Old and wrinkled
But you love her
Just the same
That lone
Five dollar bill.
A, '
RADIO KLX, The Oakland Tribune,
Oakland. Cal., 609 met. . -- !
Juno 98 9 p. m Program broM-'
cast from University of California at
KArkoUr over nrlvafa leased Wires
through KLX Talks and lectures
and mualc; 9-10 p. in. KLX Jance
Inn 1fUfillnt
June 118-10:20 p. m Studio and
American theater musical program.
RADIO KFNZ, ban Mateo limes
and Royal Radio Company, Ban
Mateo, Cal.
Dally 6- p. m. News bulletins:
Fridays, 9-11 p. m. Special programs.
RADIO KPO. Hale Brothers, Inc.,
San Francisco, Cal., 423 meters.
inn. a itan-ssn n. m. Theodore
J. Irwin, KPO organ rcltal; 4:30-5.30
p. m., Rudy Setter's Falrmount hotel
orchestra; 8-9 p. m., wuruwr tym
pany program; 9-10 p. m., los Gatos,
Cal., Chamber of Commerce In spe
cial program; 10-11 p. m., E. Max
Bradfield's Palace hotel band.
June 10, 8-10 p. m. Paul Weber,
baritone, accompanied by Helen
Such.- Imperial Marimba band under
direction Victor Mules.
June 11-12 noon-11 p. m. Daily rou
tine features, time, Scripture reading,
studio and dance profrrams.
RADIO KGO. General Electric com-
Danv. Oakland. Cal.. 312 meters.
June 9 a p. m. snort musical
program; addreBS by Olive wnson
Barrett, "Why Teach music in me
Schools": 4-5:30 o. m., Henry Hal
stead direction Hotel St. Francis
dance orchestra; 6 p. m., educational
June 10, 4-5:30 p. m. uonrcri i r-
cheatra Hotel St. Francis: 8 p. m.,
Travel talk, "A Trip ' Around the
World," by J. E. Barnes; Arlon Trio;
159th Infantry, National Guard, band;
Claire Upshure, soprano; Edwin Hol
ton, tenor; Ada Jeanlce Maddison,
pianist; Mrs. J. E. TouBsaint, violin
ist; Jean A. Center, mezzo-soprano;
vaudeville act, "You're Duni" by Bo
ruck and Tarleton.
June 11 3 p. m. Short musical
program; 4-5:30 p. m., concert orches
tra Hotel St. Francis, San FrancfSco.
RADIO K1IJ, The Los AngeleB Times,
Los Angeles, Cal., 395 meters.
June 9 12:30-1:15 p. m. Program
presenting E. M. Honnell, "Uncle Re
mus" of the Barnes Music company.
Carl Allen and dIb Rendezvous orches
tra of the Crystal Pier. ,
June 1012:30-1:15 p. m. White's
Californians orchestra from the La
Rtua Palm Grove; 2:30-3:30 p. m.
Barker Brothers courtesy program;
6 6:45 p. m.. Art Hickman's concert
orchestra, HUtmore hotel; 6:45-7:30 p.
m chlldrens program; n-iti. program
arranged by G. Allison Phelps; 10-11
p. m Art Hickman's dance orches
tra. Hotel niltmoro.
June 1112-301:15 p. 111. Coy
Barkley's Oakmotint Country club or
chestra; 2:30-3:30 p. m., Barker
Brothers courtesy program; 6-6:30 p.
ia., Art Hickman's concert orchestra,
Hotel Biltmore; 6:45-7:30 p. m. chil
dren's program; 8-10 p. m., program
arranged by Leslie Brlnham; 1011 p.
in., Art Hickman's Hotel Biltmore or
chestra. RADIO KGW, Morning Oregonlan,
Portland, Ore., 492 meters.
June 98-10 p. m. Civic Music
club, Portland.
June 103:30 p. m. Children's pro
gram. June 11 8 p. m. Special concert
Car Washing and Greasiw
Cars Washed, $1 and up. Cars Greased 75c and up.
Bargains in all New and Used Tires. .
Used Cars at Ycur Own Terms
Gasoline, Oils and Accessories. Buy from me and same money.
Day and Night Service.
We are Distributors for the Goodyear Tires and Tube,.
L. R. Chambers
332 N.
Phone 478
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
CHICAGO, June 9. Frank O.
Lowden, former governor or Illinois
and mentioned prominently for the
republican vice-presidential nomina
tion at the Cleveland convention this
week, here yeBterday assertea no
must adhere to his resolution "not
to accept the nomination even If It
were tendered to me."
"I have tlven my most careful
consideration to the question of
where mv duty lies and 1 have been
forced to the conclusion that I can
be of more service to the country
through the activities in which J am
now engaged than I could be as vice
president," said Mr. Lowden.
"I am giving a great deal of my
time to various farmer organizations
and If I continue to do bo I am as
sured that I shall be rendering a real
service to the agricultural interests
of the country and therefore to the
country as a whole," he said. "Of
course 1 appreciate to the full the
high honor my friends would confer
upon me. I have been deeply moved
by their , expressions of confidence
and good will and it Is hard for me
to disappoint them, but I must.
Mr. Lowden is president of
Holsteln Breeders Association
the American Dairy federation.
35 cents, would be reduced to about
31 cents. The decision will be ef
fective January 1, 1925.
foie Kidney
If It Does Not Help Money
Back 75c
If you have backache, or moist
palms, or puffy eyelids, or specks
darting before the eyes you may
have kidney trouble and not know it.
In that case Dr. Carey's Marshroot
Prescription 777 Is what you should
ask your druggist for a stitch in
time saves nine and roots and herbs
are a good tonic medicine anyway.
Nathan Fullerton and all druggists
guarantee it, and you can get it in
liquid or tablet form both are su
premely efficient.
"1 would not take $1,000 for what
korei has done for me," says Thos.
H. Miles of Shelbyviile, Tenn. "For
J. R. Waiktns prepared mustard
now in stock. Givo it a trial. 120 West
Lane St. Phone 177. All orders
promptly delivered. J. M. Ashcraft,
See our usod diRh and cooking uten
sil department at Powell's.
For thn maintenance of a good
complexion we can safely recommend
our lemon cream and soap.
Lloyd Crocker.
"Nuthln' makes a feller madder'n
gitttn' the shaving cream mixed with
the tooth paste."
Aide Til Ho ANmt Again.
lrvln Union, who has been con
fined lo his home for tin- putt wick
wllh Mood poisoning, wis able to
ho ut his place of business today.
for the balance of t lie week before
I returning home.
Homo for Summer.
.lame Mcl'llntock who has been
attending the Willamette I iiiversity
at Salem fur the past winter, return
ed to his home in Ibis rliy last even
liu. Mr. .McCllntock has accepted
a punt! ton with I lie KoHehurg Na
tional liatik lor the summer.
lulling W ith I rlcnds Here.
Mrs. K. Adams of Portland
rlied In the illy yesterday after-j K. M Mears, of. Kichmnnd. V.
noon lo spend the neit two or three formerly pastor or lh M. K chnrcli
day here isitiiig with lileiid.s. j south, ot this city, nrrlvcd here tti-
. j ilav an.i U etijovm visit wi'.h old'
Mr. el rgi.ll In Tovm. j time Mends. Mr. Mears Is now
Itt.tietoi r,, ii HKent nl Ivn litr nn .unt
il. I, .t linn .'i iih- ... ." . .
Meat company of Albany. I spend-,
lini a lew l.n. In UoNohtirg looking j
BUer the Itiunn i.r (tie company
: Former Ue,ldciit VMts.-
umlc rtaktug supply lions
Spend Shott Time Here.
.1 1.. pouKatl. mansKer of the
Wolf l reek I an in lit Wolf (reck,
turned tn the citv this morning to
spend tlie d.,y nltlng with Iriends
and attcnditig to huMticsa matters.
North Hotel Mlor -rv.
Mr and Mrs. Smart McDonald,'
daughter and w-n. ami Mr sud Mis.
Nick IMikman ami two daughters,
of North la ml. nrriied In lioM'huriE
falurday to iit our the week end
itlt Mr an, Mr I. Ilim-Urn and
famllv of thi cite. Mis Slrkmall
and Miss MtlHinald lll remain hete1
I cm
daughter. lively n.
mottling by automobile f,
Washington, where they
the hol two or three we
at the hon-e
yulne. The)
time In Ton
for Motor Trip.
an, Mr r.eorte K. Qultie and
left tills
r I'onicroy.
will spend
ks ) isiting
W'aler Vill be shut off Tuesday,
June loth, from 2 p. in. until i p. m.
effecting all of Pine Pt. south of
Sykes St., Stephens St.. south of
llrockwsy and Jackson St., south of
Hire St.
Arundel, piano tuner. Ph"ne 189-L.
Hand concert Sunday at Bandon by
tho Sea.
A tine puncn or used rifles, some
have new barrel. All sites and gusrnn
teed at Powell s.
Within 3 hours you can now flivver
to Han, Ion by tho Sea.
W'e hav
furniture a
'peclals each day in used
Powell s.
hardly Bleep. Now I am as active
1 ever was. I feel so much better
and I ccn sleep like a baby all night.
I can walk 5 or 6 miles on a hike and
scarcely feel it."
Thousands the world over are
now using this wonder compound. Ac
cording to statements of users, the
beneficial effects are complete and
lusting. Weary and worn out men
and women sufferers from lack of ap
petite, low vitality, poor circulation,
premature old age and lessened vigor
will be interested in learning that the
(Associated Preaa Leased Wire.
PORTLAND, Juno 9. Special
trains from the ea?t and middlewest
arriving here today brought dele
gates to attend the twelfth national
two years I was down and out. I ! convention of Security Benefit Asso
uan puma iu iiij uiuiua uau i o.ui elation. The sessions will be held
throughout the week and deleeates
will take part In and witness events
of the annual Rose Festival which
will be held this week. About 2,500
delegates from every state in the
union except one are expected for
this convention.
Drill teams are coming from 23
cities to compete for the $9,650 in
prizes offered by the national coun
cil of the Security Benefit Associate.
todays program provides for
(Associated PreM La,,,.
- laimcan !
as well as notable iZ
abroad, will attend uje j,.
nntional convention which
here June 10, either ui
Arrangements for stt
prominent visitors ho b"
legates are being madeki'i
Mulvane, Kansas, ch!rr.
national committee on itJ
who has compiled a lined
ables who are u be tin iJ
me itepiiuiican party.
Among the distingniil
will be severalinemberi
of the Supreme Court ol-
States, including Chief Jj
liam Howard Taft and
Justices James McReYit'j
Sutherland and Pierce Bl
Representatives of tie I1
corps in Washinpoi,
those of South AmericH.i
have notified chairman Iii
their desire to attend is A
Members of the trta
net, congressmen, senaun c:
bers of tho Republioa ant
mittee will be present Irc
Cabinet members ho ii
aro Secretary Andrct T
Secretary Herbert Sal It
Ion heads the PenujiiHi
gation of 79 raemteiail: ti
is a delegate-at-larp.lw-'
C. Dascom Slemp, (k ''
secretary, Is a delegalnlsif
Virginia, but it Is ncltwl
allow an alternate iostc'
cares for the lntereittdl
idge here.
Not the least Inter
delegates will be Him 1
hertv, former atlornw-
a member of "0W "
.into Mr. DauEherty t
conspicuous political
1916, when he srasom"
ora in the morementi to w
Republican and Profreif l
xr -oo instrumental I
nomination at Chicaro !i . ."
although defeated ir
ifire In the Ohio pn
year, managed former fa
ding's campaign.
Fifteen Tnited. States
will be presenL
American distributors of korex, have '3 "i l"v V, """'" r nor nign-
arranced for korei roninound to he a"u " cepuuu or national out
sold In Roseburg, Oregon, at Llovd
Cracker's Pioneer Drug Store, 241
North Jackson street. Step in at tills
drug store and ask about korex.
Wanted- liry Cascara bark. We
pay highest prices, lierger s bargain
Orders taken for broccoli plants,
grown from Imported seed, fl per
thousand. IO.ihhI tip, JJ.73. Kred
Schmidt. Dillard, Ore.
A wedding which was a surprise
to many people of this city occur
red Saturday morning at 9:15 at the
home of II. W. Strong, when Mrs
Ada I.lndley and W. It. Warner were
united In marriage, with Rev. H. L
Caldwell of the Haptist church of
ficiating. Among those present at
the ceremony were Mr. Warner's
aunt Bnd uncle. Mr. and Mrs. George
Wehh, of Oakland. California; Mr
and Mrs. U R. nrown. Mrs. Mary
.Marten. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Woods
and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Strong
Following the ceremony the party
drove to the home of E. P. Woods
In West Roseburg where the couple
were surprised by an old fashioned
rhlvaree by Mr. and Mrs. Lymon
Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Neg
ley, Mr. and Mrs. James Hutrhine.
Mr. and Mrs. J. f. Reese, Mr. and
Mrs. U. L. Hudson, and Mr. and
Mrs J. K. Kalhe.
Tlta bride is a well known girl of
this city and has been employed In
the I'mpqua Hotel for the past year.
Mr. Warner Is the proprietor of the
iwuelas Hotel drill. Mr. and Mrs.
Warner will make their home tem
porarily In the Pouglas Hotel.
7L.- "J.'.T'.m
9ayr-iT$1tii Oi 4JAAXA.I
cers and delegates.
will open Tuesday morning with ad-i
ureases ot welcome by Governor
Walter M. Pierce, Mayor George L.
Haker, Judge W. N. Gatens, and
Boon Cason, and response by J. ,M.
Kirkpatrick, national president of
the Security Ilenefit Association.
Convention sessions will be held
Wednesday ard i Friday, Thursday
being given u, to participation in
the Rose Festival activities.
U. S. Weather Bureai r
TiosehurE. Oreson, Ji
I he convention i a m., June 9,
Miss Lillian Erkehe. of Marshfield,
spent part ot the day In Roseburg en
route to the coast cltv. The young
lady was traveling with friends.
A. W. Ream who resides at (Slide i
arrived In the city yesterday after-'
noon to siM'nd the next two or three'
days here attendtng to business. Mr.,
Ream is registered at the Hotel
(Irand. !
C.ciKsles' A splendid glass In any
color you may desire for eye protec
tion from the sun's glare.
Lloyd Crocker.
An.-ut. 4 prrns Leftstd Wlr
or Mr. and Mrs. Rr.lph
w ill also spend a short
and with Irirnds.
the llam
w ho has days
king after
Hot urns from south.
L'. C. Uraitdrberrv
niond Luai'- r mmi.n
bei n speiidll g the pat
In Yreka. California, b
business matters, arrived tn this city I attending to business matters. Mr.
yesterday to sem! a tr,r dais here Mocker Is a representative of the
betore returning lo his home In American Tobacco company. They
Albany. lar registered at
! KHEXSIH-Ri;. Pa.. June 9. A
1 motion for separate trials for 4 In-
MKrfORKKtiSrtHCRi-J freight lin dividual ln.ii.ted upon charges of
leaves luetuavs and t rtdays tor Mea-
(Associated Press leased Wire) I
WASHINGTON. June Kxpress1
rates throughout the count rv were
ordered readjusted today bv the In
terstate commerce commission. !
which authorized general Increases
in the eastern rone, approximately
eight per rent and slicht reduction's '
in the west ami the south. i
The decision was the result of a
general Investigation bv the com
mission in which representatives ol
state railroad commissions partiti-1
pated. Wide differences In rates be
tween the Southern. Mldd!ewe,ern
Rocky Mountain and Pacific- ,..,'
Jones were ordered brought more
nearly to a common level.
Fixing the basic rates In i;,r2
.k . L I'roreenea on the ti
nr. t-osi oi transporting
in western anil inmhnrn
nam I "'jjftW.'WUS"
Precipitation In inches an i
... , .....rntiire yrf'-l
Lowest temperature ll 1
Precipitation, last 21
Total prcclp. since firt -.....
i nr,.in. for Une-
i otal prcclp. from
to date TT
Average precip. Iiu :
1877 r-r"y
Total deficiency Iron
. Mit7tToii W
Average . hrr
seasons, (Septon1
inclusive! , (j
risk. eisT-
0 . At v-. . .. ' .
i. t if t i M.
er. xjiv -ti.3 . '
i, 4p
rtrf Moo (lav n,l Thurmlaya. lfor Judci Thomas B. Kin-1 The invent ' " !
InfonnatioB Thoti 66 or 362. 'lotiorof'lnhla. especially nr!ohane, in n,Jt ,h" ... i l m a
;au1tnc. h-n th UU?r riot ra are shown that h ro-t'in ,Jv,ns l,p' n
Mr. anrt Mra. K. K. TlwVur rf cah ii for tril today in Cambria higher than in th., . fasl i?
f-iiKrnf n r nillti tew day in count? court. Th caur jen w out o( rxnetmiv trvm Ariiv- ' 1,1
lh i' IV Vlvtlinc lih f rt. rut mnA a rim ft .i r Till- .11 ..... . '' Iind
lagers and visiting Ku Ku Klans- points
men To residents of l.illv were ally in
sitiea mini llitrd aieo Ol injuries wi- 'lh,. ,a, ,
he Hotel I'mnaua ' ,.ml .iiv l,t.,r i... ... 'n UI -
.11 scrvi,
which is not ej)(
the west.
. . W-sj . . .
ilfcilXCW.... ',
l - I
ed sine
1 lo
Scene from "Girl Shy" Harold Lloyd Comeoy.
ter today and tomorrow. j
UK-'"" 1