wosiauna niwuiivhw. Wednesday, mav tf, 192. PACE NINE """ - niTiiiTinii - . I mm i si i tin i in j HI HUM UIIU1MUII SUMMER FABRICS! HOLEPROOF, IRON CLAD AND KAYSER HOSIERY , combination unexcelled la wearing quality and appearance. All tie very newest shade. LACES AND TRIMMINGS of all kinds Tery 011 tnls teltoa. we carry the most com plete line in the city. lace collar ana They are new. See our vestee gets. The newest fancy and norelty Silks Including the beautiful and famous MALLINSON'S Silk de Luxe SOLO EXCLUSIVELY HERE Imported Dress Voiles Ratines and Ginghams ' in a pleasing variety of plain colors and fiKnred designs. SELECT YOUR NEW SUMMER Coats, Suits and Dresses, Sport Sweaters ana Skirts. from our new, large assortment of stylish Ready-to-Wear and make It a PRINTZESS GARMENT WARNER &REDFERN RUST-PROOF CORSETS and CORSELETTES Girdles and Brassieres are well known lor their comfort and Quality. SILK and LISLE UNDERWEAR In the Kayser, Luxlte and De pendon makes, are the most re liable. Last but not least GLOVES Silk, Fabric and Kid. them. We hare I. ABRAHAM THE SILK STORE FOR DEPENDON GOODS DEPEND ON US." 0. K. on Our Work 'i...- vnn elvn us a pair of koee to repair and they come kl'k tO yOU, IOOK1US now, L.. -in ha more than willing to Lmp your O. K. on the Job. lou save money, goi uiu yuur Id comfortable, pair, aud your Let are grateful. W. S. HOWARD 214 N. Main St. or Kidder's Shoe Store power of the federal government to require the creation of more public offices and a further excuse for rais ing the cost of government. By prompt advantage which would be taken of Its provisions, it would re lease from profitable, healthful and I otherwise helpful employment thousands of robust young people I and force upon vast numbers an i Idleness hurtful alike to themselves and to sooiety. I "The committee of the open shop i reported that strikes last year cost I the American public 550,0UU,000." PREPARING FOR GUESTS! hie housewife always takes pardonable pride In her table, but this especially true when guests are expected. It is our pleasure to It able to assist In this Important matter, and every woman is as- kred of the very best when she buys her Groceries here. Prices are wderate, and service our watchword. Berries and Other Fruits, Vegetables, etc. Always on Hand In Season PICKENS BROS. Phone 68 LEST WE FORGET le quality of Watkln's products (questionable. Compare them with roiher like product on the market (judge for yourself. Thone 177 It at 120 West Lano St. iciliti'i.ii.lflTg;tyav Auction Sales arm or city auctions see us A dates. g e buy and sell fur.ilture. & frgains in new and used S usehold Goods. S Radabaugh-Patterson N. Jackson Jhone 541-J iseburg Steam lundry Kids NEW YORK, May 20. Exploring an over-plus of legislation and an excess of reform, John E. Edgerton, president of the National Manufact urers Association denounced the professional politicians, the propos ed child labor amendment and the closed shop In an address prepared for delivery before tbe annual con vention of the organization today. "It bems to me," he said, "that there is a general expectation of too much from congress both from tbe standpoint of that body to deliver and from that of its proper func tions. .1 wish to point out two of the concrete proposals which by every honorable means should be rested. First tbe so-called child labor amendment. It is meant to serve tbe double purpose of so restricting production as to compel uneconomic advances in wages and expand the TCORPUT IS AGRICULTURE CHICAGO. May 20. the 210, 000,000 agricultural credit corpora tion, originally tentatively formed In Chicago at the suggestion of Presi dent Coolidge for the relief of the agricultural northwest, already has come to the relief of more than 150 banks in north and south Dakota, Montana, Iowa, and Minnesota, it was disclosed today by James H. ! Howard, a vice-president of the or ganization and president of the Na tional Transportation Institute. The corporation has been in actual op eration scarcely more than a month The corporation also has established an $1,000,000 fund tor the direct aid of farmers to purchase dairy cows, sheep or brood sows In order to promote diversified farming, Mr. iiownra announced. The nucleus of a diversified farm ing territory have been established and it is said to expand this mixed farming in movement as rapidly as possible to cover the northwest states. The relief extended to banks to date approximates $2,000,000. Additional committments for bank loans which will be turned over soon as a few details are attended to amount to nearly $1,000,000 more. These sums do not include delinquent tax or Interest relief, seed purchases or other direct agri cultural appropriations granted or under way, Mr. Howard said. "This great northwest country Is coming back, make no mistake about that," said Mr. Howard. "Its wel fare is essential to the United mates. It is a wonderful country, and agri cultural empire. It cen not help re turning to prosperity." MATERNITY HOME 1118 Winchester St. Phone 490 Mr. D. Cornwell Patient privileged to hava their own doctor. p has been estimated by ' that lh JB!"1ry takes foe r.r ir new k average fifty per of the wc.ar out of f "ars and forty per cent 1 shirts. That's tnn f Cut chetr uo! Thl. k'Htr than il,. laundry. Roseburg Steam Laundry ront 7tt r. "oteourB, Ore. Is Your Health Slowly Slipping Away? Roseburg People Advise You to Act in Time. SENT BY TELEGRAPH NEW YORK, May 20. Newspa per this morning printed photo graphs transmitted over long dis tance telephone lines from Cleve land, Ohio, to this city as a result of a demonstration by laboratory ex perts of the American Telephone and Telegraph company. The company announced that the method, a simple rapid and accurate transmission sys tem, would he Installed on various long distance lines according to the demand for the service. The ma chines were Installed at Cleveland so that pictures from the republican national convention might be sent to New York In a few minutes. The time taken yesterday in sending the photograph was less than ten mln UtO. I "Growers having eropa this season are always Interested in direct crop reports as they know a short crop In other sections often means more butter for their bread." said Koy Miller, manager of tbe Miller Pro ducts Company, who arrived .here yesterday and will be at the Hotel I'mpqua for several days. "The apples and pears in the Med- ford section have been quite severe ly damaged by frost where efficient smudgiag was not practiced. The extreme drought now being exper ienced will materially affect or chards above the irrigation canals, resulting In small sizes. It is esti mated that tills sectinn will hnvn I been 40 per cent und 60 per cent crop. Tbe effectiveness of smudg ing or rather heating was clearly demonstrated this season; one large grower raising the temperature 7 degrees and holding the increased temperature secured during the freezing period. ' "Orants Pass section will have very short crop; many of the grow ers losing practically 100 per cent. Only those growers smudging and a few protected orchards have any crops to show.' "Canyonvllle, Riddle and Myrtle Creek are very spotted. Some or chards having a third of a crop or less but moat orchards will have from halt to two-thirds of a crop. There is every indication that there will be well sized prunes from this section this season. "Peaches are almost an unknown quantity from Myrtle Creek south. Growers who have a peach crop should secure a good price this sea son. Every effort should be exer cised to see that Brown rot or peach blight does not eat up the profits. Spraying tbe peaches about a month before harvest will prevent this. "A dary, hot season as we are now experiencing is very likely to prove a bad one for prune borers. Growers should see that their young trees have a good protective coat of a re pellent tree-wash when the moths are flying and laying their eggs. For the Umpqua Valley this season this is likely to be somewhat earlier than usual; probably from the mid dle of June to the fore part of July. It is a Aery safe plan to paint on a protective coat in May and then to paint on an additional coat the fore part of July. This last coat should not be omitted un der any circumstances. Prune grow ers In the Willamette valley the past season have followed this plan." How to Strengthen Eyes In a surprising short timn simple camphor, wltchhazel, Hydrastis, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik eye wash, strengthens eye .so you can read or work more. One small bottle shows results. Alumnium eye cup free. N. Fullerton, druggist. k o BE PLACED ORI SHELF (Associated Press leased Wire.) WASHINGTON. May 20. Defeat on the llarkley bill to abolish the railroad labor board, leaders of the democratic-republican Insurgent coalition in the house were in doubt today whether they could get a de cision on the measure at this ses sion of congress. The bill taken out of the hands of the commerce commission May 6, through the coalition's efforts was kept from a vote last night by the determined opposition of the repub licans, with the aid of Representa tive iilunton, democrat, Texas, who repeatedly demanded roll calls to summon a "quorum. When adjustment was taken, af ter ten o'clock It was left in a nosi- tion, where under the rules. It may not be called up again until Juno 2. Is failing health making you uneaiy and unhappy? Are you tired, weak and fflspirited! &utler daily. backache and stabbing, rheumatic twinges? Then look to your kidneys! The kid neys are the blood-filters. Once they weaken, the whole system is opwt You have dizzy spells, headaches and urinary irregularities. You feel all worn-out Use Doan's Pills a stim ulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thou sands recommend Doan's. Hera is itostburg proof: S. W. Carroll, 102 N. Parott St, says: "I was in bad fix with kidney complaint and my back and limb, ached. 1 was completely run down and my kidneys acted too often. Doan'i Pills from Chapman's Pharmacy rid me of the aches and pains and regu lated my kidneys." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ak for a kidney remciv gd Itoans Pills the rnnic that Mr. Car Toll had. Poster-ililburn to, Mfrs, Buffalo, K. Y. PHONE .186 .... Pasteurization OF MILK Means heating it In a thoroughly sterilized tank to li't degrees F, holding this tempera ture 20 minutes and then cooling off to 45 degrees F that's all. i Roseburg Dairy II AND SODA WORKS Are You Tired, Weak Discouraged YOUR KIDNEYS MAY BE RESPONSIBLE imn t take chances, look after your moneys n your Pack is lame, if rheu matism bothers or you feel norvous, irritaoio tmt worn out. Thousands die every day who ought not to die and kidneys soaked with ac cumulated poison kills many. It you suspect you have kidney troubles .he best medicine you can get is none too good. For 7i cents you can get a 6 ounce bottle of Dr. Carey's Murpbroot Prescription 777 and start to drive the impurities from your kidneys this very week. .Nathan rulli-rtun guarantees t to help you or money back so do alt good drugelsts everywhere. Mall or ders accepted. E (Auoelated I'rfa Leased wire-) SHANGHAI .May 21 Captain Pel let ler Doisy, French aviator, who damaged bis piano In landing here yesterday, has overcome bis disap pointment at tin- Interruption to his projected flight from Pari to ToklO and is considering seriously the of fer of a Chlnee plane for continua tion of his fllcht. Thp offer was made yesterday by General Ho Fen-Ling, military gov ernor of Shanghai. It Dolsy ac- The Consolidated Motor Freight Lines, Inc.of Oak land, operate a fleet of large trucks in merchan i disc, transportation. Zero lene otb are used exclusively. o2 big motor freight line settles THE OIL QUESTION - ZEROLENE F jor FORDS the Standard Oil Com pany's new improved oil for Ford cars, "Feeds Those Oil Starved Fords." The Consolidated Motor Freight Lines, Inc., of Oakland, Calif., has solved its lubrication problem by standardizing on Zerolene. Independent Tests Verify Claims Subjecting the anti-western oil superstition to the test of actual comparison in service, this Company verified independently our claims that Zerolene will lubricate the modern automobile , engine as well or better than any oil on the market, irrespective of price, and whether of eastern or western origin. Their letter states: "During the past three or four years we have exper imented with various brands of eastern and western lubricating oils, including Zerolene oil. The results of these tests have proved to our satisfaction that Zerolene lubricates our equipment with the greatest efficiency. "Our recent decision to lubricate our trucks exclu- ' sively with Zerolene oils has resulted in the reduc tion to a minimum of mechanical difficulties which " were due to faulty lubrication." Less Carbon Better Gasoline Mileage. . Why pay tribute" to a superstition? The use of Zerolene, of the proper body, will not only cut down your oil bill, but give you better continu ous lubrication, and better lubrication means greater gasoline mileage, less carbon, lower up keep costs, and a longer life for your car. .Insist on Zerolene, even if it does cost Igss STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) A series of independent and impartial reports showing the experience of large users with Zerolene motor oil has been collected in our booklet, "Why Pay Tribute to a Superstition?" Ask any Standard Oil Company sales or service station repre sentative or Zerolene dealer for a copy. cepts it, he will proceed to Tokio ' WOTTTTTTTOTTTTTTTIOITTITTTTOra within a week. A survey of the situation reveals thnt there are available only what Dolsy terms reconnatsance airplanes, but he believes that one of them, a "Ilreguct" is capable of carrying ; him on if his journey Is rearranged Into snorter stages. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by my son. Frits Snyder. Canyonvllle, Ore., Way 17, 'B iil J. A. SNYPEIt. 1924. 1TURE COMPANY 321, N. Jackson 6t, Roseburg Tapestry Davenport and Wing Chair to match, Khroclers Genuine Leath er, Day-Nite Davenport. Reed Rockers. Simmons All-Steel Four poster Beds Simons De Luxe Mat tress. Premier Porch Hammocks. Farm Auction! At the Premises, Rain or Shine MAY 27, 1924, ONE O'CLOCK 1-MILE TO SCHOOL, AND 1 MILES WE8T OF WINSTON BRIDGE Sale will include 21 acres in Sections 19 and 20, Tp. 28, Range 6 West, formerly a part of the A. S. Frey ranch 3-4 mile north of Brockway store, subject to mortgage of $1,000, due August 17, 1928. at 6. 6-room house, barn and outbuildings. Place has 419 bearing prune trees, 40 Bartlett pears, 8 acres bearing apples. Looking Glass creek runs through one corner of place. Several acres good broccoli land on creek bottom. Buildings insured for $1,000 to go to purchaser. PERSONAL PROPERTY 2 young Jersey rows, both giv ing milk, recently tested. 2 Ili-ili! conipletu 1 Itiiliy Ui-d , 2 extra sprints hewing .Machine Organ Utaiui Tablo Dresser Wash Stand 6-bole Kitchen Itango with reser voir Kitchen Cabinet Linoleum Kruit Jars Spring Wagon 1 Double tshovel Dow 1 Turning Plow V Shapod l Ilurso Cultivator It-day Chirk Dining Tablo ' Smiliury Couch Dinhes 15 Chickens Hoes, hakes and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE CASH IN HAND ' MRS. MABLE ROSS, Owner I M. C RADABAUGH, Auctioneer MR. CRAVENS, Clerk g V