FOSEBURCJ NEWS-REVIEW, FRIDAY, MAY 2i. 1924. ACE SIX HelangliedatHogsB! Now rrnd thU letter of thanks from Mr. Kane. It apeaks for itself. Remember, it U because Kellogg' liran is ALL bran that it was so effective in his case just as it hat . been in thousands of others. Only ALL bran can produce 100 per cent results. mgin m young man weighing It) pounu in ihm MurM of rw month parked M hrd. a weakling writhing 94 fx.unda. An llrlv Udy whom I knmw sine I wit a kid paid m what thought Uat visit. t (xn b-mg Inld ol my f JM ht r. lmmditly mentioned your product lor auch an ailment. Mayha tm of ua didn't look upon her views vary litfhtty ... it waft to lautfhf My dar friend. I am till laughing . twit at your product, but becaua I am hie to- I am telling you and the world at large, "t-at KIivg Krumbkd Brant" U atiould be called 'Conetipat ion's wont rneniy. I owe you my heartfelt gratitude. I can talk, and whenever the opportunity rreeente Iteell, mv mouth U always lull of ran Kelloifg'a K rumbled. Wiehuig yuu countless days oi prograaa, I am Yours for success, John M Kan, 221 Salem St., Woburn. Mats. Eat Kellogg Bran, cooked and k rum bled, regularly to reliava constipation permanently. Two tablespoonfuls daily in chronic cases, with every meal. It ia guaranteed to bring results, or your nrocer will return your money. You will like tka delicioua nut-like flavor. Sold by all grocers ts MUOtt CONtllMllON "J (fa s BRAN I mi the original BUAN-ready to eat Koseburg's famous Blue Devils. the symphonic Jail orchestra, will appear, at the Antler tonlgnt in a special music 1 net. featiiriiiir six of the latest I fox trot successes of tlie day. 1"ue j !orih'ira w ill, appeur in full costume, and also play a ballyhoo on the! ! streets. The Antlers will undoubted-, i Iv be crowded to capacity tonight as , I this orchestra la always a drawinKl card on any program. Thomas .Meig- ban In "The' Confidence Man" will . also be shown and thia picture ia I f.rst run release. I Centrifugal, rotary and pump at Wharton Hum. plunger they will visit with friends nnd rcla- SON OF CHICAGO i live. Urand your sheep with Kemp's Mr. nnd Mn. Mm. W. M. Mc'lee left ttiia noon for Kurclin where thev expert to remain until the latter branding liquid, lied or blink at part of next week. While In Kugcne ! VI arton Ilros. MAN 15 KILLED (continued from pace one) More roses are badly needed V free distribution at the hotels Satur day, and the Woman's club, which baa taken up thia departure urgently requests everyone with small ros-'S, or buda to bring them to the Rose Show rooma In the llocbradel build lug acroHB from The News-Hevlew early Saturday morning. The flow era will be diatrihuted at lunch time at the five Koseourg hotels, and will be an attractive carnival feature for out of town vlaltora on Portland day. It ia planned to make thia a big fea ture but it cannot tie done without the cooperation of everyone with roues. More rosea and cut flowers of any kind1 are also wanted by the Woman's club to put on display in their rooms, and everyone ia urged to take all the blooms they have to the Hose Show rooms. Bathing Suits! WE SELL THE FAMOUS BRADLEY LINE ALL COLORS ALL SIZES Make our store your resting place during Carnival. WE LADIES SHOPPE 139 North Jackson Street, Rosi bury Hay carriers, track, forks, etc., at Wharton Ilros. Mrs. John Swanson. formerly Mrs. H. Kenton, of Astoria, arrived here yesterday to spend several weeks vis iting with her alster, Mrs. Nathan Kuilerton. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leatherwood of Yoncalla were in town this morn ing v.siting and attending to bus! I'eve von have commit!! an lnfrar-i " ",u,,t"- tlon of the above Instructions, How-! ". Hates, who has been hit, should vou follow out our itijat 1 ortland for the past two months strtirtlotiH to the letter we can nssure rer,'v'"K special medical treatment, vou that your son will be safely re-i"' return home tomorrow. Her con- turned to you wlihln six hours after; "",un reported much improved. receipt of the money "Yours truly, "tii:oit(iK johnson." With the money prepared as the letter instructed, Franks waited at once for Nugent, Alberta, his home ii 11 1 i I a telephone call from I where they will spend the Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Shlrtcliff, who have been spending the winter at Myrtle Creel- with their son, were in noseourg today and will leave at Canada, summer Johnson" nt 1:3d In the ntieruoou I with another son. told bin. to bring it In a taxi he was Tne burn ,g sending to a drug store a mile away, ouslv in I.-,, , Ity the time tin. can arrived, the f,- 7 f ,"","r,row "'"noon ily had been notified of the finding1' ,r''m "f Die body of a boy which developed ! I lr r ,"n her ' ,c"," thp to he Hubert. u J.:.Z K '" a0(,llt 100 ne- "II looks more like the work of bovsji -e, Ji ,ih T K "n ' to me," he said. "The average crim-1' c ".d ""7 ."il1 "r "Mn r cm,,, no, have writ-1 g u h across the sands under the guidance o, the camel driver. ten the letter to Mr. Franks." Re wards totaling tlo.unu for information leading to the arrest or convictions of the boy's slayers have been of- l.-.e.l. MeCormlck Peering mowers and binders are standard everywhere. :'ol. I by Wharton Ilros. NOTICt FOR BIDS FOR STREET IMPPnvcucuT Sealed proposals will be r., eiv...i hv ; the undersigned at his office In the jf'ly hall In the city of Hoseburg Oregon, up to 5 o'clock: n. m t..n,i.... A. Crow and granddaughler!"1,".,2'"1' V''"4' f"r lne '"iprovement i viieim sireet trom the umh li., of lj,ne street to (he north line of lieservoir Av.nue, rf the city of "oseuurg. Oregon, in the manner nr. Mm. If i f Itiddle were In town this mornnm alien. ling the and shopping. 1. C. Mctihehey and family of Glen gary are In Itoseburg today attend ing (he carnival and transacting busi- vlded by Ordinance No. 817. Ail puis must be submitted upon blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the underaiin...! t nil, I ....,., I... . . . nosehurg visiting with friends and at-l?,ru c heck uv hi. X rtl" t iidniK (he carnival. i ' 'd jlii t k payable to the City Trea- -... , , . , , , ( " ", r cent or me ,.,.-,,., n, , . ,,. iuK.ioiu. to bo forfeit Kins oi incnesierw in Dene Id at Charles Mostaff and family of Itld- 'ie nie spi'ieliliK the week end in I R .1 'Caldwell officiating. i f arm Auction! At the Premises, Rain or Shine MAY 27, 1924, ONE O'CLOCK '. J MILE TO SCHOOL, AND 1J MILES WEST OF WINSTON BRIDGE Sale will include 21 acres in Sections 1() and 20, Tp. 2$, Range 6 West, formerly a part of the A. S. 1 rey ranch 3-4 mile north of Hrockwny store, suliject to mortae of $1,000, due Auiiust 17. 1928. nt (. 6 room house, larn nnd outlmildings. Place has 419 U-arina prune trees, 40 Hartlett jvars, $ acres hearing apples" Looking Glass creek runs through one corner of place. Several acres good hroccoli land on creek lottom. Buildings insured for $1,000 to go to purchaser. PERSONAL PROPERTY I yoiinx Jersey rows. Iieih glv i.lnoli urn amount i'd to the cliv in i lie event Hi,l hi.i i . Wilbur at 3 o . lock tomorrow, ltev.l ii,!.i., LV...11 . "c- pieu anu tne ""in iuio a con tract and bond with the city accord- log to the terms of said bid. A bond I'cr cent of the contract, satis factory to the city will be reouired from the contractor. The time stated in the proposals for completing the work will be considered In awarding the contract. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Hy order of the Common Council. Ixited May :it, 124. H. U WHIPPLE. City Recordi r of the City of Kose- uurg, on gon. fir here In hosnitaW lnron i I Ing milk Z t.e.Is eeiiip.i lti 1 I.N II. Hi t rxiia Sprmr, heMilK Maihine orK.111 Sliiud Table llTl-MT sll Stand 6 hole Kit. h n liang voir Kltihen Cabinet I'i,. ntly mini. Fru-t Jars I" Spring '' I I'ouhle M,e I Ttirning r;,v V Miiiped 1 11. S .l.iv ChM-k I mniig Table ;,nllarv Ctui li i ', with rei-er r. . i ho kens ll"e. I;. ikes anl !ti,r srti, '1'" t.Ulll'TOllS to II. "liltntl TERMS OF SALE CASH IN HAND ' f? MRS. MABLE ROSS, Owner $ I M. C RADABAUGH, Auctioneer J I MR. CRAVENS. Clerk hospitals, larse olTices, fine honu-s where immaculate ness is demanilecl, Otlol Liquid Gloss is known bent, used most. Cleans and polishes- - floors, fur niture, linoleum, etc, hire rruujic STANPARD OIL CaMPANY ICldunO CALOL LIQUID GLOSS NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT Sealed proposals will be recelvet" by the undersigned at his office In the city hall in the ,-lty of Iioseburg. Oregon, up to 5 odock p. m. Monday. June jmi. ,!C4. fr ,he improvement 01 unrtaru av ilil 4 vr This fragrant nut-brown brew the West claims as its own QUAFF the quality cup and know Jvriy Hills Bros. Red Can is the favored coffee of a coffee-critical Vest. Realize why if outsells all other brands and why it earned the title of The Recognized Standard I The instant you break the vacuum seat and inhale that unique aroma, you know vhy homes of wealth and discernment adopted "Red Can" as their very own thereby establishing the coffee tradition of the West. Taste the flavor and be doubly sure that here, indeed, is wonder ful coffee. Hills Bros, originated the vacuum pack for coffee to protect that flavor and the coffee tradition. If you didn't see the label, you couldn't tell what the can con tained until you punctured the seal that keeps Red Can fresh permanently 1 For none of the aroma, can escape before the can is opened, With all its high' quality, Hills Bros. Coffee is not high-priced. It is econom ical to buy and economical to use. Hills Bros., San Francisco, In the original I'acuum-Pack which kiefs tht coffee freih. HHXS BROS COFEEE 1924. Hill. Briau NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR ' STREET IMPROVEMENT Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at his office In the' city hall in the ritv of Itoseburg Oregon, up to 5 o'rlo-k p. m.. Monday June 2nd, 1924. for i..e Improvement Hay forks of all kinds at Wharton Jl'OS. . Varearet nd Marjory Wilson of I.iddle sp-nt the day in town nt .ndtng the festival and' taking p.rt ,n the parade. ' .mi- 1 1 inn ii e .,t line ul i.nuurn airuui re.... ,1. . , . of M.,,1, . V ... . .. : ""-I 'me : "'i,,i-i i. me west line or .naurone Avenue ljitirelwo,d Addition, in the city of of I.aurelwod Addit Koseburi:. Or, ir.,n iH . 1f...,K,. ... ...... . , iiMiiiit-i pio- viueu oy ordinance No. SIS. upon Lawn mowers, garden b 1 sprinklers nt Wharton Bros. J. A. White of Palhart, Th rived In this city today wi," summer w ith his son. tA ' White. " On gen provided by Oidinanea Nu Sir!. u Dins must he submitted A 11 Kl. l. . Z v , ,,'i,";""n,r, by ""' n "' accompanied bv .. rt" "OviAn Kill Them. If, Gurnf , f.e.1 Iheek pavable to the City tr.l fled cheek nav.hl . . ' 11 VjUarant ra ine west line , Dctors description Amazing Success Uvercomes Kidney Ailments and Backoct I ..r,, K t ihe city trea , surer ir p. r c nt ,.f the amount bid. ! b" furfeiied to the citv in the event "aM ,'1'1 ' arc. -pied and the bidder ; shall fail to enter into a contract and bond with Die mv according to the I terms or said b: ! 1 rent of the font: i the city win he " pavaoie to the city trea surer tor a per cent of the amount bid to be forfeited to the citv In the event said bid Is accepted and the bidder shall fall to enter Into a con tract and bond with ih eov A bond of 100 per ing to the terms of said bid." A bond a ,, .aiismriorj to or mo per cent of the contract sail,, reiiulred from the fun P. f,Tr,: , "'v ""' 1 ,h: ! -ntractor. The time . 1 1 be con, I , ' "IT "i1" " rroposal, for completing ,J cl.n,ra t " " ""'iiaK ,n e considered in .warUiv Tk : the contract. ! " '- w'Him.E. ; R . iviiirpt r ohf Nnf In Dii Guaranteed. 6 Ounce BotW . The strall d, Mcate I'le Ki n,-v Sieves the cloe in. - I":m!is thin si.n.. i.i ;a.n tltnmgh rass get" l. i." "k "B nie,nl . ss-.em th "" ,','iii:c p, ni.-an the 1 loved one for nil of , , ... .. . ,n, is in ,1. hee.l n "' i'cnsl. ' -la P( The 'jf Pani.-l got well and s!a. fl tr vou have backs-1' ' soning and loss Of .Hill) the hiok face and I JIA frequent headachf . s I T",3 gel up hi i" " " d J ijl, ' a V"" moist. work Carev r, "f iIik. v sys'eni i ,-sivirtlon of known th iv'WSt id f. .'Visj Ci re . ; .hi. cut mo to vour dratr . ...w I WW say, i ins , " nrev a v.-.r:irw. tlon No. T oi Do, tor V . t- S . . . ' .. ...... fern V. was th- . r . .S "lu,a or.""' ... Ti .,, tv,:'" than Ftiiienon od his f.i. roots covn- Yott can 8v f n-wis and h,..i 'rv over Prescriptisa 777 h ' " "arshr, " ... Has helped others are Dmial 1 w. o. time that yon na - . 1 Fullerton ' .equally ef ect.' nren't Safl i -J s, I ir (-,..-. ,. . your money na' a till, Hlli-1-.T.SI ,1 to Mail ordtrs accepted.