ROSEBURQ NEWS REVIEW. FRIDAY, MAY 83. 1914. PAGS FIVE is FES TO PfflCE SPIRITS . t.A Pre? Wire.) (A,'r,;D Mav 23.-W. W. Ab PORTLAM - . . (he practlt0 tcUffs,ion of spiritualistic ine hi prtffes in a Icm. lle r.. i circuit court betore 1010 Irh 9 ability to materialize a mryh?,t a ter an hour's effort gave i-rit u,,a'lVh", .he atmosphere of "I' ... stuffy and not suf- JZ harmonious to permit a n' "hail been arranged at The ejnl8" li hli ,ld Judge K that he could prove by tanian tl at no r h,cilcai i ' - ,,, ...... pvea. .onn.ed.otheteet A to courl . .. ,. , ,i, .rand iury inet dimmed al- . l:T ' -...niomled they were ton1". ..... ji.nn.rri and a cot- : .plrltl.1. were 01 f ,. n-nviilH at- Uhere Tne "canoe was altend ',ae. ...... imlL-n and a few Loer men In addition to Ab- "n:;VaTh;.re';a; a wait. It V and extended. The tenseness. " w u .- Ilia onuct n- . 'gradually related. Nothing nap lvd and finally Abor fjnouBced wo'lld loreco me collar"! what his assistants . . .., hut he was revived U and court 'w ?JuJ- Abor s caso is m , ',, 1 anneal from inu"i'i"" ........ ' he wan convicted of futse .7 ...stlmonv of several per- s who declared they sat in at his .TPS At OII Or Uiesu TC.lIH.rn. lues. . n..i..a -trdillS tO It'HUIMOliJ', urn ,i.,niv turned ill) and tbe E, it later turning out to be r himseir. wraprec. in a ut. . ... iiv attorneys were Lie to the Jury today.. The case expected to (to 10 me juiy h. H. Sandblast, roruanu nuumcj d is defending Auer iu uu mm. i well known man In this vicinity, ine made his residenco here for a v f Ma moved to Inland some years ago where he been practicing law niiice. . o ' Hoover, assigned the posts of honor. ary chairman of the two sessions and a number of authorities present ing papers on various aspects of the general topic. The list of speakers this morning include Koliert Sterling Yard, execu tive secretary of the National Parks Association and Brighton luoore sec retary of the council of national parks, forest and wild life. Mr. Yard. Jn his paper, urged an Immediate government survey of the science resources of the I'nlted States embraced In the publicly owned lands and declared a "new national park, monument and forest systems." Moore, speaking as an Individual, outlined In his paper a program for a national outdoor recreational pol icy with special reference to the work of federal agencies. He Join ed lu urging a survey and classifi cation of the public lands, declar ing "It Is apparent that the land which Is kept for public ownership should be administered." SAYS: IT ENDS N E U RA LtG I A "No matter where located to get quick relief from the agony rub on stainless Joint-Kase," savs a New England chemist. Of course, Joint-Ease is the one great external remedy for inflamed swollen, stff Jollnts in ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, fingers or spine, and for that purpose its sale is tremen dous. Hut its power to give almost Instant relief in neuralgia, neuritis and lum bago Is becoming better known every dav soaks right in with a minute's rubbing A tube 61) cents. Always remember when Joint-Ease gets in polnttroi ' les get out quick. At all druggists. ASHINCTON, May 23. The at ion of tlie national conference mtiioor recreations was turned y to the. rerreation resources of rit ;i, with Secretaries Work and FAItM I51I.L JtKHATKU (Associated Frees 1-eased Wire.) ' WASHINGTON. May 23. The de bate began on the McNary-Huugen farm relief bill with Si hours allot ed for alternating periods of attack and defense of the measure. Pos sibility -of a vote before next Tues day seemed slight. Representative Kincheloe. demo crat, Kentucky a committee mem ber. Blurted the attack on the measure. Uj HKCIDK COCKT I'LAX (Associated Tress Leased Wire.) . WASHINGTON, May 23. Agree ment was reached today by the son ate foreign relations committee to finally dispose tomorrow of .the sev eral propositions before its dealing with American adherence to tho world court. The decision was ac cepted by most members as assur ing a favorable report on composite plan. ' 1 - - " ' let theMmily Jiidge this Season a Frye's Delicious Ham, after scoring the heavy outside skin in inch squares, by rubbing on mixed spices and then a paste of flour and maple flavored syrup. Brown in open pan, moderate oven. Then add two quarts boiling water, cover, and bake 1 5 minutes for each pound of ham. On account of the Frye method of curing and selec tion of tender young pork for this product, F rye's "Delicious" Brand Ham requires no par boiling or soaking. Have you ever tried a Frye's "Delicious" Ham for baking? Great pains have been taken in the selecting, curing and smoking of Frye's "Delicious" Brand. Its mild, en ticing flavor and tender juiciness appeals especially to the men folks. Thit well knoicn Frye label it a $afe guide to ojii form quality. It ' worth look ing for. ' V W J v, - mr-ySK w&yi--' -T'v'iK'-t.' wu-rvK , ' Saturday, May 24, to Saturday, May 31, Inclusive COOKIE and Cracker Lovers, a real treat awaits you at your grocer's this week. The Tru-Blu Biscuit Company's expert bakers have originated a delightful new English style cookie, called "Cup Custard." It is indeed a headliner. Being- two mellow cakes, filled with a custardy confection that tickles the taste at every nibble. FRESH "Cup Custard" cookies will be on sale at vour grocer's all week 4Cc a pound. And then " To Introduce TRg Universal Cracker your grocer will give you FREE with each purchase of Tru-Blu Cup Custar d ' Cookie a small size pack age of the f.nest soda crackers Tru-Blu bakers have ever produced the new TRU-BAKE SODAS. We want every man, woman and child in the Great Northwest to taste TRU-BAKE SODAS this week. They're shaped right, baked right and taste right. Their excellence is the result of 16 years of research and ex perience in fine cracker baking. Once you have tasted them, we KNOW you will be delighted with the "Universal Cracker." You Have No Idea How GOOD They Are Until You Taste These Tru-Blu "Cup Custard" Cookies , .' "Cup Custard" is a glorified English style biscuit. Light tex tured and mellow. Two such cakes baked to a tempting hickory hade and glorified with a generous filling of custardy fondant that makes this a really wonderful cookie-cake.' The name TRU BLU, impressed on every "Cup Custard" is your guarantee of superior quality. Your grocer has a FRESH supply. He will gladly supply you at 40c Lb r YoUTS f.-i lVy..T.'.sv tirfcr V'T.tll IM n IS: Clip the coupon nmt. 7'1E FREE PACK AGE OF mV-BAKE SODAS trill not be given unlrit the coupon it pretenttd. M and cVvi , Msj& m To Clrrrtr rfftl1 rwnttin f u VirUl.Cr5i thl. f-oupon praptrlT ifmd, ad th pnrrKaat- of t ponod or nor of Tro-Blo '"Cnp Outrd cook ir it. you mmf prrpr.( the rnstontrr with nnp mll prk of tho Dew TKi; BAKK FODAH. We will to-f-m thi-i coupon ot th Ft l-L rtU Tola ( V- inoU iu Tra boko tittdu. TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO., Spokane and Portland I LOCAL NEWS ! Tho Misses Hazel and llel n ' SpalHiiiK of I.ookinB (llass aro spending Ihe week eurt In Jioseburg. Here From Salem i Mr. and .Mrs. R. W. Marstiirs' and dauuhier Dorothy of Salem are rnmiiiK to visit relatives in Kosi buig. and attend the carnival. I SnV III I S SOI TII II.XKOT.V Aflor!:i(' 1 PreuM l.priHf"! Wlrv) WATCltTiiWX, S. ).. May ::!. Heavy, moiyt jinow, driven by a fur ious northwest wind, bepan falllni; here early toil.ty. It is said to be the latest Fprins snow liere on rec ord. Tho leiui'erutiire Is w.dl above freezint; and crop damage is not expected. Mrs. A. K. Johnson left lust cv-n- J Mr. S. Hyiin a resident of Kiddle j Hem From ltldcllo ' Iiir Tor Asbiiind where she, w ill vis- - spent the dav in HoseburK yeslnrday; Mrs. 1.. ITnward. resident of Itld It for a day o" two Willi friund.i und iitti ndiiiK Ihe carnival utid tranwicl- die spent Thursday In Iloseburg relstiveit. 1 Im business. I shopping nnd vlsiilni; with friends. I.envo For Aslilnnd Mrs. H. K. IJrown and son Junior,; left last evening for M"dlord where il. ev will make an extended visit ut I the home of Mrs. Drown s mother,; Mrs. J. J. King. .Irrfve.1 Int KveniiiK Mis. A. T. Crocker and three children of Toledo, Oregon, nrrived in the city last evening to Join Mr. Crocker, who has been working iu ine cny lur oo.i.v .nne. ! Itetiiins From roiHiinil I Mr. H. Ityan. a resident 'of Itidilb' ! last evening from I'ortlHiid wl.c ie I she has been with Mr. Harness who I recently underwe.-ii an operation lor ai pendiritis In that city. BuV llimi mnA R.nn !. ll,:. n..l Nam Vou'll fmcj them "Everything the Nsiwe Implies" i I :. urn From r-Bon t ity ' Mrs. 11. 1. Harris. .Mrs. J. ('. I Cnimparker and .Mrs. I'oster llui I ner rett:rn d last eveninK from (ire ton Ciiy w li-re liiey havt been at- . ..- . . 1.-. ........ tlou. M-illn From Mills it I Mrs. P. H-'imore of Mills ri!-j 'is in the ei:y viltin? with friends' i nnd relative and gttendini: the 1 strawberry i'r.rnivr.1. Mrs. r.alti- n.oie was formerly a resident of j lioetburg. :!ll l-ITH HF.ADH IdJII'AVV t Assei iJU. 'l Pi-ckm l.'isc.l Wire. I ATLANTIC CITY. May :;:!. K. T. Griffith, president of the Portland Ktectrie I'o'-v. r company. Portland. Ore., was today elected president of the National Klectrlc IJubt Asso ciation in convention here. rnocaoi . Tocaoi 'j o au's wcu y Jj A great niany people M kidneys, have taken Foley Pills a ci'iu relic stimukint for tl.e kidneys and are feeling O. K. What their kid nrv nred- 0 cd was a good Hushing U and tlicy got it. Demand FOLEY PELLS u o A diuretic stimulant for the kidneys o n Jhrv arr Said Etrvtt hrtt J0S30 SUMMER FABRICS! HOLEPROOF, IRON CLAD AND KAYSER HOSIERY is a combination mi xd-IIc! in wi-arint; q j.tlity uii'l appearance. All iliu very nt-wt-Ht Blituk-b. Tho n'W(,-t fancy an. novHiy Silks - int luiliiij; tlie hcautiful and I;iiim.ii". MALLINSOM'S Silk de Luxe SOLD EXCLUSIVELY HERE LACES AND TRIMMINGS of all kiteli nr.? very itood this s an ti. V.'e cany the most loin j.ieie line in tlie city. See our luce toiiar and ve.stee. sets. Tin y are new. Imported Dress Voilns t Ratines and Ginghams in a ph a"ii:c variety or plain colors and figured (lesit'le-.. SELECT YOUR NEW SUMMER Gouts, Suits and Dresses, Sport Sweaters ar.a Skirts. from our ii '. larce asoitnient of Htvlish l;e.iil-toVear and make It a PRINTZESS GARMENT I I'.l RSER & REDI' ERN RUST.PROOF CORSETS and CORSELETTES CipIIch nn! Itrnnslcres aro well Known for their comfort ami quality. SILK and USEE UNDERWEAR lu Ihe Kavsi.r, l.tixlto and I)e pemlon tniil'es. are the iiiohI re liable. I,.r.t but Lot least GLOVES S-'ilk, Fabric and Kid. them. We have L ABRAHAM W. F. CHAPMAN THE SILK STORE I CR DEI'ES'DO.X GOODS DEPESD OS US. n ifilw n1ii amr iii r 11 111 inn t.