Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 17, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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Issu.d Pally tKefpt Sunday
..rrt'Kldeut and Manager
Scretaryi reasurer
1 1 ' T i... Jltt.r Ma 17 1920. t lb post office t Rulur,
Entered M coU cUs. , iYof March I, 1179.
r. Mw tur vear. b mall iii
bally! elx nionthe, by mil-
From Pacific Coast Stations
pally, three months, by mall
Dally, single month, by mall
Dally, by earrler. pr Jnol"n.-
, . . ..w. differ... crud or ool ;
and to all oral puunau
3 .i..trh". h.r.i. ar. afio r...rvd.
One of the notable features of the primary election contests
just held is that as usual a very large proportion 01 vne 4"'.
voters do not exercise the privilege of voting. 'The number who
neglect this privilege at the elections is far too large. But the
number who fail to vote at the primaries is much greater still,
and suggests how far short the American people come from per
forming their political duties. The voters have been urged and
besought to get out and exercise a privilege that should be so
precious to them. Cut appeals to civic duty have so far failed to
touch great masses of these indifferent voters. The question rises
as to what can be done to wake them up. Perhaps the most ef
f.tivp motive is to show them how much it costs them when the
various public services are conducted in an inefficient and ineffec
TIVA WAV. The man who pays no direct taxes should be shown that
he nav. very heavy ones in various ways. When he pays rent for
hi. hnnso nortion of that rent goes to pay taxes. Also when he
buys supplies, a part of the prices goes to pay the taxes on the
lunula whn nrnHnrfl find distribute the (roods. Also when he works
for a concern, if that business is stifled by nigh taxes, it will re
strict its enterprises, and make his work more irregular. If the
federal, state aiid local governments could be put on a strictly
business basis, the cost of living could bo considerably reduced
The next time a voter refuses to attend a primary election, ask
him why he does not get out 'and vote to have the affairs of the
country run in his own interest, instead tof in the interest of
groups of people who have pulls and special favors.
Tho notorious "bobbed hair bandit," who terrorized Brooklyn
shopkeepers, before leaving for Auburn prison wrote a note to
girls who would like to see their names in the papers as hers has
been. She told them that while she was smiling, her heart was
breaking. She has furnished one more case of a girl who had
somo brightness and initiative but who wrecked her own career.
Do any young people imagine that there is anything admirable in
crime? Have they perhaps read stories suggesting that people!
who steal and rob are displaying cleverness and smartness? If so,
let them reflect thut money at comes by crooked means brings
a curse. There is a poisonous taint in it, which turns young peo
ple with bright prospects into yellow outcasts.
Anyway, we appreciate a good sport. VViicn a man meets de
feat at the polls he should always remember "there's a reason"and
be reasonable about tho conclusion reached by the fetters. All
good men connot bo elected to office. That's one reason so mnny
inferior fellows get into tho race and arc sometimes elected.
Any candidate running for office who deliberately deceives
tho public in an attempt to gain political prestige is doomed for
defeat. Better play the game straight. And the fellows who spon
sor such candidate's cause arc in a category that adds nothing to
their influence and good citizenship.
Tho boat left bright and early this morning for Salt Creek,
carrying a full quota of defeated candidates, some of whom were
so sure of election they failed to secure reservations but were
chucked in tho bungholo for their uncalled for neglect.
A millionaire bootlegger gave testimony before the investiga
tion committee at Washington, D. C, yesterday. It don't take
many bottles at the prevailing price of hootch to make a million
aire out of a plain, ordinary individual.
o .
The Strawberry Carnival queen's contest will close thil
evening in a blaze of glory. No matter who is chosen quecu
Koseburg will have one of its fairest beauties to exhibit.
. o .
A man with a dozen wives says he found only one who was
on the level. The insincerity among the other sex must discourage
Cheer up. defeated candidates. If at first you don't succeed
you insy possibly get another swing at a primary election.
Tn the midat of . . . '.
The wailing and aobbing
Of the defeated ,
Candidatea the
Salt Creek tcheoner
Shoved off
Bright and early
Thia a. m. from
The Deer Creek dock
And In tpite of
The turmoil the
Victorious ehouta
Of Oumbell Dora
Could atlll be heard
Echoing and re-echoing
Up and down
Tho main item
For let It ba known
That ye ad'a
Little protege
Knocked 'em silly
Laet night and
Polled 30,000 vote
But the ballot boxea
Were atolen and
Altho a count la
Impossible at thia time
Thia colyum conceded
Hr election tonight
By a healthy majority
And ahe today waa
Down on the waterfront
Selecting her
Regal attire
So all hall
Queen Dora,
The dumbest queen
That ever reigned over
Thia magnificent empire!
Henry Cabot Lodge la a fraternal
Don's vote now atands:
On acct. of tonight bain regular
bath night our readers are earnestly
requested to observe same with
good sized bar of aoap.
The Blue Devils will journsy over
Oakland way tonight and wreck
dance hall.
I I i I
Ye edL beln' abort of aleep today la
also short of gags for this colyum
and our dear readera are kindly re
quested to overlook any puns which
would not pass the purs food laws.
Ys ed. vestiddy ree'd a ballot box
full of votea for coroner but that IA
no aign that thia colyum la a dead
An Unsold Scenario
The man had. Just fallen thump I
from a sixth-story window.
The crowd rushed thither to view
the mangled corpae.
Much to their astonishment he re
gained consciousness and opened hi
eyee Inquirirrgly: ,
Was It an accident or suicide?"
the spectator! anxiously Inquired.
"Neither; I waa Just following my
doctor's prescription." It? "It blew
out the window."
The defeated queens will meet at
the camp ground tonight for the pur
pose of explamin' how It happened
and why they didn't hold out more
Naturally, they're all sors at our
little Dumbell Dora who carried away
the laurels today.
i I I I
But you must admit that Dora made
a clean race and endln' on Satiddy
night makes it all the cleaner.
Bill Holbein will gt a hair cut next
week in honor of the strawberry car
nival. I I I I
Mary had little lamb
Its tleece was white aa snow
Shs took it to Dixonvllie one day
Now look at the dam thing!
We can't help snicken.i' when we
see a doctor who says he Is sick.
J 2Jr-
"When a teller's sleepy they ain't
no use tryin' to act cute.' '
RADIO KHJ, The Times, Los An
geles, S95 meters.
May .17.-19:90 -1:U P- "'
Program presenting Neal Wood suae
whist and Charlea Uradshaw. banjo;
7-7 :3w p. m. Children's program pre
senting Audrey Wood. 8 and Helen
Kallionses. 12, pianists, pupils of
Dorothy Casselmau: A. T. Babienco.
whistler; Conlee Jones. 11.
and Homer Aschmann. 3 reader. -10
p. m. "Bennle" Helen Mackin
tosh, Scottish prim donna.
HADIO KOO, General Electric Com
pany. Oakland. Calif.. 312 meters.
May 17. 4-5:30 p. m. Concert
orchestra, St. Francis hotel, San
Francisco, Fermln Cardona conduct
i... s r. m vein little Symphony
orchestra, Carl Khodhamel conduct
ing and Mu Zeta Itbo Musical our-
nrltv Cnlleira nf the I'aclfiC, SaD
Calif.. 10--1 a. m. St. Fracis
hotel danca orchestra or an
clsco, Henry Halstead, leader.
HADIO KGW. Morning uregoniau
Portland. Ore.. i meters.
May 17. 3 p. m. Children's pro
gram with story by Aunt Nell; 10 p.
m. George Olaen' Hotel Portland
Metropolitan orchestra, (two nuur(
ItADIO KPO. Hale urotners, sue,
San Francisco, 423 meters.
May 17. 2:30-3:31) p. m.
ne Marks' orchestra of New Shang
hai i-nfo- s-an-K-.m o. m. Dance mu
sic by Art Weldner and bis band
In regular Saturday nlgnt program
at Falrmount hotel wun uwum
Herman, Jimmy Ilsymona ana nav
ry Hume, KO trio, singing in Inter
The Gobblers Association of Oak
land will receive bids for 4 lunch. 6
soft drink, and one general grand
stand concession for their big July
celebration. Awards to be made May
24. Bids may be offered on separate
concessions or as a whole, ine com
mittee reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. For further particu
lars and location of the several stands
apply to E. E. Leas, member execu
tive committee, Oakland, Oregon.
.i.tAb .tiarneerea SOUIU ui
While motor truck, are being em- g
nloved as an auxiliary service, they
can never take the place of the ,
roads ss wholesale carriers. With an g
average edacity for trucks of 6 ton. 9
.nar.verage cpaci-y of 4t I Jon. tor
freight car.. " woum ""'",,"? A
ruck, to equal freight car capacity ot g
9.5W.OOU car. now owned by the rail
roads. . . . .,..lian &
That the worg oi n ---
......A i.t few vears Is b.glnning to A
yield fruit is shown In fact that step, g
through eauranuu -.Ton
rather than through threats au
thoritatively Hi"- , ld
If the worlds total iuw
stuck of about j,w,.i ---
country now hoid. over W" g
more than twice the amount held in fe
TJtx & Duna Shoes are here in new - &
shades and shapes. Bellows biore g
, v-r i
4 BTATK riiiutr. wt-- - ;g
The Bonus , ig
When the soldiers donned tjie uu -ig
form of their country.
bye to those dearest to mem auu .g
across the water to fight the nation S;g
they didn l quiuoie u"
When they gave up positions, bus!- g
and education tney umu i -"-
enine to start over M
gain, nor what was to be their lot. Jg
When they left they didn't debate g
whether It was to no g
limb, a mina. or -,,
when tne nanuu,
oat ties,
What a Grad
uate likes!
At no time in his life dues a boy
more to be well dressed than he does ot
graduation day. Hulp him to CC(
plifh his desire with a new suit.
We have the clothes that please tie
young men. The now London Blue i
. $37.50
uml the bluo,
black and brown
stripe at .
aro very attractive.
on were at stake, i
he fighting didn't V
it?" They Didn't &,
our help.
Portland' Dormitory and garage
tor Frazer detention home to be built.
Tillamook Episcopal church to be
Prinevllie- Oregon Western Co. to
erect new sawmill.
Oregon wool being marketed rapid
ly at 38 cents.
Albany Telephone company ex
pending $20.01)0 on local plant.
Florence Construction on Umpqua
Jetties begun on bUKU scale.
The Dalles Building permits for
1023 to date total $250,000.
Eugene Masons to erect 115,000
Clackamas county buys 700 tons as
phalt for summer road work. I
Pilot Hock gives Pacific Tower &
Llcht Co. 60 year franchise.
Wallowa Minam river is scene of
great logging drive, about S million
feet timber being moved.
EuKene New hospital unit planned.
Astoria Shipments of approximate-
they gave, a
In those davs.
llbertv and civilisation
th men who did th
ask. "Can we afford
say. "Our policy is economy
"The country needs c
ind we will help."
When the coldlers came back from
overseas most of them needed assist
ance. They were compelled to start
over again in their businesses, their
professions and their vocations. Tliey
waited for the government they had
so ably served ana proieciuu i
tend a helping nana.
ihu u-nit.i in vain. The gov
ernment was too engaged in reestab
lishing itself on a pence w
nuike material recognition of its sol
diers. While those gallant younc man
were overseas, America became the
.i.h..i Mnstrv on earth. We became
.u. Kanitor nation. We raised the
roirt croD of millionaires any
country ever raised during the same
period of time.
vt th nrenident In his veto mes
sate savs: "Neither the rich nor the
profiteers will meet this expense.
Why not? Portland Journr.1.
roiifnrnla Flir Nuts Agar, a scien-
Hfin health food. Naturally laxative.
Come in and see them
At Lloyd Croker s.
(Ajuociatfd Vress lawd Wire.
NEW YOltK. May. 17. The
Countess l.udwlg Salm Von Hook-
straeten. entered on tho passenger
list as Mrs. Mlllicent Salm, returned
(Associated Tress Leased Wire.)
CHICAGb, stay 17. Th- first
public booming of Brigadier-General
Charles G. Dawes, has been started
here and placards bearing likenesses
of President Coolidse and Dawes
have been mailed.
The cards bear the slogarr'"Amer
ica first" with biographies of both
and a tribute to Dawes on the re
verse side.
General Dawes is scid to have ex
pressed scant sympathy with the
idea of making him President Cool
ldge's running mate when the pro
position was first made to him.
tional convention which men
June 24, will be of flclally nto:
He was chosen at an ln;J
meeting vi ine arrangement!
mlttee last night and that k-
expected to give its formal J
ment at toauy g meeting.
There will be a social J
Long s hall, Coles Valley, sd
evening, May 7. Music by Shil
SSyncopatorg. rJveryDoay coaJ
have a good time.
PAT Bill TC-
NEW YORK, May 17. Selection
of Senator Pat Harrison of Mississ
ippi as temporary chairman and key
note speaker of tho democratic na-
(Aasnctatfd Pres LeaiH Ti
undetermined origin which Mr
k. n ...finuw nf Ik J
Oil company at 12:15 ths '
had destroyed mnny stills lain
large gasoline filled laniu
o'clock and was eating
through tho entire plant ita
valued at $2,000 and empMi
30 men. No one was injure
The plant Is located Just (W:
cltv limits and is burning me
there being no way in whiciM
bat the flames.
ly 1.650,000 feet lumber are scheduled j on boad ihe steamship France with
OM-fu.vliiniicil mado a man 'Ve things," but the'
lnixm.shine Mtrit ly usually nets too ctuivkly for that 1
0 I
XI i . . .
..i..,.y a man , cauMi nifal.s that Ravo hint indiB.'stion, hut
it is not easy for him to jsot fed up on flattery.
Ki -BiirdU ss ef tho little ripplo made
the Mouther Mill remains undisturbed.
by the primary iloetion
I.k like MeNary has v.hipNd Uaker tmd Kubli has
left holding the sack.
Well, its all over until November, ut whieh time there will bo
otne rial conlesU.
As usual tlioru were
fdinc linppy ones.
( A..o-1-to.t l'r,.-. l.i-M,-d Wire)
MIS-iOl'I . Mun . May IT Two
!U lor-".t fire, one covering 1.600
m r. flu.l the other ppreadlni: on r
a 1 . 0 ' acre area continued today
to thre.itm othr valuaide timber
Kin.1 In northern Idaho.
A. t thrv are ia private timber
lan.l. tnt iMtierg'-nry efforts are be
ing rfjuired to prevent Its spread
ing to titlflal forest ren-rvt-s.
The 1 :rm arre bUre in the groud.
her father. Col. H. H. Hogers last
night. The former Miss Rogers re
fused to see reporters and her fath
er, although he willingly saw the
newspapermen, met all qirestlons
with the remark "i have nothing to
The Rogers party went immed
iately to thclf city home.
ev surprises among vhieh were
to leave for foreign ports within short
tit. Helens Road contracts amount
ing to $21,000 awarded.
Hoedsport Winchester Bay Lum
ber company mill closed for short
time to make many Improvements.
Condon Gilliam county taxpayers
endorse proposed $75,000 bond issue
for completion of John Day high
Benton county will call for bids
May 28, for surfacing Alsea Mountain
section of Alsea highway, six miles. ft. timber embraced In
former Oregon and California Rail
road and Coos Bay wagon road land
grants In western Oregon, to be sold
at auction.
Wheeler Work resumed on hotel
Myrtle Points vote. J30.000 for
new union hlch school.
Albany Cement work on new hos
pital begins.
Roseburg Carload of cascara bark
valued at t400 shipped.
Albany Hunt Brothers Tacking
Company increase capacity of plant
about one-third.
Roseburg Klks buy Farquar's ls
laud for rhildren'a playground and re
creational park.
Kugenc i nlversity auditorium to
go up at once.
Astoria- Spruce log raft containing
too.OOO feet, arrives for Astoria Box j
Contract for the Rainier- Apiary
market road swarded for 95.329.56.
Kosebure to vote on issuance of
$15,000 bondi fur purchase of fire
truck, etc.
Many Improvements under way at
Breltenbush Hot Springs. Work start
ed on autonii'h'le road to be built
from ivtroit to Springs, to be finish
ed by August.
Oregon Cit- Paving contracts let
at cost of $2', M9.54.
Kusene ContregattonaUts to build
4.'..w0 church t.lifice.
Lebanon Forest service Is adver
tising to sell ;;.5O0.0io ft. timber In
Santlam National forent.
Kucen rar.k.d eighteenth among
all cities west of Rocky mountains
in building construction for April.
Hood River vootracts let for rav
ing streets.
Albany IVUe factory to be rt ad
by July 10.
!e5Me-Airplane factory Is pro-
Wo want unlimited quantities of berries this season. Write
if you have any to ship.
PAGE & SON, Portland. Oregon
W make them to Perfection to
Your Order at
The Douglas Grill
A nice quiet place to dine where
the service and food is of the
highest quality snd the prices
very reasonable. We take a real
personal Interest In the desires
of every guest.
W. R. WARNER,' Mgr.
I have an excellent stock of Fairbanks-Morse Scales, PuNI
Cas Kngines and Tanks on hand, and enn supply any necli "
this line. Fairbanks Morse are too well known to require -.'
introduction to Douglas County consumers.
Also. I have installed a 15-ton Truck Scale for pub,ic w
the new building.
t ume in and talk over your needs in this lino with mc. Dim4
ing material and contractors supplies on band.
Warehouse' Corner Oak and Pine
I Second Annual
I Free I
Salmon Bake
i On Garden Valley Road
Two Traps in
Action All Day
Merchandise on One Tr.ip
Spotial Purses on Others
.Mrs. li. W, Ki-taitie h. Ii -r u-hliI
fine sprlnr rn.p of n.. rt p, an
Mint other fl.i.'r.. and i,U hrmniit
fine lttgnei ot ltiyi..r .ft
a to The Nrwslteticw Ion.
KttM !.. e. .in r. s a n, M,.
rote m ih,. (lit (or .-, ral hou:
t i il., v uttvmoon !r l;.,
liir.h.i.Ml a new Foul Ininin cr
from the t.ockooi JUiior couuuuy.
Come and shirt from the
Something now.
Crrk disirlit. up tn lust night had
d.Miovid ion 000 (, el of logs and ai ,'. , . .
ralinwd tresf,.. as well as several '" " ' !'";0-
Isrso of timber. At Its rrcs-l wburn to t home of largest g
t ut Mte 12 miles of fire line would j "u kl lUn northwest which U1
be ro lulled to stir-ound It. ! D erei tetl b t alifornin lacking cor- J
A 1.0"0 si-re blase ts along Sadler' Duration. J.
Creek. here the flames sr. pushed) Grants Pass-Custom mill and re 1S1
along lv hUh. hot winds In th di-1 tesiiuc plant under construction. V
m:thn of hey stands of tlmbrr. I Bandon--Oil .hale dtiHslt. 1( ft.
ower a
Shall on the Ground
Solid Oak Case, seamless 'ice bottom, enamel
zinc, will not rust. Ice chamber made to M
25-pound size, $13.75; 50-pound size, $22.50.
used Refrigerators cheap. We will trade in yc"'
i (irsh)iv Furniture Conf
111 North Jackson Street