Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 23, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued Dlly Encept 8uryjsy
president ami Manager
'" -, ',,'- m 17 ia2u at Uim pol office at lUweburg.
tutored M letoud clans matter May ''"iv-n"'vL.t
nrifno. under lha Act of March I. !.
Daily, per year, by mall
Daily, six mouths, by mall.
Hal Iv. tliree mourns, uj in.-
niiv alnvla month, by nialL.
pally, by carrier, per month-
Weekly Newa lteTlew. by mail, per year
I (Hi
I ''"
2 00
of all n.. 1.V" ' "r;'.'.' 'Sjiin' ill rlal.l. if wuH'uil of
tnj to Mil iov.ii
I . Ji
From Pocilic Coast Station
I" ' ' ' , . I
J to all total u-" es. --
patches hrla ar i ffTva.
' Yesterday afternoon's conflagration ought to cause a strong
incentive for better and more adequate fire protection for Rose
bnrif By heroic work on the part of the local fire department,
coupled with the fact that only a mild breeze prevailed, was the
only thing that saved the Southern Pacific depot and practically
the willing out or the entire business section on Sheridan street,
with the possibility of the flames spreading further south envel
oping the Dysinger mill from where it would have had easy ac
cess to the residence district, bring about vast destruction of
homes and suffering among our people. It was only by sheer luck
and hard fighting on the part of the local boys that saved a great
er loss than recorded by this most destructive fire. There comes
atime in the history of every city when even elaborate fire fight
ing apparatus is quite inadequate to cope with a sudden and de
structive blaze, and where the equipment is in no way up to the
standard, great loss is sure to result. Had yesterday evening's
fire been confined to the business section of Roseburg, Atth a
strong wind prevailing, a condition likely to prevail at any time,
a greater part of the city would have been in ruins this morning,
a sad spectacle and a terrible thing to contemplate. But just such
a happening is likely to confront this city at the most unexpected
Therefore, with the idea of proper and adequate protection
to the business houses and homes of Roseburg there should b(
no quibbling about the fact that the best in the way of fire pro
tection is none too good, or expensive, for this city to maintain
The cost should not be the main factor, but on the contrary, the
investment should be made with a view of the best possible serv
ico in the most extreme conditions in the way of a disastrous-
conflagration. The fact that the city has already authorized the
city council to expend a goodly sum for fire protection, yester
day's destructive blaze will be an incentive for this body to use
the best possible judgment in securing the necessary apparatu.1
to meet with any emergency in the future. Their good judgment
means much to Roseburg and there should be no delay for imme
diate action to strengthen our present fire equipment in snoi
way that the future may hold no fear for any emergency thai
might arise. Any equipment that does not meet with the severest
test would result in great loss at, some time in the future. It i
not a question of how cheap, but how good, the fire fighting facili
ties of Roseburg can be made to cope with a prosperous and fasl
growing city.
I I i I
Ys ed. went over to the page" score ...
last evt and law a bunch of foiKSi May 23 J-o p. "-
with a Mta emit stand up in front, scores; 8-10 p. m. Studio progra in.
so tho.e behind couldn't see and new May 243-5 p. m. baseball
we know why some people get ahead , score.
in this world better'n others. Ail u
takes is a lotta crust.
K.Milf) ROW. Morning OP-goniaii.
I'ortlund. Ore., 492 miters.
May 23 3:3u p. m. Lecture hi
iUJ.. n UrCnmh head of Home r.c-
But the Daueant was a peach and; onomlcg extension senile. " ffl
only goes to prove that Roseburg does' Agricultural College; S p. m. ura- ei
thin. , .ki loricai conu-si uuuci , - n
"" " -" ji.iinn af nllb-
J S I i ntversny ui ureisuu ........... .--
! He speaking.
Anc then after the pageant we, , m children's pro-
crowded to the armory to witnesa wjlh tory ny Aunt lu ll.
the grand march and they were all i.dio KI'O, Hale lirothers, Inc.,
out of step but Jack Crafton, Hub Sun Francisco, 4 23 meters.
Quine and Leon McClintock. I May "23 2:30-3:3C p. in. Organ
j recital. Theodore J. Irwin. ii" -
dlo: 8-9 p. ni. I'rogram uuuer
Frank Clemens
Was unmasked as
Queen Mary's kink
Last eve and
Frank was so
Fussed up that ,
Ever" time a
Damsel spoke
To him
He tipped
His crown
I I r. i
Rabies are Jewish priets.
JIADIO KGO. General Kb-ctrlc Com
pany, Oakland, Calif-. 3 ' 3 "'V1"?,,.
8 p. m. i'rogram furnished by the
Tracy, Calif., lilnh school. -
' .... . ....i.iic e boo will
a. HI. HI" uionu j,u"- ---
have their regular semi-weekl ra
dlo broadcast lecture.
233 p. ni Mori
flara In M i,.irni.o.
Hotel St.
.... i ...... c,,n Vranclsco.
Mny 244-5:30 lUt"l St. r rancis ,
orchestra, San Francisco; 8 P- j
"Humors of thexLaw," by Archiba dj
Treat; Musical program; 10 P- lo ,
1 a. m. at. Krancls noiei uu-.- ...
chestra. San Francisco, Henry llaii
stpad directing.
I1AKIO KLX. The Oakland Tribune,
Oakland. Calif, 50'' meters.
Mav 223-5 P. m. baseball
He didn't have to leave early
'to get ready".
for a dinner party.
he v.n
well, no
.. , , ,.-.- ,, , i.
rour or tive local intui " ,.m,., vii., iUh Sterner
with dress suits on and if they looked " . Hol. gorilo; An
" i m,.tv. contralto: Jule Houthbort.
comiortatjie we're settin
of ice right now.
Jack Shields and a few of the other
Anna K.
pianist; J. O. Oreenwell. tenor, ac
companied by Theodore J. Irwin: lu
ll D. m. E. Max liraillieiu a "
"' r.t . , ! ,i, p.,r,,-o l(nB
band fellers won the flivver last eve me uaiiu. jiiojuib
and may use it for th trap drum section.
Dock Cooper's famoua nose-diving
horse performed wonderfully on the
mam item yestiddy and Dock pulled
off a tail spin simultaneously. Dock
torgot to took at the boss's teeth be
'ore he started.
I I i i
i, -..l insi received an invitation
. 1 In Mm mirror. TIlO SUlt
III! survey u uuiid.. -
wearing l.H.ked good-very goo.l-"suitable" without
doubt. ,
n reniembeTeil what the salesman told him. "Yes,
.....,. .i,u finihiraft blue serge suits look
Dldiin, -
matter where you go."
He has long since forgotten the price of his Clolhcraft
Serge, but we haven't and we re sure that you'll be glad
to know that you can buy such fine clothes at such a
reasonable price. '
$29.50 $32.50 $36.50
I.'nnm Imwl
.May 23 2:30-3:30 p. m. Organ
recital by Theodore J. Irwin, M'u
studio; 4:30-5:30 p. m. liudy Selg
cr's Fairmount Hotel orchestra.
jav 24. 1-2 p. m. liury Seiger s
Fairmount Hotol orchestra; 2:30
3:30 p. m. Program by members Sun
Francisco police department; 3:30-
6:30 p. m. lea uunsaui, i m"
! tel. T. Max Hradtield s band: 8-12 p.
' . Art Wclrincr with KI'O trio sing-
Clav Darbv carted his hair in the in.. Hiirlne orchestra lnteni:'sslons.
nuddie today which made him look i initi. Farle 0. Anthony, Inc., Los
Ike Rudolph Valentino on a picnic. I Anreli-s, 4 Ii9 meters.
1 5 6 5 I Mav 2310-11 p. m. Program by
k.'vup s of Myra none vu-sers.
In charge of the v 248.9 p. m. Crosby Sisters
ml ssicma PI viol n trio.
ItADIO KlU, Tho I.os Angeles Times
i AimelcM. Calif. 3iij meters
May 23 1 2:30-1:1.". p. m. Arthur
Itavm mil Hill, tenor mid Hill Hatch,
pianist ; 9-10 p. m. Hatch Graham,
singer and banjoift; Lylion Whtel-
I er. reader. " ' '
I Mv 112 -.30-1:1 P. m. Mrs.
A. K. Prlco, sopraoio ana vera
tools at right prices
Many children are preparing orations on the I'liitet
States constitution, in preparation for a national contest to be
held at WashiiiKton in June. It would not hurt the older folks al
so to take down that dusty old book in which the constitution i
printed, and read it again. Thry will find that no human docu
ment vvvr printed, except Holy Scriptures, has done so much U.
advance mankind. I'p to the time that document was written
men believed in democracy theoretically, but they could not ni.tkt
it work. Alter a democratic tfoveriiint'tit had been runiiiiin about
so long, soiuelhint; would split and it would jrn to pieces. I'.ut tin
fathers had such a keen insight into human nature, tint some
how they created a system of government that would meet thest
difficulties. Their success pointed the way for all other peoples
showing how theoretical democracy can be made a practical thing
The way the city and county schools took hold of their work
in developing tho pageant they put over today, mal es every out
of us mighty proud that those youngsters belong in tho I'mpipia
The old town has been full of visitors the two days of tin
carnival, and everybody enjoyed the parades, the music and Un
social features of the occasion.
( Press Lcani-d Wire.)
lioon lilVKlt. Ore May 23. At
the final si'ssinii of the Oregon
lirnnd Lodge of Odd Fellows here I
Perfect weather, a genuine carnival spirit, and a big crowd
from all parts of the county wore the features thai nfiule today's
entertainment a huge success.
ay, hut the iiannle of innnls of the i-itv nn,l mir :, i,,,i
this morning was an cyc-opem r. II, u d in heat the youth of this,
tor.; in the city ycstcrd.iv tmi.iv ue u. ,.,.1,-v ,-
they did not disiover the rniiiiii eouniry Mioner.
Joe Murphy
reception for the rural school teach-;
ers today.
The chief of p'lice hd a white
rote in his coat lapel today and was
out Icokin' (or guys with a straw
oerry on their nose.
5 8 J
The school kiddle parade was a
dartj end It reminded ye ed. of the pianist.
time we hid In the basement to keep;
trom ir.archin'. j Garden
(Jjg j IVweJl's.
A banquet will be given tonight in
the ''jung'es" south of the city In
honor of Queen Dumbcll Dora. Queen
Dora's grand ball was staged In a cel
lar of a prominent resident last eve
and Dora was taken to her luxurious
suite at 4:30 a. m. on a stretcher. To
night she will refrain from grape
Jince and drink nothing but filtered
water and lots of it, with a chunk of
co as a crown.
3 111
The big blaze last eve was only a
. ' c . :r ... . 1 c um p.t niKht asma w.m the i-..
MM Ul-J, WdS ill UU, , . ,
.... ! convention.
' Offiei rs for the coming year are:
Walt Day handled the jack at the I.. K. Carter. Portland. grand
armory liit eve and was busy to- master; Henry lound. .losepnin-
day separatin' cigar store checks from
the nickles.
Sam'l Starmer was on
tern bright and early shakln' hands
with those who vote for him.
Russ Lintott had on h,s boy scout
umt today and looked like gen'l
5 ; i
All day suckers took a prominent
part in the ceremonies today.
: ! !
Seme cf them damsels from the
rural dictrict made the village Sheoas
't up and take notice and. the town
heiks were tiailin' the maidens from
the tall timber with much v,m and
! : i :
The track meet this p. m. was a
peachenno and hot diggety dawg
we re glad we won the bull throwin'
: ! ! i
There was so dein much doin" to
d.iy that we diiin't have time to do
much clie but rubber.
iVSA Jit RiURTiS 0H j zJ&zMm,
(Associated 1' Leased Wire.)
KETCHIKAN. Alaska, May 23. i
Major I'rederick L. Martin, com-1
maniler of an American Clone encir
cling aerial expedition who crasheir
Into a mountain on April 30 on the
Alaska peninsula after leaving Cliig-
nik. and his mechanic, Staff Ser- I
geant Alva L. Harvey, were bound
southward today toward llelling
hani. Washington, aboard the Pacif-i
Ic American Fisheries vessel Cather
ine I). The fishing ship stopped ;
here an hour yesterday for fuel oil.
Major .Martin and his mechanic
appeared well physically but broken
up menially over the eiulin:! of their
great adventure. Mujnr Martin had
a cracked or broken bone, in his
nose but the Injury was not serious.
"I am very much broken up over
the accident but It can not be help
ed," said Major Martin. "The great
opportunity of my lite ties wrecked
in Alaska. I have no future plans to 1
announce until I am nblo to consult
my superiors in Washington 1). C,
v.ews or capiain reiieuer imm-
sy's iii-cident on arriving at Shang- j
hal, China, after flying all the way I
from Paris, makes me sorrowful,";
asserted Major Martin on being in-;
lornit-d of the disaster. "Captain
lioisy made a gallant flight nnd was
within sight of his goal. It was too
nrriinvn ninnnrn
iii4 i wiiitiw wiimiwuW
manner, resulting "in thtr
tary kil'ling of another,
Try Watkln's Vanishinrtr
prevent both. Give ft a trial !
177 or call 120 V. Lane SUM
Ashcraft, propuie .
deputy grand master; I-.. T. .lack
son. Kosehurc. i:rand warden V. T.
Sharon. Portland, grand secretary;
i Pr. C. l. Uoane, The Palles, grand
the main treasurer.
inn fimnr iiiiipit
big hit with
rinitv of
hospitality i a
." in t!
I reels.
raw in-rrit's iuim-iI w
w Hilling cun!ih:;i! urn.
"Indian maid
row iK on the :
:e pageant M.i;ie a ir.e:
The "la'-t of the l'inKua"
a liealthv lisiking fi-llow.
iu the p.ifo.itit this lU'-n.n.g va:
-1 .I'V."!
"Gel d ejrrf it it hain't fun to ride
Oifiti ter-, wheels."
I ...-..
Butcher Rejoices Over
Wife's Recovery
St. w.l't ef 111.- Sll'h
-I fur tall st
V.i-S All. line St. .!
rt It i.chli,.-i. l hih
mil la Ku. t'ai s I- il
g t!i f i It-ii.t -
Mi- Ann.-fii
die ii Iiim.. U
lri l;.i-.t buig v
W l.h.
pen. In l!:
I'll liiiU.I
1 k ( till
ul ai
M II: !-I'.-litr.
s!. v
I.!:-! nfi-.r ti
..1 ii.
fle e:it?,
i-t n-l h 't
,.:,! half
'!.-.. V
s .ill.!.-! lul
!IK -t U'-.tii-
ii. b. . n en-
l! !..!!!..
u th. nil.
1 l!is. I
Hh Vi
:ii h.
. .....I ll I I . I I
lller Slid
ii, n--i.iit: ii
i i'in ilu .
. . 1 .-
. tli in;
I-i .u V. ,i!'v
ti.le.-l m.d
;-.-iu:.. II is.
does a
i urr . til
- Ii.-ra--.' :; iiroke of the clap
per tails, s vibration whit Ii
st.-iri a.r a. .. Due to ihe beil's
riviini, , shape. tli.-M. air
w:,i r;k.- r... car as a rini:ii:g
seal:, I.
t i 1
r No. 6
D rfectant
I--very timtv a a
H.Mts a::. I dirt
1 tips more t i ful
ui nnil itfi time
so liaIrviT H
1 v I
:'ir,'te!t ir.p;irat:onfl
if t E.'r.f. Kv r ii. m
t- pkill and care
7A JxaTi Drug Sfon
Roseburg, Oregon
(As...-!:ilnl Press I.cnsnl Wire.)
WASMIXfiO.V, May 2. Addition
of u new grade of wheat to be
known as number one hard sprinc.
In the nirii-ial :rain standards was
announced by Secretary Wallace ef
fective Auir"sl fifteen.
It include!) wheat of th" class
hard r.-d sprinc. consisting cf S5 per
cent or nior of dark, hard Vilnius
Other chances Include alterations
In the definition of the terms whept
and cereal grains, grades for weevlly
whent and a chanue in the defini
tion of western red wheat an diu
creasc in test weiuht of tins sub
J (Associated Press Leased Wilt.)
MF.nFOIlD, May 2.1. Ten Indict-j
incuts ranging from embezzlement j
of bank funds to use of profane t
language, were return'ed by the
- grand jury w hich completed its work i
! yesterday afternoon. I
j l'erry II. Hell, former cashier o!
' the Gold bank, which closed its
, doors cn March 21. was indicted up
on ten counts, eiuht alleging embez
zlement, one misappropriation of
bank funds and one for making u
raise report of the bank's condition.
Hell is at liberty on bonds.
1 .Milam Jones, fugitive desperado.
brother of Oreuon Jones, escaped j
convict, was indicted for highway,
robbery and murderous assault up-i
on Jaiier John Kobinson, in making
lu es -ape trom the county jail. ,
Jesus Torras. n Mexican compan
ion t.f Jones in his dash for liberty'
was ind'eted for burglary. Ralph ;
Mi-rrit. was indicted on a charge of i
driving an automobile in a reckless
(Associated Press Lease! J
tostlmony bearing on the (U':
! the Ku Klux Klan activities "
I 1020 senatorial cimpalliii
was heard today by the n
mittee investigating Ihe
nnnloul hrminlit ceainst f
Mnyfield by George E. B. ft
Tho committee also
i f- i!.vii..,l of Terrill.
n-ho iaid hn as active il
paign nnd had contriliuted tM
; penses. -
See your doctor.
ui n
is.....u,a i'i-. i.-is.a wir-.)
S.Vl.KM. May 2:'. Gmemor
rierce said today that the possible
modification in the font ant mouth
disease iH:iraliii:te aL-tiiitst Caliiorn
ia products, might be made tomor
row. Tlr.s possible modification, as
announced vest. nl.iy. woubl l.,. to
take the ban olf lemon. oraaj. s
and grupefruit and nossl:.v m. lens
a iti.tti,n about tu. -litis
is-n that ihey trim- en th-
f tin y w uild be easily
the disease term. The
. lerinarian
cnii. r i na
il; '
j Roc'eburg Bargain Hons
& Junk Co.
At the Old Deer Creek Barn on North Jackson St
for th
ground vlt
accessible to
governor and the stat
still have the iiues-.i.u
Sid- r:i!te:i :,r.d 1' :e n.
e.! Ii l,lt t' e h-;,ri in ;.
i v . .-r
- ts and git 0ttr quotations on anything you lavc tt "
In by 4 p. m.
1 or Medium Gloss I
lioseburg A atbnal Bank Building
a per
Mail OrJers Given Prompt Attc'