ftOSEaUHQ NBW-ltVIIW, FRIDAY. MAY 23. 1SJ4. PACE THREE" ii Y i II 'I I I ' I F ' ' ' 1 ' T" I I I I I - l i i in iii VLbS Id 1bo Hi l OF I rine and a lime of prayer, and a social hour. hvery member is urged to be at these two important meetings. Our friends ure invited. The Sunday school at the icgular hour of S:45 a. m. A cor. I Sunday morning The diul Invitation to all to attend. The Corps. spniiisn young people nave planned a special summer rally In the evening at 5:45. Every young person Is urged to be piesent. A fine program is planned, lietrtsnnituis will be served before the meeting. Ilerlha I'entney will be me icauer. ine meeting will be out -h Cor. ard St. c- """" ual memorial seniiuu ill be preached at soMier U-cVn an J Boy Scouts are .i ,1,1.. service in ho can " " .,,. l" tk. Itihla ncb.K.l aiiill'ion umi will run uite ..... It'll in iut e b1""" - - tr"- i o.uu u. u, ii e it:te. the entire month of June. I.i calaureate services at tUo hlt;h school. ! E at 7 o'clock. Subject. Mr. Caldwell will deliver the sermon. Holy Day. hat s 11 rur "uu A cordial welcome to the public. ; There win "u ;"r","' . ..tuuiit m in rim rrcsoyienan cnurch. Corner M . .....1 tn ilia men . ...... PAGEANT IS 11 MARVEL TO ALLl I thirty minutes before the aervi...... ... TKmn.nJ. WTU H7j- the i.i..v. .........i .v.... witness yvonuer- f ul Production by Schools of Roseburg. be iirtaclied in the high jne und Jac kson St. Sunday school iCtJNts WERE HISTORIC 10 KnottB, i F Church. Jos. :m;(!ay- Fchool at 9:45. J. E. ck Sunt. Come and enjoy v JfVxI's V'" wi,n us- r" under the direction of Mrs .. .. L' TniehliMtil uli at 11 ociock. juuiu. at 6:3. Claire Taylor pres. ,n ji,Kriant meeting a n. ual election of officers. A program lias been prepareu. leadership U Youth in Meth Siieiial music, solo, male 'iuil uiThestia. All Kpwoilh- 1 their lrieiids are urged to at No pre acinus service in ins on account of the bac- e sen ice at it. a. j Loroe'l Episcopal Church. Cor. ! Main Sts. Ilev. A. u. uouge, , ;unclay services, fcariy loin-' at S:uu a. m. ( liurcn soaooi i. m. Morning prayer ana :t 11:00 a. in. The subjict of on will he "what is the Am liscopal ( imrch?" This H thej I series of lictnrrs to be glv Sunilay in this chinch for two months. Yoa mv enpe-j viiwltoatlei.il. No e ve. ling I account of tliu lilah , i jxerciscs. a :4a a. in. Lesson liuth. Classes fur all ages. Come and study with us. Morning worship 11 a. m. Itev. Smith of Wolf Creek.- Ore., will preach. You will enjoy his gernicn. Come. Junior! and Intermediate C. E. 3 p. m. Senior! C. E. 7 p. m. .No evening service on account of bacculareate serrices high school. Ed SOITU HKKlt litKKK KKSIDKXT IS HEAD na Haseltine and Scho Faculty Stage Beautiful Spectacle Which la Said to Be Best Yet. A. YV. YS'ende, passed away .May 21, at the home or his sister Mis. A. Karcher, t South Ui-er Creel;, r ter a long illness. He was boiM in (Jermany. NVv. , 1S52, and came to this country in ls.MJ and was n.it u urulized. lie spent the last 2 'J years of his life on a farm In the South Deer Creek district. Ho leaves hiJ sister Mrs. A. Karcher, and one brother, Edward Weude of New York, "also two nephews and a niece, he funeral services will ba held at the I iideriuking chapel on Sunday. May 25 at 2 o'clock, Uev. Culdwell will officiate. Interniejt will take place in the I. O. O. t cemetery. Thousands of people flocked to I-aurelwood last evening to witness the school aiiHi-ant "The Itislon- nf presented by the Koseburg the supervision of and the Koseburg I Oregon 's'unents uiul I Kdifa Haseltine NOTICE FOR BIDS ptional Bible Students will v Sumlrv ld:S0 a. m. The ill be in The Harp of Cod and iator or the At'ineT.ent, t unto his brethern. "In all behooved him to le made h:s bri'therr.:' that he might -iful and faithful Hivh Priest pertaining unto God to incilialion for tho sins of -."Hob. 2:1". In our lord's m in the wilderness at the k of His ministry. What was iiil-gi stion made by the) ad ,h vecovileil, and was this a l to Utm na a new Creature .an. y i ' rsary Sunday at Baptist 'i'l'is S:milay will he the be- k the pastor's fourth year of iih Hi ist church. It is plan-' ;nnr the occasion by having, mber there if possible. An :iip,-.k'n will he promoted for; ;g of the S'J'iijO.OO that the 'led at the last annual meet-' le bi:iiding fund. No pledges ilicited this Sunday but sev di.russ the situation. The iiornincs meeting will be on n c:;t Wednesday even at time a big basket supper 'ill in liie basement at 6:30 the siii!r wiil be held 1 the building campaign, i Bids w-ill be received by School i Dist. No. G. for boring and casing a 6 in. well. Hoard of directors may re ject any or all bids. Mrs. T. E. Dun can, clerk of Dist. No. 6, Koseburg, Orugou, Kt. 1. me grade schools, high . i-lu, unn t)tt, ,llKn gCtloo orcliestra combined forces to make ! he event the most successful of its j kind ever staged In this city.. I The setting for the pageant was h eal, ihe massive laurel and oak trees forming a beautiful baak j ground and the starry skies above j providing a canopy for the stage. ! itli the aid of many electric llght3 I ''le snlc effect was enhanced and those who witnessed the production I vo,,'d " one of the big carniTul at tractions. x i The teachers responsible for the pageant deserve great deal of credit. The hanging or nearly a thousand school children, ranging from the primary grade to the high school, is no small laslc -nrt th- .i. , fectlve manner In which they drilled i iiinicaien ing her plea from not guilty to guilty. The fine was paid and she was released from custody. A cl aree of driving a car whi'.o intoxicated will probably be placed against her by tho state. i i despite the los3 we sustained at the warehouse . we are still in the Grocery game, supplying the Iple of Roseburg and the county with food stuffs at st prices. When you want the best for less, you Jound to get it at IncntllH of hnrrl nrnnllH, WOMAN' FIXED I. ine manuscript for the pageant Mrs. Cyril II. Stephens, who was nal 'een edited by l'ror. J. H. Horn arrested In Camas Valley recently on , r ' - A- C., an authority on Ore a charge of clrunkeness. was lined Kn history, und every feature of the $50 in the justice court after chang- 1 1"" was Historically correct. iiieiiiiier oi me cast wore a beautiful costume to portrav his or her part. Oregon roses, Umpqua Y alley prunes, broccoli, berries, wildcats, bugs, frogs, rabbits, sun beams, Indians, fog, raidrops. rain bows, etc, were all there and as each epoch' of the pageant passed in re view the large crowds cheered and cheered. une or ine most Impressive fea- uires or the pageant was the patrio tic tableau depicting Ihe blue and the gray, followed by the flag drill. The closing number, the w inding of three maypoles, was beautiful. The program as presented last night as follows: t I'rolofruo (Supervisor Mrs. Keenan.) Before while man came (Hose and Benson School.) Roses. Butterflies, Frogs, wild cats. Rabbits. Indians. Uanre of possession by Miss Ore gon. (Music from "Blossom Time." by 3chuliert.) March of the Frog Raindrop, Rainbow and Sunbeams Fifth Grade. Dance of the Rain drops and Sun beams Filth Grade. Kpurh I (Supervisor Miss Potter.) Pioneer Period 1803-1849 (Ben son School.) Sacaiawea. (leading Lewis and Clark Into the great Northwest and meeting the Northwest Indians.) Sacajawea recognizes her brother as the chief of tho tribe. Oak and maple hardwood flooring. See our samples and stock. Denn-Ger-retsen Co. Hill Wade returned last evening from Portland where he has been spending the past week or ten uis visiting and transacting business. Don't fail to attend the Koss farm sale at Brockway next Tuesday. The farm and all personal property will be sold at auction. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Herman of Myrtle Creek are in town today at tending the festival and to business matters. Mrs. J. H. Hammond left this noon for Detroit, Michigan, where she will spend a part of the sum mer. Mrs. Hammond will visit a few day in Portland before leaving for Michigan. IT WAS A BAD FIRE! VERYBQDY'S EXCHANGE Continues. No I BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG let Specials Specials Specials Specials Specials Specials Specials up till Sat, 9:00 p.m. in Pongee in Ginghams on Shoes on Hosiery on Towels on Scrim on House Frocks BIG Specials on Underwear DON'T MISS THIS MERCHANDISE EVENT! ii BELLOWS STORE CO. The Style S tore F o r . Wo m e n it PROGRAM TODAY Today was school day nt the Straw hciry Carnival. The en'.fre day's program was given by the schools of Roseburg and the surrounding com munity. One of the striking facti In connection with the celebration was the participation of the rurul schools The outside schools were very well represented and their en tries were exceptionally well worked out and presented. In fact, tncy ex cited much comment by the thor oughness with which they entered Into the competition. During he morning the annual county declamation contest wan held at the Baptist and Presbyter Ian churches and at the high Bchool auditorium. This afternoon all of the schools of the county participat ed in the annual track and field meet. A huge crowd was present for this event, and everyone was well pleased. The winners will be an nounced tomorrow. in in Thy True- The high school Is preparing for the nnnual graduation evercises which start on Sunday with tho Bac calaureate services at the high school auditorium. All of the churches of the city will join In this service, at which Rev. II. D. Cald well will speak. The program for the evening is as follows: Processional. Song, "Tow Firm a Foundation," audience. Prayer, Rev. C. II. Hilton. Solo. "How I.ovely Are Dwellings." (Ilriggs) Puul lilood. i ' Scripture Rcadtir;, "o". Stowart Odell. i-'ong, "America The Beautiful," ! audience. j Address, Rev. II. L. Caldwell. I Vooal selection "ihe Shadows of I Ihe l-.'vening Hour" ( Itarrl-Slnill.iv i Miss Kdna llazeltine and the senior Ulotiolo mixed quurtetto. J Benediction. j The class exercises are to tie held at tho high school auditorium on ; Wednesday evening und the com i mencement program' will be given on I Thurtday evening. W. .1. Kerr, of the Oregon Agricultural College will speak. DAILY WEATHER REPORT II. S. Weather Huresu. local office. I Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 6 a. in. , ; Precipitation In Ins. and Hundredths I Ill.'.hest temperature yesterday. 74 ! Lowest temperature last night.. 47. Precipitation Inst 24 hours 0 j Total precip. since Brat month., .60 ' Normal precip. for this mouth. 2.05 i Total precip. from Sept. 1, 1923 I to date 17.E0 Aver, precip. from Sept. 1, 1877 32.38. Toisl deficiency from Sept. 1, 1923 14.88 Average precipitation for 46 wet seasons (September 'to May, Inclusive) ...81.48 Genorally cloudy tonight and Sat urday. WIM.IAM BFIT.T,. OherTr. W.K&MIMIMW'IWI'. ROSEBURG, OREGON fW.'uziauH Good ' Wrigerator ' Nee, . j a MjU41Vfc 111 A Cil Ulbillilg Hit Th- Mace Solid Oak Boxes ' 'can. constructed and Insulated for Ihe preservation of ''"'"wing many sixes and shapes, all moil-rately priced. Wa.ch Ou.- Windows for Barjaing Every Day. WrFee Hardware Co. r$ 'tone 25 Real Prices on Garden Hose. Southern Indians warned of the coming of white people. Kntrance of Pioneers. Entrance of Missionaries Cham peeg. Messenger from Washington with Oregon Territorial Seal delivered to Governor Lane. (Historical fact. Gov. Lane Is buried in Roseburg Masonic cemetery.) Kpocli III (Supervisor Miss Shay Oregon adml((e(j Into the Union as a state 1859. (Fullerton and Hose Schools.) Columbia's Entrance. Presentation by Columbia of the 3.1rd Star of the I'nlon lo Oregon. Dance of Jov Miss Oregon, l'nm'h IV (Supervisors Miss Waterman, Miss Olson. Miss Parrott. ) Oregon's Products Rose School and primary Departments. The Former Prunes . Roses, Broccoli. Garden. Little Bugs 2nd grade (Fuller ton I The Sailor Sailor Hornpipe Mildred Sinniger. The Shi pcrdosscs Six Girls First Grade. The mechanics. Beautiful Op gon Rose. (Roses form "O") ITporh V (Supervisors Miss Peterson, Mrs. Kiinnn. Mrs. Falbe Winding of the Maypole Ben son, lios". ana t unerion ncnoois. Finale Heres a health to the future A Mh for the past." Pageant Procession. SCHOOL PARADE I IS BIG FEATURE (Continued from page one.) my w diseases. M ytrlbe vanished, one S by one, until I, alone, nm hero. '"J "But In my dreams I see mv tribe as It was when we were ricii A and powerful." The Camas Valley school carried 5 out the health ld-a in their feature. A first aid team, swat the fly team, Indian club drill, and junior health exnibit. were given. Riddle school carried out the age of woman, progressing through all periods from Infancy to old age. Tho idea was very cleverly worked out. Melrose presented the Industries i of that locality in costume. ' Sutherlin gave the representation of Enowwhlte and the seven dwarfd. Sutherlin had their students In costume and gae several dances on tho street. Allen A Summer Hosiery V Exquisitely Sheer g To enhance the beauty of graceful ankles and add 4 smartness to every Sum mer costume. Sheer chif fon hose in th ;tfttttttiit;TTtt Mt : t LOCAL NEWS f j e very new- y est shades for summer. V Chiffon Silk in and Mrs. Victor A. Thursday, JJ AIREDALE PEACH BANANA BLACK GUN METAL ORIENTAL PEARL Mr. Ed Riddle of Riddle arrived In Roseburg this morning to-attend the Carnival and visit with frindi. Miss Adeline Stewart, hend of the primary department or ine sutneriin schools arrived In rnirning to attend Festival. Miss Stewart enterel pupils In the school parade. BORN To Mr. Plakely at Glide. Oregon May 22. a daughter. Miss Clda William of Grants Pas JjJ is spending the "k end at he A home of liorothy Cordon. Miss II- if llama waa a former resident of this A cit. $ Mr. and Mr. Horace Marslers an l 3 daughter Sylvia of Salem are spend- A ing tht week end In the city visiting V with relative and attending the a carnival. A ... . . .. . . .-wrs. v . i. ttr.Mn. wno formerly rnnde her home in Roseburg Is vis- Ming here during the Carnival llr.-,.K..-c .hi- h - n.-nw r-l..n.!.j 41 ll'l..t., 1. he Strawlxrry the. I'mp'iua. She I now residing V, Zl.i JUChSCnol. S1.25 to $2.25 pr. ALSO Men's and Children' Hosiery good grade in color. I S. L. KIDDER delicious Meats Your Family Will Enjoy SATURDAY SPECIALS For Our New Market Sinclair I lams, half or whole, per lb 22c Bulk Lard, open kettle rendered, 2 lbs. for 30c Quality Steer Beef, special for Saturday only at this price Choice Boiling Beef, lb 10c Pot Roast, per lb 15c A full line of Beef. Veal. Pork and Mutton. Also dressed Chickens, Sausages and Cold Meats. We ere anxious to please you. Have your meat cut any way you want it. Service with a smils is what you will get here. Peoples S upplyCo. PHONE 145 her j In L.. Portland with McUeorge. her niece Mrs. W. X