Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 06, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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pagc rovn
distinguished coffee
meets many
distinguished people
It 19 the glorious West that visitors from
abroad most want to see in America. Not
the least of the thrills they relate back home
' is that "wonderful western coffee l" And
thus has the coffee tradition spread to every
Old World capital.
You know their enthusiasm is well founded
the moment you break the vacuum seal of
a tin of Hills Bros. Red Can Coffee and re-'
lease that rare aroma. You are doubly sure
when you taste the flavor. As one zealot
said, "They may copy the can, but not its
contents I"
With all its high quality, Hills Bros.
Coffee is not high-priced. It is economical to
buy and economical to use. Hills Bros.,
San Francisco.
Eighth Annual Reunion
cf Students and Teachers
to Be Held Tomorrow.
Ileauty (.'oiiteets, Jaiz, ' Movie
(xinxlilcnxl by Deliuaiv Attend.
Ing convention Women' Club
(Annex-luted rrem I-eased Wlr.)
1.03 ANGELK.). Juno 6. Bath
ing girl revue and ti-auty contest
were expected to arrest the atten
tion of delegates at today' session
of the seventeenth biennial conven
tion of the Hem-rat Federation 01
PROGRAM TO BE GOOD Women Club, loni? enough, at
le&si, 10 permit ine nuuiniou ...
Bnlutlon. deploring such "immodest
displays of physical charm."
According to Mrs. Clayton D. Lee.
president of the New Jersey Federa
tion of Women's clubs, sponsoring
the bathing girl protest, the bathing
beauty typo of girlhood is not re
presentative of the best and con
test emphasizing beauty of form
are creatiug "false standards of
value and have a distinct tendency
toward lowering respect for woman
hood." (Associated Pnis Leased Wire.)
LOS ANGELES. June 6. Mrs.
Thomas O. Winters, retiring presi
dent of the general federation of
women's clubs, in session here said
today that the federation would not
take any official consnizance of the
Good Numbers Arranged for
All-Day Meeting Camp
fire Session Will Be
Feature of Day.
lietween five hundred and a
thousand former student, teacher
and friend of the old Unipqua Aca
demy are expected to gather at the
eighth annual reunion at Wilbur to
morrow in an all-day program. All
plan have been completed to make
this rnnfnn thu hi..! vnt hnlrl and
poople are expected from all over I remark yesterday of KupertHughes,
the' tate for the occasion. author who, addressing the conven-
lneraHln intnn.ui la helni i tlon. told It that woman's place was
evinced each year with a consequent i the home and that censorship was
In th Original.
V tuuum-Vatk which
kit ft Ihi at it frith.
1024, Hill, Bras.
Miti:nrv Tiii'.ATiu:.
"On Time!" playing today
(Friday) nt the Liberty Theatre,
present an unusual mtuhiiiatton of
swift ly-movlUK melodramatic action
and hliihly colored farce. The result
la one o the most luuKh-fillcd and
enjoyable hunt of entertainment
which has come to Koseburg (or
many weeks
If you are looking for a home,
we have sixty-two for you to e-
lect from. If you do not find
what you are looking for among
I those, then let u show you Blxty
j lots to choose from and build
! Just what you want. Wo havo
nothing to lent, but we are here
1 to assist you In getting a home
In the best tow ti in Km state
whore you can have all the water
you want, and where everyone I
, 4 prosperous and happy.
I See N. Hlce o( Hire ft Hire.
Increaso In attendance. Some very
fine reunion have been held with
a general get-together for all the
old student and friend. The meet
ings have served the purpose of
gathering the early history of the
academy and has called the atten
tlon of the people again to
founders of the state.
A number of the governors, law
maker. Justices and educators of
the state who have become prom
inent in the history of Oregon have
come from the academy. The aca
demy was founded In IK 53 and was
for a long time one of the foremost
educational Institutions in the state.
The old building has been removed,
the former students have passed
Into the decline of life, hut the an
nual reunion bring back the spirit
of the school each year.
The chief speaker of tomorrow
program will be Mrs. Ida Ilooth-Ilel-
knap, a former student and teacher
In the academy and a sister to Hon.
Hubert A. Booth. Mrs. liooth will
deliver the annual address to the
association, and is considered a very
fine speaker.
The complete program for the day
Ten O'clock.
Song. "America" Audience
Invocation llev. K. A. Itrown
Address o( welcome. .Golda I'arkerj
Vocal solo ..Warren T. Hurt
Response to welcome
Albert Abraham
Duet. .. .Miss I'arUer.Frank Grubbe
Annual address
Mrs. Ida llooth-Belknap I
..Primary class of Wilbur School!
Memorial j
Eulogy Mrs. Inez Miller j
Vocal solo Mrs. Oscar Gorrell
Twelve O'clock. j
Tables, coffee, cream and sugar i
will be supplied by the association
and the people of Wilbur. All mem-;
bers living in Douglas county are1
requested to bring a basket lunch
and enjoy a happy day with old,
time friends and schoolmates. The
one of the great modern evils
Mrs. Winter declared, however,
that despite the writers' statements
and advice the federation would con
tinue Its fight against what It con
sider objectlonuble motion pictures
and would Insist that no pictures be
the; shown which violate any interest
principles or government.
She continued: "The film must
not violate or attack the decency of
the home, the school or the morals
of the American people."
The retiring president also assert
ed that the "war against jazz"
would go on and she expressed the
belief that the "American people as
whole 1 returning to a normal
and natural way of living.'
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
reply to Japanese protest against
the exclusion section of the new
Immigration law has been virtually
completed at the state department,
bat there are no Indication as to
when it will go forward.
Secrettary Hughes had a confer
ence with president Coolldge today,
but It was not disclosed what plans
had been determined upon as to
making the document public. In the
usual course it would he made pub
lic under agreement between the two
countries, after it text had reached
The reply probably will be handed
by secretary Hughes to Ambassa
dor llanihara to whom the task of
transmitting it to his government
will 'be entrusted.
At the same time, a copy will be
cabled to the American embassy in
Klchard Talmadge, who performs
death-defying stunts with the non
chalance the ordinary person ills- i
plays while combing his hair, is tho Is entirely different from any of It
mar of this unusual attraction. Tim predecessors except for tho fact that
.tory deal, with the highly-lmagln-1 Q n
alive adventures of an ambitious '
young man seeking success. Il.hlud ( ' !'" he has portrayed. Truly this
Mm and always too tar behtud to young man with the horn rimmed
bo of any help until the scene Is KlnNMtIt rnn lay cllltm , ,he of
uter ! imp ftiiiii, -ii ucii inii-i, n -
sanova Clay, played in n distinctly
humorous touo by Tom Wilson.
being America
Tom Mix taught his famous cow
pony. Tony, a novel trick for his
recently completed picture. "The
Trouble Shooter." written by the
llattons slid directed by ,l:ick Con-1
Some of the patrons become so ay at the William Fox West Coast
ciuiiio. iioiiywooo. i ne story mcius :
with the so-called trouble mall for,
a big power plant, whose Jolt It is!
to see that wires and cables are
Llbtrty Theatre
It inUht become necessary to sum
mon nn ambulance to tbp Liberty the
aire after the (list showing of Lloyd's
latest Pallia comedy, "tilrl Sin.''
which will be there (or an indefinite
convulsed slid weakened by mirth that
this reviewer doubted their ability to
reach tht open air. Just ss you bcetn
to think that there Is nothing new In
the movies, along conies a I.ioyd
comedy and Immediately life takes on
a rosier hue again.
For every Lloyd comedy Is distinc
tive trorn all angles and In all re
bhcis except one, and that', huuhter.
It seems lb-it In each one you find
laughs coming more and more rapidly
than In the preceding one. And "Girl
Shy" is no exception. While Lloyd
liss successfully undertaken one of
(be most noicl and difficult i harac
terirstlons be has ever stlempted, it
greatest comedian.
AM I. Flt.H TH FATltF..
lunch will be served In the gyuina- Tnkio In order that tho embassy
slum. I Btttfr may bo kept fully in touch with
niree-ininy ciock. every development of the situation.
llusiness Session. I (uncials ut the atate department
Address of president i maintained silence regarding the
Hon. C. L. Chenowelh roniuiunlcatlon. It cau be said de
Reading of minutes I finitely, however, that it will be
Mrs O. C. Ilrown ,..., i,,;i iu the most friendly terms.
Report of treasurer i
Mrs. II. W. Grubbe
Report of Librarian Mrs. C. W. Short
Report of the committees. Good
of the order.
The big featuro of the day Is ex-(
peeled to bo the twilight campfire .
session which w ill be in charge of
Hon. George M. Ilrown, Justice of
the supreme bench, and formerly a
student of the academy. 1. P. Mc-j
Kay and J. R. Wheeler will assist
In conducting this session. The even
ing hours will be spent In telling
reminiscent stories of the old school
days aud singing the old time songs.
but will repel any suggestion that;
the exclusion provision contravenes!
any International obligation assum-;
ed by the Washington government.!
It appeared probable today that!
tho document would be handed to1
Ambassador llanihara, possibly to-i
NOTICE of sal ' government tim-
. ,..,i Vand Office. Washing.
! ,fven that subject to the condi
tion", and limitation, of the. act. of
lion, nu .. u February
ii (4 Stat." H). "0 J"- :
Is' (41 Stat.. .& nd departmental
,.f a, iloseburg. Oregon, to th.
hiLiiest bidder ut not less than the ap
Era .ed value a. shown by thl. notice
a e to be .abjec t to the approval of
... ..... .. th. Inter or. The pur
chase price, wllb an additional .urn of
one-fll n of 1 U'-r thereof being
allowed, must be depos t-
..1 uifl money to oe re-
c-a i i'"' V T ' , 0,1,1rnvl. other
parent will issue for th. timber
winch niui "'"":--,.rt",rom en.
lien, of me I'nlted States, association,
of "ch citizen, aud corporations or
ganized under the law. of tb. United u Terr torv. or Dis
putes, or . ii --v. - ,lm ,
ict thereof only. -yo -e.-
Qualified purchaser, the timber on
any legal subdivision m
Separately before being included
""'.. ... re.A ftr 3400 M.
.iA..:t.r7;. w m k '.I . SWtt red fir 1280
i white i r iuu ai ., w
e M hemlock 60 M.. SEi4 BU red
fir 2i0 M, hemlock 60 M., none of the
! L,' . ihni. tracts to be .old for
. a xi.. for the red fir.
and" a pVr M.'for the white fir and
rei: ,;ii (ir 420 M.. second
growth Iir u t.. t "
cedar 240 M., t-t'Vt p"
M second growth fir 200 M-, white fir
M., lievviiu ,n weii KI.-.U
50 M., while ceuar w .
yellow fir 140 M. second ""s'
ill) M., Willie tt - - -- - ,d
yellow (ir 200 M., second growth (lr
ill., white cedui1 40 si.. Lot yellow
fir 2i0 M., while fir 20 M., white cedar
,. m i.i, 7 vellow fir 100 M second
i. ... no M white cedar 120 M.
r s It. 11 W.. Sec. 25, Lot 1 red fir
13(0 M., while cedar 226 M., Lot 2 red
fir 175- U., white cedar T36 M., Lot 6
r.l fir lzuO M.. white cedar 75 M., Lot
fi. vr. Xf . white cedar 150 M
Lot S red fir 60 M., white cedar 250
vi l.t 15 red (lr 2740 M., white cedar
. vi i.t it red fir lioo M., white ce-
,i .r and M. None of the timber on these
... iiona to be sold for less than 2.00
...... i rr th red and yellow fir,
i iwi M for tlie second irrowth fir,
1.60 per M. for the wlllte (lr and 17.00
n. c SI. (or the Wlllte cedar. X. in It.
v vc See- a. Lot 6 yellow pine. 75 M.
not to he .old for less than 13.00 per
m t 17 a. K. 1 W.. Sec. 1. Lot 1 fir
10 M., Lot 2 fir 1700 M. Stli NE14 fir
1250 M., NE'A fir liOO M,
SH'A (lr S50 M., hemlock 60 M., NW ii
sK'A (ir 1225 M.. SK SE14 fir 1125 M,
heniloelc 150 M-. SWA Shi1. 1400 M..
none of Ihe timber on this section to
be sold (or less than $1.50 per M., for
the fir aud 11.00 tier M.. for the hem
i.u-k. T 21 S.. U. 3 XV.. Sec 2. SWA
fir 750 M-. SW SW!i rlr 700
M., W4 SWii fir 4oo M., none of the
timber on these tracts to be sold for
less than 11.76 per M. T. 15 S.. It. ( W.,
Sec. . SK'A 8Wl (lr 920 M. KWji
SW14 (lr 1620 M., SEi, SWV4 IIC 600 M.
Sv4 bWU (lr 1300 Al., ceuar zo ju.
none of trie timber on this section to
be sold for less than $1.75 per M. for
the (Ir and $1.00 per M. (or the cedar.
T. 28 S., 11. 12 XV.. See. 13, Lot 2 red fir
350 il., Sec. 17 KGti NfcVi red Ilr 1210
Hi., while fir 820 il., ceuar 60 M NWH
NE'i nd fir 740 M.. white fir 450 si.,
cedar 20 M , fcE'i NEj4 red flr,2050 M.
white (ir 1340 M., cedar 20
M SW'i NEVi red fir 850 M
white (ir 4'JO M., cedar 60 M.. spruce 40
11.. .MO'a SE'.i red (ir 2960 M.. white (lr
6uo 51, neuilock 70 M NW SK'A red
fir oo 51., white rlr 440 M cedar so
51., sE'.4 red fir 200 M., white fir
1,0 51.. evdar 20 M , liemlock 70 M.,
aw SEU red (Ir 1280 11., white fir
310 .d. 1. 17 S., H. 7 W., Sec. 33, SE1
SW red (ir 2100 11 . none of the tim
ber on theae section, to be sold (or less
tnaii $J.5o per M. (or the red (ir, $.50
per M. (ur the white fir and hemlock,
..nd $2.00 per M. for the cedar and
fepruce. T. 27 ti., K. 12 W., Sec. 35,
liWi, SWA red (ir 625 M., HEA NW
red (ir 850 M., SW14 KWA red fir I860
M., NKU SW- red (ir 1250 M. T. 31 S..
H. 12 U., Sec. 7, NE' red (lr 800
M.. while cellar 3uo 51., white Iir 75 M.,
NWU .NEU red (ir 225 M., while cedar
600 51., white (ir 200 M., red cedar 60
51.. SE'i NE' red (ir 420 St.. while ce
rt ir 12u At., NE' red fir 615 M.,
wnile ceuar L'7U 51.. .NE'i Xwj red (Ir
1150 51.. w hile cellar 450 M.,. while (lr
2-0 M red evdar 25 M., SEU NW reo
(ir "o SI., w hite cedar 176 ii., while (ir
50 XI.. rvd ledar 5o il., Lot 1 red (ii
lo'to M.. wh.le cedar 300 Al., while (Ir
25 il.. lxt 3 red (lr 350 il.. 'white ce
dar li il.. i.t 4 red fir 265 il., white
.. a . . , , t . ...V I tM1ar 60 ai NE', SVV4 red (ir 330 il.,
stead of leaving England he establish-. cedar 20 11., sK(i bWii red fir
ed headquarter in London and from ? M- " nite cedar 3uo M.. wnile fir
00 .!., ,(.'. Sh.' red (ir 630 M . whlfa
fie S7II
w hite cedar 45 il., SE'i SE1 red (ir
?dsy way
to cook
vicA control
no fire to lay
concentrated heat
Just turn up the
vAck, touch a match
and the meal is
started! That's the
beauty of Pearl Oil
and a good oil cook'
stove! No overheat'
ing, nothing to lug.
But cookstove
kerosene must be
highest quality ker'
osene to vaporize
properly and not
corrode metal parts.
So be sure you order
by name "Pearl
Oil." It's refined and
re-refined by a special
Standard Oil Com'
pany process to pro
duce quality fuel
especially suited for
the purpose.
Pearl Oil is ecory
omical, odorless and
good to the last drop.
: i
June ir ir "
.-.once ii hr.k."i
o'clock p. m.""' H,
U. 8 Hi!"
tag. '"r"
... ' rewilit ...
lllif. rnmtuuin "Weia
'or urawintfefl
Arithmetic, histar. J I
psychology, ,methu j
course of study t, 5LT4
Thursday An.rZ't
Grammar, taim.i. I
American litersmr. ' v!
writlnir. mih.j. ', En
for primary certifiiaui'
" V'VU, rj
physical Keocrsnh.
lure, chemistry. '
a v. . ' "'ni
aCDOOl law. ffann ., .
, ovtug ij-wi
Saturday For,
Geometry, botuy.
Saturday After,
General history, booki,,
County School SujeJ
there directs his activities for the ; Ju M - m--' sK' red (ir 630 M.,
World l,.m. At.i,,.. Al.hlu. .n'ir" .' N)4 8BVI red
Cot Him.
k !:','" ",rfy';' :'"1,ll"".n , Rescued By Korex After Flu Nearly
pelted to ride through trrai-herous i
snnwy coAiury to (M-rform his duty.j
It is necessary that his home be side
to walk on snow-dines To perfect
this important detail Mr. Mix taught
T' liv ttie nrl of sjiowthitc walkitiK.
As for himself, he used sklls.
'After havlni; flu for four months."
sas Henry K. llsltles of I'ardlil. Kkla
hetne, "1 came out in a condition ar
wors.i than dc;iih. 1 hud no vikot.
stretiKth or cnurase. After tukinc
L.irxT I 0Mtni.l 111 luimi l. rii-1,1 ,, i. I
.... ....... n . .... .iuuub amj lt Ht.,nt.,i to put new l'wi lino mv
Theatre rldav for two days. nerve, and n.a.le mv bhs ,1 circulate
- - . . Ia!1,,r Klll ful (( jM,p RSBin
A rant,, or C.ikk sloe fiT rvery'Todav. manv mmiths Lt,r Mr lljm..
"I had been sick nearly 20 years
w ith stiuiiai Ii trouble and was slowly
starviiiK to ib nth as everything 1 ate
caused terrible Ras and pain and my
ftiod did nut dlRest. I was reduced
to II a luiunds. A friend advised me
to take Mavi'a Wonderful Remedy
about 4 imiiitlis aKO. which I did and
now welRh I I lbs., and can eat any
thini:. I am very thankful for Mayr's
Wonderful lii niedy." It remov.ji the
catarrhal iniuous from the intestinal
trait, and allays the intlamuiauon
whuh causes practically all stomach,
liver and ln:-sttnal ailments, includ-
tilii-.tia. One dose w-ill con-
vim e or money relunueu at an nrus-
cludine Ibirly-ono nations. His home
is in Westerville. Ohio.
It was while encaged as special
commissioner for the government, un
der the Roosevelt administration, for
the suppression of various forms of
lawlessness in the west that he Rained
a national reputation and had the
name of "Pussyfoot" fastened upon
him. The name grew out of his meth
od of appearitiK at unexpected times
in unexpected places and wreckiiiR
the ambitions of thieves. Ramblers
and bootlcRscra in that earlv dav be
fore prohibition. He had several dep-
H6U M., white cedar 6H0 M., SWU bK4
red (ir 1076 41.. white cedar 325 M..
ee. 5, SWA NWfc red (fr 690 M.,
while cedar 30 M., NWfc Sv'4 red fir
3-0 M., white cellar 135 M., tiV"4 1SW14
led fir 300 M-, Sec. 8. NEii NWVl re3
fir 2UjO il., while cedar 475 M., SWA
NW red (ir 16.5 SI., white fir 25 All,
white cedar 400 M HEU Kffn red (ir
! M., white (ir luo Al., white cedar
i-j il.. Sil l, N W Vi red (lr 1175 M,
wlilte cedar 100 M none or the limber
en these eectlun. to be sold (or less
luaii ',25 per Al. (or the red fir and
red cedar, .50 per AL, (or Ihe while
Ur and 7.00 per il. (or th. wi.u.
eilar. T. ill S.. H. 4 W.. He. 15 KVl ly.
iow .n.. wane rlr an M
... ii, i'. Biniii ueo- .... 7 ' . ... in vv iu..
uties killed and had manv hair-; ZA -i, M V,''ot, to be 'olil tor
breadth escape, himnelf duriue his1.." ,!?," M..P;r hJuZ ,r.e.d.'.'r
six yeats of service
"The Cross and Crescent" Is an
nounced as h:s subject here. No ad
mission Is charted and the meeting
is open to the public. Dr. Lewis Al
t'" rt lianks. of Itosehitrf, author and
lecturer, will accompany him.
klicbeii t rewell's
Don't let constipation make you en invalid
relieve it with Kellogg's Bran
Few jvplf rii!irn low .ImKOronn
U foni1in.t'u n itrli! 1tii dr nl
rm? ttars lt.wti lhir lu-'tJi. you
krlW thlt liniro lli III f.ntV H.THMIH
JiM'a.rJi ran In traccil o ro-! nis f
Krfp yrur Int. 5th, nr t-n'orv it, wiih
IMI.-Kk'' 1r..n, r,i ki-. nl I ruin
I h-d. It l-rin-t r u t tn ntM ad1
thintv" r: s v( f MwM:lii.n. l it
rfft'iTi1 K.tuo it U Al.I. br.m. T!..t
i tJ-v it i T coiiiiTifnJfl . l.aiV
by lmor. Thoy know tL t only Al.I.
I r:.n ft- B brti 'T font T-'.Mn.
1'art l.raa ii, at lot, cii'y a ki.fnav
If m'.rn r pr-.f'y Krl'uvj'i lnm
vi'l brr if j- ri-uuu nt tiJi-frr n in
tin rui.t ,t' It u ti.ii:iu-
iil it )n to. If it f.iil, )Aur (tiK.iT
Hcciuw it i AT L Init it dwr.,
cloatu nn.! 1 11 ru"- th intvstnuv
Isiki ntur it not naturally. It
m.iki tlio t:it--,n fuoctioa rt"KU
Kjit It f'r- .!ir two MMmpcton
ful in t'J.r.'ino cruM'.i, with fvory
ftoU Kt it wit!, ruik or riim.
Spriuklo it oti r other ftnfiX k
it with hot vr-;i' Knjt.y it in th.
"nmlorful rtci girv-u on wvrx pak
Th. flator f K.-llocc'd ttran,
Hn k- I aud fcrnrai '- tl. i- iI-:k iyu. It
w friV, nut like. Q'uto -I.ff Tvnt from
rlinarv lmiu, whi. h mv o tn-pnlt-KrUogff'
Urnn i in
I'.iittii Cnvk aii.1 t-nril by tha lsj.
b$ h tr'a an I ctuta cvrLcrc tvij
1 aU fjveer.
! ftitll ft't lii tin an iiw," acioril-
' jinn lo hin own siatrnn'iit.
j AiM-oniitiK to i-nttuisiastio ihhts.
; tho ISnt'fitH of k"n nr nnir!i4ti
j ami latltne. Thiti!;tns th wnrltl
otit ar? now u-tmc tM oiuiir torn-1
i iHuiif1. WVarv und orn-out m u anil
j woinfti, suttiTrrs fnm tmivitliir p;in.:
Idl k f llp.H'lUt'. li'iAvtU'.l Vitvr uul .
iow uliuuln iar in tn it v, til he intt r-U'itf-1
tn ttarntiiK tliwt the Auutii..
' rittriluuors (if k'r'X coiittoumi, havo
m;t:ishJ ir korrx to h noUl v. Kosc-
.mm. Oreton.- nt I.Wvi t"rckt' s
'Plotter I'ruc Storo. 21 Nonh J(k
con utrfv't. Ask alMttit kurrx coni-
" i
i U iw nil 1 1 IV! rr I S !
o uuttiiciuitl I I HILL I U 1 "k
This Is a Studcbaker year. '
'DccvcnnT, mumcnm BEING COillCIFn
; IM.und the ncit time you are in this Hde, ate f:i
ii William K. d'ussyfootl Jnlin-
t-"ii st'i ak M tb.e armory tonifiht he
will till ef renditions as he found
the:n in fi;'':-n lands and also touch
i:i u i h.i-." i f law enforcen'cnt in
'bin coi::itr. The work of this with.
K knnn i. 'uiH rance and prohibition
druK store.
ef the
e r
taken him to every pai
1 States and into almost
d country on tiie cbdnv
I , -T -'Vl , 11" but i. . ; Mv rcturr-.l from his 1st-
P A" J if y1VC tl'LV'M M 1 '-1 csn :vi(.;a In South Attic, and
rAyV u "ft"'-''r)'r,'j l';-pl IiJ i-liprt siieakin tnur in
cr-J "'"''J-'ii An"'" ' I!- epecs to ail for
Vl. Invi. "rutina Ionic KiV- T r 1 "r-1 'lM"in ,n Jnl
r.v. j r.-x in-..-it...-
The community met;n: which are
h-ms c.m.luit.d from the countv
aetii s office are lticrea,in In
IMrtlon and Interest throughout this
section iiti.t .p.. l.-i- ...
,., ,,, : iMiium me tarm-rs i
of the mi ii i, ,1,.. ;. . L l
. .. ...-ii n uii-in,.;
uiMu.s.ons nf atncullural
I wo meet:ni:s ucrc h. Id 1 1' i -
ai r.iKneail on Tu.-sd-iv
and the other at Scottsburc
ie s.iay. t oiin-i Acent
rreset;l at bot:t (.,..
anil VMv., jv-u .. .
. . '. a'riculiural
' ;'h"'"'"( -l:tn,t Villi. ,.,-,. CMul,,,,,! llkn d .
in i rnhl.m. en.... . 1
b .. , : ,uk' "
cdM-ort ,i,h;n the ,',0
ti'pil s.
s we-'k.
even ;n c
I'll Wed-
Coor.ey was
ctln.-s as chairn-at.
i J., l"lar- i 11- 2 W., riec
fc.' NKli led fir 1400 M., NE(4
td fir UiO M. red cellar 100 M .
hfim..,k So M.. MI'S Mii red fir 20OO
, . r, J cedar 3" M., hemlock 20 L T.
V".!'' 1 w- Sic' Lot 2 "r
I1,1 M- lacense 2i Al SW'i
t iX ,'1 f:.r. '-'IS M- 'ncense cedar 16
-x bi-.i., r,l ur lii;u u., rrd ce-
. M- " t the timber on thes.
... i.k boiu iur less than 11.76
for tb. red fir. and 11 tin .,.. l
' VI- a"U "u"ens cedar and hem
I. JaK. It. 3 t., Sec. 6. frL NK-A
Pine 4 10 M., r.d fir 700 M., wnile
" il . red cedar 10 SI., tn. sl
l ine lu il.. red fir lvio M.. whit,
il . red cedar to M . swt MK-
il., red tir llao M .hn.
red cedar U M., SK- NEJ pln
. red fir no si. whli n,uu
K0 SL frl. Mil, KWIi ln.
il . red fir 750 SL. white fir 50 il.
'd c.uar 10 si., tn. NWv. swA p".
" M red fir 770 SI., re7 cedar 30 M
i pine SO SI. r..rf ri. fia vi
fir 40 Ai., red I'Hlur r,.i i civil'
- -. .v .nut rir
. ri'd ceil,.r in VI x-n.i. ......
red fir t,o St.. whit fir
M . wtiltu fir 1, a ...
-4 pine 3o SI., red fir 4.'.0
"r -o St., red cedar 10 SI..
I'llie l:o SI. red fir 1510 M .
'jr lc si . r,d cedar HO SI..
, 1S M red fir 1140 SI.,
l r l.i) J(. r.d ,e.:ar (4 SI.. SK-.
1'.c .'f Sf., red f,r 560 SI., white
1 -M . red i e.i. I..., x. ........ .....
1-.. st .:: h pr.s.
i! . red
- i ur 40 m., red cedar F.0 M.
, , '"' M.. red fir 81(0 SI., i
, , ". '.r., J llJlr M.. NE'i
'j i"r f ' r:a Iir 6:0 M- wlt
.. , ' ' r "r -. Win,
il . sv
M:'. m:i4
l.i ,,r
haa but in o row
hamuli; l.- ihp othr in London. Kne
l.intl. lim.n a 4iMnontration not ail
in f.i,r t.f hi proiHiUons for the
cuuailiUfiU ui ts liquur Ua;it. In
tmmu.h . ''J"?.,,':,ilt tnev
, tr;tss iije at
Of 1 .".II.M.... I .. .
. ... ...VI.'" rrrr. ar ihe
'-' '" Th.
- vrri Bn,t ,aJ .
minute control. '
' end
bla nf
ur. ler tin-
l Iir I lull ! u i,a r..
i c-.lar 40 SI . nut to b .old
ir.m .s. t,,r jj for ,h)) ,n,
r St.. r ,r lh rod f,;r. end cedar.
v ,. '"r la while ftr. See,
i. rune 4i l ti.
V.'ir'..lT.V .! NW"' SWV, pine
l Li.- . w nite rir so SI..
r. j Nl Pine l5 SI..
i.d I . .
s '
' M..
ii .
fir 790 M., whin fir UK.
pine 70 M. red llr Hi a.
M., Sec. la NKit SWkimii
fir 200 St., whim ti, i, "
sold tor less than llilutk'
pine 11.50 per M., for m..
1.00 per SL for the wtnui.
it. W bee. Ii, NWsi;.,,
fir 446 Si., cedar 2D n, ,
tor less than lli.SQ perllj.
and 11.26 per M. for tStf..
T. IS S.. K. I W,,
640 SL T. U S., H. HIT,?,
SWA fir ICi SL. wwt,
NEW NWV fir 2ill IL. m,
M.. none of the tlmWM
to be sold for lea. thu fc
for the tir and f i.Ott ftt if
white cedar. T. IU S.K.1.J
Lajt S red fir ISO 11, .-J
Hi vvk uee-ez . . ... . 7
cedar 3uo M.. i'Wli gw
M.. white cedar 1H it, t..
red fir 300 SI. white cede
cedar 30 M., whlu fir lii
fir t-'O SI., white ceiUr til
106 SI., none of the Ual
eectlons to be sold forkij
per SI. for the redflrutsj
ti.OO per M. for th vsui
11.00 per SI. fur the .kail
K. 4 V Sec. 35, SV flj
SI, not to be sold for let m
per St., T. 36 S.. R. t T.9kl
yellow pine loSL, rirssl
fir 16 M., not to t.-:kW
$3.00 per SI. for thepmelll
SL for the fir. wiULUJl;
missioner. Oennral Lui.
C. McNeil Chiroputlw,
UK. M. ri. PLrER-CBWti
slcian. 114 W. Lam it
It Payi tt
Tho Kaiser advertissl k
lick the world, mil M5
business than he codi ij
We advertise the h l
thu hn.t meall ii I
burir and are gettaf t
ness every day. I
S ATlSr At i iw
are awaitini r" 85
The Douglas
PainltuEiinciio. C"'
UlS.. U. t-
T-w lie'
... .. t..lr1lnC
Teth Bti"J
When in Ui
Hotel Ump
.6.1 '
.t $75-00 f j
at Dernier, 1)
Upstairs Next
- ... ,, . 4f. ti M juwu
'iir iif'i.! M r,d ' M. White
'r .o si, st.,, DlBt M. M4