K08E8UR0 NEW.rvt. FHIDY. MAY 1. 192 ARC -W1 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW latued Dilly Except Sundty B. W. HATKri BERT O. HATES rre.ident and Manager .Secretary-1 reasun" - ."XX iVr... J Dally, pr rear, or niaii iiutiv ir month, by wall Ially, three monthe, by mail SUBSCRIPTION RATES lially', aluglt mouib, by malL. Llly. by carrier, per month.. i?-ki. NwR.t1"w. by mail, per year 1 2(Hi .5 .6" 1.0" PICKiNS beri spates RADIO PROGRAMS From Pacific CoaX Sutiona Hrb at me u. for rrulIKtloo ,....,.... Pr ;lu.lv.ly nllll . hi. PP-'. f -II li.u.nK """""... In .i.hii of revutillcatli'B ol ei.i Li .11 lo.nl now. publlai'Ml I... harrlfl ar aio rr.rv.o. THE SPIRIT OF REVOLT. t.. .;.. f 11 the healthful ambition felt by the youth of to day in spite of all the money seeking and materialiabc aims fhere Hi. nuiny idealistic youths who are calling for the removal of the wrongs that vex the world. "We wait to war to save the world for democracy, said one of these young fellows the other day. "They told us that if we would go in and fight this war, we would clean out the evils that had oppressed the world, and put human society on a finer basis. We thought the job was worth while, and we went in and did it. Millions of the young men gave their lives to realize that ideal. "Uut now we have found out that we have been most terribly flim-flammed" he sail Wc did our job well and we finished it .... Tnt tlm ruilit iriullS and the elder statesmen have iiuoercd the whole thing and have failed to finish the job that we begun so well. That is why we are calung lor someimng uuii-ii-ni, . politics, in religion, and in all aspects of modern life." n tins for a lonz time seemed strange to the young peop.e that the wrongs with which the world is filled are tolerated so complacently. , Our young folks get up in their schools ana col leges and read their graduating essays, which are full of hopi n,1 HiiiTtfestion for a better world. They present many good ideas. Ttiey are laughed at for expecting to reform the world ' over niirht just as soon as they get to running things. 1 et man) of their ideas are excellent, they have gained them by contact with leaders of thought, and if put into effivt they would remove ace lonir wroiiKS. Even if many of these ideas will not work, it is a splendid thinir to have all these ardent young natures coming out into lile Every generation of young people accomplishes positive results in lifting the world to a higher level, and eacli one succeeds 11 realizing a considerable part of its dreams. . . ' o SWUNG LOOKS LATEST. GOOD EVENING FOLKS On aect. of It bein' 'Lection day The aaloona were All Rioted but the Blind piga . ' Had on eye open. I I I i DUMBELL DORA THINKS Botwell Springe it an attachment tor a flivver. I I I I Milter Amot Buker who It mayor of Milo, Oregon, where the lowing of the cowe it louder tnan me dun, tende In the following free verte which we patt on to you free 01 Charge. Think not proud chief To thee alone Are bathing privilege! given For he who leant To cleanlinett May too pottett thit Gift to heaven Tho' far removed . From duity ttreet Lltten, kind friend, Thit thot rlngt true Those living Even In the ttlckl May need a bath aa well at YOU. I I I A mo. aoDendt the following n. b. to the pottal: "Bert If thit emmet me to a vote In the carnival queen conteit, register one for your little protege." i ! 9 ! Dull RADIO KHJ, The Timet, An' gelea, 395 metere. May 1512:30-1:15 p. m. Tro rram prewntinn Floryane Thomp ton, aoprauo and Claire r'orh' Crane, concert planlHt; 2:30: 3:J p. ra. matlnea Diutcale throuirn rourtety ilarker ilrothere: 6:30 6:45 p. m. ihuhIc memory coniett by Kltzserald Music company; Uay liuin Harmon, tenor: 6:4i-7 P- m Prc;f. Walter Heruo In torlct or American hlatory; 7-7:30 P m Children'! program presenting Wood'a School of Klever Klddiea of Glendale and Dickie Brandon, arreen Juvenile; and "I'ncle John In bedtime stories; S-ll P- m. uiu alc. May 16 2:30-3:30 n. m. matinee program: 8-10 p. m. .orweKian pi" cram through courtesy of Mr. and. May 17. 12:30 -1:15 P- m Program prencntln Seal Wood slide whist and Charlet Hradsnaw. nanju. 7-7:30 p. tn. Chlldren't program pre senting Audrey Wood. 8 and Helen Kalllonzet, 12, pianists, pupils of Dorothy Casselman: A. T. llabienco, whisller; Conlee Jones, 11. cellist and Homer Aschmann. 3 reader; 8 10 p. in. "Itennle" Helen Mackin tosh, Scottish prima donna. ItAPIO KC.O. General Electric Com pany. Oakland, Calif., 313 meters. May 15 8 p. in. Addre t, "En lurcing I.lfea Territory," by Rev. George W. Phillips and musical pro gram. May 16 3 p. m. Short musical program followed by boo greviows by Wilda Wilton Church. May 17. 4-6:30 p. ra. Concert orchestra, St. Krancls holel, San Kranrisco. Fcrmln Cardona conduct ing- 8 n. m. KGO Little Symphony orchestra, Carl Hhodhamel conduct- g in and Mu Zeta Itho Musical Sor-fl racitic. san J, ee Dddge Brothers Four . Passenger Coupe i 4 5 i v f i I $?x 1 WhatdGm uate likes! At no time (n lit Ufo doea a boy w) more to be welLdreesed than he does a graduation day. Help bini u accom. plish hia desire with a new suit. We have the clotlies that please tfce ouiiK ineu. The new Loudoi Blue ,t S37.50 and tho bluo, b'ack nnd brown Btrlpo at Ptocil S32.50 are very attractive. i care. She being hurt In uD auto acci- dint a few weeks ago. jJ Geo. Wilcox and family motored to Tlninherir Sitndal. W Services were held in the Calapooia ; . h.fh snnilav. being conducted Dy Kev. O'Dell of Iloseburg. Come in and see them X. X. pmimnnilfHtHi Yet, Amos, your etpittle wine you handfull of votet. And it now . . n iy nniv. i i)iiti: ui 111c oumuen urm - . .., , , L-r..is SKIS junw. ftiti., " ' I hotel dance orchestra of San rran- Dumbell Dora wat thrown In tho'clsco, Henry llalalead. leader. g hoosgow today for violatin' the eor-IKADIO KGW , Morning Dregonmn, ;a rupt practicet act. She told a hat to Portland. Ore.. 493 meters. Dex Rice on election day and Chief j May 15.-1 2 :3C , p. m . conce tjg vmnithv with her ! I'ru lilt II u tmnn-n-uit --- - w Bargains in FURKH Better Hbines . Weeh! Why not make yours a Better Home with m. Woman's Kutrh althnunh In I ........ - i ,.... rt.vn i candidacy wat forced " employ - - f ..The.a weak arm of the law and. take i '' M)(, B1 dor.. Dv , Tarkington; S Dora Into cuttody. After tpertdln half , j. m tram of nan.e J an hour In the city bastile, the wat , OPOrBe Olson's Metropoli- g bailed out by Bill Whipple who im-l(lin or(.n(,atra of Hotel Portland, g mediately took her out tor a oicycie ,prmiin Kenln director: 10 p. All t!iiii come in seasons, even books. (The nun rcjfulati1 not only the price of ceks ly piicmirngiiiB an ubuiuliince of tlien in the Hpring; it decides in a most arbitrary fashion that even human heinua hIiiiII chaiiKe their intereiits with the i-liainciiiK Fonsoii.s. xsiot only does it reiegaie to me auic sKaues aim nochey sticks; not only does it change the display of show windows ol tho stores; it decides quite definitely that with the changing; sea sons one must think other thoughts and read other kinds of books. "Spring fever books," suggests an announcement of a library in one of the big cities; and follows up the suggestion with n list ot books to none of which anybody would have given the slightest attention two or three months ago. There are books on bees. books on botany, books on flowers and fruit culture, nnd books on shrubs nnd soils. For those who desire a more vigorous pas time than gardening this reading list suggests books on swim tiling and tennis, on golt and baseball and li.shmg and camping and all manner of outdoor sports. In some sly manner a book oi jiu-jitsu has crept into the list. So also has a book on pugilism. These are prohuMy intended for readers who wish to carry over into spring the more vigorous activities of winter. The home making instinct, always very active in spring, is satisfied with books on domestic architecture, house decoration and building in general. Merely as a suggestion that even spring has its annoy ances the compiler of the list suggests a book or two on insects This rounds out fairly weil the manifold activities which the com ing of spring brings w ith it. And all this merely because in the spring and summer the rays of the sun hit this part of the earth at a slightly different angle from what they do in the winter. What a lot of commotion the sun is responsible for! No wonder that in the infancy of the race there were sun-worshippers. The sun does pretty well rule man's destinies. ride to quiet her distracted nervet. I I I I Canyonvillt it still on the map. Al tho' "Two Gun" Hopkint handed in hli star some time ago. the canyon village it ctill In the limelight and hat christened their new deputy "Squirt gun" Fullerton. I I SI Olsen's orchestra continuing in dance music from Hotel Portland with intermission solos by Lillian Swanson. soprano. ! May IB 12:30 p. m. l'rocram by I'eck Ilolton's orchestra of the Win ternnrden; 8:30 p. m. Talk for wom en by home economics department. O. A. C; S p. m. Oregon hitn scnooi Dining Tables Dressers Chairs Cook Stoves Couch and some Fresh New Pillows that are fine. I A New Front Porch An Added Room A Finished Attic A Dutch Kitchen A Sun Porch A Sleeping Porch China and Linen Closets A Fireplace Trellisea A Breakfast Nook ' Hardwood Floors Plenty of Windows 1 1 Page Lumber '& Fuel Compaq ROSEBURG, OREGON 55 New line of l'ocknt o.tiery. a nRnrnunn UHwn TEK MP The Ump. Ch'ft ree'd their blankett today which waa very timely at Lather Barnes hat been compiainin of the cold, nights. i i : i The ttrawberry carnival holdt forth three daye next week and on the seventh day we'll all rest. iii! All of the candidates were atandin' around today with a wise look on their mugt. 5 5 5 5 There will be no rest for the Newt- Review gjng tonight when the elec tion returns start and hot dawg but it's thrillin'. I I s s Just at Jack Crafton had affixed hit golf trophy belt buckle along comet Charlie Lockwood and forcet him back to suspenders. I i t I Mister Goo returned from the me trop today wearin' a straw del by which it different than most of 'em in the village and which he can't hang' on a hook without Tear ol navin- u stolen. I i ! ! j debating league in final debate for Talll(. t uliery, Paring Knives, championship Muy 17. 3 p Cheap Kf uii.l lluli-lipi KniveH m Children's pro- V gram ith story by Aunt Nei : in p. a Granlteware for Camping W m. (leorge Olaen a Hotel roruaiiu g Jtetropoiiian ori iiemra. ,i... Twn Snlenii rlWinl n ItAIUO Kl'O. Hale llrothers. Inc.. S 1 WO OpienUld V lOtins San Francisco. 423 meters. 'g May 15. 1-2 p. m. Rudy Selger's g Fairmount hotel orchestra broad- S, cast by wlro telephony; 2:30-3:30 matinee program inrter manage-!g ment of Mrs. May Clarke Hums; S, 8-1 n p. m. Progrum under direction y of P. II. Ward; 10-11 p. m. Maxjg Praiirield's Palace hotel band. Mav 16 2:30-3:30 p. m. matinee i of American music under direction nr John Manning. Mav 17. 2:311-3:3(1 p. m. Man ne Marks' orchestra of New Shang hai cafe: 3:311-5:30 p. m. Pance mu- A sic. by Art Weiilner and his band v 3-8 N- Jackson St. Phone 541-J In regular Saturday night program at arms went to Hull Seef- r larre field ot candidates nni1 Lynn Ueckluy, Lyman ButntiA ford Cooper, Harry HelliwrH itl Hunt. Odyne Mathews, BaiMl Cyril Nichols, Guy I'errln. M iupp and liwreuco Sharp. Sec us for real savins on an thing you waul. Auction Sales Our Specialty. See Us for Dates Physician Surpritd "Ilearlnir of Home good re'il Mnyr's Wonderful W n RADABAUGH & PA1TERSCN 1 n- A 4" vucuon nouse In a rettiTi match with the Myrtle Creek high school team the Iloseburg ; the use of high school tennis team defeated the' I decided to try it on a cbrraM former n avers in both doublo anil of indigestion nnd gastritis l' single sets. Louis Miles, captain ' ot; forested in. Alter the tirst M the local team, won the single match! patient was relieved of gsi 'lA ensllv and nlaved with Robert Gilo In and was soon able to eut radL tho ilmihie nnirh Ttnih cnrte.inntK many things he ti ml not an were fast and excentionallv well nlav-l years." It removes tht citinM ,i . -i i .,i., cons from tlie intestinal trad aiiuys ine lniiKniinaiieu n stomach, nver at Knlrmouni hotel .wttn neiinie Herman, Jimmy Raymond and Har rv Hume, KO trio, tinging in Inter missions. OAK GROVE BRIEFS. If these thinjr keeps on, a comtnmi salutatiun when two wo men meet will be: "llowdedn, have you killed your husliand ot?" alan- (Io;it Rlands as a cure for .senility seem to have lvn doned, probaMy becau.se there is tmi much "buttinjr in" now. o l'.alls niaile from newspapers and soael in kerosene are sjiid to be a substitute for coal. Now is the time to subscribe. J. C. Hamilton it marketing some I fine Httawberi-i these days. He is i shipping most of them to Portland. Mia. S. IV Coif, ent to Corvallis The Salt Creek tchooner wat dock- Friday where sho spent mothers day ed down by the Deer Creek livery j w ith her son Hubert, who is attending Darn today and candidates detirin' j schixil there and from there she ex oassaoe on the boat should, make peels to go to Newport to visit her early reservations. I i 9 ( Pres. Coolidge vetoed the toldjer bonus yettiddy which cheated ye ed. out of a retngerator for the back porch thit tummer, i i 1 i On acct. of this bein' 'lection brother. Walter Cook lost a Rood horse Sun day, it died from eating squirrel poi son. Mr. nnd Mrs Ford Tarks left for Pieir home in Maho Thursday. They have been vNiiing Mrs. Parks' pur- I rntr.. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hamilton day the past ten da s I Few married couples live together long enough any more to find out whether they are adapted to each other. o- IVdestrians should remember that there are traffic rules for them as well as for automobile drivers. j Mi'Jinfln n nin nui'iprn i. m...r..u,- n,.,.r i. r : Iwl I'l'lill mini liil It 'I iii r H '" ",". i io m. mien. it ti - 4 ... ; iff ifi ra im t U I I U t . 1 1 I V". t 'r, U ... Mr V .1-' i:! li;iVhl l.n ilir.i 1 1 ir vt tru- Mt Ail. m lur tin tit mo. rnltr iir-i-1 w i I 1 , I i L. ! '.Il.it au- I'-e n rtiini:-tnt.T v,iil tnt't In imiiTPW jn i-itk n tt-n fm.iM rtinti miili W'Mh a unf i,.tii.-t int-Ti.l-St'italnf Kitrr trtnn i'f ! i-iw-umi tt ri'Mnlul . (hp 111;- lr t. tniKM.iiy ii u hi; r. J. i; .h i r-1 t . vi t: :e in BIDS WANTED 1 dnl'MiT Assciiniuin ,,f u.t 1. -!.! H1 tr i"M' tnU f'T 4 !ut. h. t fl ill ink. " ih! "iiinl ('iiHs,pn fr t-tfir JuU h ti nii.-n. A;inN t t-' mat!.- M.i. i. Nl n ui.i b- o. f.-i on -iwtr;i; en. ; i.-ntv i-r j ( ., Tho nun litl!l.t p-sfrxoM n l.i r.;.t ti vr nil b .!v yr luftht-r (ui-uu U. v.nA UH-.,t!m of lli n. ru :.ti-!4 rt. l- K K 1 in. miNt '. u the chief of p'hee wort his vhich mJde him a rcglar clothes dick. 115 5 Creetm' a feller on the mam t?m .tu then tJkin' the friendliness outa the salutation by slappin' him a dirty on on the nape of his. neck, is one viy to make ourelf disjustin'. IIS) "Land of milk and honey" Th.it s Mht some folks Call this place. But who in heck wants Milk and. honey Whjt g,rl want Is SILK and MONEY. i i I i Roses, roses everywhere And not a drink in sight. ; i i i Ye ed. went into a Joint the other dv end orctertd a "strawberry sur Prse and when we got trie dessert it hjd a couple scrawny strawoernrs on top and some tapioca junk and we wr surprised and we guess that s where the strawberry surprise comes in. ( derby ; Srwntl from here nttrnlMl the plain, ti'Hck nuMt m Oitklanil Satunlav. j Juhn Kict?"l nf Suthorlin tlarasze. j nf Suttit rlin donionititattDc tht1 Star Car In tint vlclntiy Thursday. Mr?. Carrif Murston anil chihlron and M.!s Kmh!. Car v or Urtinilifm nnd Unuciiior I frothy vifltrd at iho liuino of Wilox Mnndv pvt-ninc. Mr. and Mr- Claude t.off spi nt Sunday tn Sinlnrlin. Mr and Mr. Wayne Goodman of Koot hiiri: v i' rallors at tho home of C, S H.imlltnn Sunday. Mr. a'5 I Mr. Claud Goff worn cal lMs ut th Si-- rd home Sundav von l!ir. Mrs. V. vtv Vmnlmnu rturnt-! SALAD DAYS ARE HERE We make them to Perfection to Your Order at The Douglas Grill A nice quiet place to dine whrp the Hervic j-nd trod ia of tho hihii timtlily and the pries very roaor.alile. Wo take a r. al p'-r.onal imcrcst in the disirea of t'vory pue.t. W. R. WARNER, MCr. rhil!t- Tkii vittrir nnt 1 1 n pfwul ,.,.'; k.k nJ prartically all f imit; wi uuui tiuvi inw ji'i.n- ,,. n i.w.litilin.' 1' burs iilay.-rs a hot race. f'"' """" '"'-' ; cilia.- One dose will tum- A jniouey refunded at all dmspsi WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE : o TtpnienibHr when you want plain ' Speeder Fined cotton, lisle, or mercerized hose, that! K. S. Wills, a resident of lit Carr's have a big; line of quality hoso, of California, was fined itce at reasonable nrieea. Our hosiery i th iiiati,o .nmt nn iwo charts1 volume Is Inereasine all the timo h-i tiled unlltv to a churce cause wo pive good value for your and operating a car wilnoW 1 money. Carr's. to her ho'-i Manday from where th w.ih under Ihc When it torrtt to vottn' about I ' icmi Qut can do it to mark an X.' Oakland d'H tor's M V I V i Z--' CATALOG S Ql Hpi'Si "sftJSr I i k ' i i ' s in i a i t: 5 oecona Annual Free Salmon Bake AT GUN CLUB GROUNDS On Gardtn Valley Road SUNDAY, MAY 13 Two Traps in Act icn All Day M'n handi Si.c,::,l onnv ELECTS OFFICERS Off.cert For Next Yea.-'t Council Chosen in Election Yesterday To Be Installed Scon. I'erv.nlim politics culminated, n the Inch K hcol at lesst. with the coiir.'iiix of tin, votes in the election held hv the student body association which fele.-ted Its off iters for next yen-. The Fleet ion wes a heated affair with nl! can.'idiitea holding a i,nvv haikini: and with pome of :hn niYi. eh.selv roi.t--ted. A coiapl. te change of oifl.-ers w,w ma.ie. and the new s:aff if to be installed soon for next , :r's w rl'. I'aul C,r,!,l, i!. n of t! . , er a license. Tha cum oi laled thirty dollars. wen the race f,ir presl- th lari- as his Mr 0;,IOTn,.nt. la;r ml..r and Day Jo.t w.-re Hie 'l'.-r rati.t;dat.-s for th.. office The '.. o. 'rr i.-iry went to Klva li. l Ml dovre We. flee s. h Wei I he V Kni ,'. Ii r. Her ' n. hii.r. s: resH.i.-it,i a iint Th -!.'. I m n and !,. : on 0:e Tr.i;i e on I) h-rs feme and fh.H fr, in tin ouvthini n w. N..rn..,n . i ..1 , Ihe t'ff,. 'IT'. I'..; Clli'ia h. i.v! I."'. car.' r noii'in-'M for thit of- rinn N, Si (-.,.. ., ,,. a Kohlhas.-n and N,.ia s' J'.ld'l was ilerle.l In position of treasurer im.i ti!:,:. t..i, jx,tus I K.eiaiar.L!... Harold "I lea-.:. T!i" place '' in was tai-. n hv .' o;h. r andi'laien 'ii". Inm 1'i-uj,,,,,. an,i Whh.un KnP.ht won '.lore vce-presi-f. firvell.. Mr. Truman .liunvan '; d 'j-,. o'i-er Kii,:aheth cf : II. u V Petty, ;ci r if. for th t - Shellt on the C-ewra K , ' V"" ,'l'r,"i '"'Inisn vice- I 4 p ri'i"-"r !!h K'"'"-"' Vir.t..n. Mrl K K.SXC.yy.-;' her nT" f' J rl '1ri""' ''' " ' I". si f ft recant i mi hecaiist sleep do -s n-; ' tal tinn n:M liAis-i '- l atlll tries to In'erptv and niemorleK. a'l ' j our dreams. Tire'!. Mil- and miiHcha w ake P "' hrin them Its n i tor strenuouj " rrl" " ,. Ituhbinc Alcohol i- 1 l.i.jI. ,,.n lr. i"r ... i ,, ' , r.u.m n uiilerdi'l roso-fvaeraot hr.iin aI;rf One of 2 '0 l'ar ft hn-.r.th nnd l item the host thai -an piu'luiM. NATHAN .ieoil.in'' ' .ret f J . sift-; FULLER