PAGE FOUR FREE PACKAGE GIVEN WITH COUPONS Cut Coiii. n from Friday. May 23. issue of News Review and bring to lliia store for redemption. PICKENS BROTHERS Staple and Fancy Groceries, Phone O. K. on Our Work When you give us a pair of hoeH to repair and they come back to you, looking like new, you will bo more than willing to Ktamp your o. K. on the Job. You nvn money, get baek your old coiiitortiihlo pair, and your feet am grateful. W." S. HOWARD 214 N. Main St or Kidder'a Shoe Store VERDICT DE GUILTY Annorlntpd I'rfta ..nanl Wire.) MOIHLK. Alii., May 2.r Tin. Jury In IIh east of 41 McfondantM rh;ir;'li wiih 4'ounirHcy to violate th tux-' tloiial prohibition v t. rutiirntMi a vr-j diet loliiy of K'Hlty n.nliiHt 11 of (hoi (l.'r.'iHiuiitH m thn federal llntrlct I court. Tin tliirly llirfo mhms wtio lit qililtiMl. Tin- flcfcmJanlH convicted arr : Harry H. OCuiinor. livn t duly, JVrry CoiIIiim. Tin mm h Cornon, , Janii'M IIuvck, 1, U. Doiiauhiui, l:m I. J-nilmn. l'i-rry II. KeurtiH. John J I. McKvnry, I'. J. OHhiiUKhiuHMy and (ifioiiilno IVrri. Kfarns i an ttllorin-y himI O'Sliiiuifl.lH'HHy la form or chief of ill'. Doiiatthuo, a form er tie I'll ty jtln-rlff. GREAT CARNIVAL SPECIAL An I. C. Y. Hot Vacuum pint bottle for II 1U at Churchill llilw. Co. GEYSERS GF REAL ( AMKtu'luti'il l'i r luJrl Win.) (IIM'ACU), M.4V -ii'KtTH of real In-, r. spurt ,n tiw fet-t In the r fur limn Hum an lnmr List n'shl and flood tiir itrw.-ii in tin vicinity of tin. Manhattan Im-wiTy, Uhcd tin liaslH for police tint ti:t'!oii to la v I hat tul vinit MHih'ii had Iwa ' iKEARNEY'Sl :;o West GROCETERIA SATURDAY Orocjon Grown Aspanus, iu-r ll V Oregon Crown C.' h.ij.(-, jht ll : . Cr Kn Ctown 1,-;s, 2 Hi. for Oregon Crown l.cUmc, 3 lumls for J- Cr;iK- I rtiit. extra Lue, jx r tloz J; New Tol.tUH's, xt 11) l, x-r i!o g 30c on I lorkla Crapt- 1'ruit, 3 cans (or g 34c tan rinrvppK-. cans for ,. 7c pat k. i (.'taiki ts. pt r pkn lie vuk.ij:-'s ("r.-tkrrs, p.-r pk. t$ 30c pat kaicos CraVkcts. per pk 45c package Crackcis. per pk tj 1 5c p,ck.ii;cs Craliatn Cracker , p r do t 30c;c Craliatn Crackers, per pk. I 5c Mi.kat;t"s Cooki-s. er pk Crystal Wliite Soap, J 5 liars for K Kovul Wliite So.iiv, 30 liars fir S Serve Yourself and Save t ? Kearney's Groceteria I 7: .stow: that nnorciT i:u nonw I iwocox-w.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.: Fruita and Vegetables 08 (tlvt-n of a contcni.ilatcd raid, ".lore than ltMt.noa pa I lorn of beer wait drained from brcwiriK vain. AnulyH.H HhoAtd a hUh alcoholic conU'iit, of fice uaid. A concert. d drive by po lice and fMl-rul HgtMit to cIohb t'Very brewory iu noitht-ra lllluuii which is uianiiraclnrinx lt''tr of IIIhkuI alco holic content hait nniud In prict-H having jumped con.Hlderahly. It 1h also reported (hat a defense fund of St;'o, ouu wan heiiiK mim-d for lhonu arret ed, 'thirty alleged brer ruunerH were urreutt'd IuhI Monday, STOPS II JM (Asieieltited rrcNM l.eiised Wire.) SHANGHAI, May 2'.'. Hud weath er today prevented A. Stuart .Muclur en. Itritinh nvintor, who Ih flying arituiHl the world, from hopping olf frntu Akyah, lliirmn, for Hiiugoon, iih he planned. aya a Neuter din pnteh Irmn CaUuttii. ( A.-m imfxl I'rc) lnmx' Wire l'lKT i;i'SH, Antrim. Ireland. May 112. Jiim o Wcthered .tun. v r C ti'd (he lint lull woim-iiti ' i han.plonnhip whii li she ht v;r ty defiant Mrs. K. C'auil gol( lot . of Th.nut. captain of the Kitl county ltMtt uiiv-i'ii lift mill i tii in tti.i J. Iiolo finnl luaich. .100 HV.s Ci.s'.s Street vSPECIALS 15c 8c 23c 23c C'1.15 10c . 40c 70c 70c 5c 10c 25c . 40c 10c 25c 10c ?1.00 $1.00 mom BURO (AssorUted Prima Leaatd Wire.) CHICAGO. May 22. Wm. G. Mc Adoo is going to do nothing but work between now iind the democratic con-1 rent lor.. II.- will leave tonight for I-os; Angeles where ho "aid he w-ulu ro m:iin until he and Mrs. MrAdoo de piuted to Now York to attend the convention in New York. , Ixm't miss the bargain sale at The Ohinan Garage, 32 W. fans. GROUP WAREHOUSES BURNED LAST NIGHT (Continual from page od.) pllea, poultry fifd, and canned goods valued at about JC.0O0. The California Oregon l'ower com pany lout heavily in materials and auppliea. There were aeveral plies of cross arms, several miles of copper wire, Insulators, transformer oil, paint, and other materials amounting iu all to about tlu.OOO. In S. H. Crouch's warehouse, the Slaty Klh and Game Commission had stored a quantity of nails, and build ing supplies, valued at about JIM, while Steal na ond Cheuowetu of (,)ak-1 land, and S. II. Crouch, lost a carload of wire fencing, and a quantity of barbed wire and hardware supplies. The Southern l'acific company's loss will be light, according to Super intendent King. The passenger roaches which were damaged i!l be sent In to the repair shops where the warped sides can be pounded back In to snape by air hammers, and a new finish put on. The running gear was not Injured. It was found necessary to replace several lengths of track which was warped by the Intense heat. During the progress of the fire It was feared several times that the blaze would get away from the group of warehouses and set fire to other buildings, iu which case it would have been almost Impossible to have saved Ihe south tnd it! town. rJinbers werestrewn as far as Me ier's Addition, and many homes were endangercd. George Staley's store on Sheiidun street caught fire twice. A fire was found on the roof of .Mi l Thompson's home on Lane street. The roof on 0110 of Councilman i'ow dl's homes on l'ine street also caught fire and a file was luarted at the homo of Mrs. Currier on Mustier street. All of these, however, were bundled with gardeu hoses, us the residents were on the lookout for these dangers. The buildings destroyed were very old structures. One of lliein, itccorilliig to Judge Jtlddle, who uii! d In lis construction, was built in lbl'i, the year following the arrival of the rail road In Item bin g. It was built on a cooperative hasls by a number of fanners and used as a storage place for wool. Tho firo rut the Western Villon wires out of commission for a short time, as the htiining poles curried out the telcpgraph wins. However, an emergency Hue was quickly strung, and comiiititi lent ion restored iu a short space of time. This is a Stndebaker year. MMI1 SIITR! (.!llcllltld I'lt!"! I.'Il!Ui vir?. I V ASHINtiTON. Mav r:!. Uiram . C. Todd, special assistant to the at-; torncy -general In i harKt of prose cuiiiiti (.alon It. Mian, npp'-ured tida he fori the f. n.ile Pauhi-rty : cotumisKton to deny previous test!- loony a to his connection with de- t'divt HctiritirA ilirectt-d ii.Minst t th cfimmiltee and It.- witnesses. ) Turning a-slde temporarily I rorn ; ev.imtnaiion of witnesses relating to conupiion iliarnes, the spociai led-' era I il a Tol jury receiv ed more ' terhnh nt inioi niation todav r''i:aril- , in the T apoL Point renal oil re-; serve. A. W. Anihtose anil I. It. ' Toui.ii oi the iut erior depart men t ' ere tines imi d and (lie jury tlien until Te..sday. The lint; of tttllifx s is (amy well exhausted and If the prompt a t tendance of ;'epe el tlli.' 1 d the ill i'liry el ude.l h Mil lit can lie sev'ur iSlv w ill he eo n- k er ten days. pto1 WSafc III 'ir For nfjnft. iJrrn. The ArrA ....... .. .ii--,! vtrr.mcrr. in pouter j;Tm.m..ii-sThcF, vi-Driiikfr-Al'.Agrt. r.:rtiMc-No Cn'aig. A l:i;'it Lcnch ali.iv at ran. I. Aim in T let form. A-k f -V.athtk'tr at all Fountains, W Avoid lmitatioas Subttituta WgWB - WEVIBW. FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1924. Better Coffee ieffer Cess Insert over protruding lip Can is opened and you have a It J was voiced l,y Govenor Louis F, Hart and Janus A!'..n. state supervisor of liinhwav.. foliowlnB their arrival hero l:i-t ni.:!.t a. 1 ompanle.1 hv a number of ether siate efflelnls. Cov. rnnr Hart declared tint "hriilces e 1 !,e state hih'way ss tein shuiild huilt by the state and puMie Inhii.i s should be free." j iu own home, and see linw l-ihi.i .., feel. Puko Lumber and Find ( omiMriv has lumber to build tt aiel fuel to h. at it. I i Vresn l...i,d V.'lr. I'-l.KS. May 22. Harold picture and ;rid lvivi.i. als. known . Me:e a worried look as i.nd don (lie corridoi 1 re lrit n : 1: !l t . Wis ac mistle evi'reion r-'- r. w to n the doctor an !' w as a Kirl pnd v. -1' ti Vrs. l.'aix.l w.i. ie;K-i"t-r. hll. t i tie '"' l.aife iinber or new rua now 'lock At Powell'. In Remove key from top ISiiii Wind key to the right CMkteia fllfest Coffee AT THE STRAWERRY CARNIVAL IN ROSEBURQ I (Tune "Marching Through Georgia.") Mrs. Mrs. O. G. Collins. ! Bring some good old berries, boys, we'll have another feast, ' Better far than anything we ever had ia ,.nb Bil " ! Better far than cherry pie. or punch, t. inv the least. .. cir.wberrv Canlval In Rose- burg. Chorus Hurrah! Hurrah! we sing it o'er and Hurrah! hurrah! we'll call for one dish more, Troubles flee before us, as we least with friends galore, At the Strawberry Carnival in Rose- burg. Now the berries ripen, turning red cheeks to the sun. How our friends have labored as they picked them one by one, , How we do appreciate this work that; is well done, j At the Strawberry Carnival in Rose burg. How the children "gobble" when they get this luscious treat, How red berries correspond to older Hps so sweet. To their praise is sounded north by everyone you meet. At the Strawberry Carnival In Rose burg. Oh yes, and there is money mado in such a royal crop, Wise old friends will tell you this w ho never drink a drop, So If you'd planned to go away you d better plan to stop. . At the Strawberry Carnival in Rose Original. Written by Mrs. O. G. Collins, .March 20, 1917. I LOCAL NEWS : (Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 1S9-L. Dry mixed spray for pear. L. W. Metzger. Just remember the Fern's specials on pansies this week. ftz & Duna Shoes are here in new shades and shapes. Bellows Store Co. Wanted Dry Cascara bark. We pay highest prices. Merger's bargain Store. Lloyd wl.j iage you cheaper on long trips: no trip less than EO cents. Lloyd's Taxi, phone 41. 125 Sheridan All tires , tubes, motor oils nna ; greases selling almost at cost at The: Oh'man Garage, 324 W. Cass. Onyx Hosier is worn by the dls- criminating woman, for its style and, Its consistent price. Bellows Store Co. j Protect your eyes from the rlnre of the sun with a visor or colored; glasses. We have both. Lloyd Crocker. Cleanse, tone and nourish the skin with Elizabeth Arden's creams, ihe secret of youthful beauty. Lloyd Crocker. Orders taken for broccoli plents, grown from Imported seed, $4 per thousand. 10.0U0 up, $1.75. Fred Schmidt, I'illard, Ore. MEPFORD-KOSEBURG freight line leaves Tuesdays and Fridays for Med ford, arrives Mondays and Thursdays. For information Phone 66 or 302. I will nt be responsible for any bills contracted by my son, Lucius L. Patterson, after this date. Roseburg. Oregon, May 17, 1021. O. K. PATTERSON. We buy end sell everything In fur niture at "ovreU's Second Hand Store. Orders taken lor broccoli plants from Ashby's imported seed, the best on the market, also from Kruses Os wego seed. Round Prairie Ranch. Round Prairie, Ore. coxci.fdi; SKSSIOV fAsa.M-lM. d ries Leased Wire.) WAHINGTON. May 23. Business sessions winding up with eleetinn of officers today, concluded the three day convention here of the American Institute of Architects. William 1!. Kale of San Francisco was unoppos ed for president. Edwin 11. llar strom of Los Angeles and Ellis F. Lawrence of Portland. Orecon. were the nominees for first vice-president and director. The names of Edward ltok and Dr. Charles Custis Harrison of Phil adelphia were placed in nomination for honorary membership by the hoard of directors. DONT BE OPER.TED ON SURGICAL operation! for are larcdT UNSUCCESSFUL. ii preyed hythe6S! ot uchcajcn which re ocrox within two vear.. My NON-SUR-CdCALrociWUwr whkh I GL'ARAN TEEtoctireanvceerilcorrctutvith.e rtiemr'i frt, are amtle, mild and Kxxh ng. The (rrrtlv enhircrd orncr, which houae my inctca v:d tt.-iH ot ill cvl art en J innireiwirlnmteinntw hml.iint- 4. Joining m hotel wiierecnit ot town pat- it-nta mav nc convtnient Iv and corr.icrtb!y I.kji- r.L - V-iU illirAalea bcL CHAJk. DEAN.M.D. Inc Jin a nv-i-MTi COtRJ :-r POTlaflp CfltOOlN Classified Section FOR SALE I FOR BALE Chevrolet Dug. Bia ai- cell! Pt. FOlf SALE l'W Ka'8- 'U1- M' ror' ter. Camas Valley. Oregon. Foil ' SALE A fw' Poland China pigs. Ivar Crao, lburre. FTjirSALL'-S young laying hens, and 7 young chickens cheap at 418 ... ... ..I No. Rose St. FORSALE one hundred lb. ahoats. Also one O. I. C. brood sow. Liud- blom, Dixonville. FOR SALEOU EXCHANGE Five I'ol-Angus bulla, been too long with heriLJInnin.JappyJalley. FOR SALE 100 tier of wood, on ground. Can be hauled by truck. See J. D. Reese, or call 29. West Side Grocery . FOlFSALE First cutting alfalfa hay, ll23 crop, for 4.f.O per ton. Not baled. Arthur R. Weeks, Ruckles, Ore omi'dii i? r. riMin'i nlastered house, 2 closets, bath, pantry, garage, wood! shed. Lot 100 by 150 ft. Address 'B" care News-Review. I FORAU?l7 ltying hens, aomei full blood l'lymouth Rocks. Also' about 35 young chicks, 2 mos. old.; 1143 Cile St Millers Addition. I FOR-SALE Five room house and ir.ta Vn 12 and 13 In block 21 in Sutherlin, Oregon. Cash price t"00. Terms $S00. A. R. Mabley, Marshfleld, Ore. FOR SALE 6u0 acres Al pasture. 1 iron wheeled wagon and rack, $25. 1 disc cultivator, S10. 1 light single buggy. 3. 1 set light driving har ness. 15. 2 12-inch plows, 3 each. 1 drag harrow, J5. A. S. Jenkins. T FOR RENT T FOR r.ENT-j-Flirnished sleeping room. Reasonable. 311 E. Oak bt. ROOM FOR RENT Pleasant sleep ing room for rent. Inquire 421 S. Jackson St. FOR RENT 5 room plastered house.' nowly retinted, $25 per month. Ap-I ply at 518 So. Main St. FOR RENT Four-room furnished , apartment, garden, abundance of flowers and fruit. Phone 227-Y. SEE THE MOTOR I BOAT THAT MOTES Continuous re-md trips made Thurs-' day, PriJay and Saturday at Crocker's l)rug Store. This b a Studebakcr year. ' H.T.ICTTTtTCTI Y-Not-Eat Breakfast At The Douglas Grill Try Our Breakfast Specials The very best Coffee with Pure Cream. Hot Cakes and Waffles. Something different all the time' Our prices are very reasonable W. R. WARNER, Mgr. Auction Sales I arm or city auctions sec ua t S fttr tlatea. V JjJ Wo buy and sell fur.iiture. Purgnins In new and used S Household Goods. i , 4 ? Is! I Radabaugh-Patterson 328 N. Jackson Jhone S41. 2 .M6I.KOMWtI.IoWtII.lj?1 nuAruKm COMPANY 321, N. Jackson St., Roaeburg Tapestry Davenport and ing Chair to match. Khroclcrs Genuine Leath er, Day-Nite Davenport. Re ed Rockers. Simmons All-Steel Four postcr Boda Simons De Luxe Mat tress. Vernier Porch Hammocks. ALL NEW AOS ON BACK PAGE TOR KENT-Safetr t. T WAfffTrr WANTEO-ciea7-v office. aw- W VANTEl-GIrl--07---r- work. lhone 3S3 " It wiM'i-'iu trr-i reeuer hTT Soldiers H. '. RAGS WANTEDAT owl to News-Review offw , 7H pound. Kt- S J POSITION WATEICF; fice experience lncluCw' ng time keeping in bank, railroart erences. Ad,l "J Review. ' i LOST AND fJ FOUNI-Lodge pin. twH this Office, deserih. 1 nav for n,1v fBtrJ . . m. .... yaj, n.,7-1 this office, describ nav for arlv ' ruunl racaage coouSr Ha ni.. aii , ..w hi. unice, W- erty and pay for .T "' LOST Amethvst rirrr- washroom of Hotel fmto ... .ivwani i J'lf ase return to C. J. Bir. LOSTCameo brooch bitS oi vass anu Jacksoi a Main streets. view office. Mrs. G. JL DtJ LOST Between DillaH t ; and camp ground onu.' suitcase containing f.I parei. papers, ueeiU tai certificate. Will finder t: me at Canyonvllle, Orti celve reward. Mrs. Hes.e MiSCELLANEOi FOR HIRE Touring a, trips a specialty. Pbou: l.aurlnson. WILL CARE for chife homo during strawbenj Call 915 HainiltonSL Psialeu Extraction CuTiJ DR. II. R. NEffi Dental Masonic Building P. I'kon 4St Teeth Extracted anil Mm.i day wltta or without. MATERNITY 1118 Winchester St M Mrs. D. Cormri Patients privileged tt kin own doctor. Seat Covers Made m AUTO TOP A!I0 0?MISE C. M. JONES, Pf Phone W Winchester and NoJl When in Rose! Hotel Ump SUIT at Dernier, The Tj Upstairs Next to fsjP j PHONE Pactcurizalic! OF :-" Mcnns nc''a .. .Mr ( ,nro- . tnnk to holdinlt t'-! ; tur- thea cco- dctrcei r"- Roseburg h II AND S0DA:'